SheepWatch: mart trades continues to perform strongly : vima

SheepWatch: mart trades continues to perform strongly

There is more appetite than normal at this time of the year for ewe hoggets with breeding potential.
The mart trade continues to enjoy a rich vein of form, with all classes of stock meeting a vibrant trade.
There have been a few reports of spring lambs meeting an easier trade and prices easing by €3 to €7 for lighter lambs, but where this has occurred, it has generally been from a higher-than-average price point in the week previous.
There is quite a bit of price variation within sales for lambs of a similar weight but variable quality.
Heavier types weighing 45kg to 50kg are trading anywhere from €160 to €180, with small numbers of top-quality lots hitting up to €185.

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, Sheep , Markets , Breeding Sales , Cull Ewe Prices , Hoggets , Skill Out , Replacements , Scottish Blackface , Sheep Mart Prices , Spring Lamb Prices , Darren Carty , ஆடுகள் , சந்தைகள் , இனப்பெருக்க விற்பனை , சுழல் ஈவ் ப்ரைஸஸ் , கில் ஔட் , மாற்றீடுகள் , ஸ்காட்டிஷ் பிளாக்ஃபேஸ் , ஆடுகள் மார்ட் ப்ரைஸஸ் , வசந்த ஆட்டுக்குட்டி ப்ரைஸஸ் , டேரன் வண்டி ,

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