Should you consider no-fee online banks as a way to minimize bank fees? by Salmaan Farooqui, The Canadian Press Posted May 13, 2021 11:03 am EDT Last Updated May 13, 2021 at 11:14 am EDT Bank fees might only represent a $15 to $20 dollar charge per month for most Canadians, but experts say switching to a no-fee institution or minimizing your fees with your current bank can be a good way to save a larger sum of money every year. Vanessa Bowen, founder of the personal finance firm Mint Worthy, said she had one client who unknowingly paid $75 per month because of individual transaction charges. “People don’t actually realize how much they’re paying in bank fees until they really start tracking their spending,” said Bowen, who said the client ended up switching to a no-fee bank the next week.