Spokatopia 2023 Adventure is out there, and you won’t have to go far to find it. This weekend, Spokane’s Camp Sekani Park and Boulder Beach become a haven for outdoorsy folks. From riding the trails to dipping into the cool water, Spokatopia offers many activities for anyone to become one with the nature around them. Bring your own bike from home or test ride the latest and greatest mountain, gravel and electric bikes provided. Thirty-plus miles of cruiseable mountain trails as well as the paved path of the Centennial Trail make for a quality outing with friends and family, while the Spokane River offers reprieve on a hot summer’s day. There are many different styles of paddle boards and kayaks worth trying out leisurely, or an eight-person voyage with the Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club. And for those that just want to relax, live music, food trucks and local breweries add ambiance to this experience.