Posted on 19-01-2021 15:32 | By morepork ... with the points raised by all the posters here so far. BEFORE there can be any talk of Rates increase, there HAS TO BE talk of admin savings, efficiency increase, transparency, answerability, and NO SUGGESTION of wage increases for TCC Councillors or staff until there is a performance increase to justify it. But . . . Posted on 19-01-2021 09:24 | By Yadick Clout always has a ’but’ to add and so the division continues. Get rid the lot of them and start again. Tenby had the right ideas and direction but perhaps went about it the wrong way due to the divided, appalling, self agendered others. You can only pull in every direction for so long before everything drips and falls completely apart. Now it’s time to rebuild which in the demolition stage of the process could get messy and will need the inevitable rates rise. Onwards and upwards.