‘Staten Island Feeds It Forward’ chugs along with restaurant program Updated Jan 12, 2021; Posted Jan 12, 2021 The team at Ronnie's Sandwich Shoppe in Grant City as they accept a certificate for participation in the Feed It Forward program. (Courtesy of Heather Browand) Facebook Share STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — New program “Staten Island Feeds It Forward” has doubled in size since its inception in fall, 2020. Organizers of the grassroots voucher program are delighted so far by the support of volunteers and food partners. They say their efforts to support local restaurants and assuage hunger on Staten Island have gained great traction. Mariana Howard, founder of SIFF considers the group “the little engine that could.” She said, “Efforts are on-going so please get out and support both our food partners during the indoor-dining shut-down and a great cause allowing community members a hot bite during the cold winter months.”