The Midlife crisis for Manipuri cinema- The New In

The Midlife crisis for Manipuri cinema- The New Indian Express

The midlife crisis for Manipuri cinema
One of the major hurdles for Manipuri movies is the slow but certain withering away of cinema theatres in the state, triggered by the banning of Hindi films about 20 years ago
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April 9 this year will be an important landmark for Manipuri cinema. That is the day this art form will enter its 50th year of existence since the first full-length Manipuri feature film, Matamgi Manipur, was released in 1972. Much water has flowed down the many rivers of Manipur ever since and today the art form is again facing a unique challenge, demanding for it to reinvent itself yet again. This battle cannot be left to those directly involved in the industry alone, for no art can flourish without patronage of an enlightened audience. It is therefore important for efforts to be made to create the right atmosphere for the emergence of a discerning and critical audience.

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Pradip Phanjoubam , Matamgi Manipur , Yellowstone National Park , Manipuri Cinema , மஞ்சள் கல் தேசிய பூங்கா , மணிபுரி சினிமா ,

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