Three arrested on multiple burglary charges in Broussard MGN Online and last updated 2021-04-13 11:35:12-04 BROUSSARD, La. - One juvenile and two adults were arrested Monday on multiple counts of burglary. On Monday April 12, 2021, officers with the Broussard Police Department responded to a neighborhood with residents reporting a vehicle burglary, according to Broussard Chief of Police Brannon Decou. It was learned that several burglaries had been committed by a group of individuals. As officers arrived in the area and got down on foot in an attempt to locate the suspects, they were located in the yard of a residence. Officers were able to detain a juvenile suspect and attempted to arrest a second suspect that fought with Sheriff Deputies and got away, Decou stated. Law enforcement officers located several firearms in the area that were stolen during the burglaries.