Transcripts For 1TV Sultanat 20240705 :

1TV Sultanat July 5, 2024

General war. I managed to get this manual thanks to the kind help of cia officer Robert Stevenson please, in what rank . But if you are interested. Congratulate me. I got a promotion. Lyubomir makovetsky honest slovenian newspaper rudopravovo comrade general, we could, within the framework of what is permitted, tell about the history of this operation at the end of which we are all present here. This is a very old story that has been developing over a decade and a half, and it began on the very day when the president was exposed, a foreign intelligence agency, abandoned in our country under the name of roads. Aka mikhail ulyov alexandrovich the pearl of the Arabian Peninsula x land of unparalleled beauty and natural wonders this small country impresses with its incredible diversity of wildlife. Many rare and unique animals live here. The Arabian Leopard, this steep escarpment, is its last stronghold, the humpback whale , this species lives only in the arabian sea. Arabian oryx, he was on the verge of extinction, but again returned to his native desert. The green turtle has been living on the coast of the arabian sea since the creation of the world in this film we will tell about all the Natural Resources of the omon peninsula. Aman is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, its area is slightly more than 300 thousand square kilometers. More than 80 of the countrys territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. The rublekhali sandy desert is one of the largest in the world, but the remaining 20 percent are full of surprises. Here you can meet many natural beauties and wonders of the greatest representatives of the animal world. Jobel sam khan nature reserve is located in the south of the country, this Mountain Range is part of the dafar mountains limestone slopes rise above the coastal plains by almost a thousand meters. Life in these harsh mountains but the animals living here have evolved the necessary survival skills. Their isolation from the rest of the world , the guarantee of a safe existence for some of the inhabitants of these places can only be seen thanks to hidden cameras installed along the most remote mountain paths. Continuous filming throughout the year made it possible to learn more about their life. The Arabian Leopard is the rarest species of leopard on earth, this young female is one of two hundred surviving its representatives. She was interested in an unfamiliar smell. This mark was left by another leopard. Leopards lead a solitary lifestyle, so scent marks are one of the most important means of communication for them. This trail also belongs to the female. But she is forced to share it with other leopards in these mountains there are not many passable paths. To avoid a collision, leopards go hunting at different times. Now its her turn to follow this path in search of food. The animals it hunts are attracted here by the sparse vegetation the nubian ibex come out from hiding, making sure there are no leopards nearby. Hyraxes hiding in crevices also want to bask in the sun. Suddenly, the owner of the trail returns. The male leopard patrols his territory. He studies the resting place of the female. Sniffing at lingering scents. He understands not only that there was a female here. But also the fact that she is ready to meet the male. He must find her. Hidden cameras are filming day and night; they allow scientists to observe these rare animals. The young female returns to the trail. She scratches the tree leaving one more mark for the male. He follows her. The growl of the male is carried for several kilometers , the female will definitely hear it. They must meet. The Arabian Leopard is the rarest representative of the animal world of aman. But in the mountains of jebel, khan himself lives another species of animals listed in the red book. It may be less attractive, but the same the elusive striped hyena, this is the smallest subspecies of striped hyenas on earth , one of its representatives was captured by a hidden camera this is a male and he is clearly not going anywhere in a hurry. Soon it will become clear. Why is he waiting for his girlfriend. For many years , scientists have tried to see this unique animal in oman. No one has yet seen more than one individual, hyenas. This is the rarest event. Striped hyenas can go without water for many days, but if there is a source nearby, they go out to drink every night, the female is careful. In total darkness, she can only rely on her magnificent hearing and excellent eyesight. They will help her detect any danger. Having quenched her thirst, she disappears into the darkness is like a ghost. Aman has become home to many unique representatives of not only terrestrial, but also marine animals. This country is home to the largest population of sea turtles and the indian ocean. Green sea turtles came here millions of years ago all this time, they enjoyed the abundance of food that provided them with the arabian sea seven young green turtles can not get enough. For the first time, scientists have observed such a picture in this part of the indian ocean. Turtles repel each other. They need get to age and cover the corals. They eat only plant foods in their stomachs there are special bacteria that destroy even those plant fibers that other species of turtles cannot digest. Amans green turtle population is one of the largest in the world. The coast side is home to up to 90 percent of the sea turtles of the northern indian ocean. The easternmost point of oman, the ras al jeans reserve has been established to help preserve and protect the population of these rare marine animals every year more 20,000 of the greenest turtles return to the coast of oman to breed. They go on a long journey from africa and india to their birthplace, scientists believe that they use the earths Magnetic Field to navigate, mating can take up to 6 hours. All this time, the male holds the female with long claws of the forelimbs. Even when they have to come up to get some air. The female needs to fertilize all the eggs, so she will mate with multiple males. Sea turtles stay in Shallow Water nearby with the beach for more than a month. Each comes ashore about four times, each time laying up to 200 eggs. This usually happens at dusk bringing coolness. Carries the turtle ashore but she is not alone here. The turtle hardly makes his way between the nests made by other sleds. There is so little space on the beach that new nests are being dug on top of the old ones. Eggs fly out of the sand one after another. This female recklessly digs up the clutch of another turtle. Some of the eggs have already hatched. They are doing their best to get out of her way. But many remain trapped, pinned down by her massive limbs. The 150kilogram giant leaves no chance for a newborn lightweight. Ignoring them , she continues to dig. By dawn, only traces of turtles remain on the beach, you can judge by it. How many females came ashore . They have done their job and can return to the sea. The fate of the laid eggs does not bother them. This turtle will never know. How many of them will hatch a turtle. Will they make it to the sea and turn into adults . The biggest danger for its masonry represents a pair of animals that live on the rocks that rise above the beach. Arabian red foxes they go to the beach at dawn, when it is not so hot yet. These natives of the Arabian Peninsula usually roam the desert in search of food, but this couple found an inexhaustible source of food in the coastal sand. There are so many treasures that they have nowhere to hurry. They even have time to play. In less than an hour, each of the foxes can destroy the whole. Each egg is the size of a golf ball and contains a lot of protein. Almost all year round temperature from 18 to 20 degrees , you dont need a lot of clothes here. It seems that the wardrobe is more modest than we have only the inhabitants of the kenyan tribe, potatoes. But with a bag like yours, i wouldnt go, of course, you can agree with a teacher somehow not to pay him, its easier to make a New Discovery in the field of quantum physics than with someone else. What you agree on here, it is important to observe the correct temperature of the drink, concentration and cooking time in your hands. Tomorrow on the first and always on 1tv. Ru. Pentalgin extra gay its the highest dosage of the substance against more inflammation pentalgin extragel against more inflammation in the muscles and joints cartazone bank with free service profitable pay for cashback pay ozone bank cards with cashback up to 25 open for free in the ozon bank application. 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Who wants to be a millionaire today on the first fox takes the egg to his lair to feast on later. There are so many nests to loot and each has about 200 eggs in various stages of development. A fox can eat anything, and freshly laid eggs, yes, baby turtles. But her stomach is too small, so you have to be picky. She chooses the tastiest morsels. It looks like a bloodbath. But on on this beach, hidden between the rocks, there are only two foxes for every cub killed , there are a hundred survivors. Instinct tells the turtles the direction of movement in 30 years they will return here. To lay your own eggs. Water is a priceless gift, so many inhabitants of oman have learned to do without rain. Very rare in this part of the country. Animals such as red foxes get all the liquid they need from the eggs and meat of baby turtles. But these desert dwellers may never drink a drop of water in their entire lives. Even harder to survive to the inhabitants of the waterless gravel plains of the jedat plateau. Here the air temperature can reach 42 . Some plants have to make do with just a few drops of water a year. In spring and autumn, the southern sea breeze brings moisturesaturated fog into the desert. It condenses into a droplet that the plant absorbs and stores in its leaves and stems. These fresh sprouts provide food for another rare inhabitant of the aman desert, the arabian oris. So rare that each adult is numbered. Once upon a time a great number of olexses roamed the arabian deserts. Now in the wild. There are very few of them left, about 6,000 are kept in protected reserves around the world. There are five species of forex traders on our planet, the arabian morex. You have to survive in the most severe habitat. And he adapted to it in the process of evolution. This is the smallest rhetoric. This means that he needs less food and the surface area from which moisture evaporates. He also has a smaller white coat that reflects the scorching rays of the sun well. And the blood temperature which is supplied to the brain is reduced by the unique capillary system of the carotid artery. Tricks his body into thinking its not as hot as it really is, so warixs body doesnt sweat and retains precious moisture. Due to these physical features, can the arabian oryx go for weeks without water . And natural instinct tells him that the hottest time of the day can be hidden under a tree. The shade is only a few degrees cooler, but it is enough for the oryxs body to retain the water it contains. However it was not life in these harsh conditions that brought these regal animals to the brink of extinction. It was made by a man. The last wild oryx was shot in 1972. And only after that an International Program was developed. Thanks to the selfless work of the ecological organizations of the sultanate in 1982 , the arabian oryx returned to its native desert. Today, over 600 orix live in the elvust protected nature reserve. Most of them are kept in a fenced area. And their number is growing every year. Harsh environment oman a country of natural contrasts barren deserts and pleasing seascapes. In the north, the country is washed by the gulf of oman. It is difficult to imagine all the diversity of its inhabitants. The secret to this abundance is the nutrientrich cold streams of water rising from the depths of the bay , sunlight causing plankton blooms that provide the basis for marine life to thrive. Each link in the food chain receives everything necessary for life. Including the largest fish in existence , the whale shark, once a year, hundreds of young and adults leave the persian gulf , cross the gulf of oman and migrate to the south indian ocean. These unique drone shots show more than 120 whale sharks at the surface of the water, with many more remaining at depth. But this species of sharks is endangered. They float to the surface in the Early Morning. To collect tiny organisms that float in the water during calm. From fish eggs with a diameter of no more than 2 mm, the size of crabs and small jellyfish. In a couple of hours, four meters a young shark can filter 12 tons of water and get 21 kg of food. When does plankton gather in one place . The shark swims in circles gliding on the surface of the water and if a tiny organism is scattered across the water, it hangs upright and undresses wide, mouth making huge gulps. Little is known about the lifestyle of whale sharks. Sharks living in the gulf of oman rise to the surface in the Early Morning and disappear by noon. Nobody knows where they go. Perhaps the answer to this question is here it is Shallow Water reeve systems natural cleaning, the whale shark hovers above it, allowing the fish to pick up parasites from its huge body and even from its mouth. Can be found in the gulf of oman just a couple of weeks a year . But some inhabitants of the bay spend their entire lives on one reef. Leopard moray leaves its shelter in search of food for squid, cuttlefish or octopus. On the same reef, a female diurnal octopus hurries to take a strategic position in an open area with allround visibility. Here she will immediately notice the predator, where would he come from . The only black to the only gentle run, across the snowy field i love when you are not there, my mother, mother, dear, beloved, sculpt your spurs. My miss you, if you fall out of love with me. Family day of love and fidelity holiday concert today on the first everything for your beauty is very profitable sale of clothes on ozone lador set of funds for 999 rubles. Sergei jewelry sokolov for 499 rubles. Sweatshirt with a slope for 399 rubles. Next imagine so many refrigerator discounts are not enough. Russian loto at any time to stand up for good luck treat sberbank presents plan your dreams. 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And sometimes you have to hide because of the approach of a leopard moray eel. From the height of its fortress, the octopus notices the moray eel long before the shortsighted eel sees it. And the remaining beggars instantly hide moray eel goes in search of less vigilant marine life. Now that the danger has passed, is the octopus returning to its interrupted work . This workaholic will improve his house all his short life. Now this female octopus is 14 months old and in her prime. Soon she finds a mate to mate with, lays eggs and dies. Octopus is one of the most intelligent inhabitants of the reefs , only the cuttlefish of the pharaoh has a larger brain volume ; it lives as short as the octopus is only 8 months old and prefers loneliness to elude predators. It changes the color and shape of the body, merging with the reefs. For every square millimeter of her skin, there are 200 pigment cells that generate complex camouflage patterns. But changing skin color and body shape is used for more than just eluding enemies. Cuttlefish change patterns. And swings its tentacles to enchant its prey, and it also sucks in water to grow in size. During the mating season , cuttlefish gather in flocks and choose their partners. After the choice is made start. Mating games males and females shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow to impress each other. Two males fight for a female. They display aggressive striped patterns. The winner does not let go of the female. He gently caresses her between the eyes. Then, using a special tentacle, introduces sacs of sperm into an opening near her mouth , the male will guard the female until she lays, the fertilized eggs are usually hidden by the female under corals to protect them from predators and underwater currents. The goal of life is achieved in the same way as the goal of the life of the male. But they have already fulfilled their parental duties , they stop earning their own food , gradually weaken and die. And the shrimp cleaners are vigilantly looking after the eggs laid by the female. They remove dirt, sand and algae from their surface after 2 weeks the eggs will hatch small cuttlefish and begin their life cycle. Some inhabitants of the gulf of oman sacrifice themselves for future generations, but many other Sea Creatures live here for many years. One of them spends their entire adult life in these waters. Every year, nearly 300 females emerge from the water to the small beaches of the deimaniyat islands in the gulf of oman to lay their eggs. Within two months, each female makes this tedious

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