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I love sports in general, i really loved swimming, now its just the back, why . Because i dont have enough strength to turn over, if a wave rolls in, i swim on my back with the crawl, i, according to the definition of my father, who was a very famous professor, at the institute, so at his request i entered and even passed the strength of strength, the most difficult subject, suddenly one day everything in my life in general is the number of accidents that determine my life, when i remember, im surprised, im walking along kislovsky lane in moscow, i see gitez. They say read some fable, i read it, crow, somewhere god sent a piece cheese, on a spruce tree, a crow climbed up to have breakfast, was just getting ready, had cheese in his mouth, when i read it in my voice, they told me, thats it, youre accepted, i wasnt going to go, he said, go, what, this guy became my first husband, he was the main actor of the largest belarusian theater, which was on tour at that time, so he married me, he fell in love, so he was my first husband and was very handsome, but he was a drunkard, this is this it was humiliating for me when my friend called me and said, i lived with him for 46 years with voznesensky. Na andrei andreevich was of world significance. Translated in at least nine countries. Andrey organized a trip from the Propaganda Bureau to dubna. To the city of fizikov. And i said. Great, ill go too, because at that time i was writing my first story about young physicists. Literally on the first day, when we were given rooms next to each other in the dubna hotel, he said, that means, honor, or honor, i dont lock the room at night, i have the key from the inside, i looked at him, i didnt even understand what he was talking about tells me, he told you about the sacred, when i realized, i. Such rage, does it mean that he mistook me for a call girl or what . And i told him, that means so, and i always lock the room from the inside, without trying to open everything, he was just fine, he was used to the fact that any woman, feminine, scree, she runs to meet him, reads that day in the golden calendar that he invited. I was so furious that he couldnt overcome it for a long time; when he first tried to explain something to me, i made him almost cry, i she said, dont chase me, i dont love you, ill never love you, dont run after me, its useless, you absolutely love me. Not needed, after which he did not appear for 3 days, and then he came and said drive me as you want, i still wont leave. before my mother announced to me that she would be divorcing her father, and that andrei would join our family, there were probably some fleeting meetings with andrei, well, for example, me and. With my mother sailed on a ship, the volga don canal, there kizhi, valaam, we had such a trip and andrey sent flowers and even i met her there, in my opinion, at the very end, at all the stops of this thermal entry, at all of them , comrade boguslavskaya began to receive a bouquet from an unknown person every day. Message through the radio room, heres comrade boguslavsky, tell me how you feel, was your room well decorated, and so on and so forth, i was completely furious, because first of all it showed me that i was traveling in this warm , i was not inclined towards fame, so every day i have a radio room, which. He tormented, i would be ready for him kill, just mi, when i arrived on this ship, i didnt see him greeting me, i was scared, if he hadnt done it, i should have come up with it, because this was the point that a woman begins to worry very much if she starts not to see. What she assumed, mom, uh, with dad, with my father, they announced to me, this is the decision, they are breaking up, and uh, then a few days later, andrei appeared, and he, in order to establish some kind of relationship or connection , he immediately suggested to me there that wed go and take a walk to the bird market, thats the first thing, what i remember, really, it was. It was quite bright, we went together, then he asked me what i wanted him to give me, but in the end we bought a barmunk, well, thats the kind of gift, like, that was the first meeting, one might say, the first family day, or something, not a single person, including my friends, was there for my connection with voznesensky, not. Well, he says, well, at most, he will stay with you for six months, i say my six months. If you could explain why you fell in love with him, inexplicably, three chords, new season, sunday is the first, snow is still white in the fields. And in the spring the waters are noisy, they run , they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they sparkle and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, in sunday on the first. The grand opening of the twelfth Film Festival took place today. And, Yuri Nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right . I just. Come here. Will you catch it . I was in the studio. Dozens of people saw me. You re lying. Why are you lumping everything into one heap . We will get used to it, live separately, but we will still separate. Well, understand, its not us who decide, but there. Think of something. So, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. I officially declare that i, Yuri Nikolaevich nichaev, will begin to live together in the next world together with my wife, Elena Mikhailovna nichaeva. Well, what kind of love can there be, what kind of eternity . I ll tell lenka right now that im leaving her. In the end , she will be the first to cry and calm down. Wheres the champagne . I soaked him with mine hysterics. Horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life after life, the premiere of a multipart film, soon at the first one, naturally, it was quite a long time ago, i was flying out of paris, after. The concerts i went to the ticket and luggage counter and saw that a young interesting woman was in tears persuading the woman who was processing tickets and luggage skip her suitcase because she i was very upset, then i naturally asked, forgive me, please, i said, but. What upset you so much . You understand, im bringing books, but they dont want to check in my luggage, a heavy suitcase, and i was a soviet musician back then , practically everything we earned, we took back to the state concert, i have nothing, lets check these books out please at me, she says, i know you, you are vladimir spevakov, i say, its very nice, whats your name, and my name is zoya, and i, so i was silent for a minute, remembered his words you dont have to be poet, but you cant stand it, understand how the strip of light screams, pinched by the doors, well, this is where our friendship with zoya borisovna began. Then there was a triumph, it was an independent prize, they sat as those who elected iconic people of the soviet union and russia, then, firstly, zoya borisovna herself, along with andrei voznesensky, vasiliev, oleg tobakov and. And others , in general, the whole color, so to speak, we were the first in the sense that this still remains the only National Independent award in all forms of art, every time we are faced with a new choice, renewal, improvement, we think about something, that maybe we are doing it wrong, zoya borisovna, she was the engine. Otherwise this plane would not have taken off, the trium award was mine, it was the first private one. Will not offend, she was always in the throng of this cultural formation, which seemed to have to save something, sometimes she gathered and rewarded people who were, well , internally, it seemed completely different from her ideas about life, but she understood them the values ​​of these people, the prize of triumph. They believed in me then, and it was absolutely phenomenal when the presentation was to the Pushkin Museum and when Vladimir Teodorovich spevakov and i sang, he played the violin. Why does she love the play so much . E dream orchestra because there i sing vertinsky and somewhere, apparently at these triumphal evenings, we took a certain amount of grams for my brother , we are probably what we sang, of course we sang, of course we sang vertinsky, im waiting for you like a blue dream i will bow in love with the fire when you say the word. And then my mother, who was the head physician of the hospital, said that in order to get to the front, you wont get to the front at the age of 16, but you can become a nurse, work in a hospital, for this you need to have an education, that is, you need to complete shortterm nursing courses, which i i did it to her. When i first saw a person whose both arms were torn off, a young boy, i lost consciousness, they said she was unfit to be a nurse, i said, excuse me, forgive me, this wont happen again, i made up. Myself look at the torn off hands, at the gouged out eyes, at everything, there was no one in the hospital who was as bandaged as i was, so everyone stood in line, i had one feat, which means i was admitted to the hospital, young, very handsome a man with a head, no arms, no legs. Soldier, he always asked for only one, it was the fifth floor, to take him to the balcony, and he couldnt, no, couldnt even lean on him so that he would jump out of the window, at home he wrote on behalf of his unit that he was missing, and i took over. I was generally a decisive person, and my law is mine there was a sense of justice in life, i wrote a letter, found out his address to them, that he was alive, my god, they rushed, there was some kind of jubilation, i will never forget this victory day, but there is no better holiday than victory. I remember how we walked through moscow, victory day, it was incredible that they werent shooting, that there was no war, this feeling was very difficult to convey, what a feeling it was that they werent shooting, it couldnt be, we kissed, kissed, walked along sidewalk, hugging, it was complete communism, there were no enemies, no one. Andrey andreevich voznesensky, after meeting zoya borisovna, dedicated ozs poem to her, this is a great philosophical work, but with the center and fire. She was doing her very favorite thing in life, she was creating around herself. I have one wonderful story that i am proud of, inspiration, i have an amazing story, it has been translated into so many foreign languages, inspiration, when people write, some works about some great people, everyone studies this story, then today we have a person who personally communicated with these people, and her literary works, a huge number of essays. When a literary woman published my strip, and brigette bardoot, and it was written like this, brigette bardoot is the last superstar, through the eyes of the mass media and with my own eyes, i compared two portraits, what the press prints, and what she really is like in life, and this was the strip in literary woman. Which was recently reprinted, i worked a lot on vanga, jona, uh, messing, i wrote short stories about all of them like why, because i didnt understand how this could be, and little when mesink turned out to be able to read other peoples thoughts, i didnt believe it. And i thought something spontaneously, but said the opposite, that is, i did such an experiment, when i realized that he was doing what i thought, and not what i said, then i confessed, so they almost lunched me, it was at the stadium, vanga, i was friends with her, vanka said, it was absolutely incredible. That they will stop persecuting you, you will cross the ocean, get to america, be translated and published there, when she told me this, i she said, but still, to say that i learned chinese in a day is incredible, but it was true, i spoke with three first ladies. Not forbidden to be a clone. A lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make, it does not exist. We continue our series of halfhour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry savitsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. I came to my beloved woman and. And after 2. 5 days i realized that it was not there, and that i needed to start from scratch myself. I knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz for me are not just a program that is important for tell me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. Petersburg cafe, where they are playing programs from 49. Ciao baby. Motador on friday on the first. Premiere. I love my country. On saturday. I dont like anything about this, you mean here this bustle of the holidays . No, i dont like it at all when they talk about me, we really want to talk about you, but i dont care, i really want to, this is vysotsky, and my mother and andrei were friends with taganka, they were friends with lyubiyov and the actors, we lived nearby from taganka to highrise buildings on kotelnicheskaya, probably 5 minutes there. Thats why smekhov, zolotukhin, vysotsky, and slavina often visited us at home , we had a lot of actors, i was very friendly with vysotsky, i talked a lot about him, i know almost all his secrets, were just with him like brother and sister we were friends, he was very wonderful. When he was dying, i walked along his stretcher, when he was already half alive, and sobbed, i dont know how, everyone with whom i was friends were usually not friends, we didnt have common friends, no, we had common ones, of course, but i was loved very much by various people who had nothing to do with andrei; they loved andrei as a poet. For a very warm relationship, you know, even at the very beginning i found out that she was born on april 16, 24, and on april 16 , 25, my mother was born, and my mother was the main director of the theater, she also studied at the Theater Department in gitis, at about the same time, i understand what kind of strong , beautiful woman zoya borisovna is. She always supported me, her maternal warmth towards me was somehow very concentrated. Mashkov, my friend, he is a very talented person, he gave me so many gifts, he sends me for any holiday, for any event in my life. In general, i think that she has some kind of special attitude towards talents, because, firstly. Years old, he made me sit from life, made two portraits of himself, well, which ones you will see now, he was gifted in everything, comrade voznesensky, and i lived with him for 46 years, guys, marriage at 46 is almost 50, i must say that andryushka and i lived very amicably, we had two quarrels, it makes no sense not to even return, but he left poems on this topic, we probably went crazy, the lentsev are singing, we probably went crazy, you are my enemy, i am your enemy, the garden has darkened in broad daylight, why are you doing this, why are you doing this, some kind of eclipse of the heart found. dont worry, everything will be fine, this was his song, reflecting the moment of our only quarrel. Andrey generally had two priorities in life, this is his work , everything that happens around his work, these are the people who are important to his work , and uh. And my mother, that is, he was of little interest to me, lets say, when i realized that he was very famous, and i saw that some guys, some comrades there communicate with me, as if through this prism, maybe they want to be friends with me there, because i have attitude towards voznesensky, it was very important for me that i become a person outside of these. This was the answer, that is, if you dont want to, dont do it, if you dont want to eat, dont eat, thats where i had freedom in my family, mom was a very important person for him, who also gave some kind of assessment to his every creative step, that is, he really consulted with her, he really. Read the very initial drafts and there was not only such an alliance the union of husband and wife, there was also a really very powerful Creative Union such that it is clear that mother did not she helped him write poetry, she was so, well, probably right, spiritual, or something, moral for him. Partner, the topic was not discussed, but the result was always, he first of all accepted me, when he saw it on my face, he says, i see that you dont like it, i said it, but it seems to me that i spoke, no more, i knew , that it cannot be otherwise, i said, it seems to me, you can still think about it, i never said, i like it, well, what role did she play . I went out then and read his poems next to him, for example, we had such a festival modern art territory, when we decided to dedicate it to almost modern poetry and invited voznesensky, we understood that he would not come, because he was already sick enough, but we understood that if he came, it would be a completely different event, you know, will be the first. Person in this country, the first poet who will uh, hear the poems of todays very talented young poets, this was a very important sign for us, i remember that she did everything so that she would bring , brought and and this and this a unforgettable, it remained for the rest of my life, because how he perceived it, how we later honored him, how he later said very important words. This remained in history, you see, she understood this, we found ourselves in some kind of company, then zoya trusted me with him, well, just to go somewhere that needed to go, i remember that when i took him, it was like that by the hand, there was nothing there, nothing at all, and yet this spirit, it. Was preserved to some extent, and we can attribute the preservation of this spirit to some extent to due to the fact that zoya excited him. Andrei andreevich was seriously ill, he had parkinsons, and he had it, why did he never admit this diagnosis that he had. Typical parkinson, why typical . Because he never had a voice or a voice, and he sat between my knees, and my stomach warmed his vertebra, it seemed to him that he felt better, and for hours we sat like that, and so he died, he died on my knees , but this is a very difficult topic for me. In two sentences, when he was gone, life itself was gone, i stopped to love what you loved, life is gone, dont count it out, dont disappear, youre in me forever, youre in me forever, dont disappear for just half an hour, youll come back again in. A thousand thousand years, but everything burns, your candle , without disappearing, without disappearing, well, this is a very difficult moment, my leonid saved me, he took me away from this whole situation, for 13 days, i didnt remember my name or anything. I had a very difficult one, and he forced me, lazy, to dictate it all, he knew that i give everyone the same advice, if you are in despair, you need to describe everything mercilessly, most of all i love my son, leonid boguslavsky, who himself deserves to be talked about, because he is a person. Extremely famous, but he is a very capable person, he very intelligently manages everything that he came up with, he has very good brains, but sport comes first for him, he loves sport more than his profession. Did he do a good job at all . I regretted it a lot. This is not an equal person who does not think that i will ever be gone, so he created such an illusion that i will not exist, will be zoguslavskaya. Everyone loves me very much, children, grandchildren, everyone loves me, but i know one thing if you have very beloved parents, you love your parents, then this always continues, you have an example, love for your parents, it will take off, dear borisovna, congratulations to you on your wonderful anniversary, health, health, be inspired , be inspired, i admire your personal creative life, just as we admire your personal creative life, everyone who has ever met you, i love you very much, hello, i can only wish us , so that as long as possible, if god willing, she would be with us, this is a guarantor. The fact that we live in general and that we are people, thats what a big responsibility you have, dear borisovna, live long, i love you very much, i am very grateful to zoya borisovna and i wish her health, she is an example of human life in general, so we will always proud to learn from her, i dont like my own fame, i only like improvisation, i dont like it at all when they talk about me, pertinski, we invited silence to your farewell dinner, no you know, we invited silence, ours was already forgiven. For a good future, this is me, stay bright, fleeting, incessant, i dont blame you for passing, i thank you for coming, aav, pose. Hello, dear friends, this is the life of the remarkable podcast, im with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and in my studio , the rector of the Shchukin Theater Institute Evgeny Vladimirovich knyazev, peoples artist of russia and theater historian, rector of the Shchepkin Higher Theater School Boris Nikolaevich lyubimov, the reason for our meeting was the anniversary of boris vasilch. Chukin, who turns 130 this year. Boris nikolaevich, what can we say about this wonderful actor, this is how he is remembered in the history of russian theater and russian cinema. Yes. This is a very difficult question for many reasons. In general, when you talk about actors, when you give lectures, say, on the history of theater, as opposed to the history of literature, you know this very well, you cant take a book off. The shelf, no, especially if we talk about theater, there is no such living role , which you can show today in decades, there are no those people who someday. Along with the generation, the marvelous generation of vakhtankov actors, so to speak, next to them, at some point, probably starting with the role of yegor boluchev, he just went sharply upward, he was on the first list of those awarded the title of peoples artist of the ussr, he received the stalin prize posthumously, he fit everything into these 1520 years of his creative life, which could be said, judging by what i also read what those who saw him and knew him well told me, on the one hand, it combined, on the one hand, what was so characteristic of the first generation of vaktang members, and not only the first generation, this marvelous theatricality inherited from vaktang, grotesque, irony, sarcasm, those roles that, well, starting there, lets say, from the role of tortali in princess turandot in this. Exiles with whom ties were severed, wow, irony, joke, prank, fun conquering death, destruction, despair and so on and so forth, this is the line that was and who lived, on the other hand, there is this type of actor, which he probably belonged to, cannot play episodic roles; if he is on stage, he should be the first. At the same time with amazing playfulness, gaiety, sarcasm, irony and so on. This, it seems to me, is the best thing that happened in the oktankovsky theater in the twenties and thirties. Evgeniy vladimirovich, do you think that the students who are applicants to your institute, who dream of studying there, do they know well the person whose name the institute bears . Of course, who is boris vasilyevich shchyukin, they dont they know little about this man. Written and little is known, except for these photographs that we showed, and probably also a photograph of vladimir ilyevich lenin, which he played, will appear, thats all, i began to look for some video recordings to find shchukin, except for some tiny here are the split seconds when he plays tortaglia, when he says one phrase in yegor baluchev there is no video film material. Vodova Nadezhda Mikhailovna wondered why the name of vakhtangov was so bright in the sixties, why it sounds, and the answer was found from his grandson, when we opened the monument in 2014, he said, i now understand why the name of vakhtangov sounds, because it comes from his students, and the name of shchukin is also ringing today. From his students, from the fact that we study at the shchukin school, and the rest, those conjectures, there is no one to ask, books have not been written, nothing has been written, i can say that this actor is of unusually tragic talent, he did not play king lear, he didnt even play the mayor, because on the eve of the premiere he died, and was preparing for this role is very serious. The only role that remains in the history of the theater is his balychev, and no matter how i cant, i have nothing to rely on except some facts, where is a theatrical article about bulychev, who was in amkhat, and was in the akhtangov theater , where , despite the grandeur of leonidov, shchukin is presented. Most highly, whether this is true or not, i dont know, but this has remained in history, the man is unusually talented, because he plays so furiously and so brilliantly with a tortal on one side , on the other hand, buluchev, you need to have talent, of such a crazy range, in general shchyukin is a supporter of the moscow art theater, but how did it happen then that he ended up in the vakhtango theater . I probably wont say the exact phrase, but its meaning is that my brother in talent, grandson, in my opinion, brother, or grandson in talent, that is, he, yes, he defined him as a very talented person, kochalov , but can you imagine what kochalov was like in the twenties and thirties, that was all, and he went to see kachalov, this boy who wandered around. In moscow he came to work in a koshira, and he could not settle down there, because it was already cramped for him, because he lacked the cultural environment in which he had immersed himself, he missed these theaters, what is this amateur theater in kashira, where he also played, he worked as an assistant driver, traveled on these trains, and his dream was andrei platonov, an assistant train driver, and he still returned to moscow and probably. Along one of the streets it was written reception

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