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Hello, im has him secret and dull hard top stories on al jazeera, indonesia president has ordered a safety review of football matches. After a 129, people died in a stampede. It happened in the city of my lang in the east java province after a game between home team or a my f c, and their rivals. Sooner by up. The cows began after fans invaded the pitch. Police responded by firing to guests which caused the crowd to flee for the exit. President joker, we daughter has also called for all games in the league to be suspended until the investigation is complete. Jessica washington has the latest from jakarta. There were some disgruntled fans, disappointed with the outcome of the match, disappointed that the home team lost and as they climbed onto the page some 3000 people, the police attempted to disperse. The crowd attempted to stop the incidents of violence that were happening on the field, and so they fired tear gas. And as a result, the people panic and the rush for the exits. There were some 16 exits at the stadium, but it appears that people rushed to the nearest exit as they tried to lead the stadium. And as a result, there was over crowding. There was a stampede. And what we heard from the local Health Authority in milan is that people died as a result of being trampled on and then suffocating into these and football has around the checkered history. Indonesians love football, disney extremely popular sport here. But at the same time, the sport has had a number of problems and the chief among those problems are the issues of violence and fun hooliganism. There is intense rivalry between these local clubs in the indonesian local league and that rivalry often fills out into chaos, into violence and even into riots. And so this is really a common occurrence these, these violent incidents, these riots at football matches. I have friends who are involved as football coaches here in indonesia, and they say that they wouldnt feel comfortable even taking their own family to these matches because of the these incidents which happened far too frequently. Russia has withdrawn his troops on the town of leman in the den yet region. It served as a logistics and transport her for russian forces, connecting east in ukraine to the north. The Russian Defense Ministry Says its true was pulled out to avoid being circled. It comes a day off the president let him know who to declare for eastern regions, including dont you ask parts of russia. The u. S. Secretary of defense says the re taking of leman is significant. Were very courage by what were saying right now. We sets astride the supply lines, have the other russians, and theyve, theyve used those rounds to, to push men and material down to the south into the west. And without those routes, it will be more difficult. So this presents sort of a dilemma for, for the russians going forward. Russian authorities have detained, the director of ukraines is up for easy a nuclear plant. Even more russia says he was blindfolded and detained just hours after moscow illegally. And next for you, claiming regions including the state of emergency has been declared in between a fast so a day after military code on saturday, supporters of the 3 set foster, the French Embassy in the capital they, hes the French Military of sheltering president , pull on, read amoeba, which france denies more than one and a half 1000000 homes and businesses have been left without power off the hurricane e and slammed into the carolinas in the u. S. E and has been downgraded to a post tropical cyclone. People in bulgaria are voting in the 4th parliamentary election in 18 months. 3 time Prime Minister boy bought a soft, conservative party look set to win the most slopes. His biggest rival is another full Prime Minister, the reformer and Anti Corruption campaign at kill peck called voting. As also started in bosnia and herzegovina. His election expert said the most important ballot to be held since the end of the war and the signing of the dates in agreement in 1995, nearly 3400000 people are eligible to vote for members of the collective presidency. The countries governing system is divided along ethnic lines, led by 3 rotating president s. Those, all the headlines were back with more after al jazeera investigations. Ah, hey, al jazeera has obtained the largest league of documents in british political history. My god, this is unbelievable is absolutely shocking. Hundreds of thousands of in town or communications. Expose how operative secretly take control of britains labor party. Labor party is a criminal conspiracy against his members. Free speech was shut down. They tell the inside story of house i kiss, darma, who could be brittons. Next Prime Minister leads a lawless party. Whitefish 17 bob to appear in front of you in this hole as leave a confidential documents exposed tactics to discredit and expel rivals in the party. People are actually quite dangerous to a room in the labor party they will play with peoples lives here. They reveal how storm as predecessor was undermined by a Smear Campaign from within disabled. There was a politician as a potential Prime Minister. Really nice to say why, how british democracy known as the mother of parliaments is being undermined by spying and dirty tricks. No one would expect that a Political Party would associate themselves with a whole scale hacking of the press. It look like somebody is course, currently monitoring fear im going and where my car is bob, to live, my children is going, it just stinks to high heaven. What the gym. And in the background we speak to people that these voices have been silenced, including those who support palestinian rights. If they paid as palestinians, there was no mean 1st wednesday that they and thats how its designed to bay. And the alls reveal how a hierarchy of racism exists under storm. As leadership, i faced more racism in the labor party and i have in the rest of my life combined in episode one of the labor files, they dont care about the truth. They want control, how unelected Party Officials suspend and expel opponents in the party. They was sabotaging the democratic will of the party. People will be absolutely sure this. When it gets out into the public to name mm hm. I love the city of liver. So even though weve not been as rich as of essays and financially, theyve been very rich in terms of all perceptions of each other and our aspirations for to see that is fed unequal, and tam acrostic. Anna rothery is active in local politics. She has represented labor, one of the 2 parties of government in britain, thousands of trade unionists searched am i still tank along with long and foster the bread for the miners in the darkest. Liverpool is a bastion of labor, a party borne from trade unions and the working class. The city stands in contrast to southern counties of england, which overwhelmingly favor the right wing. Conservative party included was known as a fight back. So say, you know, we are fairly steadfast attempts to fight against injustice. We dont question. We continue to fight until we see the movement that we need to say failed, right. Not wall. In 2015 Labor Party Members across britain elect a new, he has a radical vision that challenges brittons establishment. The Wonderful Campaign that i was involved with, i was so proud to lead, brought a lot of people back into politics because they believed there was something on offer that membership of the labor party doubles. The files tell the story of how the hopes of many new Party Supporters are crushed. How a stablish politicians and Party Bureaucrats use the media to destroy a movement that sought to change british society. Ah, its no secret, but quite a lot of papers. I live in for coping. They are open, they want you to hear that colbin was a fog oil supporters with fox. And so i didnt probably investigate these claims with the professionalism. Which way im including myself in this should have done. This is obviously a very disappointing night for the labor party with the resolve and loses to elections. I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign. The labor fowls tell the inside story of what happened to corbin when he is elected 4 years earlier. He has no control over the party bureaucracy. As leader of the Opposition Party in british politics corbin has his own office. The general secretary in mcnichol is in charge of the party staff at his headquarters. It includes a legal unit, then headed by john stall a day below him on teams that deal with complaints and suspensions from the party. From the moment, jeremy cogan was elected. He faced complete opposition and resistance from the party stop. People are paid to do the work of the party. The Party Headquarters is at a Central London building called south side. The senior staff overlay policy were operating a different strategy from that which the leadership did democratically elected leadership i had decided upon. So they were sabotaging. If you liked the democratic will of the party in liverpool. The files tell the story of a city deprived of its voice. They close trunks a month. We dont want any party. It is for announced the time for chatter. Michel, the labor foul show how behind the scenes party, bureaucrats, or vent rather in seeking higher office. She has a jacqueline high character, some one who can be right, quite rational, and then in seconds turns into a screen banshee. Its a vile comment to make such a horrible comment to make about a woman in exclaim and banshee, ah, when you get to the point where you think the little cabal like this completed chairman, the direction of travel, of an entire movement. Where in, in a on charge of courses its a story that starts across the massy river in the summer of 2016 to the was the labor party was a really Friendly Organization with no hostile, etc. No arguments to was the occasional debate about things where we differ but there is a mood of crisis in the party. Jeremy corbins labor leadership is in crisis as he loses 9. I told early colvin last night and i no longer had confidence of halsey is interning with members of he shut a contest field, a 40 needs leadership and direct vision. Disastrous weekend. The liberal party will be mass resignations by 11 shadow amenities for the sake of our party leave. The law needs to step aside. It becomes known as the chicken coo in want to see Labor Party Members hold their annual meeting a year earlier, they had nominated corbin as party leader. The member of parliament for wallace. C is angela eagle. She is unable to attend the meeting. Our employee angela regal had been very supportive of jeremy in the meetings. Wish she would come along to constituency meetings and give a report out what been going on according to runs wic. The meeting ends without incident a week later, a prominent opponent to corbin claims that eagle, who was openly lesbian, is the victim of abuse. I got a phone call saying that was a Television Program where tessa gyle was saying that angela been short checked alma phobic, abuse the meeting. Im and i talked till im unsure about her meeting. She faced homophobic abuse at that meeting. Angela was not meeting the inference was that she was too much activists and members of parliament and their staff a facing day and day out harassment. And in some cases, intimidation i ran to the people that meeting with just a complete shock. We did not about it. No one had this in a sense of people we all we dont use layers lie that there is no hemisphere ban. Oh, intimidation at the meeting. Very small rooms. I would be very easy to hear what was being said by other people. The National Media sees on the story whos articles and television interviews, saying that the bean, people shouting the angela was a, died that an to was homophobic gestures made repeated, homophobic comments. Then over the days and weeks to follow, the allegations grew into. First of all, it was widespread homophobia. What happened in want to see is to become the playbook of corbins opponents in the party. The labor hours revealed a series of complaints filed by eagle support as to the party limp wrist gestures were made to t i l g b t officer. A nasty homophobic comments were made about a m p. O. I did not see any impressed gestures and there were no homophobic comments made about them pay. Ah, i had no service use at an early what i did and there was no other abuse. Ive never seen such caution. All my life the room was full of trade unionists who are well aware that their jobs were on the line. If any sledge about homophobia are all massage, ne, were found to be true. I just was stunt it didnt happen. And yes, i did repeatedly say that these thing didnt happen because they didnt simple as that, and ill fade after ever. My daughter got married the day after the meeting and she married a woman. I wasnt alone on the top table with a relative who identifies as i sexual. So it just seems strange that anybody would think that we would allow that to go on. And hey, you have people who seem palpably decent men and women in order to damage the local labor party. A real horrible hatchet job is being done on the local members. Eagle then reveals have intention not to support colbin, but to challenge him. Today i am announcing my decision to send for the leadership of the labor parking than needed to be a destruction from the fact that wallace, the constituency, were not supporting their m p. s leadership bit, ah, angela, or ego. And i all started to become paranoid that she was gonna be d selected as in a local members, would say, well, we dont want you to, to be, are unpaid next time is in a general election. And so that was something which they, they were very animated about. Im looking forward to having a debate with jeremy colbin about the things that really matter to our country. A counselor pull stewart to compose a dossier of complaints from 17 people, claiming they heard homophobic comments. I shouldnt had very loudly as those 17 people had other people in the room, but also had this. It didnt, harris . Because it also said stu, its sends the dossier to Party Headquarters. I have also attached a slip of paper that was handed to me previously by momentum member who momentum was an organization sets out in 2015 to give some kind of organizational form to the the movement that supported Jeremy Corbin steward claims the note is evidence of a plot im a menton out to take control of labor Party Meetings. Its not the kind of night ive ever seen any one sack lighting seriously. This is a nights caricaturing what the militant tendency was accused of getting enlightened ages. And this is lay become rice militants, and its supporters seem to have had as high profile as ever. The militant tendency was a radical left faction that was accused of secretly plotting to take over the labor party. At that time, it controlled liverpool, local government for the rights of the labor party. The battle against militants in a large night is, is, is kind of biblical, is the foundation of that politics. A think tank from the right of the party publishes a review of a book about the militant tendency. It claims to describe militant strategy for taking over Party Meetings in the 1980s. The note from countless to it is copied directly from the book review. Ah, i dont know somebodys pastor. No, i dont totally bunk as if they have find it hard to believe that a document like that would be impressed around the i wouldnt of got to hear about personally somebody was said to watson as tom watson, corbins deputy. But privately a critic obtain stewarts note. Watson then writes to corbin, there is no denying that tightly organized factions organizing within momentum and the party. At the end of watsons letter, he says, and i attach a document that i am reliably informed, is being shared between momentum members with links to far left parties which summarizes the methods used by militant in the 1980s. And i hope this note helps to dispel any remaining notion that entry ism is a conspiracy theory. Cole stewarts note, ends up in the National Media. As tom watson says, are you allowing truck scarce than the hard left in the trade label . This is how you make that are created in the political media space. You have something which is reportable, and it can always be referred back to. And it becomes one of these funds, to course isnt a fact. And thats how a large number of these, these stories can come about brighton is a progressive city in the u. K. Its kind of known for being progressive. Its nice for being a liberal, left leaning and obviously the movement behind jeremy cogan was very strong about actually in other places on the south coast and the local branch becomes the largest in the country with over 6000 members. The party organizes its 1st general meeting since coban became leader the atmosphere the labor punch in the jeremy colbin was one of optimism was one of cheer was one of full a diuretic. We organized a raleigh before the annual meeting of the city party. Anyone was invited and we had about 7800 people that a week before the meeting, the leader of the labor group in the brighten city council, sends an email to his supporters. Im emailing to ask you a favor. Next saturday ill city labor party faces a takeover by a group of individuals for momentum and other fringe left. When groups this party, his face down militant before im asking you to help do that again. I was a member of my men some left time and we decided we would run no less straight, which we days. We went into that meeting. I have pen on a trans spelling to make speeches out when we really said we were very pleased. We all had 65 percent of the vote. 2 and 3 people attending a, a reco turn out. A record majority had one. Fantastic. But actually in retrospect, we went in to that meeting like lambs to the slaughter. We had no idea a 3rd level of corruption and conspiracy and the i e l a b this that would follow the const claims that democratic election within bright men. I got coal with about 1030. I think that night i was just outside the theater. It was a call from someone in Jeremy Corbins office. Some one i knew and she said, i thought she was ringing to congratulate me as i got text from phone calls. But now she rang me said yes, weve got to do something about spitting. Weve got to be able to rebuild the spitting. I said wall what . Spitting the following day, morgan sends a complaint to labors Regional Office venue software. Legit, lease spat at others were badly intimidated. Ill organize it was assaulted and abused. Ive no hesitation in saying that this is a hostile takeover of the party. These fake accusations were shooting around the world before truth because his boots on it took me 48 hours to piece together what anybody could have pieced together. And armies lies had been told theyd been told repeatedly, over 2 or 3 days with repeated opportunities. They lied, they lied, lied and lied again. I took some che statements. 23000 words named people who attended. And every Single Person said, there was nothing wrong. When i got the c, c t, v footage proven there was no spitting the allegations disappeared. Ah, despite having no evidence that spitting of aggression took place, the fall show that labors legal unit is intent on overturning the victory of the pro colbin. Catherine buckingham from the disputes unit rights to her boss. Whats your feeling on brighton . The head of the legal unit replies exactly what you proposed overturned the annual general meeting deal with individuals. While we worry about applying the rules correctly and legal niceties. Buckingham feels confident that the rules dont matter. Its all about to come to a head. Im not worried about any of those things. I say, act now and worry about those things later. Days later, the results of the election are overturned and the constituency is suspended. The biggest mistake ive made apart from joining the light punch in the 1st place was winning an election in the labor party and the constant. So we have no democracy if you have an in a cool 68 or 10 people nationally, with the tentacle spreading out the various regions. Saying who can be a candidate saying, who can be a member, the new controller body policy. One of the major parties in this country, and i found out is on democratic blakely to qu my group of people to take over one of the Major Political parties. And in part 2 of the labor files, how abusive messaging is used to discredit party rivals. My to enter, it throws open, comments and he was upset about and he tied dilemma to that and talked to al jazeera, we also do believe that women of afghanistan was somehow abandoned by the international community. We listen, we have a huge price for the rural. Im gonna terrorism, whats going on, and so money we meet with global news making. Im talk about the stories that matter on out. You see which side is winning chaos or control. What does the new forever proxy war mean for america and nato . As long as americans keep consuming prices are going to keep going up. Why didnt joe biden see inflation comic . How did we get so much raw . The quizzical look us politics, the bottom line, examining todays headlines. We cannot label good is getting this hot, like the titanic heading for the iceberg. Setting the discussion, the fall of afghanistan is going to stay with every single ask and for the rest of their lives, sharing personal stories with the global audience that our body is trying to me, it is about our own. All right, programs does open your eyes to an alternative view of them. Well, today on al jazeera with with hello, i had them seeker in the hall with the headlines on g 0, indonesia, the president has ordered a safety review of football matches. After a stampede is killed at least 129. 00 people. It happened in the city of my lang in the east java province after a match between home team raymer, f. C, and their rivals, suda via the chaos began. After supporters invaded the pitch lease responded by firing tiggle which caused the crowd to sleep for the exit. But that already i have specially requested the police chief investigator and get to the bottom of this case. Furthermore, i have also ordered the Indonesian Football Association to temporarily hope the legal one matches until evaluations and improvements to safety procedures have been completed. I regret this tragedy, and i hope this is the last tragedy to occur and indonesian football. We cannot have this anymore, but i, sportsmanship, humanity and brotherhood in the nation should be upheld together. That russia has withdrawn his troops from the town of leman in the dawn, yet screech, and it served as a logistics and transport how for russian forces, connecting east in ukraine to the north. Russian Defense Ministry says it took the move to avoid its truth being encircled by ukrainian forces. That comes a day off, the president putin declared for regions part of russia. The state of emergency has been declared in the kena fast so a day after its 2nd military coup in 8 months on saturday, supporters of the crew set fire to the French Embassy in the capitol, the hughes, the French Military of sheltering president , poor on read the me, but which france denies people in bulgaria are voting in the 4th parliamentary election in 18 months. 3 time Prime Minister boycott bought a soft, conservative party looks set to win. The most votes is biggest, rival is another form, a Prime Minister, the reformer and Anti Corruption campaign. Akila pet cough voting is also started in bosnia and herzegovina. His elation expert say, its the most important ballot to be held since the end of the war and the signing of the dayton agreement. In 1995, nearly 3400000 people are eligible to vote for members of the collective presidency. The countrys governing system is divided along ethnic lines, led by 3 rotating prisoners. Does the headlines now back to edges era investigations . The labor files reveal that a number of m, p s are involved in the purging of members of their own constituency parties. The m p for her as peter kyle. He sends an email to the governance and legal unit. Rebecca massey, i would like to direct you in the strongest terms to investigate and to remove the member from the party. You will see a pattern of behavior online, which is also replicated in person. She is regularly aggressive to my staff and myself at meetings. I think its very important that abusive and an comradely behavior is dealt with by the party. Astonishing that at that time an m pay would be made king those assertion, in order to get me expelled from the late the party. A man, i will say, ive hunted my own house for me, things im not an aggressive person. Rebecca massey avoid disciplinary measures and is elected as chair of a local branch, a former m p. I. The kaplan is in the same branch, he complains to the Regional Office. I Must Immediately request that this persons membership is suspended and subject to further investigation. Kaplan sends a link to an article by a group known as the campaign against anti semitism. Masseys tweets describe her view of the influence of the pro israel lobby in britain. The article states that massey is dedicated to the demon isaiah sion of israel. It also alleges that a problem of anti semitism in the labor party rests squarely in the black hearts of individuals. Like ha, there is a whole lot about how iverson i see st. Might. I began to be true. Change phoebe the 3rd 20 some t was the day the anti semitism was used for the 1st time in Brighton And Hove as a weapon against pro coven candidate because it was on the 3rd of february that the campaign again fancies, semitism, published a shocking article about banking immediately amplified re tweeted and drawn to the attention of media from that initial one story, there have been sick shears of abuse. Following, always referring back to that initial story. Masculine 66. 00, she is now a month earlier, al jazeera broadcast an investigation into israels attempts to influence purchase politics. Using an undercover reporter, al jazeera Investigative Unit exposes israels clandestine activities in london, a city thats become a major battle ground. One of his rules main targets is the labor party for the 1st time its leader is a champion of palestinian civil rights. Would be very happy to teach every colbin no longer a leader of the labor party patrol. Its a covert action that penetrates the heart of britains democracy. A senior political officer at the Israeli Embassy discusses with a british Civil Servant how to deal with m p. s, who are critical of israel. I think the investigation forces, the israeli ambassador to apologize to the British Government and the diplomat is sent home the diplomatic question no longer seems to be a functionary of the embassy in london. I answer whatever, whatever he may exactly have been doing here. His publican, abbey said to be wet and fruity blown. The on the cover operation also shows how a former employee at the Israeli Embassy becomes leader of the jewish Labor Movement. Hiv i finished here. Im hello, william jennings, barbecue angie with shy is the name of the disgraced is rainy operative elements, discuss his method. She favors to deal with rivals within the party. Jackie walker is a pro colbin activist who supports civil rights, the palestinians. Oh, joshua, i quite a source on something is wrong with. Well, it is interesting to see that again, policy, i have seen it before and just the sort of smugness if the woman talking about not only a fellow june a fellow lay the Party Members, jackie says, but a woman. And it is extraordinary. Naomi when born tracy is one of several Party Members who complain. So few of us women in the labor party who would jewish got together and we sent in an official complaint and we wrote to him that nickle, who is a tennis actually at a time. And we said obviously is completely inappropriate for a late party member to be talking about another, another Party Members in this way. And what the in and out it the labor files reveal that Party Officials treat rose very differently to members who criticize israel rose e mails, sam matthews. Then head of disputes. And i would very much like to volunteer to come and meet with you and all relevant members of the disputes Team Next Week in order to clear this matter up at the earliest opportunity. 4 days later rose meets matthews. I had i known that how private meeting had been covertly recorded with the intention to broadcast our conversation on an international network. I would have never made those comments. Days later, matthews writes to rose. At interview you said that she wonder stood the language you used was ugly, and in retrospect you wished you had not used those words. You noted that that isnt, nor will there ever be any Public Record of you using such language . For the reasons outlined above the labor party will be taking no further action on this matter, and the Labor Movement stands for decency and filess and looking at the yellow rose disciplinary case. Its, its, its sort of chummy, i know this very Rapid Exchange of e mails. The personal beating, the declaration of the case is closed. Am ah, in north west london. Pamela fitzpatrick becomes labeled parliamentary candidate inherit used the constituency debates, whether to affiliate to jewish voice, labor or j, v l j. B l represents jewish members who are critical towards the state of israel. The jewish Labor Movement or jail em supports israel. A, there was a debate which was a very civilized babes, a very balancing. They voted overwhelmingly to support jewish voice for labor. Fitzpatrick suddenly receives a flurry of aggressive tweets the next day. There were some comments on social media attacking me for a caraway east having affiliated to jewish voice flavor. Now asking me to condemn jewish voice for labor, it just came worse worse and then it was, well, your silence means she know you support your silence. Mean she support holocaust deniers. And then it turns into you are a holocaust deniers. One of the accounts attacking fitzpatrick belongs to a labor party activist, luke stang, counsellor fitzpatrick selection has already caused alarm to some in the jewish community, is stirring things up and creating this perception that somehow im and she symmetric as really upsetting for me. Really, really upsetting, ah stang contacts and employee, a fitzpatrick on facebook. I have been asked by a moderate counselor in harrow to help build up a social media dossier on her, which can then be leaked out and will hopefully result in the suspension of her candidacy. She seems a nasty, sectarian mouthpiece for the hard left. I did some research then found that the rather people that he attacked and one of many women and hes been on the receiving end leak stung as abuse over the years. He started pretty much kind of comp constantly and relentlessly writing abusive tweet. And about me, he used his words like crazed deranged repellant ran sit grandma, this kind of language, not. This isnt the language of political discourse and nobody could argue that it is. But thats the kind of language that you stand. I think you said oh yeah. Oh god. Oh yeah. After multiple complaints i filed the labor party suspend, stung the party since dang. A questionnaire inviting him to respond to the allegations. Stang, or rejects the accusation that he has broken any of the parties rules or codes of conduct. Metadata in the labor files reveals that steiner didnt write the letter himself. Oh, okay, so this shows that the author. Oh, what ive been looking that by luc steiger is another lou lou 8 cast. Luke a cast is an influential figure in the labor party and now sits on the parties National Executive committee. Hes also a key figure and the pro israel lobby, a director of we believe in israel. I would say the authors ladies dont. She wouldnt surprise, surprise is nuke 8. Theres luc acre food. Know to be the im to cold minister of all. Im to coping expos. Well this makes me feel is i had the sentence all along that this was organized. A luke, i cursed, is behaving like this is its, its quite shocking, really. In liverpool, anna rather, its selected as one a 3 potential labor candidates for maya. I was fatty surprised in terms of the way people rally drawn to support me. Rather, it was backed by one of britains largest trade unions. I was endorsed by united. I was so sent us by manny m p s. I was 07 just by jeremy colbin. Im absolutely delight you this for anna rather read as our candidate to be liberals, man. Its great to have, you know, theres endorsements by public figures, but the most meaningful endorsements came from the people of liverpool. As far as i was away, it was then down. So the people have little to choose who they want to be. There comes a day when something unexpected happens. The next thing i got an e mail saying, were gonna have to hold off and terms of the elections. The panel wants to invite the flea con states back to another interview. I didnt really understand what was behind a i just force it was just maybe they wanted a checks and fax. A letter arrived in the inbox of the new labor Party General secretary, david evans. It comes from alan dean, a former labor counselor in liverpool, d. David, i been asked to contact you in relation to counselor, anna rothery, and hate on suitability sustans as late as candidate for the position of elected. May liverpool and family of the opinion that she would be as a disaster. Disaster for the city on the labor policy. If she were to become the elected man, it went on a sudden conversion to an support from various senior kobinie. So m p. s is of huge concern for the direction she would take. Well, anyway, its old beginning to sloss in a place, you know, the more em raven, im thinking this was a cafe of after 5. Any say any people turn in are to disparage, you know, may as a, as an individual. Deans letter contains a condemnation of robbery. She is proven herself to be untrustworthy, dishonest person, someone who is solely motivated by her ego status and financial gain. The labor files do not establish who osteen to write the letter to the Party General secretary. And its obviously designed to orchestrated you know, to feed into something much bigger house at my control and in terms of what theyre trying to do. Brother, he goes to his 2nd interview with a selection panel. But this time its very different thing i knew within the 1st couple seconds of so not quite right about that. And because that to me and it had changed in terms of the panel, Damian Mccarthy was a labor activist based in brighton. He is accused of anti semitism. Im at home with my family and i start seeing these things a fear on my phone about me being a volunteer, somewhat awe and completely disgraceful. Mm. On these vile for renders allegations are being made against me. I am not an anti semite. I absolutely detest that allegation. It is completely and utterly untruthful. Im an anti racist. Im proud to be an anti racist. Luke stana is one of those responsible my workplace was telephoned by lucas tanka and the reception took a message and they said they wanted to speak because there was a da sir on me. And i, i saw what the hell is going on here. Then the dossier was sent through to my pause, my stepdad, my pause, private e mail address a. My daughter was horrendous reading. It was awful. It was. And interactions of me was some one on line where i person said they wanted to have behind my family. Because they wanted to bed me in my family and they said the whole number things i said, if i can repay them, i call repeatedly about my mother. Ah, in liverpool, anna rather decides to seek legal redress after she was removed from the short led to the mayoral election. Our client will seek an emergency in trim injunction to enable her name to go forward on the ballot. The labor members in liverpool. And so we decided that we would ask them to help the profess intensive, the voucher, et cetera. And to give them time to put a case for which as to why i couldnt stand brother. His lawyer reminds the labor party that it has a legal duty to preserve all relevant documents in your control, including any documents passing between you and the other panel. Members, the panel decided to exclude rather re and both of the candidates from the shortlist. We were basically told that they would reopen and the contest im in need not apply. The party tells her that the decision was taken off to giving careful consideration to the Additional Information presented to it. Oh brother, his lawyer seeks an injunction. He has set the legal right to view evidence piece, disclose all Additional Information presented about our client. The parties lawyers respond to rather these requests for disclosure of documents. We decline to provide the disclosure requested. None of the documents you seek from the labor party appears to be relevant to the decision to remove your client from the shortlist. Alan deans letter is never presented to rather his lawyer or to the court. I wish they were time and effort ass down into this on their behalf. So the judge wasnt given the full picture. Now, there is a problem here. If thats the way the labor policy is conducting itself. It opposition under, lets remember his thumb of the format, the wrecks of Public Prosecutions is its a kissed alma now again to behave like that empower the injunction is refused, and rather a order to pay 90000 dollars in cost to the party. I think i was literally hung out to try by a party that have been loyal to for many years. The active as luke stana is seeking to overturn his suspension from the party. He is represented by an expensive city of london nor fam. Mm. Mesh condra, a high end to challenge stang as suspension. The labor files revealed the support that stung enjoys among senior politicians for right of the party when he receives character references from 14 m. P. s, 30 counselors and dozens of party activists. Garrath thomas labor m. P fara west. I was very sad to hear of loosed anger, reason suspension from the labor party. I hope his case can be concluded soon, and he can continue to be a good friend to harrow labor in future years to come. I think that people are actually quite dangerous. Who room and the labor party, the way that theyre behaving its, its quite astonishing. Really. The labor party now welcomes apartheid supporting racists and abuses of women. And how that could possibly have happened is beyond me. The highest disciplinary body in the party votes to expel steiner. But his expulsion is never carried out. The former head of the governance and legal unit johnstone the de voices his support. Luke is a gentle giant who gives his all to his Progressive Political beliefs and his deep commitment to equality and above all, getting labor, elected my dad to read those comments. And he was upset and he tied to laughter. Sir, that evil will put into our lives ah, caused my power to die. I am sure that was the central part wildland and the lack of safety for me and my family. The awful words were used about my mother. Im still in the state of shock. I dont think ill ever get her for out with oh oh oh. In the 2nd episode of the labor files, the true story behind the parties, anti semitism crisis. I feel so ashamed right now, but it comes with a lot you breaking for me. How truth was subverted . A and reality turned on its head. Thats an absolute lie. I didnt say that the media was not interested in the reality of her story. Oh ah. Now a steady breeze is setting up again. Itll still be there on sunday. Its not dropping, tempt, just imagine is optically dusty, but it has dropped humidity, so ran back middle thirtys to low. Fortys is by right, it will be in the high side of the mountain. This is possible at this time the most of the re being put into that event. Iran right up through turkey towards the south. No northern caucasus, its pretty warm, but nothing in the sky with except for this thing here. This is coming through knocking attempts is down anchor 28 down to 22. And you think that wind into egypt and east and libya would cool things down, but it doesnt to the levant. These temperatures, 13 jerusalem 29 bay root are a long way up on what they should be. They dont change very much next day or so. Wheres these temperatures do come down . Black sea through our media and georgia in particular, brightness, leave that part of the wheel turned to africa that the rains weve been watching here. The done nothing for somalia, not much for kenya, they are concentrating further west. Certainly nigeria. But i think the next day or so as a line here from south molly down through the Central African republic to both congo, republics, we shall be pretty wet to be honest south of all this much talk about rain wise, but temperatures are on the high side something, but swan is looking pretty hot ah, informed opinions. I believe that again should have my little neighbors and weve been pulling that many times. Pretty good. It is the commonwealth still something that changes well take on inside story on al jazeera ah, showcase of the best documentary films from a customer and to sierra ah

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