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A country that is seen generations of suffering makes for the kind of art that can take a toll. The artist seen basra, the alta 0 both thought ah, this is al jazeera, these, your top stories, former u. K. Chancellor rushes to knock is announced, hes to run to become the next Prime Minister is expected to face off against formally to boris johnston, who has yet to announced his candidacy on saturday. Boris johnson and richey stew not met face to face stephanie deck. As more details, there was some speculation that the meeting last night between the 2 men who do not get on something thats very well known was perhaps to strike a deal to have maybe one of them not on you know, to figure out how to move forward for the best of the party and indeed the country, but we got an already sent that no deal had been struck from bars johnson this morning saying that there was no deal that he was going to run and that he was the right man. The one with the mandate, you know, basically referring back to 2019 election when he was elected to solve this issue. So we go right, go ready, go to sense that no deal was been met now we have officially heard from her. Shes due now that he will be writing somalia state media reporting that the Country Security forces the dealing with a so called terrorist incident at a hotel in the port city of kiss. My you, a car laden with explosives were partially rammed into the gate of a building. Chinese president , jean ping has clinched a historic 3rd term as head of the communist policy. It also announced 6 on the new members of the policy senior leadership. Experience president has urged people to save electricity in the face of russian attacks on power facilities. Several strikes in the past 2 weeks have caused rolling blackouts and ukrainian cities. People in columbia have protested against Economic Reforms proposed by the new president , Gustavo Petro wants to increase taxes on people any more than 2300. 00 a month. Georgia maloney has a steam power as its lease fust female Prime Minister, the handover from outgoing premier mateo doggie happened in rome. Maloney was sworn in on saturday. Kate faced headlines coming up next inside story. Ah, George Maloney has been sworn in as it lays 1st far right Prime Minister since world war 2. The 1st female leader will have a cabinet with differing views on crane and the european union. So whats next for italy approach to the world. This is inside store ah. 1 and welcome to the show. Im sammys, a dan, georgia, maloney will lead at least most right Wing Administration since the fascist era of benito mussolini. Her nationalist brothers of italy party won last months election along with 2 others. Matthews, how beanies far right . League and the controversial form of Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. Fathers, that italia were in the winning camp to social conservatism, as well as anti immigration and neuro skeptic rhetoric or part of maloneys political appeal. Shes also voiced anger about it least struggling economy, but shes pledging support for ukraine, a stance different from her russia friendly allies, soule, vini and berlusconi. Well get to our panel shortly. But 1st car lag has this report. 0 0, i am georgia, i am a woman. I am a mother. I am italian. I am christian. These words at a 2019 rally flanked by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and right wing leader mateo sal vini, have come to define the rise of georgia maloney. Italys 1st female Prime Minister heads the nationalist brothers of italy, party, which has its roots in a post world war. 2 movement that drew in fascists sympathizes and officials, maloney sees herself as a defender of italys traditional christian values. He allow for me. Yeah, not moral. No alice lobby, yes to the natural family, nor to the algae be to lobby yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, nor to islamist violence. Yes, to secure borders, no to mass migration. No to begin to national finance. No to the bureaucrats of brussels. She takes office at a difficult moment for italy facing an economic recession and soaring energy bills. But shes turned down some of her anti e u rhetoric. The new finance minister is john colored your jetty, who was part of the previous unity government and is considered a moderate. The foreign minister is antonio ta, jani. A pro europe politician who wants headed the European Parliament and immigration portfolio went to a technocrat. Not the hard line mateus al vini, who became minister of infrastructure. One of maloneys Biggest Challenges is italys ukraine policy. Yet the premium leaked audio messages suggest the former Prime Minister and ally Silvio Berlusconi bragging about his friendship with Vladimir Putin and appearing to justify russia invasion of ukraine. Putin was supposed to enter ukraine and reached even one week, replaced the government with a new one chosen by the russians with a group of wise people, maloney has consistently backed ukraine. She responded to the league by insisting italy is a crucial part of europe and the atlantic alliance, but doubts linger. So the question for europe will be, if were going to go wildly, will literally remain as much nato allies will actually continue the drug policy of supporting ukraine against the russian. And baby bologna says yes or deputies are widely support to say maloneys coalition can help italy struggling economy. Critics fear its shifting europe geo politics further to the right car leg for inside story. Ah, why, lets bring our guests into the show. Theyre all joining us from italy in rome, valerie foreign associate professor of Political Science at the university of florence, and founder of spanish italy, and that work for europe in social policy analysis. In florence, alberto to nini, a professor of Political Science and associate professor of International History and Energy Politics at the university of florence and in the land theresa fallon, a senior fellow. Busy at the Chicago Council on global affairs, i am a former member of the Strategic Advisors group to nato of, or welcome to or if i could start with valerie. So this is the 1st fall right government since mussolini. Valerie, how much of a historic shift is taking place in italian politics . Ok. Well i guess that a lot of people are sort of very worried about whats happening right now in italy. My position is and a lot of people are also happy because for the 1st time i have a woman, i will say that im not that excited about having a woman Prime Minister because it is true that this is the 1st time. But usually women get to very high position when theyre extremely conservative. It, you know, and that doesnt that you just think of better. Think of uncle matt because think of a marine lip. And so usually women get to top positions, but they dont really undermine male society folk dominance in economic, political and social terms. And in this case, in particular, weve got a woman come in for the 1st time as Prime Minister in our country. But her approach and her vision and her they all the jews, extremely right wing. So im not that to be honest. Im not that happy with what is happening. But at the same time will be a matter of a shift. Not they will be a shift, especially when it comes to this course when it comes to the narrative that the gardner will be putting through. But the room for maneuver is not that much. Alright. You know, we need the money from brock, bro. All right, we always say follow the money and we will, but let me pick up with elbow on a point that you mentioned about how do you think the political establishment is going to receive a female prime. It is the 1st of all. Well, its really very challenging because even her allies miss connie and mr. Selina seems to re, to, for hadder mistakes. And so its really a. Ready re comfortable position for georgia, maloney, and i think she must be very, very much and clever to resist not to her political opinions but to have political allies because they were not sure to be an. Ready addition to agree to the nominee of georgia, as i mentioned. So i think that we are going to have as reach as one of the mentioned before, but not so much because. Ready in fact, the space for mental book is not. Ready so larger and so i think were going to add some restriction being. Ready as of a cd writes some. Ready probably the difference between these sounds because both georgia, middle course and other members of government is clearly state that they are not in favor of any new opening or to see the rights and any new opening to migration or even minus migration. So this could be, this could make a difference to the previous, gone or unlocked to break down that perhaps we should start teresa on policy towards the e. You the balance of power within the e. You, is that going to change . Now that weve got another gulf minutes from the far right in the heart of the e. U. Now, i mean its not just hungry in poland. Right . How is the balance of power going to shape up between the far right and the non fall right within the you . We can break it down that way. Whereas the oregon reached out to milady after she won and congratulated her. And he feels that having 3 countries is welcoming them, but its unlikely that she will find a lot of things to align herself with or button she might be closer to poland because of her political agenda. But nevertheless, the out of all 27 you members states its scheduled to receive the, the bulk of the post covered 19 Recovery Fund from the e u, which would be 200000000000 euro. And she cannot sacrifice that. So i expect for her to move more towards the center and she will have to keep you happy. Her recent statements are pro nato pro e u and anti immigration. So i think that as long as shes colors within the lines of the rules and regulations and to guarantee that the money will be dispersed to the new to italy, she will have a fighting chance. We should also keep in mind that this is going to be one tough winter for the italians. Energy prices are extremely high with the war in ukraine. Also, you know, the post cobra, 1900 economic landscape in italy is very troublesome. And even before covered the had difficulties. So i think that her main agenda really should be focused on the economy. She is following in the footsteps of druggie, who is known at the technocrats. The public really liked him. They felt he was a safe pair of hands as a former head of the european of the c, b, the bank, the European Central bank. And so they were almost very sad to go. It was because of political machinations. So she will have to really perform well, and if she follows maybe his policy, she might have a fighting chance. Many im here in milan now and not many people expect her to last longer than spring. So she has a tough road ahead of her. All right, so i think all 3 guests are kind of saying the same thing on the point of maneuverability. The scope is limited because youve got to look at whos giving you the money. But im wondering valerie, looking at it from the perspective of you integration, that process. Will her government make a difference in the speed, the tone of european integration now within the u. Yes, i think it does make a big difference. Moving from draggy to maloney draggy was definitely, i mean, manage for the 1st time perhaps the 1st time in history of italy really in a central position and integration prose. This and i cannot expect mon only to be able to do the same. Just remember, i mean how important drug was when he said whatever it takes. Now can maloney Say Something similar, i dont thing. So for italy, this is not a wonderful thing. What has happened. But i would like our audience to remember that in fact, she has only like if the person wants to come in, ill let you finish the thought. Go ahead. Valerie. Then ill bring in teresa again. Yeah. Now what i wanted to say is that shes only, were always considering that shes got 26 percent of the people that voted. But the fact is that if we take into consideration the total number of voters, then we see that the major party is the party of the ones that did not go to vote 60000000 people. And shes only got 7000000 people voting for her, which means she knows very well that a lot of people in italy are not that happy about the results. Its basically the, our electro law that made it possible. So she knows that shes got like only 15 percent of support if were looking at the total number of people that were entitled to vote, she knows that very well. So shes a tough woman, shes going to work hard. Im short about that. And but she does know that she can do whatever she wishes, and i think that is very clear what she decided when it comes to immigration and the responsibilities she handed out to saline. We know very well he didnt get the minister of home affairs, which is the thing that he kept saying. I want that. I want that i want that, but he didnt get it. Its just a top official, that responsibility. Go home affairs. Okay. And also for the navy coastal, the see she invented a new ministry is to make sure that he wouldnt be responsible for the navy. So were thinking about the Coastal Guard and whats gonna happen with the migration. Nevertheless, i think that they will be symbolic shift since they can do much with in terms of money, they will definitely try to introduce some symbolic paula, you mentioned that language will try and pick up on. Let me bring teresa and ask the question from this perspective, how will brussels deal with italy now on the 1st far right government since world war 2, you know, weve got 2 prominent figures, maloney, sal vini, have both made comments seen as supportive of the hungary and Prime Minister victor open in his tussle with brussels over the rule of law, democracy, corruption allegations and so on and so forth. Is that going to impact the way brussels now looks at italy . And having a little difficulty hearing you. But just to paraphrase what i think you asked was about how brussels will respond. Weve already seen german chancellor sholtes really reach out to maloney saying that, you know, there were democracies, there are changes of leadership and were willing to work whoever with whoever is elected. I think theres also a beauty contest going on here because we see that our president , across france has a meeting this weekend with the pope and with the president of italy. And he has said that if protocol allows, he would like to meet with her on monday. So that is of great interest to me because hes almost racing to get to italy 1st. Because france and germany traditional franco, german engine of the you is having a rough patch right now. And i think the fact that the crown that micron is reaching out to maloney means that he might see some possibility to build support with her in order to maybe get what he wants out of germany. So theres been a lot of difficult relations within the u. You recently jockey mac, ron and schultz. Maybe you recall the famous or infamous train ride to chia, and they were all kind of squabbling about who had the better trained car. So i think that the fact of a chrome is reaching out to maloney now. So that perhaps he wants to have good relations with her and, and things he can get more done if shes on board with his agenda as well. So i think there might be some interest you competition, but they understand youre at least the 3rd biggest economy inside you and you know the top 3 so they really do need to cooperate with italy at this point. All right, alberto, since were talking about the train ride to care of at this point, when you think about italys policy towards the ukraine war, it will that change . Its got too prominent figures, one of whom, while hes not in the cabinet, but berlusconi was on type boasting about how he exchanges vault cur, unwind with putin and salvage is on the record of saying, hey, you know, we need to roll back the western sanctions. Yeah, i think the job position in that ukraine or. Ready age they exceeded the nation, theyre just going to change a very, very detailed because ga may know me says more than once. That usually is not going to change. It is a time to expand a she is nature membership or force. So i mean that in these learning position we remain absolutely the same. Ready i would like also to add a comment on the possible policy of the european leaders and because i think from brass and the government, shes very easy. No intention is no interest in pushing maloney in a corner in this moment or what. Ready can do is to create a job getting on a lawyer that the she can go closer and closer to hungary and the quality shit government. What shes not going to do at the moment. And. Ready ready so she has a weak position in your opinion and conflicts and so. Ready i think that we can manage france, germany and the others are not interested in pushing towards the calling. Im glad i can see that valerie wants to Say Something. Go ahead. Yes, i just want to add something that it is true that i dont think that is the governor will change position with respect to a crane. But i am aware of the fact that poor people in our country are not that. And whos sick about the war and they get less and less than the desk the, the more they have to pay when it comes to their electric bill. So that the governor will have to cash out a lot of money if it wants to keep people calm. Because really across the country, there is a rising sentiment in terms of what, you know, the argument is we want peace. Yes. But how do you get peace . How do you get . Obviously Everyone Wants peace, but the point is, are we gonna then ask the ukrainians to surrender . And a lot of people are not that interested the right about the gas bill. And im very sorry about that, but thats the true. Ok. I want to maybe shift gears a little bit because he mentioned immigration policy. How likely is it that we see maloneys plan of a naval blockade of libya . Actually a merge valerie given, you know, the sort of realities that youve been talking about in division of ministries. Yeah, it, thats what i was saying. Maloney invented this new ministry of the southern italy and the sea and responsibility for the protection of the coast has been handed over to a new minutes. Not its not on the cell been his responsibility. So thats a clear a 10 by maloney to try and keeps how the new come. And i would like us to remember that the boat for so the new went from 5 millions to 2 and a half. So hes a loser in the current election. And so is better, its connie, a loser. The only winner in the center right camp is maloney and shes actually taken boat not from other parts from the center left to take a boat from saline and from bedroom connie. So she knows that she is in a strong position compared to being a and bedroom pony. And we have seen how she acted over the last days. And the way she has been behaving, and saline is not on the, lets say he sort of for the 1st time, we dont see him all the time. You know, on the front pages hes trying to keep back, i guess, because he realizes that hes also in difficult inside his own park. Right. But i dont know because the problem is that they might come up with some crazy idea just to keep their electric calm on, on that point, what practical changes should we expect then theresa, when it comes to immigration policy under this Coalition Government . No, thats a really good question. I think that remains to be seen. I think that this is always a popular issue, especially in italy, especially with her party. And i would agree with the previous speaker that there has been a redistribution of votes within the right wing. So its not that shes taking votes from the other party. Its just a redistribution of votes. So i think that as long as it kind of fits with you, policies that you post is pretty clear about immigration, so this might help her get elected. But the reality might be very different on the ground. And i think the number one thing for her is the economy and the rhetoric you say certain things to get elected right. And how you every hour actually doing it in a different. Yeah, i listen since were talking about economy and that kind of takes us 2 divisions with in this coalition. Maybe we should just take a look at some of the Major Economic challenges that are facing ga maloney. Inflation is hit 8. 9 percent in september. Thats the highest in nearly 3070 years. And thats partly due to the Energy Crisis facing europe, which im sure were all aware of if we imported 95 percent of its gas before the ukraine war with 40 percent coming from russia thats obviously dropped now. Now its around 10 percent, then the, the colossal debt of more than 2 and a half trillion dollars. Thats around the 150 percent of italy as g d p. And theres the relationship with e. Weve been talking about it plays been allocated nearly 200000000000. 00 and you grants and loans as part of the post pandemic Recovery Fund. But this depends on reforms that must be implemented by 2026. And albert. So when it comes to some of these issues, there are real divisions within this coalition. Government right is not only on the issue of whether you support ukraine as maloney does oil more. Putin friendly is salvia, any and bell a scone are painted. Its not only on the issue of ways, stan visit the brussels, fighting it out with hungry its, its on very Economic Issues and maloney is seen as fiscally conservative solving as a pocket with spend. Right . Yeah, absolutely right. And this. Ready is really the more difficult for the, for the new volume and because georgia, i donate we the judges by has bought this according to the economies before lunch on the next seats or one year. And. Ready she is strongly in need to have good results in economy, but she is not an expert of the come on the she has very little experience shifting the feeder and also the people are closer to georgia, maloney, im not so good economics and economy affairs, economic managing and so these, these are really clear vengeance for do you think the last, do you think how battelle is the coalition going to collapse . No, i dont think so for the moment, but i think that they need to be very. Ready cautious and maybe how close on the spine makes more than other topics because on the spine, the voters and the army opinion will be very, very sensitive. All right, well, im afraid we are out of time. I know we would like to continue another show. Another time for now, lets thank con gas. Valerie far, jan, alberta, tony and theresa fallon, and thank you to watching you can see the show again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion head over to our facebook page. Thats facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. But also join the conversation on twitter handle. There is a j inside story. From me, sammy say that the whole team here for now go by ah ah, with a filmmaker follows her mothers return to south sudan. After years in exile. We came home and into a Vice President ial position. My mother stepping into the row that my father died in will not be history repeating itself. 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