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Ukraine pushes ahead with grain exports, despite russias admission, it did launch a strikes on a desk port. Ah, hello, im down, jordan, this is out as they are alive and oh said coming up more than a 1000 migrants arrive in italy in a matter of hours. After crossing mediterranean, children, the adults take shelter at a high school in the haitis capital to escape a deadly Gang Violence in the neighborhood. And the pilgrimage of penance. Pope francis arrives in canada to apologize for the church is wrote in running indigenous schools. Ukraine is pushing ahead with efforts to restart green exports despite massage strikes on its biggest port on saturday. Russia has since admitted launching the attack on odessa saying it was trying to hit the military targets the attackers. Res doubts of rushes. Willingness to abide by a crucial agreement to unblock ukrainian ports. But elia ukraines president said his forces were advancing towards the Southern Region of car sun, which was occupied by russia early in the war. John henry reports from chief Ukrainian Forces leave an important bridge in the strategic city of harrison pockmarked, but Still Standing with you, but perhaps not for long. The soldiers, as they are outgunned by powerful russian artillery, but determined visible and we will liberate chris on. Thats for sure. We will not give it away to the russia. Thats why were here. So our children wont have to fight any more so that we can solve this method now and forever. To the can julia in harkey, have mobile. Artillery units have attacked russian targets. Bringing the armed forces of ukraine are advancing, step by step in the region with the war of attrition on the ground is somewhat overshadowed by russia. Shelling of odessa port. Ukraine says it intercepted 2 missiles on saturday, but 2 more made it through. A Russian Military Spokesman Says those missiles hit legitimate military targets, a worship he says, and a warehouse filled with American Made harpoon anti ship missiles run through what a shift over the phone and that up on the green, Russian Forces took action in a part of a desa, either a dog, ukrainian worship, and a warehouse with us supplies, mythos will destroyed. Russia used long range naval miss files, you know, this seaport of the territory over the ship repair planned. Dr. The attack has been widely condemned coming less than 24 hours after the 2 countries signed an agreement for the safe passage of ukrainian, wheat, corn, and Sunflower Oil from odessa and 2 other black seaports. Speaking in egypt, Russian Foreign minister survey lab rob says moscow will stick to the deal we put in here, because we have confirmed the commitment of russian grain exports to meet all their obligations. President Vladimir Putin also emphasized this in a recent telephone discussion with egyptian president l. C. C. If not, the war and ukraine threatens to trigger a food crisis that would be felt around the world. John henderson, al jazeera keith. What david show package from the rand corporation, he says, rushes attack on death indicates a peace treaty is a long way off. Entirely possible. This attack on her desk was planned in advance of the, the deal being concluded, an attack on supposedly military targets. And so it was sort of executed as part of russias ongoing plan for, ah, for its for its fight. But i think that it emphasizes the point just been made by russians. Folks, people earlier, which is nobody should mistake the grain deal with a peace treaty, an armistice, or really the start of any negotiating process aimed at ending the ending, the conflict, this dismissal strikes on or discipline exclamation point on those on those statements. Why think it possibly could have been actual confusion if this was a pre plan strike that went ahead almost without the knowledge of the senior russian political leadership. But its also a reminder, potentially the overall untrustworthy. This of what we hear from russia about what is happening in ukraine and, and how theyre behaving their hundreds of migrants and refugees rescued while trying to cross the mediterranean sea. On saturday, 444 people were picked up in operations. Carried out by the sea watch charity. The Organization Says they were making the trip from north africa. Well huh. One moment is from see what she says, e u countries are trying to stop people crossing the med, basically european states and dedicating all of the efforts in stopping people from making their way to european shores. And so its a policy of exclusion and isolation instead of prioritizing saving lives, see helping those in distress. Its really a case of priorities. So you have a europe extolling the values and that it attains in relation to, to human rights while actively supporting, for example, agencies like from text, like the so called european libyan coast guard in undermining those, those values. Pushing people back to libya, leaving people to die, etc. Also on south that i more than 500, my grandson refugees arrived on the italian island of lum producer. Many from afghanistan, pakistan, sedan, ethiopia, and somalia. The audience Reception Center has capacity for 300, but his county hosting around 1200 people, Mexican Security Officials Say they found more than 200 migrants at a warehouse. Were waiting to be smuggled into the u. S. The group has not been detained after being found in the central city of yellow topic. Most of travel from guatemala, the number of migrants being detained in the us Mexican Border is at its highest level in years. In the caribbean, at the 17, people have died off the coast of the bahamas. Off the boat carrying refugees migrants from haiti, cup sized officials, an infant was among the dead. 25 people were rescued, but its feared up to 60 med been on board. Authorities say theyre seeing an increase in the haitians being poverty and gun violence while the bahamas is on the root, often taken by those going from haiti to the united states. Prime minister philip davis says that appears to be the case in the latest incident. Blurry investigation suggest that a twin engine speed bold left a docking facility off westby street. Around one a. M. With approximately 60 percent on board. It is believed that the final destination was miami, florida. In haiti, hundreds of people are sheltering in a school in the capitol. Puerto prince, many of them are children, have taken refuge after Gang Violence, killed at least 400. 00 people this month. In brooks as the story. These haitians say their homes are no longer a safe place. In the midst of gang was, they sought shelter at an empty school. 16 year old Michelin Jones was at home one saturday when he was hit by a stray bullet, one cellular vanessa. There was no school that day. We stayed at home and there was a lot of shooting. Many people were killed, many people were shot and some didnt have a chance to save themselves. The situation is really bad. Hundreds of people are sleeping in classrooms, some on shared mattresses, others on the cold floor. Many children came here without the parents. One Community Leader says they will, their school uniforms. The gangsters would think they were going to class. Someone who says the children said that the situation had worse and on saturday, 16th of july that they couldnt find water to drink, that they couldnt find food that they wanted to go out with. So on sunday we went to take them out of it. Still trapped in the cities poorest neighborhood caught up in a turf war. 7 un agencies say they can do nothing, its to danger. Those who did manage to escape us, god, by what they experienced. What was your need for them . I mean, i found the bullet next to my head. I was sleeping and i had the bullet. Had a child with me, and i told him to get under the bed. Some Violent Crime is increased his, the assassination of president jo moiz, last year. The political instability has in bold and gangs, his government has been unable to end the bloodshed fussing children like these to do what they can to save themselves. He embraced held you there. The head of the Roman Catholic church has landed in canada to apologize in person for the role. The church played and running Residential Schools for indigenous children prompts. This is in the city of edmonton for what hes calling his pilgrimage of penance. More than a 150000 children were forcibly removed from their families and sent to schools where many faced abuse for one of the canadians organizing the pope. Because it is an indigenous priest whose grandmother lived in a Residential School. I am not doing this only in service to the holy father, to the church, but for my own people. The people across this country i know, have borne a wound across that they have suffered with, in some cases for generations. Daniel morrison is a lawyer, an advocate for survivors. She says an admission of guilt from the Catholic Church rather than an apology is whats needed. My dad was 6 years old when he went to Residential School. And i have a 8 year old daughter. And i look at her and how devastating it would be to be separated from my, my child at that age, or at any age really. And there really is no way finding through this. Its been a difficult journey for many and its triggering it deeply, deeply traumatized thing. Catholic church was the Biggest Church that was partaking, and all the reading of the Residential Schools. And they were the only school that didnt pay money. That was promised to survivors. There are a large number of records that have yet to be released when it comes to abuse claim. And this puts a big barrier in the way of the healing for many survivors who were abused and Residential Schools. And i mean, i understand why there is no admitting that guilt because it would open them a lot for reliability and International War crimes. Essentially, i understand a lot of the legal complexities that come with looking at Residential School as an active genocide and an apology for me is never going to be enough because how do you apologized for genocide if you can even admit that it had actually occurred warnings and extreme heat have been issued in many parts of china as temperature sol. Hes been melting glasses and thats causing mudslides and flash flooding. Temperatures in some places are expected to exceed 40 degrees celsius. Chinas been experiencing unusually hot weather since last month. Many parts of europe are also experiencing unusually high temperatures. Parts of greece are forecast to hit 42 degrees in the coming days. Countries in the grip of a heat wave that expected to last 10 days about how can stop tourists and flocking to the countrys capital. Athens. Emergency crews are battling 3 major forest fires in southern greece. And a state of americans has been declared in california. As Mariposa County are the largest active while find the us rapidly spreads. The blades has already torn through more than 4 and a half 1000 hectors rank. A book to report the a belief to lodge, to fierce and moving too fast to contain b o. 5 started on friday near the Yosemite National park. And within days has grown into california as largest active wildfire. Its so big that can be seen from space. Im hoping that theyre able to get it out before it damages anybodys home, but its already ripping to residential areas in my county. Thousands of factors a forest have been destroyed. The worst drought in decades has turned the state into a tinderbox. People have been told to get out of the path of the flames as soon as possible. They came by about 1520 minutes ago and told us that everybodys got to go about 4 oclock. The power went out. And the fires been coming towards us faster and faster. California governor has declared the state of emergency evacuation. Orders has been issued for more than 6000 People Living in the sparsely populated area. If you have time, its great to pack some essential items. So, medication important document, extra clothing and toiletries, hundreds of firefighters are struggling to take the frames. But it could be days before the blaze is contained. Pack of up there out his ear. Flash flooding across yemen has left at least 8 people dead. Torrential rain caused a house to collapse in the capital santa killing. 2 children and a car was swept away in the southwestern province of damar, killing all 6 passengers. The annual rainy season yemen usually runs until august. A volcano in japan has erupted sakura jima is on japans main west on the island of can you shoot the national me to Logical Agency says it started spewing ash just after 8 p. M. Local time on sunday, if in no immediate report of damage. But people have been evacuated, the Prime Minister for miracles shita has ordered his government to take steps to protect lives. Also to come here now to us here, including brazils president , jab, oldsmar, launches his re election bid, but he faces not no task loss. Im own for sure, and keep with the fighting with the russians we have, hes the culture is in full swing. Ah, judy has begun the faithful world copies on its way to the castle. Travel package to the hello there. Its all about the exceptional heats across east asia at the moment. Got heat waves sweeping china. But its not only here that we are seeing challenges to records, but also tie one as well as hong kong in its particular northwest. That seems temperatures peak above 45. 00 degrees celsius, we could see them rising as well for eastern and southern areas. Now we are expecting temperatures here to sit above 35. 00 degrees celsius until at least the end of the month. Those heat waves could last well in to next month. And further north of this, the places like beijing, there is some relief as wet weather sweeps its way east. If we have a look at the 3 day, we are going to see the temperature come down rather dramatically by wednesday as that heavy rain rolls. And weve also seen some heavy rain across japan, but temperatures here sitting just above the average. So still very warm. If wet speaking of wet weather, it continues to be a very wet picture for much of pakistan and india. As the monsoon rains continue to fall, we have issues with water logging and flooding across large areas of the country. And we are going to see the heavy rains affecting the north west places like good you about an roger stand by monday starts to ease. However, on choose day, it will be southern areas of pakistan that see the very heavy rains in the days ahead of the journey. An egyptian doctor trailing and brutal in the genie ts. Shocked by famine. Im in justice world wide and driven to set up a charity to help those in need. That was his dream to create an organization that would serve 81. 00 in serving people have all regions and all geography across the world. Nearly 4 decades later out of their world meets the co founder and one of the biggest islamic agencies in the world canyon banana. The giving business on al jazeera, ah ah, well come back and pick them out about top stories here at this hour. Russia has admitted launching, astride on the premium for city of odessa. Moscow says the strong sect military targets. The attack came just a day after russia and ukraine signed a deal to allow safe passage of grain shipments from ukraines course. More than a 1000 migrants and refugees rescued from the mediterranean, arrive in italy. 5 bodies have also been recovered. Most of the migrants set off on boats from north africa. Processes arrived in canada to apologize for the abuse suffered by business children in schools run by the church. More than a 150000 were forcibly removed from their families and sent to Residential Schools of a many decades. A funeral has been held for 2 palestinians killed during on his railey military operation and the occupied westbank. Have another 19 people were wounded. 2 of them critically joined the rate in nablus. A general strikes been called to mon, the victims. Israel says its forces were on an arrest mission on Exchange Fire with palestinians barricaded in a house. John holman, has mona mabis, this is the grave side of one of the Young Palestinian men who were killed in me. Is ready right here in the new of an occupied westbank city of nablus. Oh, let them know that his name was abdul rockman. So for we have a little bit of information about him that he was engaged to be married. He was in his twenties and his uncle was actually laid to rest in the same cemetery. He, too, was killed by Israeli Forces back in 2009. Now up up the rockman soccer was a member, as was another of the kill palestinians, of the military way of the fata, political movement. We spoke to one of his relatives here at the graveside. We talked about the lack of hope and security ready for many palestinians in the city. Yeah. Need young men like these have few options which are no jobs . No education. So the current circumstances pushed them to fight the acting israeli Prime Minister after the rate called the men terrorist and said that they were responsible for a series of shooting attacks. This was the street that is ready, forces came down to try and get them. We spoke to a local resident who said that it was a battle here. Lemme lock a mob. Gotcha. Got the had the color ship off. Les algae lama when the exchange of fire was under way. I went out calling for help. I called the neighbors to bring water because the israeli army wouldnt allow the fire truck to come in beth about that is ready for says then showed this house, you see it knocked down a will to hear. And after an exchange of gunfire, the 2 men were killed and also more than a dozen people were wounded. Now, these raids afar from uncommon in the occupy westbank, but they become increasingly frequent and more severe. After a series of attacks in israel by palestinians that kill people in march and april, at least one person has been killed when mortar shells, if a camp for internally displaced people in northern syria. Several others have been wounded in the strike shelling between the Syrian Government and Opposition Forces as intensified in recent weeks. Mamma is area has more from the camp on the outskirts of a free butler was out of hazard roxanne, this camp in a friend has been targeted with shelling from syrian army forces. Had the him to call us that yemen. There are many dead and injured this area consist of residential units. All the people who were living in this particular unit were killed, including children. I mean, the whole some residents have already fled the camp in fear of the shelling volleyball said that there are about 300 families still living here, mostly from a leper amanda shively, bona for me. And just behind me, these people are working to dig out. One of the rockets which exploded the syrian army has also been targeting nearby towns in recent days. But this time it was this camp for internally displaced people. That was the target. The rocky foreign minister says an attack and zach on wednesday was carried out with artillery shells launch from turkish territory. Sancho as it was a resort town in iraq semi autonomous kurdish region. Children including a one year old, where among 9 People Killed wild husseins as a complaints been filed with a Un Security Council to identify what diplomatic measures can be taken. He, the sets of the year turkey should not be in iraqi territory and the p. K. K. Should not be in iraqi territory. The p k. K and turkey have problems across the border, but both have brought their problems into the territory of the kurdistan region. Any rac cut off a child is died out a shelling by whos the rebels. Now yamini city of tie iis on saturday, local Officials Say 11 other children were hit by shrapnel and the same motor show. Gemini, police said the attack was in violation of a un truce, which has been in place a months brazilian president j. Both an arrow has launched his re election campaign, the right wing liberal party officially nominated bolts and arrow as a candidate for the october election. 10000 people gathered for the announcement. The stadium and rio de janeiro, fulton, r, was been president since 2019, but opinion pulled up in behind his main rival, woman, president lula da silva, monica jak here is that the american australia president rival silverado is now officially a 2nd term in october. I am with ah, a with 1000000 why a shes with she made an emotional appeal to women with her to watch because saw your died in the 2018 campaign with i because god wanted him to lead the country. She said it shows the leader. Oh, my god, molson. Oh, is adopting a less belligerent . Oh, hes talking about brought it to me that he says is government like bring water in the northeast . Ah, usually hes not talking about gun. Oh, so are repeating what hes saying in the past that these elections may be re. Oh, if he doesnt with god. Now in the days before russia invaded ukraine, president Vladimir Putin delivered an address dismissing ukraines history. Hootons statement motivated ukrainians to find out more about their past, leading to a search and sales of history books. Alan fisher reports from keith. Its an unlikely Battle Ground in the fighting in ukraine the culture war. Just before launching his invasion, Vladimir Putin dismissed ukraines idea of sovereignty. He claimed the country was created by russia and was a part of russia escaping suppose western australia. So because then i will start by saying that the modern ukraine was entirely created by russia by bolshevik communist russia to be exact. But these process began right after the 1917 revolution. But his comments are fueled an interest in ukrainian history. Bookstores like this one in central, keith are reporting the shells where the keep the history books are emptying fast. Ill cult are inspired because of this. Im happy because i can see how much our society grows every day. And all these people like a little stars in a beautiful sky. I just can see all this are interested eyes and sa cape it. So help them we met vladimir viagra, which should the golden gate, the ancient entry point to the city of keith, historian and politician. He says, britains claims are nonsense, a political green, am i available quote, absolutely. Ukraine has a deep history, like many other european countries, which take over rows from Medieval Times in the 9th century. When the state was created, the center of the state was where we are standing. Now let me say that was one of the photos of the bookstore is currently collecting russian books. People term them in. And at the end of august they will be sent to be popped. Any money raised will go to help the war effort. This woman brought in 47 books. He could show that there to see. Not only do i not want to read russian books, i want nothing more to do with russians. We have great ukrainian writers and beautiful great ukrainian literature, but its all sold out at the moment. I have a child from a if builder here there is an ideological question on one side. Its sad to let go of these books, but this will also benefit our common victory. Ill lay Vladimir Putin insist that russia and ukraine are essentially one nation. That is not a view that is popular here. People believe the country isnt a war, not just for territory, but for a separate cultural identity. And many people and i finding that as a part of that, there is a history to be rediscovered and celebrated alan fisher. Ill just either keith china has launched a rocket taking a new module to its chunk on space station. It took off from the allan province of high none entered monahan as the story blasting off on a mission to earth orbit. This rocket is carrying a laboratory module, one of 2 outstanding components of chinas space station. When the final piece is launched later this year, jen gong will be fully operational. China has made some fissions clear. It wants to catch up with us russia to become a powerhouse in space. Technology and the figures are really starkly and the americans are still by far the World Leaders in the number of rockets that they launch. But china is catching all very, very quickly. Theyre now also aiming have a human presence in space, which has 2 purposes, one scientific. But the other of course, is prestige. The project has enormous political significance. Its been a priority for president. She jan, paying his board billions of dollars into china space program. And the completion of jangle which is set to coincide with another milestone launch his 10th year in office. Chinas goals go well beyond earth orbit. A man mood mission could be on the cards. By the end of the decade, i would have laughed at this as an idea 3 or 5 years ago. But now we have to take everything, but china says very seriously indeed, the 1st Building Blocks for the project, the mission, the will lounge. The 1st Chinese People on the moon is already under construction. Theyve shown us pictures in the factor of the modules. So this is going to happen. They wont of, of, based on the moon by the end of this decade. But there is now a realistic possibility that a chinese woman or a chinese man could be the next person to set foot on the moon. China has been excluded from the International Space station since 2011. When the u. S. Ban nasa from working with it. Thats only heightened beijings desire to establish the station of its own law. And as china continues to reach for the stars, theres no telling what else it space

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