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Red and his beloved is significantly escalating and entering a new phase with being used in the rounds revolutionary god sees is a contain a ship in the gateway to the golf vessel linked to in this really been the in that and 6 People Killed in a stabbing attack, shopping mold, and sidney suspects shot dead by straight in to lease the from the beginning. The occupied westbank wires, riley sets lazara, thanking palestinian villages. It comes as a missing 14 year old set, the found dave, the circumstances surrounding his death wrong. Claire. This right of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was calling it a he, me as mother and one of the attacks that for the storm, the village south of napa, spinning several houses, an opening fire. Ive been some of the scenes in all the villages since the teenagers disappeared on some friday. At least one palestinian has been killed and the volume is faulty. 6 others have been wounded in the past 24 hours. That abraham has maul from by my line. They occupied westbank we are seeing those subtler is expanding their presence in the occupied to us bank, but not only the presence also that attacks against palestinian homes. Were talking about villages. Not only need and close by name of the year, which is east of them a lot like weve seen in the morning such as duma and the apple for that and the approved into the messiah. But now were seeing the subtler moving to a village is close to novice to the north of the ok. You find west bank a, so we bit 40 because what us posted are with it. Weve been speaking to locals, better who say that these 3 homes that have been burned by is really such as of course, when we talk about those homes, we know that palestinians are inside the homes and sometimes that are elderly people, we would have a heating from palestinians in the year that has seen the sunset and the majority of the attacks on friday saying that they were trying to take the other in the up to the rules. Thats when they so these really forces it coming in also with these really. So for those who are talking about this really such a theres what also are this has led to the killing of a 25 year old palestinian from the village of the. Yep. And its to the saw many hours to be able to get to a level that you had because of how much the roads are fluid. How much these really forces that imposing clues or is in the thing is the only expecting those attacks to be continuing. Now its going to get dark and its going to be it really a tie before. Is really settlers to get away with more attacks against palestinians when protestant incense on, on the defensive role. The challenges joins us now live for multi 5 east jerusalem. The incident has prompted some strong words from his right. The officials take us through the rhetoric the you know, the is ready for official them is concentrating much more on the death of these ready settler than is on the secular violence thats ongoing. At the moment. Benjamin netanyahu the front, a Prime Minister, hes done most of encourage the 2nd, the movement is called it the heinous motor, a serious crime. He says he sends his condolences to the family of, of the boy, and he goes on say we will get the motorists and those who help them as we do to anyone who homes the assistance of the sites of israel yolk alliance whos the defense minister has similar sentiments on site and by the death of the boy who was murdered in cold lodge by of files hatteras, but he does moon against vigilance. He is and he says, appealed to the public, let the Security Forces act quickly in the hunt for the terrorist. Revenge actions will make it difficult for all flights as an admission. The little must not be taken into ones hands and the army disposed states its presence in the west bank, trying to keep a ledge on the situation. But the west bank is boiling at the moment, satellites of weve just heard of the from need to have been attacking villages north east of remodeler and south east of annapolis. Were hearing of cause thing, but houses being fund palestinians being attacked 17 wounded. As far as we know today, one in critical condition, even in his writing news photographer, who was trying to take photos of the violence, was attacked by the satellite as he had his fingers broken. He had his equipment burn sites according to the united nation. Since ill tell you, but the 7th up till the beginning of april for sap lives have been killed in the west bank at 5 members of these ready Security Forces with the death of this part of a secular boy that brings the 2nd to testify. But in that same period, more than 460 palestinians have been killed. All right, thanks so much for all your challenge, that it is right. The strikes are intensifying in northern and central parts of guys the killing thousands of people. The site on the refugee camp in the center of the district was heavily bombed. The un run evacuation shelter and residential towers are among the targets for the north jabante. It has been hit by a series of ass strikes, molding 33600 palestinians have been killed since football began in october. And the my who joins us now live from rough on honey. The fact that its more than 6 months into this war, and were hearing israel is still bombing knowles, and gall. So what does that indicate yes, i mean on the, not all of the 5 that has been going on for 6 months, but the repeated attacks in areas these really military announced that they, are there been a clear there . Uh, and they are secure right now. I know how much offer it ends up being eliminated in those areas. But we see in these repeated attacks and those are something to just show the inadequacy of the fulls narrative and the contradictory for the most part. Because what it has led to is making people feel in parts of gauze and another part of it was a little bit safe for them to go inspect them their homes, good to get through their areas, but eventually die in these areas. Because in fact, what theres really military is doing right now is a drawing these combat zones in different areas across the gas or but northern parts and turning the there is a more like a lot of like a shooting squad area where people get to their homes through their neighborhoods, through their residential, both of them being shut out and killed. It also feeds into at one conclusion that it is a permanent displays. The large, maam, this is what we hear from people. Most of the time that after 6 months is the ongoing got tox, the non stop being, the non stop destruction of every means of live there with glued into their Health Facilities and, and, and the public facility of the schools as well as the infrastructure, all feeds into their fear of this is that the permanent displacement under it doesnt look like they are going to get back at any time soon. And one thing that we have seen over the past month is the did everything happen on the ground . And so far what these really military conducted so far, very consistent with the narrative of the political leadership. It is stated at the initial weeks of the word that gaza should turn into should be sent back to the stone age. And thats exactly what we see on the ground, this your level of destruction, of all means of life to the point that it is becoming a livable it talk about a population of transferring the fact that there is above or zone across the street from the northern parts of the southern part into the establishment of this buffer zone is shrinking the size of the gaza strip. Because that buffer zone is eating up at least 16 percent of the total area to push people out of out of their homes that out of their area. Just something that is going on, its not a clear where are we hit it right now by the ongoing got talk, that is really monetary continues to conduct and tell us about what youre hearing and seeing about new signs of disease spreading. Kindly if you can hear me talk to us about signs new signs of disease spreading as well. That is one of the, of the, the, one of the by products of this ongoing total war across the gaza strip the, the deliberate attacks on, on Health Care Facilities or preventing people from receiving it proper immediate treatment on the fact that we are seeing a, a blockade on survival items to be allowed into that goes through the acute shortage of medical supplies, then uh and, and pushing people in to us is the smaller areas across the gods prepare it. For example, were looking at are overcrowded rough estimate, the where the vast majority of the displays populations, 1500000 people are pushed to your to, to stay in tents in areas that are not suitable for them. The lack all the, the basic infrastructure, the lack, all the water to clean Water Supplies and the, the, the, the sewage system. Then the very basic infrastructure is that could help people survive any difficult conditions. We have reports confirm reports of from more Health Organization about the spread of diseases, particularly we have a habit tied to say and that has been spreading at quite a quite large the across the district, mainly among the most vulnerable groups of people to children and women. Now the nutrition is a spreading as well and causes a large deal of a problem by putting more pressure on hospitality already suffering from that. So now i mean ventures in the shortage of medical supplies. All right, thanks so much honey. My flowed back the balance itself and love it, and wherever is where the jets have launched. A new round of air strikes. Local media reported loud explosions in several places including mounts way. Hon. The areas seen regular across border attacks between these ready forces and has the law finances since the war on gauze that began in october. These right, the strikes followed the hezbollah rock at the tax from southern lebanon, at least 55. 00 towards up a gallery in northern israel, and the okay, 5 goes in heights somewhere, intercepted by the start of the defense system. Ali hash and has more from the court in southern governor. This is on is really a strike just on the top of the hill that it just happened. Now, one strike hit this area thats uh, uh, around 34 kilometers from where im standing. Also. There was another strike to the east for where im standing. However, this comes just a couple of hours after has been law attacked and is ready position in the uh, i need to community. The talk stopped at 1st with a 3 missed sized towards the Ministry Position and then also the another 2 explosive laden uh drones. No. According to media reports of those one is ready to us. Critically injured. However, this day, a witness said, but it is really a strike on different areas, around self lab and on from basically which is like 515. 00 can meet this for where we are standing on towards the se. Mount tucson was hit with several strikes according to is really move free spokesperson, the area that was a compound for his will not know. There was also, there were also other strikes on areas to the south east, but in general, the nor reports to day off casualties on the living. These side, these, the thoughts become just today off the hezbollah launch tens of rockets towards the occupied Golden Heights because will upset that that was in retaliation to a tax on lebanese villages in the south. However, theres Something Different with the number of what gets used and also the significance of the target, the goal. And because in the past has lost, you struck that goal. And just when they live in these depth, mainly because the valley which is 100 going to meet this from the border is head. This time it seems the rules of engagement are being update updated from the south lebanon. Natalie, how sion, jesse police in germany of shutting down the pro palestinian congress, being held in berlin. The officer said, one of the main speakers was subject to a band on political activity, but gave no details. The conference was aimed at examining german support through the rolls war on casa to many denies accusations of complicity and gen assigned to the International Courts of justice. Richard boyd baron is member of the Irish Parliament for irish people before profit policy. He was scheduled to speak at the conference in berlin. He joins us now from dublin. Good to have you with us. So talk to us, 1st of all, richard about the pressure that was building on the conference on some of the participants. Even before the event took place, which i think prompted you to raise the issue in the Irish Parliament. Thats right for weeks before this fun grows, a is a part of palestine and a congress that was designed to look precisely at the complicity of germany with israels genocide in gaza. There was a really brutal, brutal, and sustained comes a Media Campaign of political campaign. Uh that was trying to suggest that the conference was actually some magic that it was a conference that was proposing hatreds. There were efforts made by the berlin centers to prevent the conference from taking place which were spearheaded. I am to stand by a member of the administer from the s pay day. This was the Democratic Party in germany, really vice shocking and extraordinary time to send started this conference and one day in advance of the conference, which was due to start yesterday. It was made clear that was going to be up to 2 and a half viras and German Police including riot police that would be deployed around the conference. So clearly, every effort in the media from politics and from the German Police was being made to try and intimidate people who do not attend this conference. And then of course, we saw the Police Actually storm the conference shortly after it began and arrest a number of people. Ironically some of those arrested included jewish people who were opposed to what is riley is doing the group jewish boys for peace. What some of them are arrested because they have the bad are saying jews against genocide. So theres a deep pockets the an irony about this in the us that the German Authorities tried to pain dot said this conference was proposing hayes. When in fact we had jewish people are paula stadium. People who were doing the exact opposite of holding a conference to speak guides against genocide and his brows breeches of international law. I wonder what do you make of the statement quoted in the News Agencies for over a Spokes Person for German Police saying that they shut down the conference because they thought that would be speeches which would glorify violence. And that might be and to symmetric speech is going on. Yes, i mean again this, this is a, this is nonsense really and propaganda being used by the German Authorities to justify what is a very serious act of censorship. But of course, 1st of all, the charge about the semitism is ridiculous. There were many, many jewish speakers, but they were speakers who are im the zionist, through our speaking. I was against israel is genocide to attack on gaza and its uh, policies of, of our bodies and racism directed against the palestinian, against the palestinian people. I understand the particular pretext that was used when they shut down the conference yesterday afternoon. Was that there was a problem city in speaker of mine calls solomon abu sits. I who they claimed might use the same things that were in breach of the law or onto some magic. Well, this is ridiculous business of mine who actually has a record of writing about the crimes that work amazes against the palestinian debo in the, knocked by he has written extensively about the treatment of refugees. Hes the sciences. So this was a sort of propaganda that really being used to justify. And the time sensor a conference, there was no reply whatsoever, but as far as you believe anything underneath the magic was going to be sad at this conference. And we just heard in the last who i was actually it with germany is banned the former greek minister of finance. Yeah, theres a lot of faxes from going to germany, from political activity in germany, and from even speaking via zoom in any kind of address in germany. Are you concerned about the direction this clamp down is taking them . Perhaps even people like you could be next. As well, yes, i am extremely concerned. And indeed we have the protest outside the German Embassy in dublin today because of uh, the general uh, complexity of germany you, of course are one of the main suppliers of arms to israel. And one of the main orders of israel protected israel from the criticism of the sanctions. Indeed, we believe shouldnt be imposed on israel. But now theyre actually trying to silence the public criticism and debate dives germanys complexity. And i would say the white or European Union and complicity with these rails crimes and genocide. So it is, but it is very serious that were now talking about this. Moving over into a tax on Civil Liberties on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. And as you said, i raised space in the yard apartments on thursday. We will be raising it again in Years Parliament and demanding that our government speed go publicly in your at about these very serious attacks on freedom of speech. Its absolutely outrages im not, im indeed, if you have as far as like as is being bad, they wasnt entirely surprised me is by im was, was extended to me. Im to others and thank you for sharing your thoughts on that. Richard boyd barrett. Thank you. Still ahead on al jazeera, im just dropping the voting from the call keep region of ukraine. Were off to a crane in a different system. As russia continues one of his heaviest palm, baldwin, crane, and Energy Infrastructure 6, it will begin the the sales and big thunderstorms right there being made bigger. I think over bonia west and jonathan sumatra over the next day or so. And possibly in similar ways, the philippines is still relatively quiet and waltz. Its getting hotter, the thunderstorms, all that big if they are told in me and not, and thailand but significant, right. Hes on his way through the sun during this through eastern china, not going to attempt to back in badging by that 10 degrees. Itll do the same as it goes across the saves the korean potentials, saw from 30 down to 19 significant, right. And this flash, studying is the prospect is moving through, but he follows thailand is regenerating now in the south west of china where its been hauled. Im fairly wet a little too early in the season. Now when its gone through things and not spacing it 24 can be enjoyed. Same sort of story in, in india and maybe the temperature has been really well. Op humiditys come up with them. And their bill, they have been some showers generated so lank is a case important carol, but those are for the northeast. They have gone this full cost because the impetus is to the northwest running ice of yes, im on the wrong into pakistan and afghanistan. Significant sherry, sundry rate was significant. Stay in the fondles, the the watching out. Is there a time to recap on headlines now . Is there any sense those are attacking kind of sitting villages . We dont get 5 west bank police, one palestinian is being killed in the violence. 46. 00 wounded, pos thing becomes as the missing 14 year old sets that was found, that is right. The jets of launched a new series of ass strikes and southern lebanon local media reported loud explosions in several places. Including mounts on rainy and forces of seas to contain the ship and the gateway to the gulf. The m. S. C. Aries was boarded in the strait of whole moves by revolutionary gods. A ship is linked to in this way. The billionaire sold the sailing the hijacked vessel into a rainy and territorial waters. Joseph giovanni has moved from town on to the Naples Division of the runs revolutionary guard sees a cargo ship in the northwest of united arab emirates, port city of which era, earlier on saturday. Now, according to state News Agencies in the country, this happens as the cargo ship was trying to make its way from the way you to india. It was just about to enter the strait of har moves that we have not had any official statements from the revolutionary guard, as of yet. If i what transpired and why they decided to seize this vessel, what we do know about the ship is that it was a portuguese flags, a vessel belonging to a m s. C company that is owned by a zodiac group, which is owned by one of the richest men in israel. Now, according to the portuguese government, they are in a communication with the relevant authorities in iran, about the incidents and also the geneva base m a. C is also speaking to officials here to ensure the safe return of the vessel and also the wellbeing of the 25 crew members on board. For now, this comes at a time when tensions are very high in this region as a result of these really air strikes on the radian console in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 revolution guard members. Doors such a for alpha, 0 to air on to germany is to deliver an additional Patriot Missile system to ukraine for protection against russian drone attacks president below them is that landscape sign the germans for the announcement at a critical time. It follows warnings over a catastrophic shortage of a Defense Systems with child stripes. The reports from the hockey region clear sky is over ne, in ukraine. No cloud cover means the soldiers with the 77th and mobil brigade, oregon, especially highlights in the tree lines around 10 kilometers from the russian border. Theyre trying to intercept the russian drones. The, the recognizance will kind of cause a 3 to seem cooling of up 37 minutes ago, a drum circle dis twice in return to russian lines. It was so high we couldnt intercept if it was cloudy, then it would be forced to fly low at around 8 to 900 meters. Then we could take it out with this width and it was, it goes all the guessing allies on what the man, his say are increasingly sophisticated on man, russian drones able to fly long als at High Altitude is exceptionally difficult on days like this. Are you currently middle teresa is being out gunned, an outlined in various locations along the front lines. This comes as an escalation in russian target to attacks facing ukraines Energy Infrastructure continues. But there are a villages in this area that are also being hit villages where there are still thousands of People Living the farm. It works in these fields among the newly set lines of anti tank defenses. The so called dragons teeth trots across the nit flat expanse. Freshly dug trenches exact towards the rise and ukrainian tank rumbles through the nearby community. A small town which is being published day and night. Joining palm crate is the consulted remains of homes, aris in memory of the dead. So then what do myself i do for me yet . The man was changing the oil in his car. He was blind to pieces. It was 130 in the afternoon, though strikes almost every day. The center of town is hit every night of the playgrounds that empty, many families have left in recent days. Getting a chance with the friends in the local shop. Shes moved to children out of town, but it has to keep working despite the danger. Plus what it is to do, but the school had to take my kids away because they couldnt endure anymore because you couldnt sleep. The children were terrified, so i took them to is you. But as long as my job is to have to come here to work every day. And now the air raid siren russian Ballistic Missile on that says this woman and she ducks inside an apartment block across the fields. Soldiers scan the skies and listen prepared as they can be with the guns they have to defend against the on demand russian threat. Charles profit, ill just air a cube, reaching ne and ukraine. The detectives in australia are trying to establish a motive for us. Staffing is hacking a Shopping Mall which killed 6 people. A 9 month old baby was among those treat isnt hospital. Police shop the attack a dead. Alex thomas reports from sidney. People fleeing for their lives as Emergency Services arrive in full regular cents a day at the move toning to horror. When a man with a knife rampage through one of sydneys main shopping hops, everything was only stopped when a Senior Police officer who happened to be nearby on. So the cools, the hell she confronted the offender who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with same he turned size to rice and north katy shots the far um and that person is now deceased by then, more than a 1000 people had been stabbed, including a 9 month old baby. On the terrified side of the baby australia as Prime Minister, addressing the shops nation within hours. The only consolation for a country in morning of the tales of bravery and heroism that all remoting stuff to him, they should have been a noble shift a shelf, as opposed to fully going about their lives. I need it for these, this strategy. And so 1st interesting can advice of danger was to help someone else local police have declared this a Critical Incidents and hours all

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