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On size. Attack is being sheltered and the hardest on are responsible for cross border age limited security for the the map of the eastern coast of libya. And since you have done, it says the number of People Killed off to the weekends. Catastrophic flooding could reach 20000 heavy rain full on sunday clothes 2 times to bust a. How does, there has been in china has the latest on the rescue efforts from the being capital. Helicopters big bodies from the c testimony to the power of the wave of water that hit the city. Others were simply swallowed by lance lights. The grim task of recovering the bodies continues. Search and recovery teams are working together with specialized for dog units. The water was like us to nami, cutting through this city, wiping out more than just buildings. The whole family live next to each other. We were all neighbors. We lost 30 people so far. Thats a 30 members of the same family menu. Still unable to comprehend what they live through the surface pro bonus at 3 30 in the morning to how we can intensified. And there was we and i live on the top floor of these building up in the window. And so it is storm attacking us. Mass graves have been dug and are now being filled with bodies helping the injured just as urgent a task on the high a 10 out of this, were still looking for victims. We call on all young libyans, anyone who has a degree or any medical affiliation to please come help us. We have a shortage in nurses. We need help. Medical facilities are overwhelmed, many or damaged in the nearby city of and bid the doctors and nurses. We do ankle high water in the local hospital. Many of the patients having to be evacuated. The libyans just dont have the capabilities to handle the search and rescue operations by themselves. Search and rescue teams from a few countries have been arriving in libya. This team from algeria is headed to the a Donation Centers like this have been set up across western libya. People are bringing in what ever they can for those affected in these libyans have been divided between east and west for many years. But now people across the country are coming together to help those in need. Now, trina, ultra 0 tripoli, emergency cruise is still recovering bodies, while local officials are ruling out the possibility of finding survivors or my time i had a to on 31 i. Or how weve confirmed around 5300 death sofa. And that number is likely to roys much more to, to the lightness of the rescue operations. And we cannot forget that weve now possible and 72 hours of rescue operations in libya as most on policies. The opportunity to risk use of volume has decreases. Nothing. Okay, so the head of the president ial council in tripoli has us to prosecute a general to open an investigation into the down the floods. They want to look into, whether there was any mistake or negligence, which led to the collapse of the 2 times the science. Right on a is responsible for roads and bridges and theyve, yep, it explains the scale of the devastation of the been a 2nd year and without, without lee. One of the main reasons for the increased number of death was the collapse of who during the valley, which swept all the residential buildings nearby in the area of its a totally destroy. It is estimated at 900000 square meters, 5 bridges of all to collapse to which i states the city is one where the area that was heavily damaged is estimated to be around 3000000 square meters. The, the more often shelves folder in las vegas, i have quaking morocco. The search for survivors continues with the rescue is struggling to reach remote communities. In some isolated areas, families are sleeping in the open and in the cold. I dont know how far long comanche bracing for the next big challenge rebuilding their lives. The slow pace of the rescue mission that hes fast running out of time. Rudys crews that began work on monday, believe there was still lives to be saved. If i dont need the American Army trucks carrying them to navigate these treacherous mountain passes, this journey was in vain. They reached a village that had already buried 10 percent of its population pulled from the ruins of 90 percent of its homes. There was no search and rescue required here. Villages like those who built on Steep Mountain slopes really never stood a chances. Huge boulders like this can tumbling down the mountainside, folding onto you build structures like these. So that the only thing left standing is the most minarette, most of the village mosque itself is gone. The road to dig through has only been cleared of debris for the past 24 hours, allowing n g owes in bringing help and relatives arriving from the city reunion. And so a motional, as they discover for the 1st time who has lived and who has died, everyone has lost someone, there are lots of orphans and etc. But the real problem now is that winter is coming literally one month. Theyre saying that its gonna rain tomorrow, so people are the, are they going to live . Thats the real question. The needs here. Immense. Nope. Just food of water. The shelter and sanitation in the us quite tore into every facet of life. This is whats left of the Village School doctors have arrived to assess medical needs. One of the most pressing concerns is mental health. As villages focus their anxieties on what comes next on the top and the migration really small and everything we own is under the rubble. Everything we grew to eat is on the rubble, the data rains come, no one will be able to reach us to bring food. And the people live now to die of hunger. Mama hunters down for a to battery of does help them. The greatest worry is how to carry on the whole. Yeah. Hello. Hi, im scared. Im really afraid. Im thinking how to go one leaving our lives are gone, cetera. Put the attention from its mountain perch. What remains of dos roof still combines majestic views. But for many time has stood still since last friday night, and these mountains and the sky once admired on now seems to be fit. Jo, no whole l g 0 in the atlas mountains, morocco or southern america is one of the hardest states areas out there as high. So my hold their centers, this updates one of the rusty operation. Its still under way the army is deploying helicopters, carrying paid medical supplies to the affected areas, the ambulances that you can see behind me bring you some of the people who retreat from under the rubble, those injured and the way the loan to the hospitals in the city of matter, i guess one of the Biggest Challenges with this rest to operation is basically the fact that were talking about that. So that vintage is, well, hey, its by the way that it is like a joke. Uh, thats in the cool is the center of the escalade. And also were again and it takes time to get to those places. The roads have been blocks for quite some time. The army, the engine is trying to clear some of those rows, but they have to do with capital in a way that does not block aid and supplies to trickle into the areas affected like this 11. 00 of the hardest hit areas in my records. This is where they had a couple kids with line to different areas. A mixture clinic has been established here and you can see the trucks behind me carrying more and more a so that they can get to full. The affected areas provide all the needs to those affected. Ha, ha, ha ha, how does this do you let them . Yeah, cool. South of matter. I guess heres what was written, blaine for 2 strikes that targeting serious western region. The 1st strike hit any of the poets as you have tosses, killing of these 2 soldiers, the silver, you know, me says another attack on the hammer. Cool, some material loss is dozens of people have been killed and hes really strikes in the past. You or at least 6 people have been killed in renewed fighting between palestinian factions and a no ho way, refugee camp and some 11 on it happened as high ranking officials from the war in groups met in beirut. Sign of how the results theres nowhere safe and i know holloway an overcrowded ghetto, where arrival, palace and infections are at war. The shooting and shilling through its narrow streets have turned 11 on the largest refuge account for palestinians into a battle ground. The fact that movement of palestinian president s must move a bus has long been in charge of security here. The killing of a Senior Commander in july by armed groups sparked the recent violence, and the movement is calling it an attempted cool. Leo. This is a warrant against the top as representatives and i know holloway, its a crew against a political and military force that has support inside the capital. It is similar to what happened in gaza in 2007 for the survival, the powers to the movement. Thomas is not involved in the fighting. And i know heavily, but it is being accused of backing the arm to groups known as the muslim use. An accusation, it denies how my says its such a Senior Leader to be able to try to reach a settlement to end the classes. A high ranking official from the Palestinian Authority is also here both called for a cease fire. But multiple truths, agreements have broken down in recent weeks, as many attempts have been made to end divisions and the split between the palestinian territories of gaza and the west bank and achieve national reconciliation. But the gap between him us and the Palestinian Authority is wide and political unity remains out of reach. The regional context is important because its believe to be behind the events. And i know heavily there is a major issue with the dividing policy has nowadays approach more toward instead whether you know the police scene and she was to pursue some kind of a piece path toward the 2 state solution or some kind of amazement on long, peaceful negotiations, which is typically the position taken by the mold man, theres a series of conflict could spread to other camps and pose a threat to the whole country if it is not contained. In the words of a fact, the official, this battle is not over san jose, i was just either, i know how do we southern lebanon, at least 5 palestinians being killed. An explosion near the goal is a separation with israel building 20 others were injured. The cause of the box was not immediately known, published indians had gathered to mark the anniversary of is rose withdrawal from the gaza strip in 2005 revolt. So hes really Security Forces used to get some live bullets to try and break up the demonstration before the last and the palestinian authorize hes released to stand on ring out. Is there a gentle assuring i will offer the venture to move forward so it was killed by his ready full size in the occupied westberg in may last year. The stop was invalid after a year, long competition with design and boxed on security situation is deteriorating. With repeated attacks, claiming the lives of hundreds of members of it, Security Forces. As on both sides, the pucks. Donny telephone being sheltered by the governments enough honest on are responsible for the cross border raids. A come all hi, the reports in the border between the 2 countries. This is the often mad of another attack or, and focused on you could go to do for the wonder directed to hospitality. They include civilly and its normal about said the attack their child from that then you get the bon focused on or the ttp and come from across the board. It and no one has done any damage. The dollar bond for not living up to it from me. Say it made to insure it, did it a would not be yours for the charge on are the nation focused on, has, unfortunately seen in recent months is spike in violence and the terrorist attacks. So most of these attacks are being perpetrated by a t t p, which it has centuries across the border in the a fun. His son bugger gun has already offensive and died. 2600 kilometer rushed in front to prevent infiltration from abundance done. It has because hundreds of millions of dollars and not that gave textbook but focused on it facing a new intensified wave over dag for a mobile and story killing hundreds of it Security Forces personnel. But the dollar on leadership across the 2600 kilometer long border is bored out appears to be unwilling or incapable of addressing focused on concerns. The attack on focus on the security portion, chip drawn by the ttp has claimed several sides and operation against it. By the security project underway as reinforcements are sent and looking to people also offered to ahead of that at least try the former to go to do a fisher and blame government policy for the newspaper. Violence of the government of pucca stock negotiated with dave. You could follow bob to the avalon copper. This provided an opportunity that he could find the bottom part, this fun to regroup. Of you have a good, nice recruit and cross or to bucket spot. You have 1. 00 bond k. Its not to blame for discharging violence to be that far from the ttp has no height out inside. Ive got a son that despite that talk, hassan accuses ive gone. So i love being used by the to re catawba, pakistans enemies are within their own country. And others, which we are not responsible, we do not allow them to operate from us so well, i guess don expect the one alternative to act against a fight there is operating from across the border and it warns any failure drag good works in relations between the 2 countries, im all i the data in the fiber boss. A still head no 0. Russia and north korea van allowed to boost housing corporation. It was west in phase growth over non stay with between the 2 countries. And the into the economic crisis, argentina, where the monthly inflation rates increased, associate the color of the weather remains very much on the water side across the ray being put into that temperature is running around 4 or 5 degrees above average. That is a little more cloud further north and wet weather, just around the cool cuz hes using either tools the caspian sea, northern parts of iran. Im at west the weather just sinking a little further south with as we go through friday. I squinted lifting dust in the sun. Radi scenario is a saudi arabia for the full sale. Shes here even though its good. 5 degrees above the seasonal average temperature is about where they should be. The acost at eastern side of the med, just about where they should be into the northeast of africa. Now still quite a brisk wind, just blowing off the mediterranean. Here. Notice a show is becoming more widespread across Northern Areas of algeria pushing across into northern parts of morocco. So that could affect the quake area as we go one through the next couple of days. Plenty of showers, meanwhile, across central positive africa, some big down pulls, coming into the gulf of getting serious. Think some live, you still insist those folks like the way the westwood st spend across the quite so well see some wet to whether there was obviously bob weve got the one or 2 showers the into eastern pulse of most that big amount to Southern Africa is going to be dry over the next few days, but it does to cool what im wendy for type to the the world of High Frequency shad, treating exposed time is ended and that was based, sickly trading. I could have lost 30000000. 00 and was a terrifying experience. How long sufficient intelligence is rates for stakes and risks on the money markets . This market scope faster and faster. Were opening up the possibility for an instability for no money bucks on outages here. The the you want to know is there are a mind about top stories this hour. The number of tests and the eastern types of libyan city of dont not could reach 20000 following sundays, catastrophic flooding, thats according to the citys bed. So it seems continued to come, the streets wrecked buildings and the scene for bodies under the law of to show some are okay. Father in law sweets, massive us. Great. The desktop has risen to 93000 little far ninetys, arriving as emergency trues and search through the rubble and remote mountain areas. And at least 7 people have been killed and renewed fighting between rival thomas and mean parsons at the largest refugee camp and 11 on it happened as representatives warren groups meant to be you and says it has credible reports for at least 13 that mass graves ensued. On view and Human Rights Office as the bodies buried nose and nina with reports and the victims of attacks by the rapids accused of support forces which has been fighting the army since april. The un mission says the victims were mostly civilians and belonged to the mass of with community who live in west and suite on an eastern trip. As an area of the United Nation special invoices to don volk passes, resigned, it comes months off to the head of saddams ruling counsel of the fact that little bit of hot and cold for his removal face was declared to pass on a non grata by halting in june, he was accused of in flaming the conflict was really ami um the Power Military rapids across the simple forces. No 3 says that russian president Vladimir Putin as accepted no f as a visit here in young conjunction and whose handheld told so to Russian Space launch for 70 on wednesday, the certainly is bound to increase cooperation, killing young ones. Russian satellite expertise was most code was more weapons virtual and ukraine slow as low as monitoring developments from so long handshake intended perhaps to convey the growing closeness between russian president Vladimir Putin and north Korean Leader kim jong with the 2 met at the post auction a cost much of russias most modern space launch facility. The venue, possibly a hint. Russia may help north korea develop minute tree satellites off to p. M. Youngs to failed attempts at launching a spice out to like earlier this year. Russia in return is looking for weapons to support its war in ukraine. Un resolutions which russia, as a permanent member of the security council, had agreed to band north korea from exporting weapons. And also from receiving Technical Cooperation in nuclear assigned. The us has one, the 2 countries maybe looking to sign and do you put in did not directly address this. I finished much of the ways of course we need to discuss the issues of Economic Cooperation and humanitarian issues as well as the situation in the region. North korea is one of the few countries that has opened the support at brushes wall on ukraine. I had an in depth discussion with comrades booting about the political and military situation on the korean peninsula. And in europe. We found satisfying consensus on the strengthening Strategic Corporation and solidarity in the struggle to defend silver and rights and security and to ensure lost in peace in the region and the world. Some add, lets say north korea appears to have the upper hand in striking a deer with russia on the, on the north trans side. I think the, the upside is very large, which is that the russians are desperate in the north. Koreans can give this and munition and exchange, they can get stuff. They really cant, that all the technologies has been mentioned before. Nuclear power or for satellite. So, and i think that the benefits really fall best for the north tree, and there are no specific details as of what has been agreed between the 2 leaders. Kims visit to russia is not over. Report say he may go on to visit a factory that manufactures flights a jet. Theres no doubt the rest of his visits will continue to be closely followed by and 4, hands on all the possible areas of cooperation between russia and north korea, florida 3 out to 0. So the will in ukraine has drained rushes munition reserves and thats why this so much speculation about a possible um deal with north korea defense side. This alexson topless explains of the 18 months of war with you. Praying rushes 1st for Artillery Ammunition is insatiable. West and military resources put russian ammo expenditure for last year, and roughly 10 and a half 1000000 rounds. Some simple calculations, so the over 10 months of conflict in 2020 to the average daily use of artillery. I munition was 35000 rounds a day. That means its on forces of used over 9000000 brows. So for the 2023 and the whole shows no signs of slowing down rushes economy is still not officially, hon. 14 is defense. Industry is only able to produce up to 2000000. 00 pounds a year. Meaning there is a must have shortfall and its stocks of artillery emulation rockets for its multiple load systems. And both i munition north korea is huge salt piles of justice, calling divine munition. And this will be a cool part of the discussions between tim and pretend the question remaining. Just how much time munition controls korea spat . Nearly 300000 members of all the work is unions in the us and canada of threatening to go on strike from midnight on thursday. As the head of the United Auto Workers union in the us says, the wage increase off is received in the countries to because Call Companies are not enough. Both sides still loves in negotiation. Call Companies Say they cannot afford Expensive Labor agreements as they need to set aside. Build a money for building more electric bankers. The inflation raising argentina is post on it and 20 percent of the highest. Its been for 3 decades ahead of next month president ial election. The Central Bank Says inflation could reach a 169 percent by the end of the terms of reports on the argentine as capital. What is the phone is iris . Argued time b is considered to be among the best in the world, but its become almost an affordable for many people. The nitrogen tina has gone up by an average of 35 percent in the past months. And the get owns the shopping. The probably is a when a site is the people coming to us for the cheapest cuts, because thats all they can afford. An all i can give. Nothing is cheap. The situation is very complicated. So everyone, this latest spiking prices came up to the government, evaluated the currency by around 20 percent. Tinas already struggling with Exchange Rate controls depleted for in reserves and a massive for him that a few weeks ago, youll be getting several parts of hard in tina. No matter most of a lot of the police decided to defend his property with a shot gun and rubber bullets. Jump into my that are not you didnt go, i was not thinking to killing the one with my head rubber bullets, but it could also happen that in the middle of the kyle, someone opens fire on the population. The growing threat of violence has forced the government to increased cash handouts and Tax Exemption so late in the impact of Economic Hardship on the population. But few believe such short term measures will solve the problem. Most president ial elections are a little over a month and a half away of the government has a no plan and no political power to carry out the policies needed to cite inflation. And thats why many of the people who talk to in places like this, when our hosting, that whomever wins the presidency, will be able to control the situation. Argentinas inflation rate has been over a 120 percent in the past year. The figure could continue to rise in the weeks ahead when you have a Major Political reform that will back up the value of a car and see uh, so for that to happen, we need a new government. We need a very credible plan. We need to have reserves in the central bank, and we need to bring down the budget deficit. I mean, Everybody Knows this from an economic point of view. Now you need the political side and the political credibility to do that. Often times are now looking to the elections for relief. Their choices range from establishment candidates to radical libertarian economies to have you had really. Now the surprise frontrunner, hes proposing radical meshes to fix economy. Ideas that are increasingly resonating among those quite tired of the uncertainty. They face every day. It is, i will, ill just see that when a fight is a judge in the us selection is if there is case in the state of georgia, will decide on thursday. If full, the president , donald trump, and 18 of the defendants will be tried at the same time, they face molding 40 charges and an alleged conspiracy to reverse the 2020 election results. My kind of reports from atlanta on the 23. Its a busy week for fulton county, superior judge customer, kathy, while hearing an ongoing mode of trial. Hes also dealing with procedural issues in the wide ranging election record tearing case. Hes received a brief from the prosecution, arguing why old 19 defendants should be tried together. And will hit the argument on the matter in court on thursday. A judge mcafee has already ruled that the trial of 2 of the defendants should begin on october. The 23rd, trump aligned lawyers kind of chest broke and sydney paul had been granted a speedy trial. Under george and load demands for a speedy trial must be met within 2 months of entering a plea. All the charges are dropped. Its now up to the judge to decide whether the trial on the 23rd of october will involve old 19 defendants, or just the 2 who possible a speedy trial that could lead to all the defendants being separated into groups. Donald trumps lawyers have already given notice that the former president wishes to be tried alone. The judge would also hear prosecution requests that the identities of jersey in the case be kept secret. This comes in the wake of online attacks on members of the special grand jury which met last year and who identified in accordance with georgia tradition. This resulted in an unprecedented decision to withhold the identities of those who are part of a subsequent grand jury that actually recommended the indictment of the 19 defendants. A protection. The prosecution once supported to those selected to hear the trial itself. Mike, hannah, ill just say era, atlanta, the best is out there and these are the top stories, the number of deaths and the eastern coastal libyan city of done that could reach 20000 following sundays, catastrophic flooding, thats according to the cities man. So it seems it continued to come to the streets, erect buildings, and the seats. The bodies local officials are rolling out any chance of finding some volumes on my time. I have to im 31, a cool how weve confirmed around for

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