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A sacking more or less because of the word is certainly from sources in the right wing of the party. That Junior Researcher spotted it reported it. And then this was a perfect occasion to get rid of a right winger in the, in the government. Somebody was regarded as not being on the side and in terms of getting a revival of efficiency in the government. And it was used and possibly the suggestion is that jeremy hunt, the new chancellor instituted her sacking or unless trust was involved as well. But thats one theory. The other theory is that sir, that this was a decision on the part of the home secretary to make a fuss about it, to kick hard because she felt that that, that she been totally betrayed by list trust. And that was a move on by the right to answer. Sorry bother by the, the, the, the moderates to she kick out the right from government. So this is a, something of a groupings issue. You know, we have a position where by the e r g, the european reform group, which is a right wing group within the conservative party is responsible for pushing for breck sentence, responsible for promoting forrest johnson. And it is responsible for getting less trust in the position shes in. Now is that they feeling is advice to list trust was go more to the moderate ground, get some big hit is in and we are we do have now with news that sir, we have a, a replacement some with coming quite very soon. A with them of, from the, the central the party, but thats, that is late, but lets just look back on what happened in the hours leading up to this. When we have Prime Ministers questions, roy shannons reports, 5 minutes to questions is famed as a political bear. Yeah. Had never more so than when the opposition tastes the blood of a deeply wounded leader. This trust is bought, many budget has left her twisting amidst the wreckage of her unfunded tax cuts. The u. K. The economy and her political future ready with the county of everything shes been forced to throw overboard, was lay believe to kiss thomas. Ive got the list here, 45. 00 pay tax cop gone. Corporation tax top got 20. 00 pay tax. Gone to energy free golf. Tax, free shopping. Got a big credibility. Ah, suppose 1st spread the full bill of child dollars. Wow. Me gone. So why shes still here . Yeah. I think i am a fighter, no problem is many of her wrote n p s might secretly be wishing she was a bit more of a quitter. It would save them a headache about getting their 2nd Prime Minister in less than a year poles. A screaming at the conservative party that they and liz trusts are profoundly unpopular. But tory m. P. s havent worked out yet. What to do about it. I think its absolutely clear that this trust is not currently the good part in the next general election. The question is, how soon the end comes, and frankly, it would have already happened if the continue probably come with a mechanism to make sure they could replace it with somebody who is palatable to the m p. s and somebody who could unite 2 sides of the party have not been able to do that. So she still less out in the real world. People are absorbing the latest gloomy inflation figures. 10 point one percent in the year to september and the sharp is rise in food prices in 40 years. Hallowell decorations, a rop in this london cafe. But the real horror is what it costs just to keep running and live past few months for prices on, on pastries. We order on a daily basis. Its going up by the same price. Looking milk is no prices up there to make sure we dont have gas spots everything. Everything to run issue is gonna profits it down. The business is suffering. Does any mind whos the Prime Minister . Anyone who did it and all they doing the job i its a view much of the British Public agrees with. But as the government doesnt have to call an election till january 2025, its a view the British Public will have to wait to express in a voting booth where we challenz out a 0. Russias president , his imposing martial law in the full regions. Moscow. An x from ukraine, it comes off to russias military, suffered a major defeats in the counter offensive by Ukrainian Forces in september. Mama fall reports from moscow. President vladimir, put in his word, signalled a new phase of russias war in ukraine, formalizing what he said was pre existing military rule in the next regions have been yet homeschool. Appreciate on each of them. Yeah, pretty much i signed a decree on the introduction of marshall and these 4 entities of the russian federation. It will be immediately sent to the Federation Council for approval of putting 40 stablished local Army Headquarters and a special Coordination Council in the regions under the leadership of russias Prime Minister. The decree comes among the threats of a new offensive by the Ukrainian Armed forces and then extensive washing operation to move tens of thousands of people from half on to the other bank of the property for they are told its to protect them from ukrainian shelling. But it was, it was, it was more does that is going to any recognition that the piece will population that charge us to the level of interest to the region. Its close 4 or 7 beers through all directions and all crosses and dash and low decrease means vacuum waste and can now become compulsory. And your policies. Can you post any measures they see fit, including restricting public life, or forcing people to join the army . The villian industries and services can also be used for military purposes. So im the new commander of rational peroration in ukraine, sergey so we can acknowledge the situation is difficult for Russian Forces and said what he called painful measures might be quiet for russian army. How suffered, major defeats and eastern im father ukraine since early september. Its not clear what undeclared measures. The new phase might include in terms of tactics or types of weapons. The russia, my deploy to reverse those defeats hammered fun. Ill just sierra moscow. The Ukrainian Army says its counter offensive, has slowed and recent dies, but it is preparing for a renewed, pushed towards the russian occupied city. Charles stratford reports from the frontline village of shing cover. The order to go is received. They have to move falls from the cover of trees. We follow this near 60 year old soviet built grad Rocket Launcher to a firing position. In coming, rushing shells to our left 22 year old ukrainian soldier roman lines up the weapon. Corner military firing up positions near cares on city. They admit that their counter offensive is slowed down in recent days. One of the reasons they say is because the russians are heavily dull, gain in full to fight positions. Opened the book up and the book. We have to fall back fast. Russian forces can get a fix on a foreign position and respond in around 3 minutes. Craning artillery far over our heads, not up. Russian forces respond. The shells land in a field behind the ukrainian commander tells us they are preparing for an advance on the russian occupied city of san law. Christine is Brody Akira Rivera if want to fight positions that the enemy have established a concrete and they have a minimum of 3 lines of defense. Renee, we are in high spirits, but we are lacking in equipment to move forward. So we are accumulating the hardware from our International Partners i and then we will advance up because we are trying to protect our soldiers and are prepared for us or the russian army should not be underestimated to which chill roman, joined the Ukrainian Army 4 years ago. A fool barrage of the rocket system he operates, lacks precision, but can cover an area 600 meters square. Russian forces useless wickham to was all the more than when i go into fire. I keep a positive mindset and i am not afraid we are because if we panic, we will not achieve our aim. The hedge rows and tree lines north of care, so on city of full of ukrainian soldiers. Not hillary positions the men, hence a small russian recognizance teams regularly try and push forward. Ah, they are digging new trenches, not ever vigilant for russian drugs above with hardly a night policies without attacks by Russian Missile, so called camera called drones killing or injuring civilians in the closest frontline city of nikolai of its a miracle, no one was killed when a Russian Missile hit this flour market and the center of town. You dont want their actions. Me to have them for these, but they fight these feelings. But i dont want to feel hate. I have no desire for their homes to be destroyed. But i want all who came here and occupied my country to be killed. Ukrainian trunk head south towards the care of san were in evacuation. The civilians is believed to have the gun tossed off at al jazeera ship, shinkel there. Some new grain with the Un Security Council is discussing, alleged iranian arm sales to russia. Thats not the ukraine said moscow use to rainy and drones to carry out its recent attacks. The Un Security Council imposed arms and by goes on ron between 2006 and 2010. The terms of the restrictions were amended in 2015. When iran and western power assigned the nuclear deal. The you in embargo expired in 2020, in accordance to the nuclear deal. Iran resumed the export of its psalms runs, recent involvement in the war. And ukraine has prompted west and calls to place a new embargo and more sanctions on to ron. Lets go live to diplomatic. It is a james base at the United Nations chin. So if this is confirmed that iran did in fact sell with him to russia, what would that mean and what are the repercussions . Well certainly those that have seen the drones or that have been recovered. The Ukrainian Army say that sharons that was shot down say that they are iranian drones. What the craney government is now asked is for u. N. Inspectors to look at those drones to determine whether they are iranian drones or thats the 1st stage. But what is happening in the coming hours in the Un Security Council as 3 Security Council members, the u. S. The u. K. And france of called a meeting on this subject. And i think the question here is whether these iranian drones, if they were sent to ukraine in the iranian drones, are there illegally under International Law where the iran is breaching the, the rules that are in Place International sanctions. And in particular, the Un Security Council resolution 2231, which was the resolution that came up and endorsed the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015. Certainly those 3 countries think that iran is in breach. Earlier on, i spoke to the french ambassador to the un nicholas dirt river. We want to clarify the situation on this user for iranian drones in the ukraine ana, it seems to be Crystal Clear that its a violation of resolution 2231. 00 endorsing the juicy buey. Now that resolution that he mentions 2231 is very interesting. Because if you remember going back to 2015, it was something known as snap back that was put in place, or under the under the nuclear deal, which meant it, it doesnt operate like normal or un resolutions do it. You dont necessarily have veto power or of any of the permanent 5 secured air members of the Security Council. Because what was decided was the that the at sanctions on iran, all the International Sanctions could if necessary, all snap back into place if iran was not complying. So down the line, potentially, that is something that the western powers could use. But of course, theres a downside to doing that. If he were to trigger snap back, he would completely blow up any chance of trying to go back to the iran at nuclear deal, which of course President Trump and the u. S. Are pulled out of and so its a difficult thumb herb i think thing for the, for the western powers to use and think about using at this stage. But i think for now just having a Security Council meeting on this subject is going to put pressure on iran and its worth telling you theres also we think going to be another Public Meeting. This one is going to be in private, but a Public Meeting on the Security Council on ukraine. Let it take place on friday here in new york, and we will be across that. Thank you very much. Thats james bears our diplomatic editor from the United Nations. Plenty more ahead on this news, allan including a twin explosions at me. Mouths, most notorious prison kill at least 8 people getting more desperate by the day flooding cuts off. One of nigeria is top Oil Producing states. The india champions make the perfect start to the new season. Santa has only action lighter in sport ah, than his 1st policy address since taking office. Hong kong chief executive says his administration will be aggressive in attracting the worlds top talent to the territory. His comments follow an exodus of work is in the face of an economic downturn and concerns of a beijings growing influence. Jessica washington reports from hong kong. For more than 50 years, fun junk family. His old home was in the markets of mung cock. The straw once belonged to his grandfather. Now he says they have no choice but to close down for good. Can they live . In this past year, we havent been able to meet our minimum, his targets to pay for salaries and rent can sustain our business anymore. So we must shut down, sore in cost of living and the Economic Impacts of stringent coven 19. 00 measures are taking a toll on many more than 200000. 00 people have left the territory in recent years. That followed bay james imposition of a National Security law. And crept down on descent in 2020, described by Amnesty International as decimating the territories freedom. The city has no entered a technical recession. A top priority for the chief executive is to boost the economy by bolstering its dwindling workforce hunger heights. Hong kong is one of the most competitive economies in the world. It also serves as an important gateway connecting Mainland China with global market. We must be more proactive and aggressive in competing for enterprises and competing for talents. Li announced new visa schemes for Top University graduates and perks for foreigners who purchase property. Analysts say reviving hong kong reputation will take time. This requires political capacity, it requires trust. It replied requires accountability and accountable government. We dont really have that at the moment. The governments got to earn this sum cute to receive a copy of the lease, made an address in lansing 3, our chief executive, john lee filled out his vision for the safe and prosperous home home. Now many a wondering how those ideas shape then live. Lee also raised the importance of National Security and how strengthening connections with the mainland is an advantage for the territory prob, aging politicians say the policies are exactly the city need. I agreed, as reported every pull and its, its on the, on the be totally agree. The problem is how the improvement the Company Future for many, the hardship of recent years has taken its toll. I found it quite difficult to live in hong kong now as an economy. So although i dont have any expectations regarding john lee as the territories leadership promoted their attempts at rejuvenation, it will have to contend with the population that skeptical about what can actually be achieved. Jessica washington out to 0, hong kong will south korea says pyongyang has fall tillery shelves into a buffer zone, as tension escalades on the korean peninsula. The u. S. And south korea, Holding Annual military exercises in the city of ya, you pro mcbride has more on attribute 3 of the hon river, south korean engineers in their us counterparts carefully float sections of upon to bridge into position ready for a River Crossing a vital skill they say in time of war, whats on him, i know, and im considering the number of brewers on the korean peninsula, its crucial to have this capability. It could, the said success or failure of a war time operation meter large joint exercises have been scaled back in recent years to help attempts at dialogue with north korea over d nuclear zation. With those talks failed, it seems a different type of bridge building now takes precedence. Our main matters that were trying to sanders just to show that we are stronger together and that we will continue to work to strengthen our alliance and our capabilities the allies deny these exercises are provocative. The resumption of large scale exercises between us and south Korean Forces serves they say, as a deterrent in the face of renewed rates for north korea. But pyongyang uses these same fro adjusted vacation arrests unprecedented. Murray and miss alton. Multiple missile tests have been carried out since the start of the year with the north declaring itself a Nuclear Armed state and intent on developing an arsenal of smaller, Tactical Nuclear weapons. It fired an intermediate range missile over the top of japan for the 1st time in 5 years. That came after joint naval drills involving a u. S. Aircraft carrier for the 1st time since 2017 joint air force drills planned for the end of this month will involve scores of u. S. And south korean war plains, a build up in military activity. The length of the korean peninsula, increasing the chances for a miscalculation or mistake. The could have untold consequences. Rob mcbride, al jazeera, youd, you city, south korea, to an explosions at me and mas insane. The prison have killed at least 8 people, and injured 18. The facility near the city of yan gone is the countrys most notorious jail. Thousands of Political Prisoners have been sent this since last years military coup official site. I found a homemade bomb inside. Apostle and anti co group has claimed responsibility saying it targeted the prison chief, Florence Louis has more from kuala lumpur and neighboring malaysia. Local media report say the bombs went off on wednesday morning, allegedly hidden inside the parcels. Now from the report say the bones went off in a mail room in the prison complex, while one report says, one of the bombs detonated outside the building. Now the soldiers also reportedly opened fire in response to the bluffs. The june has confirmed that those killed include prison, staff, and visitors. Theres no mention of inmates being among the casualties. Now, insane prison is the largest jail in man might hold about 10000. 00 prisoners. Many of them are Political Prisoners, and one of its most high profile ones is shown to now and Australian Citizen who is also a former advisor to own fund suit g. Now the prison is also where the june to carried out its 1st execution in more than 30 years. It executed for antique who prisoners, including an elected member of parliament. Insane prison is and was a, was notorious even under the previous military, june to Rights Groups and inmates have said the conditions that are harsh and inhumane. Many of the prisoners are subjected to beatings and torture. Even and recently, a group of Political Prisoners issued a statement and naming the prison officials, they say were responsible for abuse and torture of prisoners. And the statement even said 5 percent of Political Prisoners arrested since the coo suffers some sort of permanent disability because of torture theyve received at the hands of june to officials are still ahead on Al Jazeera Sam listened to nicea demand an investigation into the depths of 18 people last month when a migrant both sank, reaching new dips, we talked to scientists and the mold eaves who think that ive discovered a new ecosystem. And the new york yankees roll on and the major league playoffs. Santa has all the action lighter and sport. Ah hello, that is more heavy rain on the way for southern areas of nigeria, but before we get to africa, lets start in the middle east and live that weve got that rash of cloud bringing some really wet and windy weather from a disturbance blowing across the black sea, were gonna see some heavy falls in the north east of turkey, pushing into georgia as well. By the time we get to friday, those showers we ration down affecting parts of the event where we have got Wind Warnings out. Thanks to that disturbance. Some other showers, even touching into Northern Areas of saudi arabia by friday, much clearer and dryer across more southern areas. As we move to north africa, egypt and libya, theyre seeing scattered showers. Some of those blustery winds blowing down the gym. We are going to feel those across egypt, but for the wet weather we have to head to the west of africa, sierra leone. Seen some heavier showers as well as gonna, but uganda could see up to a 100 millimeters of rain for in the next 24 hours, we could see some flooding here. Those thunder damp was rolling across the democratic republic of congo, taking us into friday, march dryer for whats one of the temperature picking up in places like gab around for south africa. The worst of that wet weather. Continuing to fall in the east of the country, that should weather update. Ah, around 10 women are being murdered in mexico every day. Almost always by men. An epidemic of gender based violence that threatens to spiral out of control. Now specialists Police Squads run by women are trying to reverse the trend and bring the perpetrators to justice. But can they overcome years of much of culture and indifference . Behind the scenes with the fem aside detected on a jazz eva. The wait for the world come is meily as the main event gets closer out just here i see every step of the way im going to go with one month to go. We focus on asia teams can expect some strong support here in catholic. Cant cut out cold with the pressures of hosting will australia make the most of squeezing in through the playoffs, or will it be south korea, japan, saudi arabia or iran. We progress for this. The world cup count down, honor, jesse, you know, oh, a watching else is here, a reminder of our top stories. Our rushes president is imposing martial law and for ukrainian regions and x by moscow. Let him in person is giving additional Emergency Powers to the heads of all russian regions. It comes after russias military self defeats and a counter offensive by Ukrainian Forces in september. Russia is a civilian evacuation from kershawn and southern ukraine has started. The Ukrainian Army says is counter offensive, has flowed in recent days, but it is preparing for a renewed push toward the russian occupied. As the british Prime Minister of the truss has lost one of whom, a senior ministers with a sudden resignation of home secretary to bravo. Man, its like his blow on an already very difficult day for the case and better later, after facing tough questions from jared members of parliament. Earlier on wednesday, willis truss has been Prime Minister for less than 6 weeks, but those weeks have tested her administration to its limits. 2 weeks after becoming Prime Minister, she and her new chancellor coffee quoting unveiled a mini budget which included controversial tax cuts and a method increase in borrowing to fund them. The Financial Markets reacted badly, causing the you guys, pounds to fall to a 37 year low against the us dollar. 2 weeks later, the trust funds quoting and replaced them with to time failed. Conservative leadership candidate. So fella robins resignation today provides another unexpected, serious blow. O peter, o. Bourne is a political analyst. He says. Truss cant survive. Will its become very embarrassing. Are he so bear in mind its less than 2 months since lives trust was elected, british Prime Minister in by tory party members, not the country as a whole to replace forest johnson after he was forced to leave after being caught outlined palm. So, you know, have a situation where forest johnson replacement is finding herself in a completely impossible position. The budget which she unveiled had 2 or 3 weeks ago has collapse online. And shes had to reverse all a bit. Shes had for soccer chancellor. And what we saw today was she cant sustain herself in parliament, she would, i might project that she will be gone within a matter of days. But if not weeks, you cannot to survive what british for any of any kind of political liter when youre not in control this week. And she is in, i think, the best comparison between those trust for it that way to sprain from explaining it is somebody a prisoner in a hostage video. And shes like being forced to defend policies. She does not believe in and have been forced upon her by jeremy hobbs and indeed the international markets. The palestinian city of nablus and the occupied west bank has been blockaded by the israeli army for more than a week. Israel says its searching for suspects involved and gun attacks. The palestinians say its collective punishment. Neither abraham reports from nablus. Baby alonzo 18 has spent nearly half of her life at this israeli checkpoint. Born in annapolis hospital late on monday. Her parents are trying to bring her home to calculate city a trip that often takes around 40 minutes. But its been hours due to an israeli blockade imposed on nablus more than a week ago. Very with all this. So the baby has a little difficulty breathing. So we want to take her to an incubator. Eileen is one of hundreds trying to leave nablus through this checkpoint, which is the only way out glass of arizona for ferla. Ive been waiting for more than one and a half hours young. I will make an profit with the guys is expensive and i am resting it on the roach is rural, says the siege aims to prevent the growing number of gun attacks. These really are me, told the jazz either more than 170 have been carried out so far. This year. An old group in nablus called the lions den, has claimed responsibility for several attacks in recent weeks, and israeli soldier was killed in one drive by shooting last week. These were a policy of collective punishment is not new. For decades, israel has been demolishing palestinian homes, blocking the road. Im imposing measures against the whole community, the neighbourhood, palestinian, save their being killed, detained, and their lives are getting more difficult. All under the pretext of security is really officials believe the blockade will put pressure on palestinians to abandon arms and deter them from carrying out the attacks. While the Palestinian Authority has succeeded in recruiting some fighters to its ranks and ellis say, only a political solution will and the need for armed groups. General dissatisfaction with the Palestinian Authority has led to many people supporting them. Despite the growing is williams diction. Its sort of action that people would give legitimacy and give support to any group to any person. I mean faction if you want that may come out and show that resilience that we missed for so, so, so many, many, many, many years. There was negotiations and promises of independence and statehood have been going on for decades, and that means b, b, alene, and her fellow palestinians could be looking at a lifetime of weight planning. The day for him, al jazeera the occupied, blessed man, maria in nigeria is Oil Rich States of bell. So fuel prices have risen by 440 percent has flooding disrupts. Deliveries. Officials a warning of more rain as People Struggle to deal with the worse flooding in more than a decade. An address has more from jenica and bail state. Right behind me is one pitfall station. This one looks tool that weve seen so far, that is just pressing petrol. What is supposed to happen . Yeah. Youre supposed to see petrol attendance selling the fuel at government approved prices, which is a 116. 00, not a problem. But yeah, right. If you have more than triple the prize, a mid roll, a little federal here in a filling session, right . Supposed to be acquired by the official prize, not in the block market. The price can go as high as 440 even 500 percent depending on which location you are simply because there is no supplies coming in to buy. Also loans has come over the past one recall. So simply because the bridges and the roads are completely cut off. What is being sold . Yeah. Is actually all, some people sold separately bought at the price, the government regulated, the owner had stocked it up. But because of the Current Situation is not selling at the price we bought for the price, the government regulated the selling it 3. 00 times higher than what its supposed to be. And so the people like to hear, weve spoken to one individual who has been doing here since last night, trying to get one of our petrol voice generator onto far its motorcycle. He got it this afternoon, but after a long delay, and he says, hey, what if it wasnt for someone he knew, what can you repeat close enough to that . The chileans have marked the 3rd anniversary of mass protests against inequality. But this time, there wasnt a 1000000 people. Police were prepared, deploying about 25000 officers and santiago, and latin america editor lucy, a newman looks at why there wasnt as much interest and demonstrating on the anniversary of what people here called the social explosion. Jillions were told to go home early, leaving only riot police and a few 100 demonstrators to clash and downtown san diego. Its been 3 years since millions, abrupt and on to the streets, calling for social justice and an end to inequality. There were flagrant abuses of human rights on the part of riot police, but also violence and vandalism. Violence was considered valid as a way to shake things. The gast establishment was not listening. I said the majority of the crime too, in that moment, was a valid way to awake the country. That is no longer the case and the streets are no longer overflowing the demonstrators, i can, i believe america. Today, there are very few people. And as you can see, there is a lot of police repression. Why so few i ask you to get, i mean, i only know that it is a degree of d motivation because the new draft constitution was rejected. Oh, shes referring to last months referendum in which the majority of chileans voted against with many saw as a new constitution that was too radical. The demand for social reforms continues, but inflation and rising crime are also now issues left when president gabrielle bought each address the nation to remind citizens that chile still has an opportunity to write a new draft constitution and build a foundation for a new more equal society. At 300. 00 on this anniversary, its time to abandon our comfort zone, to interpret what happened to london lessons from it and act upon them that the social exclusion expressed and brought with it much pain. It left minnies cause that you wont allow it to have been in vain or he said that many Police Abuses remain unpunished. But he also admitted that theres been a backlash against protests because many and in violence. Ryan police are out number in the protest is here at least 2 to one, and they are constantly hurling tear gas and water cannon that is making it very, very difficult for large numbers of people to gather here. But that is likely to change once it gets dark, especially in the outlying neighborhoods of santiago ah, the anger expressed during the original social revolt remains close to the surface. How chillies Political Institutions will respond to a true cause. With names uncertain. To see a Newman Al Jazeera santiago, a female iranian rock climber who competed in an International Contest without a head scarf has returned to turan videos of l knows were copy wearing a headband while competing spread on social media. It happened during a nationwide protested and run by demonstrators calling for more freedom for women after the death of mazda a many in Police Custody emma believe recovery says she hadnt intended to compete without a head scarf. That is a live with. I was unexpectedly called and i had to compete. I was busy putting on my shoes and my technical gear, and i forgot to wear my job that i should have been wearing. I came back to iran with peace of mind, although i went through a lot of tension and stress so far. Thank god, nothing has happened. And as i, mr. Jones, i think there were rumors that nobody knew where you were for hours with we came back to iran, according to the plan until this moment. Everything has been going according to the plan, demands for an investigation into the depths of 18 tennesseans after a migrant boat sank last month. Have led to a general strike. And bakers have down to shutters in the face of growing political tensions. Which means people may not get bread. The country seeks up to 4000000000. 00 to show up week finances, victoria, gate and b reports. Oh, good. Sadness and anger in the city of georgi munez carry the coffin of yassin abdel kareem, one of 18 tennesseans who drowned last month trying to get to italy. Oh, what happened to the others remains unknown. That relatives of the missing or angered by reports that she knew 0 authorities buried some of the victims in unmarked graves in a cemetery for and migrants. Full bodies have since been exempt. O daisy protest culminated in a general strike on tuesday. More than 4000 people took to the streets, demanding answers from authorities. Not labella says you are about the 1st demand is to open an investigation into all aspects of the incident from the sinking of the boat to the process of searching for the bodies. More than 22000. 00 migrants have been intercepted of trinitys case since the start of this year. Its a popular but dangerous route for africa, migrants trying to cross the mediterranean to reach the e. U. Food and fuel shortages int he nicea have lead. Others to join to president clay said his called for an investigation into what happened. He wants the people smugglers responsible to be found and prosecuted, but entail Economic Conditions improvement in his ear. People will continue to risk their lives in search of a better life in europe. Victoria gate and b algae 0. Was scientists mapping the waters around them all, deeds believe they have discovered a new ecosystem. 500 me. His day in the indian ocean is called the trapping zone and host a spectacular arrive marine life. How environment it is in the clock reports. Scientists from the lead to mel these mission drop to the d for thats where the mysteries line. Beyond the shelving terraces formed on the cliffs of battles down the vertical cliff, faces passed in manner. You could see life through the, the 500 meters to the sea bed with a kind of natural captive louder for predators where organisms migrating from the surface at dawn attract against the sea floor. Where, particularly intrigue at this death. Why is this occurring . Is this something that specific 500 meters . Does this life go even deep . Ha. What is this transition . What is there and why . And thats a critical question that we need to ask next. Charting. The subsea landscape is a joint partnership with the mold eaves Marine Research institute. Samples are collected and taken to the surface, where scientists build up their knowledge of life below. Important not only for conservation, but also for the economy. Knowledge obviously will help us to protect it because then we know which areas we need to protect, which areas we need to manage properly. And also how we manage the development of tourism as well as fisher sector. Island nations like the mold eaves, are on the front lines of the climate crisis. Data gathered on the neck to mission is crucial in learning how to adapt to warming oceans and changing weather patterns. The clerk al jazeera, an egyptian artist has given new life to tons of discarded scrap metal by turning them into gigantic artworks for an exhibition in cairo. Abraham seller says his eco friendly creations have been inspired by symbols of ancient egypt. His collection includes 3 meter tall lions horses and a statue of cleopatra. Were 2 giant panda beers arrived at their new home and cut out on wednesday morning. The Chinese Government has limped the country, the pandas as a good will gesture ahead of the 1st world camp in the middle east. Natasha named reports on pan to diplomacy from al hawk in keta. O 3 rolled the riot stretches high in her enclosure. While 4 year old to hale chops on bamboo gide bystanders pressed close to marvel. The giant panda bears arrived on wednesday morning from a Conservation Center in sichuan province, china, and were moved into the panda house in the country city of el corps. The arrival of 2 lovely hunters will you know, help remote, the vision of the Harmonious Co existence between men to nature, and encourage people to protect about diversity. Their new home will be kept between 20 to 24 degrees celsius. Got ours panda house is being touted as the largest man made panda bear habitat outside china. And the 1st of its kind in the gulf region. Very proud, very proud of the work that to public work with arthur you have done. China is lending cutter the pandas ahead of its historic hosting of the 1st world cup in the middle east. During the next 15 years, scientists will research pandas hormones, parasites, and ways to anesthetize them. Countries typically pay 1000000. 00 a year to china for hosting the bears, with most of the money being redirected into conservation efforts. Those efforts have paid off. Last year, the panda bear species was downgraded from endangered to vulnerable disband us here. Theyre not just telling a story, offend us, the selling that telling a global story about conservation on i personally as a conservationist think its very, very important to show that. Could it say chinas use of panda diplomacy is undermining the message of conservation. The number of panda bears born in captivity has increased as has the number lent to foreign zeus cya to say their natural habitat in china is being lost to Infrastructure Development and mining. And that the panda bear population is being separated. China is using the panders as a kind of soft power diplomacy. Its rejecting chinas influence if not power in the world. In keeping with a solitary nature of bears, the riah and su hale will remain in separate enclosures once they leave quarantined named after stars. No doubt though also lead the thousands of fans visiting during the world cup and beyond. Starry eyed for years to come. Natasha named l 0. L hor katara. But still ahead on al jazeera, a huge boost for frogs, a hit of the football world comp santa has the details coming out from sport. Ah ah, with a full ah ah, time for sport has solder. Thank you very much, tom. While play is expected to start at the cutter, 2022. Well cup i in action later on wednesday is majesty united. Host them in the English Premier League spurs head into the matcher and better form a sitting 3rd in the table. Thought none striker in england captain hurricane is in great form with goals in his last 5 illegal games. As for the night is biggest star christian ronaldo. Hes been, hes not being a regular starter the season and it was taken off in sunday school. Less draw against new castle. None wont play this happy when you get off, especially another and all the i understand it. As long as it is quite normal. Wait. No problem with that. Yes, of course he has to finish meant he should stay on the shoot score goal. That is why is that good . You have a great at the militia for christiano for his professionality, but that you up to model to say got them. Yeah, and yeah, no like legless diesel . Yes. Do you go through goats . Yeah, we lost it too. But we lost a guest team. Not to guess. You know the last season hopa has boosted the hopes of france defending their woke up tight. All the events is midfielder has returned to training following the surgery, and is targeting a return to full fitness before the 1st matches in the competition. Well, copying cattle will be the 2nd stage in asia falling, japan and south korea who coasted that 20 years ago. Iran on the continent, top team heading into the final and on the 28th and the fee for ranking. A face england, wales, and usa and the group stages. Weve been speaking to football, john, this was a better on their chat. If there is any asian team, do they expect to do well and other i will be on iraq. A group just recently re appointed carlos kara, quite a popular figure within the squad. And even outside with the general fan base of era led to a lot of development within here, aid info will let them in to, to reach the wells cup 2 times and to come very close to each other 60 last time. So i think a lot of players have been boosted by his return if only a point its carlos garish or less than 2 months ago. So there were already issues around. But now with the, with the, obviously with the death of my sammy and all the brought out if theres have spoken out 30, i was like, are there as one to spoken out in his go up by our liver, cuz he has put a statement in support of him and it goes beyond the team, even legends of with iran have been involved in this. I was that the nations most famous player is also been banned from travelers in his club. Her to berlin is one of his former globe staff with dr statement and so forth were him. So a lot of political issues around the go. I dont the National Team and either can thats something thats only going into us if i was, im facing the United States around have played us and for us 98. 00 and they want to one is actually their 1st ever welcome victory. So that tells you a lot if anything, iranian players are or mentally very strong players and they do drive a lot of their strict wanting to deliver for their early people. So i think thats what they actually try to do a 3rd that will help response. Our final walk up count on the show is focusing on asia, south korea, iran on australia are among the teams. Ive qualified that from the region. Turning host cut up for Michelle Cruz captain tim cahill, dying i saw on the sofa. You can watch it here on al jazeera, on thursday at 8th, at 1130 g empty. Organizers are expecting at one and a half a 1000000 fans to visit katara during of the World Cup Security preparations continue in doha 5 day Training Exercise will take place from this sunday to test the readiness of the torment security force. Huh. I work for the troops in different occasion and events have got to submit with different countries. No, it is the time to participate to take the experience of from other countries and to reflected with him whats on scenarios. Now the aim, final aim is to make sure the to reach the most secure and safe tournament for a while to come away from the build up to cut that 2020 to the new york yankees. That be the Cleveland Guardians to advance to the next round of the major league playoff. John Carlos Stanton and an judge at each scored home runs as the yankees won their fears. Deciding game of the American League division is no risk for the yankees as game one of their playoff series that with the Houston Astros thought later on wednesday nailer or guardians to totally miller. I was little nervous because i knew you know, the, the fans and everybody was, was waiting for for our victory. So, um, but definitely, you know, incredible atmosphere. Im incredible feelings. And the champions, Golden State Warriors showed of their full championship, rang before their Season Opener with the l. A lakers despite Le Bron James 31 points for the lakers, the warriors of steph curry top that with 33 for the golden state to victory duty to add the t 20 cricket woke up the west indies that put their hopes of reaching the next stage. Back on track they b as in bob way by 31 runs in hobart. Next up for the wendys is ireland, on friday. And thus far from here, hand you back to come. Thank you very much for that is all from a tom mccrae for this news. Albany. Spiker will be here in just a moment. With more of the days news from london, you can also go to our website to al jazeera dot com for more news. Ah ah ah ah ah nissan, newly we understand the differences, americans have cultures across the world. So no matter how you take it out there, were bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Countess era. So make follows her mothers return to south saddam. After years in exile we came home and into a Vice President ial position. My mother stepping into the role that my father died in will not be history, repeating itself. She will more likely be remembered her what she does in this new position. An intimate portrayal of a family and challenging times. No simple way home people are started on out watching us on a jazz eda. The weight is nearly over, the worlds best footballers are having to katara for the middle, the 1st world. Huh. Will keep you right across the action and stories with extensive coverage throughout the competition. Live in doha and around the world. The cattle 2022 world cup on al jazeera ah

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