Their hope is to have it successfully. To have 50,000 people sign up at once. In thailand the antigovernment leader has met with the Prime Minister and refused to back down. Thirty than thousand people toot in the pro safety. Test. And in kiev 100,000 people are rallying in the streets the protest began last year to support a trade agreement with the european union. Those are the headlines im johnathan betz. America tonight weekend is up next. Good evening and thanks for being with us im jo john joie chen. You are watching america tonight evening edition. One in seven americans are food insecure. What does that mean . It means to put food on the table on a consistent basis. Many americans are faced with the choice of putting food on the table and living without basic necessities. Often times they makes poor food choices the cost of processed food has gone down and the price of fresh food has gone up. The price for health has gone up in things like type two diabetes. This family in baltimore are a tightknit clan. That is on sale we can get that. Get the big one down in stef not the small one. Julie and ai aaron have been together since they were teenagers. And in 22 years ago they have never spent a night apart. Family first is their motto and their desire to provide for their children is the bedrock of their lives. These days there are some hard choices to make. That is really cheap. 1 pn 1. 77 for ocean spray they are one of the millions of americans on food stamps of a or snap. And 100 billion budget with snap and other food programs its hardly enough to keep the wolf from the door. The program just took a big cut. Lopping off 50. A month from the bri brians bryans already tight budget. What does it mean when you are in this position when you have to think constantly about food and your kid and feeding your kids. Its hard and heart breaking and its frustrating at a point. I dont want my kids to ever be hungry. And its really hard. It bothers her more than anything. Any bill or anything. If her kids cant eat then she is a very upset person. I try not to cry in front of them and when they come to me and the fridge and the pa pantrs empty and they say what are we going to eat. One eat. One in six americans are living with food insecurity. It means new tris nutritious affordable food is not available. The family doesnt have the funds even with federal assistance to be able to buy it. Zachery and tabby and gabby dont know about the food stamps they have lived on since june and their parents dont want them to. They know what we have what i call a food card. What is a food card . They think maybe its a credit card that once a month we get food on. Unfortunately i had no money and we had no more funds anywheres and i couldnt sit and watch my kids go hungry. And so you know i have to suck up my plie pride and go and appr food stamps. It was for me, wow for me to swallow my pride you have no idea what that was like. I work. Im not lazy. I work everyday. And to apply for food stamps was, was a new low for me. Even the free things that you know, i it involves parking. Its free to come but you have to pay for parking. Its free to get in but you cant bring food in. You have to buy food. If i spend 5. To give my kids a day of fun where am i going to get my toilet paper from. Not longin long ago they were a mid emiddle class family that was able to renovate the kitchen. For aaron it hits home. I was on welfare all of my life. I was on food stamps until i was 18 years old i always said there was no way in this world that im going to be on welfarend in 2007 i could have sat here and told you i will probably retire at 55. That is how well we were doing. We were doing really well. That is six years ago. That is only six years ago. And in six years, im on food stamps. Aaron is a construction project manager. In the last year and a half he has had just one four month job. When he had fulltime work, he made 60,000 a year. He has run out of Unemployment Insurance and these days looks for the odd 100 a day side job wherever he can. Still its no where near enough to pay even the mortgage or the host of other monthly bills. I can show you i must send out 30 to 40 resumes a month. A month to beat the odds. And some of the jobs that he applies for says full time here in maryland. But when he calls them back it ends up being part time. Or it ends up he had one that they wanted him to go to texas. Im not picking my family up and leaving and taking the chances for him going there for this opportunity and being let go and then we just uprooted our whole family. Did your fridge used to be more full . Oh, yeah, definitely. We used to buy ham, baloney, cheese. What is your favorite meal guys . Shrimp salad. When we go on vacation we have shshrimp salad. And the second best is Chicken Pot Pie. You hate Chicken Pot Pie . I hate Chicken Pot Pie. At least zach an, stef and gabby have been given healthy food. Our student population is 80 eligible for the federal reduced lunch program. He is the princple for the academy where the bl bryan children attend school. This is an inner city cool with a high number of families that are struggling to get by. The school offers a free breakfast. We have eggs and sausage and missing an milk and lots of good stuff. He has more than subsidized lunches. Its a secret weapon a class called food for life. Its pretty good. I dont really care for it. I. Lets vote on the gua guacamole. It forces kids to eat vegetables. If they want to try it great, if they dont want to, that is fine too. We have a no yuck rule. You cant say anything negative about the food. No yuck or nasty or grosses. Julie bryan used to work part time washing and distributing fresh food and vegetables in a federally funded program until it was cut. The school paid her 250 to 500 a month and ensured the kids not just her own was getting a healthy snack. Now that comes out of the family food stamps alone. Seven hundred fifty dollars for five people for 30 days times three meals a day. That is just over 8 a meal for a family of five. Ththe strain of trying to mae the family equation to come out right is pa pal palipable. I cry for weeks at a time. I cant sleep. I dont know how tomorrow is going to be. You can have your good days and bad days. And one day its yeah and the next day you get that phone call and all of that hope you just had is all washed away. Its hard. How do you guys get out of the situation . How will we get out . How do you get out of this . I pray to god that he Gretzky Gretzky gets a job or i get a Part Time Job and a miracle comes that we can get help and we can goa get caught up on our mortgage and we can go off food stamps. The bryans do not have a fall back plan. When the phone rings they play y its a job offer and not another bill chec collect whyors. Julies coupons helps and so do the food stamps. Aaron has a side job for tomorrow. There will be food in the refrigerator for the next few days. Sheila mcvicker reporting here. After the break. The fists of fewery. Ewer fury. Every sunday night Al Jazeera America brings you controversial. Both parties are owned by the corporations. Entertaining its fun to play with ideas. Thought provoking get your damn education. Surprising oh, absolutely . Exclusive oneonone interviews with the most interesting people of our time. Youre listening because you want to see whats going to happen. I want to know what works what do you know works . Conversations you wont find anywhere else. Talk to al jazeera. Only on Al Jazeera America. Oh my start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. And a host willing to ask the tough questions and youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et 2pm pt only on Al Jazeera America reaction to the report suggests is its not one to bring clos closure to those t lost so much that day. What we now know doesnt answer the sing ol single most t question. Why did he go it. Why did adam kill his mother in her bed and a drive to the school and launch his rampage . There were new disturbing decembedetails in the report ane isolated young man who covered his bedroom window with trash backs and communicated with his mother by email. Email. The school shooting. Left for doom. Owe collected articles some dating back to the 1800s detailing the killing of children kept troubling photos. A self portrait with a gun pointed at his head. A little video snipet a few seconds of children being shot. Perhaps most tellingly. The report concludes he was obsessed with mass killing since the coo Columbine School shooting. This report should have been released weeks ago. This report was to be released in june and much of the information had been leaked to the media already. Frustrating the community. We had the drip by drip revelations a and premature disclose yours disclosures. There are thousands of pages in that report that News Agencies are seeking to have released. One of the things we are expecting to be accessed in the newspaper the 911 reports are not being released. Half a world away to india. The brutal gang rape of a 21yearold student has enforced the era that indian women are powerless in society. Coming in at 85 pounds a bundle fury is going the distance. She put america tonight in her corner as she prepares for an upcoming match. A preview of what is coming up on america tonight. Live advertised healthcare has left some some open wounds. The best thing for me to do with this is to pack it with kitchen sugar. The alleged mistreatment of prisoners. The two part story on healthcare in private prisons monday on america tonight. And coming up next on america tonight on the rise once again is there a cajun come back in louisiana. Zblchblghtsdz. And welcome back we have been shocked and entertained by the antics by torontos mayor rob ford. But here in the south louisiana has had its own provocative history with an outrageous pot politician. After four terms in the louisiana govenor. He has not again a been without. We caught the colorful govenor at his home in louisiana. You did good. Thank you. The crazy thing is if he met you one time and you talked about two minutes, he would never for genever forget that. Former louisiana govenor has been out of office for two decades and is still widely popular. A poll of likely voters thought edwards was one of the states best govenors second own to the current one. As govenor he was renowned for his wise cracks and take downs. He would brag to someone the only way i would lose this election today is if they catch me in bed with a dead woman or a live boy. You are a damned candidate, you cant be sitting there eating. Im too out spoken. You are known for your colorful phrases. That is a nice way to put it. He was also known for his corruptions. Claclancy is a fifth generation louisiana yan. Luann. He was a front page govenor. He what Say Something funny or important. He started asthm as a preacher d then a lawyer. But found success as a congressman and govenor. By 19 1980s he was the most powerful man in louisiana. Controlling the state and the budget and making high level appointments. By then he had been hauled 3w6 before a dozen grand jus juries facing charges of racketeering and insurance fraud. The first 15 grand juries he was still popular. The money flowed. The first eight years louisiana was rolling in dough and we were spending like drunken sailors. In 2000 a wake up call. I am facing a long prison term. The man known as the silver fox was convicted on 1 17 counts of racketeering and mail and wire fraud and conspiracy. Hunters and prosecutors have a common philosophy the bigger the game the bi bigger the prize. Louisiana. We are still under a gag order so im restricted in what i ca can say. Four years after leaving office at the age of 7 75 Govenor Edwards was s sentence to ten years. The china neeses hav i didnt whine or complain. I walked into prison and i vowed i would live to come home and i did. Even in prison he maintained his innocence. He was betrayed by former friends that cut deals with prosecutors. One of the reasons i took the assignment was i thought wait a minute this is away to find out if he is a croc. Hcrook. He spent five years investigating the govenor. I fault into the fact a bougs guilty. But then when i went down to the fbi transcripts from the wiretaps its not dollars. Its just not there. He said when he got could be convicted i believe in the system. I think there was a lot of unfairps iunfairness in the tri. It bothers me that it happened. It doesnt bother me as much that it happened to him. There was very little that was fair the way he gave away casino licenses to his krone cronies and the way he gave away oil field permits. He had very good lawyers and they lawyered it all the way up the chain of command to supreme court. And they all said, nope. If it was error it was harmless error go to jail. In prison you met trina. She wrote me and said she was a republican and never voted democratic except one time for a lady that ran for govenor of louisiana who was elected and other than that she always voted republican. She was beautiful, blonde and 50 years his junior. Our amy curiosity was piqued and she wanted to visit if you if you visit. I had a long list of family and visitors that were on my visitor list. I wrote back to her and said i didnt think i could arrange for her to visit. She wrote back again and asked to visit and was smart enough to send a picture. And i looked at the picture and i said, well she is probably 30 years old and i will take a chance. In no time she was a regular visitor. Every seat on visiting days whenit was time for the visitors to come half of the inplates ins would line up to watch her walk across the parkinglot. They were married after he was released from a halfway house. The reality show on a e called the govenors wife was her idea. I was worried that they would look at her as a dumb gold digging blonde. Why a b an intelligent young woman would be hooked up with an old guy like me. Especially since im pretty well broke. 9 shothe show drew 1 1. 2 miln viewers when it debuted in october. The viewership dropped off and the net work announced the end of the shows run along with the brings beinbrings being speaking engagements the govenor says he is making money. They moved to a quiet home on a golf course outside of baton rouge. His life has changed dramatically. You have a baby . Yes a beautiful little boy. Elie. Three months old. She months old when we speak. You will be 107 when he goes to college. I plan to live to at least to 100 average100 and maybe i willo 107 i dont know. I feel sorry for him. This man was once the most powerful man in louisiana. One of the most able politicians on the national scene. Now he is reduced to being a comic prop on a badly written and more badly acted faux reality tv show. Govenor he ha edwards is unphasy his critics. His goal is to get back in politics. You had hoped you would get a pardon. Yes. I think from president obama. And president bush. And are you disappointed that neither one came through with a pardon for you. Of course. President bushs father and you are good friends. He asked his son to issue a pardon. He cannot run for state office for 15 years. The voters are tired of the fourtime govenor. He is a cautionary tale. He is not relevant at all other than we are still cleaning up his mess. After a break here, the other america an america tonight series. A troubling look at making ends meet. Our digital team shares some of your stories. Every sunday night, Al Jazeera America presents. Gripping films from the worlds top documentary directors. This is just the beginning of something much bigger. Next sunday do the math. These companies are a rogue force. One environmentalist says fossil fuels equal disaster. Will his movement add up to change . We will fight it together. Al Jazeera America presents do the math. Im phil torezz, coming up next on techknow. Hike americas favorite sport is under fire. Now, that impact simulated 100 gs of acceleration in your brain. Its the opponent no player can see. So the system is showing realtime impact. Can science prevent concussions . I did my job and just had to sacrifice my brain to do it. Now here is a sobering statistic to consider. More than half of all americans will spend a year in poverty or near poverty at some point in their lifetime. In our series the other america we are looking into the lives of americans who are having serious trouble making ends meet. I spoke to our digital producer about the series and the responses she has received from the people that can relate. This is a look at how far reaching and mainstream poverty is. A mother of three who commutes four hours a day to get to and from work. We put her story online and we asked americans to share their stories and we received it 2 00 200 responses i want to show an an excerpt of sta staceys story. At 2 00 i go in to wake my youngersteryoungsters up. Last minute check and hair is combed and faces washed and we are out of the door at 6 30. If all goes well. Most morning prayer is essential. Mobility and Reliable Transportation because i dont have a car. Because in order for me to go to their school i have to catch a cab from my job to their school which is 40. For me to go to award ceremonies orpik uor pick up a sick child t in my budget. You behave. Be a good little boy. Other than that i normally get the kids out on their bus on time. Its a matter of whether i will make my bus. This is the first bus and then i take two trains and 234e7thenanother bus. We shared staceys story and we put it i online and with unexpected and people we didnt expect to be i near poverty. I will start with the story of mike barnham. Im mikey barnham and im a college graduate. I work 36 hours a week as a cashier earning a little more than 50 500 every two weeks. And sometimes i have to make a choice between my hiv medication and my Student Loan Repayment and my bills. My annual deductible is 1,200 teas 1,200its three paychecks d last year i was out of medication for two months. It was scary you dont know if you will be sometimes you lay awake at night saying god how am i going to make ends meet this month. This is the thing we hear. Most of us are one big bad event from a complete Economic Disaster in our lives. A lot of times they are unpaid medical bills. They are the majority of the reasons filing for bankruptcy. 2 million americans will file for bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills. It extends beyond the uninsured. If you look at the insured a large number of them are struggling to pay medical bills and often times like mikey and what we have heard him say, have to pay high out of pocket prices as a result of high insurance de