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Starting to come out a first look at Hillary Clintons emails from the days when she was secretary of state, and what they reveal about the Embassy Attack in benghazi and a dangerous fix. I have never seen something hit the streets so wicked and rapid in my life. A cheep designer drug spreading across america good evening, im antonio mora this is al jazeera america. I. S. I. L. Fighters are making gains across the middle east. Earlier the group captured the Last Crossing between syria and iraq, and claimed responsibility for a deadly Suicide Attack in a shia mosque. In iraq they are marching closer to baghdad. We begin with zeina khodr, in the iraqi capital. Reporter some of these men will be sent deep into the sunni heartland to fight i. S. I. L. Others will be kept behind to protect the town. A strategic town that Islamic State of iraq and levant tried to control in the past. For these shia militia men, the battle is not just about recapturing territory, its protecting roots from anbar towards southern iraq, to prevent an i. S. I. L. Attempt to advance on shiite sites and holy areas. Translation i volunteered to join the battle to protect the holy shrines. We dont want i. S. I. L. To advance further. And threaten the shia holy sites. Reporter it was a controversial decision to use shia militia men in a sunni province. The Iraqi Government had no other choice. Efforts were weak, and efforts to create a nonsectarian army failed. It has roads to ramadi on the north to ramadi where there are highways to baghdad, and highways to baghdad and jordan and syria. I. S. I. L. Captured the last Border Crossing between syria and iraq, and controls most of that frontier and the fighters move freely between the two countries. The u. S. Which leads the coalition against i. S. I. L. Downplayed the gains. President obama said the loss of territory were tactical setbacks, and insists the war is not being lost. Many disagree. I. S. I. L. Has taken over two cities in a week. Ramadi, in iraq, and palmyra, in syria. Ramadi is 100km from baghdad and is the last major city on the road to the iraqi capital. Palmyra is 150km from syrias Central Province of homs, which is on a major crossroad that is strategic for the Syrian Government survival. The government invested man power and resources over the years to reclaim homs from the opposition. If it loses there, damascus, and the Coastal Region would be under threat. For now, i. S. I. L. Controls the land. The land from palmyra to ramadi. In iraq, the fight against the armed group is led by shia militias, in syria, the u. S. Coalition doesnt recognise the governments legitimacy. It doesnt have a partner on the ground. In recent months, i. S. I. L. May have been on the defensive. That has changed todays suicide bombing in iron saudi arabia marks a First Official claim of an attack. It comes as little surprise because they vowed to attack shias in the kingdom. John terrett joins us with the story. 21 were killed in a deadly blast, most if not out were worshippers of the shia sect. Leading up to the bombing shia residents had been voicing concerns that a bloody attack was coming if the saudi government didnt curb hate speeches aimed at them. This cellphone video shows the aftermath of an explosion in a packed mosque where more than 150 people were attending friday prayers. The room filled with smoke and dust. Bloody people on the floor. Theres chunks of concrete, chards of glass everywhere. I. S. I. L. Said a suicide bomber carried out the attack. Wearing a belt. I. S. I. L. Says it will not rest until shia muslims are driven out from the arabian peninsula. Driving the sectarian wedge between the sunnis and everyone not sunnis its a longstanding tactic of osama bin laden. It was a tactic of zarqawi, and we are seeing a repetition of that longstanding tactic. U. N. Secretary general ban kimoon condemned the attack. Such attacks on places of worship are abhorrent, intended to promote sectarian conflict. I. S. I. L. Followers are sunni muslims, its leader called for attacks against sunni rulers after permitting saudi jets to join in the fight. Sectarian essentials are running high ever since yemen. On friday an explosion in sanaa injured dozens and has been claimed by i. S. I. L. They placed an explosive device that blew up and thank god the casualties were minimal. Reporter all coming as i. S. I. L. Takes over more land. The group which seeks to establish a caliphate has rapidly gained ground. That may be the First Official yil bombing in i. S. I. L. Bombing in saudi arabia but is not the first relied attack. Last november 4th gunmen killed eight muslims and since then saudi forces arrested hundreds of i. S. I. L. Suspects. Bad weather is making a tough job harder for cleanup crews in california they are trying to mop up an oil spill along a stretch of coastline in sanda barbara. Crews have collected a small fraction. As jake ward shows us a lot of damage has been done. When you consider that the biggest oil spills history are in the hundreds of millions of gallons, a 100,000 bill may not seem like a big deal. For an animal affected just a little oil can do enormous damage. Pipelines are difficult to maintain. What is the Environmental Impact of a small spill. At what point is it so small that we can stop worrying about it. We are talking about professor valentine. He was the first scientist on the scene. An Oil Spill Expert and has been out in a boat looking at this bill. This is what you collected yesterday . Yes, we collected this yesterday, about 11 miles offshore. Reporter valentine took a sample. And said recently science barely understood the largeterm affect of thousands of compounds that make up oil at what point is there little enough oil to not be damaging to the environment . There is no single point. Theres no single point you can point to. Its dependent on environmental context, and where you are. So in some environments it takes a lot of oil to damage the eco system. In others, a smaller amount. Yes, thats exactly right. Mr clarence ditlow, an environmental lawyer that was on vacation here, says small spills are a big regulatory problem. Little companies you have to go out and do 100 inspections. If you do 10, 90 sites will be unregulated. Small spills can turn out. And it will affect the environment here for years. 28 workers were evacuated from a Small Oil Rig off the louisiana coast when a compressor caught fire. The coast guard said they saw an oily sheen on the water, more than a mile long drifting southwest of the platform. The rigs owner, Texas Petroleum Investment Company said between 100 and 120 barrels of oil were on board at the time a u. S. Navy jet went off the runway landing in the bay. The pilot was able to eject safely into the water and was rescued by the crew of a civilian boat a victory for president obama, the Senate Approved a bill 2637 a rare show of support, most of the democrats voted against it. It would give the president fasttrack powers to clear the way for a trade deal. The house is expected to take up the bill next month and could face a tough debate there today the state Department Released a first batch of emails that Hillary Clinton kept in a private account. The biggest controversy surrounding the documents seems to be about how they were handled, rather than what was in them. A lot of these bags. At a New Hampshire beer factory, Hillary Clinton eyed the ingredients. The public got a look at emails the government releasing 900 pages about the benghazilibyan attack. I said i want them to release all of them as soon as possible. And they are in the process of doing that. Reporter the emails show clinton was highly interested in event surrounding the september 11, 2012, attack killing four americans, including christopher stevens. After the raid with a u. S. President ial election loom of course members of the Obama Administration suggests benghazi was related to other regional protests over an american muslim video. What this began was a spontaneous, not a premedicated taited response to what happened in cairo republican outrage grow a staffer emailed clinton saying in addition to tracking the political fall out and claims that she was misleading many emails are routine exchanges, such as reactions to news stories. Still others are heavily redacted. Many of those are labelled sbu, sensitive but unclassified. On friday the fbi blocked the release of an email saying the contents now are classified. It doesnt change the fact that all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately. But it was a private server do you have concern it was on a prit server . No. A reason clinton may not be concerned is right now thats as so far as the criticism of her may go. The emails do not contradict previous statements about benghazi or undercut the state departments handling of the attacks. Republicans point out all the Clinton Emails were vetted in advance by clintons own attorneys earlier this week after clinton said she was looking forward to the state department releasing emails. Reporter do you regret deleting 30,000 emails. Reporter questions my linger. More batches of emails will be made public. That means more reminders that Hillary Clinton kept government emails on a personal account, flouting government rules. The Clinton Foundation released a list of paid speeches by bill hillary and chelsea clinton. They delivered about 100 paid speeches over 13 years, netting the foundation anywhere from 12 million to 26 million, money the foundation had not previously disclosed. Federal reserve share janet yellen said the bench mark federal Interest Rate is likely to go up if the job market and Economic Growth improves. Speaking on rhode island she said policy must be forward looking, and delaying action would risk overheating the economy. Investors expect the fed to act in december. A federal probe found General Motors criminally culpable in its fail to expose defect in 104 autorelated deaths. The automaker is negotiating a settlement with the justice department. It could be more than the record it 1. 2 million penalty that toyota paid last year a little girls thank you to the people who rescued her. I think that if you never helped me my life would be awful and lonely a story of a young survivor and how the state of georgia is trying to help more like her its been 14 years since d. C. Ipp tern chond ra leafy was murdered and why the man convicted of killing her is getting a new trial. Officials in mexico say a shootout between police and a drug cartel left 45 dead. Local Officials Say it started when police tried to pull over a truck as the officers closed in people inside the truck opened fire. The confrontation continued for three hours at a ranch. Almost all the dead were suspected criminals. Prosecutors believe the man charged with killing a wealthy washington d. C. Family did not act alone. Police arrested 34yearold darren went a few miles from the murder scene. Investigators say went bound, battered and stabbed his victims before setting the house on fire. According to the criminal complaint. The crimes required the appearance and assistance of more than one person a man convicted of killing congressional intern chond ra leafy will likely get a new trial. Her body was found in a park. She was romantically linked to a congressman of california. Later, a map was tried and a man was tried and convicted. The government is agreeing to a new trial based on questionable testimony from the defendants former cellmate georgia has been working on how it deals with at risk children. It comes as state system ignored abuse claims and some children died. Some are praising Child Welfare for getting kids out of abusive situations. I want to thank you for making me happy. Marie wrote this letter to the men and women. I couldnt walk my spinal cord was broken and couldnt be fixed. That is how i was hurt. When he was eight months old she weighed 14 pounds and beaten so sifrl by her biological mother and boyfriend, she permanently loss the use of her legs. Today she is nine years old. I think that if you never helped me my life would be awful and lonely. I basically live with my disability and i dont really let things get in my way. Reporter marys story could have ended differently if not for the people at family and Community Services in georgia, a victory for an agency that struggled for years. You ready. Reporter maries adopted mother michelle is a social worker. From the beginning they got the police involved. That was in collaboration with the hospitals, involving expert physicians, hospital social workers and a strong link to dfac and all has to be coordinate and they need to say this is child abuse, the child did not fall out of a bed. Reporter many cases have a different outcome. Ar money moss. Thats the ultimate tragedy, the thing that we are working against. Reporter the horrific case of ar money moss is wellknown. The body of a 10yearold girl found in a trash can in 2013. The police say the father and stepmother burnt her to hide abuse. Georgia had 90 child abuse fatalities that year number 6 in the nation. When bobby became the dfac director the department of 4,000 abuse investigations open. Not enough social workers and a budget stripped of funding. When i see a child that has died because parents have not fulfilled their responsibilities it breaks my heart. It also causes me to redouble my efforts to assure that that doesnt happen to another child. Not when the agencys social workers are overburdened. An issue in which he was aware. Kayingel used to work on the front lines. When you are beyond 15 cases, you reduce your capability to do good assessments. The more cases you have the less capability to do that and the greatest risk of a child to be harmed. Prompted by the latest tragedies, the governor of georgia signed into law a bill aimed at protecting 10,000 foster kids in the state. It rears the dfcs chief to report to the governor. How important now is this new law that the governor signed for you and this department . We get 36 million in the next fiscal year starting july the 1st. Included in that is 175 additional caseworkers, and another 5 million to raise salaries. I wish you keep doing what you do to make the world a better place. The thank you letter to the detectives and social workers was posted online and went viral. The people that did this to you. Do you forgive them at all . Well not really. Because you cant be mad, but you can never hurt someone. Reporter no right. Or anything. Reporter she wants to be a surgeon and help children with disabilities when she grows up a big turn out today for irelands referendum on samesex marriage. 60 of registered voters cast ballots. If it passes. Ireland will be the first country in the world to legalize gay marriage by popular vote. The results expected by tomorrow afternoon an urgent warning about a street drug. Some users call it 5 insanity. Well have more on the dangers of flacka. And americas biggest retailer calls for a change in the meat it sells to millions of customers. Police in Fort Lauderdale are looking into whether a diner drug played a part in a hostage situation. Officers killed a man yesterday who was holding a woman captive. He may have been under the influence of flocka. As Jonathan Betz reports, florida appears to be ground zero for the substance. Reporter on patrol in south florida, within minute the calls come in. Users high on flocka. We have another win. A few months ago authorities had never heard of flocka. And now its one of the biggest threats they face. On patrol in south florida. And within minutes, the calls come in. Users high on flocka. We got another one. Theres number three. A new designer drug and challenge for Law Enforcement officers. I have never seen something hit the streets so wicked and so rapid in my life. The drug is dubbed 5 insanity. Its cheap and affects our intent, and can lead to horrifying hallucinations and nightmares for police. They are struggling to retain growth and users become violent and overpower offices. Its difficult. Police tactics dont work. Flocka can be smoked, injected, snorted or swallowed. Partly driving its spread to iowa texas and tennessee. South florida appears to be the epicentre. From zero cases in 2010 to hundreds a year. Theres no comparison. I never had anything like that. Stephanie hamilton nugent struggled with addiction, and was terrified by what one hit of flocka did. I was scared to death. I took off running. Not knowing where i was going. What did you think was happening . I thought i was being chased. I thought they were after me with guns, and i jumped off a bridge into the inner coastal. You jumped off a bridge . Yes, it makes you that crazy, literally insane. Thats how powerful it is. Thats how powerful it is. Its so scary. Reporter police say dealers in the u. S. Are baying is online in bulk from china and pakistan. This is like combatting facebook, its the internet. Anyone can order it. Reporter up to 10 flocka patients come into the e. R. The big worry is teenagers are trying it not mowing what could happen to their heart, brain. They could have a heart attack, stroke and die. People like ryan worry its not just users at risk. The drug will have random people getting killed for no reason. Thats what the hallucinations lead to. Anything your brain thinks becomes reality. That is scary, its like hell on earth. Because flocka is so cheap, dangerous and spreading fast, authorities fear they are on the verge of seeing something similar to the crack epidemic of the 1980s. Walmart is expressing meat eggs and dairy providers to cut down on the use of ain biotics, calling on drugs to stop being used on forms. Walmart is the largest retailer to take a stand. The eiffel tower in france was closed for an unusual reason. Workers walked off the drug protesting a rise in pick pocket gangs. Yesterday the french government claimed crime against tourists dropped because of video and great epolice presence. Greater police presence. Thousands visit the eiffel tower every day. Im Antonio Mora Ray Suarez is back with inside story. Have a Great Holiday weekend. A new pew poll shows a large majority of americans identify themselves as christians but in recent years numbers have been dropping and dropping fast. More members of nonchristian religions, and more that claim no religion at all are making up a growing minority. Does it point the way to

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