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One of the worlds great art museums reinventing itself to be more contemporary and modern. That story, coming up. Syrian president Bashar Al Assads army has taken full control of the ancient town of palmyra. The Government Forces have been advancing into isilheld territory over the last few days. Theres been heavy fighting in the Historic Center and in residential areas, as well. The syrian army backed by russian air power has also captured the citadel, a unesco World Heritage site. Lets go now life to the turkish syrian border. Our correspondent is standing by. Omar, can you confirm that the fighting is over, that palmyra is indeed under Government Forces control now . Palmyra is indeed under the control of the Government Forces. This news is confirmed first by the local television, the state television, also by an activist group. However, isil have some fighters there, because over the last two hours or so, they launched an attack, two saturday car bombs hit a gathering of syrian army soldiers. We dont know the casualties of the attack, but thats an indication that isil remains somewhere in that area, or perhaps maybe outside of palmyra. The government is confirming its military spokesman is confirming that they are indeed in charge and have secured palmyra. Take us through the significance of the recapture of palmyra particularly for the syrian Government Forces. Its basically its location. To the east of palmyra, you have the area mostly controlled by ice ail and another stronghold. In iraq, where isil is also holding territories, crossing that route is key for the government to inflict on isil and to the north to try to cut that route for isil toward raqqa north of palmyra. Pal meyer radio itself connects the rest of the syria. Its location is very, very important. A very strategic location. Omar, thank you for that, reporting for us. Lets give you a bit of background on how the forces actually got there. Isils destruction of ancient architecture last year made headlines around the world, but its World Heritage status is not the only reason its important. The Syrian Government kept a prison where prisoners having toureddured. Isil blew up the prison in a symbolic move last may. The recapture drinks forces closer to raqqa. Its an important gain for the government. We have more. A significant advance against isil in syria. According to state media Government Forces backed by russian air power. They have recaptured the ancient area of isil after days of intense fighting. While there has been no independent confirmation, the bulk of isil forces had retreated. Following a series of large scale operations, our units operating on the countryside of homs, backed by the Syrian Forces pull filled their mission. They gained control over the surrounding mountains and ridgion and killed large numbers of isil terrorists and destroyed their bunkers and military gear. Isil took over palmyra, also a unesco World Heritage site last may and began destroying ancient sites and staging mass excuses. Known as the bride of the desert, palmyra used to attract tens of thousands of tourist as year before the conflict began. The city isnt known simply for its beautiful ruins. A prison complex is there. It was one of syrias most feared detention centers, housing political prisoners. Thousands of government opponents were reportedly tortured there. Shortly after taking over the city, isil blew up the jail, destroying an important symbol of government control. Palmyras location makes it important for the armed forces and their allies. While russia withdrew most forces from syria after six months of bombardment, the government of Bashar Al Assad has of late also mailed advances in rebel held territory. Recapturing palmyra opens up a possible advance of Government Forces towards much of the eastern desert, stretching to the iraqi border to the south and isils hard land to the east. Al jazeera. As Government Troops reportedly take palmyra, there is a cessation of hostilities in place elsewhere. Both sides have been generally observing the truce and agreed to the delivery of humanitarian aid. The u. N. Has managed to get medical help and food to nine of the 11 besieged areas. Government and rebels have blamed each other for sporadic fighting. Russia has with drown most of its forces, but activists say russian jets continue to support the Syrian Government offenses against isil. U. N. Brokered talks are scheduled to begin again in geneva next month. Lets get more now from a humanitarian activist with the syria campaign. She joins us live from beirut. Thanks for being with us. The u. N. Has said that its been able to deliver human aid to over 20,000 people, all thanks to the cessation of hostilities. Do you think they could have done more . Absolutely. 20,000 is a drop in the ocean when you think there is 1 Million People under siege. Were still very, very worried about certain towns opinion in the town of mazyra there is starvation. There are children with extended bellies, the way you would see in a famine. Douma, the u. N. Trucks have been able to drive through the city to get oh other places, but they havent stopped to off load some of the aid so the 200,000 people there that really desperately need that aid. On another matter, during this particular month of the truce, weve seen demonstrations against the assad good afternoon. What do you know of these protests . Whos organizing them and have there been any implications coming up from them . The fact that the bombs have stopped have allowed basically the revolution to continue. Its the same people that were organizing them before. Its civilians in their towns who from the very beginning demanded freedom and dignity and they continue to do so now. In terms of the peace talks, that really goes to show you that theres no way the war in syria can end unless the demands of the people are met, which is the removal of the assad of president assad. Also, the amazing thing about these protests is that theyve also been protesting extremists, like nusra and isis. Basically, the Syrian People want their dignity and freedom from all sides oppressing them. We are entering the sixth year of this particular conflict. This month weve seen a cessation of hostilities, were about to see the geneva talks start again. How hopeful are you we might be seeing the start of the end of the conflict . I cant say how hopeful i am, but will say that the cessation of hostilities and the fact its held up have taken quite a few of us by surprise. The biggest Sticking Point of course will be if assad remains in power or not and thats a crucial question, because it affects whether the detainees are released and theres thousands of people currently busy appeared in assad prisons. It also affects whether the sieges will be lifted or not. Thank you so much for joining us. A crowd has gathered in central brussels. Lets take a look at live pictures coming from the belgian capital. Earlier, a solidarity rally called marsh against fear was planned to mark tuesdays attacks. Lets go live to jacki role lands who joins us from brussels. We know the marsh has been postponed but were seeing a gathering of people in brussels. Just explain to us whats happening here. Thats right, the official march has been postponed due to security fears. The authority discussed it with the organizers, there is a general agreement in the current climate, the risk of attack was too high and the Security Forces are simply overstretched in order to be able to police the demos that could have attracted thousands. However that said, in the last hour, we have seen a group of 100 or so right wing activists, football hooligans, that is how theyve been described to me. Theyre carrying a banner saying casuals against terrorism. The police and army are here in quite strong presence. There were Army Vehicles blocking roads leading to the square and the police have been checking ike d. S of people coming into the square. Right now we have a series of riot police behind us on the perimeter of the square. Although there were threats by these individuals to actually come in and disrupt what has largely been a peaceful demonstration, people coming through, lighting candles, laying flowers. It appears that the police have by and large been able to keep these demonstrators at the perimeter of the square. Has there been much backlash sings the attacks occurred on tuesday . When you say backlash, what deem . Have you seen perhaps people as weve seen in paris and throughout europe whenever theres been a terrorist attack, weve seen muslim communities being attacked or criticized. Has there been much of that in belgium since tuesday . Up knoll you, not as far as weve been able to see. I have talked extensively with members of the Muslim Community. We were a couple of days ago at an Islamic School where the gym teacher was among those killed in the metro bombing. Up until now, Muslim Community leaders have not talked about being targeted in tit for tat violence. Obviously people who were part of this march now were chanting slogans that sounded racist, sounded anti immigration. Up until now, we are not aware have communities targeted in the kind of random violence. People coming to the square have been delivering messages of peace, of coexistence between communities and we have seen a big banner in the top of the square saying not in the name of islam. We have this group of 100 or so people who clearly do seem in tent on provokes confrontation. As you talk, were seeing the group of people that have gathered there about to confront this line of police. They are also gathered there. This is one of the reasons i asked about backlash. No doubt, the Security Forces are overstretched, trying to keep security, as well as calm and peace in the city right now. We dont know much about whos organized this demonstration as youve mentioned, however, we are watching the police now actually advancing on this group of demonstrators there in the capital. What do we know of this group . We dont know very much about this group at all. Ive just been talking to our local cameraman, whos been tell me that the profile of the people participating in this attempt to carry out some kind of confrontation with the police and also with people in the square, they appear to be football hooligans, right wing activists, as i said, they set up marching about an hour or so ago, carrying banners that say f. D. K. Isis. They do seem to be people who are seeking to provoke confrontation. Certainly the first instance of which weve seen of people trying to have some kind of a violent confrontation in what in recent days until now has been a very peaceful and thoughtful gathering here, bringing together people of all different communities within brussels. We have seen a lot of people of the Muslim Community laying flowers. Weve seen people with disabilities coming to the square to pay their respects. Weve seen internationals, weve seen belgian people and so this is really the first instance in several days of being here at the square that we have seen any kind of violent element seeking to provoke confrontation with the Security Forces. As were talking to you, jacki, were just seeing that group turn its back against that line of police there, police of course armed with shields, as well as batons. They seem to be riot police readying for confrontation that might occur. As you say, the demonstration so far has been largely peaceful. Jacki, well let you go for now. We will come back to you later on in the show for an update. Jacki role lands reporting from the capital. Police tweeted this photo of masked officers in the Southern Italian town of belize. The man is of algerian descent. He may be extra dated to belgium in the next days. Prosecutors have so far charged three men with procedure too fast over the suicide talks. Turning our attention to the crisis in greece, and refugees and migrants are holding protests along the macedonian border, demanding officials let them through. To give you a better idea of the situation, there are more than 12,000 people sometime stranded at that makeshift camp. Most have refused to go to governmentrun shelters. The fear that they will either be forced to stay in greece or be deported back to turkey. Now elsewhere, on the greek island of lesbos, some refugees have been sent to the Northern City of cavala awaiting deportation. The refugees say they are angry and frustrated over worsening conditions at the camp. Most have already sold their belongings and spent their savings to get this far. Zeina hodor tells their story. Yet again they make their way to greeces border, totaled northern route has reopened. They walked for kilometers in the cold. We are going there because they are openings the border. We read it on social media and facebook pages of access. We were celebrating this afternoon night. These people were not given the correct information. This i also what they found. Dozens preparing to breakthrough greek police lines and push their way forward. This is the only hope we have left. They want to take us to military camps and the e. U. Relocation program could take months or years. Im confident we can get through, because we are many people. A few dozen gathered, but they changed their minds. We wont march, they said. Not unless the red cross is with them and theres a decision by the European Union to let them in. These refugees and migrants know that crossing by force will not change anything. Two weeks ago, some of them managed to breakthrough a barbed wire fence only to be arrested by macedonian authorities and sent back. Instead, they held peaceful protest in front of the world cameras in the hope their voices will be heard and their suffering not forgotten. We will endure the cold and stay even with no food but wont leave here. Our families are in europe. We will stay until we can cross. This is where they will wait while their asylum requests are processed. Whats going on here is a tragedy for our whole continent who are renouncing to our voluminous history and humanity. The route has been closed for weeks. There is no indication that will change. More and more people are realizing that europes open door policy has been shut. Zeina hodor, al jazeera. Still to come on this news hour, a new law in pakistan to protect women from abuse comes under attack. I like to save people. I like to save trees, even nature. I love it. Doing a good turn. Rev gees in australia are now volunteering at firefighters. In sport, world champions germany suffer an unlikely defeat in berlin. U. S. President ial hopeful Bernie Sanders has won democratic caucuses in three states. He clinked the vote in hawaii, washington and alaska over front runner Hillary Clinton on saturday but lagged behind clinton in the delegate count. This is how the democratic president ial race stands at the moment. It takes 2,383 delegates to win the democratic nomination. Despite Bernie Sanders win in hawaii, Hillary Clinton still leads with 1,234 pledged delegates. Sanders has 956 and hes hoping his campaign will pick up momentum with his latest victory. Lets go live to washington, d. C. Where other correspondent rob reynolds is standing by. Victories in three states for Bernie Sanders. Just whats behind his latest success . He won big in these three states, caucuses, over 70 in both alaska and hawaii and over 80 in washington. The reasons behind sanders popularity among the democrats in these states are somewhat in line with where hes won elsewhere. If you look at where hes won, its a large white diverse electorate, people going out after the caucuses and telling reporters that their main concern is that they believe the system is broken, that it is corrupted by money and that only Bernie Sanders is talking about that, and only he will really affect significant change in that. If you contrast his victories in these three states again with largely white liberal populations in the democratic electorate with clintons victories in earlier states like florida, like North Carolina where theres a much more diverse electorate with lots of africanamerican and hispanic voters, as well, youll see this dynamic has emerged where clinton has this sort of firewall among minority voters that she has been using to her advantage and she still leads quite substantially in those numbers of delegates. So, tell us, whats next now in the democratic race. The next three primaries will be key, i think. The first one is in wisconsin, sanders and clinton are both bitterly contesting that state. Its a very important key state in the upper midwest. Then comes new york, which Hillary Clinton represented for eight years in the u. S. Senate be, sanders supporters hope that he can embarrass her in that state somehow by coming at least close to victory or giving ate good fight. Thats followed by delegate rich pennsylvania, which clinton won handily in 2008 in her fight for the nomination, losing fight for the nomination with barack obama. Excuse me. Rob, thank you for that update, rob reynolds speaking to us from washington, d. C. A new Opposition Party formed in japan ahead of elections this summer. The new party is a merger of smaller opposition groups, looking to put pressure on the ruling conservative party. Rob mcbride has more from tokyo. This merger is seen by many in the fragmented opposition as being the best chance of trying to derail the ruling conservative Coalition Government of Prime Minister abey ahead of upper house elections this summer. He has Forward Momentum in spite of scandals involving cabinet members and the a faltering economic strategy. He has majorities in both house us of the japanese party. If he can extend that to two thirds of the vote, has he an unprecedented opportunity to change the countries pacifist constitution, giving the military a more assertionist role. The opposition has promised to try to prevent that. This merger sees a further sad demise of the main Opposition Democratic Party of japan. They spectacularly swept to power in 2009, but equally spectacularly were dumped by the electorate a few years later. They have never been able to recover. The new emerged party known as the Democratic Party has no guarantee that they are going to fire up this electorate. Many despite the checkered history believe there is no alternative to it. North carolinas government released a new video showing what it calls its largest ever exercise of longrange artillery training. State media showed leader kim jongun inspecting the drill. Tensions have been high since pyongyang conducted a test in january and longrange rocket launch last month. A Court Hearing of a petition challenging islam as bangladeshs state religion has been postponed since monday. The petition argues that the decision to designate it was illegal. A new bill has been passed in the pakistani province that criminalizes domestic abuse. The Regional Government is setting up a 24 hour hot line and plans to open shelters for abused women. Some of opposing the law. Welcome to a leading beauty salon that caters to pakistans more privileged classes but also offers help to some of its victims. Most of the trainees here are victims of domestic violence. Many still have the scars from acid attacks. The owner came up for the idea of the salon, which is training 700 students who come from all over the country. Any crime has to be taken into account and the perpetrators punished. The Legislature Passed a bill unanimously that criminalizes domestic abuse, including the emotional, psychological and verbal abuse of women. It also called on authorities to act on behalf of victims, but some religious leaders object to parts of the new law. Islam is a religion, but we are against some clauses of this bill which need to be rectified. Some worry this could trigger a back lark in this male dominated society. Women across the country have hailed a resolution as a major victory, but it has sparked a heated debate with the religious right. The most powerful religious parties say they were not consulted on the bill and have serious questions. Pan jack Women Protection bill is against islam. It further a western agenda and should be withdrawn immediately. Otherwise, religious parties will launch a country wide protest against the bill. The bill is now law and will be implemented in letter and spirit. We have to protect women. They are the center of our population. This bill will not be withdrawn, however we can improve it, we can delete things. Pakistans constitution says any legislation which goes against islam cannot become allow. No one knows if the government will back down or hold its ground on this contentious legislation. One thing it cant afford, at the moment, is continued opposition and threat of street protest. Al jazeera, lahore. Lets check the weather now with rob, whos here to tell us about University Boat race day in london. A change of place between two universities in london, first rowed in 1829, its now an annual event. Usually they get away with reasonable weather, but its spring. Its not always like that and this has been practicing a row in the quiet waters. That is the cambridge team, the lighter blues. Weather wise is not playing ball. Look at the speed of motion of the satellite imagery. It looks low pressure, deep stormy stuff and little. Doesnt snow itself yet. This benign little windy thing here is going to turn into a proper storm. Since early winter, theyve been naming the storms, got up to k. And katy is the latest one. Winds gusting 120 kilometers per hour. The rest of the u. K. Doesnt avoid this, particularly in the south, it will be stormy and wont be entirely the british isles. This will affect northern france and maybe Northern Spain and certainly the low countries, so holland and belgium, for example. Stormy weather in the northwest corner. The advance will start to drop a great deal of warmth for the rest of the european many. Best of luck to oxford and cambridge. Australia has a tough policy to deter refugees arriving by boat but some are making a valuable contribution to the country. We have this report from noble park near melbourne. Every summer, parts of australia go up in flames in hot windy conditions. Wild bush fires are common. Containing them and stopping them from destroying homes or lives generally falls to volunteer firefighters. Not many are from iran, but she and her husband are refugees who came to australia by boat. The hose is very heavy especially when the water is going on, it gets heavier. For me, maybe for men not, but for me is very heavy. But i like it. I like to save people. I like to save even trees, even nature, i love it. A few years ago, the local fire brigade faced a problem, a dwindling number of recruits. Five years ago, there werent enough volunteers to run even a Training Exercise like this one, let alone have enough people reliably on call when a real fire broke out. The fire service was becoming unviable. We had 12 people in the brigade. We really had to do something to change that around. The fire service made an active effort to recruit from ethnic minorities, particularly resettled refugees. Nowadays, australias government deports any refugees who come by boat, but between 2010 and 2013, tens of thousands arrived who were allowed to stay, a high number settled to the south and east of melbourne, the very area facing a shortage of firefighting volunteers. Today of the 52 volunteers based at noble park, half of from immigrant backgrounds. They helped us and they accept us to being r. Be in australia, so i should do something. I want to do something. Its like pay back. The firefighters are more representative of the immigrant communities theyre serving, too. Particularly in a situation where youve got a fire, it is a bad time for people, and english in the being a first language, quite often we have members responding who can speak other languages and offer confident support to people in their times of needs. The focus of australian politics recently has been on how to keep refugees out. Sometimes overlooked is there contribution once theyre in. Andrew thomas, al jazeera, noble park, near melbourne. Much more coming up on al jazeera, including. In the first hospital, there was no qualified doctor, the second hospital, no drugs and constant power outages. Well tell you why the death rate for cancer in nigeria is high. Christians around the world celebrate easter. In sport, find out whos replaced jordan speith as golfed number one. The top stories this hour, isil says it was behind two suicide attacks close to palmyra. It comes as the syrian army says it has taken full control of the ancient city of palmyra. Government forces have advanced into isil held territory in the last few days. Live pictures from brussels where a right wing group of 100 people march toward a vigil of victims of the attacks. Riot police have arrived in the scare. Bernie sanders has won the caucus states but still lag behind in delegates. Returning to the Syrian Military taking over palmyra. A journalist said despite the armys victory, the fighting in the area is far from over. Shirty after down, the Government Forces took over palmyra despite fierce attacks to stop the army from advancing. There was a car bombing to try to stop the advance of the Government Forces. The army managed to overcome that and fully control the city. There are engineering corps trying to demine, because isil has left devices across the city and they have to go house to house and building to building to make sure that there are no explosive devices. The situation seems very calm and stable. It is too early to say that isil has given up completely on this fight because the nearest stronghold for isil is less than 20 kilometers from here and isil still has large forces in the nearest town. The syrian army had to mount a large scale battle, this is the first such a large number were killed. They have a body count of isil of over 380 dead bodies, which is a very high number for the radical group to lose in one bat. There are 2 billion christians around the world and many are marking easter. This is the day they believe jesus was resurrected. In india, the town celebrated with singing and dancing. They then attended special prayers and held processions through the town. In northbound iraq in the predominantly christian town, hundreds of people gathered in churches. Many of the worshipers say internally displaced people are a large amount. Pope francis celebrated Easter Sunday mass in the vatican. Thousands came to st. Peters square to watch the service. The upon till led prayers from the altar set up on the steps of st. Peters basilica. The security situations in europe caused many to stay away. The last six months have seen a wave of violence. There have been attempted and alleged stabbings of Israeli Forces by palestinians. Many palestinians have been shot dead under disputed circumstances. We have this report. The patriarch makes his way to Easter Sunday mass. There are not many people here. This year, w we have a down more or less of around further , 40 . It is not academic but around there. People are concerned things happened in the old city, so people are concerned. It con serious you walking through the city, because there are so many guards and im not used to handle every day life with so many weapons and army stuff. For those who came, a very special moment. For many, this is a trip of a lifetime, to attend mass in the place where jesus is believed to have been buried and risen from the dead. The difference in numbers in palpable. Mass is underway in the church for the holy sepulcher. This area usually would be packed with tourists and pilgrims. Everyone we speak to says they noticed that its half empty. One palestinian man tells us its a different atmosphere here and that its sad. Another woman said good willing, things will be better next year. Those who live and work in jerusalems old city tell us these are Uncertain Times and what makes them worse than the tense times before is no one knows when this latest wave of violence will end. In the republican of ireland, people are marking the rebellion of 1916 when a group of around men failed in their attempt to overthrow british rule by storming the building. The event ignited an independent movement that led to the creation of the irish free state in 1922. Were taking you now live to brussels where thi this is in belgium. We are watching riot police advancing on a group who have gathered there in the square. Now earlier on, our correspondent Jacky Rowland has been telling us about this particular group flying flags that seemed to indicate that they were anti isil. Its not much thats known about this particular group, however as you can see there, police in riot gear advancing on this particular group, trying of course to disperse the group from the square there. Earlier on, solidarity rally that had been planned, called a march against had been planned, had been postponed because of security concerns. The authorities are urging people to stay away from brussels. Particularly in open areas like this in order to eases the pressure over the already overstretched police force. The march against fear was planned to mark the attacks which killed 28 and injured hundreds. However just in the last hour or so, a few hundred people have gathered at the square and had some confrontation with riot police. We will be bringing you more on this story as it develops. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization says theres been an increase in death from cancer in nigeria. Nearly ate of those who get diagnosed die. Inadequate medical facilities and late diagnose are partly to blame for the high figure. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with bone cancer. She said she is in constant pain and cant walk properly. In the first hospital, there was no qualified doctor, the second hospital, no drugs and constant power outages. The next hospital i was transferred to did not have the right equipment. The World Health Organization said inadequate Cancer Treatment has let to many people dying. There are only seven state run hospitals and clinic that is special ice in treatment of cancer patients. The government plans to double that number over the next two years through partnerships with the private sector. Holt ministers Early Detection is important, as well as investment in the holt care sector. When you that present with it, there is nothing anybody can do. We can use the money well, use it where it matters, spend less on meetings and conferences and put money where people benefit. That could be one reason why the cancer survival rate are so low. The World Health Organization is helping reduce the figure. We have seen what the government has been doing. They made a National Program showing smithment from the side of the government. Back in her home, she says investment in flew facilities and improvements to existing wins need to come faster. She captain afford to travel. She fears she will die if she cant get the treatment at home. Still to come here on that al jazeera, find out what forced rafael nadal to make a surprises exit from the masters. Welcome back. The metro poll tan museum of art was founded 146 years ago but is transforming into something a little more modern, as al jazeera reports now from new york. 50 years backtoback placed in sand with shells and pubs. Its one of the many pieces was nontraditional works at new yorks metro pal tan pugh museum of art. It looks at 500 years of artwork by bringing together some childer aspects seen in contemporary art with classical objects seen through a different lens. Its a radical new step to shake off a stuffy image at one of new yorks most storied institutions, the met was found as an in psycho feedic museum shunning contemporary works. We started collecting seriously after the second world war. We built our collection in the late 20th century but now is an opportunity to do even more. Doing it in a fast moving watered in an industry steeped intra addition will take time. Its why the mets deep dive into contemporary is closely watched in the art world. The met is in many ways reinventing itself. The real challenge will be in doing so in a city with so many options for or the loves. The Whitney Museum focuses on contemporary art from a modern viewpoint just moved into a new modern building. There are two other famous art institutions. There is titanic competition commons the museums in new york right now. The met found itself trying to stay relevant. Contemporary audiences more interested in rely janet than class and the met is the classiest knew seem in new york but that doesnt mean it is the coolest. I think this is their attempt to refresh the brand, if you will. For an old institution, trying a create a buzz for a new audience. Its time for sports now. Thank you very much. In the last hour, afghanistan have achieved one of their biggest ever contradict victories by beating the west indies in the world 2020 championships. Managed 123 from the seven in 20 overs, top scoring with an unbeaten 48, the windies had won their first three against bart. They neat 10 runs from the last four balls to win. A diving catch, the 2010 champions failing to reach the target losing by six runs. Its the afghans first victory over test playing nations, other than zimbabwe or bangladesh. Despite a defeat, the west indies will still top a group and be in the finals on sunday. India won 20 hosting the series in january this year. Sauc australia has played wia lot of passion. I believe in playing the same way. I like that challenge. Ive always enjoyed playing against australia. You still have to respect the conditions, the ballers, you still have to follow your plans. You cant sit in your dressing room thinking if its australia, im going to score runs, no. It is the ultimate challenge in any format here in india. If you can beat india on indian soil in any stage in any format, its an incredible achievement. Everyone knows that. Hudson had his best night at england maker. Throwing away a lead, tony cruz put germany ahead just before half time. Early in the second half, mario gomez looked to have put germany on course for a comfortable win. England hit back first. Harry cain let the city striker make an Immediate Impact off the bench. Also scoring his first england goal, his team pulled off an unlikely 32 win. Unbeaten after nine games in germany. Whilst enjoying this night, and admitting this is my best night with england so far, a lot of the criticisms weve had in the past and will continue to get, im sure, they are suddenly forgotten for a moment and we get lifted up. This is a team with definitely a work in progress. Theyve got to be. On the one hand, it is of course absolutely annoying for a coach to see his team lose after a 20 lead. On the other hand, one must clearly say losing this game is not entirely undeserved, even when we were two up, we werent really in control as we would liked to have been. In the same group with germany, they continue their preparations with their fifth straight win. They beat finland 50 in a friendly at home. He netted it twice. Tennis now, rafael nadal retired follow a match for the first time in six years. He pulled out due to illness in the hot and humid conditions at the miami masters. While the spaniard was three down in the final set against the bosnian, he started to feel ill and was complaining of dizziness when he decided to quit. The four time grand slam chan has never won the miami masters despite playing in four finals. Today were suffering for the health, for my health, so i didnt know what was going on, so i decided to stop, because i was not sure that i can finish the match that way. Two time champion here andy murray had no problem against the player from uzbekistan. He dominated the match which he eventually won 63, 75, hell face the bulgarian in the third round. Womens world number one Serena Williams remains on track for a fourth consecutive miami open title. Based in south florida, arena didnt seem too bothered by the hot weather, beating selena diaz to claim her 20th consecutive win here. They will now face svetlana in the next round. Jordan speith replaced at golf number one. Set up a semifinal against mcelroy with this 32 win. Its not so much the number one rank that gets me excite. Its more so the journey and the process its taken. It takes to get to the top which your sport, takes a long time and former, its just really a delayed gratification im thankful for and very happy for, because i have been, you know, busting my butt and been doing the right things and to be able to give back to number one in the word is fantastic. You you build and build and it feels good. Its great for your confidence and especially with the masters only a couple of weeks away, to get a good run in this 40 is really pleasing. To the nba where the that he didnt hawks beat the Detroit Pistons to end a fivegame winning streak. The pistons couldnt recover from a poor First Quarter as the hawks dominated the game. 23 points and nine visitors, he leads the visitors to a win. The hawks have lost 13 of their last 16 games and moved ahead of miami at the top of the southeast division. Stay with us here. Weve got another full bulletin which news at the top of the hour. Lets take you live to brussels where you can see the vigil being held there for the victims of tuesdays bomb attacks. Earlier on, we had seen right wing protestors marching towards the vigil. We will have more on that as the story develops. Stay with us. Syrian forces reclaim the ancient town of palmyra. Youre watching al jazeera. Coming up in the next half hour protestors are pushed out of central brussels. Police use Water Cannons to disperse them. Well have a life update. Refugee protest at the greecemacedonia border demanding it be reopened

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