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The east coast digging out of a snowstorm this morning, areas blanketed in up to three feet of snow, over the weekend and welcome to your world this weekend im stephanie si. Many are shovelling out of the remains of a blizzard and many challenges ahead as the workweek begins. Major delays on Public Transportation and many roads are dangerous and airports in new york city and baltimore and philadelphia are resuming very limited service after thousands of cancellations and despite some picture perfect scenes outside they are urging caution for 29 weather related deaths since friday. 88 Million People across 24 states directly affected by the weekend storm. The impact will linger for days. In washington federal offices and schools are closed today. While snowplow crews did make some progress sunday those overnight lows are freezing any snow melt, snow plus wind and rising tides flooded towns up and down the jersey shore. Pennsylvania people are cleaning up and dealing with damage like this church that collapsed under the weight of the snow. Opened up the door to the auditorium and looked up at a gaping hole in the roof some 60 foot by 60 feet the firefighters told us. Reporter storm dumped snow on parts of the east coast paralyzing air and rail travel and cutting power to 200,000 people and members of the National Guard are deployed across 12 states. New york saw 30 in some areas. This storm was the second largest snowstorm in terms of accumulation in the history of this city. Reporter and while all the snow made a slow going some people braved the cold and winds and made the most of it. I love it. Its a party. Its a snow festival. Its play all day, its fun. Reporter Al Jazeera John is live from the nation capitol and john obviously where you in and around the capitol got a lot of snow. What is the latest there this morning . Yeah, well i tell you what rochelle and stephanie its a dogs breast fast, are you familiar with the dogs breakfast and apologies to anybody who loves animals but it means a huge message the washington newspaper says this morning and our camera man steve can zoom in on it but the headline cleanup could take days and the proof in the pudding is right behind me, look at the snow barrels which have been pushed here. The problems is in the nation capitol we have singing tracking roads pretty much on all main thurro fairs and worse this divisions where people live and the mayor cancelled business so the sanitation workers can come and do the stuff and better headline is the federal government has been cancelled today so that doesnt happen often as you know and it was in 1010 with snow magedden and all schools cancelled in the area and true of maryland and also virginia as well and the metro and under Ground Railroad which they were hoping would be up and running pretty much normal they kept the trains in the tunnels to keep them toasty and warm and didnt have to scrape the snow off and has gone badly wrong because three are working and others will come on gradually in the next 24 hours and the nations capitol is pretty much seized today is the headline. All right followup question before i let you go, john, there are some sort of glitch when it comes to actually determining how much snow fell, tell us about that. This is a great story. In fact, bending down, its in the washington, its their story, not mine but a terrific story basically the National Weather service has a very specific way of measuring snowfall, what they do is they its a white board apparently about yeah high and whoever is on duty at rayen national aport has to put it in and wipe the board clean every few hours and know how much the snow has built up and give an accurate measure how much snow has been but the man at reagan lost his board and it snowed so hard he couldnt find it and running around oh, my god what do i tell my bosses, i know i will tell them it was 17 and we know it was inaccurate because over in dulles its 29 and pchl w pwi is the same but Everybody Knows this is a lie. Its a mistake, a misstatement if you will. John is live in d. C. , john, thank you. For an accurate count of the snow tote m els and we will bring in Nicole Mitchell and you had a busy weekend as the east coast continues digging out there is another system coming in the midwest. Light snow very comparatively so here are accurate snow totals for all of us and i use washington d. C. And dulles where the total almost 30 and then you know there was a little less as you got further to the north accept some banding and heavy banding and new york at jfk one of the bands sat over the city and that over 30, baltimore 29 and further to the north less and boston was about 6 but a lot of snow to dig out for today. We talked about the deaths earlier, many of those deaths people shovelling because snow is heavy especially when youre talking about it in feet. Some parts of West Virginia were over 3 1 2 feet and that is a big concern. As you shovel out be very careful and with clear skies overnight and temperatures started to get above freezing during the day and refreezing and black ice too and there is still even though we are clear some things to watch. What we are watching now is this system in the midwest, this is more of a typical snowstorm especially for the midwest, just a couple inches and nuisance snow and can see this through the upper midwest through the course of the day today, that could bring in really more rain for the day tomorrow for portions of the east coast and maybe a little snow on the backside but we will start to seat some snow away with the rain and warmer temperatures. We need that for sure and thank you. Cleanup in alaska this morning after what scientists are calling the areas strongest quake in decades and warning the aftershocks could go on for weeks, at least four homes were destroyed sunday when the 7. 1 magnitude quake struck central alaska and knocked out power for thousands of people. No injuries were reported. A manhunt for three escaped california inmates enters a third day this morning and we are now saying the first images of the escape from inside this highsecurity prison in Orange County california and we report. Reporter pictures from inside the dormstyle cell show how the inmates escaped by cutting holes in the steel grate and through the plumbing and through other secured areas using a makeshift rope and authoritys released the grainy rooftop Surveillance Video from the Southern California jail, flashes of light believed to be the inmates. We will not stop until they are back in custody. Reporter f. B. I. And u. S. Marshals joined the search for the three. Two of them are in custody for attempted murder and one for mayhem, kidnapping, i consider them very dangerous individuals. Reporter the inmates were last seen friday morning around 5 00 a. M. And not discovered missing for 16 hours setting off a manhunt late friday night. We are depending on the information that is coming in, thats why the sheriff stated that your help and assistance from the public is very important. Reporter authorities are focusing their search on places where the fugitives have family and friends. Relative of the youngest fugitive in disbelief. I feel like he was manipulated or tricked into doing this you know. Reporter Law Enforcement say the jail break was preplanned and well thought out and the f. B. I. And u. S. Marshals are now offering a 50,000 reward to find the missing men. So this particular facility and has anything like this happened before . Twice before and the last time it was more than 20 years ago but this facility is different than the more modern ones because it allows inmates to move around more freely and its difficult to get a head count during the day. Hence the 16 hour. Thank you very much. Chicago has hired an independent monitor to oversee its Embattled Police department and Charles Ramsey will help guide the force as it faces a civil rights investigation by the department of justice and a number of high profile Deadly Police shoot ngs the city in resent moves and if he looks familiar he recently retired as the commissioner for the philadelphia Police Department and also previously led the department in d. C. Assad regime is making gains in syria and progovernment reports that forces have retaken the city of rabia the last major stronghold and that area is strategically and symbolically important and key routes run through this and home to all whites who support the Assad Government and john kerry says he hopes to have an update soon on delayed peace talks and scheduled to start this morning in geneva but there is no consensus on who should attend and kerry denies accusations he pressured rebels to join without preconditions and some demand they stop bombing and blockading rebel held areas before they negotiate and bring in simmons who is in turkey on the border with syria and andrew thanks for being with us and what more can you tell us about what is causing delay in negotiations and were they in some ways doomed before they even began . Well, stephanie certainly john kerry is using every nerve ending in his diplomatic skill set right now to try and hold this together but it would appear that the opposition groupings are not happy in the way the u. S. Is conducting things. There are allegations by some opposition groups that the u. S. Is putting pressure on opposition groups to go to the peace talks without any real ammunition politically at all. There is also complications in terms of turkey, turkey with the pyd and are kurds and with the pyd and its a Different Organization than pkk out lawed in turkey and not favored by the states and u. S. Deems it a terrorist organization but the pyd is seen as an ally of the u. S. In its fight against i. S. I. L. So that is one complication but the primary issue is that russia is something of a game changer in the way it has acted in direct intervention four months ago now with air strikes and many of the opposition figures want the russians to stop these air strikes particularly on civilian areas if the talks are to go ahead. Now, john kerry is saying there cant be any more of this posturing by the Syrian Regime side or indeed by the opposition, they have to get into proximity talks because what is going on right now stephanie is the proximity talks are effectively going on from a big distance and this is dangerous and could mean the talks dont actually get underway. Andrew simmons live from turkey, andrew thank you. In egypt thousands today are celebrating the anniversary of the so called january 25 revolution. Protests against egyptian president abdelfattah elsissi erupted there and around the world and it was five years ago when millions poured into the square making it the focal point of arab spring and protest led to the over throw of mubarak regime and meanwhile abdelfattah elsissi said pay tribute to the protest sunday during a live televised address and said the 18 day revolt was to revive nobel principles and found a new egypt and we have more. Reporter the army is on the streets, there is a stepped up security presence ahead of the fifth anniversary of egypts revolution and they will not allow protests and more activists jailed, thousands of homes have been searched, Officials Say the crack down is being carried out in the name of security but human Rights Groups say its part of a campaign to silence the opposition. Five years after egypts uprising hope has given way to total repression and egyptian authorities are terrified of another uprising, the activists that we have seen over the last few days and weeks are really warning shots. Reporter it has been five years since weeks of protests unseated a president who kept an iron grip on power for three decad decades. This was the mood when mubarak announced he was stepping down but the years that followed brought little change. Soon the space that had been the epicenter of revolt was no longer a place where egyptians came together and celebrated. The square became a place where opposing sides of the divide raised their grievances. At first the chance called for the down fall of the man who had taken over from mubarak and accused the official a military man of having hijacked can revolution of having failed to bring about democratic rule. Eventually power was transferred to civilian authorities, elections were held. The Muslim Brotherhood morsi was the first elected head of state and didnt take long for protesters to return to the streets. Morsis opponent said he was pursuing a religious agenda and strengthening his grip on power. Calls for morsi to step down grew louder and protests intensified and so did the violence, the military stepped in and dissolved the government and many Muslim Brotherhood leaders and the civilian president was installed. The military coup didnt bring peace and those with a legitimate government were violently suppressed. But those who backed the military action gathered on the third anniversary of the revolution to urge the man behind it abdelfattah elsissi to run for president. He did. His supporters say he saved the nation. His opponents accuse him of authoritarian rule. You have counter revolutionary force whose tried to hijack the revolution and major ideological and social cleavages in society and Islamist National divide. Reporter hundreds have been killed thousands including journalists locked up, Authorities Say they are committed to democracy and opponents believe otherwise, for them mubaraks Security State is back, al jazeera. Malaysia government is down playing the discovery of debris being linked to that missing Malaysia Flight 370 and found a chunk of metal off the Southern Coast of tie land and tie and malaysia authorities are looking at the debris to see if it matches the missing airliner and disappeared two years ago with 12 crew on board and flying from kualalumpur to beijing. The men that launched attacks on paris and showed some of them wearing camouflage fatigues and disease unhave authenticity of the video and had a threat to attack britain and several of them were also shown be heading hostages. Fight against i. S. I. L. In afghanistan is ramping up, u. S. Troops have been directed to go after the group and Afghan Government says its making progress and Al Jazeera Omar has this exclusive report from the after georgiaenpakistan border. Reporter on the front line of Islamic State of levante and runs through a vast Mountain Area on the border of pakistan and we had a strong army escort up to this mailitary and relies on them to keep i. S. I. L. At bay. We are defending our country and its our duty. Reporter off camera this fighter tells me he doesnt have enough bullets to fight. I. S. I. L. Is not far from here, their flag says it all. This is i. S. I. L. Territory. I. S. I. L. Emerged in afghanistan over a year ago mainly in the east of the country. Afghan leaders say it is mainly made up of foreigners and that it has attracted to transformer members of taliban and alqaeda and not long before we hear the vast valley of bullets the 50 millimeter guns are capable of subduing the incoming fire. Tense moments follow and fighters take their positions. There has been fighting and clashes for the last half hour or so we are about one kilometer away from the village where i. S. I. L. Is present there, they have their flag in that village and its a clear sign who is in control of that area. Now, the Afghan Intelligence military intelligence sources have told us there are about 4,000 fighters from i. S. I. L. Based in the province on the border between afghanistan and pakistan. Its mountain terrain. Over 10,000 Afghan Security forces based in the province on kandahar and are fighting i. S. I. L. And the taliban and commander says i. S. I. L. Will be defeated soon. Translator they posed a serious threat in the beginning but we will clear the areas and defeat them by march, tell i. S. I. L. They dont have a footstep here. Reporter Afghan Ministry of defense says more than 190 i. S. I. L. Tighters have been fighters have been killed in the last two months and not far from the base this market is busy, for many here i. S. I. L. Is more than a threat, it is a reality. Translator the government controls the main roads and basis and i. S. I. L. Controls the rest and carrying out executions. Reporter the afghan army is over stretched fighting a resilient army the taliban but the battle with i. S. I. L. Is different and wont be over soon, al jazeera, on the afghanpakistan border. Looking to boost economic ties. Irans president in europe today for the First Time Since sanctions against his country were lifted but can he drum up a business there. Plus the on going battle to shut down Guantanamo Bay and the goal is really about relocation, not closure. The only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and thats what were doing at xfinity. We are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Defense secretary ash carter supports closing the military prison at Guantanamo Bay. 90 men still being held there and carter says the shut down would be a good thing but would mean transferring prisoners to a new facility somewhere on u. S. Soil. Speaking over the weekend to cnn there are people in guantanamo we cannot transfer them to the custody of another government no matter how much we trust that government and carl rosenburg is with the miami herald and spent nearly 15 years covering the Detention Center at gitmo and talks about the complexities of closing down the prison. Continue holding them as military prisoners and not put them in the federal system and give them say to the skrus Justice Department or bureau of prisons and it would be like gitmo and held as war prisoners which is kind of the status they have down there and intention is not to enguantanamo like detention but end it at guantanamo and some say that is not closing guantanamo that is moving guantanamo. The president in the state of the union continued to reiterate its his goal to close gitmo has he missed previous opportunities to close the prison and to transfer detainees out . Yes. In fact, i think that if you look back at the arc of it the president s original intent was to either try people or let them go but in the first year of his administration he looked into the files of these people, his task force looked at the files of these people and concluded there were detainees there who they did not want to let go, that they feared letting go and there were detainees for whom there were no charges and they created this category called law of war prisoner, kind of like a prisoner of war but since alqaeda is not a country they dont afford them the same pow status so once they concluded there were people who they could not or would not try and they could not or would not let go you end up with this other category, so. How many people are in that other category that are still at gitmo . As of today 47. We will have much more with carol in the next hour. President kicks off the first trip to europe since the lifting of sanctions as part of the nuclear deal and rouhini is in italy this morning and hoping to sign a number of business deals with governments and leaders and Jackie Roland is live in rome and jackie put this trip in prospective for us and why is it so important for iran . Well a lot was said during this visit is on the economic side and on business deals. Clearly the iranians have been cutoff from International Cooperation since sanctions were tightened in 2012 and have a lot of catching up to do particularly renewing the gas and Oil Infrastructure and renewing the fleet of commercial aircraft. Also there is a very important political side as well. Bearing in mind the influence that the iranian president can potentially bring to bear on Bashar Alassad and the Syrian Regime with the syrian peace talks stalled right now and also there is a hope that he may be persuaded to do what he can to just bring down the temperature in the current tensions between iran and saudi arabia. So what do european leaders stand to gain from making these business deals with iran . Is it just about money . Partly, obviously money is a big element because if you can do a deal with and iranian partner which is going to involve buying equipment, buying goods from a European Company that can have a knock on effect and can mean increased jobs for instance and if you look at countries like italy and france in both cases the economy has been quite sluggish, growth has been quite sluggish so there is the potential of increasing jobs which will help with employment, et cetera. But also as i mentioned there is an important diplomatic element there and france and the Security Council member and have been very active in syria from bombing but also the diplomatic side. They see that there is something to gain from engaging the iranians and getting them to play what they would see as a more positive role in terms of seeking a diplomatic solution for the conflict in syria then that is clearly something which the europeans would see they have to gain out of better context with iran. Okay, Jackie Roland live for us in rome, jackie thank you. The National Debate over Voting Rights heads to trial today and look at the federal court case over strict voter id laws. And counting down to the caucus, candidates on both sides of the aisle step up talks with only eight days until iowa. The homeless, its not always who you think. The majority are families with children. A growing epidemic that impacts us all. I think its the most helpless feeling ive ever experienced. But whos getting rich while some are just trying to survive . They want to make the city for people that can afford things. Faultlines. Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today the will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Awardwinning, investigative documentary series. Welcome back to your world this morning. Taking a look at todays top stories. The assad regime says it is making gains in syria. In a strategic supply route, they have taken control. It is home to many who support the government. A manhunt is on for three escaped california prisoners. Guards discovered the three missing late friday night. They say it was a thoroughly planned escape. Two of the men were in prison for murder, on murder charges and one for kidnapping on other charges. Officials say they are likely armed and dangerous. Cities on the east coast heading back to work after the first major snowstorm of the year. Commuters are dealing with delays throughout the region. Schools in several areas of closed as are schools in washington. The storm claimed 29 lives. It brought flooding to new jersey and delaware. Jersey shore was mortally affected by Hurricane Sandy years ago. It sent cold water flooding into homes and businesses. There are additional problems, lets bring in meteorologist Nicole Mitchell. Are we talking about flooding . I dont think well have too much more flooding. Some of this wilmette, so that will add to it, but overnight, you need to watch for black ice. Because it mets during the day, refreezes at night, thats treacherous as well. Temperatures are getting milder. If up had to look for a silver lining, a lot of these potent winter storm have cold air behind them. This did not have that. Its fortunate that we didnt have temperatures plummet on top of everything for those who lost power. This isnt run general for january. A lot of areas in the 30s. Atlanta near 60 tomorrow. Overnight tonight, some of these temperatures get around that freezing mark. Farther into the northeast, chances for 20s. That might be a little over optimistic. Clear skies usually mean temperatures drop but ahead of the next form system, were in a section with warm air, keeping temperatures steady. That could keep everything from refreezing. It will depend on the temperature where you are overnight. During the day tomorrow, more 40s up the coastline as that next system approaches. Now mentioning that system, it will continue across the midwest through today with some areas of snow, even freezing precipitation. This is as we get into tomorrow, the south is going to get the brunted of this and that is going to be predominantly rain. Even in the northeast it starts at ryan. It would be tomorrow night chances with snow with all of that the south is going to be watching closely for areas of heavy rain with the next system and that could produce minor flooding but at least for the south will eat away the rest of that snow for the mitt atlantic northward, it will take a lot longer to get rid of it. Hillary clinton says a Michael Bloomberg president ial run is not necessary. The Democratic Front runner spoke to nbc news about the potential of a potential run. Hes a good friend of mine, and im going to do the best i can to make sure that i get the nomination, and well go from there. So youre not worried about him getting in . Well, the way i read when he said is if i didnt get the nomination, he might consider it. Well, im going to relieve him of that and get the nomination so he doesnt have to. Clintons main democratic opponent senator Bernie Sanders spoke about a possible bloomberg won. He thinks it would be a winwin for his appeal among young voters. If donald trump wins and mr. Blackberg gets in, you are going to have two multiblurb airs running for president against the United States against me and i think the American People do not want to see our nation move toward and oligarchy if billionaires control the political process. I think well win that election. Bloomberg said he would spend at least 1 billion of his own money on a campaign but wont make a decision until march. The latest polls on the republican side show donald trump making gains in iowa. The fox news poll show more than a third of voters support trump. Senator ted cruz is more than 10 points behind. Senator marco rob aee comes through with 12 . Cruz is 14 according to this poll, rubio with 13 . It appears the democrats and republicans are preparing to lead two totally Different Countries with visions of where they need to go. We have more on the political divide this election. I believe we can stand up and restore our promise. Its a given in any president ial campaign, lofty ads with pretty tickets of america, evoking patriotism. But what america are we talking about . The democratic america . Im going to build on the progress weve made. Or the republican america. Our freedom is under attack, our economy is underwater. It sounds like theyre running for president of two Different Countries. In some sense, i think the republicans and the democrats are running for president in two Different Countries. The country is very polarized politically not just in terms of partisan ship but in terms of mass media consumed. There are few things that really truly bring the country together now. To hear the republicans tell it, the u. S. Is on the ropes. Our countrys going to go to hell because thats whats happening. Its a roseyer picture for democrats. I truly believe that we are standing on the threshold of a new era of american progress. Part of all this has to do with which party is in the white house, with president obama in the oval office, the democrats have to convince americans that the country is on the right track and they should stay in power. Its the opposite for the republicans. But thats not the only reason for these sharply different messages. The parties have sort of become more ideologically cohesive, perhaps more so than ever in american history, which i think contributes to the partisan divide between the country. At one time there were moderate. You leaders and copp democrats. Now theyre nearly extinct and fewer americans see themselves in the middle politically. According to the pew research center, the share of americans who identify as either consistently liberal object consistently conservative has grown to 21 , more than double what it was two decades ago. The split isnt just ideological. Republicans are rural, democrats are urban and attract the bulk of minority voters. This divide is right fiel reflen health care to Climate Change. The debate is over, Climate Change is real. Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory. Organizations that once had bipartisan support such as planned parenthood are now caught in the political crossfire. Plant parent hood should be supported, funded and appreciated. I vetoed funding for planned parenthood and if i was president of the United States i would do exactly the same thing. This is what the picture looks like now in the primary season with candidates a appealing to their core constituencies. In the general election the nominees may try to move a little to the middle ground, but that is increasingly shrinking political real estate, especially when it comes to consistent voters. Lisa stark, al jazeera, washington. Lincoln mitchell, the National Correspondent for the observer joins us this morning. We appreciate it. Lets start with the ideological debate within the republican party. Donald trump was asked to define conservative. He said i think its a person that doesnt want to take overly risks, thats a quote, i think its a person who wants in terms of government im talking about, a person who wants to conserve, balance the budget and feel good about the military. Obviously the National Review that come out and said they do in the believe is a conservative. How is that ideological debate affecting republicans . If we define conservative since the reagan era and since then, a battery of views, one, very hawkish on military and foreign policy, two, economic that are low taxes and low services and social conservatism. Donald trump doesnt fit any of those three. Hes a popular centrist. On the military he is strong. He said people with more money should pay more taxes. Hes this interesting profile. The reason the National Review is so bent out of tape buy this is one of the reasons is the guy whos winning the republican primary so far isnt a conservative. All the things that people on the left were saying about the tea party, theyre angry, theyre racists, well, turns out they were probably right or correct than the people say they are just calling for more conservative government. A Trump Victory is a real rebuke or as sarah palin would say, a refudistion. They want ted cruz less. Cruz is an ultra conservative but down to views with those positions. First of all, people dont think he can win and they may be right about that. He is so disliked by his own republican colleagues, his own conservative republican colleagues that people dont want him to win. Now theyre looking at the next tier of candidates and john kasich who is a reagan type conservative, 16 terrorist, competent, or marco rubio. Who got the endorsement of the major paper, as well. That they will somehow breakthrough. Its hard to say. If two candidates finish first and second in iowa and New Hampshire and one is backed by enough super pac money that he can go on forever and the other so rich he can go on forever. It seems one of those two will win the nomination. In the modern nominating era, no republican has been nominated without winning either New Hampshire or iowa. Donald trump is poised to win both. Regardless of what you think of him, he can very well be the nominee. I think youre seeing a lot of republicans moving towards that and the National Review notwithstanding becoming more ok with it. Lets talk about the democratic side as it pertains to iowa and New Hampshire. Bernie sanders obviously doing incredibly well. What is the way forward for the clinton camp if he does win both of those . Is it catastrophic for her . No, she has to win nevada which not just is the next one. If he starts with the first three out of the box, its over for Hillary Clinton or both. The primary democratic electorate is nonwhite. Las vegas is a big city with a black population. If he wins nevada, Bernie Sanders wins nevada, the story that he cant get nonwhite votes is over and shes in big trouble. If she wins nevada the story that hes the elite protest candidate appealing to educated white liberals gets momentum. Then so South Carolina where barack obama boat Hillary Clinton in 2008 but shes in much better position now. Shes won the next two and is back on track. These all explains why these first two contests matter so much. They can change the narrative going video herb. North carolinas federal i. D. Law will be challenged in court. It eliminate same day registration and cuts early voting by a week. Starting with the 2016 election, it will also require voters to show specific forms of i. D. We have more. We are less than two weeks from the president ial primaries beginning here in the u. S. Starts off in iowa with the caucuses, then to New Hampshire, South Carolina and florida. Six weeks from now. It will hit North Carolina, where a controversy new law will require all people going out to vote to have an official government i. D. It is cynical, hurtful, wrong, its a form of political violence, all of america should be ashamed, and we have to fight here in North Carolina, because if this becomes the precedent in the law, then they could spread this all over the country. There are many who not agree. One of them is the governor of North Carolina. Let me be direct. Many of those from the extreme left who have been criticizing photo i. D. Are using scare tactics. They are more interested in divisive politics. Make sure that you are registered. Now voting right at company vets will be out and about across the state at many of the polling booths, six weeks from now when the primary begins will be there to answer questions about the new law. They have education roll booklets to help answer many of these nuances. Robert ray, raleigh, North Carolina. Civil rights leaders say voters who dont think they have the right documents will be intimidated and stay away from the polls. Michigans torn general Just Announced this morning he is bringing in former top f. B. I. Officials to investigate flints water crisis. The citys water supply is contaminated with Dangerous Levels of lead. Over the weekend, president ial candidate jeb bush became the latest poll to addition to weigh in on the issue. He has a responsibility, he admitted it. Should he resign . No, he needs to accept responsibility and begin to solve the problem. Dozens of on line fundraisers are trying to help the people of flint. There are 69 campaigns live right now on that website, go fund me. Com. Projects include sending clean water to the city and providing money for research. More than 6,000 donors have given 250,000 to those various projects. The problem in flint boils down to the amount of contaminants in the water supply. Little not clear why it took so long for officials to deal with the growing problem. As vacation ward explains, its hard to ignore the science. The threat of lead poisoning is not a one time fall over and die threat. Lead is dangerous over time, because it slowly builds up in the body, so the kind of long term exposure one gets from repeatedly drinking led contaminated water is the worry some thing here. In children under six, it can lead to developmental delays and hearing loss and in babies learning difficulties. That is why the e. P. A. Measures lead in Drinking Water in parts per billion. It determines, this is important to understand, a number at or below what you would find in 90 of homes in a given area. Now, that is why the lead content of Flint Michigans water is so alarming. Researchers examined water from 270 homes in flint in the summer of 2015. Lets look at neighboring cities. Troy, ruffle 45 miles away has a reported level of 1. 1 parts per billion. In detroit, levels were at 2. 3 parts per billion, that is the point at which 10 have it worst and 90 are below that. These are acceptable levels. Thats because scientists dont get concerned until you reach five parts per billion. Thats below the e. P. A. Standards but where Health Effects start to show up especially in young children. Imagine how Virginia Tech researchers found the reading was 27 parts purr billion in flint, michigan, almost twice what the e. P. A. Allows and their limit is widely considered to be too loose. In a home in the eighth ward, it was 158 parts per billion, even 10 times the e. P. A. Limit. In one home where researchers checked on what had already been high readings by city officials, they carefully made sure they were getting the most representative possible and one home was 13,000 parts per billion. At 5,000 parts per billion, the a. P. A. Consider that is level to be toxic waste and this was coming out of the pipes of that home. One researcher said we have never seen such sustained levels of lead in 25 years of work. That city has a very serious problem. That is why some people are talking about criminal charges against officials who didnt do anything about it. Awards fever, lets lighten it up. The short movie that is putting some of the nations filmmakers on the map. The latest hollywood heavyweights to sound out about the lack of diversity within the academy. Chris rock is rewriting his opening monologue for the oscars. The comedian prepared it a week ago but with all the controversy surrounding diversity, he threw it out. Several stars including will smith and spike lee areday coting the show. Actor mate damon is the latest to speak out. This is not going to be involved overnight, its a huge systemic injustice around race and gender in the industry and the country, so this is a strong first step for cheryl, i thought she did something fast and bolt and that is what with he needed. Actress Weis Witherspoon also said on facebook that the academy needs a more Diverse Group of voters. The Academy Awards are a month away but the 2 Million People living in kosovo are already celebrating. A short film called shop is the first nomination ever. Paul brennan has the story. [ cheering ] the moment the oscars nomination was confirmed, cheers, tears and celebrations, in recognition of an extraordinary story. The films 213yearold stars are being recognized everywhere at the moment. Everyone here knows about the nomination. When i go to a shop people say they are proud of us. The short film is the true story of two boys and a friendship pushed to the limit during the kosovo conflict. I had some difficulties with my part because i havent lived through the war but with the he help of my parents and crew who told me what happened, it got much easier. He remembers the war well and the film red his experiences of how albanian speakers were treated. I remember traveling by bus when the police asked me in serbian to show my i. D. Card. I didnt have an i. D. Because i was only 14 and didnt speak serbian. I knew the policeman spoking a bainian. I told him i was traveling to school. He hit me and told me if i met him another time, i would have to speak serbian. That is in the film. Just making the film was an experience but this is the First Time Ever that kosovo was nominated for oscars. It means a lot for our film industry. It may mean making more films about kosovo. The film was shot using a cast of local actors. Its just 21 minutes long but win or lose next month, this short film is set to have a long lasting impact. Paul brennan, al jazeera. Important stories to tell there. The teams are now set for superbowl 50 and the n. F. C. , the Carolina Panthers truly demolished the Arizona Cardinals 4915. Yes, i have to side in this. Cam newton threw for two touchdowns, ran or others. It was a bad night for carson palmer. The 49 points were the most for an n. F. C. Title game winner and the panthers will be taking on five time m. V. P. Peyton manning and the denver broncos. He upended tom brady and the new England Patriots. With 12 seconds left this be they almost pulled through, but bradys pass was intercepted, securing the win for denver. February 7 at levi stadium in santa clara, california. Its nice to have your team. Im really excited. Trading favors, secretary kerry raises the possibility of easing sanctions on russia. From revenge and despair, to hope and forgiveness. Let us pray. One mans search for redemption, through ebolas devastation. This is one of the most important sites in this century. Proudest moment of my life. Stuck in the snow, millions of people along the east coast trying to dig out this morning. On the run, a manhunt to capture three inmates lieu broke out of a maximum security jail in california. A play for more time, the u. N. Delays negotiations between Syrian Rebels and government in hopes of keeping the fragile talks alive. Going broke, alaska says search to diversify its economy as Oil Prices Sink the states budget. Welcome to your world this morning. Im stephanie sy. Cleanup efforts are in full swing on the east coast this morning in the wake of the years first major snowstorm. The blizzard brought 40 inches of snow in some spots, leading to major delays on Public Transportation this morning with roads still treacherous, hundreds of flights are still canceled and Many School Districts are closed. Authorities urge caution this morning after at least 29 weather related deaths since friday. 88 Million People across 24 states directly affected by the weekend storm. The impact will linger for days. In washington, federal offices and schools are closed today, while snowplow crews did make progress sunday, overnight lows are freezing any snow melt. Snow, plus wind and rising tides flooded towns up and down the jersey shore. In expenses, people are cleaning up and dealing with damage, like this church that collapsed under the weight of the snow. I opened up the door to the auditorium and looked up at just a gaping hole in the roof, some 60foot by 60foot, the firefighters told us. The snowstorm dumped up to 4t coast, paralyzing rail and air travel and cutting power to 200,000 people. 2200 members of the National Guard are now deployed across 12 states. New york saw nearly 30 inches in some areas. This storm was the second largest snowstorm in terms of accumulation in the history of this city. While all the snow made it slow going, some people braved the cold and wind and made the most of it. I love it. Its a party. Its a snow festival. Its play all day. Its fun. Al jazeeras live in d. C. , no snowball fights for him, doing reporting. The entire metro area, looking behind you, there is nobody there. Give us a sense of what youre seeing. Its a ghost town. It really is, i wish i could report otherwise. I would really like to report differently, but im afraid this is a bit of a big mess here in washington, d. C. Where as new york city, where you are, is pretty much back to formal they had the same amount of snow within here in d. C. We have single tracking down most of the main thorough fairs and i dont know what sub diskses like where people actually live. Behind me, great big bedrooms of snow have been created by the limited plowing taking place. Even driving in the central washington, d. C. , it is one lane of traffic. People arent here. The federal government has been canceled today. That is very unusual, the local government has been canceled as well and schools canceled some until tuesday. Its the same in virginia, married and even metro, the way people in d. C. Get around during the normal work week, that has come back in an extremely limited fashion. Only the red, orange and green lines are operating, the yellow, blue and silver are going to come back gradually as they can during the course of the next 24 hours or so. The one bit of good news is its free. If you do ride the metro today, they wont charge you. That is definitely good news. A snow day for the kids, there is no snow day here in new york, just to be clear. Its a really big deal to know exactly how much snow fell. We keep records of these things and brag about these things, but there was a glitch in actually getting the right numbers out of d. C. Explain this to us. Well, this is a great story. Its not my reporting, it is the reporting of the Washington Post, but apparently has what happened was the National Weather service has a very specific way that they like people to check how much snow has fallen so they give all the meteorologists and weather stations a nice little board. On the board are markings and every six hours, they are supposed to clean the board and come back and see how much more has fallen. They took a look at b. W. I. Airport, 36, very good, over to Dallas Airport to the south, another 30inches, thats very good and reagan national, 17 inches. Hang on a second, that cant be right. They phoned up the little man at the airport and said we notice you are reporting 17 inches where all the others have 30inches. He said yeah, yeah, yeah, i lost the board. They said what, you lost the board . He said i put the board out where i was supposed to, but the trouble is so much snow fell i cant find it anymore so i basically made up that 17 inches thats a guess. They said thats not very good, is it. The official snow to get 17inches, even though just look over my shoulder, you know thats not true. Not even close to truth. He just guessed and wasnt even in the ballpark. Well, he would say it was educated guess, essentially a guess, i guess. Fair enough, thats a good clarification. Live for us in d. C. , john, thank you. Lets bring in meteorologist Nicole Mitchell. Im hoping you have higher tech rulers. Im sure he appreciates being referred to on National Television as the little guy with the board. Now im trying to find del walters, because del on friday decided to travel to d. C. Despite my concerns, he said he would make it back by monday. We see how that turned out. D. C. , dulles and baltimore running around that 30inch mark. New york beat that at j. F. K. Into the city, it was in the 20 to 30inch rain, philadelphia at 22 inches. Farther north, it was less, based on where the snowstorm and high winds. Some places near the coast got Hurricane Force winds and that added to the areas with coastal flooding. We had a break, this is giving us a chance to slowly dig out of all this. In the meantime we have another system back to the west into the midwest today bringing snow from nebraska to minute set to at a. A lighter snow, two to four inches, especially for this part of the country not unno one to see this. There could be ice mixed in, watch for the slick spots. The southern band maybe one to three inches. Through the next few days, the highs have already gone up ahead of that system and thats going to help us melt things, as well, but that does also mean we could have black ice forming at night when it melts and refreezes, so watch for things to stay very, very slow out there, but richelle, were so happy to have you with us. Its not that were not glad to have you. We should have del out there doing the live shots instead of john terrett. He is out sledding right now. Cleanup in alaska after what scientists are calling the areas strongest either quake in decades. They warn aftershocks could go on for weeks. At least four homes were destroyed when the 7. 1 magnitude struck the central part of the state. It knocked out power for thousands, no injuries were reported. Chicago has hired an independent monitor to oversee its Embattled Police department. Charles ramsey will guide the force as it faces a civil rights investigation by the department of justice. There have been a North Carolina of high profile Deadly Police shootings in the city in recent months. Ramsey recently retired as commissioner for the philadelphia Police Department and previously led the department in washington, d. C. A manhunt for three escaped california inmates enters a third day this morning. We are now seeing the first images from the high security prison in Orange County, california. We have this report. Picture from inside the dorm style cells show how the in mates escaped by cutting holes in the steel grate, climbing fog plumbing and climbed through using a makeshift rope. This video was released from the Southern California jail. The flashes of light are believed to be the inmates. We will not stop until these individuals are back in our custody. The f. B. I. And u. S. Marshals joined the search for the three. Two of them were in custody for attempted murder and one in for mayhem, kidnapping. I consider them very dangerous individuals. The anyone mates were last seen friday morning at arent 5 00 a. M. They werent discovered missing for 16 hours, setting off a manhunt late friday night. We are depending on the information that is coming. Thats why the sheriff stated that your help in the assistance from the public is very important. Authorities are focusing their search on places where the fugitives have family and friends. A relative of the youngest fugitive in disbelief. I feel like he was manipulated or tricked into doing this, you know. Law enforcement say the jail break was preplanned and well thought out. The f. B. I. And u. S. Marshals are now average a 50,000 reward to find these missing men. These were inmates, men awaiting trial. They are awaiting different crimes like attempted murder, torture and kidnapping. One has only been jailed for about a month and authorities dont believe they knew each other before they were jailed. Those are obviously serious charges. Thank you. The u. S. Special envoy is expected to speak in the next our on the delayed syria peace talking about. They were scheduled to start this morning in geneva buff theres no consensus on who should attend. Rebel groups are demanding a pause in the fighting before they start negotiating. Al jazeeras james bays is live for us in geneva this morning. Thats the update that we have, that we should be hearing from the u. S. Special enjoy, the u. N. Special envoy. James, what else do you know . Well, well hear that press conference and carry it live here on Aljazeera America in an hours time from the man who was supposed to be chairing these long awaited peace negotiations. He was supposed to have both sides in the syrian conflict, all sides, in fact, in the believe behind me in separate rooms and shuttling between those rooms carrying out those negotiations. As it stands now, it may change in an hours time, but he hasnt sent out the invitations even yet, so i dont think any prospect of these talks starting in the next 24 or perhaps even 48 hours and some doubt the whole process. Tell us more what is holding up these negotiations. Our understanding is its the most basic thing like who will even attend. Absolutely. We know the Syrian Government are going to attend. They say theyre coming, but its the syrian opposition, who represents the opposition. This is all part of the socalled vienna process, a series of meetings in vienna bringing the National Community and players together, the last one in new york. They agreed that saudi arabia would look at finding the opposition delegation. In riyadh, they came up with a list. Moscow said we are not happy with that list, its got too many fighters, too many jihadists, it doesnt have enough representation from the kurds. That is what they are now trying to grapple with, who to have it, does he listen to the russians or the saudis. I think he said going to have it that sawed delegation but maybe also some of the others the russians want as another group. Perhaps they wont be a full negotiating party but will be allowed in the talks and will be consulted with. Difficult when its so difficult to even get everybody to the table. Well have to say. James bays in geneva, thank you. In egypt, thousands today are celebrating the anniversary of the socalled january 25 revolution. Small protests erupted across the country most in opposition to current egyptian president al sisi. Many were upset at after every praised the countries police and vowed a Firm Response to any threat to the countrys stability. Five years ago, millions poured into tahrir square. Their protests led to the overthrow of Hosni Mubaraks regime. The army is on the streets. Theres a stepped up security presence ahead of the fifth anniversary of egypts revolution. The Authorities Say they will not allow protests. More activists have been jailed, thousands of homes have been searched. Officials say the crockdown is being carried out in the name of security, but human Rights Groups say its part of a campaign to silence the opposition. Five years after egypts uprising, hope ho given way to total oppression, the egyptian authorities are terrified of another uprising, the activists weve seen are really a warning shot. It has been five years since weeks of protests unseated a president hood kept an iron grip on power for three decades. This was the mood when Hosni Mubarak announced he was stepping down. The years that followed brought little change. Soon, the space that had been the epicenter of revolt was no longer a place where descriptions came together and celebrated. Tahrir square became a place where opposing sides of the divide raised their genevaances. At first, the chance called for the downfall of the man who had taken over for mubarak, accusing the military man of having highjacked the revolution and having failed to bring about democratic rule. Eventually, power was transferred to civilian authorities, elections were held. The Muslim Brotherhoods candidate became egypts first elected head of state, but it didnt take long for protestors to return to the streets. Morsis opponents said he was purr are suing a religious agenda and strengthening his grippen power. Calls for morsi to step down grew louder. Protests intensified and so did the violence. The military stepped in, dissolved the government and arrested morsi and many Muslim Brotherhood leaders, a civilian interim president was installed. The military coup didnt bring peace. Those who defended what thee believed was a legitimate elected government were violently suppressed. Those who had backed the military action gathered on the third anniversary of the revolution to urge the man behind it to run or if the. He did. Hit supporters say he saved the nation. His opponents accused him of authoritarian rule. You have counter revolutionary forces who have tried to highjack the revolution. You have major ideological and social cleavages in society. You have is slammist national divide. Hundreds have been killed, thousands, including journalists locked up. The Authorities Say they are committed to democracy, their opponents believed otherwise. For them, mubaraks Security State is back. Al jazeera. Egypts economy has been slow to recover from the revolution. In the last five years, the Unemployment Rate soared to 12. 8 . Industrys like tourism and Fortune Investments have taken a blow especially after a russian passenger plane crashed in the Sinai Peninsula in october. Energy and sectors were hit hard by political unrest. A video shows paris attackers wearing camouflage fatigues in a desert location. The men deliver anti western speeches and make threats, including a threat to attack britain. Several were also shown beheading hostages. The west considers a give and take with russia that critics of easing sanctions on russia speak out. Western countries are considering lifting sanctions on russia for its activities in ukraine. Sunday, france said the goal is to lift sanctions by this summer. At the World Economic forum, u. S. Secretary of state john kerry echoed that sentiment. I believe that with effort and with bona fide legitimate intent to solve the problem on both sides, it is possible to find those minsk agreements implemented and get to a place where sanctions can be appropriately because of the forward limitation removed. Falling oil prices have sent the russian economy into crisis. Russia needs oil at 78 a barrel to be even, but crude has been at 30, leading the russian economy to contract by 3. 5 last year. Maria, thank you for being with us. What has russia done recently to get western leaders to Start Talking about sanctions relief . Thats, you know, the mentioning of sanctions relief are not the first time. The western leaders were also pushing russia towards being straightforward about the lifting the sanctions and pushing through the implementation of the minsk two agreements. Recently we have seen a lot of interest on the russian side to force those agreements through which have been symbolized by the appointment of high level russian officials and the Ukrainian Contact Group and now their efforts on the russian side. Russia is interested and that because of the recession. What youre saying is they are really feeling the economic pressures, do you think it is because of the sanctions or the oil prices are so low they have to start honoring this agreement to get the sanctions lifted . Western sanctions its true that the Oil Price Drop has a major impact on the russian economic situation. The sanctions also limit russian Business Access to the western credits and thats big deal when you really desperately need investment in your country. Even if it is not being said, do you think there is also a connection to syria . It is no secret that russia is a key player when it comes to these peace talks that they are having a hard time even starting up today. Does the west need the kremlin onboard . Do they know that . Do they desire to lift those sanctions to get russia onboard . That dependency which country you have in mind. Lets talk about the u. S. First. The United States have repeatedly claimed that russia in lifting of the sanctions on russia has nothing to do with russian engagement in syria however on the side of the european countries, especially france, they have said first of all, we know that the russian airstrikes largely challenged the position rather than isis. In effect, they have been able volunteer strength then the position of president assad instead of weakening it. Russian officials have been trying to push the pressure on assad this is important, because i saw this report from the f. T. Essentially they are saying not even putin can get assad to step down and if that is true and we cant verify that report, but if that is true, that means russia that less leverage. Exactly. We know russia is really strong in promoting its p. R. In terms of its p. R. , saying that in fact, we dont see that happening at all. You are saying the west and u. S. In particular are trying to keep the issues of syria and u. S. Sanctions separate. Did it strike you as odd to hear u. S. Secretary of state kerr talking about sanction relief days after the british report show the the poisoning of litvinenko . Whether the solution will be found is not clear, because russia needs to provide ukraine with control of the borders and that is not something we see them that motivated to do. Maria, thank you so much for joining us this morning. The lifting of sanctions for iran is having a big impact. Irans president is in italy this morning, his first trip to europe since the sanctions were lifted last week. Radio has not knee is hoping to science deals with a number of governments and business leaders. This visit to italy and france have an important economic and an important political dimension. On the economic side, iran is keen to get investment, new parts, new equipment in its oil industry, and also for its airlines. We have to bear in mind that france has been largely cut off from western investments and cooperation since sanctions were tightened in 2012. Obviously there are big opportunities for italian and French Energy companies, oil companies, infrastructure companies, also as well, weve heard iran will be buying airbus aircraft to jump grates its fleet. On the political side, iran obviously has a lot of influence with Bashar Al Assad and the Syrian Regime. Again, france and italy and other western countries will be hoping that iran can bring a positive influence to bear in terms of trying to get syrian peace talks back on track. They will also be trying to convince president rouhani to tone down the temperatures between iran and saudi arabia which we have recently seen quite a significant deterioration. The east coast is not the only place where the cold is taking its toll. A cold snap in asia has claimed more than two dozen lives and threatening to get worse. Why the pats plan to close Guantanamo Bay may fall short of ending the controversy. From the time i was 3 years old, music was what i loved above all else. Grammy winning artist moby talks about his work outside the studio. What led me to Animal Rights activism, is every animal wants to avoid pain and avoid suffering. And the future of the music industry. Maybe i shouldnt admit this but i dont really buy music anymore. Welcome back to your world this morning. It is 8 30 in the east. Lets take a look at the top stories right now. A manhunt is on for three escaped california inmates. Guards discovered the three were missing late friday night. They say it was a thoroughly planned escape. Two of the men were in jail charged with murder, the third for kidnapping and other charges, as well. Officials say they are likely armed and dangerous. Scientists warn this morning that aftershocks could shake the state for week in alaska. One of the largest quakes in alaska in decades struck. No one was hurt. Houses collapsed and thousands lost power. Cities on the east coast heading back to work after the first major snowstorm of the year. Commuters are dealing with delays throughout the region including on Public Transportation. Schools in many areas are closed as are federal offices in washington. The storm claimed at least 29 lives. That same winter storm brought flooding to new jersey and delaware. The jersey shore was mostly spared from Hurricane Sandy three years ago but this time had the most severe flood, high tide sending cold water rushing into homes and businesses. In washington d. C. , al jazeeras january terrett reports. How soon do we expect things to be back up and running in the capital . I think a clue to that question may come from Washington Post newspaper, which im going to hold up there. You can see the headline and pictures, lots and lots of snow. The headline says cleanup could stretch for days. Weve had so much snow and right now the federal government is closed, the district government is closed, so people are not coming into the city. Thats just as well, because all the roads are single tracking like the one right hint me. The schools are closed. Its a similar situation in maryland and virginia and the met he trough is back today and you can ride it for three, but only three lines are operating and only the bits that are underground. The other three lines are going to take a while to come back on. Im afraid right now, its looking like it might be a couple of days before things get back to normal. Its rather anyones guess. Im hearing comparisons made between new york city and washington, d. C. Which got similar amounts of snowfall. Is there a sense that d. C. Could have been better prepared to handle all of this snow and get things back up and running any faster than they are . You know, that is a great question, and my answer to that is that increasingly, washington residents are getting tired of this. D. C. Didnt have a snow budget. There was a big storm in 1996, of course 2010, but thats eight years apart, and now the snow is coming more regular, and i think that thats really the problem. They are not really geared up for massive, massive snowstorms in this city, plus the fact remember, new york and washington are two very different cities. New york has this wide open thorough fairs, avenues which can be easily cleared, providing traffic is not on them which it wasnt over the weekend. Washington, they built it to stop the british invading it. Its a very different city. Its much more compact with many more different road kinds and quite small types of roads, as well, although the one behind me is quite a major thoroughfare. That call place into this, as well. Increasingly with Climate Change, we seem to get these terrible snow dumps more often. People in washington are thinking what are we getting for our money here, not that they pay taxes directly, but nonetheless, i think its an issue for them. Referring to the wide manhattan avenues in queens and brooklyn it is harder to clear up the snow. Nicole, obviously d. C. Was hit hard. Who got the most snow . I think i found it in North Carolina. Its called mount mitchell, appropriately. [ laughter ] 5. 5 feet, 56 inches. Ladies, it would cover you and a little top of my head might be sticking out of that. That is the highest peak in all of the Eastern North America and highest in North Carolina. Usually its farther north the core of the snowfall. This time that mountain took it. At these temperatures, a lot of temperatures up the east coast in the 30s, mid 30s, so that will start to melt a little bit. Tomorrow more temperatures in the 40s. That can melt two, three, fourinches a day, not oh lot of melting, sunshine helps it, it actually evaporates some of that. Then overnight, any felting could refreeze. We could have temperatures dip below into the 20s. This might be overly optimistic. We have a wind flow ahead of the next weather system that is actually keeping things warm. Watch for black ice tomorrow morning, as you stay above, road be ok, but always better to watch fought or it in case. Atlanta got some of that snow and then whiplash, already up to 60 degrees for tomorrow. The next system is lard bringing snow to portions of the midwest. It moves into the east coast. Really the heaviest rain is going to be in the southeast for tomorrow and wednesday, a little rain later tomorrow for portions of the east coast and maybe just minor amounts of snow behind that, so the rain, as well, will eat away some of that snow, but places like d. C. , its going to take and you say while to actually fully recover. All right, theres piles of snow out there. Nicole, thank you. Meanwhile, eastern asia is dealing with its own winter crisis, unusually cold weather happen blamed for 60 deaths so far, most of those deaths in taiwan where temperatures plunged to 39 degrees. In western and central japan, heavy snow is blamed for five deaths. Most parts of Mainland China experienced their coldest area in decades. The European Union is holdion attacks on tackling the migrant crisis, the worst in a generation. They are talking about different options for extending temporary border controls in passport free zones. We are live on the germanaustrian border. Barnaby, what is the situation there on the border . This border is now controlled. Its the main auto route between austria and southern germany and since september, there has been a Police Checkpoint and occasionally cars get pulled aside and searched and the identities of those checked in the tent behind me. Its important to remember this is not what the europe of free travel and open borders was meant to look like. It is not what the schengen zone was meant to look like. What are the european ministers discussing amsterdam . Well, theyre discussing the migration crisis. Remember, germany alone, more than a Million People came in 2015, and theyre working out ways in which this flow of people can be controlled while preserving a europe of open borders. That is a very, very difficult exercise at a time when countries are putting their own individual National Interests before European Solidarity and in some cases, before the welfare of migrants or refugees. What the germans would like is some sort of permission, some sort of agreement to extend these temporary border controls, perhaps for another two years. They would also like a stronger european frontier force, thats called front tex which would have the right to infringe on the National Sovereignty of those borders to do the checks for themselves if they felt a country like greece was not doing the job effectively itself. A lot of issues to talk about and find solutions for. Barnaby phillips, thank you. Defense secretary ash carter said closing the military prison at Guantanamo Bay would be a good thing. More than 90 men are still held there. That would mean transferring new prisoners to a new facility on u. S. Soil. Carter said there are some people in gitmo so dangerous, we cannot transfer them to another government no matter how much we trust that government. We talked about the complexities of closing down the prison. The only way that barack obama closes guantanamo is if he purr suede congress to let him move the last detainees to the United States or he decides that he has the authority to defy congress and move them to the United States. Guantanamo doesnt close unless he can move people to the United States and some people argue that is not closing guantanamo, thats moving guantanamo. Hes saying even if we move them to a super max facility in america, they still will not be afforded the types of due process that are afforded to american citizens or afforded to criminals are war. They would still face the same legal limbo that they do at guantanamo. The concept is to continue holding them as military prisoners, not to put them in the federal system and give them to the Justice Department or bureau of prisons. It would be just like guantanamo in many ways in the United States, because they had move them to a military prison setting and hold them as war prisoners, which is kind of the status that they have down there. The intention is not to end he guantanamo like detention, but to end it at guantanamo. I want to go back to these 10 men that face military commissions and one of the arguments that has been made against bringing them on to u. S. Soil has been a security concern that has been politicized and part of the debate. Im looking at el chapo who was recently captured who with a network of deputies potentially globally was able to bust out of a maximum mexican prison. He is being brought here. How do you make the argument that el chapo can securely be brought to the United States, but Halid Muhammed cant be . There is fear that they would somehow accrue, get more legal status that might allow them to challenge their detention, challenge their conditions of confinement in a military prison, challenge what happened to them on the way to began to know mow. Of those 10 men facing trial, six are awaiting Death Penalty trials. Those six men got to guantanamo after three and four years in the black sites of the c. I. A. Which we now know from the torture reports that things happened to them that will make evidence against them tainted or impossible to bring to trial. There are some who fear or believe that you get them to the United States, theyll be able to challenge the entire contours of their detention and not face trial. We dont really know what goes on inside those buildings particularly in recent months because the military has shut down access. To reporters. Reporters cant actually see whats happening. When we were there, second see the prisoners and detainees and look into xray and we could say it may not be conditions that we are proud of as americans, we dont really want them in kennels, but there was a sense that we could see them. Since october, theyve shut down all access to the prisons to reporters and we have not been able to see what the conditions are and we heard some kind of strange things that have gone on since then, including for some reason, attorneys for these men are now buying them hygiene products, shoes, basic to the prisoner show up at their attorney meetings looking disheveled or dirty or shoes falling off and theres no explanation why a prison that runs today by the most liberal estimates on a budget of 4. 4 million a year per detainee cant provide them with footwear. Something is going on inside the prison and we dont know what and theyre not answered. Its getting harder and hard tore find out. You wonder if the world has forgotten. Less than 100 men there now. 91. I do think that many people in the world have forgotten. I covered guantanamo full time and i met people to and from the base where i visit most months, and frequently, people say i thought we closed that place. Do we still have people down there . There are 91 detainees, 34 cleared for release, 10 awaiting trial and the rest in this kind of indefinite detention status waiting for proehl hearings to decide if they can one day leaf guantanamo. Its hard to imagine by the end of the Obama Administration hes going to sort this out and figure out how to get those 91 men out of there. Carol rosenburg covers guantanamo for the miami herald, thank you for your time. The white house said fewer than 100 prisoners are left in guantanamo. President obama still hopes to shut down the facility before he leaves office. There is one week left before the iowa caucuses, as candidates step up their campaigns, democrats are hearing about a new man who may join the royce. Help for flint, michigan, social media steps in to bring needed relief to residents. Hillary clinton said she is confident that Michael Bloomberg president ial run is not necessary. The Democratic Front runner spoke about reports the former mayor of new york city was considering a potential run if she does not get the nomination. Hes a good friend of mine, and im going to do the best i can to make sure that i get the nomination, and well go from there. So, youre not worried about him getting in . Well, the way i read what he said is if i didnt get the nomination, he might consider it. Well, im going to relieve him of that and get the nomination so he doesnt have to. Clintons main democratic opponent senator Bernie Sanders weighed in on a possible bloomberg run. Sanders thinks it would help him appeal to voters anymore. If donald trump wins and mr. Bloomberg gets in, you are going to have two mulle multibillionaires running. I dont think the American People want oligarchies running the United States. He wont make a decision until march. The latest poll shows donald trump widening his lead in iowa with just a week to go before the iowa caucus misthat more than a third of voters support you trump in one poll. Ted cruz is 10 points behind and marco rubio in third with 12 . In New Hampshire, trumps heated is 31 to cruzs 14 . Rubio is behind cruz with 13 . Now, earlier on your world this morning, i talked to our guest and asked him if the party was preparing for either a trump or cruz win. Cruz is an ultra conservative, but very much down to views with those positions. First of all people dont think he can win and they may be right. He is soliked by his own republican colleagues, conservative republican colleagues that people dont want him to win, either. They are looking at john kasich. Who got the endorsement of a major paper, as well. That they will somehow breakthrough. Its hard to say. If two candidates finish first and second in iowa and New Hampshire, and one of those candidates is backed by enough super pac money that he can go on forever and the other has an infinite amount of money because hes so rich, it seems one of those two will win the nomination. Not modern nominating era, no republican has been nominated without winning iowa or New Hampshire. Donald trump is poised to win both. Regardless of what you think of him, we have to take it very seriously that he could very well be the nominee. You are seeing a lot of republicans moving towards that and the National Review notwithstanding becoming more ok with it. This weekend, one of iowas most prominent newspapers the did he million register endorsed marco rubio. The latest polls show him in third place. Michigans attorney general Just Announced he is bringing in former top f. B. I. Officials to investigate flints water crisis. The citys water supply is contaminated with Dangerous Levels of lead. Over the weekend, president ial candidate jeb bush became the latest politician to weigh in on the issue. He has a responsibility. Hes admitted it. Should he resign. So does e. P. A. And local government. No, he needs to accept responsibility and begin to sox the problem. Dozens of on line fundraisers are trying to help the people of flint. There are 69 campaigns that are live right now and the projects include sending clean water to the city and providing money for research. More than 6,000 donors have given nearly 250,000 to the projects. The lack of diesty in hollywood. This years oscar host is looking to tow the line on the controversy. Im in alaska, the crude oil that flows through the pipeline behind me have made this one of the wealthiest, lowest taxing states in the u. S. That is all changing at World Oil Prices remain at record lows. Im off the coast of hawaii. We are on the Tipping Point of an ecological disaster. This coral is not dead. Techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow where Technology Meets humanity. Twitter stock crips to fall. Four head executives are leaving the country. Shares hit an all time low. Six october, twitter stock has fallen 37 . Dropping oil prices in alaska, the state gets an overwhelming majority of its budget from oil revenue. Lets just see what happens. We spin this. Oh, my god, it stopped at 50, which means we only get 1. 2 billion in oil revenues. Economist is serious as he uses toys to demonstrate alaskas dilemma. He tours the states and asks people to balance the books. We have a State Government that provide as wide variety of services. We pay no taxes, the stays gives us money and thats been life as usual for three decades. Its all changing. Alaskans may soon pay income tax, says their govern in recent budget proposals. They havent for 35 years. There may be cuts from dividends they receive from on him wells. The legislature lost the powers to no and said yes to every project that came along. Now theyre going to have to say no and cut programs back. Once alaska produced most u. S. Pretty role yum but the rise of shale oil fracking reduced its role in the Countries Energy supply. Revenues from the crude that flows through this pipeline have made this a wealthy generous state for the people. Low oil prices are putting tough decisions on the table. Heres where that pipeline ends on Prince William sound at the only ice free port in alaska. Founded my miners, oil is the towns life blood, its largest employer and a source of important revenue. Even here theres talk of moving beyond oil and giving up the generous benefits it once brought. We have lots of other minerals within the ground. Were twice the size of the accident. Weve got vast fisheries that are going on within tourism. Weve just got to tailor ourselves away from oil and not making that the number one income for the state. For now, residents are dependent on the oil they ship shout but will have to start paying for Government Services or give some of them up if their state isnt to run out of money soon. Al jazeera, valdez. Superbowl 50 is set. Im so excited. It happened in dramatic fashion. Lets start with the n. F. C. The Carolina Panthers demolished the cardinals. Carolinas defense forced six turnovers. The 49 points were the most for an n. F. C. Title game winner ever. Peyton manning broncos, up ended tom brady and new England Patriots 2018. The patriots pulled within two points with 12 seconds left but bradys pass was intercepted, securing the win for denver. The superbowl sunday at levi stadium in santa clara, california. Its going to be a good one. Im going out on a limb, cam newton. I do not pretend to have any insight to the nfl. Im glad you are here. Chris rock is rewriting his oscar monologue. He actually finished it a week ago but obviously with all of the controversy surrounding the diversity at the oscars, hes like i got to start over. Several stars are boyer coting the awards because of the lack of diversity of nominees. Matt damon has weighed in, as well. This is not going to be solved overnight. Its a huge systemic injustice around race and gender in the industry and in the country, so this is this was a strong first step for cheryl, the president , though. She did something fast and bold and that was what we needed. Actress reese wither span weighed in, saying that the academy needs a more Diverse Group of voters crew that is it for us here in in the morning. Join us tomorrow starting at 7 00. See you then. Seeking safety in europe, the flow of refugees continues as talks to end nearly five years of war in syria are delayed. Welcome to al jazeera from doha. Seeking safety in europe, the flow of refugees continues as talks to end nearly five years of war in syria. We will have that story. Back to, a warm welcome for iran as president rouhani starts t

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