Transcripts for BBC Hereford & Worcester BBC Hereford & Worc

BBC Hereford & Worcester BBC Hereford & Worcester August 15, 2019 160000

Especially that he. Is B.B.C. Was going on. Today because 5 o'clock on the news is here now with a sharp drop in the Herefordshire business board says putting plans for Herefords Weston bypass on hold will cause long term damage to the county's economy plans for new homes and job prospects the coalition Council is reviewing the plans and looking at all options including scrapping its altogether Nicola Goodwin reports the business board says the road is a once in a generation opportunity and scrapping it would cause long term damage to the kind whose economy which won't be repaired they've launched a crime funded campaign using adverts and social media to get their message across the council says the road was plan to open up more land for new highs and businesses and there's no data showing that it would ease traffic congestion a number of backbench M.P.'s including 3 conservatives are to meet Jeremy Corbyn to discuss his proposal to become a caretaker prime minister the Lib Dems have dismissed the idea but plied come re the Scottish nationalists and the Greens have expressed interest the Labor leader would then hold a general election and extends the timetable for the U.K. Leaving the E.U. But David Craig who is a political lecturer from Kidderminster says it's a long shot though he has voted to bring their own government down since the long term twenty's so the stakes are very very. Strong lost the confidence motion then Jeremy Corcoran would get 2 weeks to try and form this caretaker government a cotton Gibraltar has revoked an order that's kept an Iranian tanker in its waters since Royal Marines seized it last month Assura says have been given by Iran that the ship won't breach E.U. Sanctions and deliver or oil to Syria America had asked at the last minute for the ship not to be released or. British teenager he was found dead after disappearing from a holiday resort in Malaysia has not been abducted That's according to local police they say a post-mortem examination of 15 year old North Korean showed she died from internal bleeding probably as a result of hunger and stress and H.S. Bosses in Worcestershire say they're reviewing their options after a request for money from new housing developments was turned down $5000.00 homes are set to be built on the edge of Mike Hanna say is the trust's chief medical officer he's worried how they'll cope with the increase in demand be additional population that's going to go into this development will put an additional strain on already we're very stretched resources within our emergency services the Kremlin has praised the pilots of a passenger jets for bringing it down safely without any power or landing gear after a mid AD bird strike the plane came down in a field name Moscow as our correspondent Steve Rosenberg reports they're calling it here the miracle outside Moscow but flight 178 could so easily have ended in disaster. On takeoff the Ural airlines it's a flock of gulls with its engines off and landing gear up the plane made an emergency landing in a field. For a few seconds the aircraft came to a stop. Passengers the crew for saving 233 lives. Students across the country picked up their A level results today and was just 6 Lomas came out top of the country in physical education 23.3 percent got an A grade or an a star in Herefordshire the overall pass rate was higher than the national average is despite the proportion of students getting top grades across the country that falling to a 12 year. Could weddings in the future be taking place without bridesmaids and page boys according to a survey by the website hitched couples are turning their back on such traditions and spending more on their wedding photos and stag and hen parties instead we asked people in Hereford if they agreed that times were changing my daughter is getting married next year and you know she's having the bridesmaids she's having the page I had and I'd have Ana had price movements we had for bride tonight at home. Because it's a cost that everyone. Cricket and it's day 2 of the 2nd Ashes Test at Lord's England a current 114 for 7 in the 66th over taking a look at the weather now it should mostly stay dry this evening with a chance of patchy rain towards the end of the night lows of 11 degrees Celsius that's 52 in foreign Heights B.B.C. Hard for the most news it's 5 minutes past 500 East and D.C. We're sitting we're still going to suffer as we consider your tremendous This is why Hereford your business is urging the council to bring on the bypass also densest calling for schools to go show the freight doing that because we see 100000 children admitted to hospital in a 3 year period to have disease and the K T removed under general anaesthetic that internal. Bleeding we're not in Kansas any. Happy 80th birthday to The Wizard of Oz. What a great show. Scullers 11 spunk. What a great song and tribute of course to Scottish dot sensation and there it is Dexys Midnight Runners on B.B.C. Hereford and was to 9 minutes past 5 lot about weddings tonight to Penny don't touch the gutter you toss the book thank you I've got that detail wrong what is the point of a a goth A then when I get into personal with women we talk about this as a lot of wedding traditions are now being shunned snubbed overlooked. What is the right word perhaps all of us horseshoes a page because it says tossing the got to him maybe you don't. Toss it you just sort of peel it off and give it to one lucky person ideally the groom I would have thought anyhow wedding traditions and those that if you're planning a wedding maybe you had a wedding recently your children or grandchildren those the or actually overlooking in favor of other things other places to put your money or or maybe you just feel the whole process is outdated 813 double 3 H.W. At the start of your message to talk about that Andrew da tasted at B.B.C. Dot co dot you care if you're online now could putting plans for Herefords bypass on hold cause long term damage to the county's economy for plans for new homes and for job prospects That's the warning being sounded by the heritage of business board which is launched a campaign to try and persuade Herefordshire Council to go ahead with the road from Belmont to Houma they've used crowd funding to pay for adverts which you may soon be receiving through your door or via social media you may remember last week we spoke to John Harrington the council's cabinet member for infrastructure he told us that the previous Conservative council planned to plan the road to open up more land for housing businesses and there is no data showing a Western bypass lease traffic congestion they're not going to look at all options including scrapping the planned bypass looking at making it easier to walk to cycle and public transport and a potential new bridge to the east of the city it's on pause and review so we always said that we would look at the potential we could consider 3 options carry on as as we are if we would pause and review it always would council a more even though we felt we had a mandate from the public to do things differently we're thoughtful administration and we didn't think we should come in and throw our way to round and we actually want to look at the facts and figures as they are but there's a danger is that not a few scrap the whole thing that you have to repay West meant money to the tune of 10000000 pounds now that's not quite true how much as what we don't know that's the point but part of the pause review process so for example there's no money it's all been allocated for the Western bypass of our trials for package and we had a. Graunt awarded to us but not actually released and we've taken some of that in the dawn so giving us a small mountain Vance We may have to repay some of that family may not come as a question how much more and much is that it could be a couple years it could be several 1000000 Well that was me last week and a council member for a member for infrastructure John Herrington. As chairman of the heritage of business board Hi Frank good afternoon Tell us your main concerns about the the pores on the bypass the whole thing is an economy economic argument we spent decades trying to get the whole infrastructure package together to research all of the issues that everybody's concerned about because. He's of the lowest in the country on average wage we have 40000 people leave her if a church has to find work we have literally investment plan and we desperately need to bring people and create jobs in the county so would would people stay and would wages go up if this road was built with the lowest average wage in some of the investment plans that we've tried to introduce will bring better paid jobs much more skilled jobs and that's what heritage is desperately short of we have a very very poor economy and without the infrastructure we'll never attract the inward investment and there's that mail on of the companies out there waiting to invest should the bypass get the go ahead yes my colleagues work on the House which a vestment partnership spend a lot of time trying to attract them with investment and always find this is an obstacle who's who's waiting in the wings then what kind of companies are all sorts of companies we've had defense companies were very very big on cyber and defense. We've got lots of skills in I.T. Software development and so on so we are. Very attractive place if only we could get ahead having spent decades researching the work in order to put these plans together. The the road itself that is the current plan of the of the road that would be to the west of the city. These businesses would base themselves there would they is that is that part of the plan Well the road is that the infrastructure we need not just investment in factories where we have the enterprise zone which has got 8000 acres already prepared with basic infrastructure for people to build on when we can attract those jobs we need houses we are already short of houses on every estimate that exist we are required to build 6500 in hair if it is so and will only be allowed to build 3000 if we don't have the road infrastructure sorted out. But is isn't one of her of a city rather than the County's main problems health city itself isn't the road network is not good and actually needs a thorough review and for someone to actually know down the fact that congestion will be East with with any of these these options that are. Pending to be built the very point is that we've invested millions the millions that John Herrington has just been speaking about in that clip that you replayed we've invested millions in researching all of this and suddenly we have a change of administration well it never really is wrong but well no it's not I don't think quite as simple as that because I've had in the previous administration a handful of councillors on this show and no one yet has has been able to say with any certainty that congestion in the city will be eased and surely no one can work that out or has worked that out yet the sense. One thing to do is Poor's and actually establish that this road is going to ease congestion how many times do you pause not even planning for decades I repeat to you there are 14000 people travel out of the county to find work just look at that as an ember and a mental issue 20 miles each day if you're a quarter of a 1000000 miles of travel you know but there's no suggestion that they would stay should this road be built and there is a suggestion all of my colleagues will tell you that they can't recruit people they cannot get people to fill the jobs they have and that's because of the road building built in sufficient income going into the county to afford the very support mechanisms that we all need as we get older but purely You need the power part of the the basics of building a road like this is to help the city move along and if no one can can give conclusive evidence yet that this road will ease congestion then it has to be paused doesn't it it's all about the economy you can't do anything if you don't get the economic structure right you can argue every which way about traffic but it's a much much bigger issue than traffic what point is the building factories and houses if if once people move into them they can't get anywhere because the entire city is a gridlock which is precisely why we need a proper infrastructure I can't think of a single town or city of a similar size that hasn't already got a pica that's true. But in fact every market town in the county has one apart from Hollywood from Memphis but no one can nail down whether this road as well as providing That's just the point where is the evidence has been done over decades and then of that house where away the people don't want to believe the expertise that has already been being purchased Is there evidence to say that this proposed bypass Westerling Gromit of they want to call it is there evidence to say that it will ease congestion Yes Ok him and he's about whether it will ease congestion enough. Well you know quite frankly. An argument can only apply expertise. Significant well for the research here because the a lot of us haven't seen nor of the people in charge of the current council and then maybe we can get somewhere Thank you Frank Frank Myers chairman of the heritage of business board I do believe that is a and has been a sticking point with this road for such a long time that the minute. That suggests that this will actually help the city move has just not been established and surely if that is the case it is sensible to pause and what not scrap it completely that may still be an option but just wait any thoughts on this 13 double 3 H. W. At the start of your message I'm sure there may be a counselor to listening for the current or previous administration who will have detail evidence on on on the can do yes to an issue and whether the city will will be able to breathe easier if this road is built if that exist please tell us because we have been looking for a number of years 0801 to 18181 is the number. Date B.B.C. Hereford in West apologies little 8518 his 1st slow heading off the M 2 for the exits. 42 heading for the exits that road at Junction 3 on the northbound sign heading into the road works above the junction from Must the green roundabout heading into Kidderminster slow traffic on the 448 through road works by round with the city center temporary lights by the Commandery causing along to a party going on the London Road Also coming up the deans way. To the west the civil link very slow particularly on approach to the poet roundabout both on the more the a 4th line also heading out of work on the Brahmi road and into Hereford city center seeing stay traffic on the Ross Road heading towards the Belmont time and also on the white cross road before Victoria Street if you can. Give us a call on the B.B.C. Hereford almost a foul ball and he's always 100 for one for a while he was. Waiting tending so team by getting some stay with his son see you. Say. There's no right. To be. A friend. You know. I. Was. Problem is not all I can think of is M. And S. Food rather be that is clean but it was just plain B.B.C. Hereford and was to thank you for coming to a wedding I had 6 bridesmaids his Harriet had it has skins he says I had 6 bridesmaids his best man that if it comes to this this is me old and cynical. And one near miss with a wedding that is probably one of the best things ever happened to me I had 6 bridesmaids nurses best man then a flyer girl and page boy we didn't have a video just pictures would break spend bring back some lovely memories of our special day we'll have been married 10 years and much I personally love the tradition I think it adds character with that and that is fine that's the thing say we're not trying to discourage the traditions it's more ask if you are overlooking them and perhaps introducing your own as it would appear that horse shoes. Toss in the book a feeling off the Garter page Boyce floggers all this kind of stuff other kinds of things that couples are turning their backs on instead the money's been spent on photos stag and Hindus never being quite sure about the wedding video as well who actually watches that back 813 double H.W. At the start of your message on Drew Doughty Eastern B.B.C. A level results day to day the proportion of 6 forms getting top grades has fallen to a 12 year low just over a quarter achieved an A grade or higher with girls edging slightly ahead of boys interestingly was to see students performed better than the rest of the country when it came to P. So what has it been like the other end of A level results to the universities as they deal with all the incoming students who may or may not have got the right grades Rose French 10 is the pro vice chancellor at the University of Western Good afternoon good afternoon nice to see you're clearing we were talking during that song I immediately think of those students phoning you who haven't done so we're trying to get in somewhere that may have been doing a disservice because I actually feel a lot of calls from people who've done better than predicted tell us about that yeah I think what people expect is that you just missed out but we've seen people forming is who have maybe done better than expected or probably got the results from a previous year meant actually knows a time or to go to university and it's been a fantastic day for us we've had nearly 2000 calls people come floating up getting a device asking academics about. Courses and pay boy today I bet you know what is what is clear now imagine banks and banks of course interrupted much like the donation room for Children In Need Yes So we've got some people answering phones who are current students and they can talk about their experience and if people be teaching the course of you can really explain what the Course is all about what's you be doing over your time with this and really giving an in-depth view we want people to be informed to the come on to the courses not by just coming in at any cost is making sure you understand what you're getting into there's lots of really good questions that students should really ask before applying or accepting a place in of our state who doesn't need clearing Well everyone can go into Clearing So the moment if you've got a place or university you can release so there's a way of releasing to if you change your mind or want to go to university but mostly if you've already applied and you've got your results and the institution such as a self is accepted you and you've got your combination probably best thing to do is to celebrate tonight go have your dinner wherever else and see friends and and look forward to joining a university in September and I see so well an exciting time it is and you know what it's lovely We also for now from Worcester to there was just to say congratulations So we've got staff there forming out just to say Well done you've got your place and the steers at the side of the 4 in those mountains kind of crying in the background is an absolutely fantastic day for as a star of someone's future what happens if people were dead set on most to and they haven't got the grades that they wanted I encourage them to get on the phone and speak to us for some of the myth of just Misto there's a possibility they might be able to get on to the Course if not there might be an alternative course and we can talk through what that means they can come and see as so tomorrow a visit open day so they can come have a look at campus learn a bit more about some of the other subjects if the really messed up by quite a bit we can also give them advice about what they might want to do for the next year so it could be taking some more qualifications maybe taking a year out and getting some experience these things are still important so it'

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