Transcripts for BBC Radio Cumbria BBC Radio Cumbria 20191217

BBC Radio Cumbria BBC Radio Cumbria December 17, 2019 040000

Auntie's interaction. This is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. News of our lives has covered up his thought Boris Johnson wants to make a change to his bricks it Bill before he asked same piece to vote for it on Friday and the moment you came the you can agree to extend the transition period if they haven't reached a trade deal by the end of next year but the Prime Minister's planning to make it illegal for that deadline to be moved a political correspondent Seymour will only be that 12 month window to get a trade deal according to law now I think the reason is is there enough money forward but $1.00 of them is of course to tell his new M.P.'s He really is serious about getting brave it done the 2nd is to quash speculation that with a big majority he might somehow Gore soft on brags that he wants to reassure long standing brigadiers that isn't the case Boeing says it will pause production of its 737 Max airline in next month the models being grounded since March after more than $300.00 people were killed in 2 crashes but the company had continued to make them mostly Josephs says c.n. B.C.'s airline reporter Boeing can't deliver these planes so they're just piling up at facilities in Washington State and other places around the us and Boeing doesn't want that to continue to happen one way they can stem this sort of bleeding of cash which they're not getting any money in from airlines who already bought the plane because they can't even hand them over is to stop producing them altogether inspectors are accusing the London fire brigade of being wasteful and slow to make the changes needed the Grenfell tell a disaster the fire rescue services watchdogs found 55 years of mistreating and attended to many false alarms the New London fire commissioner says he's committed to making the necessary improvements a review of how a review of record low rape conviction rates has found a justice system close to breaking points because of CART's the Crown Prosecution Service inspectorate says a damning number of cases a loss during under-resourced. Police investigations but rejects it claims prosecutors are unfairly selective about the cases they charge him affairs correspondent Stan Lee shore from a record $58000.00 allegations of rape in the year to the end of March there were fewer than 2000 successful prosecutions the lowest number since the figures were 1st compiled in 2008 the report says the decline is partly because fewer rape cases are being referred to the Crown Prosecution Service for charging decision and because police are taking longer to gather evidence campaign is saying the reviews failed to uncover the real reasons for what they call woeful conviction rates global gender inequality will take an of a century to disappear according to the World Economic Forum its latest report says the differences between men and women in terms of health education and influence closed over the last year but the economic gap widens the case for them from 15th to 21st and it's a quality rankings and drivers are being warned to expect bumper to bumper traffic in the run up to Christmas ho ho no they are a c. In the I expect sections of the m. One m. 5 m. Stakes and m 25 to see the worst delays always England's promising that almost all road works on motorways a major roads will be lifted or finished by Friday morning that's the 5 Live news back to the cricket now in England's women a plane Pakistan in the 1st of 3 t 20 internationals in Kuala Lumpur Let's say good morning or good afternoon as it is then out to Henry Moran. Good afternoon from sunny Kuala Lumpur 51 for 4 is the Pakistan score after 7 overs in response to England's 154 for any journalist top score for England with 53 in response Pakistan who made a decent start but the number of wickets at a full in particular 2 and the previous over will be a concern 51 for Pakistan chasing 155 let's get the rest of the morning sport now his shop ammunition to Everton are reportedly trying to persuade former Chelsea and Napoli boss Carlo and to become their new manager but they reveal no offer has been made to anyone yet the club say they've had meetings with several candidates and are keen to appoint someone to replace Marco Silva but Duncan Ferguson will remain in can take a chance for Wednesday's Cup quarter final against Leicester while an official talks are continuing between Austin ill and Manchester City coach Mikhail out set a who's currently the prime candidate to replace it Emery at the Emirates Crystal Palace not to the point late on against rivals Brighton to draw one all and go above Arsenal into 9th place in the Premier League Neil more paper the visit is ahead in the 2nd half to bring the game to life but Wilfried Zaha equalized to give boss Roy Hodgson something to celebrate from his 100th game in charge of palace and Ireland forward at Tyburn is a major injury concern for the 6 nations of the months to confirm to need surgery on a broken ankle a suffered on Saturday in the Champions Cup This is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker. The weather really rains expected for Sylvan in eastern England but it should slowly clear sunny spells further to the north and west with Cheryl as the Northwest it's another cold one holiest day of 3 in Belfast and for financing and it is James and John Robbins Alice Deal like pubs dealing chatting to great guests and what about live music played acoustically to to licensing restrictions just a bit well you're in luck for our final line surely and we're coming live from. But . I will be joined by a house band some lucky listeners and a few friends from the show I won't lie Jonas takes all of my boxes and then some tic strokes ace Allison John's Christmas chairs seeing out the life of the party destroyed a few one on b.b.c. Radio 5 life. Is up for the light on b.b.c. Radio 5 Live and also not replying coming up in this that bugs the sound of a lightsaber in a galaxy far far far far far away a long long long long long time ago or maybe in the future one of the fun to try to restore was the rise of Scott Walker's been screened and with practically hours to go before rise hits the cinema screens we're discussing the cultural impact of arguably the most successful franchise in movie history which just can't stop going pitching pitching pitching pitching in a straight is bracing itself for the heat wave that has the potential to break records have the coping down then what do they do when you're in the height of summer and a whole country is just about to get hotter and hotter and hotter test if that's the correct grammatical conjugation I would have the week's news in a moment from the region we used to call Asia Minor and Mrs Hudson is and she history to us so Turkey Iraq in that general region. Not sure if anybody's to causation monitor sounds like the disparaging even back in those winter of our discontent days back in the seventy's woman's house is about to become a father the 1st time when he lost the causeway she called a child if it's a boy who shouted out rock without missing a baby that's got the latest news them from Turkey and the surrounding region with Laura Wells I asked her why protesters in Iraq a chanting for a homeland when they have one well technically they do but they don't feel that the government serves them they believe that's right Reisa Tarion and they also believe that they serve the interests of outside countries such as Iran which wields immense power and Iraq as well as United States and to a much lesser degree countries like Turkey so you know when you see in the sectarian strife. Most recently there was a mass grave outside of Fallujah from $643.00 members of a Sunni tribe found that were believed to be massacred by a Shiite military group backed by Iran that was welcomed by the former prime minister that just stepped down the beginning of November it is an ongoing problem has been for over a decade and continues to be a problem there is very high unemployment there is very poor infrastructure again attributed to the politicians corruption and really have they believe that the politicians don't represent them and have no interest in helping them really that the protesters believe they have nothing to lose having said that they have felt this way for some time certainly since the fall of Saddam Hussein there arguably long before that as well what's different now what why have these protests have been going on for some time now what was triggered this latest wave of discontent. Well there were often on in 2018 and restarted in October and with the last national elections they did see a shake up of the government they thought that perhaps the new politicians would be would be accountable and deliver on some promises given and it just didn't happen. Sensibly this could continue to happen even though the prime minister has stepped down the parliament is not even able to come up with a new president and of the 6 candidates that are being proposed right now but with no way of parliament to actually again appoint them because there's no consensus. In Tahrir Square in Baghdad where it's been a real hub of the protest they have pictures and names of these candidates with big X.'s next to their names so the protesters do not believe that anything that the government has come up with as of right now is suitable and the situation is it never seems to improve now there are still small groups of ISIS and even recently there were about 5 Iraqi military officials that were killed by ISIS You know they said well after we defeat ISIS things will be better when we have a new election things will be better and it doesn't seem to come in they're having problems now even before these protests are started with electricity with clean water in again not to mention the very high unemployment and now we've seen that 511 protesters have been killed 21000 injured and at least 48 of those protesters have gone missing believed to have been taken in by Iraqi officials including some activists so they really are fearless at this point in time because they really truly feel they have nothing to lose and the Iraqis want Iraq for themselves once more there is such a shocking level of casualties it's unimaginable unfit for any country. Any country not in a a war situation how very proud says he's demonstrations to end so deadly. Well there have been multiple multiple reports also some videos posted 1st hand accounts of survivors of either snipers gunmen or even a mass men wielding machetes. Most people believe the Iraqi government has been allowing this to happen and that there are Iran's back forces behind these snipers another types of gunmen no one has been held accountable there's than lip service by the politicians that they would come to the bottom of whoever was opening fire on the protesters but it hasn't come to pass and this is again part of the grievances of the protestors that there's no accountability by the politicians whatsoever and a general disregard for human life I'm sorry this is Iran got to do with this. Well Iran since. The invasion of Iraq has really tried and succeeded in getting a foothold in Iraq both in its. Political circles as well as these paramilitary groups on the ground some are called hush it or popular mobilization units many of them were instrumental in fighting ISIS and the former prime minister who just stepped down had even invited them to be part of the Iraqi army and said that they could be the future of Iraq but you know even Oh so the money that he was he is still. At the head of the great revolutionary guards in Iran I mean he lived for years in Iraq most of the time so it's not a secret that Iran. Has been such a part of Iraq for years now and at this point would probably be the number one outside interest group wielding power there now would you make of the cool by the British ambassador to Iraq Stephen he could say to the army the call to the army i.e. Bypassing the government and making a call to the army to protect these protesters is what you make of that highly unusual for in a diplomat to talk directly to the Sovereign States Army in this way. Well again. The utter lack of accountability of the politicians that they really don't remember there is no prime minister right now that they aren't necessarily in charge the Army at least parts the army as I said the hotshot or popular mobilization units generally Shiite paramilitary groups that have had some level of autonomy against for years whether it's part of the army or in a army controlled area or not and directly also asked to run not to interfere in a rocky affairs and he called for early elections and and and maybe that that does need to happen although we have seen a succession of national elections and hope with each and everyone calling upon you know that the voters have voted for different kinds of politicians from different groups different ethnic groups certainly different parties and there are many in Iraq and yet none of the governments have seemed to be able to come together or no state there has actually been able to deliver general goods and services Gen a strong legal system human rights in Iraq and all of them seem to have been greatly influenced by outside forces including Iran Ok no prime minister bit Iraq still has a president which. Denotes it is some kind of functioning state nevertheless and the president had until the end of yesterday Monday to propose a new prime minister was that deadline met and what the consequence not no they the Parliament hasn't been able to come up with a consensus of who actually these are blocs So these are different political parties that come together as a bloc and they have not been able to coalesce to form a majority which would be the one to propose a candidate it so it's I yes Iraq certainly. As a governmental system but I would consider it a fragile state as would most analysts just because it has a system doesn't mean it's a functional system. Campbell retentionists story obviously is a once a keep an eye on moving forward let's concentrate for a moment on church where there are new conservative parties. That's right and this is a huge development since the formation of the pro Kurdish h d p party which really called upon former Kurdish parties to come together and which it did successfully really hasn't been a formation of new parties in years and certainly not of conservative parties and what's interesting is as you know the ruling Akbari led by President everyone has been a juggernaut since 2002 it has dominated the political scene since then but there has been some former top party leaders members and even co-founders who have been very critical of President everyone in the government in the past few years and now they decided to create their own new parties just on December 12th we saw the formation of the future or in Turkish again that Jack party the application was given to the Interior Ministry this has been founded by the former prime minister met who also served as the foreign minister and is a professor or holding a Ph d. He's age 60 he's very conservative he was accused of trying to create a neo Ottoman Empire of Turkey and coined the term 0 problems with neighbors which certainly didn't work out while she was. In office and then we have a gave a speech then on the 13th and she was very critical of the government he said repressive and illegal measures are closing down the capacity of the Turkish mind those that have no sense of justice have nothing to say for our nation's future he was forced to resign by President are going back and 2016 when she was pushing to change Turkey from a parliamentary system to an executive presidential system which it is now in which President and one has. Almost unending powers individually so yes place to give me 15 King. Because I was always led to believe that president maybe I made this. Conclusion but just by the actions of the president Mr Du on rather than that of his policy but I was always led to sort of conclude that the arc party was a conservative party nevertheless because you know the president does seem to be rather autocratic to save a least I'm I'm mistaken if Turkey has such a. A mega Conservative Party over ready why why would they why would there be an interest in new conservative parties is a space is there for from or will mini forms of the Ark party. Well that's a good question and I think we'll find out fairly soon. That these are as I said splinter groups of the original op party and not every party member has been pleased with the progress and development of the party since 2002 for instance I met double that of double to low yield he said that the other party has lost its way and that he wanted to bring back the principles of which a party ran on initially including a diminishing corruption securing human rights supporting the rights of minorities and the like so. If you were to look at those promises made by a party initially certainly they are not upholding them under the tutelage of President hard one who is it is almost a one man party at this point whereas when it started it was certainly there were many leaders and brains behind it so this is this is born of discontent these are fellow conservatives that shared a vision with President Aragon before he took over the party is the president concerned about these parents rivals or not. I'm sure he is he has spoken critically of those who have criticized him so we have here the former prime minister I met of which will do we have former president ghoul she is going to be and advisor to another rival maybe conservative slash centrist party that the former finance minister he was also the former foreign minister and deputy prime minister and a co-founding a party member John and he was a very successful finance minister and also didn't is religiously conservative didn't speak really of religion at all so he's going to set up a rival party he announced back in November either the end of this year or the beginning of next year and he says his will be mainstream and he also said that Turkey is in a dark tunnel and one of the dangers of one me and rule so there certainly are conservatives who don't agree with President Tad one I do think there is a place for them but will they be allowed to grow their parties out we've seen many opposition politicians go to jail even the co-heads of the pro Kurdish h d p party have now been in jail for years. And if they are allowed to go ahead Will they have the charisma of the cult of personality of president as one or will they be able to use the party dominated media to get their points across Can they lure voters away that's a good question and we can't tell as of now on a different something inside the business dating into the I could name you shame does embarrass I couldn't name you a single 2 case entertainer. Of any period I mean to my shame I accept that but perhaps things are about to change because it's an actor who has had some international recognition. That's right he was born in Turkey but he spent a good deal of time in the u.k. . And he was even trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Now those in Great Britain might remember him in the 1st few years of East Enders She played a character in The men met all smiles Oh yeah show your own cool Yes Sukhumi was a cabbie wasn't he was a drive really stands out one day exactly and a cafe owner says that see yeah. He did yes it is he here is the real name there I was thinking Oh but I'm not the only place you listen to this probably couldn't name a single sickish actor Greg is really a. Billionaire and he is a realtor he was born and bred in Turkey born in is near 954 but he did spend a good deal of time in the u.k. So he is actually known to many Brits who watch television especially the early few years of East Enders and later he set up a theater in Turk

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