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All. The afternoon afternoon minutes past for the. Actions of. Others forgetting to look a little bit like Christmas. Because we. Like. To this end of October we decided to put a pound a day in for a little Christmas bonus. But it's a little bonus is excited it's only Saturdays Joe Jackson is at the moment recently talked of you know what is he happy about the money we're going to get the least 40 quid it. Is going to yeah because certain bankers you know well certain banks won't take the coins they won't swap them for unless you pay them into your account is the only except 5 bags of check yes the except 5 banks in my bank go right into my bank account so we don't want that so I'll take the calling grey suppose you're in Harlem for today you know we're going to look we need when we go and spend our coins you can't just buy 20 pounds with the store where you can ship going you can actually that's legal tender isn't it you can't stand to try to keep people's logs you know but you can still spend 20 quid in cash. After change I'm not into morrow so I'll give Nish my pound now whether it will make interest you or. You know. Morrow to help with my wallet now. Go in there. That's. No trust we're going to Wednesday what have you got for us today then I don't trust you with all my vote you know I don't recall you were going to say constantly so much I don't anyway you want to try some a different how about a bit of a quote cheat it's a Ramsbotham pool of at the center of the class is a gentle low impact relaxing just reduced just not he says they offer all the benefits of Taichi and the recognised features of a quick based exercise sessions take place every Friday from one to 2 if you want to find out more 345-305-9000 is the number to right now near a drop in is a Lancaster based charity that supports people affected by neurological conditions they provide good wholesome food for members many of whom live alone and rely on the service books in order to continue they're in need of a dishwasher this in good working order have you just had a kitchen refit by. Have you got a dishwasher you no longer need or maybe you're a complete that does have a dishwasher that's going if you have one and can help I give us a call on this number joining office up 3455000000 subs the b.b.c. Radio Shack. Places. Of promise myself. I won't do. You. Get. Blood. They say. It's a foolish. Thing that sometimes. It's. Been . Done I get it. We. Too many. Times. I'm gonna get it. To be. Still be. What. They say. It's going to. Be. But. Exits get. A. Ground attraction a perfect all b.b.c. Radio like you should bring some time to what a quarter past said let's catch up with the latest on the b.b.c. Radio Shack travel. His main roads for you the moments we had Nixon a little earlier coming into the center press it looks like it's still there it's Ringway near to the north road junctions are right by the Holiday Inn and it's and partially blocked in the Road Traffic squeezing through it does look a little bit heavy There's actually a few delays on North Road as well especially coming in from forward coming in from the road queuing up a little also through Pam with them also on the bluff and side of the m 65 around where Brown who drive turns into white but drive both soon from the most why it's a little heavy you should delay in Burnley this is Rossendale road approaching the Atkinson road where the road works are there's also some water for the break of road as building road east to mill a bomb line as the reason for the delay. Of the end of the m 65 a boundary mill me having Lancaster system and the else happening let me know by calling out through 3012318 walk. Across England on b.b.c. Local radio this Monday have you on the general election as the campaign trail takes us to Crewe I'm Adrian Goldberg bringing together the b.b.c. Local radio across England telling your stories taking. Really very good. In one way. This week it's about keeping England moving and the election could affect road. Join me tonight from 70 b.c. Radio Lancashire. Will click. To my. Some. Thompson Twins hold me now on b.b.c. Radio thank you finishing Gillie through the afternoon through til 4 but there was some from foreign sport with under bags tonight from 6 o'clock now we're celebrating Lancaster's finest businesses the saf the new head of the national the acclaimed red rose awards are joining us in the studio organizer Richard Slater one of the organizers and publisher of Lancaster business for you along with some Fletcher one of the winners in the one of the categories of the latest Awards this year just gone. Also I'm truly Ming from boost business Lancaster one of the supporters I think one of the judges of the the awards if I'm right in saying and drops in our Gaffney quite busy time isn't it with Christmas just over 2 weeks away the business is the quiet full busy everything's going on I don't want some people to be honest it's like they've got Christmas parties 3 nights a week I can go to these I think I want some from work just like I have how many Christmas parties have you around now I don't get it right I'm so used to people you trying to count on you think do you think I just look at somebody like you're looking you know way out you always go sound so by trying to look out some of them because you could spend all your time just going to absolutely every single say so or is this just so you judge even a. Little like you know which I mean this is one of the wards of the year in the business calendar I think Richard but coming up to Christmas a little bit I'm not time to ask people to get their entries in yet i will we changed it we usually used to have the entry deadline of the 2nd week of January and in both cases we get to do what we want to do is to reflect on the 12 months or year of activity that. What we're trying to achieve here but really just before Christmas when we listen to what people told us jump you know they said you know what it can be quite hard work came back to work and you got 7 days to fill in the form can we go a bit earlier who said well we'll give it a try so far so good so far so good to actually have been good let's go back the case for those who haven't heard about the medals awards well while they went to the stars so this is the 10th version 1st was it 2011. What they designed to do is to bring a spotlight on so long to ship business so that we can draw attention on the county as a whole. Through the method of business is performing really well because what we need to do is to show the rest of the world who we are I think and this is part of our making I was making our place in the northern powerhouse too easily walked past by the likes of Manchester and so what one of the we do it all the people who are involved in this in a 100 organization is involved in bringing a spotlight on cruise well and we do it through business excellence and I thought makes people around the country look at us and go blimey that they must have good workforce is the most awful premises if they can look at us and go that's an interesting place to invest job done at the same time what I'm really keen to do as these fellows who are with me today will know because they for me say this isn't true never mind people that everything you need to start growing build a business is available on your doorstep in the county we don't need to we vanquish or to buy supplies that's why we do it is it working has lunch made its mark yeah I think it is working and I think it's working I can't give you specific measures but so much as I can give you are that businesses who had never met before met through the red rose awards environment and now traded between each other that familiar No because one of them where of his 250000 pound deal between business a business be that met on a judging day and we see loads of examples of this not all that level but loads of examples of it let's take us through the next few weeks then so. Your nominations have to be in by Friday midnight Friday the 13th and then after that what happens you sift through them presumably or you find it's quite amusing but the 1st job that we have to do is that this is the part of the job that Marty does in the office and which is to take out ones from skips of so get really your show you get to the com we don't get rejection What do you find that people want to enter from from outside Yeah. You got this it's a brilliant thing but it's a little bit disappointing you're not actually a live picture of the clues. So we try to be kind right and then what happens after that once you've sifted so that you lay you read through all of the nomination those 3 more stages so that stage one let's make sure that the valid entry stage 2 we come together with Blackpool on the filed college who are the sponsor of the judging section and it's their job with the last book was their job to whittle down all the entries to 12 category those 12 that got all the judges which is $75.00 churches they would look out to 6 per Katz agree and then we meet the finalists on the set on separate days let's bring in one of your judges Andrew Leming from the business I mean how important is it for you to get involved in a competition like this would you say well I love it and I also think it's really our brand in terms of what this business lunch is trying to do it's a celebrated platform we celebrate our Along with all of our partners you know be they have always been incredibly supportive and also partner to actually work with but the whole idea of put people put themselves forward for was absolutely fundamental we need to celebrate or some businesses in Lancashire and I think all of wards and the actual practice of people putting in a submissions to reflect and look back on what they're doing is so important even if it's just a reminder to yourself in business about how well you're doing so as a judge then what are you what are you looking for passion commitment as a celebration the story the ones. I love the ones that really tell me the story about what they've done for that yeah what they've really achieved and also a lot of personality to come out for me it's all about people showing that commitment so actually growing up business in Lancashire now is a great book quite clearly that's why I want to put the spotlight on over these amazing businesses in one should doing fabulous things well a little bit more in a moment 1st off though the brand new one this afternoon from George Michael this is how we want to get you high b.b.c. Radio. Listening. To. The room. There you are from George Michael this is how we want you to get high on b.b.c. Radio and you should thank all grow on us on the afternoon program here on b.b.c. Radio Lincolnshire We're talking this afternoon and celebrating like you says finest business is this afternoon ahead of a nationally acclaimed Red Rose Award Richard slighter organizer of the awards and publisher of Lancashire business for you joins us along with one of the winners Sam Fletcher from $21.00 digital and Andrew Leming from business Lancashire one of the judges of the competition what sort of categories are we looking at the expanded any this year have included some new ones or a change them around a bit we have we have we should not touch the one that. People have noticed of sport which is about is that we've brought the retail wallet back it can be tricky you can reserve a business awards environment. Book but we were asked and so we listened so we brought the retail walk back but yes they brought the break down to 3 categories the size of businesses which you know small medium large there's a target and we have some specific types of business which are retailers or law firm or in some cases digital creative businesses and all the manufacturing cost that's what we are in one quarter and then we've got the ones where we're looking for qualities the business is that innovate business is that delivery in-house training business is that of corporate social responsibility to built in so we go and we encourage businesses 23 categories what we try to do is can we go for a size a sector and something that describes the qualities of that business some Let's bring you into it because you warn digital agency 2019 that's right you know why did you enter. We answered really because we been in business 16 years but we wanted to really show what we had in terms of skills Vale and Blackburn and we wanted to really low. For something that would have a tar visibility and not a bit of credibility which you know we feel we're good at what we do but it's great to win an award which kind of come firms that all the people think we're great at what we do as well and we would you say over the years thought obviously it's been morning for nearly 10 pm Richard said how they changed over the years I think I'm thinking I'm better and we have yet to change it every year I think it gets bigger and better. Stipulations and we've got to have it event number event the number of people in super cells forward or is increases year on year and it's not because they hear about it now. It sounds trite it actually gets more difficult every single year to actually pull out a genuine winner and while sometimes people maybe think the sort to put about always been really hard to know what to choose I can honestly say that sometimes it's been absolutely wafer thin between a winner and the next person down and of course the reality is that and I would say this but most businesses are winners and there's something quite reductive and possibly not quite so nice about actually showing us some of the absolute winner so I always say when you want to get through to any of that sifting through the finalists they are genuinely winners and the sort of the last cramming bits is kind of did are sitting on the cake but actually anyone thinks that makes them the absolute best probably not taking these awards quite in a spirit I meant which I always think is much more of a celebration for Lancashire and just shining a light on all the amazing businesses around there and giving them the opportunity to actually shout about what they're doing well and what they're proud of is the business of in Lancashire how many entries have you had Richard heart roots and what it's come you know because I don't know. It must be hard to kind of like you said Andrew you know what link through who do you go for and do you have to change the way you judge you know one Yeah yeah and also if you don't have a judging oscillations or you're doing it with another group so probably feel full of the people and you know what the. Thing about judging is you've got to actually listen to all of the people are saying as well so I might go read through the applications and I have very fixed in my head a winner and sometimes that's based on my own preconceptions because I might know better and so rouses you ought to listen to what everyone else is saying sometimes you have to change your mind but what I'm looking for is absolutely genuine It's about the the passion that they put into their words and that telling their story about why they are much better than about being better than anybody else but why they're so proud to be doing such good business of in Lancashire and I think there is something about that storytelling and it's really rich when it works well and I think that really puts them forward and to be a contender because you you have a taste of winning you've experienced it are you encouraging new businesses say perhaps to get involved Yeah absolutely it's a great platform to increase their business and spread the good work about about what they do it's a fantastic awards in the event the evening is a brilliant evening I remember when we won I was really chuffed for the looks on the faces in my team it was like they won the f.a. Cup It meant so much to them and that meant more to us as the business owners than any fan and they want something that they go to work every day working really hard but to win an award for it is extra special we'll talk a little bit more about the big evening in March or as Richard said all finalists are interviewed. Was not a bit nerve wracking was that of always a little bit daunting to go into a kind of any interview environment but when you talk about your business and I think anyone in business is passionate about their own business it's quite easy and when you've got a great team behind you actually all I did was talk about what my team to and how good they are at what they do and that obviously. Some of them sort of I'm interested to know who's one of the things that that because I don't sit on the side to be interviewed I make an assumption about the interview sometimes my assumption is that. You've got 34 or 5 people your picture your business just right really good consultancy that in my head that you're getting from people experience and expertise does it feel like that yes really says not to tell the story that you only have been on the mistakes you've made the things you've done right. And we've got a great story to tell a lot of other businesses and local area health and they were really interested to hear and get to grips with what we're you know what we're about and while values are and what we embrace nice and so it's a great experience yes this is a sort of a final plug really to anyone who hasn't yet to get involved you've got around trees online. Well I know there are a 50000 businesses we haven't heard from all of you yet. Still have time even at the Red Rose was absolutely free of charge at. Red Rose awards Dr Kay we'll talk a little bit more particularly about the big awards evening which some seem to enjoy when he was. With the category that he won for best. After the trouble news of the afternoon here. Get it on b.b.c. Radio and he will talk a little bit more after quarter to 3 about the big nights and the awards ceremony in Blackpool but. Richard you remember. Just. For believing that well it's all right. Now stop and think What do you know can we play that of escapism this well you should have a good idea of the it's the yeah everybody needs a hobby Everybody needs a hobby mind happens to be more noisy the most thoughtful if other busy years with bums on foreshock exist she has been spent. More than the Rolling Stones. It's Garstang tonight what's happening in the gas during the lunch and 1st a lot I think it starts as this parade at 6. And some live music and things after that door that's about all the detail I've got just remind us how many members are in the band. Fluid between about a 5th of about 8 or 9 of us tonight but he can go to 15 or 16 if he'll decide they want to come and you know bash a bunch of problem with. All sorts of different instruments so they can serve as a saxophones and drums and things what's your chosen and for you and what guitar. You do what ever I've seen jungles you have a lot of forms you know it's all about for nothing getting Blackman sounds Muppets it's all about this voice but this is me but my time sets a couple weeks ago to raise some money for actual fact recommenced Committee what's called group in bottom. Couple of 100 quid honestly we get kids coming to dance just people sitting down there just like we just smiles on faces of it we need to get if you do you remember your Christmas actually. Christmas afternoon Yeah Christmas show next Friday did next Friday so you can also dress as a percentage so no we have the real sun we don't we often go somewhere that's a quarter to 3 you know we'll get the latest on the b.b.c. Radio Lancashire travel if you saw me James looking of the roads for you we had next until your commute to Preston looks like he still left. Now it's on Ringway around the north road junction by the Holiday Inn traffic squeezing by but about to be a little bit slow moving said looks quite busy also on the block pull road from Revel to the flood build through Bomba race through Leyland it's a bit heavy on the a 59 a little road from the 1st coats will. Slow in the fall coast where those long term alterations continue. On your way towards Cleveland maybe also a little bit heavy in Lancaster on the way system few delays aid barely selling the rust and the road and road where the road works on coming out to run still tools Baker was busy today we have a temper lots of water falls on the bike a road on the road east. Lane at least the most twice to find anything else happening let me know by calling this number 33012311 b.b.c. One I know my strength of vision I think I'm going to skills to be interviewed by a very trusted business of. Just Business. To Believe. Me I like to watch let me explain shit I listen to the ex-pats in the end. The decision the Apprentice the interviews Wednesday night at 9 you b.b.c. One. On one. With. Anyone. Live outside. The To choose. These explains. Simply Red stars on b.b.c. Radio show we're talking about his finest business is nominating themselves for the Red Rose Awards with us in the studio this afternoon some flights one of the award winners 2019 from 21 digital. Business Lancashire one of the judges. The organizers of the awards publish. Business for you with us in the studio this afternoon so we've talked about it being very close to the deadline this coming Friday the 13th your entries must be in by then what about sort of light struck. It was over the weekend will you when you let them in whatever subject. If we get a call on Friday or. We are your absolute most to help people get their entries in without fear of disqualification Yeah I mean what do you talk about entries What do you what do you have to do to put an entry in what you have to say you know how does it how does it work how many words do you have to write that sort of thing as much as all as little as you want really we try to get and this is this is years of tinkering really we're trying to guide people to help them tell those the best story they can tell us we give you no hints and tips that you know you won't feel lost when you read you know an entry for there's something on each box where they where you want where we want an answer to say this is what we're looking for so we try to make it as easy as possible which was a case of going on the website and starting it I think is probably worth saying that. We all judge review trying to think positively about the application so we're not here to join trip people up so you know it's like yep get words down to integrity meaning and then you'll be judged as fairly as we possibly can when we're talking Ok I was thinking about that thing a column which book is it's one of the way writes books and he said so Charles was just keep plowing all 4 to 44 and sort of just you just stop to look over your shoulder and see what you've just achieved and this award and every other awards it's not unique to these awards that's what the opportunity that presents itself to you is so tell us about the all of not because I think the quite fun aren't they yeah it's brilliant you sort of sit at home watching you know celebrity Awards on t.v. And you never going to experience that and this is a little slice of our and I remember some of the junior members of the team saying exactly that Sammy that they felt light celebrities on the evening. And we drunk an awful lot we. Well it was a brilliant night and we you know we took we took that opportunity if you're on the skill night he said there was sort of Thursday night games research shows that's the night I don't prefer Friday night you do yeah if you've got a Friday night you dip it into family time this is part of the we see this is part of the working week. We advise everybody step Friday off and don't try to log on a Friday and like you should say. It's not the Winter Garden doesn't it why have you chosen that any it's the biggest room in the county. Maybe contradicts or not but it's the biggest one aware of in the county holds 1100 people that we needed to hold and it's surrounded by competition and that's nothing we want to try to make this a stop overnight so you give everybody the option of accommodation at whatever price point they have. To Blackpool defined hotels looking to get involved sort of cheap rates only on the night yet so everybody wins don't everybody benefits but we teamed up with Visit La Porte to team up with them them directly they help us Brygada together hotels are prepared to work with decent pricing and we work with a couple of hotels directly as well to try and provide opportunities consistent just so you would not talk about the night from our side of what we try to do is to give a sensory overload in effect so you walk through our doors at 6 o'clock Ideally we can keep it to 130 we've got to change for 7 after hours and it works remember that more than 90 percent of the room is not going to win anything so we've only got a certain number of prizes so our job is to entertain the people sitting on the table right at the back of the room next to the toilets or the bar with people walking past winners of the toilets rather cornered that person who has one that's the person we see this event from They're the eyes we. Things like things like. This afternoon on b.b.c. Radio. 3. With. The news. At 3 o'clock that afternoon. A one of us all b.b.c. Radio like issue. 3 O'Clock News I'm David Bailey the serial rapist Joseph McCann's being given 33 life sentences and told he'll serve at least 30 years in prison McCann who's from north west London coming down to a string of attacks on 11 women and children across England over 2 weeks in April in May Some took place here in Lancashire he'd been released from jail 2 months earlier following a probation error from the Old Bailey Danny sure reports several of Joseph McCann's victims and the 12 jurors who found him guilty were in court for the sentencing hearing but McCann himself refused to attend the judge Mr Justice E.D.'s said McCann had conducted a campaign of rape violence and abduction of a kind he'd never seen or heard of before he said the 34 year old was a violent bully a coward and a paedophile would remain a danger to the public until he was weakened by old age the judge said he doubted whether it would be safe ever to let McCann out of prison and he ordered that he serve at least 30 years before he could be considered for release police in New Zealand say there were no signs of survivors after a volcanic eruption on White Island at least 5 people are known to have died but that number is expected to rise Amish Caldwell from New Zealand Radio says there are grave fears for the people left on the island this is a very the very popular place for tourists there was a large cruise ship that's come into the harbor and many people who have been. Injured are believed to have come off this cruise ship we understand that are as far as I know the last day there was nearly a 100 years ago when people mine there on the campaign trail Boris Johnson has said he's certainly looking at getting rid of t.v. Licenses he said that using the tank system to fund the b.b.c. Long term needs to be questioned the shadow chancellor John McDonogh said Labor would hold a budget in February if it wins the election and start working mediately to nationalize major utilities scrap universal credit and increase public sector pay by 5 percent the Russian prime minister Dmitri Medvedev has described a 4 year ban on taking part a major international sporting events as chronic anti Russian histeria the ban was imposed after the World Anti-Doping Agency found Russian officials had tampered with the Liberty data to cover up evidence of state sponsored doping Steve Rosenberg has the details of conceded that Russian sport had considerable problems with doping but Russia's prime minister called the decision to ban his country from major tournament for 4 years the continuation of anti Russian hysteria athletes sports administrators and politicians here had been expecting tough sanctions from water but the still huge disappointment and anger the head of the Russian swimming federation called the band a tragedy the national Gymnastics Federation claimed political motives were behind it but some here believe Moscow only has itself to blame Bernie Football Club says it's investigating reports that an alleged racist just it was made towards a Spurs player during Saturday's match a 13 year old Burnley supporter was ejected from the ground the abuse is alleged to have been directed at one being Sun The police are also investigating the incident the club says it will be contacting the teenager and his family with a view to him forcibly taking part in an educational program from today the police are patrolling the streets around their own Preston hospital following complaints from residents about parking it's part of an initiative to combat the number of cars causing an obstruction parking dangerously illegally around.

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