Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20181224

BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk December 24, 2018 030000

Killing in Syria after the never agent attack insoles Barry prime minister says that the finest in the world in his Christmas message Jeremy Kuhlmann paid tribute to good Samaritans who help. And after 8 years Chris Evans will present his final breakfast show on Radio 2 later you know instant September that he's leaving for a new challenge on Vegemite you is our entertainment correspondent Clint Pattison the B.B.C. Director general Sir Tony all said he believed Evans departure was influenced by the corporation being forced to publish star salaries last year he was top of that list and earning more than 2000000 pounds now with disabilities he was in coughed there was a special gift for the Tottenham manager Mercier Patino as if it is to Everton to spur 6 on the date of his 26th wedding anniversary I mean Spurs are 2 points off 2nd and 6 points off the top of the Premier League Steven Gerrard believes his players didn't do the Rangers shirt any justice in the LES But 1st top performance against St Johnstone his side though did bounce back to win 21 and move up to 2nd in the Scottish Premiership Leeds came from 2 goals down to beat Aston Villa 32 they move to the Summit of the championship director of rugby told Blackadder praised his side's focus and preparation as they won 2414 it was the union's Premiership 3rd place Gloucester left it late to beat bottom side Newcastle in the pro 14 Teresa came past and defending champion crosses into the last 16 of the P.T.C. World Darts championships with a 4 no win over Cristo Rey is A.J. Lewis and Nathan Aspinall also through to round 4 this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker and. The weather rain on the south coast the saying mainly try going to move on to another subject which is equally entertaining that is of course the world of cricket a lot has happened this year new short of formats of the game we've got the World Cup of course coming up in England next year as well cold cases between India and Pakistan and the rather famous cricket has become the leader of one country we're going to be talking about all of that give us a call with your cricket questions on a wait 085909613 text 185058. And joining me for the next HOF and now from Bangalore In India we have the cricket rights a shot though you are in Bangalore and you shot. Hi I am who I am in Bombay at the moment Mumbai at the moment but I am from Bangalore and as of now yes gangs thank you very much indeed and from across the border we have shied Hashmi sad Whereabouts are you in Pakistan at the moment. I'm in care actually very very nice part of the world to be in China let's start with you firstly because the momentous you have a Pakistani politics Imran Khan becoming the prime minister of the country How's he finding that transition from cricket to politics I mean he's been in politics for quite a while. A player countervailing game all the career politicians are in that office they are facing trial for the brightest the large city of President Asif Ali Zardari and Imran Khan is so passionate about the 4 things he bringing back the corrupt money from around the world so their subject than can be lifted to education security and number 4 cricket and ask a question should if Imran Khan had not been a very successful cricketer would he be the prime minister of Pakistan a very very difficult charismatic cricketer. Who. Face off for Pakistan cricket and face off for a while cricket also had he not been a cricketer you would have been a social worker. A teacher union somewhere in the world but may not be a prime minister John if we look at India we've had a tradition of activism and actresses moving into politics what about cricketers. There have been some that have sort of given it a shot at the last election. Who played for India. You know briefly Test match is a good sizeable number of one day internationals he had 4 elections he wasn't very successful because the new government that was coming in was saying exactly the same thing that saying across the border so that's another sort of story by itself but yet we could not have tried because they use this stuff to try and become sort of celebrities but more movie stars I think that's the thing that cricketers haven't yet reached that Baskin of who were popular and it is that you get you know . We have a new but popular cricketer in India Mr Kohli would you make a good prime minister which which Indian cricket do you think would make a good prime minister of the country. I love my bicep because I'll sort of go by the generation that I covered the Mort I would see in terms of his ability and his . Sort of his his range of interests and stuff like that to probably be someone like a. Great Prime Minister Abbott street but again Prime Minister it will have he wouldn't have his deputy prime minister would be. Good at what he would not want to be on his cabinet I don't think. Yes Well you know some of that kind and I think that a lot older generation of players Letterman like a right of view of the world does now nowadays I'm sorry. But. They don't get to have that someone like he can I do you know I'm sort of looking back on. Those. Names you had that why don't we seem to be able to run that but now the Indian cricket sort of be involved in politics and social work and things of that but now that Indian cricket is just so much money it's like. It's such a great profession to be involved in that no one really wants to try any other profession and it's a good enough profession for life pretty much for this life next life for many lives I think to be perfectly honest with you with amount of money they're earning less move on to a more difficult question. To stand went to the I.C.C. To get compensation because there's no India Pakistan series at the moment they weren't successful in that are we likely now that Imran Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan do you think to see a greater attempt to resume relations between these 2 countries cricketing relations. Definitely because Imran are so passionate about cricket so passionate about playing. So definitely things will improve it was sort of a stupid thing to do taking India to the dispute resolution committee because the case was very vague and one manager and city he told the case was very strong although the and more use sign was definitely an intent not an agreement and after that the more you a lot of people. Tried to stop Morgan City but the board of governors then approved that case so all this is now passed in 100 definitely trying to level best in its 1st week when we were speaking with its prime minister he said that if India will take one a step to take 2 steps in running the person who says God speed is all there when you say that if the result is an understatement for one so definitely we will try his level best to prove relations with India because you can change your neighbors . The best possible way for both India and Pakistan to be friends once again and resolve all those issues which have become how the relations what sort of financial impact is not playing in on Pakistani cricket because it's such a huge money spent on when it comes to T.V. Rights. It's a huge issue when you say that one for $3000000.00 dollars busy again with understatement not games against India since 2007 our son cricket board already said that the Kurds losses to the tune of $1.00 to $3000000.00 dollars busy again I think that this is less so than what has suffered definitely every team wants to clean the they have got the money they have got the ball out of cricket. Everyone if you asked anyone in Pakistan it was anyone in in India or anyone any friend of cricket around the world they would say that. Is the ultimate in cricket so definitely Pakistan has lost a lot of money financially as well as cricket wise but says the start of the ascent they have recovered a lot of money this is the box on version of the sort of T 20 S. . That busy we are on the lines of 5 below the idealist 10 times bigger than father son Super League but it leaves punks turn Super League is giving money to the bug and Cricket Board just $2.00 days ago will be assigned to the television rights agreement to the tune of $26000000.00 for 3 years which is. Very good money for bonds and cricket will not be as good as in India because India is a 10 times bigger than Pakistan so MONEY coming up Chad that there is though on the Indian side it's very unlikely that way Guinness and improve we're going to see cricketing relations starting again bilateral cricketing relations and because of the recent I.P.L. Auction again no Pakistani players involved. Yeah it's going to it's been quite a. Sort of negative policy that just started a few years into the I.P.L. And let's continue with there's been no effort to try and sort of you know turn back on that and make a change and actually make it. Make cricket work in a positive way to keep contact with the countries going. Under the streams thing is you know so you have a player like I said my mood who has it I think he has a British passport who will come and be part of the idea but it's the Pakistani and he's a Pakistani and the but of course it's a Pakistani player with a Pakistani passport one of the logic that is he doesn't play in the I.P.L. In the last 4 or 5 maybe 6 years. You know the government has changed does it really hostile and and kind of hardline stance towards anything in Pakistan you could just been you know to the point of we need to listeners. That you don't see there being any sort of change taking place previously in the process of the cricket board to kind of use it to. Leverage our more stand and be in talks with the government to see what can be done but now it's like you know we've got idea. We've got the big golden goose and it doesn't matter if you don't get back to something it's very very unfortunate. That we don't have these days for example you know I really had the world 11. On the international I think that was a limited or as much as there was no Indian in that world 11 team that that played because of the same reason so it's like there is this wall that's been built up and everyone knows that it doesn't mark politics and it involves governments but you know we need to kind of work your way around it like I mean because any sportsman any business not be able to travel freely not not really it's tough getting results and things like that they get them and they don't get them you know so the Pakistani hockey team played at the hockey. Up in a bubble. Of 2 weeks ago or so that's fine but it's just it's absurd that it's been allowed to be sort of manipulated like this are we looking at the end of cricket is because cricket has always been a diplomatic 2 between these 2 countries we were having all of the match that the World Cup semifinal in Mohali which with which is a great match which is a cricket occasion but with a much bigger occasion than that are we going to see that again do you think in the next 5 to 10 years or we moved away from it now I hope we haven't moved because you know that would be just completely tragic you know I hope this is not it's not a position where. You ask a lot of journalists. And. Everyone to our booking tell them apart or were to Pakistan all the ones that each other not. Just optimistic that something will turn things around because it is it is very you know it's very tenuous and it kind of sparks off and becomes this big international you know Patriot Games kind of issue. But I just hope that there will be a week or conditions to sort of. I mean opposition and for just generally the atmosphere to improve you would hope so because there's no benefit to fighting each other you know in United Nations or whatever it is you having these arguments. In law living in war does it really sort of seem that a number of things to do with an M.P. I mean I'm sorry I forgot to bring his name up. Prime Minister at any point. A Member of Parliament I don't think you are a minister I think the bird behind you has more chance of being Prime Minister than I have to think. So I compute people are to him he's huge parties at the moment but he went to work for inauguration that was fantastic you know and he said rather are and of embracing and girls and all that so. We would just hope that there is enough enough there and there are people there to help things because we know that the players will have a problem it's just that when the government get involved become sticky and of course you leave the Pakistan border. To them and the jingoism gets stronger and stronger because at the border are just about kind of enemies and hostility and all that and as you head eastward you get more and more patriotic in mortar commerce you know. Who are always hopeful I'm always hopeful about starting again that the could you tell us a little bit about the bird that is near you because it's by the sound of it it seems very long. It's a very loud noisy crew and I think you have left now they found they had enough of your analysis of the India Pakistan situation they can't bear to hear my voice and what they've just gone through this is like one of. It's like the Hitchcock kind of I am the anti Hitchcock kind of Hitchcock movie. That is needed to drive. Shine opens where you think of the moment but because India and Pakistan are not playing so often will that make the World Cup encounter even more special because they will play in the World Cup in England next year. All they will Congress in the multi-national government have become so great on you because in the end doesn't want to be the relief you recount the 1st batch of the Champions Trophy I saw all the. Selling the goods to Indians because they were this understand lose the 1st match and then become the final. Fall Guy if you will because of a pox on. All the buzz and I'd not be going in the multi national don't know meant but yes of course the world is waiting for the June 15th game between Pakistan and India at Old Trafford trying to buy tickets 10 times bigger than the prize than the actual price so have all these why does it become so important and so sensational because Indian banks are not playing as easily if you recount the 2015 World Cup games of 2011 World Cup while a game all these games have become slow to Christine and so sensational only because of that French and just a people who may be confused because of the Indian government's policy at the moment it means that there is no bilateral relations but they will play an I.C.C. Sponsored tournament so they play in the Champions Trophy T 20 World Cup and the 50 over World Cup show there's a lot of debate I mean here of course in England people talk about the ashes as being the great cricketing series but in terms of actual number maybe passion do you think India Pakistan goes beyond that. I think so you know I know people get upset about it in England your listeners it's OK people no problem. You know the US is the greatest thing that there is and we just lock up at the Citadel so let me never go to war several times you know it didn't happen never happened I what they want country. Cousins brothers friends so on and so forth. I think it is all it is a very special. It's sort of tied in with. You know. In the past and there's a great affection and and mutual admiration. Everyone keeps saying these things that you know what if there was no partition of India imagine I could get. When I was. Indian batsmen and Pakistani possible and. Not too bad but. Australia so we have kind of 5050 in Australia at the moment so I think it is it is perhaps one of the most extraordinary sporting libraries across. You know across. 7 across even I think. You know leagues in Jabot Gyp's and all the because there's nothing like it I don't think there's anything like it. You know of course US and Russia are playing ice hockey but it's not the same team you know USA and. People. Exactly. So it's you know it's that the state of being a seem sort of. Assume people are similar people language culture and all the rest of it I know a lot of people in insulted that don't get the big I now live in Bangalore don't get the big deal that it is but they understand that you know this is something that you don't argue about you just say it's a good player and go on with. The whole issue of them playing bilaterally also in these big. You know and when Michael actually went because I imagine that the Pakistan team cannot comment play a match in India but they can play a World Cup match in India and just to go back literally few kilometers across the border from Job prime ministers watching. It's become so absurd but it is it's incredible it's something that. I don't think any of us thought even matching it in in that sense it's also important isn't it that this we see a resumption in relations of possible between these 2 countries because it would be good for Test cricket and whilst in South Asia there's a huge amount of interest in T 20 cricket in the 50 over game Test cricket is struggling in both countries I mean Pakistan you're not playing at home very often and we going to see a change in that in the next few years or is that going to be difficult as well. Because tests cricket is one formative being threatened by one day international more so by. International so. Scripted very definitely benefit. The a period lot of Test cricket passed on to clear a lot of Test cricket country test really test matches this year but of course they played that's for a start. It will definitely help Test cricket it will definitely help Pakistan cricket team because at the moment India is number one best team in the world so that will definitely help Pakistan and let's start. Playing Test cricket all the great international. Very very disappointing that in 2015 India did not create a series. Because that. Was the 1st to start a bilateral treaty between India and Pakistan China. With no demand with no countries really touring Pakistan what sort of impact has it had on cricket in the country I mean are you seeing it do you think it added a youth level does it mean that cricket is is not as popular as it used to be if they had that sort of impact or is it still the game that dominates in Pakistan. Cricket is huge evolved here in Pakistan but of course it. Was badly hurt. In the mind my own son born in 2000 that knows him he started going cricket in 20072001 cricket was not great in Pakistan before his eyes he says to something else now is doing computer really we started playing badminton he left cricket so a lot of young players young cricketers. Took to other games a whole generation of luxury cricketers is not on the on on the grounds like a touch of a gazelle or played. A Test match. So. Badly about hopefully Pakistan and in. Next year's series which we start the championship for Pakistan they are looking at 2 Test matches in Pakistan against your no. Child in India Test cricket also faces an uncertain future because of the I mean I spend a lot of time in Kolkata Eden Gardens used to be full for every Test match now they struggle to get 5 or 10000 people in something has to be done to try and get the popularity of that format of the game back up with young people in particular. Yes . There's another sort of move to try and make it go to sort of smaller grounds and smaller places on the ground but when I when I cricket when it why not have Testaments is a man and I did use a factor but they could do it yeah yeah absolutely but you know it's not to lose a shortage of ground in India I thought there must be something like 50 international quality ground. And it's not that there's a shortage of floodlights because all those grounds are limited or as much as I get people ARE do watch most of them. But I don't know what the UK if you get off. The cricket board and stewards deny Test cricket because it's a great idea and fu

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