Transcripts for BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford 20191209 2

BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford December 9, 2019 220000

It's amazing that song's about 400 years old now and you can still remember Diana in that long celing the red dress doing a little dance for the video of that if you still got that frock she might still wear it sometimes you know sas data which goes down the bingo national sparkly number welcome on publisher of the b.b.c. In the south for a Monday Mr Russell is with us everybody's raring to go be busy busy in the middle of the program we're going down the path of the Yeah Yeah I thought that would cheer up he's going get you coat off we're not going yet we're going down the pub in the middle hour however there is some work to be done 1st as your discover a little bit later on we have the bag about half an hour's time we have for liberty letter word game just after 12 which is always fun Where's learn all sorts of things from that news weather and travel the important stuff around here very much a 2 way thing you're out about on the roads you come across problems of the official sources have failed to tell us about you can tell us we can pass the information on to others so feel for ways feel free to get in contact about anything really on this program because unlike some shows I am really here in the flesh look you can pinch me out I'm really here so another big weekend is over my word is getting busy now I like Christmas I hate it when it starts the middle of August but I love Christmas we're getting there now really busy this weekend there were Christmas trees almost walking out of the garden centers I mean it was amazing you get all these people with a little fear 5 hundreds with the Christmas tree sticking out the top you know 10 foot Christmas tree your own tea in the front seat holding on all of it tight so we're gathered around the cold out don't you worry love of God it round the corner you go cargoes one way tree goes the other not quite sure what happens to own see it all gets really exciting and when we're not decorating the house I'm thinking about stuffing our faces and presents of course it is time. To get out and about and enjoy shows as well we've also got the Christmas parties social and sports clubs of the annual dues like those. For nothing you know places like that that's my kind of a do and the course many use the festive season as an excuse to catch up with friends and family so I was always the case in the 1st part of the show we like to find out what is going on as we go out and about so what were you doing at the weekend anything exciting that you want to share with us some show you probably did a work related event and of course the weekend for us on a Monday includes last Friday because we don't do this on a Friday we do things in a slightly different way so if you went out and about works party maybe on Friday out and about with friends and family over the weekend getting ready for the big events such down stuffing your face in a Santa hat pick up the phone give us a ring could've been a male somewhere even just going out for drinks with people it could be an annual event you will get together for Christmas or maybe it was the full night out troll in the pubs to the We hours the morning when you look up at the sky you can see 5 moons and they're all spinning round and round and you think No they're not it's me that spinning round and round cool cool manner Oh aids one 109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. Bet your number you can email b.b.c. To u.k. To what you mean I'm speaking from experience how to text you start with a word Miller sent one trip with me on Twitter at Paul Miller Radio alternatively Alternatively maybe you're out about doing the rounds seeing friends and family because you won't get to see them on Christmas Day or Boxing Day I was talking to somebody over the weekend actually a friend of mine who is saying that he is going to be having He's big family Christmas get together next weekend because for Christmas weekend it said. Christmas week itself he's family I'm mainly will be working they all do jobs where where they work most of them work the emergency services are in the medical profession and the working over Christmas and so therefore they have it early and that seems like a great idea so maybe that is you possibly there's a sports team that you belong to or something like that you have your festive get together as well it doesn't matter what it is to pick up the phone and give us a ring of course there are also other things happening there are shows and events that we continue to talk about that you may of course over the weekend on Friday at a man was on stage in Brighton were you there to give you a bit of make up on the edge of your little or little line over your nose yes you did I saw you did you dress appropriately. Tell me on Saturday chainbreaker is appearing in Christ Church you saw them perform again I would love to know and then on both Saturday and Sunday in Bournemouth Aladdin got way now tomorrow night Tuesday we plan on taking more calls and talking about panto in the south so therefore if you can be heading for a panto this festive season then give us a call tell us which one you're going to say who's in the cast What attracted you to that particular one and we'll be doing that tomorrow night Tuesday he's going to be calm and whole night but there again to me every night around he has plans to call full manner o. Aides 109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. There she blows so what else is going on other things happening throughout the week we got our 1st word it's a night Jack Whitehall was on stage in Brighton as you mentioned last week bookings for his Brighton get went so well that some more dates were added so he's going to be on stage in Brighton tonight as I mention tomorrow and now Wednesday 8 briefly we got Jimmy Carr in Margate on Wednesday then on Thursday he'll be appearing in pool elsewhere on Thursday Jack watch will make his way to Bournemouth and if you like a bit of music you like a bit of traditional music Thursday brights that's the place to be sterilised band are going to be performing there so of course anything else that you have planned over the next few days is always very very welcome as we go house and cool cool man 08109100 b.b.c. Radio Oxford. B.b.c. U.k. Text you start with a word Miller sent one triple 3 you find me on Twitter at Portman or radio so straight to the phones to Christ church and speak today Heidi. So how was the weekend. To it well if you now you're going off to to a dog show you told us last week and I said I wanted to know how it went so for those people who weren't listening last week tell us more. They had to go because it was the sun don't shine for everybody to join in the me. You did which I haven't yet seen but I have got the link Yeah we've sent you 2 pitches is the fun to see the dogs eat in the sun. How to be men. Seem ready keep pages of the ducks in front he dresses well the fence says I have seen the link I have no chance to look at them yet my sweet but I will latch on I promise you have seen the little she enjoyed it and it was a good days and the weather was a bit yesterday and there in the docs were well behaved and it was a good they really enjoyed it and had to be all that he's good and with a lot of people there. These people came out but once the rain started it's 2. People here unless of course your boat people start worrying about getting their hair wet and stuff that likes. To stick a plastic bag around being be done with it but it's a pain in the backside because it has been fine for days and then suddenly the heavens opened and it was blowing a hoody as well as went on a Sunday so it's a lost cause people are home some are any why would a new sense but power from the right it was a great success the day. Yes the race and money for the woes of rescues so that was good is good news I'm glad that he went well in spite of the the weather and as I say I have got your email from the pictures but I haven't a chance to look at them here so I'm not going to continue to say was yesterday there in fancy dress that sounds brilliant Now I shall I should be looking forward to seeing those Now I've spoken to you and I know that it was a great success on every good time was was was had by all so this is something that obviously you you love to go to you've been to one before. Yes it is nice to have one at Christmas to. You know is who Christmas is you know who had a Christmas tree and everything so yeah it does make not much room for the dogs in the winter. And that is true people want to go around who they are it's actually quite Christmas in here day would you believe us and decorations in here this year . And here Mr Ross Well Mr Russell next door's got a full blown Christmas trees only a plastic one Mind you it looks nice I've got some Christmas tree I have no Christmas tree in here I've got some some green tinsel on the desk in front of me which is rather nice there were some red tents out the window but that's fallen down. But then we've got these poles with screens on them and someone's twisted Twente tints around those as well Natal quite nice but to come together Christmas is on the way home your Christmas spirit. Will begin that spirit most of it in a bottle. Probably Look I will you need to see people no no I. Never would I say such a thing never never never did I'm glad it all went well and thanks for telling us because you said you were my love so I appreciate that thank you trusting killing that's not a choice of pleasure you take a camera sway you know. This day in Christ Church we spoke to last week she was going to the event and I said I want to find out how it went and she has sent me pictures but haven't a chance to have a look at yet it says 70 minutes past 10 after 2 wins are now to speak to Susan hi susan Oh hi that will ha you to my love are fine thank jolly good so what you been up to all the excitement Oh yes on Friday we went to see how. Well have you seen it before oh my goodness yes I'm a great. Song. One of the most. Well oh my god is that well you. Remember like it was yesterday when I was. Brilliant really got the crowd. Singing with the band has got a great voice she's got a great voice it's funny you know Suzanne because so often your see people live or even you hear a record and you think oh yeah I love that new you realize how old age the they because that was one of the big albums was it was the one that for many people introduced into the world yes. We have new songs. Great Oh that's good and enjoy that packed out imagine Suzanne. People and I'm always keen to find out the kind of people who go to to see an artsy slide. Did you look around and see all sorts of people some younger people maybe picking up on a music as well. They will but you. Are a journey 30 Suzanne yes that's their. Yes And of course I had somebody who decided that they. Lol. Yeah I know. That he. Never thought of the one I. Really saw. The end of it bless you know it's funny because I seem to usually have the annoying people in front of May when I go to shows that maybe it's not just me after all maybe other people get them too I normally get the person in front of me who 7 for full. Well you know and bearing in mind I'm like 4 foot 7 you know I can't. Believe that the person next to me starts chump you know why on. That I think all that it's putting spots but in spite of the the person singing and whatever else was going on here a great time oh it was fantastic the movie was the best it's funny when you read how old they are it's bizarre Poe's album calls which are as you say it was a breakthrough album for a well I'm glad that you had a good time is that continuing is she just starting the tour is it going on for a while do you know. In the high was what was the last. Experience Oh right so she's back touring again next year that's worth yet more good from Glad you enjoy it and thank you so much for sharing with us Suzanne I love it too to have you take a kind of a dance speech before we have a super Christmas. Thank You are grabbing. Telos Margret because you can my mother is great he's a great part of you will. Thank you very much that's lovely Chianti you as well Suzanne thank you right lovely to have a bye bye bye bye bye Suzanne's in Windsor off broke you know you don't remember how he broke his pearls album next I want you want me to sing a couple of you've suddenly remembered it Ok fine I did in Southampton I. Didn't go ha I see what you've been up to my friend. History so. All right tell me more. Just the locals hoping for number of units open a chunk of membership. Yes Tony they pulled that was critical so you basically go in every Christmas. Shipping out all right and this is open to anyone who goes there to play bingo is it you know our. Christmas not you know December or it was or Christmas it runs so Monday 7 days a week sort of thing different times except you go every year and they. Have Been 1st time would be with this company. 'd this year. Previous ones with a previous come we actually had an employment again so we've got the circus that we can oh well there is well it sets a good event it's not just a meal you get the entertainment too it's a real Christmas bash Oh yes definitely Wow that's good and of course a lot of people don't realize these things happen and these things are going on it's way to soon that everything happens just the last few days before Christmas which is not the case of toys or the 9th of December and there's still plenty going on so that is so that is worth nothing a lot of people who go playing bingo don't realize other things happening as well to Madge and probably and you have always in the spirit dressing up city hats the all the good stuff oh yes a day out you know what is crackers and this had one party has except Carol with it dressed up as Santa Claus all very successful so there will be. Plenty to drink I'm plenty to eat oh. The Christmas in reaction she's brilliant So how many Christmas dinners do you think you'll get through this year. Probably back to I think. My late grandmother has got lots of different clubs and and she used to sometimes say I've got Christmas dinner next Tuesday then another one on Friday then there's one the week for the various clubs she belonged to it was great you still love it and she's to put on a bit of white mind you but never mind keeps the cold out but I worry about well I'm glad that it went well and if I don't speech before have a lovely Christmas and he thanks for calling bank you for less you know everything if you think this is partly because so of an excellent where your local radio station is very cold out here thank you very much I'm very very grateful thank you handy and you look after yourself when you take care but by now it's not not the Sangean Southampton year that entertainment down the being Iraq less like the moaning and groaning get down there get you silly ass on you can put your parts out on you had last year and I don't see you doesn't matter we're off to you if you ask me to call in I call in. Holiday spirit Pirlo well it works now Ok race nice to top cheers will get busy now people enjoying themselves what's been going on. Outside of the night we went to south of the center which is a village about 5 miles from us when the season I 1st found so much as a Christmas Christmas bonus a ghost told you about the book lol I've heard all of them I have heard. There are new churches and what sort of music do they play for people want to lay out music in the. Make it more you know market. Go on You Tube So do they sing like Christmas carols Yes Oh yeah but one of their favorites which is on You Tube We saw 3 ships and when you say they they do something to make that market what do you mean what do they do you are you . David Crystal has really convention but how do they put out how to play perform how does it sound different. Well. I don't know it's the way they do and I think you're. You have less than on You Tube So you know my speech Ok I'm just I'm just curious do you see people were saying you know either you make it more up Mark I'm just wondering what you mean by how they can have a. Feel or more bit more contemporary. Because one of those old Christmas songs are donkeys years old we do every year and it's really Christmas with a. First starts with and all the decorations wrapping the trees Robin that makes a difference doesn't it people then start to get in the spirit of things I'm sure the college had a couple eliminate as well so as to hydrate. Lemonade to know now did you just lemon I don't sound of course. I'm not a hot chocolate or you go steady do you go steady. Sunday yesterday we went to the carol service so James Church Pope oh yes or b.b.c. Radio such a good day I seen some photographs the 1st time we've done a radio so you've been missing out on the excitement Oh amazing this love soul choir amazing you have a fabulous absolutely Well I'm glad you took. Alan Newman And yes we yes yes it was. Great talking with a family album and. We'll have really a truck to say everybody around here is attractive call it apart from a mouse. So I look as a white knight Sure person I thought it was you and I said you know oh mother down no no no no the shock of it carry us are still that person or whatever how can so looking forward to hearing our own Christmas hear you when Christmas Eve is well Christmas Eve you'll probably go on radio silent. Afterwards as. Oh I'm glad you're a good it's good to hear it was amazing and. Oversee radio silence by the listing it went. Really enjoyed excellent I'm glad you did and thanks very much indeed something special next year near. The wall that particular radio station I think 50 years yes it is next year yes absolutely 170. And I wasn't even born to 989 called in is funny is no use for you or 14 I know you can get it all wrong honestly you don't listen properly have really turned. Every joke that you either you're. Always loved it so I'm glad you enjoyed the con some Glad you had a great week. We certainly go next more and more the merrier thank you very much Colin you take care won't you yeah. Yeah hope so a couple of weeks I look forward to it all right take care Cheers according to much now would I do such as the. Never mind about well because well yeah I've heard it all before the shake of it. So about got it Colleen's in Yeovil only of course some very well behaved 20 minutes past 10 francs in reading Hi Frank. How are you tonight on primary. Day I was. Always well always well you know raring to go and I went to record company today signed the contract for my new album coming out in the New Year. So excited it's true is true as I'm writing this bike Frankie. Callin em what you been up to what's been happening you're always one for partying and the way yesterday I went with my . Only Son. He came. And it was arranged to be primaries to. The table still you have there and all of us 80 year old 75 year old soon live on our own. Children from the primary school about a dozen of them sign some Christmas Carol for that was lovely it was it was about a dozen songs some new ones and some of the old traditional Yes and one when they finished saying and they came down and they mingled in amongst the elderly people and it was nice to see primary school children talk to somebody. And why not absolutely and why not I mean. In the cakes we had there were the well Roger project that last week must have been make a Christmas card and everyone of us really got a Christmas card from. School No one with lots of love from Hope you haven't Merry Christmas Happy New Year and it's got a crew drawing on the front and crayons of. The Christmas on the roof with Rudolph in the lead droppin presents that. We used to do that number now is its primary school you have to make Christmas cards for I think it was the local city citizens club you're doing coke back then and they all used to be giv

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