Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20190803 13000

BBC Radio York BBC Radio York August 3, 2019 130000

Very tall physical Soliman whole morals side not too much doubt about the sent back to protect with Calum how moving on so a whole he's arrived from Brackley I don't think is too much doubt he would have started the game anyway but Will Smith will probably our company him he's the person most like to gain from house immediate departure and the general consensus around this ground with people spoken to is he's the one the most impressive and perhaps surprising people in the season still a fairly young guy new from what Bonds really is what 1920 years old that's all yes born in Leeds fairly local has gone loan to Darlington maturing is still upon fully So we still make He's way in his career brittle quite impressive but center backs he's not picked up the old player from time to time spending more might rather the 1st half go for that but otherwise all has been pretty good so he'll certainly start the games you look at about 4 or 5 debutants all being well a while I check Twitter once more to see what the team used to go back and say hello to our regular summariser James with to get the warm welcome to you sir thanks very much it's really really good to be back can't believe how quick it's gone it just gets early August 3rd Let's start the beginning because you're going to start tell me about Brendan King in a nice start his career where well they're actually on the A.F.C. Wimbledon and I'm going to try and drive away with him to say was a really good really good coming promising player very young actually DID YOU career a full I might be wrong on just to chat with him yeah yeah absolutely So for them to start with an F one he's done all the sort of the South South Conference leagues and yeah I was surprised when her a gate took upon tell him to be honest but he's a skillful player and it just interesting to see how he actually does this season I'll be really intrigued to see ourselves open are we hearing from him later by the way in the program of the chat with him already lovely guy as well and I'm a big move from a suspect to these He's funny very enjoyable up north because he spent his entire career playing for about half the clubs in London yeah he's done is done the rounds in a bar and. Describe in a word soon as I see him just ask ask how you know how he's adapted up here and by the sounds things he's done very well at any level you know especially for the National League in League 2 you know sometimes players of his age and he's not he's no he's not 19 or 18 The She's old enough yet to have to make a decision to progress that career and with such a great season last year for her a town he's come here he's been sold what they're trying to do and he's obviously caught you know it's a long way from London but I'm going to make the opportunity mine and hopefully take this brings us to my final point to maybe one of the key points of the season just looking through the potted bugs the players have a lot of people here who are very very hungry people like a kid in who's been around but not quite gone totally full time Lots of all the people who've some of the most of the serious injuries 19 or 20 their dreams of the top 2 divisions going down the Swanny and suddenly they're getting like a 2nd chance people got mixed up with the wrong people whatever is lives but most of the time learning for a living working for a living but lastly going full time a big opportunity is a lot of people here in the situation these are some hungry players Yes and that's what town are being built and you know we've watched them for many a season now and the listeners will of herders sort of talk about that togetherness that hungriness and that desire and that sort of sums up Simon wait for me and his management team and I'm just hoping that you know last year was an unknown if you like this season so it's it's a 2nd season if you know they're going to they're really going to be an easy it's never an easy league but if they were together and got that hunger and desire I can see them doing fine thank you James for comments come as you would expect here on B.B.C. Radio York 3 o'clock AM 666-1260 online thanks very thankful to James as well more to come of course in the build up to 3 o'clock let's see if any other team news and for York City they're all showing him for their opener this afternoon let's join you come to a team that Chris Jones and David want. Thank you Sharon No no official team news yet but we can say from what's going on on the pitch in front of us where and because of the goalkeeping coach is out with both York City goalkeepers that it is going to be a PITA Jamieson who starts in goal for York City no surprise really we always thought that would be the case I don't think you can really bring into an experience goalkeeper and at the start of season not playing Peter Jamieson will start for York City it looks like from what's going on on the pitch in front of us that Ryan will is out there warming him up as well none of the other York City players are out at the minute so we can't tell you any more until we get the official team is altering him been out for a couple of minutes rather surprisingly that been out for quite a while and we know there are a couple of big players missing for altering him. First of all we think Nathan Arnold might be missing he's had some sort of fitness test he was been joking around maybe he's only been on the on the bench he still out there is not the same kid as everybody else he's been around there for 15 or 20 minutes and Josh Hancock The attacking midfielder who's done well against York in the past he scored twice in this game last season and got the goal went in and came to your can win by a goal to no last season he is suspended for the 1st 3 games of this season Chris Jones is alongside me for this game this afternoon Chris welcome back good to see you Chris thank you let's do we don't have a team there so let's not speculate on that we'll wait right up to and then we'll talk about how important though is that the York City get off to a decent start today there are 10 games within the 1st month of the season that's almost a quarter of the league season will be over by the time York City go to guys the on September the 3rd Yeah I think I'm doing that here but so yeah it's one of those scenarios where I've always said every season a stance a post 12 games. That's for the manager as well stay Watson to see what he's brought in see how how the play you know the other would call their set pieces defensively mainly and keep clean sheets that's what he wants or want makes a lot easier for strikers in the game if you're only going to get Want to win again I think this is a very important game for your. Seawall truelike as well because the same. They're going to be one of the favorites to go this year and I think you know if we could away with a point I think I'd be quite happy with that and I think I think at last look at it what lots of the York City fans have been saying is all they would take apart a point here this afternoon and hopefully move on to what looks like an easy A GAME ON choose and I have to say 4 points me 1st 2 games I think that require acceptable I quiet that 4 points after the especially if you pick a point here 3 games violently and then you've got broccoli home as well which again will the top game which are your should win if they're pre-season form goes into the football into the National League season Well you're the last that 1st game that the against Leeds United 5 nil as you would expect them to but and then when the next 6 you know they must be full of confidence city oh yeah you want to start scoring few goals in the preseason then you know people are McGwire I think. Probably too for the. Penalties but some of why I was looking on form coast is leading scorer we fall in now so that our people scoring goals in mind that's going to be very important for the team how much do results in preseason mean though that at the end of the day we've seen sides and York City in the past have a really good pre-season then have a terrible 1st 2 or 3 games and vice versa whether really struggled against some teams or been playing higher up in the permit but then come out all guns blazing Yes we were looking at alternate other or 31 with the last game against file does that mean anything probably not it's all about much fitness it's all about working as a team so Steve also be looking to make sure the side he turns out know what the doing know what the jobs are and they go elsewhere is a very fast tempo and paltry on the same pressure so politician was still waiting for the team news to come through York City haven't sent it out yes well a few more players have now come out though Nathan dye and Wes York I don't really expect either of those 2 to be in the starting 11 today so I think we can presume that Wes York and Nathan dye may be on the bench this afternoon Jamison of being goal but apart from that we're just waiting for the clock to announce what the team is going to be Thanks David and as soon as we see that we will also tweet it at B.B.C. . York sports as well have done that with the hard hit town team news will catch up with Barry in about 50 minutes to sell to go through those lineups with you thank you for getting in touch already this afternoon a few of you have been in touch make in Whitley Bay Good Afternoon see you he says so an intriguing campaign in prospect with our main challenges coming in the 1st month of the season which will be telling make it following York City that was from Sussex now in Bridlington Welcome back to Yorkshire he says Good afternoon full of optimism for this season especially after a good pre-season he says he's finally now a season ticket holder after 31 years of following York brilliant minds want to keep the thoughts coming 813 double 3 Start a message with the word York on the text and on Twitter another e in size come on your question was there I'm sitting at home completing my teaching schemes for the new term I'm being good so just do the job to make me happy keep it coming comments coming at speed B. C. York spots all text as 813 double 3 Start a message with the word yok So let's say then from what the clubs have been saying Let's start off with the managers and engine under an hour the new season it will be underway for both York City and target town for town it's a 2nd season in the National League after a debut year which saw them which the playoffs a manager Simon waiver says they're all ready to go again think everyone is really looking forward to it now and the last game was really good it really enthusiastic performance from the players and playing to our i was strengthened and so were all excited in person about you know the game and so on now how happy Have you been with what you say in preseason Yeah I think it's been. It's of a pre-season probably than last because we've got more 2 more place to integrate within the squad and. You've got to allow a bit of a break in in time so they you know they understand how the players existing players work and. About you know getting that understanding and and confidence in each other and bit by bit it's taken place so so happy just bring us up to date on how much Scott's changed since the end of last season so overall what with loans returning to their parent clubs players leaving on transfer plays 6 contracts being expired in and released their 9 departures and 7 players brought in so it's quite a quite a big change in want to make any more changes but I did think it needed freshening up so it could go again and of course I guess it's keeping the players on the tells and knowing that all right the settled the safe but it's got to look at over the shoulders yeah I think with the simple idea that you're allowed to perhaps on the fringes we needed to. We needed Scott cloth accordingly so it would raise funds if those players left the club as difficult as it as it is you've got to look at the vision of where we want to be. And so that allowed us to bring players in and you know you don't bring in any any subs do you know non-paid eventually they'll have to be subs on Saturday but in terms of reputation and standard of what we've seen we brought them into the play so it's made for a few that headache selections for next I would say 44 weeks in which a good problem to have but we've got good a good time to squad. Managers Simon waiver well for York City it's the 3rd season in national north after 2 underwhelming campaigns really in which they failed to meet to make the playoffs after arriving last season this will be Steve Watson's 1st full year at the club and is a symbol of this league but probably no different to $24.00 the teams that we have to. It was me em when I was a kid said even though it was slow going realistic the way that the clip was you know certainly left it but we must be a monitor. And it's going to be tough you know I mean what a great precision but so well that engine up in the watch ultra number there and actually inside of the top scorers in the league last season there scored the score for full appreciation and it's going to be a really tough 1st game but you know all we can do is look after ourselves and as far as I'm concerned you know everybody's everybody's raring to go and confidence is high he said all the other teams have similar ambitions through Book your to clip which you know traditionally isn't fully you've got a really big from Bay City to go with you if you can achieve some success because you have I think of just as we've proven in the last 3 or 4 years now of the big fan base in the bay to create quote doesn't give you the right to set necessarily towards women anything you know that hard work a stick when the sacrifice us to quit the belief us to be there. For the 2 teams that one of us together both part time seems it's not it's not given because we're full time seen with you know with a great tradition that we're going to go it's going to be a lot of hard work with us we know that you know we love that people outside of the club who think it's going to be a walk in the park for certain teams without them crack on with what they were the thing all I know as a manager this club is a. Logical experience you go you through good mix and really hope for the fight and move really positive if ounds do think he's a walk in the park might be because they are thinking some sure they are who this guy would do the gates at Childress RINGBACK take your help. Well it's worth that is it I really don't know of the all you know that's what I want to do or so from the minute I walked in the door it was going to be tough last season and with after so it's probably too much to do both if you look at the form from February onwards the fall most probably top 2 or 3 and now we've we've made opinion strengthened in the summer and we're about the. York City Manager Steve Watson Well we know the lineups of both York and heritage now will go through them in more detail in around about 10 minutes but briefly his lining up for the 1st game of the season for York City David. You have just been given the same news Sharon as was suggested Peter Jamieson is in goal now is the back 5 that I think all the back 3 center backs that most people thought it would be this afternoon Sean Newton statement will see the captain and Joe take going to be the 3 center backs at the wing backs will be David Ferguson on the left and Callum Griffiths on the right and then we're trying to work out if it I think is still going to be a 3 man central midfield they're going to be out around him OK bond and Alex camps has got the nod with a front 2 of Jordan Barrow and Dan Maguire on the bench for York City a party McLachlin Karen Green a collie Lang staff Harri splatter City signed late last night. Town it's still town youth player as well spent time in the Manchester United academy and goalkeeper Ryan Whitley So we've said before that we saw Yorktown the field we saw Nathan Dyer on the field it does look as though that money just Dave Watson is trying to bring as many players here with him as possible and they're just out there getting some fitness into their legs but they're not involved in the much day squad this afternoon so we think it's going to be 352 for York so they will have to wait and see when it when the game starts I think a lot of people were speculating about which one it would be it would play out front with between Jordan Barrow and Alex Kemp's there Steve Watson has managed to fit them both into a starting 11 to just enough to wait and see the 1st couple of minutes that this game gets underway about what system it is that York City a playing Chris Jones your initial thoughts on that York City Line up yeah I think it's something like we were talking about earlier that they were going to play with the 3 at the back over to sleet and color of his and. Them is the shall we say in the mood feel there we've got 3 of them OK on the bond and they will be Alex comes to probably on the left side that we are on the bottom right maybe and then Front as a separate just go Jordan but all. I will have to see how that goes probably regret when did me start to lying now that it Kiran green. Calling stuff. Well known quantity pedigree. That's the york city of New Sharon as a service we find out what formation to play the 21st 2 or 3 minutes this guy will let you know Thanks David and similarly at Heritage town his lighting a fire a good sound bite I wasn't too far off there are 4 Debbie tence G. Smith W. Smith Connor hall and Brendan Kynan expected very much in line at the start of the game against Benny More door thoughts that that might not be but since they were informal up in no time they've all played pretty well kept their places so James Belcher in goal no surprise there George Smith at left back no surprise there and right back that's was a tough one there but Fallowfield on the bench Warren Borel looks like it in the player right back the manager a big fan of his workman like attitude to the game not to mention his versatility to center backs pick themselves the way Connor hall and now it will Smith gets the nod and I'm pretty sure that calum how would have done otherwise parties now playing for the opposition in midfield Josh and Jack and I'm sure he's now got to out now when using Joe leaves the on the left and Brendan King on the right there's never any doubt about those up front mark back the big man with Jack mole dune on the bench goalkeeper Cracknell with Fallowfield John stead who's come from her to steal the Ridglea born and bred Lloyd Carey midfielder and Scott Brown the other midfielder former York City player your team news from the sea N.-G. Stadium come to from 3 that's Barry will get of course more details again after 230 and look at the opposition for both that match and York City's game as well now hard gets how surprised a lot of people last season in their 1st year in the National League with that run that took them to the playoffs so it would manage a sine wave a considered to be a success this year leasehold in that position in the end and then maybe. 2nd period because that we made more changes but I think we'll be better in the long run and that's how you end the season in terms of finishing position is out I'll be judge and everyone will be judged at the club but we're excited about our prospects not with withstanding that you know we understand how beautifully a lot of clubs are that I think be more player movement at this level than any other. Level in the football period pyramid and so when it's tough some big big clubs starting Saturday were somehow to feel better prepared to share having had that year in the ABOUT HOW DO I personally enter I think collectively I think. The the knowledge of the league is obviously that's because of experience and I think we can be

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