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Transcripts for BBC World Service BBC World Service 20191208
Transcripts for BBC World Service BBC World Service 20191208
BBC World Service BBC World Service December 8, 2019 040000
Elections and 6000 people have been arrested and hundreds injured including the police since the gunmen have killed 2 members of a Brazilian Indigenous community in the northern state of Marinello the victims are from the grudge or ethnic group which had set up armed patrols to prevent illegal logging are America's editor Leonardo Russia reports Brazil's justice minister several more has condemned the shootings and sent a special federal police team to the area survivor said the gunmen approached thing the agent as group in a white pickup truck on a major role in northern Brazil they slowed down the field before opening fire 2 men who are on a motorbike died 2 others were injured this is the latest incident involving their quite as our indigenous group in northern Brazil many members of the community have been killed since they set up a few years ago unarmed patrol group to protect their land from illegal loggers this is the world news from the b.b.c. The International Monetary Fund has reached a provisional deal to support Ukraine with a 5 and a half $1000000000.00 loan the i.m.f. Said President of the me as a lens because government had made impressive progress in the past few months in advancing reform the outgoing president of Argentina Emirates Sylmar Korea has said farewell to thousands of his supporters in Bonn Azeris speaking outside the presidential palace he urged his supporters to keep a close watch on the new left wing government that will be sworn in on Tuesday Mr Murray said Arjun times must prevent a return to the corruption and bad management of previous administrations. The German born evangelist Ryan Howard Bunker who drew huge crowds during his preaching tours of Africa has died he was $79.00 among those who have paid tribute to him is the Nigerian president Mohammed who Bihari who is himself a Muslim he praised what he called Reinhart bonkers vision and zeal for the salvation of souls the British boxer and to me Joshua has become one of only a handful of fighters including Muhammad Ali to regain their world heavyweight titles after defeat 6 months are to being humiliated by the Mexican American and Iraqis Jr in New York Joshua outboxed and up class his opponent to win a unanimous points verdict speaking after the rematch in Saudi Arabia really said he knew where he'd gone wrong I said a press or more I think I was waiting till my it's my my ours was and flew away like it usually years you know and I think it was because of the way you know I wouldn't I went into having and to having and I was unable to tell my combinations thousands of people around the world are spending Saturday night sleeping outdoors as part of a charity event to raise money to tackle homelessness organizers of world's big sleep out say 52 cities are participating b.b.c. News. This is from our own correspondents on the b.b.c. World Service I'm Pascal hasa Hello and welcome to the program in this edition we get a ringside seat at the political and media circus with reflections from inside the impeachment hearings divide in Washington d.c. And the rest of the u.s. And 2 Stories of change one from a village water tap in Tanzania and the other from the glitziest streets of Riyadh Saudi Arabia tries to remodel its public image but 1st we go to the front line of a conflict which has been deadlocked for some years now when Russian forces took over parts of Ukraine in spring 2014 Much of the world held its breath would Western countries and NATO rushed to support Ukraine and provide a strong pushback against President Vladimir Putin's ambitions with the fighting spread further into Eastern Europe or along other Russian borders while that kind of escalation did not happen life in eastern Ukraine where Russian backed rebel forces and Ukraine's national army are still facing off does look very much like wartime thousands of people both fighters and civilians have been killed or wounded there are checkpoints barriers and minefields which prevent free travel the loyalties of communities and even some families have been split into recent moves to defuse the tensions and find a new way to co-exist seem shaky the B.B.C.'s correspondent in Kiev Jonah Fisher recently found that in this terrain politicians as well as military men were having to tread very carefully. A gruff rasping voice spoke from the darkness these are provocative questions which he is not required to answer we were in a mud walled Ukrainian army position trying to interview private chink Oh he was peering over the top of his machine gun towards rebel territory the interview wasn't going well the group's commander a burly man called saleman Co was listening and kept butting in a month before silly. And their fellow soldiers had been given the order to pull back a kilometer effectively retrieve thing from their hard won and well established frontline positions I was asking how that felt just say was difficult physically Silliman Co suggested from the shadows it have certainly been hard work winter hardens the ground and in the last few weeks Ukraine soldiers have been digging new trenches and positions but private craft Ching Co wasn't taking the easy way out it wasn't that hard work physically he insisted but in terms of our morale it was tough as so much effort had been put in to getting and maintaining those positions for his commander this was too much don't go so deep raspy voice and then slimming Coast dept interview and turned to us with a rather desperate request don't use that bit the order to pull back it come from the very top and to suggest that soldiers weren't happy with it was not part of the agreed script. Ukraine's president the ex comedian Vladimir's Olinsky has made bringing peace to eastern Ukraine and ending a war that cost more than 13000 lives his number one priority the question is how much he's willing to give up to get them. And sell him Inca's unit were pulling back in one of 3 parts of the front line where at Russia's insistence the Ukrainian military with Drew a kilometer to create a disengagement area in theory the Russian backed rebels on the other side did the same but no one's pretending they had more than a handful of men in those areas to move the cry of capitulation has gone up from Ukrainian nationalists and war veterans unhappy that their president is making concessions to a country that has in many people's eyes invaded and then occupied Eastern Ukraine Victor used to live inside the territory that the rebels now control he did well there he owned 4 shops a bakery and some agricultural land now he sleeps on the couch of his one remaining shop it's only a crane in government side as we stand outside its front door he points past an old coal mine to alight he says that marks the rebel front line somewhere behind dance his old businesses Viktor fumes at the idea that Ukraine is the one stepping back they're the ones who should retreat he tells me this is our territory they should go back to the other side of the Russian border but the harsh political reality is that Ukraine is not negotiating from a position of strength where once Kiev could count on robust support from Europe and the United States the commitment is now softening president's events he himself knows his window of opportunity may not last long 7 months after his extraordinary landslide election when there are already signs that his popularity is falling he knows he'll need every bit of political credit he can muster if he has to convey. Once people to back a difficult peace deal and what about the rebels Well they won't let the b.b.c. Into their territory and haven't for 3 and a half years so the closest we can get is a recently repaired bridge that serves as the only crossing point from the south declared Republic of Lohan Sq into Ukrainian government territory destroyed in fighting in 2015 it's been cleverly rebuilt so that an ambulance can roll across it but nothing as big as a tank the bridge is now a procession of misery $12000.00 crossings are made here every day almost all of them the elderly enduring the icy day trip from Lohan Sq to collect their Ukrainian government pension of about 50 u.s. Dollars a month Tamara Nicole life now is $69.00 and tells me she has family fighting on both the Ukrainian and the rebel sides for her piece is a very distant prospect she says she can't imagine her relatives sitting around a table again let alone shaking hands they all think they're defending a country she says with a shake of her head what about the leaders I ask her we love Putin she replies instantly Zelinsky smiles but in politics he's a clown on Monday the 2 men are g. To meet in Paris for the 1st time after years of deadlock and misery it represents a red glimmer of hope. Jonah Fisher of course ending the conflict in Ukraine has also been complicated by events half a world away the on going investigations into how the Trump administration has managed American foreign policy have also embroiled Ukraine's president Selenski Antony's has spent the past 4 years covering Donald Trump for the b.b.c. From the early days of his candidacy to his often to melt us presidency now he's been reporting on the push in Congress to impeach Donald Trump often from the rooms where the official hearings have been held it's given him a front row seat to history as it's being made but sometimes he wonders what posterity might make of the process over the past month I keep recalling a favorite old photograph it's of c.b.s. Reporter Dan Rather on August 9th 1904 the day Richard Nixon resigned as president of the United States the picture is of rather outside the White House he seated on a wooden box his arms draped over his thighs a microphone dangles limply from his folded hands Rather's expression shows a mixture of shock and exhaustion as though the gravity the historic importance of the moment has finally hit him I imagine for months rather like the people behind him like the nation as a whole had been caught up in the daily drama of Nixon's impeachment proceedings the blockbuster revelations stunning testimony and unpredictable twists and turns now it was all over the end of the line for the president and for the story. I think about this photo as I've spent the past month covering the impeachment hearings I can certainly understand how easy it is to get caught up in the day to day and lose sight of history being made this is only the 4th time in America's 230 years that a Us president has faced impeachment so this may not be uncharted territory but it is a path seldom traveled the room in which these impeachment hearings are being held certainly as a proper venue for such a historic occasion with its vaulted ceilings massive pillars topped by sculpted Eagles and a multi-level ornately carved wooden Dyess it is a room befitting an audience with a king or the removal of a president the times I've attended I can't help but think that at one point after all this is over I might sit like Dan Rather and ponder the gravity of what has taken place about how it all will be written in history books one day I know I'll feel as exhausted as rather looked but the reality is that any impeachment of Donald Trump if it does in fact happen isn't likely to have as dramatic and conclusive an ending as Nixon's unless there is a seismic change in the political dynamic even if the president is impeached there are plenty of votes in the Republican controlled Senate to keep him firmly encamped in the White House What finally drove Nixon from office was the ultimately overwhelming conclusion that he had abused the powers of office both Republicans and Democrats attended the same hearings reviewed the same evidence heard the same testimony and decided that the president had to go contrast that with the way things have gone with Trump so far Republicans and Democrats may sit in the same monumental here in chamber but it is as if they occupy entirely different realities they hear from the same witnesses but draw diametrically opposite conclusions. This political chasm is even more obvious when watching the hearings from inside the room in person you can hear the chattering of members of Congress seated in the front row of the spectators gallery even on the diocese the politicians are cliquish each side passing notes or huddling together to strategize while the other party is speaking this may be history writ large but it frequently feels very small I was a young child during Nixon's impeachment but all Americans now live in its shadow part of what made Watergate so devastating was that on the heels of the Vietnam War It felt like u.s. Institutions were failing a look at public opinion surveys show that American faith in government plummeted in the aftermath and has never really recovered one of the remarkable things about this particular moment in u.s. Politics is that however these impeachment hearings are finally concluded they will almost certainly push up against or even into the 2020 presidential election primary campaign with Democrats voting to choose their nominee to stand against Donald Trump in November's general election that point was driven home to me a few weeks ago as I left an impeachment hearing to fly to Atlanta to cover a Democratic candidates debate the next night perhaps I will never have my Dan Rather moment because there are fewer moments to reflect these days than there were in 1984 it seems like the news never stops anymore it's as if an entire nation will never have a chance to catch its collective breath. And that was Antony's. You were listening to from our own correspondent here on the b.b.c. World Service I'm Pascal Harter according to the World Health Organization in 2017 nearly half of all the people in sub-Saharan Africa didn't have access to a source of safe clean piped drinking water and in rural areas even fewer people can count on having water on tap in Tanzania in East Africa as the population grows there's an ever rising demand for water as well without much chance of getting to it but in one village in the north of the country there is a scheme which is using 21st century technology to change the way families fill a buckets and trying to make life easier for the women and the children often burdened with a chore of bringing them home Chloe foul went to find out how it's working sitting on a narrow wooden bench I shuffle around uncomfortably the village water committee meeting is running the hours late and unfortunately we divide on time next to me an old woman wrapped in layers of colorful patent fabric sits still shut seemingly detached from her surroundings further along the bench a middle aged man is texting on his phone we wait sheltered from the school Ching sun The hole is one of the few concrete buildings in this northern Tanzanian village it is sparsely furnished with just 3 long benches and an all teachers desk . The job takes his seat at the front of the room a Towsley man with piercing dark and a soft voice he is the secretary of the village woods a committee here everybody knows him this is the man we've come to meet at nearly 60 years old with job or has become the local tech guru over the last 2 years he has overseen a project led by a smooth British company that has transformed the villages access to clean water the farming village of Indiana Jan doesn't look like a tech hub you reach it by taking a shot right turn off the Todd road onto a dirt track the village lies a short ride away on the back of a Chinese made motorbike taxi through the fertile land of the Rift Valley scattered houses made of red of bricks branches and 10 moves lamang fields of green maze that overlook lake the battery known for its hippopotamuses every household in the village has at least one mobile phone but besides a couple of solar power generators only the school the health dispensary and a few houses here I connected to the electricity grid everyone depends on shared taps community and by the village for clean water collecting water is considered a woman's job it takes strength to carry the heavy buckets back home and until recently it took patients a lot of patients to get them filled the 2 women here used to queue up for hours sometimes from sunrise to midday to collect water from one of the old brass taps a woods vendor would hold the key to a padlock controlling the tap and collect money for each bucket filled which was meant to be handed over to the village water committee being a vendor was not a full time job so the queue for water would get ever longer as women waited for the seller to return from the fields get back from church or wake up after a long session of drinking locally brewed beer. But not anymore the old taps have been upgraded with Internet connected and solar power it's not meters that operate using magnetic tags which look like large Cohen's villages load up their tags with water credits which they buy with cash from one of a dozen local sellers at the top women how that tags against the meter to get the water flowing clean water for drinking cooking bathing and washing clothes can now be collected 24 hours a day and all the money paid can be used for maintenance Overman removes her tag when her buckets of filled and the tap shuts off she lifts the bright yellow bucket onto her head and carries a home without spilling a drop with the wood event is gone the long queues of disappeared in the village and women have more time to work in the fields even earning a little extra money with job you showed me how he tracks the villages water consumption in real time using the systems app on his smart phone as we've all technology the process isn't always move but he has learnt to persevere the job he was not born in Indiana Chan he came to the village as a young man to cultivate its fertile soil instead he has earned the villages respect for his dedication to keeping the taps running but in that China is going through a population boom the water supply system has attracted people from far field and the demand for water is rising fast if nothing is done to expand the system soon we will be forced to go back to our old ways jobber tells me sadly technology has made a real difference to the way people access water but the balance between supply and demand is still very fragile. chloƩ Found there Saudi Arabia has often been called a secretive society one where it's not easy for outsiders to figure out who's really making the decisions or to form close friendships with local people although a huge number of expatriates from all over the world live and work there and vast numbers of pilgrims visit each year it can seem that Saudi citizens and others in the country live in parallel worlds supporters of the defacto leader Prince Mohammed bin sound man call on other nations to support him in his efforts to open up the country but is M.B.'s and he's often known certain to maintain control he still needs to manage a tricky succession from the king then there is the question of just how much this self professed moderniser really does want to open Saudi Arabia up our Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher recently returned to the capital and found a city being transformed at least on the surface the hooligans were up high in the stands about the football stadium in Riyadh they'd stripped off some of their clothing and were waving it wildly in the air above their heads this bunch of Saudi women were having the time of their lives their head scarves transformed into billowing black flags the showpiece game between Brazil and Argentina was the 1st football match I'd been to in Saudi Arabia for more than 2 decades back then the stadium was a symphony of Saudi men's traditional red and white coffee is and startlingly white unbroken by the black of a single woman's a buyer all those years ago I'd been invited by my Saudi sponsor the man who held my passport and my freedom to stay or leave an
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