Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170115 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170115

in a row with one of the country's most distinguished civil rights campaigners. congressmanjohn lewis says he does not consider mr trump "a legitimate president" — prompting an angry response from the president elect. in washington, civil rights protesters have held a rally at the martin luther king memorial, chanting ‘nojustice no peace'. the reverend al sharpton called on all politicians to support equality. we can to appeal to donald trump. he has made it clear what his policies are and what his nominations are. we'd come to say to the democrats in the senate and in the house and to the senate and in the house and to the moderate republicans to get some backbone. get some guts. we need to see you down here. the reverend al sharpton. well, our correspondent laura bicker is in washington and gave us us the latest. it is worth remembering that when you see thousands marching along the maule a stopped shortjust a few yards from where donald trump will ta ke yards from where donald trump will take the oath of office. this much today is one of many that will take place over the next week. many people just trying to have their verses heard. there were a number of african americans who fear the presidency of donald trump. it is worth remembering that only 8% of african—americans are worth remembering that only 8% of african—america ns are voted worth remembering that only 8% of african—americans are voted for donald trump. so when it comes to him being the new commander in chief there are some concerns. there is also the lgbti community, they will be holding a march. even lawyers will be holding their version of a march. the biggest march will be next saturday which is the women's march. it started as a small organisation who said they wanted to march on the day after inauguration. now that now in over a thousand buses are making their way into the city. donald trump has also been criticised an argument he has had with a leading civil right campaigner. tell us more. jon lewis was an icon in the 1960s. he is the last surviving speaker of that famous martin luther king march on washington and when it comes to a member of congress, he has been in congress for 30 years and is a well—respected member. he even has the support of many republicans. during an nbc interviewjohn lewis said that he did not recognise donald trump as a legitimate president and he would not be attending the inauguration. he said he believed that russians helped him get elected. in response, the donald trump tweeted this morning saying that the congressmen should spend more time fixing in helping his district which has fallen apart, not to mention crime infested, rather than falsely complaining about the results of the election. all talk, no action or results. when it comes to its criticism of donald trump for this it has come fast and furious on twitter. a number of leading democrats and entertainers and also members of his own party have left to the defence ofjohn lewis. 0ne from a republican member who says thatjohn lewis from a republican member who says that john lewis and from a republican member who says thatjohn lewis and his talk have changed the world. donald trump just insulted a civil rights icon on the eve of martin luther king day. the timing of the tweet is interesting because this is a holiday weekend in the united states where many people spend the time honouring martin luther king. so to start off a holiday weekend by tweeting and perhaps criticising a civil rights icon has led to some sharp criticism indeed. to serbia now where the government's migrant spokesman has defended his country's handling of the extreme cold weather that has claimed dozens of lives. ivan miskovic has told bbc news that many have refused shelters, fearing deportations. 15,000 people are living in tents as far south as greece, including the islands of lesbos and samos. aid agencies warn they are at risk of freezing to death. but it's in the balkans where the situation is far more urgent. we'll have that interview with the serbian official in a moment, but first, here's simonjones the cold snap is tightening its grip. claiming more than 65 lives across europe. causing traffic chaos, power cuts and travel delays. this is sarajevo. the balkans have been particularly hard hit. temperatures have been as low as —15 for several days. there is major concern about the plight of refugees, particularly in serbia. some are being sheltered in reception centres. but 1200 are living in a derelict warehouse in belgrade, according to the unhcr. it's very cold, and we are just making fire. but still we can keep warm ourselves. we don't like to stay here. we're trying to leave this country and go to european countries. but we are stuck because of the borders. there are calls for governments across europe to do more. it will only take one more snow storm or another cold snap and we're going to see some, some children, you know, in a very dire situation. children are particularly prone to respiratory illnesses at a time like this. we do not want to see this happen. it's about saving lives, not about red tape and keeping to bureaucratic arrangements at the moment. river traffic along the danube, one of europe's main waterways, has largely been suspended in eastern europe due to the ice. in wengen in switzerland, a famous downhill race in the skiing world cup had to be cancelled because of too much snow. more than a0 centimetres fell overnight. powerful winds added to the complications, with organisers eventually having to admit the race could not be held safely. and the warning is that more bad weather is on the way. simon jones, bbc news. ivan miskovic — is the spokesman for the serbian government's department for refugees. here's what he had to say about the situation. at this moment there are over 7000 migrants in serbian territory. from this number something like 6000 are accommodated in official centres managed by our commission. more than a thousand in informal sites in the city centre. what are conditions like? in the official sites, the people living here are grappling with harsh conditions, freezing to riches the last ten days. this is com pletely riches the last ten days. this is completely inadequate place for anybody. we had a campaign to persuade them to go to the official centres, to be a accommodated in the official heated rooms, with healthcare and meals but u nfortu nately healthcare and meals but unfortunately what we have managed so unfortunately what we have managed so far is to persuade only 400 people to be accommodated in our centres. there are no women are no children in the parks and public places in the city of belgrade. so thatis places in the city of belgrade. so that is a good result for a campaign but still over 1000 migrants are in public places. this responsibility do you think it is to sort the situation out? well, the state of serbia is doing everything we can to provide shelterfor serbia is doing everything we can to provide shelter for these people. and we are providing enough shelter. but they are persisting to refuse to be accommodated in official centres. they are distrustful towards us because they are afraid of deportation but in reality there is not a single real reason for them not a single real reason for them not to be outside of the official centres. good news is that we provided new capacity in belgrade so within the next few days all of them are going to be accommodated in the official capacities with heated rooms, meals and healthcare. some charities, including save the children, saying that in belgrade alone there 1500 migrants including unaccompanied children sleeping in factories and empty spaces. it is your responsibility, is it not, in temperatures that we are seeing across europe, to make sure that those people are properly catered for. we did everything we could to persuade them to be accommodated in the centres. we did everything we could to properly care about them. somehow they persist in refusing us. somehow they persist in refusing us. so we hope that those new capacities that will be provided within the next few days are going to be suitable for them and that they will trust us that nothing will happen to them if they are accommodated there. nothing but a warm room, meals and healthcare. well, it has been a deadly weekend for migrants trying to make their way to europe. the italian coastguard says that nearly 100 people are missing — after a boat sank off the libyan coast. at least eight migrants have died. four migrants have also drowned off the coast of southern spain. coastguards there are searching for at least 21 people in the mediterranean sea. turkey and russia have decided to invite the united states to peace talks on syria. the talks are due to be held this month in the kazakh capital astana. but the turkish foreign minister said turkey remained opposed to the inclusion of the syrian kurdish militant group the ypg. a major summit of african heads of state has begun in mali, with the talks being dominated by the political crisis in the gambia. the gambian president—elect, adama barrow, is attending the summit. it comes after west african leaders failed to persuade long—time ruler, yahya jammeh, to step down. poland has officially welcomed 3,500 us troops as part of a nato military build—up on the bloc‘s eastern front. the troops are part of president 0bama's response to nato concerns about russian aggression. it's the biggest us troop deployment to europe in decades. russia has criticised it as "a threat" to security. let's go to florida now — where a teenager who was stolen as a baby from a hospital nearly two decades ago has been found. kamiyah mobley was discovered after a tip—off. the woman who raised her in south carolina has now been charged with kidnapping. this is kamiyah mobley, with a woman, who for all her life she believed was her mother. they seemed a perfectly normal and happy family living in a quiet part of south carolina. but today, her mother is under arrest, charged with kidnapping kamiyah just after she was born 18 years ago and giving her a false identity. we found an 18—year—old woman in south carolina with the same date of birth but a different name. fraudulent documents had been used to establish identity. interviews with people supported the possibility that this young woman may in fact have been kamiyah. just after she was born in this hospital in florida in 1998 she was abducted bya in florida in 1998 she was abducted by a woman posing as a nurse. it was only last year that the police received a tip which eventually led to the arrest. for her biological family, a moment of huge relief. she sounds so intelligent, so respectful and she said she will be here to see us. and she said she will be here to see us. for kamiyah herself, disbelief that the woman she has lost as a mother is now accused of being her abductor. stay with us here on bbc news. still to come a beautiful site with hidden dangers. we find out how competition between kite fliers is putting lives at risk in india. day one of operation desert storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. tobacco is america's oldest industry, and it's one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. this may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. there is not a street that is unaffected. huge parts of kobe were simply demolished as buildings crashed into one another. this woman said she'd been given no help and no advice by the authorities. she stood outside the ruins of her business. tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the country's new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long—running play, the mousetrap. when they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonight's performance, but agatha christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. this is bbc news. i'm alpa patel. the latest headlines: aid agencies warn that thousands of migrants in the balkans risk freezing to death in tents and temporary shelters. donald trump sparks outrage after criticising a veteran civil rights campaigner who questioned his election victory. the palestinian president mahmud abbas has warned that moving the us embassy in israel tojerusalem would deal a huge blow to remaining hopes for middle east peace. it comes as as major summit is held in paris — seen as one of the last chances to save the so—called two—state solution for the israeli—palestinian conflict. 0ur middle east correspondent, yolande knell, reports from jerusalem. jerusalem is meant to be a shared capital for israelis and palestinians. living peacefully, side—by—side, in two nations. that's how many see the two—state solution to the conflict. but today, israel controls most of the west bank and eastjerusalem which the palestinians want for their state. and over 600,000 israeli settlers live in these areas, captured in the 1967 war. we are going further away from the two—state solution. i think the palestinians were given an option to set the palestinian state and we know today for a fact that palestinian authorities are completely corrupt, completely bankrupt. but many in the international community say that settlement expansion is also what's undermining a two—state solution. the issue of the settlement, compromises were made in the past and unfortunately none of these attempts have brought peace up until now. but there are new international efforts to push for peace and a palestinian state to neighbour israel. many israelis welcome the idea because it recognises a united jerusalem as their capital, but palestinians believe it will kill the two—state solution. first of all, i'm considered a permanent resident and not a citizen as any israeli jew living injerusalem. since 1967, more than 14,000 residency cards were revoked by israeli authorities and the main purpose is to minimise the number of palestinians living injerusalem and to ensure a jewish majority. how did think the next us president donald trump could change things? jobs move of the embassy would be a violation of international law —— trump's but it would also be recognising israel's exclusive sovereign t overjerusalem. recent opinion polls suggest most israelis and palestinians do still support the idea of two states but only by very narrow margins. on both sides, there are fears that chances for a peace deal are fading. a look at the sports news now and chelsea are seven points clear at the top of the english premier league after their 12th victory in 13 matches. and they did it without diego costa who was dropped after falling out with the coaching staff. their 3—0 win over champions leicester came after a speculation—fuelled 24 hours with rumours the striker is being offered more than $35—million a year to move to a chinese club. two goals from marcos alonso sealed the win. after the match, the manager antonio conte insisted costa was injured, which is why he didn't play. i think in this situation, you can listen to a lot of things. in my career and my experience as a coach, if, if there are the problems, i'm solving them in the changing room, never during a press conference. but i repeat, if, if there are the problems. tottenham have gone second thanks to a 4—0 win over west brom — their sixth victory in a row. striker harry kane got a hattrick at white hart lane at the end of the week he became a father for the first time. in other english premier league matches there were wins for burnley, hull, stoke city, arsenal and west ham. watford and middlesbrough drew. the opening match of the africa cup of nations — produced a shock as guinea bissau scored in the last minute to register a 1—1 draw against hosts gabon. it's the first major tournament in the country's history. ed harry was watching in libreville. after the big buildup, the hosts failed to live up to expectations. in the first half, they couldn't turn the possession into goals. the mood appeared to lift early in the second period when they were put ahead. it was a nervous at last half an houroff ahead. it was a nervous at last half an hour off the hosts and ultimately, they couldn't hold onto lead. the tournament debutant salvaged a draw thanks to soares, making history for his country at a last—minute header. delightful some but frustration for the fans of gabon. you know? you know! it was very, very bad. the day's second game was the more open and entertaining of the two. it was the cameroon lineup that faced them but it was courtesy of the captain's freekick. benjamin put in his side ahead and late in the second half defender had a close range header. this weekend, the skies above india will be filled with kites as the country celebrates one of the harvest festivals. kite—flying is often part of major religious festivals — but as sanjoy majumder reports, the country's passion for kites also has a tragic side. it can be done with a plain cotton thread. you can just it can be done with a plain cotton thread. you canjust as easily it can be done with a plain cotton thread. you can just as easily fly a kite with a plain cotton thread. the indian kite festivals this weekend. the private rocket firm — spacex — has blasted off a falcon nine rocket in california, the first since one of its vehicles exploded on the launch pad in september. the rocket is carrying cargo for the iridium satellite phone and data network. the ageing satellites have to be replaced, on board were ten of the total of 81 satellites required. saturday's launch was successful, and nine minutes after the falcon soared into the sky, the rocket‘s two sections separated as planned, sending the satellites to orbit and the tall portion, known as the first stage, of the rocket back to earth. cheers erupted at spacex mission control as live video images showed the first stage powering its engines and landing steady and upright on a platform in the pacific ocean. cheering and applause a reminder of our top story. the us president—elect, donald trump, has prompted the outrage of politicians and entertainers after he criticised john lewis, a well—respected civil rights campaigner and democratic congressman. john lewis had said he would not attend friday's inauguration because he did not consider mr trump a legitimate president. in response, mr trump said mr lewis was all talk, no action, and advised him to focus on the needs of his district. we are turning things milder from the west overnight and into tomorrow. before the milder air comes to us, there is still some so. at least a time in the eastern side of scotla nd at least a time in the eastern side of scotland and north—east of england. —— some snowfalls up but it isa england. —— some snowfalls up but it is a wet night for most others. wind coming in from the west, temperatures will get up to 10 10 degrees in western part. still pretty chilly in western part. it will drift down to lincolnshire and into east anglia. just be aware they will be some slippery conditions and ice on the roads first thing in the morning. it is wet in london and cold, four or five degrees. morning. it is wet in london and cold, four orfive degrees. it morning. it is wet in london and cold, four or five degrees. it could creep up. eight or nine in cornwall, devon, much of wales but with lots of cloud and rain. a grey look to things. it also degrees in the north—west of england. into northern ireland, 9— 10 degrees to start the day. a relatively mild but cloudy with outbreaks of freight. a lot of low cloud and outbreaks of rain in scotland. relatively mild out west, eight or nine degrees but chilly further east in particular the north—east, 45 degrees. north—east the —— north—east of england, five degrees in the whole a rare. in east anglia, sunshine will be in short supply. a bit of clout and rain to be had as well. quite a dull and damp —— cloud. 10 degrees in western areas but some eastern areas still quite chilly, maybe only two degrees in norwich. quite a raw filter things. as we go through the evening, we keep the line of rain into wales and northern england, scotla nd into wales and northern england, scotland as well. —— quite a raw deal to things. relatively mild towards the west. monday afternoon, again out west, temperatures in two double figures. the south—western area will see mild to riches. high pressure is in charge. —— temperatures. patchy rain out west and most of any rain will be in the north where it will be relatively mild in comparison to what we will see in the south—east. risk of frost and morning fog in the south—east. further north and west, milder but with cloud and rain at times. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm alpa patel. in washington, civil rights protesters have held a rally at the martin luther king memorial. the rally happened as donald trump came under criticism for his comments denigrating a veteran politician and civil rights campaigner. serbia says many of the migrants sleeping rough in belgrade have refused to go into shelters, because they fear being deported. aid agencies have warned that migrants are at risk of freezing to death, because of a cold snap across much of europe. four months after one of its rockets blew up on take—off, the private us firm, spacex, has successfully launched a falcon nine rocket from a launchpad in california. the vehicle delivered ten communication satellites into orbit. now on bbc news, reporters.

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Russians , Talk , Results , District , Congressmen , Election , Fixing , Crime , Criticism , Action , Entertainers , Party , Members , Twitter , Fast And Furious , John Lewis , World , Thatjohn Lewis , Defence , Ofjohn Lewis , Republican , 0 , Timing , Tweet , Civil Rights Icon , Eve , Martin Luther King Day , Serbian Government , Serbia , Migrant Spokesman , Handling , Tweeting , Cold Weather , Led , Bbc News , Death , Aid Agencies , Risk , Tents , Ivan Miskovic , Lives , Shelters , Dozens , Lesbos , Islands , Deportations , Greece , Samos , 15000 , Simonjones , Situation , Balkans , Interview , Official , Grip , Eastern Europe , Traffic Chaos , Power Cuts , Travel Delays , Sarajevo , 65 , Temperatures , Refugees , Belgrade , Some , Reception Centres , Concern , Plight , Hit , Derelict Warehouse , Unhcr , 1200 , 5 , Countries , Fire , Children , More , Snow Storm , Governments , Borders , Calls , Illnesses , Arrangements , Red Tape , Waterways , River Traffic , Danube , Ice , World 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Outrage , Embassy , Mahmud Abbas , Election Victory , Palestinian , Israel Tojerusalem , Two State Solution , Peace , Chances , Middle East , Blow , Hopes , Israeli Palestinian Conflict , Paris , Yolande Knell , 0ur , Palestinians , Capital , Nations , Side By , United Jerusalem , Most , West Bank , Eastjerusalem , Areas , Settlers , Conflict , War , 1967 , 600000 , Option , Settlement , Community , Expansion , Issue , Idea , Compromises , None , Attempts , Efforts , All , Resident , Citizen , Israeli Jew Living Injerusalem , Purpose , Residency Cards , 14000 , Injerusalem , Majority , Jewish , Rounds Onjohn Lewis , Things , International Law , Violation , Jobs , States , Sides , Opinion Polls , Margins , Fears , Recognising Israel S Exclusive Sovereign T Overjerusalem , Diego Costa , Victory , Sports News , Matches , Peace Deal , Top , Look , 13 , 12 , Win , Coaching Staff , Club , Champions , Striker , Leicester , Chinese , 35 Million , 3 , 24 , 5 Million , Lot , Costa , Goals , Match , Antonio Conte , Experience , Coach , Career , Marcos Alonso , Problems , Changing Room , Press Conference , If , Thanks , Harry Kane , Time , Father , West Brom , Got A Hattrick , White Hart Lane , The End , Tottenham , 4 , Wins , Stoke City , Middlesbrough , Burnley , West Ham , Arsenal , Hull , Watford , Drew , Hosts , Draw , Tournament , Gabon , Buildup , History , Shock , Ed Harry , Africa Cup Of Nations , Guinea Bissau , Libreville , 1 , Half , Expectations , Mood , Couldn T , Possession , Debutant , They Couldn T , Lead , Houroff , Soares , Header , Frustration , Fans , Making History , Game , Side , Lineup , Benjamin Put , Freekick , The Captain , Cameroon , Kites , Harvest Festivals , Festivals , Kite Flying , Defender , Sanjoy Majumder Reports , Skies Above India , Cotton , Passion , Rocket , Thread , Falcon , Spacex Has , Kite , Kite Festivals , Rocket Firm , Nine , Satellites , Launch , Vehicles , Launch Pad , Cargo , Iridium Satellite Phone , Data Network , Total , 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Protestors , Vehicle , Communication Satellites , Launchpad , Reporters ,

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