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Welcome to bbc news. Im rich preston. Our top stories one month after the blast that claimed so many lives, rescuers in beirut think somebody may still be alive under the rubble of this building. Joe biden visits kenosha where he spoke by phone to jacob blake, whose shooting by police triggered days of unrest. South korea imposes a near lock down on its capital. Why experts suspect some of the countrys churches may have worsened the latest coronaVirus Outbreak. Facebook announces new measures to try to protect the integrity of the us president ial election. Hello and welcome. Rescue workers in lebanon are searching for a possible survivor from the port blast in beirut, that devastated the city a month ago. A sniffer dog alerted rescuers in the rubble of a collapsed building and the team then said their scanners had detected a pulse. Theyve been digging ever since and they say theyll keep going even if theres only a 1 chance of finding someone. Our international correspondent, orla guerin, has been watching them work all day. Hands up for silence. Rescue workers and many in this battered city wait for a sign, daring to hope. And then, beeping that confirms breathing has been detected beneath the rubble. Could there really be a survivor 30 days on . Rescuers from chile have been carrying out painstaking work. Their key team member, a Border Collie called flash, who was the first to raise the alert when he detected a body at this location. Night falls and floodlights are brought in, as the search continues, hour by hour. Some rescue workers go back in. Nearby, others regroup. The rubble is being removed here piece by piece, by hand. Well, theyre getting set up here now to work through the night. Theyre setting up a tent as an operations room. And the rescue team has been telling us that theyre going to be divided into groups of seven only seven will be allowed up on the rubble at any one time because theyre so afraid of dislodging any of the wreckage. They have to proceed slowly and painstakingly. Translation the dog detected something, and the technology also detected a place in the building the same point of interest as for the dog. Its four metres deep. It doesnt mean someone is alive or dead in the building. We have to get to that point and confirm. Later on during the evening, the search teams, the chilean experts, said they had to stop because they were worried one of the walls was going to completely collapse. They pulled out their teams, they said they would need to secure the site, secure that wall before they could continue, and they left for the night. Orla guerin, bbc news, beirut. The us president ial candidate, joe biden, has been visiting kenosha, in the state of winsconsin, the city that was rocked by violent unrest last month after police shot an unarmed black man, jacob blake, in the back. Mr biden called mr blake wbr id wbr2350 in hospital, and had a private meeting with his family. They had refused to meet b president donald trump when he visited the city on tuesday. This report from our north america correspondent, aleem maqbool, contains footage that some viewers may find distressing. A rare trip in this pandemic forjoe biden. An indication ofjust how important events here have become in this election campaign. Donald trump knows it, hes already been to kenosha, where he focused on condemning rioting and lawlessness. Joe biden, though, talked of racial injustice, and criticised the president for stoking troubles. Ive got to defeat hate. It only hides, it only hides, and when someone in authority breathes oxygen onto that rock, it legitimises those folks to come on out. Unlike donald trump, joe biden met the family ofjacob blake he himselfjoined by phone wbrid wbr2950 from hospital. It was his shooting by a Police Officer that started all of this. But this spot had other visitors from out of town nephews of george floyd. Were out here in kenosha, showing our love and our prayers for kenosha, man. Thats it. Neighbours came out to meet them, and thanked them for their familys work since their uncle was killed by a Police Officer, who knelt on his neck. A loss that is still clearly very raw. Thank you for taking yourself out of your comfort zone so we can have a voice with action. Exactly. And what is that action . George floyds family told me the most important thing now is to vote against donald trump. We demand change. So this is whats going to happen, we need to get out there and vote, vote him out. From our city officials, locals, our Police Officers, everybody, youre not with this movement you need to go. Hey, get on the ground. Get on the ground. All this comes as newly released Police Video Shows yet another disturbing case. Daniel prude was having a Mental Health episode when officers handcuffed him and knelt on him. He stopped breathing, and died several days later. The medical examiner ruled it as homicide. I placed a phone call for my brother to get help, not for my brother to get lynched. Donald trump and joe biden have now laid out their very different stances on race and policing. Which appeals the most depends on which side of this deeply divided country a voter finds themselves. Aleem maqbool, bbc news, in kenosha, wisconsin. So how big a part will law and order play in novembers president ial election . Geoffrey kabaservice is the director of Political Studies at the Niskanen Center in washington. It is not clear but what is clear is that donald trump really has no other cards to play except to hope that, by calling joe biden weak on crime, weak on rioting, weak on looting. Weak on looting, he can hope that this might alarm a sufficient number of swing voters, particularly in suburban middle class districts, to pull out a win in the electoral college. On the topic ofjoe biden hes a man who has opposed defunding the police and has a track record of being tough on crime. Is he getting the tone right . It seems to me that he is. But it also seems to me that it is a somewhat inherently more difficult position to take because it is nuanced, because biden is, on the one hand, saying that rioting and looting are wrong and, on the other hand, he is also saying that Police Misconduct is a terrible thing, and he is siding with the black lives matter protests and the victims of these police actions. Donald trump is simply saying, support the police and rioters are bad, and hes not even distinguishing between non violent protesters and violent rioters. As you said, it is notjust President Trumps support of the police. In the past hes called these riots and protests as a form of domestic terror. How has that gone down with his support base . Well, i think it has gone down just fine with his support base but they are not actually the ones who he is trying to motivate, and so far it actually seems like the pitch at the Republican National convention, which was to paint the democrats as soft on crime isnt actually working with its target audience. Far more people are still more likely to say that donald trump is the one bringing chaos to the country that that he would, in his second term, be likely to bring the chaos level down. Do you think the law and order vote is enough to secure a victory for President Trump in november . We are coming at this point, when its been three decades of declining crime since its real peak in the early 1990s. There is no doubt that the record of crime, mostly in democratic run cities, did cost the democrats dearly but i do not think that anyone is yet saying that what we have seen in terms of an uptake of violence in select cities as well as the kind of rioting that comes and to some extent overlaps with the racial protests is going to cost the democrats as yet. There is no evidence it is really moving the dial on those middle Class College educated voters. Lets get some of the days other news police in germany are waiting to question the mother of five children who were found dead in an apartment in the western city of solingen. The children were aged between one and eight. The woman is in hospital after being badly injured when she jumped in front of a train the brazilian government says more than four Million People in the country are now known to have been infected with the coronavirus since the pandemic began. The Health Ministry says that in the latest 24 hour period, there were more than 43,000 new cases. President Jair Bolsonaro has consistently played down the severity of covid 19 and earlier this week he said nobody would be forced to have a vaccine once one became available. Protestors in argentina have been demanding justice for a young man who was arrested for breaching coronavirus restrictions, and whose dead body was later found dumped. Facundo Astudillo Castro was detained in april when hitchhiking during Strict Movement controls. His case has become a catalyst for protests about alleged police brutality. The Afghan Government and the taliban say theyve completed a controversial exchange of prisoners, paving the way for peace talks to start. The process had stalled for weeks because some of the detainees demanded by the taliban were described as serious criminals by the Afghan Government. The taliban is also thought to have freed Afghan Government captives, including commandos. More than 300 people have been arrested during a third day of Climate Change protests in central london. The metropolitan police said more than 200 arrests were linked to a demonstration on lambeth bridge. Some Extinction Rebellion supporters glued themselves to the ground around parliament. South korea has been praised for its efforts to contain the coronavirus, but has now imposed a near lockdown in the capital city, seoul, after a surge in cases. Experts say the situation has been made worse by extreme evangelical churches, whove convinced many followers that the pandemic is part of a government conspiracy. From seoul laura bicker reports. To his followers, hes an alt right rock star. To others, this pastor and his church pose the biggest coronavirus threat this country has faced. Thousands of new cases have now been confirmed, many of them from ultra conservative churches. Some worshippers, many of them elderly, are refusing to be tested. They believe the virus was planted in the church by a government determined to silence them. I put it to this young follower that he is risking lives by failing to get a test. Why are you not being tested for covid i9 after being at the rally . Its proving a huge challenge for this countrys virus hunters. Usually, they can trace over 1,000 people an hour using mobile technology. But hundreds are refusing to go into quarantine. As cases increase, seouls usually neon lit social life has been forced to fall silent. This is as close to a lockdown as the capital city seoul has had since this pandemic began. It almost feels like a curfew, because within the space ofjust a few minutes, these normally busy, vibrant, sometimes boisterous streets have come to a stand still. Translation business is down by 90 . It feel like the whole world is falling apart. These Church Members once faced the wrath of the south korean people. They belong to the Shincheonji Church of jesus, a sect blamed for the countrys early Virus Outbreak in february. Theyre now donating their blood plasma for treatment and research. As one religious group seeks redemption, another remains defiant, threatening this countrys well publicised success in fighting the pandemic. Laura bicker, bbc news, seoul. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come straight to streaming, as Disneys Mulan isnt released in cinemas has the pandemic changed the way well watch films forever . She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor and the dying in indias slums. The head of the Catholic Church said Mother Teresa was a wonderful example of how to help people in need. We have to identify the bodies, then arrange the coffins and take them back home. Parents are waiting and wives are waiting. Hostages appeared. Some carried, some running, trying to escape the nightmare behind them. Britain lost a princess today, described by all to whom she reached out as irreplaceable. An Early Morning car crash in a paris underpass ended a life with more than its share of pain and courage, warmth and compassion. This is bbc news, the latest headlines one month after the blast that claimed so many lives, rescuers in beirut think there may be somebody still alive under the rubble of this building. Joe biden travels to kenosha to meet the family ofjacob blake and spoke to mr blake on the phone. Is facebook doing enough to fight misinformation when it comes to political ads in the run up to the us president ial election . Its founder, mark zuckerberg, has announced that it wont take on any new political ads in the seven days before the vote on november 3rd. Hes worried about divisions in the country potentially leading to civil unrest. Professor sinan aral, from the Massachusetts Institute of technology in new york, says facebook has announced a number of measures. It says it is going to prevent, in the last week before the election, new political advertising. That its going to remove posts that claim that you can get covid i9 by going to a voting station, that it will attach warning labels to content that seeks to delegitimise the outcome of the election, and it will stop campaigns from declaring victory early in the election results. How unusual is this for a social Media Company to take this step and are other platforms likely to follow suit . Well, we live in unusual times. The social media platforms around the world have met with tremendous criticism over the last 18 24 months. They are under significant pressure, given the state of the relationship between social media and democracy and particularly elections, as you know. There were questions about the role of facebook and other social media platforms like twitter in the brexit vote as well as the 2016 us president ial election, so i dont know if there is a usual for how social media platforms behave in this day and age. I do think that misinformation and foreign election interference are significant threats that need to be addressed. We do see a rise in disinformation on social media platforms but they also provide an opportunity for people to call out that disinformation. Is this going to make any difference . I think that transparent labelling of information is incredibly important. So, crowdsourcing labels of disinformation can help us understand the providence of information and therefore make better decisions about what to believe and what to share. I think that the platforms can do a lot more to use Machine Learning to identify misinformation as well. But we have to remember that labelling comes with some caveats. First, there is what is known as an implied truth effect, which is if you begin to label everything, uses begin to think that things, if they arent labelled they must be true, so if you cant get to everything, then this implied truth effect might imply truth about things that arent labelled but that are false. And secondly, labelling of false news is known to reduce our confidence in the news in general, which can have deleterious effects, so we have to tread carefully but there are a lot of systematic things that, going forward, the platforms need to do to protect democracy in elections. Hundreds of african migrants die every year trying to make their way to europe, desperate to escape poverty and unemployment back home. The United Nations says this summer has seen a sharp reduction in European Countries efforts to carry out search and rescue operations in the mediterranean, one of the main sea routes from north africa. Its making the crossing even harder, and many are getting stuck in libya and forced to return home, as the bbcs lalla sy reports from dakar in senegal. The senegalese coast is a starting point for most migrants who aspire to reach europe for Better Living conditions. Tidiane camara wanted to reach europe via libya. He left the casamance region, in southern senegal, and travelled to tunisa before entering libya. Translation one day, robbers came into the house at around 9pm. There were three of them and they started banging on the door. Before i opened it, i asked if they were arabs or blacks. When they answered that they were arabs, i wanted to run away so they started shooting with guns and i was wounded in the leg. At first tidiane could not get medical treatment because he did not have a passport so his wound became infected and his leg had to be amputated. After spending months in hospital, it was impossible for him to find work or to stay in libya so he asked to be repatriated. The senegalese who choose illegal immigration sometimes begin their dangerous journey from villages, such as this one, where we are, in the locality of malicounda, 80 kilometres from the senegalese capital, dakar, but many lose their lives along the way and, with more than 5000 deaths in 2017 in africa, migration is now one of the major causes of mortality, according to the International Organization for migration. For those who return voluntary or forcibly, iom is working with the senegalese government to involve local authorities in the reintegration process. Among these initiatives is the Community Radio oxygen. It is based in pikine, the second most populated city in senegal, where the poverty rate is close to 30 . Every wednesday, codou hosts a program that addresses communities on topics related to immigration. Translation we talk to these young men and women and to their parents, especially mothers, who can spend and borrow a lot of money or sell their assets for the departure of their sons so that they can provide for their needs and put them in better conditions. In malicounda, Tidiane Camara is managing the only food shop in his neighbourhood. In his quest for survival, he might have lost a leg but has regained dignity. Lalla sy, bbc news, dakar. Russias Prime Minister has met the president of belarus, alexander lukashenko, in minsk. Hes the most senior russian official to visit since the disputed president ial election last month. Moscow has issued strong support for mr lukashenko following weeks of mass protests. Production of the new batman film has been halted after the films star, Robert Pattinson tested positive for coronavirus. The batman charts the early days of the superhero as he tries to fight corruption in gotham city. Almost six months after it was scheduled for its cinematic release, disneys live action remake of the film mulan is released on friday, but you wont find it in the cinemas. Instead its being released exclusively on disney plus, the companys own subscription streaming service. And with the Film Industry looking for ways to show theirfilms in a post covid world, could it be a viable way forward . I spoke with julia alexander, our reporter for the verge, and asked her how things have changed due to coronavirus. Things are changing in the way that studios are now looking to innovate, so the big question with disney right now is, can a 200 million blockbuster film like mulan perform as well for them on a strictly premium video on demand streaming service as it would theatrically . Thats the question people are posing but it is not necessarily the correct question. This is an experiment for disney ina number of different ways. But what the company is looking to do, really, is build the streaming service, so what youre doing is, they are asking you to do is spend 30 in the united states, i believe it is a little bit cheaper in parts of europe, 30 to rent the movie. Then, in order to keep that movie for the next few months until it becomes free to all disney plus subscribers, you have to continue paying 6. 99 a month, or whatever it is in your territory. So what theyre asking you to do is essentially not cancel your subscription service, and keep that as a Storage Facility to watch your movie, on top of other things that are on disney plus. Can this help build disney plus, one of the companys key streaming initiatives, key services, one of its only profitable sectors right now, while also making money . And the other thing to mention that kind of gets lost is, this is a disney plus exclusive in territories where disney plus exists about 18 or 19, its quite a few but this movie, mulan specifically, was always meant to play better in china where it will receive a full Theatrical Release and where the Chinese Box Office over the last few weeks has been pretty good in terms of what you are looking for when you want to release a movie like this. Another big movie due out this week is tenet, thats going for a traditional cinema release. Is that going to make the money it wants with the post covid restrictions in place . Its not gonna make the kind of money that Warner Brothers was expecting in february that they were hoping it would make. Is going to be profitable . I think so, and again, part of that is because it is going to get a big release overseas where people are going to theatres more often. When we look at the united states, its going to go city by city, state by state, and they are looking at this as a long game. They are not looking at this as the traditional three week main window where your movies gonna make a lot of money at the box office because people are going. Theyre looking at this as the long game. As more theatres open and more people want to get out, can tenet be the movie they want to go see . Warner brothers is controlling more theatre spaces, they are the biggest presence so it could work out for them. But Warner Brothers and warner media are also looking at disney and mulan and seeing how this plays out. Could this be something they do with the movie, hypothetically, like wonder woman 1984 its next big film . Israeli archaeologists have discovered what they say is evidence of a magnificent palace from the era of a biblicaljewish kingdom injerusalem. The stone carvings were unearthed about three kilometres from jerusalems old city. Its thought they were from a palace built around the 8th or 7th century and probably destroyed during the babylonian conquest ofjerusalem. And thats it from me for the time being. You can of course keep up to date with all of the stories on the bbc news website. You can reach me on twitter, im richpreston. Hello there. Looks like we are all in for a dose of cooler, fresher weather over the coming few days. Could be perfect weather for seeing some rainbows, just as we saw on thursday here by a weather watcher in scotland. Further south, its been milder and quite muggy for a while. Temperatures ahead of the cloud and drizzle were as high as 23 celsius in the southeast of england. Its a cooler start to friday, temperatures in the clearer skies, typically 9 11 celsius. Some more blustery showers in northern scotland, then towards the southwest, this cloud never really clears away. It comes back into the southwest of england and south wales pushing eastwards towards the midlands and south east england. That will bring a bit of light rain and drizzle. Further north, some brighter skies, some sunshine and some showers. Those showers turning more widespread in scotland and northern ireland, pushing into the far north of england. Disappointing temperatures, 17 18 celsius, fairly typically, could make 20 in the southeast ahead of any rain that arrives during the evening. As we head into the weekend, High Pressure is close by, but its towards the southwest of the uk. It leaves us with a run of northwesterly winds. Thats going to drive in cooler air, and temperatures on saturday could be even lower during the day as well it will be a chilly start to the day too. So, a cool weekend ahead. There will be this mixture of sunshine and showers continuing. As we look ahead to saturday, most of the showers will be in the north and west of the uk. Quite a few showers, actually, across northern scotland, quite a few showers for northern ireland. Those will stream over the irish sea into northwestern parts of england and wales. So, for the south and the east, it should be largely dry, some sunshine at times, those temperatures could be even lower, making 1a celsius at best through the central belt of scotland 18 in the south of england. Some more showers continuing overnight and into sunday. Should be a drier day though for northern ireland, a drier day for scotland. Most of the showers across england and wales, some of those could be heavy as well. Temperatures will be pegged back in those showers, but probably a degree or two higher than saturday across scotland and northern ireland, but still only making 16 celsius. Those showers do move away during the evening as we head into the early part of next week. Weve got lower pressure to the north of the uk, some weather fronts on the scene, higher pressure into more southern areas. So, that means for the first few days of next week, its going to remain unsettled for northern areas. There will be some stronger winds, some rain from time to time. Further south, it should be largely dry and warmer temperatures into the mid 20s. This is bbc news, the headlines search teams in the lebanese capital, beirut, say they have found possible signs of life in a collapsed building a month after the huge blast which destroyed parts of the city. Rescuers said theyd detected a pulse two metres deep in the rubble in a Residential Area joe biden, has spoken by phone to jacob blake, the black man whose shooting by police in wisconsin sparked days of unrest. In a speech in the city of kenosha mr biden accused President Trump of legitimising the dark side of human nature. South korea has now imposed a near lockdown in the capital after a surge in cases. Experts say the situation has been made worse by extreme evangelical churches whove convinced many followers that the pandemic is part of a government conspiracy researchers have found that children

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