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This is bbc news. The headlines at seven. South yorkshire is the latest region to move to englands top level of restrictions. Local leaders in sheffield call for an exit plan. The question is, at what point will come out of tier 3 . No ones able to answer that question. Even the mayor is asking that question and, well, the mayor should have asked that question when he was negotiating with the government for the last ten days. Police in gloucestershire begin border patrols to stop nonessential travel as wales begins its first full day of a firebreak lockdown. Headteachers in england say theyre bitterly disappointed that the number of laptops theyre given for deprived children has been cut by 80 . I voted for a guy named trump. President trump casts his vote for the us election in the key state of florida, where early voting is under way. Strictlys back but its all socially distanced and covid safe. And at 7 30, click talks exclusively to uk rapper stormzy. Good evening welcome to bbc news. Millions more people are now living under the highest level of coronavirus restrictions in england as the number of cases continues to rise. Just after midnight around 1. 4 Million People in South Yorkshire including doncaster, rotherham, barnsley and sheffield joined the tier 3 alert system. No household mixing is allowed and much of the Hospitality Industry has had to close. With lancashire, Greater Manchester and the city of liverpool region, it brings the total number of people in england subject to the tightest restrictions to over 7. 3 million. The labour mayor of Sheffield City region has urged the government to set out precisely how the area will exit the new restrictions. Fiona trott reports. Nervously watching, and waiting, for what happens next. These days, its not so different in the human world. Its definitely made us think of where we go and what we do, as a family. We do a lot more outdoor things as opposed to indoor, just so we can be away from people. I think theres a lot of vulnerable people. That could be affected quite hugely by this, so i think if everyone does their part, the sooner we get it over and done with, the quicker well be on the other end, i think. And, in the meantime, this wildlife park is a welcome distraction. But from today strict travel guidance means it can only rely on local people. But is it enough to keep it going . Looking forward, its a really scary time for us, as you can imagine. All these wonderful animals that were entrusted into our care, we need to make sure they are kept safe and their welfare is not impacted by covid. Its important that people can come to us so the money keeps coming in so we can keep looking after these wonderful animals. How different it feels in the city centre. This pub has been forced to shut. Very stressful. And sad. Its notjust the business that is at risk. Dave lives here too, but hes still thinking of others. The customers miss us. We miss them. We usually do the shopping for some of them. Were going to be limited now because we cant go to their house. Well have to leave it outside the door for them. Which a lot of people do anyway. But thats the type of person we are. You know, we are a community. You just dont know if youre coming or going. It feels like the worlds coming to an end slowly. It really does. It should never have happened in the first place. We should have stayed in lockdown all them months ago. But for the next month its about making the most of what they can do. Its just nice to come out and try and have, you know, family time, and a sense of normality, especially for little ones. While some are used to the cold weather, others are now embracing it the new way to live life in South Yorkshire. Fiona trott, bbc news, doncaster. More than three Million People in wales are being asked to stay mainly at home for the next 16 days after the country began a new National Lockdown to try to slow the spread of coronavirus. Supermarkets are still open but theres been confusion over rules banning the sale of nonessential items. Our wales correspondent, tomos morgan, reports from caerphilly. Theres a sense of deja vu in wales today. As the firebreak starts, the country is back under National Lockdown for the next two weeks. Caerphilly was the first area in wales to be put under strict local measures at the start of september, meaning its been illegal for households to mix and for people to enter or leave local lockdown areas without good reason. We need it. If its going to stop the spreading, 0k, it might hurt the economy, but theyre doing it for a reason at the end of the day. Ithink, you know, six weeks of a lockdown, itjust seems like a long time, do you know what i mean . It just seems never ending. The rules now are much like in march. All nonessential businesses have been closed. But, this time around, those that are open have been stopped by the welsh Labour Government from selling nonessential goods. The new rule, though, has sparked frustration and confusion. Weve got things like hardware. Theres a little bit of gifting, cards, all the usual things youd expect to see in a supermarket, and, you know, im sure thats replicated up and down the country, so not only are we possibly not allowed to sell those going forward, its how we would go about doing that. Its estimated that this firebreak could cost the welsh economy a further £500 million. So what retailers, hospitality, cafe, bars and restaurants will want from the Welsh Government is a guarantee, or at least a strategy for reopening, so they can make some profits again in the run up to christmas. Tomos morgan, bbc news, caerphilly. The latest government figures show there were 23,012 new Coronavirus Infections recorded in the latest 2a hour period, which is a rise of nearly 2,500 cases on yesterday. 174 deaths were reported of people who have died within 28 days of a positive covid 19 test. And that brings the total number of deaths across the uk to 44,716 lets speak to professor susan michie professor of Health Psychology and director of the centre for Behaviour Change at University College london, and member of the governments Scientific Advisory group for emergencies sage. Professor, thank you very much for joining us. What sort of criteria, then, well need to be met for a region in the country in england to be taken out of tier 3 . How clears it . I think it could be clearer. There are several Different Things that need to be taken into account when deciding which to yet a particular region should be in. So, theres the number of new case rates, the number of new infections each day. The number of tests that have actually positive, of all the tests that are done, so we know something about the community incidents. We also need to know the rate of increase, housekeeping is it going up and, very importantly, whats the rate of transmission in over 60 years old. How quickly is it going up . This is the most Vulnerable Group in the population, the most likely to end up in hospital, and the key thing is to try and stop the nhs, the hospitals, being overwhelmed and i think all of these things will be put together to try and estimate, even it takes two weeks or so for somebody getting the infection potentially ending up in hospital, what do current transmission rates and the rate of increase mean in terms of what level of restrictions of contact between people need to be in place at any one time . But i think this needs to be communicated much more clearly to the population so they understand all the different factors that are going to be taken into account, that they are kept updated regularly as to what the situation is and they know whos going to take the decision, on what basis, to bring them down from the tier 3 to the tata. Well talk about how things get communicated to the public in a moment. He said i think these are the criteria that will be used. That, unfortunately, doesnt sound as emphatic as a lot of people would like. How clear is it what the criteria are going to be that the government is going to use. Im not on the inside track of this but i do watch and observe and listen very carefully a nd watch and observe and listen very carefully and i think this is one area where there needs to be more certainty, more clarity and more communication because i have listed the kind of criteria that one would need to take into account if one is going to think about how do we prevent the local hospital is being overwhelmed, but one also has to ta ke overwhelmed, but one also has to take into account whats the state of the local hospitals, how much Spare Capacity have they got in their general wards, also in the icus, because a certain proportion of those who come into hospital end up of those who come into hospital end up in icus, whats their level of staffing like within the local hospitals, so the different criteria i mentioned needs to also be taken into account with the state of the local hospitals, but we all would like to know exactly what of the criteria, exactly whos going to ta ke criteria, exactly whos going to take the decisions on what basis. And then you mentioned the need to communicate all of this clearly and regularly to the public. At the beginning of the Coronavirus Crisis in march and april we were getting Daily Press Conferences from a Senior Member of the national government. We dont have those now, u nless government. We dont have those now, unless its a particular reason to do so. How important do you think it is that we have national and Regional Press briefings each day . Its extremely important. When you look at those countries in the world that have done really well, and we shouldnt forget that there are many countries, all over the world, and several of the continents, were nearly back to normal because they have really done everything extremely well. In one of the things they do extremely well is regular, direct communication to the population from the government informed by scientists and, as you say, we no longer have that, and this is really necessary for people to not only understand what theyre meant to be doing but why. What is the strategy, what is the plan, and where does their behaviour fit into this . Reason its so important is because its really important for people to trust the government and their management of the pandemic. If we dont keep the trust and if people dont perceive that what they do is going to make a difference, then theyll be less likely to adhere to the restrictions, and once we have poor the day thence, i have to say, up to now, it evinces generally been good despite the incredible challenges, but it has been strained by the confusions. Once we have poor adherance, i have to say up till now adherance has been good. We need to get adherance back so we can control the pandemic as quickly as possible. To what extent as quickly as possible. To what exte nt d o as quickly as possible. To what extent do you think decisions being made by the government in the westminster are being informed by the science rather than the politics . Five weeks ago, the Scientific Advisory group in emergencies made a decision and published a paper calling on the country of advising the government, i should say, to have an Immediate National Circuit Breaker of two to three weeks, which would allow the transmission rates across the whole country to come down to a level that could then be contained by an improved test, trace and isolate system. Now, that wasnt done, and only one of the recommendations, that was to work at home if you could, was taken up by the government, and over the last five weeks, we have seen relentless rising of the transmission and the infection rates, not only in the high areas but also in those parts of the country that have relatively low areas. All of them are going up, week on week on week, and its only a matter of time before they will be in the higher tiers for restrictions, so this, u nfortu nately, restrictions, so this, unfortunately, is an example of where evidence based incredibly wise and sensible strategy of a planned short term break that would then be lifted and have the situation co ntrolla ble lifted and have the situation controllable again was, i am sorry to say, ignored, and the situation is now 45 times worse than it was five weeks ago, and the longer you leave it in the higher the rates of transmission, the longer is going to ta ke to transmission, the longer is going to take to get out of this. The situation is now or three times worse. It is like a fire. You turn your back on a fire, even if there are only small smouldering fires in some parts of the country, you turn your back on it and using adequate measures and the fire is invading more than more and it will then take most of what it all out. See recommended five weeks ago a National Circuit breaker of two to three weeks. Just briefly, how long then with that Circuit Breaker need to be if we did in the run up to christmas, say . Since things got worse. The epidemiologists in the modellers who are looking at this are still saying two to three weeks. If it is accompanied by a much better test, trace and isolate system because this is the equivalent of a fire engine. This is whats needed for when the inevitable local outbreaks happen to reallyjump inevitable local outbreaks happen to really jump on it inevitable local outbreaks happen to reallyjump on it quickly and contain it before it spreads across the community event. But that does need a real redesign. But weve seen is that the Current Situation of test, trace and isolate isjust getting worse and worse and the National Private contracts are really not delivering any Public Health experts have been saying all the way along that this needs to be based in the localities with local government, local Public Health infrastructure, running it, coordinated by nhs england. Independent sage has put out a very detailed six page blueprint for how to do this. If the government were to do this. If the government were to have enough National Circuit breaker as advised by sage, along with four to four to six weeks of com pletely with four to four to six weeks of completely changing the design on the basis of the test trace and isolate system, we are within a shout of being able to all have christmas together. Without that, it was not looking grim. Professor susan from ucl. Thank you for your time. Pleasure. The governments continuing to resist growing pressure to provide Free School Meal vouchers for children during next weeks half term in england. Local councils have joined many restaurants and cafes in offering to feed those who would otherwise receive Free School Meals, in response to a campaign by the footballer, marcus rashford. Hes said hes overwhelmed and thankful for the support. The government has said it has provided substantial support to families facing difficulties. The headlines on bbc news. South yorkshire is the latest region to move to englands top level of restrictions. Local leaders in sheffield call for an exit plan. Police in gloucestershire begin border patrols to stop nonessential travel as wales begins its first full day of a firebreak lockdown. Headteachers in england say theyre bitterly disappointed that the number of laptops theyre given for deprived children has been cut by 80 . The spread of the coronavirus in europe continues and new restrictions will be imposed in many countries to curb the infection rate. Polands president duda has tested positive for the virus and is quarantining. He said in a video message that he has no symptoms. The country has imposed a partial lock down amid a record rise in covid cases. In spain 10 of 17 regions have asked the Central Government for an emergency decree to limit peoples movements in the country and give powers to impose curfews. Meanwhile new daily records were seen in the czech republic, in germany, where the death toll has now surpassed 10,000, and in italy. Here in the uk, more than 23,000cases were reported, up from fridays total. And from monday, in brussels, masks will be mandatory in all settings and a curfew will be enforced from 10 in the evening until 6 in the morning. David campanale has this report. Alarm bells are ringing right across europe. The coronavirus pandemic continues to worsen in the czech republic, which has registered its worst daily figure yet the new infections. More than 15,000. Over the past week, more people with the virus have died there, as a percentage of the population, than anywhere else in the world. But, for top health agencies, concern extends to all but a handful of eu countries. They have declared now to be a critical moment. Too many countries are seeing an exponential increase in cases and thats now needing two hospitals and icus running close or above capacity and we are still only in october. We urge leaders to take immediate action. A string of countries, including russia, poland, italy and switzerland, have again seen their worst daily figure is yet for Coronavirus Infections. Polands second wave is far bigger than its first, their number of new cases is 22 times higher than the highest number of cases in the spring, and deaths there over the past 2a hours have been the highest since the pandemic began. With the president admitting to testing positive, poland has moved to impose the highest level of restrictions across the whole country. Work is under way to set up temporary hospitals. 500 beds are being installed in the Conference Rooms of the countrys biggest arena, warsaws national stadium. Translation we have an exceptional situation this year. I call for visits to the cemetery and family reunions, especially with the elderly, to be limited as much as possible. In spain, the government will consider on sunday whether to bring in a new state of emergency. Just days after registering more than 1 million confirmed virus cases, their regions responsible for managing Public Health care have been heaping pressure on the government to give them the legal right to impose tighter restrictions. As in the first way the providers, the challenge is to ensure hospitals everywhere are not overwhelmed. But there are increasing reports of intensive care units under severe strain. In one particularly hard hit areas area of belgium, liege, doctors have been likening the situation to trench warfare. In paris, a senior Hospital Administrator said the current second wave risked being worse than the first. Restrictions across europe are being tightened, but many on the front line feel its too little, too late. David campanale, bbc news. Headteachers in england say theyre bitterly disappointed that the number of laptops theyre given for deprived children has been cut by 80 . The government says the devices will be sent to the areas of greatest need. 0ne school says it will receive 13 computers, rather than the 61 it was promised. We got an e mail at six oclock last night from the lovely guys at the dfe, at the start of half term which has been such a challenging, the most challenging half term probably on education record, celebrating the fact that the government had secured another 100,000 laptops but they were changing the way they were allocating them. So, excitedly i logged on to see if my allocation had gone up from 61 i actually needed 168 so i logged on expecting to hopefully see my 61 had gone up and it destroyed me. It flattened me when i seen that its actually been cut to 13. 13 laptops for, in a worst case scenario, to share amongst 380 children. I thought it was absolutely scandalous. Chris dyson, headteacher. Mary bousted is the joint general secretary of the neu Teaching Union she called the department for education inept and chaotic. Just two weeks ago, the government wrote into law that if children are at home they have to be given remote education. Theyve made a huge point about online learning, so our calculations are from, you know, the government, there are now Something Like nearly half a million children and young people at home who either dont have access to the internet with a device which can support learning like a laptop or a tablet, and 60,000 dont have access to the internet at all. So, on the one hand, we have the government making it into law that, you know, Remote Learning must be provided, and then giving the directive with one hand and taking away the means to fulfil that directive, particularly for schools in poor areas with deprived pupils. That makes it, the requirement that they provide Remote Learning and takes away the means to do it. Its just another example of the chaos and ineptitude surrounding this governments education policy. Mary bousted from the neu Teaching Union. We did ask the department for education for an interview no one was available but they did give us this statement. The scale and speed at which the department has delivered laptops and tablets to children who need them over the past six months is unprecedented, with deliveries now set to total over half a million by christmas. As we move into half term, and in the context of significant global demand, were updating our allocation process to more accurately align orders with the number of students schools typically have self isolating. Ensuring as many children as possible benefit from receiving a device this term. We have already purchased an additional 96,000 devices and continue to work closely with our suppliers. To ensure delivery despite the increased global demand. President trump has cast his vote in the upcoming us election. Early voting has begun in the states of new york and florida where mr trump voted. Coronavirus fears have driven a record 50 million American Voters to cast early ballots, in person or by mail. It was a very secure vote. Much more secure than when you send in a ballot, i can tell you that. Everything was perfect, very strict. Right by the rules. When you send in your ballot it could never be like that, it could never be secure like that, but theyve done a fantasticjob over here, great people inside. But its an honour to be voting, its an honour to be in this great area, which i know so well. I hear were doing very well in florida and were doing very well, i hear, every place else, so thank you very much and youre going to be very busy today because were going to work you hard. Who did you vote for today . I voted for a guy named trump. Laughter. Thank you very much, everybody. Donald trumps democratic challenger joe biden is making two stops in the battleground state of pennsylvania today. Speaking at a drive in rally in bucks county he attacked mr trumps record in the fight against covid 19. Theres going to be a dark went ahead unless we change our ways. Experts tell us were going to lose nearly another 200,000 lives nationwide in the next months. All because this president cares more about the stock market than he does you. Because he refuses to follow the science. Its estimated that if we just wore masks, just wore masks over the next few months, experts in zone administrations say we would save 100,000 lives. Joe biden. 35 of the uks leading cultural organisations and venues will be the first to receive grants between one and three Million Pounds from the governments coronavirus culture recovery fund. The money is intended to protect some of the nations most significant stages including newcastle theatre royal, Birmingham Hippodrome and sha kespeares globe. Earlier i spoke to Margaret Casely hayford, chair of the board of trustees for shakespeares globe. She told me she was delighted and grateful to have been awarded £2. 98 Million Pounds. Even though weve been really prudent, wed trimmed our costs dramatically well, not trimmed, wed cut them dramatically we had basically chomped through our reserves, and we were basically in a desperate state. So it really is vital, and i cant say how much of lifeline it is, because, essentially, we are going to have to think long and hard about how we prepare to reopen in due course when we can open, because we dont have state funding. And i dont think many people realised that before we started to make our case to the dcms, that we are independently funded. If we dont open, we dont have any revenue, so as soon as lockdown hit, that was it. That was the end of our revenue. So its been a very tough time for us. Margaret casey heyford from sha kespeares globe. The race for strictly come dancings glitterball trophy begins this evening with the first live show of the new series. Stringent measures have been put in place to ensure the programme is covid safe. But despite the stricter rules, the shows hoping it can preserve the old strictly atmosphere. David silito reports. Youre free to do what you want to do. 0n last weeks launch show we got a first glimpse of what a covid safe strictly involved. Claudia and tess two metres apart. It has never felt so good to be back. Thejudges all on separate podiums. And the professional dancers are going to have to live on their own while theyre on the show. One half of the couple will be living on their own at least one half, and on occasion both are on their own and the other half could remain with their household, quite a few of the celebrities living outside of london have actually moved down to be nearer. But outside the couples, there will be no hugs, no high fives or crowds around claudia. Instead, therell be a smaller audience, regulartesting and a lot more distance. 0ne contestant, harvey, tested positive just before the show began, but has recovered just in time to take part. If anyone else tests positive, theyll be off the show and straight into quarantine. But, at a time when so much else has been cancelled, strictly has found a way to keep dancing. David sillito, bbc news. A very close hold, but its covid safe. Ben rich has the weather. Good evening. Dont forget the clocks go back and hour during tonight. Youll get an extra hour in bed, but it does mark the end of british summer time, but as far as the weather goes, it feels as if weve left summer a long way behind. Very autumnal weather to take us through tonight, heavy rain continuing its journey eastwards across england, clipping into scotland for a time, plenty of showers following on behind, although there will be some clear spells. The winds easing a bit compared with the daytime today but it stays quite blustery, temperatures generally between 4 and 10 degrees, and then for tomorrow, a blustery day with a mix of sunny spells and heavy showers. The showers most plentiful across western areas, so through western scotland, northern ireland, north west england, wales and the south west. Some will also blow in from the English Channel into southern counties of england. Further north and east, north east england, eastern scotland may well avoid most of the showers and stay predominatly dry with some sunny spells. Its a windy day for all, and a fairly cool one with top temperatures between 10 and 1a degrees. Hello this is bbc news with martine croxall. The headlines. South yorkshire is the latest region to move to englands top level of restrictions. Local leaders in sheffield call for an exit plan. The question is, at what point will we come out of tier 3 . No ones able to answer that question. Even the mayor now asking the question and, well, the mayor should have asked that question when he was negotiating with the government for the last ten days. Police in gloucestershire begin border patrols to stop nonessential travel as wales begins its first full day of a firebreak lockdown. Headteachers in england say theyre bitterly disappointed that the number of laptops theyre given for deprived children has been cut by 80 . I voted for a guy named trump. President trump casts his vote for the us election in the key state of florida, where early voting is under way. Well have all the sport at quarter to eight, but first its time for click. Hello and welcome to click. I hope youre doing 0k. I think it is time for a bit of star power

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