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They must never be forgotten, and the families hope no one else will have to suffer the same fate again in future. Well have the latest from the Royal Courts Ofjustice and well be talking to the tunisian ambassador to the uk. The other main stories on bbc news at 5. A pension Dealforformer Bhs workers sir philip green will contribute 363 Million Pounds to help meet the shortfall. Not everyone who views Child Pornography should be jailed says a leading Child Protection Police Officer. Egg producers are facing the loss of their free range status because of measures to prevent the spread of bird flu. And the iron age treasures found in a field in staffordshire go on public display. Its 5 oclock. Our main story is the outcome of the inquests into the deaths of 30 british holidaymakers who were killed by a jihadist militant in tunisia in june 2015. The coronerjudge Nicholas Loraine smith ruled that the victims had been unlawfully killed and condemned the response of the Tunisian Police describing it as at best shambolic and at worst cowardly. He said the law did not allow him to make a finding of neglect by the Tour Operator tui but lawyers for some of the families have said they will sue the company. Tui said it was wholly erroneous to claim it had been neglectful and said there was insufficient evidence of any gross failure. First this evening this report by our correspondent richard galpin. The families of those killed had been hoping the coroners conclusions today would say neglect had played a part in the deaths of their loved ones, in particular the alleged lack of security at the hotel where they were staying. But there was disappointment. The coronerjudge Nicholas Loraine smith said no verdict of neglect is open to him, because he had not found gross deficiencies or that those efficiencies were directly linked to their deaths, but went on to say that the response by the police was at best shambolic, and at worst cowardly. Nowadays, Allen Pembroke leads a normal life working at this london company. But he was on the beach at the time of the attack. Realising no one was helping the injured, he did something quite extraordinary, running back to the scene of the attack after taking his wife to the safety of their hotel. I ran towards the gunfire. I could now see bodies on the beach. I hit the deck. And as i hit the sand, i literally fell into a lady. I could see the lady was moving and was semiconscious. She had some severe gunshot wounds. I dressed her hand, and covered her wrist with a scarf i pulled down from a beach umbrella. She then said she had pain in her leg, and i noticed she had a hole in her leg. So i got a beach towel and wrapped it around her leg to compress the injury and stop the bleeding. Mr pembrokes actions saved the life of the woman, whose husband lay dead beside her. But he is haunted by what he saw and angry at the failure of the Tunisian Police to intervene in time. I was on the beach a good 20 minutes with cheryl alone, and i saw no military or medical staff. Its only in recent reports that i found that police waited, police fainted, they hid. You know, its. Thats unforgivable. They need to be accountable for that. Just three months earlier, Foreign Tourists had been targeted in an attack by islamist extremists in the capital, tunis, leaving 20 dead. But the Foreign Office did not change its overall Travel Advice. The colour coded map on its website remained green for the coastal areas, said tourists could still go, even though the Foreign Office was warning of a high risk of terrorism. All 30 british tourist killed in the attack had booked their holiday with the Travel Company tui, the Parent Company of thompson. Today, the coroner have highlighted how staff had been told that if asked if tunisia was safe, the overall level of Foreign Office advice had not changed and it was Business As Usual at the beach resorts. There was no mention of the risk of terrorism. For those who lost loved ones in this horrific attack, the legal fight will continue now in the civil courts. On behalf of our clients who lost members of their families and who suffered injuries, in this terrible incident, we will be preparing to commence several receding against tui. The inquest in those who lost their lives, they must never be forgotten. Tui denies the allegations of neglect. They say they have already made changes. We have now heard the coroners findings, as those comments regarding security and visibility of Travel Advice, these are complex matters, and have taken steps to raise awareness of the travel aware campaign. The families know they are in for the long haul. It could be years before their claims in the civil courts are decided. Richard galpin, bbc news. The coroner as we heard was very critical of the response of the Tunisian Police. It was only after an hour long attack that Seifeddine Rezgui was shot dead by police. The lone gunman had walked unchallenged along the beach, and through a Hotel Complex packed with tourists, shooting randomly as our correspondent Daniela Relph reports. In front of the bereaved families, the inquest had heard the chilling, distressing detail of multiple murder. Here, the gunman Seifeddine Rezgui is dropped off near the resort. The driver of the car has never been found. Under his arm, a Parasol Hiding his weapon. He walked to the beach where he began to kill, shooting people as they lay on sunloungers. Holiday makers fled in panic. Across the sand, vulnerable in just shorts and swimming costumes, these are people quite literally running for their lives. There was chaos and confusion, how could this possibly be happening . A gunman, shooting tourist after tourist. Gunshot from the beach and the pool, he entered the hotel, roaming around looking for victims. Many were shot dead as they tried to hide. For 20 minutes, he killed repeatedly. No one stopped him. This map, evidenced during the inquest, showed how far Seifeddine Rezgui travelled on his killing spree. A metropolitan police team sent to tunisia to investigate commissioned this animation, an image of each victim marks the place where they were killed. In just about every main area of the hotel, somebody died. The gunman simply wasnt stopped, he wasnt challenged. The police, the coast guard, Hotel Security all failed to act in what was described in court as simple cowardice. Eventually, Seifeddine Rezgui was shot dead. Alongside the hotel where hed murdered 38 people. Gunshots the inquest has given the bereaved a voice. Tributes were read to each person killed. Here are extracts from those tributes that were moving, funny and sad. Although in their hearts, they knew that it was bad news, they still kept hoping and praying that she was safe. Owen no longer has his grandad, his brother nor his uncle. His three role models in his life, his three best friends. 0ur homes not filled with laughs and smiles like it used to be. No one will be able to take away the love matt and i shared with john, all the memories we were able to make and share together. John and Janet Stocker died together doing what they enjoyed most, being side by side. She always looked for the best in everyone, and truly was a kind, caring, intelligent, beautiful woman with a wicked sense of humour. Every day the families came to court, at times they had to sit through painful, agonising evidence. But these inquests have been an important part of the grieving process. A chance to remember and a chance to ask questions and look for answers. How could a Beach Holiday end up with so many people never coming home . Daniela relph, bbc news. The tunisian ambassador to the uk is nabil Ammar Hejoins Me now. Thank you very much forjoining us. You listen to what the coroner had to say. Was there any part of that statement you felt you could not agree with . Of course, i would not have used those terms, but its not my role to criticise the british procedures. What i would like to recall is the whole context in which these two awful operations have taken place. It was a country in transition and we cannot say that the whole police, Tunisian Police, as it has been described, is that way. Im not in the mind of the policemen there that they may have thought the attack was bigger than that, and they went to get more of their colleagues with them. Its very important to have in mind that the context was one where the whole area was not well prepared for this kind of attack. It has not happened in our history, its not in our culture. So, after that, the country has made a lot of improvements and taken has made a lot of improvements and Ta Ken Lessons has made a lot of improvements and taken lessons from what happened. Those, i think, taken lessons from what happened. Those, ithink, are taken lessons from what happened. Those, i think, are the main comments we can make at the moment. We talk about the Security Changes ina we talk about the Security Changes in a second, we will ask about those but be clear for our viewers, you in a second, we will ask about those but be clearfor our viewers, you do not like the description of police on that day. I wonder, how would you describe the way that they handled events describe the way that they handled eve nts o n describe the way that they handled events on that day . I think they may have been very much surprised and we re have been very much surprised and were not prepared, as i said. They we re were not prepared, as i said. They were not prepared, as i said. They were not ready prepared for that, and despite. We talk about sousse, and despite. We talk about sousse, and the bardo museum, we were not prepared. We were prepared for guests and friends, but not an attack. I would like to add, to understand something, you can also make other comparisons. 0perations bigger and worse than what happened in tunisia have happened after sousse and bardo elsewhere, in europe and elsewhere. We are not seeing Suchjudgments Europe and elsewhere. We are not seeing such judgments on those operations, or the reaction of police in those countries. Some of them are very sophisticated countries with sophisticated police systems, etc. So yes, we think that weve been treated a bit unfairly in this whole perception. Its not very coherent with the reality of tunisia, really. We continue to suffer with this misperception, i think. When you talk about security improvements, as you described them, and yet the Travel Advice, official Travel Advice, has not changed. That suggests, maybe, the Foreign Office for example is not convinced by the changes that have been made. What would you say to that . Welcome obviously, they are not convinced. But maybe, the contacts that i have with them is that they are very positive. They think the improvements are here and need to be maintained. And enhanced, in order for the Travel Advice to be reviewed. Now, it is many months, more than one year, since that happened in tunisia. Add to that the effo rts happened in tunisia. Add to that the efforts made by the government in cooperation with many of our partners, including the uk, many programmes are here. So, they are giving results. More importantly, the awareness of the population. The tunisian people know very well what a Terror Attack means. Now, we have experience, as you have had, you had a very bloody one in the uk. We can benefit from this experience, and so we appeal to more cooperation between our two countries. This is an international struggle. We should show solidarity between all of us, if we are to be serious about tackling this issue. Tunisian security as part of europes security. We are all concerned. Let me recall the second world war, where our soldiers were united to fight against the nazis. Today, it is the same. The same way of thinking, that we should adopt, instead of trying to throw responsibility on this part or the other, i think that we should show much more solidarity between all of us, and the idea that the enemy has one, and been united. Won. Im sure you know that people are right to be concerned, given what happened. What would be your message to people who ask you directly the question, is it safe to travel to tunisia today, what would you say to them . Would say that tunisia is as safe as many countries in europe. Weve been ranked, you may know, between the us and the uk in terms of the Terror Threat. The latest figures in 2016. I would say that we are as safe as many european and western countries. Yes. Im very grateful that you have joined western countries. Yes. Im very grateful that you havejoined us. Sorry to cut across you, ambassador. Thank you forjoining us today. Thank you forjoining us today. Thank you forjoining us today. Thank you very much. That was the ambassador, the tunisian ambassador to the uk. I apologise for interrupting him there. That was that bill giving his very clear view on todays position on in his ear nabil ammar. On todays position on in his ear nabilammar. On todays position on in his ear nabil ammar. Tunisia. My colleague ben brown has spent the day following events at the Royal Courts Ofjustice we canjoin him now. For the families of the victims, this whole inquest has been harrowing. They have had to listen to evidence about how their loved ones died and give evidence about how their loved ones died in front of them. The families were hoping the coroner would say that there was neglect by the holiday company, tui, the owners of thomson holidays. He would not do that for them. They are disappointed but will pursue that in the civil courts. They are serving tui. He was strong in his condemnation of Security Forces, suggesting they may have been cowardly in their responses to the attack. Richard walton was commander of the metropolitan Police Counterterrorism command and scented Tea M Counterterrorism command and scented team out easier. I asked if there had been a slow response. It could only have been prevented by good intelligence and arresting perpetrators before they carried out it could only have been prevented by good intelligence and arresting perpetrators before they carried out the attack. Once the attack has started, people are going to die, sadly. But, obviously, measures can be taken to reduce the impact of Terror Attacks. Now, whether those measures could actually have reduced it could only have been prevented by good Terror Attacks. Now, whether those measures could actually have reduced the numbers of People Killed is an open question. What about the foreign 0ffices advice to people, in the wake of the bardo attack, was it Strong Enough . Making it clear enough to british citizens what dangers there were in tunisia . It reflected advice at the time, it was difficult to say whether it was an isolated attack or if the threat would endure. In this case, the threat continued and there was a second attack. I stress that in hindsight, there should have been stronger advice but this advice was pretty strong at the time anyway. What about the responsibility of the Tour Operators and Companies Taking all of these tourists to places like sousse . How much responsibility do they have for the safety and security of their customers . Tour operators and the Hotel Industry had a duty of care. With this Terror Threat on the globe at the moment, where Islamic State are specifically targeting hotels and open spaces, it is incumbent on this industry to take on board the nature of the threat, and put in place the best mitigation measures. Training and undertaking risk and threat assessments, so they can mitigate the threat. Richard walton, the former head of the counterterror command. Im joined by demetrius danas, the lawyer for owen mitchell, representing some of the families. The families you represent wanted the coroner to say that there was neglect by tui, the holiday company. He would not say that but you are still going to sue them, can you say why . These families are relieved that this part of the proceedings are over. They will take a couple of days of rest, it has been an ordeal, then they will come back and continue theirfight then they will come back and continue their fight for justice in the civil courts. Can you tell us what exactly it is that tui, thomson holidays, failed to do, in your view, that you think it is worth pursuing in the courts . Yes, we heard evidence over the last seven weeks of a litany of failures. We heard that there was a lack of warning to the families, two other customers of the escalating threat of terror in tunisia. There was a lack of Security Personnel at the hotel. There was a lack of cameras, even knows that they did have, someone not working. There was a failure for a proper evacuation procedure. All of these errors are matters that i need to be concerned about, and will pursue these in theirfight forjustice. About, and will pursue these in their fight forjustice. It is a fight, as you see it, a fight for justice that could take even years in these courts . Unfortunately, sometimes cases can take a long time. It depends on the attitude of the parties concerned. Are they disappointed the coroner was not more supportive of their case, that there was neglect . It is different to negligence, the clients are happy with the coroners investigation but will proceed. Thank you. The coroner had a word of praise for the families, the relatives who sat through the inquests over the last six weeks or so, saying that he was impressed by their quiet dignity. And thought that their loved ones who had died would be proud of their quiet dignity. That is the latest from the Royal Courts Ofjustice. Ben brown there, from the royal courts of justice. Well have more on this story just after half past when well be speaking to Graeme Scott Who was in sousse with his parents and cousin at the time of the attack. The Pensions Regulator has agreed a Cash Settlement worth up to 363 Million Pounds with sir philip green to help fund the pensions of staff of the former retail chain, bhs. The arrangement has the support of the trustees of the two bhs Pension Schemes. Sir philip had faced heavy criticism over his sale of The Business Which later collapsed and the subsequent problems which emerged in the pension fund. 0ur Economics correspondent andy verity is here. What is the deal . £360 million is the headline figure, much better than what sir philip green put on the table as recently as november when he was talking about 250 million. At that point, the Pensions Regulator got irritated and talked about Enforcement Action against him, and there was a lot of opprobrium for sir philip green in parliament and the press. He has changed and moved, he said £360 million. It is still much less than the hole in the Pension Scheme which was £571 million when bhs went bust at the beginning of last year. Sir Philip Green Solderjust One year before. Solve it. Frank green felt that he frank field felt that he had a different view. It is an important first step in gaining justice for the whole bhs saga. Theres no going back on this sum, and it means people going into the scheme will not suffer any cuts at all, as they would have done if they were abandoned and went into the Pension Protection Fund. Their pensions will be increased less than they would have been under the contracts that they had. There are some losers, but there is a very big sum of money that the Pension Regulator has got. That was frank field and you mentioned that it was not as big as the entire sum needed to plug the hole, what does that mean for people working the benefits . Bhs for generous benefits. They were indexed through rpi. The Retail Prices index, the old version of following inflation, now it is 2. 8 . The cpi, the official version, is 1. 8 . Inflation, now it is 2. 8 . The cpi, the officialversion, is 1. 8 . Under the officialversion, is 1. 8 . Under the old scheme they would have got rises in their benefits more than the official inflation rate. They will not get that under this settlement, but they will get considerably better than they would have got if it was a safety net in the Pension Protection Fund where a penalty was imposed for using it, so people do not use it all the time. It means you get 10 less than what you would have got. It is a substantially better deal than the pensioners we were looking at months ago, not as good as they were what they were promised when they we re what they were promised when they were still working at bhs. Andy, thank you. A man who killed his ex girlfriend and her new partner has been jailed for life. Andrew saunders, whos 21, will spend at least 23 years in prison for stabbing zoe morgan and lee simmons outside the shop in cardiff where they worked, last september. President trump will make his first speech to a joint session of Congress Later today. The white house says it will be an address that will talk about the renewal of the american spirit, and will call on americans to come together to serve the nation. But after a turbulent first month in the white house hell be addressing a nation still divided by his style and policies. Lets speak to our correspondent, jane 0brien, whos in washington. Just a sense of the expectations, world donald trump try and adopt a different style in terms of what the session is meant to be . Realistically . I do not think so. This president was elected to change things. He has certainly done that and his style has remained pretty consistent from his campaign, he has brought it into his presidency. Staff say that he will paint a far more optimistic picture of america compared to his Inauguration Speech which was bleak and dismal. He will also focus on what he claims are his achievements in the first month of his presidency. This is in spite of a lot of negative press, and some real blunders. He will point to the fa ct real blunders. He will point to the fact that, and executive orders, he slashed regulation and ordered a crackdown on immigration. He was voted in to do all of these things and he says he is doing them. What congress will want to know, the lawmakers in the building behind me, how will he deliver on the big Ticket Policy Agenda Items . Like tax reform, repealing and replacing a bomber care, the affordable are big issues that they will want to get through replacing 0bamacare. The to get through replacing 0bamaca re. The affordable to get through replacing 0bamacare. The Affordable Care act. These are big issues that they will wa nt to these are big issues that they will want to get through. What is the kind of pressure that he is and from republican leaders, on capitol hill . What is his relationship with them . It is cautious, i would say. They are rallying behind him at the moment. But they are very worried about some of the things that he has prioritised, like building a wall along the mexican border. They say it is something of a distraction. And there is the big issue as to who will pay for these things. He talks about increasing spending on infrastructure, repairing roads and bridges. He talks about raising spending for the military. 54 billion. He is going to pay . Conservatives want to make sure that the budget is kept limited. They wa nt to the budget is kept limited. They want to cut the deficit. They are not going to do that if they are Spending Money on big projects. Jane, thank you. Jane 0brien Spending Money on big projects. Jane, thank you. Jane obrien on capitol hill. The man in charge of the Oscars Awards Envelopes has been blamed for the gaffe that saw la la land named best picture when the winner was actually moonlight. Pricewaterhousecoopers accountant Brian Cullinan was supposed to hand the best picture envelope to presenters Warren Beatty and faye dunaway on sunday. The company says he mistakenly handed them the back up envelope for actress in a leading role instead. Thats the explanation that has been forwarded today. 5 28pm, the headlines and the sports news in a moment. Butjohn is here with the weather. According to some man made definitions, Winter Finishers today but the weather does its own thing in its own time. But its own thing in its own time. But it still feels wintry as we head through the next few days. Rain falls out of these showers, as they cross the middle of england over the next few hours. Wintry showers across northern scotland. And ice riskier. Dry weather as we end the night and temperatures close to freezing. A bright and crisp start to wednesday morning. Sunshine across the south. It will not last, drab and dump across Southern Cult is. Rain extends into parts of wales and east anglia. Some showers around, wintry, in northern scotland. Sunshine here. Chilly, temperatures in single figures in the south, 10 degrees in london. With the rain it will not feel that nice. There is a risk of strong winds, gales, across these areas. Hill snow in central areas. There could be someone eats and disruptions. More details in 30 minutes time. This is bbc news at five the headlines. A coroner has ruled that the british tourists killed only tunisian beach we re tourists killed only tunisian beach were unlawfully killed. A pension Dealforformer Bhs workers sir philip green will contribute £363 million to help meet the shortfall. Not everyone who views Child Pornography should be jailed says a leading Child Protection Police Officer. Egg producers are facing the loss of their free range status because of measures to prevent the spread of bird flu. Lets catch up with the sports news. Weve heard from Pep Guardiola today ahead of manchester citys fa cup replay against huddersfield tomorrow night. City didnt play at the weekend and guardiola met the clubs ownerfor the first time. He says Sheikh Mansour is so happy with the effort they are putting in despite being 11 points off the top of the table. Guardiola also spoke about claudio ranieiris sacking at leicester. Their fans protested against the italians dismissal during their unexpected 3 1victory Against Liverpool last night. Guardiola was sad to see him go. Yesterday i saw the game Against Liverpool and we could see his legacy. The way that leicester yesterday played was outstanding. And of course that is the legacy from claudio ranieri. People are going to talk about leicester 430, 50 yea rs. Going to talk about leicester 430, 50 years. Im pretty sure he will get a newjob do well. Really big match in the championship tonight. Its first against second. Brighton arejust a point above newcastle. Both are unbeaten in five but brighton have the best record at home and newcastle the best away record. Rafa benitez is a big admirer of what Chris Hughton has done at the seagulls. He is doing a greatjob and has a very good team that have been in the play offs three times in the last four years. It means they have the experience and the squad, they have the players and he is doing well with a good group of players. We have a good record away so you can go there and show your strength. I think it is important to believe we can do it because we have done this during the whole season. While mark mcghee a former brighton manager has been sacked by motherwell but the clu b te nt been sacked by motherwell but the club tent in the scottish premier ship. The 59 year old who is also the scotland assistant manager, is leaving his second stint after winning just two of his last 13 games in the league. 5 1 defeat to dundee over the weekend was the final straw. 0ne dundee over the weekend was the final straw. One of its coaches is going take over temporarily, stephen robin. Andy murray had five weeks off after his early exit at the Australian Open injanuary. There wasnt too much rustiness in his first match back. Hes playing at the dubai 0pen and swept aside the world number 51 malekjaziri in the first round. The world number 0ne had a slight wobble, getting broken in the first but took it 6 4 and raced away with the second 6 1. Liverpool could step in to host the Commonwealth Games with dab and now arent likely to post it because of financial concerns. Terrebonne. Liverpool had been planning a bid for the Commonwealth Games in 2026. But the south African Sports minister revealed the Operating Budget might be too much for them now and they will not stage it at any now and they will not stage it at a ny cost. Cricket, and tom curran has being added to englands squad for their three match one day series in the west indies. Its the surrey fast bowlers first senior call up after impressive performances for the England Lions over the winter. Curran will provide Cover Forjake ball who injured his right knee in a warm up game. Englands first match is in antigua on friday. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up to date with all those stories on the bbc sport website and ill have more in sportsday at half past six. Lets return to our main story the outcome of the inquests into the deaths of 30 british holidaymakers killed by a jihadist militant in Tunisia Injune 2015. The coroner judge Nicholas Loraine smith ruled that the victims had been unlawfully killed and condemned the response of the Tunisian Police as at best shambolic and at worst cowardly. Tunisia says its now completely safe for Foreign Tourists to come to the country. 0ur Correspondent 0rla guerin has returned to sousse to assess Security Measures now. Security has been stepped up in sousse since the attack. The roundabout here is minutes from the hotel rui imperial marhaba, where the killings took place. You can see here there is a Police Vehicle in position. There are heavily armed officers. That is a permanent checkpoint in position 24 hours a day. 0fficers here are stopping vehicles from time to time. They checked their boots and ask for the drivers ide. The authorities want to send a message, that tunisia is being vigilant and is safe for tourists to come here. We are at the hotel, the scene of the attack. It was here, at this 5 star hotel, that tourists were gunned down. The place has been closed ever since, but a lot of Renovation Work is going on. They are upgrading the garden and security. We are told this time, security will be at a maximum level. This is x ray Equipment Waiting to be unpacked. Luggage will be scanned on the way in and guests will pass through Metal Detectors. Now, inside, it is in really empty. The furniture is still covered in plastic. The gunman could make his way from the beach into the hotel, hunting for more victims. There will be increased security on the beach but on the day of the attack, armed guards were present. They could have intervened, and didnt. Almost two years on, the authorities have many questions to answer about the failure to halt this attack. Graeme scott was staying in sousse with his parents and cousin at the time of the attack. Graemejoins me now from northampton. Iamjust i am just wondering how difficult it is for you and the family to follow reports of these inquests and then the outcome today . It has been quite difficult. We have been following it, been part of it and some of the stuff that has been coming out has affected us with reliving some of the events that we have seen on that day. It was a pretty strongly worded verdict from the corner especially when talking about the conduct of police and security services. Did that Strike A Chord with you . At the time, when the actual gunshots first happened, it seemed ages before anyone actually took any notice of us. I ended up down in the cellar with my parents, we were separated from my cousin and the only form of contact from my cousin and the only form of co nta ct we from my cousin and the only form of contact we had was there was a knock on the door over a period of time to say it is police, it is safe to come out. 0bviously say it is police, it is safe to come out. Obviously we did not know it was police, the door was opened and there was a guy standing there in civilian uniform. Luckily there was someone there that said do you have any ide. They showed was that and then we were led to safety and took ages for that happen. And your cousin, what happened to him . He ended up in another part of the hotel. The next draw up. We were separated. When we were all allowed to meet up with one another there was myself, my mum and dad and we we re was myself, my mum and dad and we were in the Reception Area and it was such a relief when we saw our cousin coming round the corner. Im sure it was. To say the least. I just wondered then, you were still at the hotel, still having to stay in the vicinity and i imagine you we re in the vicinity and i imagine you were still seeing evidence of this dreadful attack that had happened. It was very strange, we were allowed to our hotel room eventually, to try to our hotel room eventually, to try to be together. We ended up going in one room and barricaded the door. We did not know whether it was really say. Personally at the time i thought that there was more than one gunman. That has never been proven either way but looking over the balcony at all the sheer troubles we could see, bodies lying around, it was so sad for us see. We spoke to the tunisian ambassador earlier who said of course there were failings in some of the things that happen, he said Security Forces simply were not prepared for this kind of attack. That was how he put it. But he was keen to say that many improvements had been made since then and it was now much safer. What is your sense of that and the kind of case that the tunisian government is making . What i would like to see personally, it is my own personal opinion, is that we went to majorca last year on holiday and some of the Security Aspects there because obviously we were on high alert, jumped out at us. With regard to tutor this i would like to see the government, the Tour Operators and the country get together, sitting down and said this is what we need to reassure people travelling that were doing all we can to make the country were doing all we can to make the cou ntry safe. Were doing all we can to make the country safe. And then in relation to the kind of advice, the official advice you get from lets say the Foreign Office for example, when you think back a few years and think about the quality of advice now. Do you think that is now better focused in anyway . I think it still needs improvement, we all need to know, it is like gambia, we were told not to travel to gambia the other week. That is the kind of Statement People want, just to protect themselves from travelling. It is not going to change the fact that there are people who lost lives and people, families we have met recently, that have lost loved ones. When you book the holiday due to this year, did you at any point think there might be some kind of risk because of the pa rt be some kind of risk because of the part of the world it is in . Not really because obviously we have been there five years on the trot and had some fantastic holidays. We had been in the same place every year and got to know people, got to know all the waiters. We had fun on the beach going paragliding, there was never that kind of factor in our minds that anything would happen. And you think it is right to be pursuing tui, the company because some lawyer said today there would be some legal action. What are your thoughts on that . To a degree there is some sort of investigation now because obviously as travellers, we we re because obviously as travellers, we were travelling with the likes of thompson, thomas cook, tui and we win customers. I would expect obviously thompson and thomas cook would perhaps work closely together with those countries and perhaps together to make sure that things are tightened up in the countries. Thank you for coming in. Britains most senior Child Protection Police Officer says paedophiles who pose no physical threat to children shouldnt be prosecuted because the system has reached Saturation Point with 400 men every month being arrested. The Chief Constable of Norfolk Simon bailey said police should focus on those who posed the greatest threat to children with lower level offenders being offered rehabilitation. 0ur Correspondent dan johnson has the story. As more and more images of child abuse and up online, more people are being discovered viewing them. The Senior Officer in charge of Child Protection says the police have reached Saturation Point, and we should now target the most serious offenders behind the abuse, and stop jailing others. We need to be focusing upon those men, and occasionally women, but predominantly those men who are intent on raping and physically assaulting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Thats what im focused on stopping. Look at the numbers, four years ago, officers in england investigated 21,000 child abuse offences. By 2015, that had jumped to 39,000. The police say theyre struggling to cope. We recognise the Police Concerns with resources, but the focus needs to be on Child Protection. We need to remember, with every one of these images, were looking at a crime scene and a child abused. The Chief Constable knows his proposal will be met with opposition, the way we deal with Sex Offenders and child abusers is always a controversial issue. But there is such strain, he says that something has to change. Some find the idea of any paedophile avoiding prison on think of all. Unthinkable. Its all a slippery slope, and we need Zero Tolerance to protect our children. But if the resources are as stretched as he said, isnt it right to focus on the more serious offenders . I find it hard to categorise a child that is being raped in a local park and a child who is being raped in thailand or bulgaria, or some part of greater london, its all very serious. The home office took a firm line this morning, describing viewing Child Abuse Images as a terrible crime that should be treated as such. It says that strong Criminal Justice sanctions remain the response. On thursday, Northern Irelands voters will go to the polls for the second time in ten months. The election was triggered when the Deputy First Minister sinn feins Martin Mcguinness resigned over a row with the Democratic Unionist Party about a Green Energy Scheme scandal. His Resignation Led to the collapse of stormonts Power Sharing government. 0ur Northern Ireland correspondent Chris Buckler is in belfast and is speaking to some of the parties, ahead of thursdays vote. This is the grand city belfast, which has been the centre of much heated debate and discussion over the years and at times it is felt like a pretty bad tempered election campaign. Tonight the leaders of the main parties here will go head to head once again, this time in the bbc studios in belfast, as pa rt in the bbc studios in belfast, as part ofan in the bbc studios in belfast, as part of an election debate. Before that we can get words from some of the smaller parties. Stephen agnew from the green party first. Your inside stormont, working with these parties. Is Power Sharing really working because time and again we see these fights between the dup and sinn fein and it has led to collapse. They have had ten years to stabilise government and they have wasted the opportunity. I think a lot of people could almost predict what is going to happen in the debate tonight and i think it is time for new voices, new parties and a new type of politics. But the truth is taking a look at the history of elections here, people vote for the big blocks, unionists and nationalists and the parties in the middle gets squeezed. The thing is what you do with the elected representatives you get so even with one mla when i was first elected, now two of them, we have been able to produce legislation for children, we introduced motions on marriage equality, published donations and we we re equality, published donations and we were first to raise the problems of the rhi scheme. A small number can make a difference. Of course rhi is this botched Green Energy Scheme and at one stage it is projected to cost taxpayers millions of pounds. It has been one of the big fights in this election between the parties, jerry carroll, do you feel that you know what is going to be said in this debate . No doubt the dup are trying to deflect from rhi and the architect of that, arlene foster, has been trying to deflect from that. Trying to put the focus on other things. Because that. Trying to put the focus on otherthings. Because people that. Trying to put the focus on other things. Because people are furious about the dup. It has to be said that sinn fein are standing up against corruption, they say, but their minister has intervened in rhi as well. So we stand against corruption for all parties. It is allegations of corruption, to be fairand the dup allegations of corruption, to be fair and the dup would say strongly they have tried to fight this deal put in place, with Cost Controls and those kind of measures. But has it been worth being in stormont, your party had a break in the last election, youve been there at nine months, has made a difference . think it has, we provide a consistent voice we have consistently supported strikes in the public sector, teachers or nurses. And weve touched on the fa ct nurses. And weve touched on the fact that Stormont Have Trade Union Laws which were involved in the 19805 laws which were involved in the 1980s and no other party has touched those. We are the bill put forward through stormont to say that these laws are aggressive and restrict the right of workers to strike and should be rescinded. For us it is what happens in the streets and not just inside stormont. Both of these quys just inside stormont. Both of these guys have been on the streets today involved in a campaigning. The election itself is on thursday but all eyes will be on the debate tonight in the bbc studios in belfast. Dup leader arlene foster, and sinn fein leader, new leader, michelle 0neill along with Colm Eastwood of the sdlp and might nesbitt of the ulster Unionist Party all fight it out. Mike nesbitt. You can see election 2017 the Northern Ireland Leaders Debate at 9pm tonight on bbc one Northern Ireland and the bbc news channel. This is bbc news at five the headlines. Coroner has ruled that the 30 british victims of the tunisian Terror Attack were unlawfully killed. He also condemned the of the police in the country describing It Asa Police in the country describing it as a best shambolic and at worst e. Former owner of phs sir philip has agreed to pay £360 million to help restore the pensions of staff who worked at the collapsed retailer. The most senior Child Protection Police Officer in the uk says paedophiles who pose no physical threat to children should not be prosecuted. From today many Poultry Farmers wont be able to label their produce as free range because of Safety Precautions theyve had to take to prevent the spread of bird flu. 0ur Correspondent emma simpson explains. More than half the eggs we buy are free range. We eat millions of them. You are soon going to see a sticker on the box saying, hens temporarily housed in barns for their welfare. You may not know it, but all hens have had to be kept inside since december to help prevent the spread of avian flu, not just here, but in other European Countries as well. Under eu rules, if the birds have been housed for more than 12 weeks, they technically lose their free range status, and that period ends today. The government says the majority of farmers should be able to let their birds out if they adhere to strict bio Security Measures. Now, here they dont just pack the eggs, they produce them as well. Toby rush is the owner of this business. Are you going to be letting your birds out today . Not today. Ive read the rules and we have 32,000 hens on the farm and i would need to cover all my ranges in netting, an area the size of 16 football pitches, totally impractical for what is a temporary measure. Do you think most farmers will be doing the same, keeping hens indoors . I believe so. I believe the majority of farmers will make the decision to keep their birds in, its the safest place for them against this very virulent strain of avian flu. Now, even if the hens are in or out, the decisions been taken to put a label on every commercial Free Range Eggs box, so i guess what Consumers Want to know is, are these eggs free range or not . Well, i believe they are. We are committed to producing Free Range Eggs from free range hens. Its an eu technicality that at the moment we have to put the sticker on. They look and taste the same, they are the same grade and as soon as we have the all clear, the hens will be back out in the spring sun sine and well be back to Business As Usual. This is an unprecedented step. The hope is its reallyjust a temporary measure. We have reports of gun shots being fired during a speech by president francois hollande. We just fired during a speech by president francois hollande. Wejust received these images in from the French Television station tv three. We understand that actually this was one of the Security Marksman for the president accidentally pulling the trigger. That apparently shooting himself in the foot. The president looking slightly unsettled air, understandably. 0fficials looking slightly unsettled air, understandably. Officials said a bullet went through the tent where the meeting was taking place. And where there were some waiters on hand to serve some drinks apparently after the speech. Apparently the bullet did go through one of the waiter was mac legs and into the Leg Ofa Waiter was mac legs and into the leg of a colleague so clearly a very nasty incident. An accidental shooting of that gun. But it could have been really a very serious incident indeed. But a speech by the president francois hollande, a p pa re ntly president francois hollande, apparently a speech to open a high railway line today and one of the marksman accidentally pulling the trigger on a weapon. If theres any more i will bring it to you straightaway. Four iron age neckbands that were found in a field in staffordshire by two men with Metal Detectors are going on public display today. Theyre thought to be the earliest pieces of iron age gold work ever found in britain. Phil mackie reports. It is not clear why these items were buried. Possibly these are things that people wanted to come back to get later. But also is possible that their offerings to the gods that no one ever intended to come back for. It was like a normal Sunday Morning. We were in two minds whether to come out or not. These two friends are responsible for the discovery, 20 yea rs responsible for the discovery, 20 years ago they searched for treasure but they found nothing. Then after taking up the hobby again, they struck gold. I knew straightaway what it was because id seen pictures in books and magazines. I said where did you find that because my head was racing. He said, at the top of the hill. I said well, i will look at the area and do some more sweeps of the area. We heard stories that where there is one could be more buried. It wasjust before christmas when the two men walking along with Metal Detectors found the treasury just behind me along with Metal Detectors found the treasuryjust behind me of a bear. A couple of days ago they came back again and found one of the missing pieces. Today the items were officially declared as treasure. The collection is expected to be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and the men will split the proceeds with the men will split the proceeds with the landowner if their items are sold. They have not said exactly how much it would fetch or what is going to happen. Moneywise. Wejust look on it really is a bonus. That will come out on a Sunday Morning and found something special. Anything after that is a bonus, whatever we get. Time for a look at the weather. Heres john hammond. It is of course march tomorrow and we are looking for something warmer but right now it is quite a chilly prospect. Some showers have been racing east through this evening across the midlands and east anglia and the south east. Things then settle down for many of us. The odd shower principally across the north and scotland, falling as low down to quite low levels. Elsewhere temperatures dipping quite close to freezing in a good few places. Make the most of any sunshine in the south because it is not going to last. Things go downhill across southern counties with the rain setting in through the afternoon. Further north are brighter prospect, the odd shower, still wintry across the odd shower, still wintry across the far north of scotland but for most of scotland looking good through the afternoon. Light wind and sunshine making all the difference. Pretty good in Northern Ireland, the north of england, still the odd shower but some dry spells in between. Brightness holding on across the north midlands but generally things going downhill further south with some rather damp weather to end the day. Then things get lively tomorrow night, this is one to watch, we could say there are gales possible and strong winds inland. And the rain turning back to snow across the high ground of wales and perhaps the midlands as we head into tomorrow night. Warnings could will be issued for this, it is one to keep an eye on, but published of strong winds, heavy rain and potentially snow could mean disruption by thursday morning. But it does not last long, the rain and hill snow easing. Writer on either side of that area of rain. And temperatures dipping up a little into double figures across the south on thursday but still pretty chilly further north. Any brightness in the south will not last because the next area of low pressure coming in from the Bay Of Biscay and by friday spring rains into many southern areas. Some questions as to how far north that will extend. Further north that will extend. Further north some Sunshine Holding on across Northern Ireland and scotland but chilly for many especially when the rain sets and across southern areas. All the latest on any warnings which could be issued as ever on the bbc website. Shambolic and cowardly, the coroners verdict on the local Security Response to the beach attack in tunisia when 30 british people were killed. As the gunman killed any Holiday Makers in his path, the Security Forces deliberately delayed arriving, one fainted, one hid. Its particularly heartbreaking to think that if the police had been called, if the National Guard had got there sooner, then lives could have, or probably would have, been saved. The families of the victims say they will sue the Tour Operator tui for not warning them of the danger of islamist extremism. If the Tour Operators tui thomson had played their part, and actually said there is a risk here, and directed them to that, i firmly believe theyd never have gone. In the resort where the attack happened in 2015, assurances its

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