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And coming up in the sport on bbc news, Gordon Strachan hopes to win back the fans after Scotland Beat Slovenia to keep their slim world cup hopes alive. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Theresa may will meet Nicola Sturgeon in scotland later, for the First Time Since the snp announced their proposals for a second independence referendum. At the beginning of a week that will see article 50 triggered on wednesday, the Prime Minister will say she wants to build a more united nation. Tomorrow, the Scottish Parliament is expected to pass a vote in favour of seeking a new Scottish Independence referendum which ms sturgeon wants to hold in autumn 2018 or spring 2019. Theresa may, though, has said now is not the time for it. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon is in glasgow. Number 10 says the relationship between theresa may and Nicola Sturgeon that, every political relationship has its own dimension. Certainly the public stance between them over the past two weeks has pointed to a relationship which has its challenges, particularly when it comes to the issue of the timing of any possible second independence referendum. It isa it is a week in which two unions will dominate the Prime Ministers agenda. One, the eu that the country is leaving, the beat the uk, a Union Theresa may wants to keep together. Theresa may wants to keep together. The precious, precious bond between england, scotland, wales and Northern Ireland. Her first visit after taking office was to scotland. Now, ina after taking office was to scotland. Now, in a week that she triggers article 50, shes back again. Meeting Scottish Police officers to discuss counterterrorism after last weeks attack at westminster, security is one likely area of consensus when the Prime Minister and First Minister meet later. Agreement in other areas may prove more challenging. My position isnt going to change, which is that now was at the time to be talking about a second independence referendum, because it wouldnt be fair on the scottish people to ask them to make that decision when the facts arent clear, and also because now is the time when we need to pull together to make sure we get the best possible dealfor to make sure we get the best possible deal for the uk, to make sure we get the best possible dealfor the uk, including the people of scotland. A majority of voters in scotland opted to remain. I believe it would be wrong for scotland to be taken down a path that it has no control over. Nicola sturgeon says her government has met a brick wall of intransigence in the negotiations to protect scotlands place in europe. If theresa may didnt want the union to become looser she isnt going good way about it. She needs to treat scotland as a partnership of equals. She needs not to disregard the will of the people of scotland when it becomes to a future relationship with europe. The Scottish Government sought compromise with the uk government, it is now up to them to respond to that compromise. Tomorrow at the Scottish Parliament the snp and the greens are expected to vote in favour of the right to call a second referendum. Both sides in this debate on scotlands future appears as farapart as debate on scotlands future appears as far apart as ever. Little sign yet on how this constitutional disagreement will be resolved. Studio lets go live to lorna in glasgow. In terms of this meeting between them, how cordial bore the talks be . Number10 say between them, how cordial bore the talks be . Number 10 say they hope the talks will be constructive but its hard to see where the consensus will be. A spokesperson from the Scottish Government this morning was talking about article 50 and we are just two days away from the start of the triggering of that process of the triggering of that process of the uk leaving the eu. He said, as of just now, the the uk leaving the eu. He said, as ofjust now, the Scottish Government isnt aware of its role, there will be no discussion about its role in the start of the process, no discussion about how scotlands interests will be represented, no discussion about what role the Scottish Government will play in those negotiations. They are unhappy about the process surrounding article 50. They are unhappy about the position theresa may has taken over the timing of any possible second independence referendum. She is saying now isnt the time. Downing street are saying they will engage On The Issues surrounding article 50 but they will not, this afternoon, be discussing the possibility of a second independence referendum. I think the Prime Minister will really be pressed on this issue by the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. And its really at this point quite hard to see where the compromised position will be. Lorna, thank you. Labours brexit secretary sir keir starmer says the party wont support any brexit deal negotiated by the government unless it meets their six tests. Lets speak to our assistant Political Editor norman smith. The six tests are . Most of them are really not that controversial or own arrests. You might even say they are slightly motherhood and apple pie. They are bing is like ensuring the final deal protects national security, delivers the every part of the uk. It ensures we still have strong constructive relations with europe. But there is one condition which is viewed as a killer condition. That is the deal mrs may gets must ensure we get exactly the same benefits outside the eu as we get inside the eu. Many people are saying how is this possible . If you leave a club you cant expect to have all the benefits of remaining in the club. What is going on . The view of many people in westminster is labour is looking to toughen its sta nce is labour is looking to toughen its stance on brexit, afterfacing accusations it had just gone along with mrs may and is now seeking to position itself so it can vote against any final deal reached by mrs may. As part of that, tough words from the shadow brexit secretary sir keir starmer telling mrs may to stand up to the Hardline Brexiteers in her party. Once a small minority in the conservative party, the brexiteers are now in office and in power. This ideologically driven approach to brexit would be disastrous and divisive. And it would stand as a roadblock to continued cooperation in the important fields of technology research, medicine, security, science, art and culture. The Prime Minister needs to face down these brexiteers. Is there any risk this could actually derail brexit in the long run . Simon, i think actually derail brexit in the long run . Simon, ithink politicians actually derail brexit in the long run . Simon, i think politicians from all parties will be very wary of the derailing brexit. Ithink all parties will be very wary of the derailing brexit. I think we are now entering the hard yards of brexit. The past six months have almost been the easy part. Yes, weve had rows and revolts and showdowns with the house of lords. Weve had clashes withjudges. That house of lords. Weve had clashes with judges. That was just get to the starting to trigger article 50, to begin the whole process. Now we get into the deal making, shaping oui get into the deal making, shaping our relations with europe. Determining what Brexit Britain looks like. This is the really difficult part. If you think weve had plenty of confrontation and rows and revolt so far, i suspect theres going to be an awful lot more from here on in. Thank you. There will be special edition of Question Time tonight, called britain after brexit. Live this evening from 8 30pm til 10 00pm on bbc one. The family of kurt cochran the american tourist who was killed in last weeks attack in westminster have said he would not have borne any ill will towards his attacker. He and his wife melissa were on holiday in london to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary when they were struck on Westminster Bridge by a car driven by Khalid Masood. Our correspondent Richard Lister reports. It was the last afternoon of their wedding Anniversary Tour of europe. Kurt and Melissa Cochrane were due to fly home the next day but in an insta nt to fly home the next day but in an instant he was killed and she was badly injured. Today their families we re badly injured. Today their families were in london, paying tribute to the man they lost. He was an amazing individual who loved everyone, and tried to make the world a better place. He left a legacy of generosity and service, that continues to inspire us. We are deeply saddened to lose him but grateful that the world is coming to know him, and be inspired by him. When Khalid Masood began his murderous drive across Westminster Bridge, the two americans were his first victims. Kurt was thrown over the bridge rail. The family said they were determined not to hate his killer. Last night we were speaking asa family killer. Last night we were speaking as a family about this. It was a unanimous that none of us harbour any ill will or harsh feelings towards this. We love our brother, we love what he brought to the world, and we feel like the situation is going to bring many good things to the world. A lot of inspiration, a lot of love. That remarkable sentiment was echoed today by another of Khalid Masoods victims. I dont want to blame anyone. I want us to make sure we are thankfulfor anyone. I want us to make sure we are thankful for what we have, for the people that are still alive and the people that are still alive and the people that are still alive and the people currently recovering. And we should try and unified through that, through love and compassion, rather than through our hatred and anger about what happened. As the investigation progresses, this chilling image has emerged of Khalid Masoods profile, showing hit sent a messagejust masoods profile, showing hit sent a message just minutes before he set off across the bridge. The debate over the issue of secure messaging continues but for those talking about the attack today, the focus is on remembering those recovering and those who are lost. Richard list, bbc news. The Oil State Of Qatar is to invest £5 million in the uk because it is optimistic about the economy £5 billion. Just looking at the timing of this, just before article 50 is triggered. Im sure this will be welcomed by number 10 and number 11. The qatari government is in the country and has been for a few days. Its made the big announcement of £5 billion of investment. People will know the qataris investing, they own harrods, they have invested in ca nary harrods, they have invested in canary wharf, also in gas Power Stations around the country. They are one of the biggest investors in the uk. Ive just are one of the biggest investors in the uk. Ivejust interviewed are one of the biggest investors in the uk. Ive just interviewed the Finance Minister and he made it clear that the brexit issues, britain leaving the eu had really no effect on decisions to invest in the uk. Sterling has fallen in value which makes uk assets more attractive for foreign investors. But just as you attractive for foreign investors. Butjust as you say, this will be seen as an important signal, that outside investors are still looking to the uk in a favourable light. Also, i think that as theresa may looks to trigger article 50, there is still confidence in the uk economy. Which is going to be an important part of her message, this isnt all about europe, its about other countries around the world. Whether its the middle east, china, america. What will they fund . They said railways, roads, gas power plants, digital technology. Its said railways, roads, gas power plants, digitaltechnology. Its a bit of a shot in the arm as we approach article 50. Thank you. Bt has been ordered to pay a record £112 million fine for delays in installing high Speed Broadband lines. Ofcom found bts Openreach Division had committed a serious breach of its rules. Its failure for to install high speed lines for businesses fast enough is likely to cost the company a further £300 million in compensation. Simon gompertz reports. Theres been a rapid increase in demand for data links for our workplaces and devices. Bt is the main company which can install the wires and its being fined for not paying compensation when it is to blame for delays. It relates to a very important part of the uk economy, so its basically the backbone of our digital network. And bt was found to have breached this contract with some of its customers, other Telecoms Providers such as vodafone and talktalk. One provider said bt engineers turned up without six kilometres of cable they needed. On another occasion they didnt have the Emergency Traffic Lights that were required. Once, an engineer had forgotten his boots, and that was an excuse for delay. Bt is being fined £112 million for not paying compensation for unjustifiable delays over 30 days. £300,000 for not giving the regulator all the information it needed to investigate. And £300 million in backdated compensation to the Telecoms Firms who deal with the end users. What were talking about our Optical Fibre Cables which we need to carry huge amounts of information from officers to the exchange, from one office to another office, even from mobile phone masts carrying our calls and information. And what bt is being accused of is not installing them for up to a year and then trying to wriggle out of responsibility for paying compensation. Vodafone led the complaints against bt and there are hundreds of other firms which provide phone and data links for customers but depend on bt to link them swiftly to national networks. Businesses expect us to deliver on time and fix things on time. If were not able to do that because the provider we use is unable to deliver on the agreed timescales that they would promise us that they would deliver on, then of course we let our customers down. And that is a problem. It means our brand is affected and those customers are financially impacted. Bt said theres an explosion in data and communication needs. Bt is being blamed for holding uk business up and not making amends. Simon gompertz, bbc news. The deadline to form a new devolved government in Northern Ireland looks likely to pass today without an agreement. Sinn fein said the talks had run their course. Lets speak to our ireland correspondent chris buckler. Chris, four oclock, this deadline, then what . Yeah, well, simon, the assembly was meant to meet at midday today, that didnt happen. It is at four oclock as you rightly say the deputy First Minister are supposed to be elected by the politicians. It seems clear that not going to happen. The whole talks process that was supposed to deal with the problems of power sharing, frankly its been described as one politician today as a shambles. What happens next . Its up to the Northern Ireland secretary James Brokenshire but really he has a limited number of options. The first is to call another election and that would be the third vote in just over a year. Thats something the government dont want. They could play for time because he is only supposed to call back within a reasonable time period, so ultimately they could have talks while that takes place and they bluff that time for a while. The other option is to go to direct rule where westminster would effectively Ta Ke Direct Rule where westminster would effectively take over the running of Northern Ireland, thats something they dont want either. Ultimately at the moment that leaves us in a kind of limbo and that has practical circumstances. Budgets have not been set for public spending, so as far as health, public spending, all sorts of Public Services are concerts earned, that becomes a worry. Getting out of that limbo will not be easy because politicians here are simply pointing at each other, blaming each otherfor the fa ct other, blaming each otherfor the fact that these negotiations have not been successful, and the gap between them on all of the big issues that they are disagreeing about, it does not seem to have been closed in anyway whatsoever. Edu p and sinn fein need to come together if there is to be another executive here at stormont. Thank you. Our top story this lunchtime. Theresa may meets Nicola Sturgeon for the First Time Since the snp announced proposals for a second independence referendum. Coming up, new quid on the block. The new 12 sided pound rolls out tomorrow. Coming up in the sport in the next 15 minutes on bbc news, andy murrays elbow injury will keep him out for will keep him out for longer than anticipated, and thats bad news for great britains davis cup team. Iraqi forces are continuing their offensive to drive Islamic State fighters out of Western Mosul as concern grows over the number of civilian deaths. Its now clear that at least 100 people were killed in an air strike 10 days ago although the iraqis deny that so many died. The Us Led Coalition is investigating whether one of its planes was responsible. Our correspondent yalda hakim sent this report. They arrived with what little they could carry. These are the tired, desperate and hungry survivors of the caliphate. Theyve managed to flee notjust isis snipers, but also coalition and iraqi airstrikes. This is the entrance to the Hammam Al Alil refugee camp. These buses bring people to the actual camp. As soon as people start to arrive, the men and the women are separated, because they want to screen some of the men to make sure they arent isis fighters or sympathisers. Near a makeshift school, i meet 12 year old mohammed. Mohammed tells me first isis snipers killed his father, and then his mother, as they tried to get away. He fled here with his two brothers. The camp, now home for the orphans. Hammam al alil is overflowing, and people are being asked to either go to one of the other camps or to east mosul. We travelled to the east, where injanuary, after a battle that lasted 100 days, the jihadis were driven out. On the side of the road in the east, omar, his wife, and two daughters of waiting for a relative to pick them up. In the dead of night, they left their homes and the fighting in west mosul. Do you want isis gone from your city . Translation god will have revenge on isis, and those who helped isis enter the city. This is one of the bridges that leads to west mosul. Here in the east, life is starting to go back to normal. The traffic is flowing, people are coming out of their homes. Its hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago, isis was beheading people in the streets. The Battle To Retake West Mosul is complicated. The front line is now in the old city, and the area is densely populated. I first came to mosul four and a half years ago. It was tense, even then. With curfews and complaints from the local sunni population that they were being mistreated by the shia led military. This battle is now in its final stages. Iraqi forces may be fighting to free the people of mosul from the tyranny of the so called Islamic State and their caliphate, but an even more complex task lies ahead. Reuniting a very divided city. And we can speak to yalda whos at the Hammam Al Alil camp which is south of mosul. And the sheer scale of this Refugee Issueis and the sheer scale of this Refugee Issue is clear behind you. Indeed, simon. As weve been reporting, as the Battle Rages On to retake west owes all, the humanitarian situation deteriorates. Just behind me in that for quorn is where the front liners. Just below that other buses bringing people from the west to this camp for the internally displaced. This isa for the internally displaced. This is a place where it has now become home for Tens Of Thousands of people who were fleeing the intensity of this battle. We are currently standing here on a former isis headquarters. This is one of the first places that was liberated and there was heavy bombardment here in there was heavy bombardment here in the area. And if we just pan there was heavy bombardment here in the area. And if wejust pan round we can see some of the children who are now sitting amongst this destruction, this rubble. And it really has become a playground for them. They just sit really has become a playground for them. Theyjust sit here for hours on end. Its difficult for them to know when this operation will end, when the fighting will end. The outcome of this battle is not in dispute. Iraqi forces are determined to ta ke dispute. Iraqi forces are determined to take back west mosul but they are up to take back west mosul but they are up againstan to take back west mosul but they are up against an enemy willing to fight to the very end. What now needs to be looked at is what happens next, what happens to mosul after it falls back into the hands of the Iraqi Government . This is an incredibly divided city and country, and its about bringing these people back together again. Thank you. Two technicians in hong kong have been arrested for Perverting The Course Of Justice after been arrested for perverting the course ofjustice after at been arrested for Perverting The Course Of Justice after at least 18 shoppers were injured when an escalator in a Shopping Centre suddenly change direction and sped up. Videos of the incident show dozens of people losing their balance and piling up at the foot of the escalator. Two people are in hospital and in a stable condition. The City Government has ordered immediate tests on all escalators which are more than 15m high. The two men were suspected of tampering with the escalator after the incident. Business leaders in lancashire are calling for tough action against protestors who target companies supplying the Fracking Industry. A Protest Group is planning two weeks of Direct Action against businesses in the industry supply chain. Our correspondent danny savage reports. A protest outside the company which supplies cement to the Fracking Industry, and its about to get ugly. Hey, get out of your car get out the man at the wheel of the four by four was last week fined for his driving. The aim of the protest was to persuade the business to stop selling to a fracking company. Were going to be visiting every business that has out to do with fracking or facilitating it and were going to do facilitating it and were going to d o exa ctly facilitating it and were going to do exactly the same things everywhere we go. This is where the demonstration took place. Protesters say as a result the number of companies have now agreed to stop supplying the Fracking Industry here in lancashire. None of those companies would comment to us when we approached them. But the local Chamber Of Commerce say whats happened amounts to a campaign of intimidation and harassment. Happened amounts to a campaign of intimidation and harassmentlj happened amounts to a campaign of intimidation and harassment. I think the real concern is that it could escalate very easily. So we could go from intimidation and harassment, and we could see confrontation and Aggression Escalate towards, you know, physical violence. Aggression escalate towards, you know, physicalviolence. And he fracking protests are regular appearances. This was outside the main site near blackpool last week. Get out my way, stop it. A group called reclaim the power is planning Direct Action against companies in the fracking supply chain. Direct action is a campaign tactic, it is normally to stop or disrupt things and cause economic destruction. Its usually the last resort. If somebody turns up with their face covered and hood up, they look like an anarchist, thats quite intimidating. I agree, but it we have a strict policy of not intimidating. We are here to concentrate on saying, if you remove the supply ten, Fracking Cannot Go ahead. Pro fracking People Living near a site ahead. Pro fracking People Living neara site in ahead. Pro fracking People Living near a site in ryedale are watching events in manga should closely. Near a site in ryedale are watching events in manga should closelylj events in manga should closely. didnt like it when over in lancashire the companies were backing down and capitulating to the bullies and the anarchists. Over in yorkshire i hope we have more grit, more determination, and that we will not back down to these bullies. And he fracking people say theyve spent yea rs he fracking people say theyve spent years following protocol and protest is the only option left. They claim Public Opinion is overwhelmingly against fracking. Its hard to see anything but a growing sense of conflict over the issue. Danny savage, bbc news. The new 12 sided pound coin will be in circulation from tomorrow. One and half billion of these coins have already been minted and distributed to secret locations ready for the launch. The treasury says the coins will be much harder to forge. Our correspondent tim muffett has been finding out if all the parking meters, Vending Machines and lockers are ready for the change. Since 1983 the pound coin has flowed through our economy. Down high streets into shops, Vending Machines, shopping trolleys, parking meters. But the days of the round pound are numbered. From october 15 these will no longer be legal tender and from tomorrow these, the new 12 sided coins, will enter circulation. It looks pretty. Ican see i can see the double tone on it. Its nice. Can i keep it . I like it. It reminds me of the old threepenny bit. Feels like monopoly money, its funny. The new coins shape and structure make it harder to forge. It is thought that 3 of the old pound coins were fake but its thought the total cost of switching over will exceed £100 million. All that expense of changing every vending machine, shopping trolley, everywhere you put a pound coin in will need to be changed and it costs someone. The industry did not know until we saw it on the news. Paul runs on of the uks largest suppliers of Vending Machines. He says that upgrades to 4,000 of them have cost his company £200,000. We have been quite blatantly told thank you, blatantly told thank you, new coin and it is your job to update the mechanisms. We have not been given a relevant time frame to do this, it will not be completed until the end of the year. The treasury decided to switch. In a statement it said they worked with business every step of the way to help them prepare for the new pound coin which it says it will be the most secure of its kind in the world. At the royal mint in south wales, 3 million of them are being produced every day. We had some issues with the old pound coin. The technology was about 30 years old. It is made from two different Coloured Metal, a white Coloured Metal inner and a brass coloured outer. In addition there isa semi hologram. When you look in One Direction you will see the number one and in the other direction you will see the £. I think it is important that the public can feel confident, that they know that when they hand this from me to you it is worth a pound and it is genuine. The Beeches Leisure Centre in birmingham where the lockers need upgrading. He has been a busy man. Done nearly 4000 now across the country. Things could soon get even busier. There is still a lot of work and a lot of lockers out there that still need to be changed over. As of tomorrow there will probably be a wave of Leisure Centres waking up to the fact that the coin operated lockers will no longer operate. The treasury admits this is a major and that the long term benefits of the new pound coin are worth the short term cost. Tim moffat, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather. Heres phil avery. Where is that field . What field . Very good afternoon. We will move on swiftly. At least a little bit down the road a farmer could see which direction to point his tractor, and there were no issues further to the west, its been a glorious spell across the western side of cornwall. Widely across scotland, Northern Ireland, southern counties of england, glorious. Temperatures beginning to respond to sunshine as well. If you are trapped underneath the layer of low cloud with an Onshore Breeze as well then the

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