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Our members, our supporters and the british public. Three dead in the french city of nice after a knife attack near a church the mayor calls it an act of terrorism. Donald trumps election rallies could be superspreading coronavirus, according to one of his own medical advisers. And a pride of britain award for the six year old boy who raised more than a Million Pounds for the hospital that saved his life. And coming up on bbc news, the legendary wales lions and llanelli rugby player williams has died at the age of 72. He helped wales win four five nations titles during the 19705. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. New Research Estimates that nearly 100,000 people are catching coronavirus every day in england. The analysis from Imperial College london shows the number of infections is doubling every nine days. The researchers say the pandemic has now reached a critical stage and have called for tighter restrictions. But the government says it has no plans, for now, for a full national lockdown. 0ur Health Correspondent katherine da costa reports. The react study of nearly 86,000 volunteers paints a stark picture. Restrictions have not stopped the virus from spreading or at least not yet. The epidemic is accelerating, and the number of new infections is estimated to be doubling every nine days. The study shows cases arising in every age group in every region of england. Nearly 100,000 people are catching the virus everyday. The hardest hit areas yorkshire and the humber where around one in a0 has the virus. While cases are highest in the north, infections are surging number is above two. The reports authors say the rise in the older ages is deeply worrying. We are seeing in the 55 64 Year Old Age Group there has been a tripling of the prevalence, and in the 65 plus group a doubling, so these are the most vulnerable groups in terms of their risk that the infection will lead to severe illness, hospitalisation. Wales is already in lockdown. Northern ireland and scotlands central belt are also under tighter controls. In england, the Study Suggests either tougher restrictions are required or communities need to be better at following the rules. Either way, it says change is urgently needed. The government is not changing its position. We do not have a plan today to do a full national lockdown. We can see their arguments in favour of that in terms of simplicity and clarity but there are very strong arguments against it as well. Labour leader keir starmer has renewed his position. Everybody is concerned by the rising number of cases and tragically by the rising number of deaths. That is why i called for a circuit break for half term. My concern is that the tier system is not bringing the infection rate down. It is notjust here, many European Countries are also caught up in a second wave. A relaxation of restrictions over the summer allowed the virus to take off again. It has prompted new lockdown is in france and germany to bring infections back under control. Some authorities think the same will be needed in england. I do not know about a fool lockdown, it is a distinct possibility but there is also the chance we will end up there by default, i suspect not everywhere but nearly being moved up into tier 3. I suspect that is the way it will go. It is a deteriorating situation, certainly. Some hospitals are already under pressure. The concern is rapidly rising cases will in turn lead to greater hospital admissions and deaths. For now, the government is waiting to see whether tougher local restrictions are working, but with difficult winter months approaching, their hand may be forced. 0ur Health Editor hugh pym is here. This study seems quite alarming, how worried should we be . It is important to recognise what it is, each day we get reported cases from around the uk but those are people who have come forward for tests. That is just over who have come forward for tests. That isjust over 20,000 who have come forward for tests. That is just over 20,000 per day and when you have but a study like this, it takes in a number of people picked at random who may be do not know they have got the virus, do not have symptoms or have been tested and it shows something four times as large as what the daily figures are picking up. It is not perfect but it gives us an idea of where things are going and it sort of confirms what we suspected was happening, a doubling every nine or ten days or so doubling every nine or ten days or so in line with other surveys, sometimes they have suggested a bit of levelling off but the trend is in an upwards direction and the question is what to do and you heard from robertjenrick, there is no plan today in england to move to a National Level of restrictions, but clearly there are scientists on the governments Sage Committee pushing for more action as they did at the end of september but ministers have to weigh that up against the economic argument and other arguments about what it will do to other areas of society. It is a delicately balanced situation at the moment and in wales and Northern Ireland they have gone for tougher restrictions across the whole nation. Thank you very much. And well have more on the latest coronavirus restrictions around the uk later in the programme. An investigation into anti semitism in the labour party has found it did commit unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination. The 130 page report from the equality and Human Rights Commission said it found significant failings in the way labour, under Jeremy Corbyns leadership, handled complaints of anti semitism. The partys new leader sir kier starmer has called it a day of shame. Jonathan blake reports. A struggle with anti semitism that threaten to tear the labour party apart. Complaints against members for prejudice againstjews, protest over a failure as many sought to tackle the problem. A toxic time at which dogged itJeremy Corbyns leadership and saw some mps leave the party in anger. Now an investigation by the uks equality watchdog found labour broke the law through political interference in anti semitism complaints, failure to provide adequate training and harassment. The report identified serious failings in leadership, a culture that could be seen to accept anti semitism and requires labour to draw up an action plan within six weeks. In response, the man now in charge said it was a damning verdict. I found this report hard to read. It is a day of shame for the labour party. We have failed jewish people, our members, our supporters and the british public. He said he would accept the report in full and offered an apology. Would accept the report in full and offered an apologylj would accept the report in full and offered an apology. I know how hard these last few years have been for you, how painful today will be and how hard you had to fight to have your voices heard. A collective failure was to blame, said sir keir starmer, not individuals. His predecessor defended his actions. I think they dont acknowledge the work that i did to ensure that proper processes were brought into place. Let us be clear, one anti semite in the party is one anti semite in the party is one anti semite to many and i think it is clear that we do not accept and i do not accept and neither does keir starmer and none of us accept anti semitism in any form whatsoever in our party. Some, whose complaint sparked the investigation, say mr corbin is in denial. It happened on his watch, he shamed the labour party, he sat at the centre of a party that enabled anti semitism to spread from the fringes to the mainstream. There is no doubt this report is a scathing assessment of Jeremy Corbyns time in charge but labour is now legally required to ta ke ste ps labour is now legally required to take steps to put right what went wrong. For sir keir starmer, this will not be as simple as drawing a line moving on. This is not the end of everything we have experience, now it is about how we fix it and honestly, that now lies with keir starmer and his team and he needs to fix this. Today may mark a watershed for labour but the wounds inflicted with it struggle with anti semitism will take time to heal. Jonathan blake, bbc news, westminster. 0ur Political Correspondent leila nathoo is in westminster. Pressure on keir starmer and a Dramatic Development on this in the last few minutes. Extraordinary, we have heard from the labour party thatjeremy corbyn has been suspended pending an investigation and has had the labour whip removed. The context for this is that it Jeremy Corbyns response to the commissions investigation was that he insisted he had always tried to root out anti semitism but said that theissue root out anti semitism but said that the issue had been overstated by his political opponents and sir keir starmer had said that anyone saying that the issue of anti semitism had been exaggerated should be nowhere near the party and there had been questions to him whether that apply to his predecessor and now labour is saying that in light ofJeremy Corbyns comments made and his failure to retract them subsequently that he has been suspended from the party. A hugely dramatic move, a huge Dramatic Development coming in in the last few minutes, but i think it is the clearest signal that sir keir starmer is prepared to categorically move on from a chapter in labours history when anti semitism dogged the party, a dramatic signal that he is distancing himself from his predecessor and he is determined to ta ke predecessor and he is determined to take any action necessary to reassure the jewish take any action necessary to reassure thejewish Community Take any action necessary to reassure the Jewish Community that the party is for them. Thank you very much indeed. Three people have been killed in a knife attack in the french city of nice. It happened near a church and the mayor of nice has said everything suggests it was a terrorist attack. The suspect, who witnesses say tried to behead one of his victims, was shot by police and is now being treated in hospital. President macron is on his way to the city. Paul adams has the latest. Chaos and terror in the heart of another french city. Streets those, swarming with police and paramedics, the stunned aftermath of the latest horrific attack. It took place around 9am in the basilica of notre dame. Shouting, the attacker stabbed three people including the caretaker and one of the victims is thought to have been beheaded. Another, a woman, fled to a nearby cafe before dying. We heard many people shouting in the streets, so we saw that there we re in the streets, so we saw that there were many policemen coming in and we heard gunshots, many gunshots and more and more policemen. The citys may call for unity but said it was clear this was terrorism. Nice, perhaps more than any other place in france, the pain is far too heavy a price by once again been a victim of islamic fascism. There is no doubt about the meaning of this act, given that the perpetrator did not stop repeating god is great while receiving medical treatment. Repeating god is great while receiving medicaltreatment. In paris, a minutes silence in the ceremony as word of events in nice began to emerge. President macron is travelling to nice with the whole country entering a new coronavirus lockdown, he has two major crisis on his hands. France is still in shock after the murder of middle School Teacher samuel paty, most french citizens proudly defending their countrys secular values. For nice, memories of 2016 when 86 people celebrating bastille day were killed bya celebrating bastille day were killed by a tunisian immigrant driving a truck. But around the muslim world, there is anger at what some describe as president macrons anti islam agenda. The pakistan Prime Minister has accused the french president of encouraging islamophobia. President erdogan has urged turks to boycott french goods and said that president maduro needed a Mental Health check. Against this heated International Backdrop and with an investigation in nicejust beginning, reports of violence elsewhere, in another southern city, were suspected islamist was threatening passing by and in saudi arabia a guard at the french consulate was attacked, the guard was wounded and the assailant taken into guard was wounded and the assailant ta ken into custody. Guard was wounded and the assailant taken into custody. Paul adams, bbc news. Hugh schofield is in paris for us. What is the latest you are hearing on these horrific events . The latest is that Emmanuel Macron has arrived at the scene and is talking to the may at the basilica and talking to Police Officers as well and he may or may not have a few words for the press coming up shortly and meanwhile the investigation is under way and it will seek to establish the identity of the attacker, we still do not know who it is, and did he have any accomplices, was he in any way influenced by the climate that paul adams was referring to, this climate of menace and threat against france which has certainly grown over the last few weeks. The context is all here, it is very important, it is a time in which france finds itself in the firing line from extremist groups and there are line from extremist groups and there a re calls line from extremist groups and there are calls for attacks against france in the wake of the trial of related to the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the republication by Charlie Hebdo of the cartoons and then the killing of the cartoons and then the killing of course of the teacher, samuel paty, and the restatement then by president macron of the belief of france and the fact that it will stand by it secular values, that has been spun, the french would say twisted by people in the middle east, into being interpreted as a kind of anti islamic position by the french authorities, with president macron been accused of enacting racist almost fascist actions against muslims in france and it is in that context that the government he was very aware that this attack has taken place. Thank you. The time is 1. 16pm. Our top story this lunchtime. Almost our top story this lunchtime. 100,000 people are coronavirus almost 100,000 people are catching coronavirus in the uk every day according to research. Nottinghamshire is entering the highest tier, affecting clubs and bars. The Second Player to win 100 bars. The Second Player to win100 caps bars. The Second Player to win100 ca ps after bars. The Second Player to win100 caps after being named in their six nations title starting bid away to italy. The whole of nottinghamshire will become the latest area in england to be put under the highest tier of coronavirus restrictions from tomorrow. The county joins large parts of Northern England and South Yorkshire in tier three. Danjohnson reports from nottingham. Yes, things have chopped and changed a bit this week, because earlier people in the north of the county we re people in the north of the county were told they would be left in tier two, while nottingham and the boroughs around it went into tier three. Yesterday, that was delayed until tomorrow, and it was announced the tier three restrictions would apply right across nottinghamshire, so how has that been received in north nottinghamshire . I went to the pub last night in worksop. They thought theyd avoided tougher measures here, but a change of mind now means a change of rules and the queens head will have to close. The right move, says the man in charge. I am happier that we are in tier 3, than we are in tier 2. The reasons for that is that in tier 2, you know, it is the same household, same bubble, that is hard to police. You cant, you know, if two people walk in and say, we live together, i cant challenge that. Tier 3 restrictions were delayed for 2a hours, but will now include the entire county, after concern about rising case numbers amongst older people and pressure on hospitals. I think, just lock it all down. Everything. And i dont think it will be sorted until next year. I think tier 3 is the right move, because at the minute, everyone is in the pubs and when they are in pubs, i know there is the bit where you can only be in groups of six, but when you are in the pub and everyone has had a drink, no one really sticks to it, there are a lot of people who are not in a group of six. At the start, yeah, you start in a group of six, but by the end of it you are in a group with 26, you know what i mean . You are all mingling, you are all doing what you are doing, really, the best thing is to lock full everything down and that is what should have happened months ago, to be honest with you. I think we should have stayed on lockdown for a bit longer. In my eyes, it is devastating, do you know what i mean . But not only is that happening here, it is happening up and down the country, do you know what i mean . You thought the government would look after places like this, because, in all honesty, it is places like this, like i said, that make a community and make the economy. Nottinghamshire stands alone so far in banning alcohol sales after 9pm in shops, but here, there is still a sense of unfairness about which businesses are hit. What is the difference in coming into a pub and having a pint, than going into a pub, having a meal and a pint . There is no logic to it. I do understand why they are doing it, but at the same time, you know, it is upsetting. It isntjust pubs shutting, more industries will close in nottinghamshire than any other tier 3 area. The rules have been branded by some as tier 3 plus. I dont understand why sunbeds or tattoo pa rlou rs i dont understand why sunbeds or tattoo parlours are being penalised more than other sectors and to me there is no rational behind that. It just seems like they are trying to doa just seems like they are trying to do a bit ofa just seems like they are trying to do a bit of a catch at all thats really, really going to hurt our businesses in town centres and all of those people are a family that employ somebody so im very, very gravely concerned about that. A few weeks ago, case numbers in nottingham itself with the highest in the country and now the whole county will feel the force of the tightest restrictions. Danjohnson, bbc news, worksop. It was obvious there were some people breaking the rules there last night and they are not alone, some people admitted theyd come across the borderfrom people admitted theyd come across the border from south people admitted theyd come across the borderfrom South Yorkshire people admitted theyd come across the border from South Yorkshire out ofa the border from South Yorkshire out of a tier three area to get a drink so that might be why tighter restrictions are applied across the county. Things like beauty parlours closing means things are going further than elsewhere and there is some discomfort about that but the big question is how long will these measures last, when will they be relaxed . Measures last, when will they be relaxed . Dan measures last, when will they be relaxed . Dan johnson, thanks measures last, when will they be relaxed . Danjohnson, thanks very much. Scotlands first minister has announced that no local Authority Area will be moved into the highest level of coronavirus controls when the new system comes into effect on monday. It had been expected that north and South Lanarkshire would be moved up to level four restrictions, but Nicola Sturgeon said there is evidence that the situation in both areas is stabilising. But the first minister did what she could not rule out putting the whole of scotla nd could not rule out putting the whole of scotland under the tightest level of scotland under the tightest level of measures if the pandemic worsens. France will enter a Second National lockdown tomorrow, lasting until at least the end of november. Under the new measures non essential businesses, such as restaurants and bars, will close, but schools and factories will remain open. President Emmanuel Macron said none of the coronavirus measures taken so far had worked. There are just six days to go before election day in the united states, with both donald trump and joe biden travelling from state to state to whip up last minute support. And still the major issue appears to be coronavirus. The Us Government scientific adviser, anthony fauci, has criticised president trumps rallies, telling the bbc they are bound to spread covid 19. Heres our north america correspondent, david willis. The worst Health Crisis in more than a century is driving americans to the polls in record numbers. 75 million had so far taken the opportunity to vote early and avoid cramming into crowded polling stations and there are still five more days to go. Among the early voters wasjoe biden. He and his wifejill cast their ballots in their home state of delaware and the democratic nominee properly took aim at his opponent, calling president trumps handling of the crisis an insult to its victims. We have lost more than 220,000 lives to this virus already, but this administration has given up. Over the weekend, the white house chief of staff, mark meadows, went on television and admitted that they have waved the white flag and declared surrender. He said, quote, we are not going to control the pandemic, end quote. The American People deserve so much better than this. In contrast to the more cautious approach of his rival, donald trump continues to campaign vigorously. Two events in the swing state of arizona, where relaxed rules on social distancing make rallies of this kind easier. In bullhead city, arizona, the president said that whilst he planned to kill the virus, his opponent would kill the american dream. Biden and the democrats, the socialists, will delay the vaccine, prolong the pandemic, shutter your schools and shut down our country. Booing. And your state is open, right . Your state is nice and open. Cheering and applause. Your state is nice and open. Such rallies continue to concern mr trumps own medical advisers, however, among them americas top Infectious Disease expert, dr anthony fauci. They are potentially super spreading events because in situations, historically, over the last months, we have seen that when you have a congregation of people not wearing masks, not being separate from each other, crowds, that clearly is a situation that will lead to outbreaks. Polls showed the majority of americans disapprove of president trumps handling of the pandemic and given the sudden surge in coronavirus cases here, it is the one issue that could determine the outcome of this election. Early turnouts traditionally tend to favour the democrats and joe biden continues to lead in the polls, but if we learnt anything from the president ial election four years ago, it is this, it does not do to take anything for granted. David willis, bbc news, los angeles. The number of redundancies planned for by British Employers last month reached close to record levels. Data released to the bbc after a freedom of information request shows that more than 1700 employers notified the government of plans to cut 20 or more posts. Thats close to the peak levels seen in june and july. Ben king reports. Sarah burridge from leicester was furloughed from herjob with an Asbestos Removal company in march. The government was paying most of her salary. In august, she was made redundant. The job market is pretty dire at the moment. I have been looking mainly at sort of office administration, which is where i had come from, but there is very, very little out there and what is out there there are so many applicants for it. June saw nearly 1900 employers notify government of redundancy plans and july saw nearly as many, according to figures obtained by the bbc. There was a brief lull in august, but in september, numbers were back up to 1734, with 82,000 jobs put at risk. Oxford street is normally bustling with early christmas shoppers at this time of year, but 2020 is different. The coronavirus is back. Retail is one of the sectors that has been hit the hardest and that is one reason why so Many Employers have had to make redundancies. I think todays figures are pretty concerning, because we had seen numbers starting to fall last month and they do appear to be ticking up again now. I think if we see next months figures rising, that will give us a pretty clear idea that firms are letting people go with the end of furlough. Furlough is due to end in two days time and the chancellor, rishi sunak has introduced a partial replacement for it, called the job support scheme. 8 of the workforce are still on furlough and next months redundancy figures will show whether the government has done enough to save theirjobs. Ben king, bbc news. Bobby ball, one half of the comedy double act cannon and ball, has died at the age of 76. His death comes after he tested positive for covid 19. His stage partner and long time friend, tommy cannon, says he is devastated by the news. The comedian, actor and author had been in hospital with breathing problems. He said, ive lost my partner, my best friend, and the funniest man i know. One of the greatest ever welsh rugby players, jj williams, has died at the age of 72. Theres a chance here. Jj williams must score. He was a member of the lions squad that earned a famous victory over south africa in 1974 and helped wales to four five nations titles, including two grand slams, during the 19705. He was also a National Sprint champion and represented wales at the Commonwealth Games on the track. Over the last few months weve been following the story of six year old tony hudgell, who has raised almost £1. 5 million for evelina london childrens hospital, which saved his life when he was a baby. Inspired during lockdown by captain sir tom, tony walked ten kilometres on his prosthetic legs and crutches injust 30 days. Hes now been awarded a pride of britain award for his fundraising. Here he is with his family, explaining how and why he did it. I saw him walk with his, you know, with his thing, and i said, i can do that. And i did do it. We set up the fundraising challenge where we would walk every day ofjune, hoping to reach ten kilometres. I wanted to raise money for my hospital, who saved my life. Are you ready . Lets go we knew this was going to be tough. Good boy, keep going. Not only had he never walked before, he has a permanently dislocated hip, so this was a massive, massive challenge. There were days that we could see he was tired and he didnt want to go out for the walk, but the determination kicked in and he didnt want to let anyone down. Tony received his pride of britain award at hamleys toy store in london. His mother has been explaining what happened. There was two dressed up nutcrackers, wasnt there, tony . And they started to move, which at first frightened tony and then they spoke, but they tried to change their accent but straight away tony realised it was ant and dec, didnt you . He was so excited. His little face just totally lit up and he was absolutely over the moon. I mean, he idolises them, so it was really, really special. And itjust shows, you know, tonys life is difficult as well. This week, 48 hours ago, he was under a general anaesthetic as well, so his treatment is ongoing and will be for the rest of his life, and, you know,

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