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Against south africa. And Coming Up In World Athletics Sportsday on bbc news. There are more british medal hopes on the fourth day of these championships including laura muir in the 1500 metres final. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. A new law for the digital age thats our top story tonight. Were all spending more time online and whether its for business or pleasure it Means Companies are collecting a vast amount of information about us, some of it quite personal. Now the government is proposing legislation that will give us a right to see what Companies Know about us and in some cases force them to erase it. As our Technology Correspondent Rory Cellan Jones reports, the new law would bring the uk in line with the rest of the eu. Your data, a valuable resource flowing around the world giving companies and governments all kinds of intimate details about how you live your life. Now a new law is supposed to give us all more control. The law is an opportunity to keep up with the changing technology. Companies will have more accountability and consumers will have more control. The new law includes a right to be forgotten, making it easier to find out what Data Companies hold on you and get ita Data Companies hold on you and get it a race. There will be an end to tick boxes on websites which often see consumers handing over data by default and the Data Watchdog will be able to find up to £70 million for companies, or 4 of the global turnover. The new law is almost entirely based on a major new European Data protection regulation that comes in next may. It is designed to tackle the power of the giant firms which draw our information. We are now leaving a data trail wherever we go, turn on your mobile phone and you could be uploading your Exercise Details or even your dating preferences. Get on Public Transport with a travel card and there will be a log of every journey that you make. And pay with a card in a shop or online and even more information about what you like and how you live will end up in the hands of big companies. It is social networks which now hold much of our most sensitive data. In future it should be easier to wipe away things we would rather forget. Should be easier to wipe away things we would ratherforget. Though exactly how much power the new law gives individuals is not clear. Exactly how much power the new law gives individuals is not clearlj think it is a start, it puts a line in the sand certainly to say individuals, their personal data, it gives the sense of control and that is essential for trust and for the protection of a very fundamental right of privacy. Whether or not it will achieve that objective is another thing. Our data is in the hands of all kinds of companies, big and small. All of them have now got to get to grips with very complex new rules or face the threat of big fines. North korea says it will make america pay the price, for leading the International Condemnation of its missile and Nuclear Weapons programme. Over the weekend, the Un Security Council voted unanimously to impose sanctions against the country for carrying out repeated missile tests. Those tests have increased tensions in the region. Rupert Wingfield Hayes has had rare access to a Us Military Base on the border with north korea. Aircraft radio. A relic of the cold war, on the last cold war frontier. Just after dawn, im riding the chase car as a us spy plane heads out on a classified mission. The pilot will climb to 70,000 feet, and from there, Peer Deep Into north korea. Our mission is to provide the capability for our leadership to see whats going on before anybody else. Were up there every single day to deter the north koreans from deciding one day they can get away with something. Speaks in korean. From across the border tonight, fresh threats. North korean State Tv Warning the us it will pay 1000 times for its crime of imposing new economic sanctions on pyongyang. Meeting in manila with chinas foreign minister, the us Secretary Of State again called on pyongyang to return to the negotiating table. The best signal that north korea could give us that theyre prepared to talk would be to stop these missile launches. Here in south korea at the 51st fighter wing, they continue to hope for the best, whilst preparing for the worst. Everybody weve spoken to here agrees that another conflict on the Korean Peninsula would be an utter disaster for everybody. That hundreds of thousands of people would die. But they also say the best way of stopping it happening is to be ready. And thats why these guys practice and practice and practice so that kim jong un knows that if he tries to attack the south, there will be an overwhelming and immediate response. I hope that north korea calculates correctly and realises that. So obviously, everyone on this side, and i believe north korea does as well. No one wants war. Everyone wants deterrents to work. Should deterrents fail, though, we have to be ready to go. As these 8ns roll down the runway for another practice flight, they are just 48 miles from the north korean border. The same distance as london to brighton. In south korea, the enemy is never far away. Rupert Wingfield Hayes, bbc news, the 0san air base, south korea. Jeremy corbyn returned from holiday today to begin three weeks of campaigning across the country but on his first day back hes been facing questions about events abroad. When asked about violence in venezuela, he said he condemned it but failed to specifically criticise the countrys president. Nicolas maduro has been Accused Ofjailing opposition leaders, rigging a recent election and presiding over months of protests in which more than a hundred people have been killed, many at the hands of the security forces. Vicki young reports. Applause. Back from holiday and back on the campaign trail. Jeremy corbyn says he and his party were written off but proved people wrong. He hopes this summer tour of britain will build on the progress made in the election, and he will focus once again on public services. Its no good congratulating firefighters, paramedics, police officers, for running into a burning building as they did at grenfell tower, and then denying them the proper reward of decent wages and job security in the future. Enough of this hypocrisy, pay them properly and fund the services properly. Applause. Mr corbyn insiss hes the only leader offering a message of hope to voters. The next general election isnt due for almost five years but westminster has been a volatile place recently and Jeremy Corbyn says he wants to be ready for the unexpected. Labours identified dozens of seats where they believe they can beat the conservatives next time round. And Officials Say mr corbyn is now in Permanent Campaign mode. But its Events Thousands of miles away in venezuela that some want the Labour Leader to talk about. A disputed vote has given president maduros Ruling Socialist Party more powers. Violent protests have left over 100 dead. Would he now condemn president maduro after voicing support for him in the past . What i condemn is the violence that has been done by any side, by all sides, in this. Violence is not going to solve the issue. The issues in venezuela are partly structural because not enough has been done to diversify the economy away from oil. That has to be a priority for the future. But critics say mr corbyn needs to go much further than that. Well, iwould hope he would first of all condemn completely the dictatorial tendencies of the regime. And accept that whats seen ten or 15 years ago as a role model has actually failed, let alone apply that kind of system to the uk. The Labour Leader is back where he feels comfortable, addressing enthusiastic supporters. Over the next few weeks though his aim is to win over those who voted conservative two months ago. Vicki young, bbc news, crawley. Police have named a one Year Old Girl who died when a Car Hit A Wall in merthyr tydfill. Pearl melody black was killed yesterday when the unoccupied range rover rolled down a hill and struck a wall. In a statement her parents described her as The Brightest Of Stars and that her death had left A Massive Hole in their hearts. Couples struggling to start a family face a Postcode Lottery when trying to get Ivf Treatment on the nhs in england. Thats according to the Charity Fertility network uk it says that in several areas theres been a cut in the number of ivf cycles offered or a reduction in the age at which women qualify for the treatment. Our Health Editor hugh pym is here. Is this about clinicaljudgment or driven by money . It seems to be money, nhs Clinical Commissioning Groups in england who pay for a local health care say the nhs does not have unlimited resources and theyre making not have unlimited resources and they re making difficult not have unlimited resources and theyre making difficult decisions every day, balancing the needs of the individual against those of the entire local population. Weve known about these restrictions to idf for some time but the trend seems to have accelerated and in england, of 209 of these groups, 129 will offer just one cycle of ivf and five of them will not provide anything at all. Even though the clinical regulator says there should be pretty full cycles of ivf offered to women up to the age of a0. Some groups now are restricting it to those below the age of 35. Doctor said patients are being let down and left devastated and vulnerable and having to pay for ivf themselves if they can to pay for ivf themselves if they ca n afford to pay for ivf themselves if they can afford it. In contrast the Nhs In Scotland offers three full cycles of ivf and in wales it is too and in Northern Ireland one. Thank you very much. One of scotland yards most Senior Officers has defended the governments controversial Counter Terrorism programme known as prevent. Commander dean haydon has accused parts of the Muslim Community of not wanting the programme to work. He said criticism of prevent was based on ignorance. He was speaking to nomia iqbal, from the bbcs asian network. Four Terror Attacks in three months. Its made some people question whether the goverments key strategy to stop people from being radicalised is working. The programme, called prevent, has been accused of being toxic and stigmatising muslims. But scotland yards most senior Counterterrorism Officer has defended it. Some of the criticisms coming from sections of the community that dont, for a variety of different reasons, political or otherwise, just dont want prevent to work in the first place. Thats based on sometimes ignorance, that they dont understand properly how prevent works. Prevent has been around for nearly 15 years. Teachers, parents and faith leaders refer people they are suspicious about to a local prevent team. Latest figures show there were around 7,500 referrals last year. And of those, action was taken on one in ten cases. Those involved in the prevent programme say its work deals with a range of threats across society, including far right extremism. But some have criticised it as an attack on muslims, and are not convinced by the way the programme is being run. Critics say prevent is not transparent enough about what it does. I think we need the community buying. It needs to be community led. We need to make sure that its focused on safeguarding. So everybody feels confident, right from the beginning, that prevent is not about spying, not about undermining a particular community, but it is about safeguarding vulnerable individuals and keeping us all safe. Thats something everyone agrees on. But critics are calling for an independent review of the programme. And there is concern that until that happens, prevent will continue to generate mistrust and fear among some communities. Nomia iqbal, bbc news. And you can hear the full interview with commander dean haydon, speaking to Nomia Iqbal On the bbcs asian network. Thats in the big debate, live at the met police. Their personal information online. And still to come. Jodie whittaker gives her first broadcast interview about being named as the new doctor who. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. With all of the latest reports, results, interviews and features from the bbc sports centre. Sickle cell disease is the most common and Fastest Growing genetic Blood Disorder in the uk. The nhs says the condition, which can cause extreme pain and life threatening infections, affects 15,000 people in britain, mainly people of African Caribbean and mediterranean origin. More than 300 babies are born each year with the condition. Children living with sickle cell are several hundred times more likely to have a stroke. But experimental therapy could bring a glimmer of hope. Colleen harris went to meet two young people whose lives have been afflicted by the disease. A full and active life of sport. Everyday things ten year old matthew loves. But with sickle cell disease, that fun can come with a world of pain. I mostly have Abdominal Pain on my right or my left side. It feels like a needle is inside your stomach. Feels like a fire is inside of you. So then you dont want to do anything, you just want to have, you just want to rest and hope it goes away. Matthew come for your medication, sweetheart. Around 300 children are born with sickle cell every year. And a stroke is 250 times more common in a child with the Sickle Cell Disorder. Thats one of the worries for matthews mum, whos been dealing with his illness since he was six months old. Hes very brave, hes a little fighter, like i always say. He makes me proud of him so much. Its just too much for him. You know, its emotionally breaking him down. So, what is Sickle Cell Disorder . In a healthy person, Red Blood Cells are usually smooth and round. They carry oxygen through the body. But when you have sickle cell, some cells are abnormally shaped. Theyre stiff and sticky, and can clump together. That then blocks blood flow, restricting oxygen to the limbs and organs. 20 Year Old University student daniel has survived five strokes caused by sickle cell. He had his first at the age of six. He told me what he remembered. I couldnt push myself to do anything, even if i tried. So ijust sort of stayed in bed, and i think my mum found something was strange and lifted up my hand, and it would completely drop down like i cant hold it up. The next thing i remember is just my brother carrying me into an ambulance. So what hope is there for daniel, matthew, and thousands of others . Doctors are hopeful that gene therapy will eventually reverse sickle cell. But its still in the early stages of development, and there are talks to start trials in the uk. The exciting thing thats happened recently is that one child in france has been successfully treated with gene therapy where the bone marrow is taken from the child and then the bone marrow is repaired in the laboratory. But its hopeful that having done it successfully once, this will then expand quite quickly to be more widely available. For matthew, those are hopes to hold on to, for a chance of a healthy life. Colleen harris, bbc news. A british woman has been shot and wounded in brazil after accidentally driving into a poor neighbourhood controlled by drug gangs. Eloise dixon was travelling with her partner and their three children in a Popular Coastal Area near rio de janeiro. Their car was attacked after they took a wrong turn, and she was shot twice. Shes reported to have responded well to surgery, and is said to be conscious and talking. A 20 year old british model who says she was kidnapped and held for nearly a week in italy has returned to the uk. Chloe ayling says she feared for her life. Italian Police Believe the model was attacked and drugged before attempts were made to sell her in an online auction. A polish man who lives in the uk has been arrested. Gavin lee reports from milan. Held captive inside this isolated italian farmhouse. The bizarre and elaborate Kidnap Allegation centres on how 20 year old model chloe ayling, from south london, was duped into leaving the uk for a photoshoot in milan. Once inside this fake studio, she is said to have been snatched by three men and injected with the drug ketamine. Unconscious, she was bundled into this bag, placed in the boot of a car and driven away. While chloe ayling was held captive in this house behind me, the Police Statement says she was tied to furniture, a chest of drawers, whilst the kidnappers tried to sell her on the dark web, and then raise a ransom. The hideout is surrounded by abandoned houses, with only one person nearby. Translation first of all i saw this english man, this english painter. But before that, there was this mercedes. Then, one day, a volvo arrived. The mercedes disappeared, but they kept the volvo. Italian Authorities Say chloe ayling was eventually released by one of her captors, and driven to the british consulate in milan. Lukasz herba, a polish National Living in the west midlands, has been arrested in connection with kidnap and extortion. Chloe ayling is now back in the uk. Shes spoken briefly to reporters. Ive been through a terrifying experience. I feared for My Life Second By second, minute by minute, hour by hour. I am incredibly grateful to the italian and uk authorities for all they have done to secure my safe release. Milan is a magnet for aspiring models, where the dangers of unscrupulous agencies have long been clear. But this rare case has shocked and baffled investigators here, still trying to piece together exactly what happened. Gavin lee, bbc news, milan. Its britains busiest station, but almost half the platforms at London Waterloo are now shut due to major upgrade works. Network rail says the closures are necessary to improve services. Emma simpson is there. Emma, it still looks busy behind you. It is busy, george, but the trains have been replaced by Noisy Diggers in this part of waterloo. This is possibly the biggest and most complex engineering that this Train Station has seen in a century. Ten platforms are closed until august 29, the day after the bank holiday. That is practically half the station. It is going to involve around 1000 engineers and on site workers doing shifts around the clock. What they are basically doing, i dont know if you can see it, is extending the platforms to allow longer trains. This will eventually mean an extra a5,000 passengers will be able to go to and from waterloo during rush hour every day. Thats the game. But the pain is big disruption. But for months now, the real bosses have been urging passengers to work from home, find alternative routes, even go on holiday. They do seem to be heeding that. Because we have had no payoffs today. One commuter said it was the best to meet the dive had. It was so quiet on the trains today. The best commute the dive had. We will have to see how things develop over the coming weeks. The big question is, will they get all of this done on time . Emma, thank you. Cricket now, and england have won the fourth and final test against south africa at old trafford. They won by 177 runs, and have now won the series 3 1. Patrick gearey reports from old trafford. Day four, the morning after the downpour before. Difficult for england to predict how long old trafford would stay dry. But they knew one day like this thats clear could see them right. Commentator well they just went into their shell. Bell rings. Last orders for south africa this series score 380 to win. Unlikely. The rain was a temporary protection. Once it passed, before lunch, dean elgar was defenceless. His opening partner could be his early dining partner. Heino kuhn also couldnt make the break. Bavuma went, too. But in hashim amla, south africa have one of the few players in world cricket capable of endurance batting. It took technology to end englands frustration. They called for it, believing amla lbw. If his bat had touched ball, he was safe. The umpire decided he hadnt. 0ut. Was that the moment south africa knew they were done . De kock, departed. Sent on their way by moeen ali. Captain du plessis could only watch. Then eventually follow. James anderson got him. Moeen wrapped it up. Stealing a series win that will make this winters opponents, australia, sit up and watch. England are not perfect, but this was looking like a beautiful day. Patrick gearey, bbc news, manchester. The new doctor who, jodie whittaker, says its incredible and emotional to be the first woman to play the time lord. In her first broadcast interview since being announced in the role, she praised the fans, who she says have been very welcoming toward her. She said she missed much of the bus because shes not on social media. Much of the bars. She was speaking to our entertainment correspondent, lizo mzimba. She was only unveiled as the leader to three weeks ago. Response from most fans, overwhelmingly positive. Many now dressing to impress as their new heroin, the 13th doctor, and friends. Laughter 0h, laughter oh, its amazing wheres that . Is that at comic con . That is brilliant, she is the first woman to be cast in the role. The show well, in an accomplished tv and stage performer, many also welcoming the important symbols. I hope my gender is not a feel for thing for the fans. Because in this world particularly, there arent rules, and thats a great thing, you know. So, hopefully, hopefully, everyone is as excited as i am. Why the hell are you here . She managed to keep our Casting Secret for weeks, a usual discipline for the role she was filming at the time. A Nurse Employer is noting a doctor, in a drama, trust me. Bhogle are you sure about this . Playing a fake doctor, hiding that she had been cast as the doctor, shooting trust me proved the perfect diversion. It was brilliant, actually. The distraction of how full on this was an busquets to all for that was epic. It was a complete, you know, i could not. Split my attention in any way. So i wasnt at home tempted to kind of text a nyo ne wasnt at home tempted to kind of text anyone and tell anyone, because i was on set all day. She wont take over from Peter Capaldi on i was on set all day. She wont take overfrom Peter Capaldi on doctor who until the end of this final story at christmas. So far she has loved by support from fans. Its been hugely positive. That is a wonderful way to start this massive journey. For the rest of your life as well, its one of the only role is you cant really say, you are that character for ever. She has proved she can keep secrets in real life. 0ver proved she can keep secrets in real life. Over the next four weeks, millions will see how was she does it on screen, before she swaps one doctor role for another. These as before we go twin panda cubs in austria have been celebrating their first birthday by attempting to unwrap their presents. The pair, fu feng and fu ban, were given a selection of gifts containing Sweet Potatoes and carrots. Their mother tried to help the pair get into the boxes, but one of the twins got distracted with a stick of bamboo. Time for a look at the weather. Heres ben rich. Not too many gifts from the weather, not too many gifts from the weather, not even sweep the papers and carrot a bit of sunshine if you are on the right place at the right time Sweet Potatoes. This picture ca ptu res Sweet Potatoes. This picture captures it nicely from our Weather Watcher in leeds. We will see some spells of rain at times, generally old weather will feel pretty cool. You can see on the satellite picture, a mixture of sunshine and showers across Northern Ireland, scotla nd showers across Northern Ireland, scotland and northern england, heavy showers in southern parts of scotland. Further south we have had more proud and outbreaks of rain. This will continue, this line of cloud and sporadic outbreaks of rain, not moving fast through the night. The Odd Heavy Burst up towards lincolnshire and east anglia. Not a predict we cold night in the south east. But towards the north and the west, out in the countryside, especially across scotland, sunspots could get down to one or 2 degrees. Yes, it is august this Weather Chart does not look like one you would want to see in august, either. A slow moving weather front, this area august, either. A slow moving weatherfront, this area of low pressure trying to roll its way in through the near continent. What it means is that there will be a lot of cloud with outbreaks of rain, heavy, Thundery Rain is working its way in across parts of the south east and east anglia later in the day, that could cause us but problems. In the north west, Northern Ireland and scotland, again the best of the sunshine. There shouldnt be too many showers. Temperatures are little disappointing, 16 20d. Fairly poor conditions for the rush hour across many parts of england and wales tomorrow evening. Into wednesday, noticed the rain hasnt moved very. During the day we squashed the wet weather into the south eastern corner. Some heavy bursts that could cause problems. Not too bad in the north west with spells of sunshine, 17 19d. Most of us spells of sunshine, 17 19d. Most of us should be dry on thursday, but on friday, more Rain Spreading from the west and blustery winds as well. Thats all from the bbc news at six. So its goodbye from me, and on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Bowie hello. This is bbc news. The headlines the right to be forgotten under a new law, Social Media Firms will be required to delete information about their users when asked to do so. North korea vows to make the us pay a price for Drafting Fresh Un Sanctions over its banned Nuclear Weapons programme. The Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has criticised the violence on all sides in venezuela, but stopped short of condemning the countrys leader, president maduro. Theres new evidence on how the nhs is cutting back on Ivf Treatment in parts of england. A a6 year old mother named as eloise dixon from kent is recovering in hospital after being shot while she was travelling with her family in a car while on holiday in brazil. In a moment, it will be time for sportsday, but first, a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news

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