Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20170219 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20170219

to go through to the last eight of the competition. the fa cup quarter—final draw takes place tonight. after 7:00am, we will ask the managing director of lincoln city what it was like for him watching that historic win. and darren has the weather. good morning. as well as a giant snowdrop, we've got some springlike temperatures in the next few days. but it comes with a lot of cloud. the best of the sunshine in the east. more details a little later. good morning. first, our main story: thousands of prison officers in london and south—east england are to get a pay increase of between £3,000 and £5,000. ministers have made the offer to try to boost recruitment and retain workers injails, which are under severe pressure from violence and staff shortages. but the prison officers association says it is a divisive quick fix, and specialist and more experienced staff won't benefit. our home affairs correspondent tom symonds reports. they are on the frontline of the troubled prison service. their numbers have been falling in recent yea rs. numbers have been falling in recent years. now, the government is putting in place a £12 million pay offer to keep them in theirjobs and attract new people. but only officers in 31 presence in london and the south—east, including this one in wandsworth, will benefit. they are the jails under most pressure, struggling to maintain staff. the offer is for standard grade three prison officers, not more senior supervisors or specialist. each will receive at least £3000. the pay package for new recruits will be boosted by £5,000, to attract them into the job. but the prison officers association believes this offer won't satisfy its members. they are going to welcome additional money for our members, of course we are. but we don't think this goes far enough to solving the present crisis. we believe it needs to be national issue. we won't properly consulted on this either, so we believe if the secretary of state wants to make these arbitrary decisions on pay, they should consult us fully and we can point out the inconsistencies and problems that will arise as a result of this policy. the government is also increasing training, vital if it is to deal with the growing threats to order behind bars. mental health issues, along with what ministers describe as drugs and drones. some breaking news in the past hour: the iraqi prime minister says an operation has begun to retake the western part of the city of mosul from islamic state militants. it is the last major is stronghold in iraq. government forces started their offensive in october, and last month secured the eastern part of the city after weeks of fierce fighting. the united nations has urged all parties in the conflict to do everything they can to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in the area. 0ur correspondent quentin somerville is with the iraqi troops who are preparing to do battle in the narrow streets of western mosul. in the distance, american aircraft have been launching air strikes against the outskirts of western mosul. large rooms have been sounding all morning and around me, the tanks and armoured vehicles of the tanks and armoured vehicles of the armed response division. special forces are getting ready to move over the area in front of me and began the assault on western mosul, the last remaining city here in iraq thatis the last remaining city here in iraq that is still in the hands of the so—called islamic state. these men are not expecting an easy day of it, as this battle begins, because they know from drone footage that the islamic state are deeply embedded. they have dug tunnels into the surrounding villages that lie just before western mosul‘s outskirts, and before the city's airport. they are also expecting to face suicide car bombs. but as you can perhaps here behind me, the men are in an ebullient mood is this battle gets under way. that was quentin sommerville, who is embedded with the iraqi troops who are preparing to do battle in western mosul. president trump has made a robust defence of his first four weeks in office, and insisted that a new spirit of optimism is sweeping the us. speaking to supporters at an airport hangar in florida, he repeated his campaign pledges to create jobs and improve the nation's security. first lady melania trump opened the rally with the lord's prayer, and promised that she would always tell the truth to the american people. i will always stay true to myself, and be truthful to you, no matter what the opposition is saying about me. let us pray. 0urfather, who art in heaven... mr trump again turned his fire on the media, accusing it of being dishonest about his administration. the dishonest media, which has published one false story after another, with no sources, even though they pretend they have them, they make them up, in many cases. the boss of sainsbury‘s has joined the growing row over the re—evaluation of business rates, the commercial version of council tax. the supermarket‘s chief executive, mike coupe, says changes being introduced to reflect the value of property could leave high streets facing serious challenges and closures, while internet operations could see their bills cut. simonjones reports. big changes ahead for businesses. for the first time in seven years, rates are being updated in april in line with property values, with prices rising strongly in the south—east but falling sharply in less prosperous regions, there will be some dramatic differences. some businesses seen increases of 400%. sainsbury‘s will see its bill rise to around £500 million, up from £483 million, while analysts predict internet giant amazon will have its business rate bill cut at the majority of its out—of—town warehouses. the boss of sainsbury‘s, mike coupe, isn't happy. mike coupe says businesses like he's won, with lots of property and employees, faced a bigger burden than online only retailers. he is calling for a fundamental reform of the system, which he describes as archaic. what is needed, he says, is a level playing field to reflect the changing retail landscape. business rates affect 1.8 5 million properties in england alone. they are set to raise £23.5 billion for the treasury this year. the government says 920,000 businesses will see their bills go down. 420,000 will stay the same. to make the sums add up, more than 500,000 will see bills go up. rates in scotla nd will see bills go up. rates in scotland and wales are being reassessed. northern ireland won't getan reassessed. northern ireland won't get an overhaul for another few yea rs. get an overhaul for another few years. in england, the government says the changes will be phased in, and more will benefit than lose out. the biggest storm to hit california for several years has left at least four people dead and around 150,000 homes without power. giant sinkholes appeared in some roads. a fire crew managed to get out of this engine before it was swallowed on the main motorway from los angeles to las vegas. this was another sinkhole in studio city, where a woman was rescued from the roof of her car, moments before a second empty vehicle was swallowed up. the former boxer michael watson has been injured during an attempt to steal his car in london. mr watson, who is 51 and partially disabled, had a substance sprayed in his face, and was dragged along the road. he and a friend are recovering at home. the police have appealed for information. the rspca has begun an investigation after as many as 1,800 day—old chicks were found dumped in a field in south lincolnshire. the charity was alerted after members of the public spotted the chicks near crowland yesterday. people in the area helped round the birds up into boxes, and a breeder collected the survivors. it is not yet known who abandoned the chicks. we will take a look through the front pages of the papers. various stories dominating, though i have to say, let's get it out of the way first of all, lincoln city's glorious win in the fa cup making the front page, the first nonleague side to make it through to the top eight in over 100 years. he is a burnley supporter. 0nly were defeated at the lastgasp, at 1—0. their lead story talks about an alleged trojan horse what in 0ldham, alleged trojan horse what in 0ldham, a head teacher concerned about plans to ta ke a head teacher concerned about plans to take over her school. many congratulations to lincoln. a brilliant effort. 0n the observer, chaos looming for eu citizens who hope to stay in britain. the problem is we don't know who is here and we don't really have a system to say who should go back from whence they have come. the paper does actually say that it is widely assumed that atan say that it is widely assumed that at an early stage of the article 50 negotiations, that is the formal process to withdraw, of course, that they will agree a cut—off date after which foreigners will not have an automatic right to remain here. the front page of the sunday express, the headline says my mummy is drunk, please read to me. children calling a helpline to be read bedtime stories because their alcoholic pa rents a re stories because their alcoholic parents are too drunk to take them up parents are too drunk to take them up in bed. this is according to the national association for children of alcoholics who received 32,000 calls and e—mails from children last year. you will remember a big security conference in munich yesterday, and the eastern europeans were talking about the threat from russia. the sunday telegraph has the extraordinary story that there was a kremlin plot to overthrow the government of montenegro last year. the plot was foiled only hours before it was due to be carried out. we are going to later in the programme be talking about a really interesting subject, and that is what is appropriate physical contact between a school teacher and a pupil, between a school teacher and a pupil, after a neurologist has come out and said actually depriving children of physical contact is a form of child abuse. lots of teachers groups of course saying that they can get into all sorts of problems. anything like a tap on the shoulder can be misconstrued these days and honestly there is a big difference between primary school and secondary schools. we will be talking about it with a neurologist who said this a bit later on and also to a teacher representative, but we would like to hear your thoughts on it. you can e—mail us. particularly if you're a teacher or a parent, what do you think about it? you can tweet us as well, using the hashtag bbc breakfast. interesting to see what teachers make of it, because there is a lot of risk when you start touching pupils. you are watching breakfast. the main stories this morning: thousands of prison officers atjails in london and south—east england are to receive a pay rise of between £3,000 and £5,000, in a new drive to boost staffing levels. donald trump has defended the achievements of his presidency so far, and reiterated many of his campaign pledges at a rally in florida. also coming up in the programme: tripping the light fantastic. the click team are looking at how projectors are offering us a new way of seeing and interacting with the world around us. and darren is here with a look at this morning's weather. i did not put my heating on at all. i didn't quite get out for a sunday but it was fairly mild yesterday.” quite get out for a sunday but it was fairly mild yesterday. i don't think you will be sunbathing very much over the weekend. it will not be as mild as it is at the moment, it feels like spring is just around the corner. but sunshine will be limited again today. we have a lot of cloud which is spilling our way, tending to come in from the atlantic. and that cloud will be lowering and thickening as the day goes on across the western side of the uk in particular. further east the uk in particular. further east the cloud is somewhat thicker and it isa the cloud is somewhat thicker and it is a misty start in the south—east of england, chilly in one or two faces as well. it should warm up quite nicely. a fair bit of cloud as we had through the morning, a little bit of rain and drizzle beginning to come in western parts of wales, and you can see breaks in the cloud and sunshine developing in the fans, and in the lincolnshire, the eastern side of the pennines as well. across northern ireland and in the western scotla nd northern ireland and in the western scotland that brings a little bit of drizzle —— the fens. as you can imagine, with westerly winds, the best of the sunshine will be across more sheltered eastern parts of scotla nd more sheltered eastern parts of scotland and eastern england for a time, and maybe into the welsh marches as well. around the coast it will be grey and misty and there will be grey and misty and there will be grey and misty and there will be more drizzle arriving from mid—morning onwards. temperature is reasonable for the time of year, a mild day with 11 or 12 being fairly typical. cloud for most of us during the day, wet weather arriving in the north—west of scotland will push its way down across many parts of the country, the rain becoming lighter as it heads towards the south—east of the uk. some wet and windy weather arriving in the north—east of scotla nd weather arriving in the north—east of scotland later. look at these temperatures, this is what we expect during the daytime. nine or ten overnight is extremely mild and all this mild air is coming from a long way south, from the tropics, and it is heading our way but probably only briefly between these two dense of rain here. this could be heavy in scotla nd rain here. this could be heavy in scotland and northern ireland, living down in the northern england and eventually into northern wales. sunshine behind it. gusty winds for eastern scotland, eastern parts of england, gusts of 50 miles an hour ata england, gusts of 50 miles an hour at a very mild day, especially across the southern half of the uk, where we may find temperatures to the mid— teens. as the week goes on it is properly going to turn less mild. it will feel a bit colder, especially as the wind strengthens, and by the end of the week it could be very windy across many parts of the uk. poetry‘s normally associated with the written word, but a new project is giving walkers the chance to hear six new verses as they make their way around northumberland's national park. poems in the air was the brainchild of poet simon armitage. people can access his work at certain locations via an app on their phones. alison freeman went to see if she could track them down. wind out of the south—west scalped the ridge, careened up the spine of the ridge, careened up the spine of the hill, and over the ramparts between cairns. even on good days, the boulders appear with toothache. words to reward the hardiest of walkers on the bleakest of days. northumberland national park has worked with acclaimed british poet simon armitage to create £6 which can only be heard via an app using gps at the places which inspired them. and on a day like this, when them. and on a day like this, when the visibility is not so good, they can help to bring the landscape to life. starting to show that we are getting really near the point where the pinwill unlock. we are at this one. we are doing the proposal stone. why is it you can't hear them until you get near the place? well, that was the poet, simon armitage, he really liked the idea of phones that do not really exist, they are not written down everywhere. simon was inspired, and looking around you, listening to the words and going, yeah, i get it, i can see what he is writing about here. so it is kind of like your personal performance, i guess? exactly, it is like it is right next to you. this plan is about the proposal stone at a point in the park called simon side, discovered by a range of five yea rs side, discovered by a range of five years ago, it bears a neatly inscribed marriage proposal. starnes next to me now on this altar stone, it is threshold just one stop from the rest of our lives. you have got 360 degrees views. it is a special place. and we have other stones on simon side that are carved, names and dates etc, but this was just that bit different. you know, somebody had gone to the bother of edging it into the stone, what i thought was quite something. who carved the stone remains a mystery, and the park is keen to know if they ever made it down the aisle. now all of england has gone down on one knee, listening, hoping you will say yes. the hike to each home is fairly long, and walkers are recommended to seek them out on different days. that was quite soothing. yeah, it was lovely. we will be back with a summary of today's news at 6:30am. now it's time for the film review with mark kermode and jane hill. hello, and welcome to the film review on bbc news. to take us through this week's cinema releases, as ever, is mark kermode. it's a pretty good week. yes, we are still in award season. we have hidden figures, a different look at the space race. we have the great wall in which matt damon goes head to head with crazy monsters. and moonlight, for my money, one of the best films i've seen this year. let's start with hidden figures. true story, fascinating story. please tell me it's good. it is good, yes. there is a pun in the title. the hidden figures are both the hidden mathematical equations needed to get a man into space and also the hidden people used in making it happen. it's tag lined meet the women you don't know behind the mission you do. it's based on the story of african—american women working in nasa in the early 1960s on the mathematical formula necessary to do the space race. the three main characters are all struggling to be recognised for their talent, both at work and at home. here's a clip. pastor mentioned you're a computer at nasa. pretty heavy stuff. yes, it is. they let women handle that sort of...? that's not what i mean. what do you mean? i'm just surprised that something so taxing... mrjohnson, if i were you i'd quit talking right now. i mean no disrespect. i will have you know i was the first negro female student at west virginia graduate school. on any given day i analysed levels for aerial displacement, friction and velocity. and compute over 10,000 calculations by hand. so, yes, they let women do some things at nasa, mrjohnson. and it's not because we wear skirts, it's because we wear glasses. i mean, it's a really likeable film and tells a story i had't heard before, a celebration of people breaking down barriers of race and gender. a terrific performance from kevin costner as the head of the space task force who just wants to do the job done whatever it takes. what i like about it is it's a broad strokes film and the complexity is left for the equations, but it knows how to engage the audience and get them involved with the characters and how to tell this uplifting story. also, how to make the solving of these equations actually exciting. it is quite difficult to make someone solving equations on a blackboard look exciting, and they do it well. the performances are very likeable and it's one of those films that manages to take a true story and tells it in a way that's engaging. it has you rooting for the main characters. it is eye opening and a story i did not know before. you might have heard it before, but i confess i didn't. it does it really well and in a way that i think‘s really crowd pleasing. you will come out of it with a skip in your step feeling uplifted. it's a really well told story. because it's notjust lecturing about the sexism and racism? no, it absolutely isn't. it's telling it in a way that engages you with the characters. it is very, very broad strokes, but done so in a way where it knows when to use sentimentality or melodrama and clear, dramatic invention and does it rather well. it's really very entertaining which is what you need a mainstream film to be to draw in the audiences. the great wall... laughter oh dear, you're already laughing! the most expensive film ever made purely in china, i read. the tag line, 1700 years to build 500 miles long. what were they trying to keep out? so this is a spectacularly silly but spectacular film. imperial china. matt damon is a mercenary in search of magical black power but he discovers the wall was built to keep out out mythical creatures. he encountered one early on and he cut its hand off. everyone's very impressed that he defeated one of these beasts. so they think, let's get him involved in our fight. but will he join forces or end up trying to steal the magical powder? frankly, who cares. the thing with zhang yimou is he does know how to stage exciting set pieces and action sequences. however, my own opinion is that duncanjones in warcraft was doing some of this stuff rather better. plus, when we get to the final battle, it is essentially a rerun of a battle in lord of the rings, but with matt damon doing a dodgy accent. it's colourful, there are well choreographed sequences. but it is a piece of utter tomfoolery and it is rather long. oh, dear. well — on top. yes, you would have got away with it if it was slightly shorter. it probably isn't as long as it felt, itjust felt like a long film. that's a bad sign for any film. however, almost not long enough is moonlight. which i know you've seen as well. which we both loved. yes, it's just an astonishing work from director barryjenkins. a coming of age story about a young man growing up in a neighbourhood in miami, wrestling with poverty, identity, drugs, sexuality. sounds like a recipe for a downbeat neorealist film, but it is anything but. three actors play the central character and the chapters are identified by the names that he assumes or is given. in the first section, having been basically abandoned by his mother, who's a drug addict, he is befriended by a local dealer who you will recognise from the previous clip. let's take a look. what happened? huh? what happened? why you didn't come home like you were supposed to? huh? and who is you? nobody. i found him yesterday. i found him in a hole on 15th. yeah, that one. some boys chased him. he's scared more than anything. wouldn't tell me where he lived till this morning. well, thanks for seeing to him. he usually can take care of himself. he good that way. little man... just wonderful work, there. you know he is a drug dealer but is also a very paternal figure and becomes a role model to some extent. the film tells this story in a way which is poetic and beautiful, and understands that there is hardship in this life but also intense beauty. it is a very sensual film. a film in which the sound of the ocean is the backdrop to everything. there is the key sequence in which the young kid is taught to swim. it's just an ecstatic moment. the film has such command of the cinematic medium both in the way it uses imagery and music. the music is superb, from classical to original compositions to pop tunes, all blended together to take you inside the psychology of the characters. most importantly, it's a film which is really sympathetic to its central characters, which gives voice to characters which in other movies would be sidelined or stereotyped. i've seen it a couple of times now and the first time i saw it i was overwhelmed. the second time i spent a lot of it in tears because i found it so moving, so profoundly poetic and sympathetic. it is heartfelt, it has elements of tragedy in it, but also this really tactile sensuous feel to it. it's a remarkable second feature from barryjenkins. still only in his 30s, yes. terrifyingly talented. obviously it is a major awards contender and for my money the best film i saw this year. i was of course referring to last year, as it came out in america last year. i think it's a very important film, but also a wonderful piece of entertainment and a piece of art. everything, how it looks, sounds, how it's written. the fact you can feel the honesty and integrity. it's so authentic. please tell me you loved it as much as i did. i loved it and we know you loved it too. it's fantastic. that's the must watch this week. best out at the moment is the film that i think i said last week, even watching the trailer, "oh, my goodness". i almost lost the will to live watching it. moonlight is the best thing out, but also the best thing out is toni erdmann. three hour german comedy. a black comedy about father daughter estrangement. i know you said you hated the trailer. have you seen the film yet? sorry, still not yet. ignore the trailer and see the film. it's wonderful. i don't know why they're going to remake it in english. seems foolish. and for anyone who wants to watch a dvd? so there's this documentary by kirstenjohnson called camera person. she was the cinematographer on a number of films, for the likes of michael moore. she has taken outtake footage and put it together to make an odyssey of her career in which the stories around the side of the stories become the central story. it is a wonderful film about the responsibility of documentary making and how you can find beauty where you least expect it. it is very eye opening. called camera person — i think you will like it very much. i will give that a go. mark, thank you very much. as ever, good to see you, and see you next week. you can find more film reviews and news online. and you can catch up with all of our previous programmes of course on the bbc iplayer. that's it for this week. moonlight is the one to watch. goodbye. thousands of prison officers in london and south—east england are getting an immediate pay increase of between £3,000 and £5,000. ministers have made the offer to try to boost recruitment and retain workers injails, which are under severe pressure from violence and staff shortages. but the prison officers association says it is a divisive quick fix, and that specialist and more experienced staff won't benefit. were not doing anything in these latest announcements for those staff who have been imposed for years. there's nothing in those other grades, as well, that are struggling. there is a real recruitment problem in those areas as well so just focusing on one particular group is making it very divisive, and will cause animosity among some other stuff. —— staff. some breaking news in the past hour: the iraqi prime minister says an operation has begun to retake the western part of the city of mosul from islamic state militants. it is the last major is stronghold in iraq. government forces started their offensive in october, and last month secured the eastern part of the city, after weeks of fierce fighting. the united nations has urged all parties in the conflict to do everything they can to ensure the safety of civilians. they estimate there could be as many as 650,000 trapped in the area. president trump has made a robust defence of his first four weeks in office, and insisted that a new spirit of optimism is sweeping the us. speaking to supporters at an airport hangar in florida, he repeated his campaign pledges to create jobs and improve the nation's security. mr trump again turned his fire on the media, accusing it of being dishonest about his administration. the chief executive of sainsbury‘s has joined the growing row over the re—evaluation of business rates, the commercial version of council tax. mike coupe says changes being introduced to reflect the value of property could leave high streets facing serious challenges and closures, while internet operations could see their bills cut. the government says the majority of firms will pay the same or less. the biggest storm to hit california for several years has left at least four people dead and around 150,000 homes without power. giant sinkholes appeared in some roads. a fire crew managed to get out of this engine before it was swallowed on the main motorway from los angeles to las vegas. this was another sinkhole in studio city, where a woman was rescued from the roof of her car, moments before a second empty vehicle was swallowed up. we will speak to somebody from santa barbara ina we will speak to somebody from santa barbara in a short while about that extraordinary weather. the former boxer michael watson has been injured during an attempt to steal his car in london. mr watson, who is 51 and partially disabled, had a substance sprayed in his face and was dragged along the road. he and a friend are recovering at home. the police have appealed for information. the rspca has begun an investigation after as many as 1,800 day—old chicks were found dumped in a field in south lincolnshire. the charity was alerted after members of the public spotted the chicks near crowland yesterday. people in the area helped round the birds up into boxes, and a breeder collected the survivors. it is not yet known who abandoned the chicks. and we are in mourning after the fa cup. and we have our resident burnley fan on the sofa. as a neutral, what a great day of fa cup action. i don't think we were expected to be chelsea, but burnley should have been looking to beat these guys. lincoln city are into these guys. lincoln city are into the quarterfinals. the first time in over a century that a non—league side has made it through to the quarter—finals. lincoln city are the national league leaders, and they beat the premier league's burnley1—0, with a dramatic 89th—minute winner at turf moor. tim hague watched the action. ina in a competition famous for its shocks, this result was one of the greatest in history. nonleague lincoln city matching and beating burnley side who drew with premier league leaders chelsea last weekend. sean raggett, thought it was in! it is in! lincoln city take the lead with a minute to go. i am lost for words right now. that wasjust mad. i can't believe it. this is a special group of boys, and unreal, unreal. i didn't really know what to do with the celebration but a nonleague side into the quarterfinals, it is crazy. crazy, maybe, but true nonetheless. 81 league places separated these guys, but lincoln followed up wins over ipswich and brighton in the previous rounds with a strong start at turf moor and while the premier league tea m moor and while the premier league team had their own openings, it would become an increasingly frustrating and edgy afternoon's work for them. just askjoey barton. harassed or match, he was lucky not to be sent off but it didn't matter for lincoln. they pushed the end and with headlines are waiting to be written, sean raggett and company duly obliged. not even five minutes of injury time could stop this fairytale from happening. lincoln have made history. this is one of the great shocks of the competition. for a nonleague team to be in the last eight of the fa cup and coming away from wembley and two games away from the final is unbelievable. people said to me, maybe a football miracle. i don't know. people said to me, maybe a football miracle. idon't know. it is certainly a miracle when you consider no nonleague side had made it into the fa cup quarterfinals for 103 years before yesterday. this quite some raggett to riches story. that was by no means the only fa cup shock of the day. league one side millwall beat the premier league champions leicester city 1—0, to secure their place in the quarter—finals. and that was despite millwall being reduced to ten men for much of the second half. shaun cummings grabbed the 90th—minute winner to put the league one side into the next round, adding to leicester's problems. making it to the quarterfinal, you have to start thinking, well, who knows? you never get the coreldraw, for home would be a preference. there are many good things left in it. we have done really well. so this is a welcome distraction, it is a fantastic competition. it builds momentum against us, keeps winning run going, and we look forward to the next round. championship club huddersfield town held manchester city to a goalless draw in front of a record crowd at thejohn smith's stadium. they will replay the game at the etihad a week on tuesday. league 0ne's oxford united recovered from two goals down against middlesbrough, but ended up losing 3—2. cristhian stuani scored four minutes from time, to avoid a middlesbrough upset and to send them through to the last eight. there were no dramas for chelsea. goals from pedro and diego costa earned the premier league leaders a 2—0 win at championship side wolverhampton wanderers. today's fa cup games sees championship sides hosting premier league opposition. fulham entertain tottenham, that's on bbc one at 2:00pm, while blackburn rovers welcome manchester united. and tomorrow, sutton united will try to emulate lincoln city to reach the last eight, when they face arsenal. the national league side are in the fifth round for the first time. celtic edged closer to winning the scottish premiership title with a 2—0 win over motherwell. they have restored their 27—point lead at the top of the table. bottom side inverness shared a 1—1 draw with hearts. carl tremarco put cally thistle ahead, but arnaud djoum's second—half tap—in earned hearts a point. there were wins elsewhere for partick and stjohnstone. exeter have strengthened their position in third place in rugby union's premiership, afterfighting back to beat worcester. exeter were trailing at the break, but five second—half tries secured the bonus point win. 48—32 the final score. bath stay fourth. they overcame a battling harlequins side to come out on top at the rec. quins outscored their hosts by two tries to one, but this from max clark and some excellent kicking from rhys priestland ensured bath won 22—12. and leicester stay fifth, after a 50—17 win over bottom—of—the—table bristol. they ran in eight tries, withjp pietersen scoring two of them. warrington wolves have had the first win by an english club over australian opponents for five years. they beat brisbane broncos in the first match of rugby league's world club series. three tries in the opening 20 minutes, including this from matty russell, did the early damage, and they went on to win 27—18. tonight it is the turn of the super league champions wigan warriors to represent great britain against the best of the nrl. wigan, who won the grand final back in october, face reigning australian champions cronulla sharks. it is massive. it is a bit different than the others, when you work all year to get this. this is more of a reward from last season, to get to the final and win last year. but it still means a massive amount of the players, and the club. the history of wigan, there has been a few wins in this competition. so if we can emulate that it is a mass of acknowledgement. —— massive accomplishment. mo farah won the final race of his indoor career, taking the 5,000 metre title at the birmingham grand prix. farah set a new european record, winning injust over 13 minutes. he says he is going to focus on road racing after the world championships in london this summer. i can't quite believe it is my last race. i have had a great career, great indoors. something must come to an end. it is weird thinking about it, thinking about saying goodbye, because i have had great support from everyone. particular this track, breaking so many records, and it has been amazing over the years. -- particularly this track. laura muir broke the british record, taking the title in the women's 1000 metres. she beat the previous best, held by kelly holmes. it was also the second—fastest indoor 1,000 metres of all time. we will put you out of your misery and stop talking sport and the fa cup and all that. we have the manager of lincoln city coming in later. it is all about the league, anyway. good, right. this is a serious weather story. four people have died as a result of what has been called a weather bomb in california. torrential rain and flash—flooding has meant hundreds of people near los angeles were evacuated from their homes, and sink holes have appeared in roads swallowing cars and emergency vehicles. here's how the story is being covered in america. san bernardino san berna rdino firefighters san bernardino firefighters escaping from the truckjust in time to watch this. theirfire engine plummeting when the freeway it is parked on crumbles. the roadway eroded by intense flooding from one of the most powerful storms to hit southern california in years. the firefighters were here to check on the driver of this semi— that plunged off the same interstate. you can see just how far both vehicles fell but incredibly the firefighters and the driver of the semi are both 0k. another close call in this los angeles suburb, this massive single opening, swallowing this suv. rescuers finding the driver standing on her upside down car and screaming for help. then, just minutes after pulling her to safety, this. tom digiovanni is an amateur meteorologist who lives in santa barbara. very good to see you. you are an amateur weather watcher. have you ever seen anything like this?” haven't seen anything like this in probably 20 years. the rain that we got yesterday was unbelievable.” can tell from the backdrop that you up can tell from the backdrop that you up on can tell from the backdrop that you upona can tell from the backdrop that you up on a hillside. so perhaps you we re up on a hillside. so perhaps you were at more risk is of mudslides and things like that? actually, my neighbourhood is still blocked in both directions. the road is closed and we can't get out. so i know the crews a re and we can't get out. so i know the crews are working on clearing the mud, but right now we are basically stranded. and how is it moving around santa barbara at the moment? well, once you get out of the areas that have mudslides, quite a few roads are closed. you may be able to hear crews working in the background behind me. lower down the hill, chainsaw is going, lots of trees down. flooding everywhere. so we received over 6.5 inches of rain yesterday. 6.5 inches? well. that might not sound like a lot, but to put it in context that is almost half of what we would get in a typical year. and that came down in a few hours? well, in a 24 hour period, but last night was the worst. the rain rate at one point was for ages now. and i can see you are out on your balcony, are you, at the moment? the rain has eased, has it? but it is going elsewhere in the country? correct. i have friends in the phoenix area, and they texted me this morning that the rain was just starting there. it stops here about 11am this morning. so as a weather watcher, have you seen anything like this before? maybe you should tell our view is what it is, bombogenesis? this was the culmination of a few things that came together. there was moisture coming up in the south pacific, that normally doesn't hit california, but we we re normally doesn't hit california, but we were square in its sights this time. and though it was like a river of rain coming up from the ocean, and just parked itself over southern california. quite incredible. it is very good to see you. i am glad that you have not been washed away down the hillside. stay safe. i had my honeymoon there. it was a beautiful place, santa barbara. not with weather like that, i hope. no, it was beautiful at the time. darren has got the weather. rachel says you have never heard of bombogenesis. you were talking about it yesterday. according to the met office, it wasn't a weather bomb, because the pressure didn't drop quickly enough, it needs to drop 24 millibars in 24 hours and this particular low pressure system didn't do that. nevertheless we have seen the effects of the rain in particular, and that was the biggest story, not so much the strength of the wind. the rain has eased off, it should be a bit drier on sunday but there should be more rain on sunday. the wet weather a bit further north. eventually we will get some wet and windy weather but we have mild conditions today, and particularly tomorrow. there is a lot of clouds spilling our way as well, and particularly coming in from the atlantic. that will thicken and lower to give hill fog and some light rain or drizzle. so the best of any sunshine developing the date will be across more eastern parts of the uk. quite a cloudy stuff of many of us, mind you, and we will see a little drizzle arriving across western parts of wales. maybe the far south—west of england. the chilli, actually, first thing across the south—east of england. some patches of mist and fog, but that is beginning to lift and we will start to see some sunshine developing particular to the east of the pennines. quite a dull and misty start across northern ireland, a lot of low cloud, and we will see some rain and drizzle arriving across western scotland but eastern scotla nd western scotland but eastern scotland seeing something brighter, drier, a little sunshine and for eastern parts of england, maybe briefly across the welsh marches. 0f the many western part of the uk it is going to be getting more dull and damp as we get a little rain and drizzle arriving and that hill fog as well. at a very mild day. temperatures typically 11 or 12, could get 13 if we get some sunshine. its stays mild overnight. this band of rain across scotland and northern ireland into northern england and wales. weakening as it moves south. a lot of hill fog and a lot of cloud as well. these temperatures, nine or ten is more typical of the daytime maximum but that will be the minimum temperatures overnight. very mild aircoming all the temperatures overnight. very mild air coming all the way from the south, from the tropics, over the atlantic, bringing with it a lot of cloud. that is what tends to happen at this time of year, if it is very mild. it will also be very windy on monday. gusty winds in eastern scotla nd monday. gusty winds in eastern scotland and north—east england, a band of rain moving southwards, eventually bringing sunshine across scotla nd eventually bringing sunshine across scotland and northern ireland. slightly cooler conditions here. south of that rain we mentioned earlier we will be following up a story later on about when it is appropriate to have physical contact between a school teacher and a school pupil. this after a neurologist came out and said that depriving children of physical touch is a form of child abuse, and his view is very much that teachers should be able to offer children some sort of physical comfort if required. we would like your thoughts on this and we will be talking to a neurologist later on, and a teacher representative as well. we have one tweet this morning saying, well. we have one tweet this morning "my well. we have one tweet this morning saying, "my daughter's nursery teacher said they were told they should not comfort kids if they were upset or hurt, but she said she ignored that advice and gave them a couple anyway, and i am glad she did". and i havejust had an email from natalie. "as a secondary school teacher in the last 11 years i can tell you it is impossible to not have physical contact with a student. when you build a relationship with students and then one day they come to you in floods of tears, it is human instinct to soothe them and offer them comfort. " 0bviously soothe them and offer them comfort. " obviously there is a difference between primary school teachers in secondary school teachers. anyway, you can email your thoughts to us. we'll be back with the headlines at 7:00. now it's time for click. this week spencer kelly and the team are looking at the latest in visual technology. projectors have come a long way. we first meet team lab, the 400—strong digital art collective, last year in japan. the team of artists, programmers, engineers, cg animators, mathematicians and the like, love to make an impact and here at the pace london gallery, they‘ re presenting eight of their most eye—popping pieces. as with the work in tokyo, the idea here combines motion censors and the projectors, which means you have a completely interactive piece that you can touch and change. the whole room has been fully calibrated so the censors can detect where everyone in the installation, really, really accurately. and the artwork, the projections, are calculated live. this is not prerecorded video. the pictures really do react to whatever you do while you're in the room. so, for example, i can... thump. ..kill a butterfly (chuckles) — don't show this at home, kids. this room is called flowers bloom 0n people. with no—one in here, it's just a black room but if you sit around for a few minute, you'll find that nature starts to grow on you. now i would say this is pretty cutting—edge projector technology but marc cieslak has assured me he can give this a run for its money. go on, then, marc. this is a home entertainment concept from razor, a company most famous for manufacturing gaming pcs, covering more lights than blackpool illuminations. the concept makes use of coloured lights and projected images, working together in synchronised harmony. what we have here is a concept lighting rig, which is actually key to the action on—screen. so the lights in this room will change colour depending on what's happening, but it's only part of what's going on. so if ijust hit this button here, we get the largest screen i've ever seen. laughs. and that giant screen size is thanks to a pretty expensive forke projector. the projector is fitted with an 155—degree fish eye lens, it combines this with two depth—sensing cameras which scan the rooms for objects and furniture. the system then adjusts the image to prevent it becoming distorted. so the idea is that by having a screen which envelopes the peripheral vision of the viewer, you really feel like you're thrown inside the action, and it is surprisingly effective. game: oh, yeah! at the moment, this system remains a concept but razor has hinted it might one day bring it to market. that was marc. i've been discovering some of the latest ways that the technology is being used to help the visually impaired. it all starts with a spot of virtual reality. 0k. you pull it over your eyes. itjust made me so, it was happiness but it made me cry and ijust couldn't believe that... i'd been without full sight for so many years and then all of a sudden i could see things that i hadn't seen for 30 years. here at the beacon centre, a charity supporting those with sight loss, an interesting trial is taking place. i'm going to start the video... it seems some people can see things in vr they could never see in the real world or on a screen. i've lost paul mccartney, though. you've lost paul? yes. oh, no, he's there now! i'd never expected it but when they put the head set on, i mean there was giraffes, coming up and looking at me! what would you say to other people with a similar level of vision to you about the experience of being able to do this and the emotional side of it? oh, if you've got the chance, you have to have a go. there is nothing quite like it. i mean i know it's not full sight, because you've got to wear a machine, i'm not saying, that but to give you the experience, it's just absolutely wonderful. there are a wide range of conditions that cause sight loss. the nature of which can vary hugely, and even for those with similar problems, the benefits of the vr have varied. by along with the university of wolverhampton, experts are trying to understand how this is possible at all. what we found quite quickly is that people who had central loss, macular type conditions, as they are called, are the ones who seem to get most benefit. where they still had peripheral vision and whether that peripheral vision is so stimulated as to fill in the gaps, or, whatever wee don't understand yet, is it because it's so close? is it because there are still sight receptive cells in the centre of the vision, so that when they're stimulated enough, that they will fire and therefore create the vision? is it the curvature of the lens? there's a whole host of things we're still trying to explore to understand how it works. if i could use that when my daughter's doing her school plays or she's singing in the choir, like, i could never pick out who she was or what she was doing, or be able to see what you are seeing and that could really be quite life changing. but however clear the virtual world may seem, finding ways to ease day—to—day tasks is a real priority. diversion to the left. temporary footway in road. five to 10 metres. there are eye beacons built in here which connect this to the mobile app, so if somebody is approaching and they have the app installed in their phone, they'll receive an alert to let them know about the roadworks and how best to approach them. and for someone like louise with two young kids, this smart street furniture could make all the difference. because it tells you which way to go, so it can still be in my pocket i can have their hands, one each, and i can hear the voiceover, so it will say something like the pedestrian crossing's coming on the left. it's there for three days or however long. so if i do the school run the same day, i know exactly where it's going to be, i've walked that walk yesterday. also this week, some big claims from a company that say their smart glasses can give the legally blind 20/20 vision. as well as being able to stream content, they've captured the user's surroundings, converting them into a form, they say, is easier to identify for those with limited vision. sadly we couldn't put a pair to the test just yet, and it's early days for much of what is being trialled here but the possibilities are certainly looking good. that was lara. now, virtual reality has been grabbing all the headlines in recent years but don't forget augmented reality. now, this is the idea of projecting computer—generated images on top of the real world. a bit like this but in a pair of glasses. well, a small band of augmented reality pioneers have been really pushing the technology. here's marc again with some pretty classy eyewear. these augmented reality glasses are basically a wearable computer. for the last couple of years, augmented reality specs have been used primarily in an industrial setting or in the workplace. these have been competed by a company called 0dg, and they've been designed far more with the consumer in mind. they feel a lot closer to normal glasses, so to get the best out of them, i want to move around. so, if i stand up, at the moment, there's a 360—degree video playing. if i look around, i get a different viewpoint here. i see a robot in front of me and what looks like some kind of futuristic hospital. and there's a guy over here, who seems very unhappy and another guy who looks seems to be shooting at him. the images move seemlessly with my head. if i look around i can see planet earth in front of me. but this is the cool bit, it moves. i can walk inside it and see from outside of the planet, and appreciate it from this angle, and if i stand here, yep, a space station that's orbiting the earth as well. now, the glasses know where they are, spacially, because there's a couple of cameras on front of them. and all of the processing is happening on the head set itself. the 0dgr—8 glasses will cost around £800 but they are basically a wearable computer. there are some cheaper lower tech ar options out there, though. there are lots of low—cost virtual reality headsets that make use of smartphones. this is a low—cost augmented reality headset that uses a phone. phones just slot inside it here. put an ar app on it and the images on the screen is reflected on these lenses right here. so let's give it a go. so when the headset‘s on, i can bring down the screen and i scan see graphics reflected from the phone just in the headset. now, it has another trick up its sleeve as well. you can attach peripherals on to it. i can see my hands in front of me and use them to cast flames. take that, mr crocodile. that is it for the short cut of click this week from trancesnding boundaries in london. there is more online. thanks for watching. hello, this is breakfast, with rachel burden and christian fraser. an instant pay rise for prison officers in some of england's most violentjails. officers will get up to £5,000 extra, to try and ease the dangerously low staffing levels, but only in london

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Satisfy , Problems , Inconsistencies , Issue , Secretary Of State , Decisions , Drugs , Result , Training , Policy , Threats , Issues , Drones , Bars , Mental Health , Part , City , Stronghold , Major , Offensive , Breaking News , Prime Minister , Operation , Militants , Iraqi , Islamic State , Mosul , Everything , Western Mosul , Troops , Streets , Battle In Western Mosul , Area , Quentin Somerville , Parties , United Nations , Safety , Fighting , Conflict , Civilians , Hundreds , 0ur , 0 , Us , Outskirts , Rooms , Aircraft , Distance , Air Strikes , Morning , Vehicles , Special Forces , Front , Tanks , Armed Response Division , Assault , It , Hands , Men , Drone Footage , State , Iraq Thatis , Islamic , Villages , Car Bombs , Airport , Suicide , Dug Tunnels , Way , Donald Trump , Defence , Mood , Four , Met Office , Melania Trump , Rally , Spirit , Optimism , Nation , Campaign Pledges , Supporters , Security , Jobs , Airport Hangar , Florida , Lord S Prayer , Matter , Truth , Media , Opposition , Administration , Pray , Fire , Who Art In Heaven , 0urfather , Sources , Another , Changes , Mike Coupe , Business Rates , Row , Version , Re Evaluation , Council Tax , Supermarket , Cases , Bills , Property , Businesses , Value , Challenges , Closures , Internet Operations , Simonjones Reports , Rates , Differences , Values , Line , Regions , Prices , Seven , Rise , Amazon , Bill , Increases , Business Rate Bill Cut , Analysts , 500 Million , 483 Million , Â 483 Million , 400 , Â 500 Million , Lots , Majority , Employees , Burden , Isn T Happy , Town Warehouses , Level Playing Field , Retailers , The System , Changing Retail Landscape , 1 8 , 5 Million , Properties , Treasury , Bills Go Down 420000 Will Stay The Same , 920000 , 420000 , Â 23 5 Billion , 23 5 Billion , Won T , Western Scotland , Overhaul , Northern Ireland , Northern Wales , Sums Add Up , Scotla Nd , Won T Getan , 500000 , Eastern Scotla , Engine , Storm , Power , Roads , Homes , Fire Crew , Motorway , Los Angeles , 150000 , Michael Watson , Car , Woman , Vehicle , Sinkhole , Roof , Las Vegas , Road , Face , Friend , Attempt , Substance , 51 , Home , Investigation , Charity , Chicks , Police , Field , Information , Public , South Lincolnshire , Rspca , 1800 , Look , Round , Boxes , Breeder , Survivors , All , Stories , Pages , Papers , Supporter , The Front Page , Lastgasp , 0nly , 100 , Head Teacher , Plans , School , Talks , Congratulations , Effort , Observer , Ta Ke A , 0ldham , Trojan Horse , 1 , System , Paper , Problem , Who , Hope , Chaos , Citizens , Whence , Great Britain , Eu , Process , Page , Article , Stage , Negotiations , Atan , Automatic , Foreigners , Cut Off , Sunday Express , 50 , Children , Parents , Bedtime Stories , Headline , National Association For Children Of Alcoholics , Drunk , Mummy , Helpline , Bed , Pa , 32000 , Story , Plot , Sunday Telegraph , Calls , Threat , E Mails , Eastern Europeans , Security Conference , Russia , Kremlin , Programme , Subject , Montenegro Last , Neurologist , Form , School Teacher , Contact , Child Abuse , Pupil , Teachers Groups , Anything , Difference , Teacher Representative , Primary School , Schools , Sorts , Tap , Shoulder , Thoughts , Teacher , Parent , Bbc Breakfast , Hashtag , Teachers , Staffing Levels , Risk , Breakfast , Pupils , Drive , Projectors , Many , Presidency , Click Team , Interacting , Achievements , Seeing , Tripping The Light Fantastic , World , Weekend , Spring , Heating , Sunbathing , Particular , Side , Atlantic , Tending , Corner , Thickening , Rain On Sunday , Bit , Start , South East Of England , Faces , Isa , Two , Drizzle , Breaks , Western Parts , Western Scotla , Pennines , Fans , Fens , Marches , Parts , Eastern England , Coast , Westerly Winds , Country , Temperature , Most , Onwards , West Of Scotland , 11 , 12 , Ten , Nine , South , Tropics , Air , Northern England , Scotla Nd Rain Here , Gusty Winds , Eastern Scotland , Half , Eastern Parts , Mid Teens , Wind , Walkers , Chance , Verses , Project , Poetry , Word , The End , Six , Work , Simon Armitage , App , Phones , Alison Freeman , Northumberland , Poems , Brainchild , Locations , National Park , South West Scalped , Words , Spine , Ridge , The Hill , Cairns , Ramparts , Boulders , The Ridge , Toothache , Northumberland National Park , Places , Hardiest , Bleakest , Gps , 6 , Â 6 , Point , Life , Visibility , Landscape , Pinwill Unlock , Idea , Proposal Stone , Everywhere , Performance , Kind , Writing , Plan , Range , Proposal , Marriage Proposal , Simon Side , Point In The Park , Starnes , Five , Altar Stone , Views , Rest , Lives , Stop , 360 , Something , Somebody , Names , Stone , Stones , Bother , Edging , Park , Hike , Aisle , Mystery , Knee , Listening , 30am , Film Review , Mark Kermode , Summary , Jane Hill , Hello , 30 , Bbc News , Cinema Releases , Matt Damon , Moonlight , Head , Great Wall , Figures , Space Race , Season , One Of The Best , Monsters , Films , True Story , Fascinating Story , Equations , Man , Women , Title , Space , Yes , Pun , Tag , Mission , Meet , Characters , Formula , Talent , African American Women Working In Nasa , 1960 , Stuff , Computer , Clip , Pastor , Nasa , Mrjohnson , Of , Student , Graduate School , Disrespect , West Virginia , First Negro Female , Things , Compute , Levels , Hand , Displacement , Friction , Velocity , Calculations , 10000 , Film , Glasses , Race , Story I Had T , Skirts , Barriers , Gender , Kevin Costner , Complexity , Task Force , Audience , Someone , Performances , Solving , Blackboard Look Exciting , Feeling Uplifted , Skip , Sexism , Notjust , Strokes , Isn T , Racism , Melodrama , Sentimentality , Invention , Audiences , Laughter Oh Dear , China , Mercenary , Tag Line , The Wall , Imperial China , 500 , 1700 , Everyone , Hand Off , Fight , Forces , Beasts , Creatures , Some , Thing , Set Pieces , Zhang Yimou , Duncanjones , Action Sequences , Opinion , Powder , Warcraft , Frankly , Piece , Rerun , Sequences , Accent , Battle In Lord Of The Rings , Tomfoolery , Well On Top , Sign , Itjust , Felt , Sounds , Neighbourhood , Downbeat Neorealist Film , Director Barryjenkins , Identity , Sexuality , Wrestling , Poverty , Recipe , Coming Of Age , Miami , Mother , Dealer , Chapters , Section , Drug Addict , Actors , Character , Take A Look , Huh , Nobody , Hole On 15th , 15 , Thanks , Boys , Tell Me , Care , Wouldn T , Little Man , Figure , Drug Dealer , Hardship , Extent , Role Model , Beauty , Backdrop , Ocean , Sequence , Sound , Kid , Music , Compositions , Both , Command , Psychology , Pop Tunes , Couple , Times , Movies , Stereotyped , Voice , Tears , Sympathetic , Tragedy , Elements , Awards Contender , Feature , Talented , Barryjenkins , America Last Year , Integrity , Art , Entertainment , Honesty , Fact , Trailer , Will , Oh My Goodness , Comedy , Black Comedy , Father , Toni Erdmann , German , Daughter Estrangement , Career , Footage , Anyone , Number , Dvd , Documentary , Cinematographer , Outtake , Michael Moore , Odyssey , Camera Person , Kirstenjohnson , Opening , Responsibility , Documentary Making , Go , Film Reviews , Programmes , Bbc Iplayer , Goodbye , Well , Areas , Nothing , Group , Recruitment Problem , Grades , Announcements , Animosity , 650000 , Firms , Qina , Santa Barbara , Mourning , Resident , Neutral , Sofa , Action , Quarterfinals , Guys , Chelsea , Leaders , Winner , National League , Turf Moor , Tim Hague , Burnley1 0 , 89 , History , Shocks , Greatest , Leaders Chelsea Last Weekend , Sean Raggett , Nonleague , Drew , Lead , Wasjust Mad , Celebration , Lincoln , Crazy , 81 , Wins , Askjoey Barton , Match , Openings , Rounds , Afternoon , Premier League Tea M Moor , Ipswich , Brighton , Headlines , Company , Didn T , Fairytale , Football Miracle , Final , Games , I Don T Know , Lincoln Have Made History , Wembley , No , League One , Miracle , Shock , Side Millwall , Idon T Know , 103 , Leicester City , Beat , Shaun Cummings , 90 , Thinking , Quarterfinal , Preference , Coreldraw , Leicester , Run , Huddersfield Town , Momentum , Distraction , Manchester City , Crowd , Championship Club , Thejohn Smith S Stadium , Goals , Game , Oxford United , Middlesbrough , League 0ne , Cristhian Stuani , Dramas , 2 , 3 , Sides , Premier League Opposition , Diego Costa , Wolverhampton Wanderers , Sutton United , Harlequins , Celtic , Manchester United , Bbc One , Fulham , 00pm , Tottenham , Blackburn Rovers , Arsenal , Top , Hearts , Table , Scottish Premiership , Inverness , Carl Tremarco , Motherwell , 27 , Elsewhere , Tap In , Premiership , Position , Partick , Afterfighting , Arnaud Djoum , Cally Thistle Ahead , Stjohnstone , Rugby Union , Exeter , Tries , Quins , Bonus Point , Score , Hosts , Bath Stay , Beat Worcester , Rec , 32 , 48 , Bath , Kicking , Stay Fifth , Bristol , Max Clark , Rhys Priestland , Withjp Pietersen , 22 , 17 , Warrington Wolves , Rugby League , Win , Club , Series , Opponents , World Club , Brisbane Broncos , Wigan Warriors , Turn , Super League , Damage , Matty Russell , 18 , 20 , Cronulla Sharks , Grand Final , Others , Wigan , October , Nrl , Australian , Players , Reward , Amount , The Club , Mo Farah , Mass , Acknowledgement , Accomplishment , Championships , Road Racing , Summer , Farah Set A New European Record , Birmingham , Grand Prix , 13 , Laura Muir , Track , Support , Records , Record , End , Indoors , Women S , Misery , Kelly Holmes , 1000 , League , Good , Manager , Weather Bomb , Sink Holes , Emergency Vehicles , Flash Flooding , Cars , Flooding , Firefighters , Broadway , Freeway , Truckjust , San Bernardino , Rdino , Crumbles , Theirfire , Driver , Semi , Interstate , Call , Suv , Suburb , Rescuers , Upside Down , 0k , Weather Watcher , Meteorologist , Help , Tom Digiovanni , Rain , Haven T , Hillside , Crews , We Can T Get Out , Directions , Mud , Crews A Re , Background , Rain Yesterday , Trees , 6 5 , Rain Rate , Context , Worst , Ages , 24 , Friends , Balcony , Correct , Phoenix , View , Bombogenesis , Doesn T Hit California , Culmination , Moisture , River , South Pacific , Darren , Rachel Burden , Honeymoon , Stay Safe , Pressure System , Wasn T , Strength , Effects , Conditions , Hill Fog , Clouds , Chilli , South West Of England , Mind You , Fog , Patches , Mist , Cloud , Nd Western Scotland , Band , Rain Across Scotland , Aircoming , Weakening , North East England , A Band Of Rain Moving Southwards , Nd Monday , Scotla Nd Eventually Bringing Sunshine Across Scotland , School Pupil , Depriving Children Of Physical Touch , Sort , Comfort , Nursery Teacher , Kids , Saying , Daughter , Advice , Relationship , Secondary School Teacher , Email , Natalie , Students , Primary School Teachers , Secondary School Teachers , Human Instinct , Floods , 0bviously , Technology , Spencer Kelly , Programmers , Digital Art Collective , Artists , Love , Like , Engineers , Cg Animators , Japan , Mathematicians , Pieces , Impact , Pace London Gallery , Tokyo , Motion Censors , Room , Change , Video , Projections , Installation , Censors , Artwork , Pictures , React , Example , Chuckles , Butterfly , Whatever Wee Don T , At Home , Nature , Bloom 0n , Marc Cieslak , Projector Technology , Concept , Lights , Go On , Home Entertainment Concept , Razor , Most Famous For Manufacturing Gaming Pcs , Blackpool Illuminations , Concept Lighting Rig , Images , Happening , Colour , Working Together In Synchronised Harmony , Action On Screen , Use , Screen , Screen Size , Button , Laughs , What S Going On , Ijust , Projector , Fish Eye Lens , Forke Projector , 155 , Vision , Cameras , Image , Viewer , Furniture , Objects , Envelopes , Market , Ways , Virtual Reality , Sight , Happiness , Starts , Spot , Eyes , Ijust Couldn T , 0k , Sight Loss , Trial , Beacon Centre , Vr , Paul Mccartney , Head Set On , Giraffes , Experience , Level , Machine , Benefits , Experts , University Of Wolverhampton , Benefit , Type Conditions , Loss , Ones , Macular , Host , Cells , Centre , Curvature , Lens , Gaps , Enough , Choir , Singing , Life Changing , Tasks , Doing , Left , Eye Beacons , Footway , Mobile App , Priority , Diversion , 10 , Phone , Alert , Roadworks , Voiceover , Louise , Pocket , Street Furniture , School Run , Claims , Pedestrian Crossing , Pair , Surroundings , Content , User , Test , Possibilities , Lara , Augmented Reality , Augmented Reality Glasses , Eyewear , Augmented Reality Specs , Workplace , Setting , Called 0dg , Viewpoint , Video Playing , Mind , Robot , Consumer , Stand Up , Guy , Hospital , Shooting , Planet , Outside , Planet Earth , Space Station , Earth , Angle , Yep , Processing , Spacially , Â 800 , 800 , 8 , Tech Ar Options , Headset , Virtual Reality Headsets , Reality , Make Use , Smartphones , Lenses , Graphics , Trick , Ar , Take That , Peripherals , Sleeve , Flames , Cut , Click , Watching , Crocodile , Trancesnding Boundaries , Violentjails , White House , Extra , Christian Fraser , 19 , Sunday 19 February ,

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