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Capabilities. And The Americans perhaps the birds, we dont know. Thejordanians and said that they shot some down across their airspace. Between them all day stopped pretty much all of them. There was one Ballistic Missile hit, in Air Force Base South of israel. The israelis, half past six this morning i watch a Zoom Briefing where their main spokesman did for that they were pointedly saying we have video of f 35 is landing at that base was locked up bases operational. So the message from that site is, yes, they try to hit us and we rebuff them. As ever in the middle east its a bit more complicated than that. We the middle east its a bit more complicated than that. We had you on sunda s complicated than that. We had you on Sundays Newscast complicated than that. We had you on Sundays Newscast recently complicated than that. We had you on Sundays Newscast recently and complicated than that. We had you on Sundays Newscast recently and the. Sundays newscast recently and the hi i Sundays Newscast recently and the big question became, what would iran do because big question became, what would iran do because of the attack is not now the question becomes what will israel the question becomes what will israel do . , the question becomes what will israel do . ,. ,. , the question becomes what will israeldo . ,. ,. ,. , israel do . Just to go back for those who dont follow israel do . Just to go back for those who dont follow it israel do . Just to go back for those who dont follow it blowbyblow. L who dont follow it blow by blow. April the 1st, there was an air strike on the iranian diplomatic compound in the syrian capital. The israelis say that was not at diplomatic premise that was a revolutionary guard corps centre. It wasnt actually because i know the building. I passed it in damascus everywhere. Central to damascus. They hit thought. In that building was a very Senior General and less Senior General and various other important iranians. I think it was less the people who were killed, it was more where they were put up that this was regarded diplomatically, it is under International Law as effectively iranian territory. They were going to respond and they said in the very outset. The question is what will they do now. I thought they wouldnt do a full on attack. The question was, was this a formal attack or a demonstration of their will, what potentially they could do, could they do move . It was it was a real hazlitt wouldve attacked big time from lebanon. His brother has got. Ihla big time from lebanon. His brother has not. ,. , ~. , big time from lebanon. His brother has got a i has got. No one quite knows. A thousand has got. No one quite knows. A thousand. Know, has got. No one quite knows. A thousand. Know, ive has got. No one quite knows. A thousand. Know, ive seen has got. No one quite knows. A thousand. Know, ive seen a. Thousand. Know, ive seen a different missiles, rockets, some of which could reach tel aviv or further south the map. Had it been a full on attack it wouldve come from all sides. � full on attack it wouldve come from all sides. , �. , , all sides. That didnt happen. This is important all sides. That didnt happen. This is important for all sides. That didnt happen. This is important for the all sides. That didnt happen. This is important for the newscasters l all sides. That didnt happen. This i is important for the newscasters who are smart bunch and understand, 300 missiles and drones, sounds like something absolutely enormous. But what you are saying is it was significant but if the iranians really, really meant is that they could have unleashed something much more dramatic with the help of their friends in his brother who tend to operate. Friends in his brother who tend to operate friends in his brother who tend to operate. Yes, they operate and the net operate. Yes, they operate and they get their operate. Yes, they operate and they get their weapons operate. Yes, they operate and they get their weapons in operate. Yes, they operate and they get their weapons in their they get their weapons in their backing and their training and their funding from iran. Thats very important for the 300 is law, if it wasnt for the air defence it would cause havoc and kill a lot of people but they have that those defences. Youre also saying clearly some new have been asking, how can you cover this without covering the attack on the rig. The attack on his diplomatic compound in damascus. This is your bread and butter and meat and drink it you are saying to us clearly today this was the retaliation for the attack in damascus, an israeli strike which i havent admitted to. We also saying yes, it was big and significant. However, this is not such a terrible conflagration that it might� ve been. They said in the past they wanted to calibrate this because they want a wider work but they have to do something. Wider work but they have to do something wider work but they have to do somethina. J. ,. , wider work but they have to do somethin. J. ,. ,. , something. Theyve also painted on the attack in something. Theyve also painted on the attack in damascus something. Theyve also painted on the attack in damascus in something. Theyve also painted on the attack in damascus in their the attack in damascus in their statement. This would have unfolded a window statement. This would have unfolded a window of time for us. It was about a window of time for us. It was about midnight that the Permanent Mission about midnight that the Permanent Mission to the un tweeted that this had concluded. They had actually said we had concluded. They had actually said we have concluded our operation, dont retaliate. And they pinned operation, dont retaliate. And they pinned the operation, dont retaliate. And they pinned the strike on damascus. They want to say. Pinned the strike on damascus. They want to say. You pinned the strike on damascus. They want to say, you hit pinned the strike on damascus. They want to say, you hit us, pinned the strike on damascus. Tue want to say, you hit us, we hate you. Were even. You. Were even. And it is really spokesperson you. Were even. And it is really spokesperson told you. Were even. And it is really spokesperson told us you. Were even. And it is really spokesperson told us this you. Were even. And it is really i spokesperson told us this morning you. Were even. And it is really spokesperson told us this morning on tv that it was a bittersweet moment, better because it was a major attack for that but it had a sweetness because they admitted to deter it. However, i dont want to give the impression that there were any way minimising theirs. At the reason this is so important is that in the history of the very troubled relationship, bitter between iran and israel there is never previously been a direct attack from iran into israel. Why does that matter so much and why does it matter so much and that widerjigsaw . Its and why does it matter so much and that widerjigsaw . That wider igsaw . Its because from the that widerjigsaw . Its because from the outside in that widerjigsaw . Its because from the outside in the that widerjigsaw . Its because from the outside in the middle that widerjigsaw . Its because from the outside in the middle east that widerjigsaw . Its because from the outside in the middle east is the outside in the middle east is very turbulent and looks chaotic. There are actually to some refer to as Rules Of The Game. They operate up as Rules Of The Game. They operate up to a certain level. For example, there is been since the october seven attacks and firing first from lebanon that israel and the two sides have been whacking each other. The Rules Of The Game on that is used stick to military targets. You dont try and kill civilians put up the israelis have actually this year been pushing harder and lebanon. But his brother have been pretty much stayed to the quote, rules to the game for the iniquity that relationships between iran and enmity between iran and israel, iran has this network of proxies, not just proxies analysed, for example the who these in yemen apparently did take part they are nobody� s proxy. They do what they want themselves. I spent quite a bit of time with them and they are independent. They have an alliance with iran that suits both. Where as you can say that militias in iraq and syria are decidedly proxies. They do is they are told. So under these they do is they are told. So under these rules, they do is they are told. So under these rules, ifind it they do is they are told. So under these rules, i find it shocking as a journalist these rules, i find it shocking as a journalist to these rules, i find it shocking as a journalist to hear that phrase rules of the journalist to hear that phrase Rules Of The Game. I think newscasters will he of the game. I think newscasters will be pleased to hear to tell us that under those rules does Prime Minister that under those rules does Prime Minister netanyahu in the Iranian Regime Minister Netanyahu in the Iranian Regime emerge stronger as a result . Im talking regime emerge stronger as a result . Im talking in this twisted rule system im talking in this twisted rule system. Does it make it look like the prime system. Does it make it look like the Prime Minister netanyahu has successfully defended his country and does successfully defended his country and does it make you look look like the iranians and does it make you look look like the iranians for the first time has shown the iranians for the first time has shown they will move beyond proxy . First off, shown they will move beyond proxy . First off, since October The 7th the middle east, the hamas attacks on israel the middle east have been in new and uncharted waters. So old rules dont really apply. There were rules dont really apply. There were rules about the way israel and hamas every few years would go to war with each other. After a week or two thered be a truce. And there will be a deal within the truce about what to come into gaza and things like that. Anyway they were using the area as a boxing ring for each other own purposes at different times. Other own purposes at different times. ,. ,. , times. Irrespective of civilians. Thins times. Irrespective of civilians. Things have times. Irrespective of civilians. Things have changed times. Irrespective of civilians. Things have changed its times. Irrespective of civilians. | things have changed its october times. Irrespective of civilians. Things have changed its October The 7th and things have heated up steadily, steadily, steadily. I think the real worry is that there has been this slide towards a wider, eventually, hopefully not but perhaps all out war in the region. No one has really been able to stop the slide. Here is an optimistic scenario. The message coming out of the west, The Americans, the british and others, allies of israel to the israeli is pretty much as follows ive been talking to diplomats who can confirm all this and its widely talked about is you had a victory tonight, mr netanyahu. Leave it there. There was that attack, The Americans by all accounts do not know about the attack on damascus. The fact that using one of the aircraft they supplies to the israelis, they are meant to have a no surprises agreement between each other. It seems was not triggered on that occasion. But now less than two weeks later netanyahu is able to instead of the headline being about the differences between netanyahu and biden, as its been with gaza the headlines now are, the alliance, the headlines now are, the alliance, the coalition, technological superiority for the update through what they could at us and we whacked it back. Heres the question, was i wrong even set out to do real damage, [and a great Giant Haymaker on israels chen . Did damage, land a great Giant Haymaker on israels chen . On israels chen . Did it know that it would be on israels chen . Did it know that it would be shot on israels chen . Did it know that it would be shot down, on israels chen . Did it know that it would be shot down, in on israels chen . Did it know that it would be shot down, in other. It would be shot down, in other words . It would be shot down, in other words . ~. , � ~. , , words . We dont know. This is wild speculation words . We dont know. This is wild speculation. There words . We dont know. This is wild speculation. There is words . We dont know. This is wild speculation. There is a words . We dont know. This is wild speculation. There is a precedent, | speculation. There is a precedent, in january of speculation. There is a precedent, injanuary of 2000 leading iranian general who was the man who did more than anybody else to build up this web of alliances at the iranians of god, he was assassinated by The Americans in baghdad. And the retaliation that came from iran was very substantial attack on an american base in i wrong. But they show The Americans they were going to do it, basically, they said let it be known. So it happened the american soldiers and Service People were in shelters. While there were wounds and injuries no one was killed. And trump at the time the president drew a line under that. It might emerge in the coming days, how did they know so clearly The Americans what they look like was going to happen . Biden came back from camp david to be in washington, to be in the Situation Room when all of this was going on. How did the iraniansjust of this was going on. How did the iranians just let of this was going on. How did the iraniansjust let it of this was going on. How did the iranians just let it out somehow that they were going to do it now at this point . We dont know all of this. These are the kinds of things that go on in the background. Like eelin an that go on in the background. Like peeling an onion. Still a very sobering moment. Peeling an onion. Still a very sobering moment. Very sobering. Were talking sobering moment. Very sobering. Were talking about sobering moment. Very sobering. Were talking about the sobering moment. Very sobering. Were talking about the details, i were talking about the details, lets not minimise this, iran launched a retaliation for israels attack, a major attack on israeli soil. They did that because they classified the attack in damascus as effectively an attack on their soil because it was diplomatic. The israelis absolutely deny it was diplomatic. On your programme this morning, laura, you are there iranian government saying it was in iowa gc outpost. That iranian government saying it was in iowa gc outpost. Iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in a iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in a place iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in a place that iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in a place that wasl iowa gc outpost. That attack i occurred in a place that was not iowa gc outpost. That attack occurred in a place that was not in embassy, occurred in a place that was not in embassy, not a consulate. There was not any embassy, not a consulate. There was not any kind embassy, not a consulate. There was not any kind of diplomatic mission. It was not any kind of diplomatic mission. It was a not any kind of diplomatic mission. It was a military position. The people it was a military position. The people there were active members of the iranian people there were active members of the iranian forest. They are im sure the iranian forest. They are im sure seeking harm on israel. And all of this matter sure seeking harm on israel. And all of this matter so sure seeking harm on israel. And all of this matter so much sure seeking harm on israel. And all of this matter so much because sure seeking harm on israel. And all of this matter so much because itsl of this matter so much because its the first time that iran has done this directly to israel. In israel is that the pot to see part of the middle east, iran is a regime, which is not popular in his own country for the iranians are usually unhappy about that. You shouldnt forget that. �. About that. You shouldnt forget that. � ,. ,. , about that. You shouldnt forget that. � ,. ,. ,. , that. Its a brutal regime. They are not actina that. Its a brutal regime. They are not acting in that. Its a brutal regime. They are not acting in this that. Its a brutal regime. They are not acting in this way that. Its a brutal regime. They are not acting in this way because that. Its a brutal regime. They are not acting in this way because of. Not acting in this way because of demand. We should not confuse, when we talk about food in russia you should not talk, all russians are happy for them what we have to remember is following your commentary over the years, if you think about October The 6th iran was looking isolated due to the increasing Normalisation Momentum that was happening. With increasing Normalisation Momentum that was happening. That was happening. With the ossibili that was happening. With the possibility that that was happening. With the possibility that saudi that was happening. With the possibility that saudi arabia | that was happening. With the possibility that saudi arabia would normalise relationship. It seems no accident normalise relationship. It seems no accident by normalise relationship. It seems no accident by many that October The 7th launched by hamas, and i like proxy 7th launched by hamas, and i like proxy of 7th launched by hamas, and i like proxy of iran came at the time just exactly proxy of iran came at the time just exactly the proxy of iran came at the time just exactly the way there couldve been a move exactly the way there couldve been a move towards a bigger piece in the middle a move towards a bigger piece in the middle east. A move towards a bigger piece in the middle east middle east. What was going on at the time was middle east. What was going on at the time was that middle east. What was going on at the time was that there middle east. What was going on at the time was that there was middle east. What was going on at the time was that there was this. Middle east. What was going on at. The time was that there was this big negotiation going on between The Americans, the saudis and the israelis. Essentially the deal was going to be, it was leaked in the papers, from some administration in washington that there would be Recognition Of Israel by the saudis, saudi arabia is so important, the arab will follow suit. In return they would get almost a nato defence deal with The Americans. A lot of palestinians were saying, hang on, What About Us . If you talk to the saudis the saudis say those leaks were nonsense. The palestinians were always front and centre for us in this. That was not how it was being reported at the time via leaks. Mostly from the Wall Streetjournal coming from summary in the us administration. One motivation i think for hamas on the 7th Of October was to say, dont forget theres a Big Palestinian Issue right at the centre of the middle east. One thing that has been established in the six months parsons then is that its absolutely the case. Once again the palestinians are right at the centre of where many people believed it always has been. Its a fundal mental, more than a century long conflicts with up thats a good reminder. Conflicts with up thats a good reminder conflicts with up thats a good reminder. ,. , �. ,. , reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one. Lets reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one. Lets talk reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one. Lets talk about reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one. Lets talk about the reminder. They dont all necessarily act as one. Lets talk about the uk | act as one. Lets talk about the uk as well as interesting things is whether you like it or not and weather as newscasters you thinking this makes my head hurt. The uk has a role here. Ukjets were in the skies over iraq and syria last night with the authority to shoot down drones or missiles on their way to israel. We dont know at this stage whether or not they did that. The Cabinet Minister this morning could not tell us that information yet. We know its the governments believes that this is a very, very serious moment. Its being condemned by rishi sunak and the strongest terms. This is much you have to say. This was an incredibly significant attack on israel. What i am able to say, i hope you are is will understand is alive military situation, im only to do what i can say at this point there will be updated throughout the day. I can confirm that british planes were sent to the region as part of our Operation Shade for the thats our initiative over iraq and syria. Im not in a position at the moment to confirm or deny whether they took part in any of the activity just described. They took part in any of the activityjust described. More planes were sent to the region. Im told that they will intersect airborne missiles if they threatened the existing admissions that the uk are already undertaking in the region. And being careful, it doesnt necessarily mean it happened last night. It necessarily mean it happened last niuht. Necessarily mean it happened last niuht. ,. ,. ,. , night. It might be that we have more information. Night. It might be that we have more information, just night. It might be that we have more information, just before night. It might be that we have more information, just before ten night. It might be that we have more information, just before ten past night. It might be that we have more information, just before ten past 11 i information, just before ten past 11 Sunday Morning for the it was interesting that she said plays might do this again if there was another attack. Might do this again if there was another attack. ~ � , another attack. Weve been bringing the ministry of another attack. Weve been bringing the Ministry Of Defence another attack. Weve been bringing the Ministry Of Defence try another attack. Weve been bringing the Ministry Of Defence try to another attack. Weve been bringing the Ministry Of Defence try to get i the Ministry Of Defence try to get the Ministry Of Defence try to get the latest. They cant answer the question. The latest. They cant answer the question, did ukjets fired the drones . Question, did ukjets fired the drones . They can only say uk jets were drones . They can only say uk jets were just drones . They can only say uk jets were just ploys to fire at their ets were just ploys to fire at their jets for were just ploys to fire at their jets for that is different. Lets bring jets for that is different. Lets bring it jets for that is different. Lets bring it all back onto the uk. An iranian bring it all back onto the uk. An iranianjournalist was bring it all back onto the uk. An iranian journalist was stabbed on the streets in our capital here just ten days the streets in our capital here just ten days ago. Newscasters will be feeling ten days ago. Newscasters will be feeling a ten days ago. Newscasters will be feeling a world in turmoil that this latest, feeling a world in turmoil that this latest, unprecedented chapter unfolding. Do you think that the uk is going unfolding. Do you think that the uk is going to unfolding. Do you think that the uk is going to have to come up with a new position . The is going to have to come up with a new position . New position . The world is in turmoil new position . The world is in turmoil it new position . The world is in turmoil. It is new position . The world is in turmoil. It is not new position . The world is in turmoil. It is notjust new position . The world is in turmoil. It is not just the i new position . The world is in i turmoil. It is notjust the middle east that ukraine, its all sorts of things. The british have a base in cyprus where these aircraft can fly from fulton very little flying time to get from cyprus to syria for the i think its the greatest challenge facing governments as how they respond to a world that is in turmoil. Where The Americans have a big rival on the way up in china. There is new access taking shape. North korea, russia, iran. This there is new access taking shape. North korea, russia, iran. North korea, russia, iran. This is last week north korea, russia, iran. This is last week the north korea, russia, iran. This is last week the nato north korea, russia, iran. This is last week the nato force north korea, russia, iran. This is. Last week the nato force called the authoritarian alliances north korea, china. Authoritarian alliances north korea, china. , ,. , authoritarian alliances north korea, china. , ,. , china. This is the new shape of the world china. This is the new shape of the world. Lets china. This is the new shape of the world. Lets start china. This is the new shape of the world. Lets start with china. This is the new shape of the world. Lets start with our i china. This is the new shape of i the world. Lets start with our own count. The world. Lets start with our own country we the world. Lets start with our own country. We cant the world. Lets start with our own country. We cant franchise the world. Lets start with our own country. We cant franchise out i country. We cant franchise out our foreign country. We cant franchise out our foreign due country. We cant franchise out our foreign due to bend now who put up we cant foreign due to bend now who put up we cant let foreign due to bend now who put up we cant let him run our Foreign Policy we cant let him run our Foreign Policy for we cant let him run our Foreign Policy for that we have to have our own position. I asked tom fletcher a former own position. I asked tom fletcher a former ambassador and an adviser is benjamin former ambassador and an adviser is Benjamin Netanyahu the sort of man who will Benjamin Netanyahu the sort of man who Will Hold Fire . You are saying that is who Will Hold Fire . You are saying that is the who Will Hold Fire . You are saying that is the pressure being put on them that is the pressure being put on them. Heres what tom fletcher told us on them. Heres what tom fletcher told us on radio them. Heres what tom fletcher told us on radio four. We them. Heres what tom fletcher told us on radio four. Us on radio four. We have to hope ou will. Us on radio four. We have to hope you will and us on radio four. We have to hope you will. And wont us on radio four. We have to hope you will. And wont play us on radio four. We have to hope you will. And wont play further. You will. And wont play further with you will. And wont play further with fire you will. And wont play further with fire its you will. And wont play further with fire. Its high you will. And wont play further with fire. Its high stakes you will. And wont play furtherj with fire. Its high stakes poker. With with fire. Its high stakes poker. With lots with fire. Its high stakes poker. With lots of with fire. Its high stakes poker. With lots of people with fire. Its high stakes poker. With lots of people who with fire. Its high stakes poker. I with lots of people who are willing to throw with lots of people who are willing to throw their with lots of people who are willing to throw their cards with lots of people who are willing to throw their cards on with lots of people who are willing to throw their cards on the with lots of people who are willing to throw their cards on the table. I am encouraged to throw their cards on the table. I am encouraged that to throw their cards on the table. I am encouraged that there to throw their cards on the table. I am encouraged that there is to throw their cards on the table. I am encouraged that there is a i to throw their cards on the table. I i am encouraged that there is a strong message am encouraged that there is a strong message overnight am encouraged that there is a strong message overnight from am encouraged that there is a strong message overnight from joe am encouraged that there is a strong message overnight from joe biden i am encouraged that there is a strong message overnight from joe biden inj message overnight from joe biden in the american message overnight from joe biden in the American Administration message overnight from joe biden in the American Administration that i message overnight from joe biden in the American Administration that the us does the American Administration that the us does not the American Administration that the us does not want the American Administration that the us does not want that the American Administration that the us does not want that further us does not want that further military us does not want that further Military Escalation us does not want that further Military Escalation against i us does not want that further l Military Escalation against iran. Us does not want that further i Military Escalation against iran. I think Military Escalation against iran. I think all Military Escalation against iran. I think all eyes Military Escalation against iran. I think all eyes now Military Escalation against iran. I think all eyes now shift Military Escalation against iran. I think all eyes now shift to Military Escalation against iran. I think all eyes now shift to the i think all eyes now shift to the diplomatic think all eyes now shift to the diplomatic track, think all eyes now shift to the diplomatic track, biden think all eyes now shift to the diplomatic track, biden will. Think all eyes now shift to the i diplomatic track, biden will get the g7 diplomatic track, biden will get the 67 together diplomatic track, biden will get the g7 together presumably diplomatic track, biden will get the g7 together presumably today. I diplomatic track, biden will get the g7 together presumably today. The diplomatic track, biden will get the i g7 together presumably today. The un security g7 together presumably today. The Un Security Council g7 together presumably today. The Un Security Council will g7 together presumably today. The Un Security Council will be g7 together presumably today. The Un Security Council will be talking g7 together presumably today. The Un Security Council will be talking for i Security Council will be talking for her i Security Council will be talking for her i think Security Council will be talking for her i think the Security Council will be talking for her i think the effort, Security Council will be talking for her i think the effort, the Security Council will be talking for her i think the effort, the signal, i her i think the effort, the signal, the military her i think the effort, the signal, the Military Part her i think the effort, the signal, the Military Part of her i think the effort, the signal, the Military Part of this her i think the effort, the signal, | the Military Part of this particular episode the Military Part of this particular episode has the Military Part of this particular episode has to the Military Part of this particular episode has to be the Military Part of this particular episode has to be closed the Military Part of this particular episode has to be closed now the Military Part of this particularj episode has to be closed now and the Military Part of this particular episode has to be closed now and we et episode has to be closed now and we get back episode has to be closed now and we get back to episode has to be closed now and we get back to the episode has to be closed now and we get back to the diplomatic episode has to be closed now and we get back to the diplomatic track get back to the diplomatic track that we get back to the diplomatic track that we all get back to the diplomatic track that we all need get back to the diplomatic track that we all need to get back to the diplomatic track that we all need to work. Get back to the diplomatic track that we all need to work. The. Get back to the diplomatic tracki that we all need to work. The he a former that we all need to work. The he a former to that we all need to work. The he a former to lebanon. That we all need to work. The he a former to lebanon. He that we all need to work. The he a former to lebanon. Former to lebanon. He is spot on as usual. It former to lebanon. He is spot on as usual it was former to lebanon. He is spot on as usual. It was interesting former to lebanon. He is spot on as usual. It was interesting when i former to lebanon. He is spot on as usual. It was interesting when joe i usual. It was interesting Whenjoe Biden was talking about the g7 meeting they said for a diplomatic response. They are not talking about how many Aircraft Carriers we can get together to try and hit around. Thats not the agenda. The big fear The Americans have, the british and others have is of an All Out War In The Middle East for the its the last thing that people want or need. Do the challenge for britain, the us particularly is how to stop the slide into that. One of the thing we should mention in terms of the turbulent world is of course the number of countries, the global cell, not the nicest phrase but you know what i mean by that. Global cell. Who are looking on at this and thinking, what does this have to do with us . ~ ,. , thinking, what does this have to do with us . ~ i. Thinking, what does this have to do with us . ~ , with us . When you say the global south who do with us . When you say the global south who do you with us . When you say the global south who do you mean . South who do you mean . Countries like Ltrazil South who do you mean . Countries like brazil. Cobia, south who do you mean . Countries like brazil. Cobia, india, south who do you mean . Countries like brazil. Cobia, india, south i like brazil. Cobia, india, south africa. South africa has brought a genocide case against israel who was doing in gaza. Lots of small countries as well. We talk about it is world news and it is world news but sometimes what were talking about is a row between the west and its principal adversaries. That authoritarian its principal adversaries. That authoritarian alliance its principal adversaries. That authoritarian alliance you talked about last week. In terms of politics here is labour demanded this morning, demanding that the Prime Minister comes to parliament tomorrow. There is an order of wait and see what happens. I think there is between the two big parties broad consensus that the uk was doing the right thing but everybody is waiting to see the detail. Were coming to a close. I want to askjeremy what your view is. Asjeff asked, one of our views as the latest ex collation will suit russia is it could lead to the west taking a tie up a ball regarding russia and ukraine. Especially as russia seems to be gaining ground. You say it was a good day for netanyahu. His gaining ground. You say it was a good day for netanyahu. Gaining ground. You say it was a good day for netanyahu. His is also a Aood Da Good Day for netanyahu. His is also a good day for good day for netanyahu. His is also a good day for putin . Good day for netanyahu. His is also a good day for putin . Yes, good day for netanyahu. His is also a good day for putin . Yes, in i good day for netanyahu. His is also a good day for putin . Yes, in that i a good day for putin . Yes, in that sense. I think in the west we have taken our eye off the ball with ukraine. It was front and centre for quite a longtime. Inevitably, this only a little bandwidth, notjust to be busy but globally and in government two. We have and i think its coming back into focus because of russias relative success. Because of the problems of getting arms and ammunition to the ukraine and paying for them. The hold up in america particularly. And also europes challenges went not many people have got much money, in terms of trying to get more weapons to them look at the russians now, they are fully mobilised, war economy. Three ships in 2a hours in the tank show. Pouring out weapons, not necessarily sophisticated but can do a great deal of damage. That is why ukrainians are so concerned with the also supposedly, reportedly, mobilising several hundred thousand more troops. Russia has got or or five times the population of ukraine. Ukraine is not fully mobilised they havent fully mobilised they havent fully mobilised young men in the way that you might expect them to. Countries often do that in war. They are going to have to start making some changes there, i think. To have to start making some changes there, ithink. Because to have to start making some changes there, i think. Because of the pressure of war and the pressure that russia is very successfully bringing to bear. That russia is very successfully bringing to hear. I think of the crime when they see whats going on and they say, thats great. We can keep going the way were going. T keep going the way were going. I know that i have learned a lot from having you with us here today. Thank you for your time for the lovely to have you here in person. Thank you for the airtime. For the airtime. Always plenty of that to no for the airtime. Always plenty of that to go around. For the airtime. Always plenty of that to go around. Goodbye. I for the airtime. Always plenty of i that to go around. Goodbye. Newscast from the bbc hello there. Some turbulent weather ahead for the next day or two. Low pressures driving in off the atlantic, giving heavy thundery and intense showers, spray standing water. So tricky conditions on the roads, particularly as in the strength of the wind. Look at the tightly packed isa bars. Look at the tightly packed isobars. There will be strong to Gale Force Winds buffeting the uk during much of mundane into tuesday and its coming down from the north west. In fact, as we head towards tuesday, it starts to come down from the north. So it will feel much colder than it has temperatures below average. So weve got some heavy showery rain pushing its way south. Was on the Weather Front to lots of heavy showers following behind in cold risk of snow over the mountains. It takes longest to get to southern and eastern areas, but temperatures hold up above freezing because of the strength of the wind, which takes us through the day today. This line of really intense rains giving some tricky travel conditions, the winds picking up to strong gale force around the coasts in the west and the south and lots of showers with hail, with thunder, with snow over the hills and mountains across northern ireland, scotland, possibly the pennines. Look at the temperatures, just nine to 12 degrees celsius and it will feel colder still when you add on that wind that will be buffeting the uk. So squally winds near those showers which continue well into the night and into tuesday. By that stage our low pressure is moving out into the north sea. So the winds come down from the north again, enough of it, we think, to prevent a frost in many areas, just like well see in the morning, the glens of scotland, really. But that cold northerly wind will continue to feed showers into particularly central and eastern areas, fewer further west. But there will be because of the north westerly, some coming into the West Of Scotland and into northern ireland, but perhaps fewer showers in the west generally compared with monday. But a bracing wind in the north sea coast, a0 or 50 mile an hour gusts of wind Still Holding on for the likes of east anglia. So again, it will feel cold despite 12 to m inland. I suppose outside the wind, outside the showers with more sunshine around it will feel a little more like mid april. But we have to get to the end of the week to see High Pressure building in because still on wednesday weve got low pressure in charge towards the east. These Weather Fronts rounding western areas, just giving patchy rain or drizzle. So things start to settle down later. In fact, temperatures pick up as we head towards friday as well. Welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, im mariko oi. The headlines. At an Emergency Meeting of the Un Security Council the Secretary General says the middle east is on the bring of a full scale devastating conflict. Its time to step back from the brink. Meanwhile the ambassadors of israel and iran trade insults as the fallout continues from saturdays unprecedented missile attack. The Snooze Button is no longer an option. The only option is to condemn iran and utilize every means necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their horrible crimes. They made unsuccessful attempts to use lies, manipulate the narrative, spread disinformation and engage i in a destructive blame game. Hello and welcome to the programme

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