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Tonight, we are investigating tesco, britains biggest supermarket, where some special offers arent always that special after all. Also tonight The Artist Hiding Real Treasure in the unlikeliest places. Look at that solid gold. I wonder who will find it . And later in the programme, top archaeological finds here in the Yorkshire Wolds. You can see he has quite a wide wound, thats probably Something Like an axe. Now, how often do you check your receipt when you shop at tesco . We all take for granted that the price we see on the shelf is what we pay at the till, but what if its not . Jonathan gibson has been investigating the not so special offers at britains biggest supermarket. Whos up for a good deal . Iam im a sucker for a special offer. Most of us are and tesco knows it too. Thats why the shelves at the supermarket are full of special offers. Money off this, buy two for that, you get the drift. And we all take it for granted that the price we see on the shelf is the price well pay at the till, right . But what if things dont quite add up when you get home and unpack your shopping . Ive just bought a few bits at tesco and im sure these products were on special offer. Thats why ive bought two of each. But according to my receipt, ive paid full price. And thats the point. Ive paid 60 more than the deal on the shelf. Thats £3. 30 in hard cash. At another tesco store, i spot two for £2 on ice cream, but at the till its the full price as well. So whats going on . Ice cream, martin . Martin works for Trading Standards and says the law on pricing is simple. They must put a price on goods so you know what you are going to pay and that price must be accurate so you dont get charged more than you thought you were going to pay. Sounds simple enough and, with more than 3,500 stores nationwide, tesco should be getting it right. But is it . Thats what i want to find out. So, armed with my phone and secret cameras, i want to find out how many offers on the shelves dont go through the checkout and here in leeds im finding problems. After checking the price on the shelf, he asks his colleague to refund the difference. But neither of the staff remove the out of date label, so when my colleague returns a few hours later were overcharged again and thats the problem. Multi buy deals are being left on the shelves after the tills have been told they have ended. This offer is almost one month out of date and it is not the only out of date label. At this tesco superstore on the outskirts of leeds, a worker checks the labels but he doesnt spot the labels out of date. It should have been removed five days ago. And on we go. Ive started making a list of how many offers are wrong in how many places. And i want to know if whats happening in yorkshire is also happening across the country. Because if it is, its notjust a problem for tesco, its a problem for tesco customers. At this tesco store in liverpool, sauce marked £1 on the shelf is almost double at the checkout. And at another store nearby im left completely confused by the offers on the shelves and what im charged at the checkout. In fact, theres so much difference between the shelf price and the receipt price, im not even going to go back and try to get what im owed returned. Completely ridiculous. If there are just too many offers changing too frequently, so that store staff cant really be expected to understand them and comply with all the changes, then thats something Tesco Head Office needs to think about. And theres plenty to think about when i head back to leeds. Doing now what somebody should have done hours, days or weeks ago. Thats a serious message, but is everyone taking it seriously . And as i head across the country, the same thing keeps happening time and time again. So whats going on . These are all inspired as well. Expired. It doesnt seem a terribly difficult or perhaps that long a job just to walk around the store, assuming Everybody Knows what day it is, you know, to go round and tear off anything that has had its day. Youd think so, yeah. Maybe not, then. And its notjust shoppers left confused, as older and new promotions end up side by side. The longer the offer has been wrong, the bigger the failure of diligence and the more worried i am, frankly. In that case, hes not going to like whats coming up next. At this store, the cashier checks the out of date label but doesnt remove it and, when i returned the next day, neither does somebody else. One week later i go back and it is still on display. When i return one month later, yep, still on the shelf. The fourth worker finally removes it. Thats very bad. It is pretty basic that if one customer has shown something wrong then it is put right to stop other customers being misled. But of 33 of the stores i went to, the till price was more than the shelf price. Thats a whopping 66 . If customer a has come back and complained and has been refunded, that doesnt mean there werent 20 other customers who didnt spot it and didnt complain. So alarm bells would be bringing . So alarm bells would be ringing . Very much so, yes. There were obviously major problems with their control of the special offers and it is the special offers that bring customers in and make people reach for more and perhaps spend a little more than they meant to when they came into the store. So that is very, very worrying. But what does tesco say . The company wouldnt provide anyone for interview, but after reviewing our evidence told this programme. But thats just the start. Following our investigation, britains biggest supermarket says it will be double checking the accuracy of every price in every store. Thats more than 3,500 Stores Across britain. Well, every little helps. And dont forget, if youve got any comments about tonights programme or if you have a story you think we might like to cover, you can get in touch on facebook or twitter. Coming up on inside out, the archaeological treasures hidden in the Yorkshire Wolds. Its not easy to find you up here now theres a chance to find some modern day treasure in scunthorpe this weekend. An Art Exhibition is opening in the town. The paintings will contain clues to a very special treasure hunt. Anyone can take part and the prize is real gold. I kid you not. Keeley donovan has been on the hunt. Its winter in scunthorpe. Not the most promising place to be looking for treasure. But people here will have a golden opportunity. Quite literally. Weve got five golden artefacts that have been created and will be hidden in and around scunthorpe. But to find them youll need to crack a code. Some of them are really difficult. One of them is supposed to be ridiculously easy. Each gold object is worth £1000. If you find it, you keep it. Simple as that. Confused . Let me explain. All in the name of art and lukejerram is the artist behind this slightly crazy scheme. I have this idea to kind of celebrating the history of scunthorpe by taking five objects from the museum and creating replicas, i suppose, in solid gold. Tell me about the statues themselves. They range from a jurassic ammonite, which will be millions of years old, all the way through to a train, which is taken from the steel industry. Theres a Viking Brooch, and then weve also got a roman ram and this beautiful tudor figurine. But finding these £1,000 solid gold objects will not be that easy. Treasure hunters will have to crack a code which is hidden in paintings, to be displayed at the 2021 gallery in scu nthorpe. And the paintings are being created at this not so secret location in bristol. Each artefact has a painting that goes with it and the painting contains clues as to where to find this gold artefact. There are five paintings and five objects. Luke has asked artist Vivienne Baker to make five paintings. Today, hes come to take a look at how things are progressing. Not surprisingly all the clues will be in gold. Exciting. Its like christmas, isnt it . Yeah, it looks nice, doesnt it . Yeah, thats a good texture. The paintings are like backgrounds, like something solid, like stone or metal surfaces. What exactly are you doing now . Whats this . Well, im spray painting the clues on. The big question is have you cracked any of the clues . No. Not even the easy one . I dont stand a chance then even luke doesnt seem sure. There is no way i could crack the most difficult one. I could certainly crack two or three of the paintings. You say that now you know the answers. Ido, yeah. Ive been working with a guy from an Unnamed Government Agency to work out all the coding and the ciphers for these paintings. I know you arent giving a lot way. You dont want us to suss out any of the clues yet. But can we speak to the man . Um. Let me see what i can do. So ive managed to persuade luke to give me the details for his code man and now im heading back up north to meet him. Im at Sheffield University to meet mathematician and secret code setter dan fretwell. How on earth does a mathematician get involved in an art project like this . Well, its quite a surprise, really. One day there was an e mail going around and the header was just Puzzler Code Breaker Required and i tried to resist the temptation to open it, but it failed. How many people know the answers to the codes youve set . Just me and luke. How difficult are the ciphers youve set . Some of them are really difficult. So theres five in total and one of them is supposed to be ridiculously easy. The final two in particular are much harder. So were expecting at least one of them might go unsolved for quite a while. To give me a fighting chance, dan shows me how to solve a relatively easy puzzle. So, what ive used here is something called a caesar shift. Its a very old cypher. All ive done is ive taken the alphabet and shifted it on one place. 0k. So. That would be an i. Yep. Ah, i know what youve done there you go very clever does this one follow a similar rule . Meanwhile, at a secret location elsewhere in the country, some very talented people are working to finish the gold objects ready for them to be hidden in five locations around scunthorpe. 0riginally, its a Viking Brooch that was found by a metal detectorist. I really like the shape of it. It reminds me of all the Wind Turbines in scu nthorpe. This is called lost wax castle. We are putting the wax into the mould. We are going to melt the wax out of the mould. And then, through that tube, we will feed the metal to make the piece. Oh, look at that, its boiling right, ready to go, and we will roll it over. There is this lovely moment of alchemy when youre holding precious metal and youre melting it down and its being transformed into another form, theres something quite magical about that. Its quite hard to describe. Weve gone from a 3d object to scanning to wax into plaster and now were in 18 carat gold. Look at that, solid gold worth £1,000, i wonder whos going to find it . Well, not me at this rate. So im off to meet the man whosejob it is to organise the exhibition. Maybe he can give me some clues . We are in scunthorpe centre. Are we close to where any figures are hidden . There are some in urban locations, some in parkland and some a bit further out of town. Are you worried that people will dig up all the parks . It was a concern so we were very careful not to bury any of the objects. It will be difficult to hide them. Should we go in balaclavas in the middle of the night . Were not sure. You might have to shave your beard. So, if someone finds the object they get to keep it, and they will then decide whether to melt it down and turn it into hard cash. Or they can keep the artefact for artistic reasons, the exhibition starts here in scunthorpe at the weekend so get yourself there. And happy hunting now, most people know the Yorkshire Wolds for its Rolling Hills and stunning views, but it has got another claim to fame as one of britains richest archaeological sites. We sent intrepid explorer paul rose to investigate. With thousands of acres of lush farm land you could be forgiven for thinking that all youll find in the wolds are wheat or potatoes. But just a few feet below the surface of this chalk rich landscape there are epic stories of the black death, extreme violence and heroicjourneys. Theyre all there if you dig deep enough. Im going to take a journey back in time through the wolds a place that has provided some of the countrys most significant archaeological finds. Its very productive landscape in prehistoric times as is the day, and all that activity has left its mark. The most famous of the wolds archaeological sites is the deserted Medieval Village of Wharram Percy near malton. And here theres still lots to actually see. For 700 years, there was an active community here, and this is what remains of the church and hub of the whole village. A combination of the black death and the way the lad was farmed meant land. That by the early 16th century the village was effectively abandoned. Archaeologists have had a field day trying to understand what happened at Wharram Percy. In the 1950s researchers moved in, and they stayed for a0 years cataloguing every aspect of life. You are not just looking at the building or a castle. You are looking at the every day, how these people ate, had they produced food, how they lived. That makes the excavations stand out because it gives all that contact the daily lives of ordinary people. People like us. The Wharram Percy dig is now over but, nearby on the wolds, archaeologists are still hard at work. Mel giles and her team from Manchester University are working on an extraordinary cold case thats taken me even further back in time to the iron age. I am on the trail of the burial that was found when it was snowing in 1980. 0riginally discovered by members of the army. The excavated what they thought was a shell and it turned out to be an iron sword. Beside the sword were human remains. It was an amazing find of the lost burial site of what appeared to be a significant figure. It isa it is a dramatic burial so that was bent into. We can imagine the wood of the scabbard shattering around the blade. So this man somehow had a place high in society . I think so. I want to understand his life as well as his death. Mels team are looking for more clues near the burial site but whats clear is that this warrior met a violent end. First, i am going to show you his skull, it is very fragile. His remains have made the short journey to hull museum. We have three injuries to the back of the head here. He may have died by the sword but new data has shown that this man was less than fighting fit. Can you see that discolouration on the rib . There, particularly, can you see how bumpy it is . It looks almost like dirt. It should not be there. It is his body reacting to severe infection. The warrior had tuberculosis a debilitating Chest Infection that would slowly have weakened him. Scientists believe its the second earliest case of tb to have been found in britain. Whether theres a conflict and he is so poorly he is unable to defend himself, whether members of his own Community Despatch him because they do not want this disease to spread, they are worried, they may even see him as being cursed by the gods, another possibility is he may want to grab death the throat, go out in the glorious end, and he dies knowing that his comrades will promise him a fitting send off. While some stories take ages to piece together, others are uncovered by mother nature. Close to one of the worlds great superstructures is the site of one of the wolds most remarkable discoveries. In 1937, two brothers ted and willy wright found planks sticking out of the mud of the riverbank at north ferriby. The wood looked like it was once part of a boat but how old it was well, that came as a complete surprise. The shape of the boat at the brothers to believe it was a viking craft but the reality was much more exciting. This boat was over 4000 years old. These planks were situated in a gloopy, horrible mud. How they manage to do it. Twice a day the tide is coming in and covering everything escalated. What a complete and utter nightmare. The gloopy mud acted like a Preservative Playing A Key Part of the survival of what remained. Over the course of several decades, three boats were discovered and their design has led historians to believe they were capable of crossing the open seas. These boats showed us that not just look but outwards, out beyond the Humber Bridge we see today. These days, we enjoy the Yorkshire Wolds for its Natural Beauty and amazing big sky views. But beneath our feet, there are thousands of secret stories, and one things for sure, whats been found so far has only scratched the surface of the Hidden History of this corner of england. And you can see more paul rose and the Hidden History of the Yorkshire Wolds in a new two part series on bbc two this spring. We have a westerly breeze today. Signs of cloud breaking up in suffolk celeron. Grey skies in cheshire will can find some drizzle later on. It will be mile for all of us later on. It will be mile for all of us but for many parts of the country it will be on the cloudy side. We will see sunshine developing across Eastern Parts of england and Eastern Scotla nd Eastern Parts of england and Eastern Scotland and perhaps east wales for a time before the west cloud will be lauding and will be thickening and we will find some hill fog around and find some pockets of rain and drizzle. That will probably keep temperatures at nine or 10 degrees. Some sunshine and east of all we could lose some of that later the afternoon. Temperatures likely to hit 13 degrees. For Northern Ireland West Of Scotland not such a good day and a lot of cloud around. A lot of grey skies. Turning white and Western Scotland during the afternoon but Eastern Scotland very much better. You can see the difference in temperatures in london next difference in temperatures. We will have some wetter weather arriving in scotland and Northern Ireland for the end of the evening. That will move southwards and move to be lighter and patchy but leave behind a lot of Cloud Including Hill Fog despite a fresh westerly wind. Ill die tonight. Temperatures will not fall much at all. As we head into tomorrow were looking for high temperatures across some parts of the country. We have very mild air coming from a long way so that it will be accompanied by gusty winds and especially windy to the east of scotla nd and especially windy to the east of scotland and east of the pennines. We will see rain moving southwards away from scotland and Northern Ireland and to Northern England and north wales. Sunshine falling behind and cooler conditions. To the size of that band of rain we have very mild a. Temperatures will be in very emac temperatures will be the mid teens of around 80 degrees at 90 degrees. Wetter weather will develop further north across the uk were stronger winds arriving. Still temperatures for many of us in double figures. It may get less mild as the week goes on and it will feel colder in some really strong winds. This is bbc news. The headlines trump thousands of Prison Officers in london and the South East Of England are to get an instant pay increase of between £3,000 and £5,000. This will take time. Its not something you can sort out in weeks or months. It takes time to recruit people, it takes time to bring those people on. Iraqi forces launched an offensive to recapture mosul from so called Islamic State. Save the children warn that 350,000 children are trapped in Western Parts of the city. The last city held by the Islamic State, the assault on that last road out of the Islamic State is now under way. President trump attacks the media again but made a robust defence of his first four weeks in office and has insisted that a new spirit of optimism is sweeping the us at a rally in florida. Police in malaysia have named four north korean suspects in the killing of the half brother of the north korean leader. Sinkholes, mudslides and deadly winds. The biggest storm to hit california for several years has left at least four people dead and around 150 thousand homes without power. And the magic of the fa cup continues for lincoln city but who will they play next . Their 1 0 over burnley yesterday, makes them the first non league club

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