Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20161229 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20161229

gone head—to—head with the outgoing us government over its treatment of israel. mr trump tweeted that israel was being treated with total to disdain and disrespect. john kerry has warned settlement building by israel in the west bank has threatened hopes for peace. our correspondent reports. tonight, another angry intervention by president—elect trump, this time over middle east peace. on twitter, he complained the us was treating israel with total disdain and disrespect. he told it to stay strong until the 20th of january when he takes office. a statement by us secretary of statejohn kerry brought on the row. he criticised israel, accusing its government of undermining their chances of a peace agreement with the palestinians. we have to be clear about what is happening in the west bank. the israeli prime minister publicly supports a two—state solution, but his current coalition is the most right—wing in israeli history with an agenda driven by the most extreme elements. this was after last week's un security council resolution calling for israel to stop building jewish homes on occupied palestinian land. the us didn't use its veto power to protect israel, as it usually does. and here in israel they're worried that in the very last days of the obama administration it could take another diplomatic stand, laying out the framework for a peace deal at an international conference. the palestinians might welcome that, but israeli leaders would see it as another attempt to tie the hands of donald trump, who's promising them strong support. the israeli prime minister hit back at mr kerry for his stance on settlements. what he did was spend most of his speech blaming israel for the lack of peace by passionately condemning a policy of enabling jews to live in their historic homeland and in their eternal capitaljerusalem. the obama administration oversaw two rounds of peace talks between israel and the palestinians. both breakdown acrimoniously. now they're trying to use their final three weeks in office to set a new path, but it could be too little too late. geoffrey aronson is a middle east a nalyst geoffrey aronson is a middle east analyst and writer in washington, dc. i spoke to him earlier. he said what this meant for the american position as a broker for peace in the middle east. well, i think that is one of the primary shortcomings of this whole enterprise. the united states has a lwa ys enterprise. the united states has always aspired to play in leading role in resolving this conflict for decades upon end. it has always prided itself on not only aspiring to end it, but actually having a programme and an outline and what we used to call in the bush era a roadmap. while secretary of state kerry declared an aspiration, time has run out for them to think about implementing this aspiration in policy terms. so, there was no context. and when a great power aspires to a certain end state, but is unable to implement it, i think the net result is a weakening of the american role and a weakening of the role particularly in the eyes of the other players in the region and beyond. especially when this is all going to be changed, apparently, by president—elect donald trump. powell edifying is that for america as well, when the new administration seems to be completely polar opposite of what the former was? yeah, ithink opposite of what the former was? yeah, i think when the origins of the speech today go back a number of months, when it was assumed that secretary of state clinton was going be the new president, and the feeling at that point was, let's do some of the dirty work in terms of outlining an american prescription for peace to save a new clinton administration the political cost of doing and saying certain things. of course, trump's victory at end of that strategy, but, again, as you suggested, it forced the entire political and diplomatic context for these remarks to disappear absolutely, and in the end what you may have is a reaction against them, which in our sense would strengthen the very tendencies that secretary kerry criticised so bitterly. yeah, imean, kerry criticised so bitterly. yeah, i mean, there is obviously a reason why he is doing it now, just a few weeks before he leaves office, and they said also that there was no greater friend to israel than they said also that there was no greaterfriend to israel than be they said also that there was no greater friend to israel than be the obama administration. they haven't denied the veto before either. is there some truth in what he said? well, there is truth in how we analyse the state of affairs in the west ba n k analyse the state of affairs in the west bank and elsewhere today. it would have been a wonderful speech has this been given in march 2009, at the outset of the obama administration. and perhaps 95% of it could have been given at that time. in the sense that we haven't really learnt anything new about this issue in the last 80 years in terms of israel's aspirations and its determination to see itself permanently in place in territories occupied, as kerry said, almost 50 yea rs occupied, as kerry said, almost 50 years ago. syrian rebel groups say they discussing a ceasefire deal with turkey but it is too early to say if it has any chance of success. a top official with one of the main rebel groups said one of the sticking points was the exclusion of a key rebel held area on the outskirts of damascus. this comes as moscow accuses rebels firing two shells at its embassy in the syrian capital. our correspondent has been following the development. so, the russians have announced that there were two attacks on their embassy in central damascus. the embassy in central damascus. the embassy is a big embassy in musra street in damascus, and of course we have heard from some residents that at least two rockets fell, want outside the embassy and one inside the embassy. so far we don't know who is to blame for this attack. of course, the russians have said that this is going to hold what effect any peace efforts. that is happening just in time where russia and turkey are preparing for a nationwide ceasefire. the announcement came from the turkish side today but hasn't been confirmed so far from either the russians or the government. but lots is happening behind the scenes by the russians in co—ordination with turkey and iran to set a sort of roadmap to end the conflict in syria. they are talking about talks and meetings in cows expand, inviting both government and the opposition. so far is not clear which part of the opposition will ta ke which part of the opposition will take place when and if they happen —— in has. there are meetings taking place between russia and rebel groups to do discussions and the plan for syria. reports a hollywood actress debbie red doors has been taken to hospital a day after the death of a film star daughter carrie fisher. the website tmz says debbie reynolds might have suffered as possible stroke at her son's house in beverly hills. she was the leading lady in hollywood comedies in the 50s and 60s including singing in the rain in other stories, the tmz says it came under a cyber attack in november that put the integrity of its computer network at risk and that the systems are now say. the osce said it did not want to speculate that reports of russian hackers were behind the breach. police in pakistan have arrested three men accused of preparing home—made liquor mixed with afters have. home—made liquor mixed with aftershave. it is one of the deadliest cases of mass alcohol poisoning. 3a people died and many more were taken to hospital after they drank the mixture on christmas eve. 13 people have died in peru after their bus fell 300 metres into a ravine. the accident happened in the central peru the region. the bus was headed towards san francisco. german prosecutors say a ao—year—old tunisian man has been detained in connection with the truck attack in berlin. police raided his home and workplace after his number was found on the phone of annus memory, the man who killed 12 and injured nearly 50. officials have two hours to decide whether to charge him —— —— anis amri. more from our correspondent. he has confirmed to be a tunisian citizen, as you say, a0 years old, and the authorities here have said that it seems he has according to their investigation so far have some sort of connection with the attack. that is the warrier. the question right now is whether anis amri was acting on his own or whether he was pa rt acting on his own or whether he was part of a network because german officials said there are between five and 600 suspected potentially dangerous islamist extremists living in germany and although so—called islamic state have claimed responsibility for the attack so far there is no evidence that actually there is no evidence that actually the attack was directed by is. so that's the big question right now, a, whether is was behind it, and b, whether there was a network of people behind helping anis amri carry out the attack, because it is not a one—off event, it would mean other dangerous people are still out there. that is why this arrest will this detention so far is so important, because the more information authorities can get, the more authorities can say whether there is still a danger of another attack in a similar way by people connected to this attack on the christmas market in berlin. the record number of migrants left germany in 2016 according to official statistics. 55,000 people left the country voluntarily between january and november, almost double the number deported. the majority we re the number deported. the majority were albanian. they accounted for 15,000 of those who left. a further 5000 from serbia, iraq and kosovo made up the majority. it comes as the last of the back of last year's record influx when roughly 890,000 migrants into germany. you are watching bbc world news. stay with us. still to come five—time british olympic champion and tourde five—time british olympic champion and tour de france winner bradley wiggins announces his retirement from cycling at the age of 36. george harrison, the former beatle, is recovering in hospital. a 33—year—old man is being interviewed by police on suspicion of attempted murder. i think it was good. just good? no, fantastic. that's better. you're watching bbc news. the latest headlines —john you're watching bbc news. the latest headlines — john kerry vent his frustration with israel and says the only way to achieve pcs with a two—state solution. israeli prime minister hits back thomas saying the secretary of state's speech was biased against his country and that he barely touched on the root of the problem. could the russian plane that crashed over the black sea on sunday, killing 92 people, have suffered a problem with its wing flaps? the russian defence ministry says salvage teams have recovered a second flight recorder. the tupolev—15a came down in good weather two minutes are taking off from sochi. on the tape, the pilots are heard talking about the wing flaps not being in the right position. will pay earlier we spoke to the bbc‘s oleg boldyrev, from moscow, from moscow, on what may have contributed to the crash. initially all possibilities are the tape —— on the table. initially all possibilities are the tape -- on the table. at the initial possibilities are pilot error and outside impact to the engine. russian media only quote sources, andi russian media only quote sources, and i must stress that this is not anything coming from the authority, and that the problem might have been the position of the wing flaps, which regulate lift off and takedown of the plane. it would appear that there was some error with those wing fla ps. there was some error with those wing flaps. specialists know that i itself it was not a catastrophic failure and there were instances where pilots went back to the airports and landed successfully, perhaps in distress again, perhaps the pilots overcompensated for this, and that sent the planes into the sea. britain's most decorated olympian and tour de france winner sir bradley wiggins has announced his retirement from cycling. in a statement, the 36—year—old said he had been lucky enough to live a dream and make a career out of a sport he fell in love with when he was 12. it ends a stunning career which also brought him world championships and many other honours. but it follows questions about medical treatments he received in training. here's our sports correspondent richard conway. on the road, and on the track, sir bradley wiggins dominated his sport like few others. he is the uk's most decorated olympian, winning eight medals over 16 years. in 2012, he became the first briton to claim the tour de france title, achievements which took him on a path to the palace. but, after so much success over the years, sir bradley wiggins's remarkable career has finally rolled to a halt, ina in a statement, he said... wiggins kindled his love of cycling at his local club in south london. and at the age of 12, he knew what he wanted to achieve, telling his teachers he would one day be olympic champion. he delivered on that promise, winning his first gold at the 200a athens games, all at a time when british cycling success was far from the norm. and his personality, intertwined with a love of mod culture, helped him to transcend and popularise the sport his retirement comes at a time of heightened scrutiny into his career, though. earlier this year russian hackers revealed wiggins had been given powerful steroid injections before three key races, including his 2012 tour de france win. this substance involved is banned under normal circumstances, as it can be performance—enhancing. but wiggins legally and legitimately applied for a medical exemption, he says, to treat hayfever. this wasn't about trying to find a way to gain an unfair advantage. this was about putting ourselves on a level playing field, in order to compete at the highest level. one of britain's brightest sporting careers is now at an end. but it was one that was coloured throughout by gold and yellow. it is the busiest time of the year for retailers, and the message to consume is all around us, on advertising hoardings, buses and on tv. but there are warnings the raw materials used to make the things we buy are becoming depleted. campaigners are calling for changes to how goods are designed, to ensure they last longer, as our correspondent sian lloyd reports. out with the old, to make way for the new. when something breaks stories out grown, it usually ends up stories out grown, it usually ends up here. a throwaway culture means we keep on buying, but that takes its toll on the environment, and on the supply of raw materials that manufacturers use. at this company, they make bikes for children. it has been a busy time of year, the good news for the balance sheets, but the business is looking to a future where the bikes they supply will not be new. we think the raw material prices will be such that icicles become unaffordable for most families. so they are redesigning the bicycle. the frame is the heart of the bicycle, so we started there. this is the prototype. it has been built to last 50 years. stainless steel has been chosen for its durability, and because it doesn't even need painting. instead of selling the bikes, they will rent them instead. and when a child grows, they will exchange the model for a bigger one. having foreseen this challenge coming in the future around raw materials, that is a threat to children being able to afford to access cycling, that is pretty devastating. and what we are working on here is seeking an alternative solution that is ready in place when that time comes. so this is our office on the isle of wight. we have over 100 people who work at the foundation. it is a way of thinking being championed by this world champion will yachtswoman. her charitable foundation promotes a circular economy and believes its principles can apply to everything from washing machines to car parts. when you set foot on a boat and take the boat around the world, you take with you everything you need for your survival because you know 2500 miles away from land, what you have is all you have, and our global economy is no different. it is entirely dependent on resources we have once in the history of humanity and yet we are using them up. so the economy itself, the way it functions, can't work in the long—term. functions, can't work in the long-term. this new set of wheels is both circular in design and the way it is ill. this is the first child to test the new technology. it is ill. this is the first child to test the new technologylj it is ill. this is the first child to test the new technology. i am a great fan of applying things that last a long time. if they get the pricing right and are affordable for everybody then i can see it being quite a good model. companies including google, nikkei and renault are already buying into the idea of are already buying into the idea of a circular economy —— nike. but consumers will also need to change their habits if it is to pick up speed. people in the us have been ringing in the new year early by literally shredding all the negatives memories of 2016. it has been named good riddance day, now in its tenth year. people lined up in times square, armed with all their negativity, ready to make way for the positivity of the new year. catharina moh reports. the first smashing of the day. junk and clutter be gone. you can all relate to that. it is good riddance day in new york, which means getting rid of the negativity of 2016. how does that feel? that feels good! to make space for all the possibilities that 2017 might bring. crowds of people gathered in times square to ta ke people gathered in times square to take part. some made their grievances public. others preferring to toss their bad memories straight into the bin. good riddance to tiny sums on twitter. i want to shred the stress and the anger. this was, like, the last connection to make cancer. it takes a lot of courage to share that with us. thank you, eileen, right? that's amazing. how does that feel? that feels great. while the majority wrote their memories on pieces of paper bound for the shredder, others came with photographs, bags of bills, anything associated with discontent. it's a lot of stuff that i brought. as the negative vibes are being thrown out, people also began writing wishes and making resolutions for the new year. a reminder of one of our news stories this hour: debbie reynolds, actress and mother of carrie fisher, has been rushed to hospital. details on the incident are scarce, but hollywood news outlets tmz and e news are reporting the 8a—year—old may have suffered a stroke. her daughter carrie fisher passed away on tuesday. she had suffered a cardiac arrest while flying to los angeles on friday. she was best known for playing princess leia in the star wars films. her co—star harrison ford has described her as brilliant, funny, and emotionally fearless. there has been a huge reaction to the news across the world. let's end the programme with some of the messages from her friends and fans. she was a big part of my childhood, as well as many others. i always grew up with star wars. i remember my dad getting me into it. just brings back a lot of memories. she was great. she was a spectacular woman. even though she is gone, i am so pleased that i got to know her, and also millions of fans around the world also got to know her. every man my age, a3 and above, had a childhood crush on carrie fisher. princess leia was a lot about childhood. —— of our childhood. we got a lot of fog out there, thick fog. it's quite patchy, which makes it dangerous as well. and on top of that we've got subzero temperatures so that accommodation means freezing fog in some areas. and that in turn means that the roads could be some quite slippery, so really quite dangerous on some of those roads if you are travelling in the early hours and really throughout much of the morning into the afternoon. because that log will be the bid to clear. this time of year, when there is no wind, the sun is low on the horizon, just can't work on that fog, it cannot melt it, as we say, away. this is what it looks like at 8am in the morning, you can see the fog extensive across england, also the near continent there. temperatures down to —3 and some areas. now, the further north you go with got a bit more of a breeze coming of the atlantic here. so that means that that fog can't form, and is also bits and pieces of light rain. so for the western isles in the highlands, i think fog free, fog free for northern ireland, but here across the bulk of england, at the very least it will be sort of cloudy, misty, a bit of brightness, and in one or two back areas that fog is going to persist. now, in terms of the temperatures, for most of us actually quite a chilly day. three orfour degrees, a of us actually quite a chilly day. three or four degrees, a warm spot there, tropical ends on away. 11 celsius we've got the wind in the rain, so it's not ideal. let's focus on that fog, because i have said that it may stick around into the afternoon. these sorts of areas here, where it does stick around, the temperatures of course struggle. we haven't got the sunshine coming in. warming up the ground, so it is 0dc. so thursday night, so this is the following night now, a bit more ofa the following night now, a bit more of a breeze across the uk. these isobars here, the pressure lines, mean there is more of wind so that means that the fog isn't that is going to be quite so widespread in the friday morning and friday afternoon, baby across the south—east. i think many of us it is sort of cloudy sort of day, with some sunshine. notice that there is some sunshine. notice that there is some rain getting into the far north of the uk. this is music, whether front moving into northern ireland, scotland, the far north of england as well, to the south of that probably staying dry. temperatures just about into double figures the south—west, and across europe. actually, the bulk of the continent, probably hovering close to freezing during the course of music. look at that, london exactly going to be warmer than madrid on new year's eve. now something does happen as we go into 2017. thinking is that a cold front, a pretty good cold front, will sweep across the uk and introduced these northerly winds. so i think first of january 2017 is to feel pretty nippy across the uk. you're watching bbc news. us secretary of state john you're watching bbc news. us secretary of statejohn kerry has vented his frustration with israel. ina vented his frustration with israel. in a speech he said the decision by the un to condemn illegaljewish settle m e nts the un to condemn illegaljewish settlements on occupied land was in line with american values. he said it was about preserving the possibility of a two—state solution. the israeli prime minister said john kerry was biased against israel. he said he dealt with the issue of settle m e nts said he dealt with the issue of settlements and barely touched on palestinian opposition to a jewish state. german prosecutors have detained a a0—year—old tunisian man in relation to a truck attack which killed 12 and injured 50 at a christmas market in berlin. they say his number was found on the phone of anis amri, the man who drove the truck. it is reported from la that debbie reynolds, the mother of carrie fisher, has been taken to hospital.

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Central Damascus , Attacks , Rebels , Moscow , Capital , Development , Big Embassy In Musra Street Damascus , Rockets , Residents , Attack , Russia , Announcement , Ceasefire , Peace Efforts , Lots , Hasn T , Side Today , Sort , Meetings , Talks , Scenes , Co Ordination , Cows , Iran , Part , Opposition , Has , Ta Ke , Hospital , Groups , Discussions , Plan , Reports A Hollywood Actress Debbie Red Doors , Debbie Reynolds , News Outlets Tmz , Carrie Fisher , Stroke , Hollywood , House , Website , Son , Lady , Beverly Hills , Stories , Cyber Attack , Comedies In The 50s And 60s Including Singing Rain , Integrity , 60 , Police , Home , Russian , Osce , Hackers , Computer Network , Breach , Liquor , Risk , Men , Reports , Pakistan , Systems , People , More , Peru , Aftershave , Afters , Cases , Alcohol Poisoning , Mixture , 3 , 13 , Bus , Accident , Prosecutors , German , Ravine , San Francisco , 300 , Truck Attack , Tunisian Man , Connection , Workplace , Berlin , Man , Anis Amri , Officials , Phone , Annus Memory , 12 , A0 Years Old , Authorities , Question , Citizen , Investigation , Warrier , Network , Extremists , Rt Acting , Germany , Pa , 600 , Five , Evidence , Islamic State , Whether , Responsibility , B , Big Question , Event , Detention , Arrest , Way , Market , Record , Danger , Migrants , Information , Country , Majority , Statistics , 2016 , 55000 , Of Those Who Left , Last , Back , Albanian , Kosovo , Serbia , Iraq , 5000 , 890000 , 15000 , Bbc World News , Champion , Olympic , Stay , George Harrison , Suspicion , Attempted Murder , 33 , Bbc News , Fantastic , John , Frustration , Problem , Hits Back , Pcs , Root , Plane , Wing Flaps , Flight Recorder , Teams , Defence Ministry , Black Sea , 92 , Pilots , Tape , Weather , Tupolev 15a , Sochi , 15 , Possibilities , Crash , Oleg Boldyrev , Table , Sources , Authority , Media , Pilot Error , Engine , Impact , Andi Russian Media , Error , Lift Off , Takedown , Wing Fla Ps , Instances , Failure , Airports , Distress , Specialists , Olympian , Planes , Sea , Popularise , Career , Love , Him World Championships , Dream , Honours , Richard Conway , On The Road , Others , Questions , Treatments , Training , Track , Achievements , Briton , Palace , Title , Medals , 2012 , Eight , 16 , Qina , Halt , South London , Club , Teachers , Gold , Promise , Norm , Games , British Cycling , 200a Athens , 200 , Personality , Mod Culture , Scrutiny , Races , Steroid Injections , Substance , Circumstances , Wasn T , Exemption , Hayfever , Advantage , Level Playing Field , Order , Win , End , Level , Message , Retailers , Britain S Brightest Sporting Careers , Materials , Sian Lloyd , Campaigners , Changes , Goods , Tv , Buses , Warnings , On Advertising Hoardings , Something , Old , Bikes , Children , Throwaway Culture , Company , Toll , Supply , Buying , Environment , Manufacturers , News , Business , Future , Raw Material Prices , Balance Sheets , Icicles , Bicycle , Stainless Steel , Frame , Heart , Prototype , Families , Child , Model , Durability , Challenge , Painting , Solution , Threat , Thinking , Foundation , Isle Of Wight , This World Champion Will Yachtswoman , 100 , World , Economy , Boat , Everything , Car Parts , Principles , Washing Machines , Resources , Survival , Humanity , 2500 , Technology , Set , Circular , Technologylj , It Functions , Functions , Economy Itself , Wheels , Design , Fan , Idea , Pricing , Google , Everybody , Nikkei , Renault , Nike , Memories , Negativity , Consumers , Times Square , Speed , Habits , Ringing , Positivity , Junk , Smashing , Catharina Moh , Clutter , New York , Feel , Grievances , Public , Crowds , Space , 2017 , Lot , Anger , Courage , Stress , Bin , Sums , Cancer , Eileen , Pieces , Paper , Discontent , Photographs , Shredder , Bags , Bills , Stuff , Writing Wishes , Vibes , News Stories , Resolutions , Mother , Reminder , Incident , Details , 8 , Princess Leia In The Star Wars Films , Cardiac Arrest , Harrison Ford , Los Angeles , Funny , Childhood , Fans , Friends , Messages , Dad , Star Wars , Woman , Millions , A3 , Childhood Crush , Princess Leia , Thick Fog , Top , Areas , Temperatures , Roads , Accommodation , Turn , The Sun , Wind , Afternoon , Log , Bid , Horizon , Continent , Breeze , Bit , Bits , North , Form , Light Rain , England , Atlantic , , Bulk , Misty , Brightness , Western Isles , Highlands , Northern Ireland , Most , Spot , The Rain , Let , 11 , Four , Sunshine , Ground , Course Struggle , Ofa , Following , 0dc , 0 , Many , Pressure Lines , Fog Isn T , Baby , South East , Isobars , Notice , Music , Rain , South , Figures , South West , Scotland , Europe , New Year S Eve , 2017 Thinking , Winds , Front , Cold Front , January 2017 , Line , Secretary Of State John , Decision , Values , Un , Possibility , Relation , Tunisian , Campaign , Terrorism , Lip Service , Truck ,

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