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Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines thousands of anti racism demonstrators have held rallies in cities around the uk, despite government warnings against Mass Gatherings during the lockdown. Everything thats going on, globally, its our duty to actually do something. Its been our grandfatherss fight, our fatherss fight. We dont want it to be our childrens fight. Thats why we want to make sure theyre part of this as well. And heres the scene in washington the us capital is bracing itself for the citys biggest demonstration yet. Black lives matter people have also taken to the streets of australia, where the focus is on the treatment of indigenous australians. A growing number of schools in north west england delay plans to reopen to more pupils on monday because of fears that coronavirus is still spreading at a high level there. Now on bbc news, our world looks at south korea and how its fought coronavirus. Onjanuary 19th, Incheon Airport in south korea was in a state of alert. There had been reports of a deadly new disease spreading from wuhan in china. This man had been trained to spot the symptoms. The woman had just flown in from wuhan and she had a temperature. South korea was one of the first countries to be infected by coronavirus. At one point, it had the worst outbreak outside china, but the country never went into lockdown. People have been allowed to travel freely, go to work in their offices, visit bars, even vote in an election, yet infection rates were brought under control. Were they just lucky, or does south korea have lessons it can teach us all . This film provides the answers. It was shot over the first 100 days of the Korean Response to covid 19, right from the very first day. The chinese woman detected with a temperature at the airport was immediately ta ken to incheon hospital. Wang yue was complaining of muscle pain and a mild fever. The doctor who treated her was drjin yong kim. A veteran of past pandemics, hed been following the frightening new disease emerging in china. These are dr kims own pictures of that first encounter. Coughs. Though her illness was mild, professor kim was alarmed. He conducted a variety of tests, including blood, saliva, x rays, and sent them off for analysis. But long before the results, he knew what he was dealing with south korea had its first case of coronavirus. Do you have any cough . No. No cough. Headache . 0k . The virus had taken hold by stealth. Mrs wang was far more ill than she appeared. When professor kim examined a ct scan of his patients lungs, he realised that shed had the virus for several days. It suggested that carriers of covid 19 were contagious without knowing they were sick. The alarm now went off in the Korean Center for Disease Control south koreas highest medical body. South korea had fought coronaviruses twice before sars in 2002 and mers in 2015. Mers killed 38 people and paralysed the country. The kcdc had already begun pandemic planning, simulating how the virus could spread out from china. With no cure available, the kcdc decided to focus on preventing the spread of the disease. First, it had to find out who actually had it. So stage one of the fightback would be mass testing. But the existing tests took too long more than 2a hours to give results. In that time, a single carrier could infect hundreds of people. The urgency was real because it was nearly the Lunar New Year holiday. Millions would be travelling all over the country, potentially spreading the virus. As korea celebrated the Lunar New Year, the kcdc summoned officials from some of the countrys Top Biotech Companies to a meeting at seoul station. Those who were there were shocked by what they heard. Among them, sd biosensors hae joon park. The companies were told to develop faster tests. In this crisis, 2a hours was just too long. In return, the kcdc would provide anything they needed samples, faster licensing, anything. It took only eight days for one firm to develop a test that gave results injust six hours. Four other companies now collaborated and scaled up production of the six hour tests. With test kits ready, the kcdc now put its faith in a strategy that could be summarised as the four ts. T1 test. Find out who was carrying the disease. T2 track. Find out where those who tested positive had been, and who theyd met. T3 trace those contacts, and test them too. Ta treat. Isolate those with the disease in specialist covid 19 hospitals. 20 days after being admitted, the first patient was discharged from hospital and wrote this letter of thanks. At this stage, only a few people arriving from china had the virus. She returned home safely and later zoomed her medical team. 0kay one month after the first case, south korea only had 30 patients infected with coronavirus. The invisible enemy had been held at bay. But it was not to last. Daegu is south koreas fourth largest city, with some 2. 5 million residents. South koreas 31st patient was diagnosed in daegu. Patient 31 changed everything. She was a member of the secretive Shincheonji Church of jesus. With over 230,000 members across the country, its packed services were an ideal incubator for the virus. Within just ten days, there was an explosion of cases. Thousands were infected, most from the church. Case 31 alone had come into contact with over 300 people. From having no deaths, suddenly, there were 16. South korea had a crisis on its hands. Cases were rising at up to 900 per day at the peak, a third of them in daegu. The citys Health System was overwhelmed. There werent enough medical staff and beds to handle this surge. A call went out for for volunteer medics to go to daegu, a call went out for volunteer medics to go to daegu, among them doctors and nurses from seouls National Medical center. Theirjob to treat those with the worst symptoms. One was dr young hwan kim. Dr kim was sent straight to the front line. No camera crews were allowed to film in his Critical Care unit, so everything you see was shot on his body cam. This is a so called negative pressure ward, where no air is allowed to circulate from one room to another. It stops the virus spreading within the hospital a Lesson Learned from the mers outbreak. But even so, there were times when dr kim felt helpless. With no vaccine and no drug to combat the disease, all he could do was buy a patient time and hope that they hung on. With daegu the epicentre of the outbreak, officials faced a difficult situation. Should they lock the city down . Instead, they put their faith in the four ts and voluntary social distancing. By now, the virus was spreading beyond daegu. Epidemiological teams were mobilised to ramp up ts two and three track and trace. Due to the pandemic, the contact tracers were allowed to access normally private information. For instance, when the first confirmed case was reported in the city of busan in another church, a team was dispatched to investigate. The church agreed to hand over its register, revealing private details of all of its members. And by tracking a patients path via credit card, phone and even cctv, contact tracers worked out that the patient had originally been infected by another as yet undiscovered carrier from the same church. By testing 100 people from that one church, they not only traced the original carrier, but also 33 others whod been infected. They then investigated the movements of each carrier. This led them to a further seven whod caught it after contact outside the church. To make the tracking process even swifter, Health Officials would mobilise big data. The new system slashed the time taken to track a patients movements from 2a hours to just ten minutes. Anyone who had contact with an infected person would receive a text revealing where that person had been, at what time, theirjob, sex, where they had been treated, and other personal information. They were then advised to get a test. The use of this normally private data was possible because of laws passed after the mers outbreak in 2015. The data would be deleted two weeks after the last contact with a carrier. As the outbreak reached its peak, there was also a massive expansion of the first t testing. Anyone who wanted a test could get one. But going to a centre, sending off swabs was time consuming and difficult. So dr kim, who had treated the very first patient, devised the idea of a drive through testing centre. Drive through and even walk in centres were set up in School Playgrounds and parking lots. The tests tookjust ten minutes. But still, the outbreak raged. In early march, south korea passed 5,000 cases at that point, the worst outbreak anywhere outside china. We have made the assessment that covid 19 can be characterised as a pandemic. By late march, the virus had spread all over the world. Some countries blocked flights and closed borders. South korea chose a different approach. Airports like incheon, where the first case was detected, were kept open, but arrivals had to quarantine for two weeks. Once again, south korea put its faith in the four ts test, track, trace and treat. Everyone arriving from infected countries, europe and the us, had to be tested. After getting off the plane, passengers would be checked by the gates for fever. If they had a high temperature, they would be sent to a special room, where they would be tested for the virus. If they tested negative, they would be allowed entry, but be tracked with a self isolation app for two weeks. By may 6th, some 100 days after the first case, south korea seemed to be on the verge of beating the virus. There had been no new home grown cases for three days. The korean four ts approach had been hailed as a model for the rest of the world. But then, on may 7th, the kcdc was alerted to a patient who had visited gay nightclubs and bars while carrying the virus. It was spreading once again. This outbreak revealed the limitations on the third t tracing. Some lgbt club goers gave false identities. They were reluctant to come forward for testing, fearing discrimination. The kcdc swung into action once more. Officials are still dealing with the aftermath of this outbreak, but they are managing to keep it under control. 100 days after that first case, south korea continues its battle against covid 19. It is not free of the virus, but it has come close. Even so, like many countries, it has been damaged. By may 28th, south korea had suffered just 269 deaths, compared to over 100,000 in the us and nearly 40,000 in britain. Test, track, trace and treat using big data and acting swiftly has become a role model for the world. Few koreans question the governments strategy it has been proven to save lives, and any intrusion on personal privacy is regarded as a price worth paying. Hello, it has been a pretty windy start to the weekend and most of us have had rain on saturday as well. Take a look at the culprit, almost out of nowhere we had an area of low pressure right here. Once it had formed in the north sea, it became slow moving and jetting southwards, bringing blustery conditions and rain and gusts of around a0 mph. I am showing you that scenario because it could repeat in the week ahead. More on that in a moment, but first sunday. 0ur more on that in a moment, but first sunday. Our low pressure is still there, but weakening and moving further east, meaning sunday morning will start on a cloudy and wet notes across eastern areas of england and through the day as the rain move southwards across south east and east anglia and the air, it will probably break apart, turning showery and some of those showers quite heavy. At the same time, scotland, Northern Ireland, the north west of england and wales should become drier with a bit more of sunshine. Where the sunshine is out, 18 degrees in the central belt of scotla nd out, 18 degrees in the central belt of scotland will not feel too bad. Into the week, a ridge of High Pressure initially, but on tuesday we will start to see a cold front approach on the north west, so there will be some changes in the week ahead. Monday the quieter day on the weather for most of us, a dry and bright day with some spells of sunshine and may be a queue showers towards the south west, onshore winds keeping our eastern host a little on the cool side. Temperatures 16 or 70 17 degrees possible,. Temperatures 16 or 70 17 degrees possible,. On tuesday, a fair amount of dry weather with sunshine through the morning, but in the afternoon we will see that cold front began to push in and that will eventually bring rain to Northern Ireland and into parts of scotland. England and wales will stay quite dry, but it should be quite cloudy, with a few sunny spells, but a tad warmer, temperatures can and 18 or 19 degrees across parts of england or wales. All computer model runs have had this kind of pattern with the jet stream, a ridge to the south of iceland, a trough over the uk that would have brought showers and moved across and then pressure would have built and the importance of sunshine with the return of warm weather. However, more recent computer model iu ns however, more recent computer model runs have had a much bigger ridge to the west of iceland, and we have had a bigger trial is over the uk. What thatis a bigger trial is over the uk. What that is more likely to do is it will ta ke that is more likely to do is it will take out one of those areas of low pressure around about the uk and thatis pressure around about the uk and that is likely to develop on wednesday. 0nce that is likely to develop on wednesday. Once it has developed the track is a bit uncertain, but it could become quite slow moving as an area of High Pressure builds to the north and east, essentially trapping low pressure somewhere across western europe. That means it is likely to stay unsettled for quite some time. On wednesday, we are fairly confident there will be some rain around and it will probably be at its heaviest across the north of the uk, but nowhere is immune from seeing some rain, it isjust it is probably going to be lighter further south. Temperatures at the best will be 18 or 19 degrees, but that area of low pressure will only develop on wednesday, so there is uncertainty about where it goes after that. Nevertheless, it looks like the overall pattern is it will stay u nsettled, overall pattern is it will stay unsettled, with rain or thundery showers and perhaps in strong winds later in the week, but with day to day details on who has the heaviest rain and where is still uncertain. Tens of thousands defy government appeals to stay at home, joining anti racism marches across the uk. The black lives matter protests took place in several towns and cities, despite fears over the coronavirus. This evening, clashes as police drive some demonstrators away from downing street. After one officer is injured, the home secretary says violence is completely unacceptable. Also tonight. Some schools in the north west of england wont be reopening to more pupils on monday over renewed coronavirus fears. And places of worship are set to open again later this month

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