Transcripts For BBCNEWS Reporters 20170214 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Reporters 20170214

i'm karin giaonone. from here in the bbc newsroom, we send out correspondents to bring you the best stories from across the globe. in this week's programme: 0n the brink of famine. nawal al—maghafi reports from yemen as the united nations launches an emergency appeal for aid. the struggle of the smugglers. jiyar goljoins the kurds desperately trying to make a living on the iran—iraq border. believe it or not, it's impossible to take a sip. they tell me the black is for the majority of people like me. and yet, for some reason, i don't feel that i'm a part of it. paying the price for speaking your mind in mugabe's zimbabwe. we profile the pastorfacing up to 20 years injail. his supporters believe that his case, which will be heard here, will test the limits of freedom of expression in this country. plans for a helping hand at one online supermarket, rory cellan jones investigates the rise of the robot. the question is, just how many people are going to see theirjobs taken by robots and what will happen to them? and eyesore or icon? as paris‘ pompidou centre celebrates its 40th birthday, will gompertz meets its creators. everybody hated it. nobody had a good word for it. it was only when it opened and people started to line up and started to come in and the figures were fantastic, it changed. the un has appealed for $2 billion to provide life—saving assistance to millions in yemen, who it says face the threat of famine. almost 3.3 million people are now suffering from acute malnutrition. more than 2 million of them are children. aid workers say the situation is catastrophic and rapidly deteriorating. now there's a new complication. warplanes from the saudi—led coalition battling the houthi rebels who control the capital have hit a vital port, which means aid supplies cannot be unloaded. nawal al—maghafi is one of the few western journalists to have travelled to yemen in recent months and sent this report. fatima is the face of hunger in yemen. in the six months since we met her, every day has been a struggle to get food. her mother says they're barely surviving. fatima is not alone. there are over two million children like her. 90% of yemen's food is imported and most of it arrives here, what was once its busiest port. but all the cranes needed to offload the ships have been bombed by the saudi—led coalition. and the port is barely functioning. the saudis have imposed an aerial and naval blockade, controlling all imports to the country. they say they're stopping arms from getting to the houthis and their allies. but that means that very little food is getting through. the world food programme has bought new cranes for hodeda's port but we've been told the saudi coalition has refused to allow them in for at least two months. these delays in bringing foodstuffs onshore, either commercially or humanitarian, means there's less available and therefore the prices will go up. from what i've heard, the saudi argument is that firstly, the port is in control of the houthis, so they're handing over cranes to a port that is in control of the rebels. they also say that these cranes could be used to offload arms for the rebels and therefore fuel the fight. what would you say to that? those cranes are for wfp. those cranes are brought in and funded for wfp, who are the logistics cluster, to bring those food goods off ships that are coming in. the port's controlled by the same people who've always controlled the port, the same as the sea offshore is controlled by the saudi—led coalition. so we just want these cranes in so we can do our work, to make sure the humanitarian pipeline is as strong as it can possibly be. the fighting for control of the port has been going on now for over six months, with neither side winning. and it's the most vulnerable that are left suffering. nawal al—maghafi, bbc news. for centuries, smugglers have crossed the borders between northern iraqi and iran. it's a treacherous route that the current conflict in the region is making the practice more and more profitable and deadly. kurdish human rights groups say more than 100 smugglers were shot dead in the last year by security forces. but as jiyar gol found out, the smugglers say their work provides a lifeline for their communities. rough terrain. a cold and icy road. a 4x4 is the only way to reach the iranian border with iraqi kurdistan. we take the smugglers‘ route. every day, hundreds of pick—up trucks carry goods to this camp. it's one of many dotted along the border. these smugglers are from poor kurdish towns and villages in iran. i meet hezm, a 70—year—old father of five. a few months ago hez had a stroke. now he has a tooth infection. they're challenging me if i can carry this load, so let's give it a try. believe it or not, it's impossible to even take a step. the smugglers sometimes manage to bribe the iranian border guards. but most of the time they have to take illegal routes through minefields. dead by iranian border guards just in the past year. the islamic republic of iran says these people are hurting the economy, but for hez and thousands like him, it is the only way to feed theirfamilies. jiyar gol, bbc news on the iraq—iran border. asotthalom is a village in southern hungary that you've probably never heard of until now. its population is dwindling, but it's hoping to persuade white christian europeans, who don't like the idea of living in a multicultural society to move there. the mayor has already banned islamic dress and gay kissing in public. lesley ashmall has been to the village where muslims and gays are not welcome. asotthalom, a village on the southern hungarian plains, just minutes from the serbian border, where in 201510,000 migrants a day crossed into hungary. the village population is declining and homesteads stand vacant. the mayor here wants to attract foreign investors are not just any foreigner. translation: we primarily welcome people from western europe. people who wouldn't like to live in a multicultural society. we wouldn't like to attract muslim people. what if i was black or gay? how would you feel about that? translation: asotthalom has a by-law which bans homosexual propaganda. we adopted it a few weeks ago. as for your other question, think about this, europe is small, it cannot take in billions of people from africa and south asia where there is a population boom. this would soon lead to the disappearance of europe. i would like europe to belong to europeans. asia to asians and africa to africans. simple as that. he's so serious he's introduced local legislation banning public displays of affection by gay people, the wearing of islamic dress, like the hijab, and he wants to ban the building of mosques. and his views are being pushed by a british organisation called knights templar international. the former british naional party leader nick griffin is a member and the group is advertising smallholdings for sale in asotthalom. hungary is already seen by more and more west europeans as a place of refuge, a place to get away from the hell that's about to break loose in western europe. there are two muslims in asotthalom. one of them agreed to speak to us but at the last minute pulled out. they didn't want to attract attention to themselves. they've spoken of their fears to hungarian media in the past but other villagers reject the laws are huge concern. however, they are the talk of the village pub. translation: important issues like this should be regulated by the national government, not local legislation. if they take off the veil i'll accept them. it doesn't even matter if they're black, they should become hungarian citizens even if they are muslims or whatever. are you trying to create a white kind of supremacist village? i didn't use this word white but because we are a white european christian population, we want to stay this... like this, so... the mayor of asotthalom wants his village to be the vanguard in what he calls the war against muslim culture. he has employed round—the—clock border patrols which he thinks will appeal to european settlers. the refugee crisis has contributed to the anti—immigrant sentiment sweeping europe, like the rise of the french front national and the dutch party for freedom. hungary is no exception. to europe's forgotten war in eastern ukraine now, where government forces and russian—backed rebels are accusing each other of attacking civilians. fighting intensified last week with the focus of some of the heaviest clashes on the government held city of avdiivka, just over ten miles from rebel held donetsk. tom burridge sent this report from the front line of the conflict. a wait for food, part of their perpetual nightmare of war. but for thousands, the city of avdiivka is still their home. it's now the epicentre of the worst fighting in eastern ukraine in two years. she says she sits at home trembling when the night—time routine of heavy shelling begins. we met valentina. still in shock, her daughter was killed in the shelling last night. she still hadn't told her nine—year—old grandson. translation: the child still doesn't know his mother is gone. and i don't know how to tell him. "who was firing?", asks the dead woman's cousin. "who is responsible for eastern ukraine being covered in blood?" we found elena's husband clearing up the family's apartment where his wife was killed. the reality is most of the civilians living in the city, just a short distance from the front line in that direction, you can hear the fighting now, they have nowhere else to go. they are stuck here, stuck in the madness of the conflict in eastern ukraine. was a british journalist. freelancer christopher nunn was badly injured to the head. we met the ukrainian army doctor who treated him. he had an injured face and injured eye. i think a fragment of rocket go into his eye. he is lucky. because he didn't die? they're treating the injured and receiving the dead at avdiivka's ukraine and russia both blame each otherfor the increase in violence. civilians have also been killed in the separatist—held city of donetsk. russia claims the authorities here, which it supports, are in a battle for independence. but there's clear evidence the conflict, which has ruined cities like avdiivka, has been fuelled by russia. and countries like britain accuse moscow of violating the sovereignty of ukraine. war here has a familiar feel, but things could now once again spiral out of control. tom burridge, bbc news in eastern ukraine. a pastor from zimbabwe who led protests against robert mugabe's government last year has been charged with trying to overthrow the government. evan mawarire, who started a movement criticising the government, using the zimbabwean flag will stand trial later this month. if convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison. it comes as president mugabe prepares to celebrate his 93rd birthday with a lavish party against a backdrop of economic hardship. as shingai nyoka reports from harare. this is the man who dared to design demand that zimbabwe's ruling he believes he's paying the price for speaking the truth. mugabe must go! he is accused of being behind some of the biggest protests against president mugabe in over a decade. his online rants against corruption went viral. they tell me that the black is for the majority people like me. and yet, for some reason, i dead feel like i am a part of it. and soon, other zimbabweans were venting their anger using his hashtag, #thisflag. protests erupted around the world. he left the country fearing for his safety. but in the last six months, the government has clamped down on civil rights. evan mawarire has not received the same level of public support that he did when he stood on these same court grounds last year, but his supporters believe that his case, which will be heard here, will test the limits of freedom of expression in this country. i think a lot of people are still a little bit upset, disappointed and feel let down by the fact that he left in the first place, and perhaps they fear that he might do it again. but i think at its core, what must be remembered at all times is evan mawarire is not the problem. he's never been the problem. the problems that got everybody to rise up the first time he spoke out remain. those problems include an over 80% unemployment rate. the country is running out of cash. in this supermarket, zimbabweans are weighing up the price increases, in a desperate measure the government has introduced a 15% tax on some basic goods. it is very, very unusual, it is very unprecedented. most countries don't impose sales tax or vat on basic commodities. it comes as they prepare to throw another lavish birthday party for the long—time leader president mugabe later this month. he turns 93 and says he will stand again for elections in 2018. the this flag pastor has not ruled out running for office, but his immediate fate lies in the hands of mr mugabe's government. the rise of the robot and the impact of automation on human workers is fast becoming one of the biggest challenges in the modern world. one report in the uk this week warned that nearly a quarter of a million public sector workers could be replaced by robots or computers over the next 15 years. rory cellanjones gained exclusive access to one firm where robots are doing more and more. in a warehouse in hatfield, a very complex operation is under way, assembling ocado customer orders from 50,000 potential items. it still requires plenty of people but if the online supermarket is to make money from something shoppers used to do themselves, this must get ever more automated. that's why there's a robotics lab in the corner of the warehouse. this robot arm designed to pick up fruit without damaging it, is one of their creations, though it is some years away from being put to work. but in another warehouse in andover, ocado says the future is already here. swarms of robots move across a grid, collaborating to collect groceries from crates beneath them. it's a huge investment but the firm says there's no alternative. if the uk is to remain competitive on the world stage, then there is no option but to invest in not only automation but in this increasing move towards robotics because that is the only way we will be competitive. there is no choice. all kinds of businesses that want to prosper over the next decade are going to have to use artificial intelligence and automation to make themselves more efficient. the question is just how many people are going to see theirjobs taken by robots and what's going to happen to them. at london science museum, a new exhibition traces the history of robots and shows how they are now encroaching on tasks once restricted to humans. one academic has a startling forecast. 35% of current uk employment is at high risk of being replaced by robots or similar technology by the year 2030. truck drivers, taxi drivers, processing of things like invoices. but there's a more optimistic view, that ourjobs are becoming more creative and complex and we will be able to keep ahead of the robots. some of the best skills you can have are adaptability, ability to switch between tasks, emotional intelligence and the ability to deal with change. those kind of things should protect our children for the labour market of tomorrow, whichever direction the robots take. the lesson of the past is that new technology usually creates more jobs than it destroys, but along the way a lot of people can end up losing out. rory cellan—jones, bbc news. to its critics, it was a monstrosity resembling an oil refinery more than a museum. but as paris' pompidou centre celebrates its 40th birthday this week, its reputation as an icon of modern architecture is now well established. it has been popular with more than 100 million visitors passing through its doors since 1977. will gompertz has been speaking to two of the original architects, richard rodgers and renzo piano about the pompidou's enduring legacy. ah, paris, beautiful, romantic, and radical. a city of revolutions, riots and avant—garde ideas. like the pompidou centre, which in 1977 was like an electric shock for cultural conservatives. a daring, inside out building with its guts on show and weird we were very naive. i mean, we were young kids out of school, without work. but as very many naive people, we didn't realise how complicated it was. had we realised, i doubt we would've done the competition. it was a miracle, we had court cases against us, everybody hated it, nobody had worse press than we did. it was only when it opened and people started to line up and people started to come in and the figures were fantastic, it changed. this building was a shift, it was celebrating a shift, yes. and when the change occurs in society, it's never easy, it's never easy. you cannot expect to build a change like this that was not due to us. the change was in the air. it was in the air of may '68, it was in the air of the time. so you've got to have a change. we were just simply building the change. what were your reference points? where had you seen similar ideas executed? it was a cross between new york's times square, which was full of glitter and so on and sex and all the rest of it, but it was lovely because people wanted to get there, and the british museum, a symbol of one of the greatest museums of the world, where you could sit down and do a deep cultural study. beauty started the story. and beauty can change the world. it can help to change the world, and become a unifying element. i think beauty is tremendously underrated. it is the glue which pulls us all togetther. their pompidou was a utopian project where people can explore art and ideas. a ao—year—old concept that they would argue is even more relevant today. will gompertz, bbc news, paris. that's all from reporters this week. from me, karin gionnone, it is goodbye for now. morning. well, it was a fairly miserable weekend, wasn't it? cold and bleak for many of us, so monday was a better day. the exception, though, the far north—east. it was still rather disappointingly cool. across aberdeen, only five degrees, a lot of cloud as well. you can see on a satellite picture from monday, where the cloud is that for scotland. —— where the cloud sat for scotland. elsewhere, there was a decent amount of sunshine to be found. it was windy but the sunshine hopefully compensated. and in the south—west, in exeter, we had a high of 13 degrees. that's a bit more like it, isn't it? there is some cloud and rain down, though, into the south—west. a weather front approaching the isles of scilly and into cornwall over the next few hours. staying quite windy with some hill fog through the higher ground of wales, north—west england. a chilly start for many of us, with the exception, perhaps, into the south—west. so first thing on tuesday will look somewhat like this. cloud and outbreaks of rain through cornwall, eventually nudging into parts of devon. a little more cloud through somerset and south wales, and that hill fog as well. but elsewhere it will be a cold start with some decent spells of sunshine. very nice, indeed. as we push further north and west, again dry, largely sunny, maybe the chance of a little bit bit of light, patchy frost in sheltered areas of scotland, but not a bad start to the day. and, as we go on through the day, i think you will continue to see some sunshine, and temperatures will be a degree or so up on where they were on monday. the exception really is into the south—west, where the cloud will continue to gather, pushing up through the midlands and into wales, eventually into northern ireland. it'll bring the odd spot of showery rain by the end of the day. but temperatures still decent, 11—12 degrees. highs hopefully six or seven into eastern scotland, so we're starting to get there. that weather front will move out of the way, and then we have this series of fronts out to the south—west which produce a messy picture for wednesday. there will be some rain with these frontal systems, but it is going to be very hit—and—miss. as they drift up from the south, there will be outbreaks of patchy rain. it will be cloudy but mild and less windy than we have seen this week. the best of the brightness, perhaps, into the far north and east. that will slowly lift, and any rain we get will be

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Hungary , Mayor , White Christian Europeans , Society , Population , Idea , Dwindling , People Who , Don T , Islamic , Dress , Gays , Muslims , Kissing In Public , Lesley Ashmall , Southern Hungarian Plains , 201510000 , Translation , Hungary , Foreigner , Homesteads , Investors , Western Europe , Wouldn T , Gay , South Asia , By Law , Propaganda , Population Boom , Billions , Africa , Europeans , Disappearance , To Asians , Africans , Building , Legislation , Views , Hijab , Displays , Affection , Mosques , Nick Griffin , Group , British , Advertising Smallholdings , Member , Organisation , Sale , Knights Templar International , Naional , Place , Hell , Refuge , Villagers , Attention , Fears , Media , Laws , Concern , Government , Issues , Pub , Veil , Talk , Citizens , Kind , It Doesn T , White European Christian Population , War , Border Patrols , Village , Vanguard , Muslim Culture , Settlers , Sentiment , Refugee Crisis , Party For Freedom , Front National , Dutch , Exception , 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