Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20161222 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20161222

team—mates will have to find part—time jobs team—mates will have to find part—timejobs to team—mates will have to find part—time jobs to support their 0lympic dream. part—time jobs to support their olympic dream. there's quite a few people in the programme at university right now, so for them to train and go to university and get a job that will be really difficult. it means there will be less rest time and any spare time and have training you will be working, which is tough but gives you meant was yea rs is tough but gives you meant was years as well for the uk sports says tough choices have to be made and it prioritises sports with a real medal prospects for tokyo, iman brought in 18 months ago to provide few‘s performers disagrees with their assessment. they are saying we would dispute that we got a projection that says that isn't the case and we have one of the world is leading coaches to back is to make us up. archery on the only ones to miss out, wheelchair—bound —— rugby lost its £3 million funding as well with £345 million to be shared among 31 sports, there were always going to winners and losers from success in rio has seen funding for gymnastics, which is also based at la rochelle rise to more than £2 million. the para archery team who topped the medal table in rio a solid funding rise by £1 million but badminton mob weightlifting and fencing are the other three sports that lose all their money. it is wanting to be a successful in tokyo as rio but the smaller sports like themselves money to play their part. there a wider impact, gb archery will have to cut costs a nd impact, gb archery will have to cut costs and that could mean redundancies. tough lie ahead for the sport. that is from sportsday, don't forget the bbc sport website for more reaction to our top story this evening that alan pardew has been sacked by crystal palace. goodbye. hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are journalist and broadcaster rachel shabi and deputy political editor at the telegraph ben riley—smith. tomorrow's front pages. metro leads with the news the british public have helped raise more than £75,000 for the family of the murdered polish lorry driver who isa the murdered polish lorry driver who is a vehicle was hijacked and used in the berlin terror attack. the times says the queen is apparently disappointed with theresa may after the pm declined to share plans for brexit during herfirst the pm declined to share plans for brexit during her first stay at balmoral. the financial times says china has warned donald trump that cooperation is the only way forward after the us president—elect appointed a trial run a new what trade talks. the watch they claim that saw britain cosmic leading overseas are 110—90 zones for that saw britain cosmic leading overseas are no—go zones forjewish stu d e nts overseas are no—go zones forjewish students due to add semitism and the mirror lead with the story of shoppers diving for cover as e—cigarette batteries blow up inches from a pram. the guardian says of violent and abusive men are being allowed to confront and cross examine theirformer allowed to confront and cross examine their former partners in secretive court hearings and the daily express warns that the uk faces of violent christmas storms with 90 mile hour gales and torrential rain. not so good if you are ina torrential rain. not so good if you are in a sleigh. that wasn't very funny riddle and you make that clear with that expression on your face. thank you. it was festive! to slow reaction. it was amazing. i will start with you. on the berlin suspect suicide attack offer. the front page of the daily telegraph. watch this story? this is the story that apparently has been reported in speigel magazine saying that janice amri, the suspect in the berlin terrorist attack, was her overheard by surveillance offering to carry out the suicide attack, overheard because security were monitoring unknown radical preacher —— a known radical preacher which is how the whole of the information. we have to be careful with these stories, there is always a tendency after the event sort of right it backwards and say, there was a sign, there was a sign, there was a sign, there was a sign, there was a sign, there was a sign, there was a sign, security is not good enough. there is always this balance between security surveillance doing its job and the urge, people are scared and we want a nswe rs urge, people are scared and we want answers and we want to feel safe but we also have to resist the urge to either blame security or suggest they don't have enough powers. there isa they don't have enough powers. there is a very delicate handling of this reporting that has to happen. absolutely right and angela merkel has today said she is proud of how the reasonable and, measured way that the germans have responded to this. as rachel says, you cannot rush tojudgment this. as rachel says, you cannot rush to judgment and say that the police and authorities must have more powers, but the powers they did have come at the germans, they kept this man under surveillance for several months and decided not to continue that operation. he could not be deported because they couldn't get his passport in time from tunisia. there are legitimate questions. and he's still out there. 48 after. here what you are saying and there is always a thing with russian to judgment but the string of claims coming out are pretty serious. firstly they heard him say a few months ago he wanted to carry a few months ago he wanted to carry a "suicide attack". and as most ismet dismissed him as an arab boy and third they have been monitoring this mosque that reportedly he went to after the attack and fled. those we re to after the attack and fled. those were claims by speigel which does have an impressive track record of getting accurate leaks details but if that is true that is a worrying string of events. the worrying string of events. the worrying string of events could easily have already happened in other cases that did not lead to... totally, security services are fallible like the rest of us and mistakes to get made but it is worrying especially as this person is still at large. ok, continuing with this story, the front page of the metro. british cash floods in for the polish truckers' widow. it is his cab that was hijacked and he was murdered just before the attack took place at the christmas market. now the brits are coming forward with money for his widow, one assumes it is coming in from all over the place. fantastic news and cheerier angle on a few horrible days in berlin. this polish lorry driver was on his way home to wrap his business presence with his family and from what i remember he had been travelling for up remember he had been travelling for up to remember he had been travelling for uptoa remember he had been travelling for up to a week. restricted use going to have to spend one more night away from home, terribly got caught up in what happened but dave duncan in we st what happened but dave duncan in west yorkshire set up this fund to try and gift some generous cash to his wife and teenage son and already £75,000 has been raised, i should that will keep ticking up, saw a real feel—good story. that will keep ticking up, saw a realfeel-good story. it that will keep ticking up, saw a real feel-good story. it is great and part of it is because this man tried to stop this guy. yes. and ended up paying with his life. this man put up a fight to the end, trying desperately to view the truck away from the course it was on so it would cause less damage. itjust sounds like a real struggle between him and the attacker, just a terrible way to end and heartening to see the support for his widow and teenage son. that was a hell of a struggle but in police are suggesting this man put up trying to stop this happening. interesting story, front page of the times, the queen's frustration with me over brexit secrecy. the pm disappointed rub —— whirls tebar misic —— balmoral visit. clearly you don't ta ke balmoral visit. clearly you don't take a cake or present, it has to be a good and if you don't handed over you are in trouble. yes. so, this has emerged, apparently this has come out as the queen has been travelling to sandringham, as they do annually for christmas. this has emerged that a couple of months after brexit and assuming power, theresa may went to visit the queen andi theresa may went to visit the queen and i can't actually imagine a situation where she actually said to the queen, the queen said, what is brexit about and she said to the queen, brexit means brexit. or, what does break tamim? i don't know? right. the queen is like everyone else in the country, thinking, what is going on? i suppose her majesty would have thought if anyone was going to get the inside track on this ahead of time. yes. it might be the leader of 70 million people. 0ver brexit with them monarch. brexit over breakfast. yes, and it wasn'tjust that brexit over breakfast. yes, and it wasn't just that according to the story, she was hoping there might be some insight into her selections for the cabinet including the appointed borisjohnson as the cabinet including the appointed boris johnson as foreign secretary. you mean the queen is trying to understand why he was appointed? is that what you're suggesting?” understand why he was appointed? is that what you're suggesting? i think she, like everyone else... had questions. does this mean theresa may doesn't have a plan yet? 0r questions. does this mean theresa may doesn't have a plan yet? or does it mean she was trying to keep up on its just it mean she was trying to keep up on itsjust in it mean she was trying to keep up on its just in case? it mean she was trying to keep up on itsjust in case? i think the government has been open insane there is a live discussion about lots of these big topics, yes, we have to make some decisions before march and reformist art the talks to article 50, but they are not trying to hide the fact they haven't got of the answers yet. we've been through this thoroughly. critics would say you're a clue what is going on. critics including the queen. you're a clue what is going on. critics including the queenm you're a clue what is going on. critics including the queen. it is fairto critics including the queen. it is fair to say supporters would also say it is the most completed negotiations since the second world war peace switches complicated, you have to cut theresa may a bit of slack that weeks after getting the job she doesn't have the answers. she doesn't have a 3—point plan and that isn't unreasonable. if she said brexit means brexit at the breakfast table with the monarch... probably went down like a lead balloon. i'm surejoe went down like a lead balloon. i'm sure joe the went down like a lead balloon. i'm surejoe the queen was destroyed about it. absolutely, poker face. no—go zones forjury students come interesting story. yes, this is againa interesting story. yes, this is again a story you would want to be reported very carefully. —— for jewish students. this is coming from crossbench peer and chief executive of universities uk and she says that a lot of british universities, she mentions a few, and chester and so asked among others, southampton and exeter, have become known go zones, jewish students do not feel safe going to them because of the conversations around israel and she suggests this has happened because a lot of universities receive donations from gulf states and therefore don't want to offend them. we are in danger of completing a few things and possibly not doing justice to something that is quite a real issue. —— conflating. anti—semitism does exist, universities sometimes can have very desensitised conversations around israel, the political discussion can veer perhaps unintentionally into a discussion that is hostile or will feel hostile tojewish students and that must be tackled but doing it in this way is unlikely to provoke the kind of sensitive and reasonable discussion that has to be had. just saying she believed there are no—go zones saying she believed there are no—go zones forjewish students at so many british universities which is a serious charge. based on? is true that number of universities do get funding from certain regimes in the middle east. but pointing out she does have some credibility, she has the first ever higher education adjudicator, the person who takes the complaints from students and deals with them with the universities. she is not speaking off—the—cuff, for years she was dealing with things and there is a wider context to this, there appears to bea wider context to this, there appears to be a worrying uptake in anti—semitism incident reported in the uk in general as well as elsewhere in europe. financial times, china needs by appointment of peter navarro by trump. pretty staggering, only a couple of weeks and trump is bidding for his cabinet picks who will be scrutinised by the senate in the new year. he is a harvard trade economist and university of california professor has written a book called "death by china". and trump has handed him the position of his main trade advisor. understandably china has expressed some concern over this and it is said today corporation is the only correct choice, people are predicting china might respond with its own measures and it is worrying because these are the world plus the two biggest because arous, if they get into an trade battle. —— two biggest economies. scary some might suggest. but perhaps this is a man who studied china and knows china and knows perhaps how to deal with them, maybe that is it? he studied china and concluded among other things in his bid that they were parasitic, imrul, ruthless and despicable. so... that is where his studies... the jury is out. briefly, the express, uk braced for deadly storm. this is barbara, the storm. and it will hit at the very northern bit of scotland apparently. scotland and the north, 90 man—hour wins, to get —— torrential rain, millions will suffer chaos apparently. -- 90 mile an hour winds. another one after that that could hit us. that is from the express. let's hope it's not deadly. thank you both. don't forget all the front pages are online on the bbc news website where you can read a detailed review of the papers. it's all there for you — 7 days a week at bbc dot co uk forward slash papers — and you can see us there too — with each night's edition of the papers being posted on the page shortly after we've finished. thank you rachel and ben. goodbye. backin back in about 50 minutes. good evening, there was a winter chill in the air today. sunshine but more snow showers in scotland. that cloud there but there is wind and rain are looming in the atlantic. the scroll of cloud is our second named storm of the season, storm barbara and the deep area of low pressure will drive across the atla ntic towards pressure will drive across the atlantic towards our shores, the wind strengthening and rain are getting to arrive towards morning as well. at the moment the showers in the north are becoming fewer and less wintry, clearer skies for england and wales means that will be chilly for a while coming chris yan the wind is picking up and the cloud is increasing and rain arriving in the north—west. very quickly it will turn windy and wet across scotland and northern ireland in the morning. possibility of a local flooding and heavy rain driving away from here into western areas of england and wales accompanied by strong wind. east ingley and —— east anglia and the south—east could stay dry. windy with lots of showers into the northwest after the rain later in the afternoon and into the evening the afternoon and into the evening the wind is ramping up across the far north of scotland. possibly gusts of 90 miles an hour. not unusualfor gusts of 90 miles an hour. not unusual for this gusts of 90 miles an hour. not unusualfor this time gusts of 90 miles an hour. not unusual for this time of year but it has led to this amber wind warning from the met office. lots of people will be travelling on friday. the storm itself pushes away on friday night, still some gales for a while across the north and a blustery winds even into christmas eve across northern areas where the showers could still be wintry over the hills. bright and breezy further south and largely dry with increasing cloud and rain coming into the northwest coming in on the weather front driven by another area of low pressure, this one for christmas day not as deep wooded will still bring some windy conditions, the wind coming from a long way south of drawing in some very mild air. we will find high temperatures for a while on christmas day. possibly close to record temperatures for the day as well but accompanied by some gusty wind that could bring disruption and a band of rain pushing in from the northwest and behind it, cold air could mean a belated way christmas perhaps in scotland. this is bbc news, i'm clive myrie. the headlines at 11:00pm: police say anis amri, the chief suspect in the berlin market truck attack, left fingerprints on the vehicle. the christmas market, scene of so much carnage on monday, has reopened. chancellor angela merkel commended the public for their response to the attack. translation: i must say, over the last few days, i have been very proud of the calmness and composure shown by people, and also, of course, the officers that have been at work here. america's president—elect, donald trump, is calling for the us to greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear arsenal. two men have been found guilty of manslaughter after a tipper truck crashed in bath last year, killing four people, including a young girl. dozens of inmates take control of a part of a jail on the isle of sheppey, in kent. prison authorities say the disturbance is contained to one

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Nswe , Way , Angela Merkel , Reporting , Handling , Isa , Germans , Police , Man , Authorities , Judgment , Surveillance , Questions , Passport , Operation , Tunisia , 48 , String , Thing , Claims , Attack , Track Record , Ismet , Mosque , Boy , Details , Leaks , Speigel , Events , Cases , Security Services , Person , The Front Page , Mistakes , Rest , Place , Christmas Market , Widow , Cab , Brits , Truckers , Cash Floods , Business Presence , Angle , Home , All Over The Place , Fund , Cash , Use , Dave Duncan , Uptoa , Dave Duncan In We St , West Yorkshire , Yes , Son , Wife , Guy , Saw A Real Feel , Ticking Up , Course , Truck , Life , Fight , Damage , The End , Struggle , Attacker , Support , Hell , Itjust , Happening , Frustration , Brexit Secrecy , Cake , Balmoral Visit , Trouble , Ta Ke Balmoral Visit , Tebar Misic , Couple , Power , Sandringham , Situation , Brexit Means , Andi , Thinking , Anyone , Everyone , Country , Majesty , Leader , Track , 0ver Brexit , Them Monarch , 70 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, Appointment , Elsewhere , Europe , Peter Navarro , Harvard Trade Economist , Senate , Book , Professor , University Of California , Death By China , Choice , Trade , Corporation , Advisor , Concern , Position , Some , Biggest , Economies , Measures , Trade Battle , Arous , Two , Bid , Storm , Briefly , Studies , The Storm , Jury , Storm Barbara , Ruthless , Imrul , North , Scotland , Wins , Winds , Millions , Express , Chaos Apparently , Forward Slash Papers , Review , Bbc News , Dot Co Uk , Bbc , Night S Edition , 7 , Backin , Wind , Cloud , Snow Showers , Winter Chill , Sunshine , Atlantic , Pressure , Area , Scroll , Season , Second , Shores , Atla Ntic , Showers , Skies , Wales , England , Coming Chris Yan , Heavy Rain , North West , Flooding , Possibility , Areas , Northern Ireland , East Anglia , East Ingley , Evening , Afternoon , South East , Gusts , Led , Amber Wind Warning , Met Office , Northern Areas , Gales , Hills , Friday Night , South , Drawing , Weather Front , Conditions , Temperatures , Air , Disruption , Market Truck Attack , Cold , Band , Rain Pushing , Anis Amri , Clive Myrie , 00pm , Headlines , 00 , 11 , Fingerprints , Carnage , Response , Translation , Calmness , Officers , Composure , Dozens , Control , Tipper Truck , President Elect , Arsenal , Girl , Manslaughter , Inmates , Jail , Bath , Defence , 23rd Flight , Fence , Name , Left , Horse , Aintree , Tokyo 0lympics , Disturbance , Isle Of Sheppey , Kent , Prison Authorities , 23 , 20 ,

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