Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20170729 : vimarsana

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20170729

for survival captured the hearts around the world, lost his fight for life a week before his first birthday. a picture of charlie's dad with the baby dominates the front of the daily mirror. the paper says both of charlie's parents were at his side as his life support was switched off. the daily express reports on their fears that brexit could be delayed after the chancellor announced plans for a two—stage transition period. the daily telegraph says mps have warned that the next general election will be a second referendum on brexit if philip hammond gets his way on a lengthy transition. the guardian carries an interview with the mayor of london, sadiq khan, who says labour could still halt brexit. the times says thousands of children and teenagers are being paid by criminals to hide or launder stolen money in their bank accounts. the i claims there's been a cover up on the high speed 2 rail project. it says the department for transport has censored a report on the billion—pound scheme amid fears over rising costs and big delays. and the sun leads on the death of charlie gard. it says his devastated mum announced that "our beautiful little boy has gone". now on bbc news, it's the travel show. coming up on this week's travel show. we are taking a trip through pakistan's biggest city on a bus. itjust might be a bit crazy along the way. we're looking at dolphins in india, from a paddleboard. wow, did you see that one? that was right behind me... and we are crossing the great canadian prairie on a train. theme music playing. hello and welcome to the travel show, with me, henry golding, coming to you this week from amongst the soaring skyscrapers of singapore, where later on we'll be meeting this week's global gourmet. but first... this is a country that some governments say you probably should not visit as a tourist, pakistan. terror—related incidents, kidnappings and political turmoil have all taken their toll on the country's reputation. and as the country prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary of independence, the travel show‘s benjamin zand packed his backpack and headed for karachi. pakistan is in the news almost constantly. but coverage of this area is pretty one—dimensional. if it's not focussing on the taliban, it's about the country's differences with india or cricket. but there's a lot more to it than that. the country is home to over 190 million people and 63% are under 25. many of these are fun—loving, forward—thinking individuals, who are changing the world. so i am on my way to meet some. karachi is pakistan's most dangerous and notorious city. but a security crackdown over the past few years means it has gotten a lot safer and, for a traveller like myself, that means an experience like few others. it just might be crazy along the way. all right, so i have changed into more suitable clothing, because i want to get a taste of karachi. and when you think of a tour, you usually think of a friendly tour guides, some foreigners a casual stroll around the city, but in karachi it is much different. it is done on one of this things. this is the super savari express. in a city linked more with bombs and guns than tourism trips, the super savari seems a strange choice, but this is a unique kind of tours. created to change the image of karachi, not only locally but also around the world. it is main aim to help karachi's population reconnect with their city. and help the rich meet the city's poorest members. in its early days, each tour would come with an armed guard but, as the situation has improved, it is nowjust this big beautiful bus. i love this bus, man. it's incredible. don't we all. what is the history of it? i mean, i see them everywhere in karachi. well, you know, the concept works on the lines of this actually being a representation of the brides of the guys who drive her. obviously, you can climb on the roof, which is, you know... who doesn't want to climb on the roof of a bus? why do you think a city like karachi needs something like this? there has been a disconnect between educated classes in karachi and the general population. what we have tried to do is eliminate that disconnect and show everyone that the culture that you have, the history that you have, and the city that you live in is for everybody, whether you live in a mansion or you live in a slump. and do you do this because you think that karachi is misrepresented and it has a reputation that it doesn't deserve? i will just say that there is so much more to karachi than we know. the cityjust has so much depth. it has depth in terms of the people who live here, the cultures that exist, the lifestyles, the architecture. there is just so much to see. there is something special about this mosque that i have to show you... the tour takes visitors around the city in an attempt to show its diversity. you visit mosques, hindu temples, churches, karachi's version of the big ben, and then it is time for food. so... we're going to ruin your tea party. what is this — the guy says it's traditional pakistani breakfast. yeah. so traditional pakistani breakfast is essentially... so you get chai, and then you's a type of an omelette, essentially most things in pakistan are made spicy. i have noticed. my stomach noticed that a few days ago. you dip some of that in chai. so you actually dip it in the tea? yeah. it's all good. our next stop. so this is lyari, widely regarded as the most dangerous area of the karachi. lyari has a pretty bad reputation. linked with gangs and violence, it's known as the worst part of karachi. but i was here to see what it was really like and to play football. that is because i am in town to meet the people helping to change lyari for the better and it starts here. so here in lyari, there is only really one sport people care about and that is football. there's over 175 registered clubs and that's because these guys, like everyone else, absolutely love it. anywhere you look, you see man united tops, real madrid tops and hopefully some liverpool tops. and i'm here to find out a bit more about why that is the case. this is the lyari centre of excellence, where we have approximately 100 kids that come across to train or five times a week. we give them free football coaching, we give them life skill sessions on top of it. i have been asked to have a game with these kids who look pretty good. because i am wearing a liverpool top, everybody here thinks i play for liverpool so a huge crowd has gathered, um, so, yeah, i look forward to embarrassing myself in front of everybody. here we go. after eyeing off the opposition, we began. sun and heat, not a good combination. soon, though, we were losing by two goals. me and my new friend mishal realised it was our moment and, after generously being awarded a free kick, i killed it into the corner. then two penalties later we had one of the game. after celebrating with my team, the quickly named benjamin's liverpool warriors, i spoke to mishal about football here. she runs the local women's team and is trying to get more involved in football. amazingly enough, it turns out i just witnessed her first ever game on this pitch. you were a little bit nervous about playing because you are like the only girl here. is this the first time you've played here? it is the first time i've played here without any other girls. and if you were to look around, there's a game going on there, there's an academy here, i think i am the only female in the stadium right now. sometimes we go into an area where the culture is just extremely male dominant, and they don't want females to play. despite the resistance from some people, she says things are getting better for female footballers. they've just set up a new women's team. i'm really happy to say that we actually have a girls centre here, so from my point of view it is a brand—new for them but the interest, they're eager to play, they are keen to play, which is something very difficult in pakistan, to get girls to get excited about sports. there are 100 boys who come to the academy here, maybe 35 girls, so that's about the ratio. but to me that is fantastic, because two years ago there were zero. up until about a week ago, i had no idea that anybody played football in pakistan, never mind that there was this enclave where it was huge. put it this way, cricket is the dominant sport. but cricket is also...comes from a colonial past and football is picked up in areas that have otherwise been neglected. these guys often have to come up with their recreation and solving their problems. is inherent to the game, solving your own problems. i kind of want to hear some rap. this really could not be more different from the image most people get when they think of pakistan. time now for this week's global gourmet, which this week comes from here in singapore. today we are looking at a style of food unique to this part of the world — peranakan food — and the restaurant that has made quite a name for itself. what we do here is peranakan cuisine with a slight modern approach. if you see peranakan food, you kind of have the malay flavours and curries but at the same time, you also have chinese dishes and you also have pork. that is kind of what is really unique about it. we are going to do a slow braised pork ribs with buah keluak curry. this is the dish that everyone recognises pearnakan cuisine by, and we always say, you know, if you can cook this dish well, it means that you can cook every other dish well. the base of most peranakan dishes are really what we call the spice base or rempah, and typically they consist of key ingredients like shallots, garlic, candle nuts, shrimp paste, galangal, turmeric and lemongrass. shrimp paste smells bad to some people — like socks that you never wash for a week. to us, it is delicious. we are going to caramelise it with some oil, until it dries up. it has this really nice depth of flavour. it adds something really rich and something really special to the sauce. 0ur kind of food, you really have to take time and dedication because if you rush it, the food will not be as good. you can start to smell the lemongrass, the garlic, the chilli and the tumeric. really fragrant at this point. this is the smell that i grew up with and it is really, really that thing that always reminds me of when i was young. this is the base that we use to braise chicken or pork inside. the meat, after brazing for two hours, soaks all the spiced flavours that we have put in and also it is nice and tender and moist in the centre. slow cooked pork ribs on the bone and in a black nut curry sauce and a nice black nut intense sambal on the top. i would say it is probably the last dish that i would want to have before i, you know, bye—bye. that is how much it means to me. still to come, planes, trains, boats and bikes, in the dead centre of canada. so don't go away. the travel show, your essential guide, wherever you're heading. my name's spike reid, i'm an international mountain leader and in october, last year, with some team mates, set off from the glacial source of the river ganges and paddleboarded all the way down the river to the indian ocean. we covered 3000 kilometres and took 98 days. it was a tough journey. but it was certainly memorable. the expedition really began in earnest when we launched onto the river devprayag which is where the two rivers come together and form the ganges proper. there's already a lot of flow. you have these two raging torrents coming together, you jump on and suddenly you have these waves. can i stay on this board? this is the mighty paddleboard. it's 30 inches wide, which means it is relatively stable, haven't really fallen in, off it, and it has such great glide through the water. one of the biggest highlights of the trip was seeing the river dolphins. they are one of the most endangered aquatic mammals in the whole world. wow! sorry, you are not seeing any of but there definitely are dolphins. did you see that one! that was right behind me... trying to film this was really hard work. they's never jump where you'd predict. throughout the journey, local people were fascinated in what we were doing. we were working with a charity that is doing a huge amount of work in terms of improving sanitation. it was quite sobering to see how many people are living without really any reliable clean water sources. the quality of the water in the ganges is incredibly low. 0ne plastic cup, one upon dozens i saw yesterday. we were paddling sometimes 7—8 hours a day and northern india in november—december is tough. some mornings the fog was so thick, it was like pea soup. the last two and a half days was tough. one day paddled 78 kilometres and was on the paddle board for about 13 hours. the endpoint of the ganges delta is gangasagar. and i got there, i was like, this is open ocean. there is no banks to my right or left. we are here, we have made it! i felt so alive. it tastes salty. as well as learning a lot about the challenges facing these communities, i think i now know how far i can actually push myself. spike and his epic paddle board journey down the ganges. if you have completed one of your own, let us know. watch out for details about how to contact us at the end of the show. and finally this week the last of our films marking ca nada's 150th anniversary. this week we are in manitoba, visiting communities that rely on a fragile rail link to the rest of the country. but that line has been closed by damage from storms. its owners say they can't afford to repair it and the communities may have to take over the rail link themselves. oh, my goodness, i can't see the communities surviving without the train. it has been the mode of travel for years. because it is an isolated community, so we have only got the train or plane, but usually everyone uses the train. they rely on it, right, because how are you going to get the food? it would cost too much for aeroplane charters or helicopters to come in. yes, in the winter, providing you have a good winter season, we can have the winter road from january to march, three months, but that's it. spring and summer, fall, is by road. 0ur elders, they all worked on the rail, and i was born up north by the railroad tracks. growing up here, i used to go out and go fishing with my grandparents and my grandmother and i would go out berry picking. and she would cook me rabbit every morning for breakfast. pretty good. we have grandchildren. we enjoy watching them grow up here. it is quiet. it has its challenges. this is where we actually started, this is where our family began. wait, can bears eat ants? yeah. what is there? a little creek. you know that giant mountain, like that mountain? mh—hm. we can walk over there. there is a lake. this is a kids' playground. they know every inch of this land. all this used to be a lake. we are surrounded by this. we can't build a road there because sometimes, well, we would say bottomless, but it doesn't make it feasible for us to put a road in and put it in, say, half a mile of dirt into the ground. some of the challenges are getting our food, gas, vehicles — everything is a challenge up here. what i like about the children here, they are able to go out anywhere, and they are always watched by the whole community. especially after the school is over. you know, they go out biking, they go out hunting. they really learn a lot from that, because it was our way of life and long time ago also. owning a railroad, i know that our leadership has been pushing, and have been staunch believers in the rail and it has been here for years. i do hope it will be for years. i hope we have partners who will want to help getting needs and necessities into communities. well, that is all the time we have for this week, but coming up next week... i am a fan ofjustin bieber. getting in tune at a festival in pakistan. # what are you waiting for? i am about to step in the ring with momo, a top contender. i am in thailand learning the art of kicking. join us for that if you can but, in the meantime, follow us on the road wayjoining our social media feeds. but from me, henry golding, and the rest of the travel show team here in singapore, it's goodbye. hello again. generally speaking, the weather's been unsettled in recent days. that was certainly the case yesterday with frequent showers across scotland and northern ireland. this was taken by one of our weather watchers. more persistent rain for england and wales. that clears in the early hours of this morning, we keep a few showers in scotland and northern ireland. in between the two, dry weather. temperatures down to 111—15 degrees further south. the morning, showers around in scotland. mainly in the western side of scotland and the north of northern ireland. the further south you are, largely dry. one or two showers into the morning across northern england. some good spells of sunshine. a lovely start to the day for much of wales. one or two showers here. for the south—west of england, thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain. through the english channel, a lot of cloud and rain never too far away. this weather front may drift back in. so after a decent start to the day at the 0val, you may well see the odd afternoon shower, but some rain is more likely later in the day as the weather front makes its way back into the southern counties. ahead of that, the north of wales, much of northern england, the midlands, a decent afternoon. but we keep showers going in scotland and northern ireland. there's the rain pushing up into the london area and beyond into the afternoon. it might get into the low 20s in the south—eastern corner. might see 20 degrees in newcastle and aberdeen. in glasgow, the upper teens at best. through the evening it turns wet in parts of wales and the south of england. that rain moves eastwards, getting out into the north sea by early sunday. that is this weather front moving away from the uk. low pressure is still in charge on sunday, keeping things unsettled, particularly in the north and west. that's where most of the showers will be early on. some rumbles of thunder to go with that. after a bright start in eastern areas, increasing cloud. showers probably few and far between in the south—eastern corner. but we are likely to see heavy showers elsewhere. good news for the ridelondon long leg down to surrey and back. a largely dry picture, can't rule out the odd shower. a breeze from the south and west. low pressure still in charge on monday. it's centred to the north—west of the uk. that's where we will see most of the showers on monday. so a bit of rain at times, maybe into edinburgh and belfast. the further south and east you go, the showers are fewer and further in between. hello. this is breakfast, with naga munchetty and ben thompson. donald trump's chief of staff quits after days of infighting at the white house. reince preibus had been accused of leaking information to the press. he says he resigned because the president wanted to take a "different direction." good morning. it's saturday the 29th ofjuly. riot officers under attack in east london. fireworks and bottles are thrown during a protest following the death of man who'd been involved in a police chase. the pope and theresa may lead the tributes to charlie gard as his life support is switched off just days before his first birthday.

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Missile , Response , Test Firing , North Korea , Charlie Gard , Hospital , East London , Parents , Hospice , Authorities , Page , Look , Centre Of A Long Legal Battle In Britain , Death , Daily Mail , Morning , Papers , Battle For Survival , World , Birthday , Life Support , Picture , Front , Side , Paper , Hearts , Dad , Fight For Life , Daily Mirror , Both , Fears , Plans , Daily Express , General Election , Mps , Telegraph , Chancellor , Brexit , Two , Way , Children , Philip Hammond , Thousands , Guardian , Times , Transition , Interview , Referendum , Mayor , Sadiq Khan , Teenagers , Cover Up , Report , Bank Accounts , Money , Launder , Criminals , Rail Project , Department For Transport , High Speed 2 , 2 , The Sun , Delays , Costs , Boy , Bbc News , Mum , The Travel Show , Bus , Pakistan , Trip , City , This Week S Travel Show , Itjust , One , Train , Paddleboard , Dolphins , Theme Music Playing , Northern India , Wow , Great Canadian Prairie , Hello , Henry Golding , Country , Gourmet , Skyscrapers , Incidents , Singapore , Tourist , Turmoil , Kidnappings , Governments , Karachi , News , Reputation , Benjamin Zand , 70th Anniversary , Toll , Independence , Backpack , 70 , Lot , Area , People , Cricket , Coverage , Differences , Home , Taliban , 25 , 63 , 190 Million , The City , Individuals , Security Crackdown , Some , Many , Loving , Traveller , Experience , Right , Others , Safer , Clothing , Tour , Taste , Tour Guides , Stroll , Foreigners , Friendly , Things , Guns , Bombs , Choice , Super Savari Express , 0ur , Help Karachi , Population , Image , Tours , Aim , Meet , Members , It , History , So Don T , Situation , Guard , Big Beautiful Bus , Something , Guys , Roof , Disconnect , Lines , Representation , Brides , The Concept Works , Doesn T Want , Everyone , Show , Culture , Classes , The General , Everybody , Doesn T , Slump , Mansion , Cityjust , Depth , Lifestyles , Terms , Cultures , Exist , Architecture , Mosque , Mosques , Visitors , Special , Attempt , Churches , Version , Hindu Temples , Diversity , Breakfast , Food , Guy , Tea Party , Big Ben , Chai , Type , Omelette , Stomach , Spicy , Lyari , Good , Tea , Stop , Part , Gangs , Violence , Football , Sport , Town , Anywhere , Liverpool , Clubs , Man United Tops , Real Madrid Tops , Everyone Else , 175 , Lyari Centre Of Excellence , Bit , Kids , Case , Football Coaching , Five , 100 , Game , Top , Life Skill Sessions , Crowd , Opposition , Combination , Heat , Um , Goals , Friend , Team , Free Kick , Corner , Penalties , Warriors , Time , Women , Girl , Pitch , Girls , Academy , Female , Stadium , Girls Centre , Footballers , Females , Resistance , Play , Boys , Sports , Interest , My Point Of View , Ratio , Idea , 35 , Zero , Enclave , Areas , Problems , Want , Football It , Recreation , Trap , Restaurant , Name , Cuisine , Style , Dishes , Curries , Flavours , Approach , Dish , Pork Ribs , Pork , Buah Keluak Curry , Pearnakan Cuisine By , Base , Spice Base , Garlic , Shrimp Paste , Lemongrass , Turmeric , Galangal , Rempah , Candle Nuts , Shallots , Ingredients , United States , Socks , Flavour , Oil , Sauce , Dedication , 0 , Thing , Smell , Point , Tumeric , Chilli , Pork Inside , Spiced Flavours , Meat , Brazing , Centre , Nut Curry Sauce , Black , Bone , Sambal , Planes , Bye , Trains , Boats , Bikes , Canada , Go Away , Mountain Leader , My Name , Spike Reid , River , Source , Team Mates , Paddleboarded All The Way , River Ganges , Indian Ocean , 3000 , 98 , Journey , Expedition , River Devprayag , Two Rivers , Flow , Torrents , Waves , Water , Glide , Highlights , Haven T , 30 , Mammals , Work , Charity , Quality , Sources , Sanitation , Amount , Living , 0ne Plastic Cup , Paddling , Dozens , 7 , 8 , Mornings , Fog , Pea Soup , Paddle Board , 13 , 78 , Banks , Endpoint , Gangasagar , Ganges Delta , Open Ocean , Left , Challenges , Communities , Learning , Paddle Board Journey , Spike , Epic , Last , Gown , Details , Films , Know , The End , Rest , Line , Owners , Rail Link , Storms , Damage , 150th Anniversary , Manitoba , 150 , Trail , Community , Travel , Mode , Goodness , Plane , Yes , Aeroplane Charters , Helicopters , Winter , Winter Season , Road , Winter Road , Spring , Summer , 0ur Elders , Three , Grandparents , Railroad Tracks , Fishing , Berry Picking , Grandmother , Grandchildren , Family , Bears , Giant Mountain , Wait , Little Creek , Lake , Playground , Mountain , Land , Mh Hm , Dirt , Ground , Everything , Challenge , Vehicles , Gas , School , Railroad , Life , Biking , Hunting , Leadership , Believers , Partners , Necessities , Tune , Festival , Fan Ofjustin Bieber , Ring , Contender , On The Road , Momo , Art Of Kicking , Thailand , Wayjoining Our , Goodbye , The Travel Show Team , Hello Again , Social Media , Weather , Rain , Showers , Scotland , Northern Ireland , Weather Watchers , Northern England , Wales , North , South , Temperatures , 15 , 111 , Cloud , Sunshine , Spells , Outbreaks , South West Of England , English Channel , Weather Front , Counties , Odd Afternoon Shower , 0val , Afternoon , Much , Midlands , Teens , Aberdeen , Newcastle , Glasgow , 20 , Pressure , Parts , South Of England , Uk , Rain Moves Eastwards , Charge On Sunday , North Sea , Most , Start , Thunder , Elsewhere , Rumbles , Ridelondon Long Leg Down To Surrey , Shower , Charge , Breeze , Can T , North West , East , Belfast , Edinburgh , Reince Priebus , President , Chief Of Staff , White House , Infighting , Leaking Information , The Press , Donald Trump , Naga Munchetty , Ben Thompson , Direction , Riot Officers , Man , Pope , Attack , Protest , Bottles , Fireworks , Theresa May , 29th Ofjuly , Police Chase , 29 , South Korea , Trump , Official , Administration , Director , Homeland Security , Threat , Missile Exercise , Measures , Generaljohn Kelly , Tributes ,

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