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Lavrov has asked to expel us diplomats in response to President Obamas decision to expel 35 Russian Diplomats. A nationwide ceasefire appears to be holding in syria, although some clashes have been reported. Islamic state fighters and militants linked to alqaeda are not part of the deal. 17 people including the driver have been taken to hospital, after a coach overturned in thick fog on the mao in oxfordshire. The vehicle came off the slip road near thame in the early hours. The government is considering plans to allow learners to drive on motorways. Theyll be given access for lessons under plans to improve road safety. Now on bbc news, Victoria Derbyshire takes a look back at the interviews and films which have featured on her programme in 2016. This programme contains a description of Domestic Violence that some viewers may find upsetting. Hello and welcome to the programme. Over the next half an hour we will bring you some of the exclusive interviews and reports we have brought you over the past year. Actor and film director adam deacon is one of britains brightest talents, winning a bafta in 2012. But he was sectioned and later diagnosed with having bipolar disorder. In an exclusive film he made for our programme, adam went to meet stephen fry who also has bipolar to discuss the impact the condition has on their lives, the jobs and friendships. He was one of the main people that i would find myself youtubing. You had a public breakdown yourself. Im almost certain, as certain as i could be that had i lived later, i would have been diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, my School Reports say i was unbelievably disruptive, ebullient, annoying, couldnt stop speaking. I got expelled from this school and that school and the other school, i eventually went to prison. Then i thought everything was fine, i kind of got over it in my early 205 and thats when everything started to go wrong. I realised that i was somehow prey to these terrible moods. I was in a play and ijust. You walked out. I had a kind of collapse of confidence and a general feeling that my life was kind of over. Got the proper diagnosis then. I thought i had faced the beast but i was kidding myself. Really . Several years after that. I was lying in a Hospital Bed Thinking i was a lunatic, not a sane person. I look back at the work i have done and i think maybe this stemmed from the bipolar. I look back at the film i made. I wrote it, i directed it, i was acting in it but when i look back to outsiders looking at me, everyone seemed to say the same thing, is quite manic. They band red bull on the set, they thought it was that at the time. One of the things i know from my experience and it still shocks me is that the people who love me best read my mood more quickly than i can myself. My husband knows when im manic, he sees it in my face and my eyes. Does it worry you . I once had it so badly, im the least superstitious person in the world but i thought, had i even had a grain of religion in me, i would have thought god was talking to me, i felt like joan of arc. It was quite frightening in the end. Youre obviously dealing with your own demons in the first place, going through hell, you are all over the place and then its everywhere. How did you cope with that . Ive always lived my life in a strangely public way in terms of being open about things. In the 805, when it was quite unusual, i came out as being gay, there were plenty of gay people in Show Business but not many who were out at all. It was a similar thing inasmuch as, in our business it is much easier to talk about your emotions because our business is one in which emotions and experience are the kind of ingredients for the films and the books that we cook up. I ended up having this kind of breakdown but because of twitter, i was writing all this kind of crazy stuff on twitter without even realising it. Sometimes ijust wish someone took my phone away and just made me calm. I did and i feel much the better for it. Next, an unprecedented admission by the former head of the british army. In an exclusive interview with this programme, he told us about how he had refused to take a controversial anti malaria drug because of concerns over its catastrophic side effects, even though he knew the drug was being given to the troops. He was in africa shortly after taking his first couple of doses and became very unwell very quickly. He became extremely depressed, not the sort of person he would normally be. Normally very bubbly and personable sort of individual. He got very withdrawn and we got very worried about him. Have you ever taken lariam . No. Because bertie had that effect, every time i have taken antimalarial drugs, i have said i will take anything but im not taking lariam. I made myself very ill but realised very quickly i didnt have a Mental Health issue. That was happening, you knew you would not take lariam at the same time as those serving under you as Chief Of General Staff were taking lariam . Yes, that is true. But again, i think that is because the organisation hadnt reached a settled view over whether lariam was more efficient. If it wasnt good enough you, should it not have been good enough for everyone serving under you . Because i had first hand experience of what could happen, i couldnt see the point of putting myself in the same position. But other people were being put in that position. This is true. But i come back to the fact that the Ministry Of Defence as an organisation was still trying to come to a conclusion in general terms whether the beneficial and harmful effects of lariam were greater or less. The effects were almost immediate. It was as if the wiring in your brain had completely gone or had completely rewired. I do get depressed to the point of suicidal thoughts. Since 1997, the British National formulary, which gps consult when prescribing medicines, has made absolutely clear what anyone being given lariam should be told about it. Theres a series of neuropsychiatric side effects and say that the drug must be stopped immediately if any of them are experienced. Weve spoken to many members of the military who say they were simply not made aware of that. We were just told, this is what youre taking on the way you go. We were just told, this is what youre taking, away you go. You were told there might be side effects . No, not at all. In a statement, the Ministry Of Defence said the vast majority of deployed personnel already receive alternatives to lariam and where it is used, it is only prescribed after an individual risk assessment. In many respects, im a broken man. The army has broken me, the government has broken me. Why do the British Government continue to give this drug to its Serving Members . Reina holden was 18 when her boyfriend beat her unconscious and left herfor dead in a pub car park in washington, tyne wear. The attack was caught on cctv. She came on to our programme back in february to tell her story and encourage others to speak out and get help. He always used to put me down, if things didnt go his way or if he wanted to do something and i didnt want to do it, that is when the abuse would happen. Also when he had no money, when he didnt have money for alcohol, his drugs. I took all the backlash of that. Can i ask you, rayna, what kind of things he used to do to you . He used to pick me up, throw me against the radiator, he used to rag me about with my hair, punch me in the face, slapped me. He would call me nasty names. He was just a horrible man. And i think as well, as well as that horrific physical abuse, on the controlling side of things, he would try and control access to your phone or do you were allowed to see. Access to your phone or who you were allowed to see. Yeah, who i was allowed to see, who i was allowed to speak to, who i had on my facebook. There was one occasion i was on the phone to my grandad and he actually snatched the phone out of my hand and took the battery of the phone so i couldnt have any contact with him. Why was he doing this to you . I dont know the reasons why he was doing it to me but i think, i dont know. I think its more to do with having control over a person. He used to like controlling me and telling me what to do. Can i ask you about the attack that he committed on you in that pub car park in November 2014 . Yeah. I was meant to be going to meet him so i have walked down to the Cross Keys Pub in the village in washington. Ive walked into the pub and daryl was stood with his mate and two other women and he was playing pool with them. He was smacking their as is. I walked out of the pub. Daryl came after me. He said, youre not my girlfriend any more. Telling me that im worthless, that i meant nothing to him, that i was just a child to him that my family had given me to. It ended up in a massive argument and that argument led to him chasing me out of the car park. He had a pint glass in his hand and he tried to smash it on my head. It hit me six times before it shattered. He grabbed me by my hair when the glass shattered, he dragged me behind a car and he kept punching me, kicking me, punching me. When i was unconscious, he picked me up by my hair and dragged me halfway across the car park to a set of bins where he dropped me again and stood over my body. That was rayna holden, speaking about abuse at the hands of an ex partner. I can tell you that she has now found happiness again with someone else. She will be spending christmas with her baby son who was born last month. In september i sat down with julie walters. She told me about the death of her friend Victoria Wood and why in hollywood she would be considered a freak. Can i ask you about Victoria Wood . For most of us, it was a huge shock and people felt really close to her even though they didnt know her. You were actually close to her which must have made it very difficult. It was. The fact that it is kind of in the Public Domain as well makes it really strange. I couldnt kind of respond to it very much at the beginning. Even though we all knew that it was probably close, still a huge shock. Death is anyway, isnt it . Still a huge shock. Ifound i couldnt respond. Sometimes. I felt hugely anxious first of all, massive anxiety about it. When i was able to relax and see my husband, he just went. Yeah. Huge loss. Still today i cant think what brought it up. We were in the taxi coming here and chrissie with my make up, she was very close to her and i thought, why would i think about her in the taxi . But i think everyone goes through that thing with grief where they think, theyre not here you cant believe it. No. And she was 62. Its nothing, is it . No, these days it isnt. Before she got ill, she looked fantastic. She looked really, really well. Not a mark on her skin. So yeah. You may not want to answer this and that is fine. Could she rationalise the diagnosis . Yes. I dont want to say anything else really. Thats fine. Victorias legacy is her work. People are going to enjoy her work and your Work Together for evermore. I hope so. That would be brilliant if it is the case. Her brother wants a statue to be erected in bury, where she obviously went to school. A statue of her sitting at a piano. What do you think of that idea . It sounds gorgeous. So long as its flattering. She wouldnt like it if it wasnt it somehow doesnt seem enough, a statue, does it . You know, her work is the thing, isnt it . Its her work that, as you say, is the legacy and that stimulates everyones memories of her and keeps her alive, its her work. Before you met victoria, which i think was in the mid 70s, the late 70s, before that you were part of a kind of generation of Working Class Actors who originated from the Everyman Theatre in liverpool. You, pete postlethwaite, bill nighy. And now as you know, eddie redmayne, tom hiddleston, they all went to eton. Is that an issue for you . No. They are wonderful actors. Ive worked with tom. They are all fantastic. Its not the fact that they are all doing brilliantly, its the fact that it is very hard for working class kids, like, in my day, all of us, victoria, we came through subsidised theatre and we got grants. These days, you cant get a grant for drama school at all. So, thats a worry, then. Where is the next generation of Working Class Actors going to come from . I dont know. Presumably not through drama school, obviously. But i think things go in cycles, i really do believe that. I was lucky to be on the wave of michael caine, tom courtenay, albert finney, they all started in the 60s and in the 70s we really cashed in on that. It was really not good to have a middle class accent. You would hear posh people trying to talk like that, so that they would be accepted. Because it wasnt trendy. So i was very lucky to be part of that, there was no feeling. Before that you had to get rid of any accident that you had. But it helped having an accent. Yeah. Do you think hollywood has got better or not when it comes to roles for older women . No. I dont think theyre very good for roles for women, are they . You see wonderful actors. Meryl streep is an exception, isnt she . Julianne moore, people like that. Shes not that old. She is 50 odd. Ive just worked with the wonderful anette benning. It is better, she doesnt look like she has had anything done to her face and thats unusual. But i know if i went there i would like like a freak, because everyone else has you would look authentic. Thats all right. I wouldnt want to do that. And you can watch the full interview Withjulie Walters on our website. It was the craze of the summer, the Mobile Phone Game downloaded more than 500 million times, that had millions wandering the streets trying to find virtual pokemon go characters. But we heard about an unintended consequence which caught our attention, we heard from the parents of autistic children for whom the app transformed their lives. Hes been engrossed and obsessed with minecraft for the last five years, literally living and breathing it. Very good. Hes gone from hardly leaving the house other than to go to college, to wanting to go out every night. Hes found another one when he first said he wanted to go out, i said, we will see how it goes, and three hours later we were still out. I was like, oh my god. He spent two years pretty much out of school because he was either going in and being sent home because he had had a bad anxiety attack, to the point where he was doubled up on the floor in pain with his stomach, he would spend days wrapped in a sleeping bag. Every time you try to take him out, he would have an anxiety attack. Luke, fiona, sam, daniel. Normally, he would have lasted two minutes, we would have had to leave straightaway. His stomach would have started hurting, just being around people who were a bit noisy and talking loud, he wouldnt have coped. But he has stayed. Its brilliant. Theres none there . Oh no. What are you going to do . Round that way . 0k. Its helping reinstate that mum and son bond. Ive spent so long being his carer. Im going to cry. Itsjust nice, you know . Ive not seen him this relaxed and happy in a public place for so long. It really means a lot. You can see that hes happy and relaxed, hes smiling. Hes not ticking. Its just so nice, it really is. It feels like ive got a bit of my son back. High five. Hes made more progress than weve seen in the last four years. Obviously its small steps of progress but what he has made has been immense. Its made a huge difference to adams quality of life. His life pre pokemon wasnt the greatest life, shut up in his bedroom and locking himself away from everyone. If anyone had told me six months ago that a simple game like this would get him out of the house, i would have laughed at them and said, no, not a chance. I never in a million years thought this would happen. For us, its a huge celebration. Do you like being outside . Good. And were coming out tomorrow night as well. How many is that now . Before we go, it was one of the highlights of the year. Team gb finishing second in the medals table in rio. We beat china, we beat russia and in the process we became the first country ever to improve on a home medal haul at the next olympic games, winning 67 in total, two more than london 2012. Heres a Reminder Ofjust how Inspiring Team gb were. It is not the critic who counts, and not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena. Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly, who errs. Who comes short again and again. Because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. But who does actually strive to do the deed. Who knows great enthusiasm and great devotions. This may be the last one . Possibly, yeah. I dont want to cry who spends himself in a worthy cause. Triumphs in high achievement. Who in the end, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. Thank you very much for watching. We are back on air onjanuary 3rd. In the meantime you can watch our films on our programme page. It is cold and icy and foggy, and it will get little bit of those areas, but there is some sunshine, this was torquay a couple of hours ago and we also had sunshine in preston in lancashire, but the fog is quite dense in places. This is staffordshire, it is notjust foggy, but frosty, so conditions are treacherous, quite slick. Freezing fog and some dense patches are lingering in the midlands, east anglia and the south east, but it will lift. We will see some sunshine in the south, but little chance in the north of scotland, the highlands and the islands rather wet. East of the grampians maybe some brightness. It is still largely dry in Northern Ireland, but they will be some drizzle around the irish sea coast. Better chance of some sunshine, when the fog lifts, but where it lingers, we will struggle, barely above freezing for most of the day. The fog will then thicken, and overnight we have issues in the south and east again. Where we have brightness, it will only be around 5 6d. Most areas will only be around 5 6d. Most areas will be a bit milder compared to yesterday. Wet in Northern Scotland and the rain keeps coming on the Gale Force Winds overnight. It means that it will at least mean a mild night across scotland and Northern Ireland and most of Northern England and wales and the south west, but again in the colder parts in southern and eastern areas we will have some frost in the countryside and maybe a little bit of fog although it should clear a bit quicker. For scotland in the day it looks like it will be pretty wet and windy. In two new years eve celebrations, the Weather System trundles further south, and behind that we have arctic air, and it will bea that we have arctic air, and it will be a Cold Hogmanay for scotland. Looking quite soggy for celebrations, we think, across Northern England and north wales, but we are not certain whether the Weather Front will lie further south 01 Weather Front will lie further south or not, bobby rainey will have cleared away for the start of 2017 but the rain will have cleared. It looks like we will have arctic winds and a scattering of showers on new years day. It will feel cold again. This is bbc news. Time gavin estler. The headlines at 11. Moscow promises retaliation, after President Obama expels 35 Russian Diplomats in the us Election Hacking row. The Syria Ceasefire between the government and rebel groups appears largely to be holding. There are reports of isolated clashes. Drivers are told to take care in fog and freezing conditions, as a coach overturns on the mao in oxfordshire, injuring 17 people. A warning that National Parks are under threat, as figures suggest Government Funding has been cut over the past five years. Also in the next hour learner drivers could be allowed on motorways. Its part of proposals to give learners a voluntary target for a minimum number of lessons before taking their test. And Rebecca Jones talks with the worlds bestselling author,

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