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The Transport Minister says investigators arent ruling out any possible reasons for the crash that includes terrorism. Among those on board were members of the famous Red Army Choir. Vigils have been held, this one at the os tan kino tv station to remember the nine journalists who were killed in the crash. The Authorities Say the location of the wreckage has been pinpointed, and more than a hundred divers were exploring the sea bed. So far, eleven bodies have been recovered. Steve rosenberg reports from moscow. This is one of the final images of the tupolev 154 jet. It was taken by a journalist before he boarded the plane. The flight would end in tragedy. The aircraft crashed into the black sea. The russians scrambled helicopters and ships but the search became a Recovery Operation. There were no survivors. The plane had taken off from a Military Airfield near moscow. It flew south, stopping in sochi to refuel. The Final Destination was syria, and russias airbase near latakia, but minutes after leaving sochi, it crashed. At the Russian Defence ministry, a spokesman said that more than 90 people were on board the plane. He said the Recovery Operation was continuing. On board were more than 60 members of the russian armys famous song and dance ensemble, once known as the Red Army Choir. They had been due to give a concert at the russian airbase in syria. Most civilian airlines have stopped using the tupolev 154, once the workhorse of the Russian Aviation industry. In 2010, a tupolev 154 carrying the polish president crashed in russia, while trying to land. The following year, a similar plane caught fire in siberia before take off. Now the investigation begins into another disaster, to find out why this russian plane fell from the sky into the sea. People in moscow brought flowers to the headquarters of the russian army choir. It has left russia stunned and silo. The kremlin has promised a thorough investigation into this tragedy. It has also declared monday to bea tragedy. It has also declared monday to be a day of National Mourning. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. 0lga ivshina of the bbcs Russian Service told me more about those on board. They are trying to find black boxes to see if this will shed light on the probable reasons for the crash. We dont really know what happened so we dont really know what happened so far. The recording of conversation between the aeroplane and the base was published, but it sounds like a routine check their voices are calm and there is no sign of alarm warning, which probably means it happened quite abruptly. But the investigators have not ruled out every possibility here . Bred yes, the russian Transport Minister said they are looking into all versions and there are three versions and there are three versions which is quite as usual. Technical failure, versions which is quite as usual. Technicalfailure, a versions which is quite as usual. Technical failure, a mistake versions which is quite as usual. Technicalfailure, a mistake on the pilots part a something else, possibly a terror attack. They did not specify which is the priority one, so they are looking at all possible versions. If we look to those on board who sadly perished in the crash, they were journalists covering the Red Army Choir Travelling To Syria to perform. The majority of the people on board were members of the Red Army Choir who are members of the military and actually this was quite a significant thing, so they lost one third of their members and most of the members of the choir. They were well known and well respected and loved in russia. They were respected All Over The World for their professionalism and well performing a lot in russia and the Russian Military bases in the country and abroad, boosting Military Spirit and also giving concerts in other countries. Their image became more controversial since 2014, because being a member of the russian army, they praised the actions of russian soldiers during a Annexation Of Crimea and some politicians in Eastern Europe said they must boycott it, but it did not happen. They kept performing. 0nce boycott it, but it did not happen. They kept performing. Once again, they were well known and recognised for their professionalism as artists. We have seen some rituals in rush already, come with them all . Bred monday will be a day of National Mourning russian state has changes programmes buggy programmes are nothing like this. Many muscovites are shocked and coming to the base of the Red Army Choir are bringing candles. The famous russian doctor was on the plane are bringing some humanitarian aid for syrian hospitals. She was really respected and loved by many russian because she was helping people in need, homeless people, children. She was also involved in some minor controversies, but so humanitarian effo rts controversies, but so humanitarian efforts was widely recognised. It seems that people were not expecting this to come, it was a huge shock coming just before days of celebration, just before the new year which is a big deal in russia. And you can get more details on the crash and hear some of the music from the Red Army Choir on the bbc website. You can also download the bbc news app on your smartphone so you dont miss any updates. The israeli leader Benjamin Neta nyahu has ordered his Foreign Ministry to summon and reprimand ambassadors from countries on the United Nations Security Council, including britain. The move is a response to the un vote on friday that condemned israels building of jewish settlements in the occupied west bank. American and israeli governments have disagreed about settlers, but we grew the Security Council was not the place to resolve this solution. We knew that going there would make negotiations harder and dry these further away. Front do not take offence to the Security Council. Im encouraged by the statements of republicans and democrats alike in the united states. They understand how reckless and destructive the resolution was that they understand the western wall is not occupied territory. I look forward to working with those front and with the new administration when it takes office next month. That was Benjamin Netanyahu. Earlier the bbcs middle east analyst Alan Johnston explained israels reaction. This was a big moment at the United Nations on friday. Real diplomatic drama. Year after year weve watched the americans use their veto to protect israel against resolutions of this kind, but not this time. Suddenly, the israelis found themselves without a friend in the world on that very important diplomatic stage and the message that the International Community centre could hardly have been stronger. It condemned the israeli settle m e nt stronger. It condemned the Israeli Settlement Building Project in the occupied territories as a legal and a flagrant violation of international law. Now, the israelis see the legal position entirely different layout will not accept that verdict for one moment. They argue that they are endlessly mistreated by the un in which they say is biased against israel again and again. They are now on a major diplomatic offensive and they are reprimanding the reprimanding of the ambassadors on Christmas Day. Benjamin netanyahu the ambassadors on Christmas Day. Benjamin neta nyahu has the ambassadors on Christmas Day. Benjamin netanyahu has the un itself in his sights and has ordered a review of his countrys relations with the world body and some funding will be cut to some of its agencies. 0ne will be cut to some of its agencies. One of the smaller countries behind the moving of the resolution, senegal, has felt israels raff in the funding and economic aid projects which have been cut. Israel are showing that they are diplomatically and economically hitting back. Fake news has hit the headlines a lot recently its been blamed for influencing the us election and even led to an attack on an washington pizzeria. Now it appears it has caused diplomatic twitter tension between pakistan and israel. Pakistans defence minister khawaja asif Directed A Tweet at israel believing it had threatened pakistan with a Nuclear Attack for its role in syrian conflict. He tweeted that israel should not forget that pakistan is also a nuclear power. But the story at the heart of all this, was, in fact fake. Israels Defence Ministry which maintains a position of Nuclear Ambiguity tweeted back to say the article was completely fictitious evacuations have been taking place in chile after a powerful earthquake struck the south of the country. The Us Geological survey says the quake struck southwest of the city of puerto montt. The first readings indicated a seven point seven magnitude but thats since been revised down. In nigeria, to people were killed when a section of a two storey building in a Police Training college collapsed. The collapse in lagos happened around 4am. Building collapses are frequent in nigeria and they are often blamed by officials on the use of cheap materials. Earlier, in december, more than 100 people were killed when a Church Collapsed In The South East of the country. German police have defused a world war to bomb that caused the evacuation of more than 50 thousand residents of residents of the southern german city had been forced to leave their homes on Christmas Day so that the huge bomb could be defused. This was the biggest evacuation in germany for an unexploded bomb since the end of the war. Church leaders have used their christmas messages to reflect on the emotional impact of global events this year. Pope francis called for an end to the fighting in syria when he spoke at the vatican on sunday. He said far too much blood has been spilled in the conflict. Meanwhile the anglican leader the archbishop of Canterbury Justin welby, told his congregation that the end of the year leaves people in a more unpredictable world. 0ur religious Affairs Correspondent Martin Bashir reports. Entering Canterbury Cathedral in time honoured fashion, archbishop justin welby focused his Christmas Day sermon on the uncertainty and division that has marked both domestic and International Politics over the last year. He described 2016 as a year of unpredictability and uncertainty, where fear and division were in danger of overwhelming us and went on to suggest that our anxiety is a clear sign that placing our trust in material prosperity has failed. In rome, where additional security was in place following the berlin attack, pope francis also criticised materialism, and appealed to christians to stand out as people of compassion and self sacrifice. Translation it is times for weapons to bea translation it is times for weapons to be a silver of an International Community to actively seek a negotiated solution so that civil coexistence can be restored in the country. Why might be the pope concluded by appealing for christians to stand out as people of compassion and self sacrifice. The queen misses her traditional Christmas Day service as she recovers from a heavy cold but in a recorded speech she pays tribute to ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Thousands went to Midnight Mass where there were anti communist riots ten days ago. The latest headlines russia looks for a nswers the latest headlines russia looks for answers after a Military Plane with 92 people aboard crushers. The day of mourning has begun. Venturing met in yahoo as ordered ambassadors of the un Security Council to be reprimanded after they voted to condemn israels settlement building. The queen misses her traditional Christmas Day service as she recovers from a heavy cold but in a recorded speech she pays tribute to ordinary people doing extraordinary things. In her pre recorded christmas message, the queen said she often draws strength from meeting ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. Our royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, reports. Also absent issue the duke and duchess of cambridge and their children at charlotte. They attended church at bucklebury in berkshire where they have spent Christmas Day with the duchesss family, the middleton s. Inspiration was the theme of this years christmas broadcast by the queen which was recorded at Buckingham Palace days ago. She cited the achievements of olympic athletes and said she also found inspiration from daily life. Olympic athletes and said she also found inspiration from daily lifelj often draw strength from meeting ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Volunteers, carers, Community Organisers and good neighbours. Unsung heroes who quiet dedication makes them special. She recalled this have been the year off her 90th birthday and paid tribute to the aspiring local charities she has been associated with. She also said much more could be achieved globally by acting with others. Said much more could be achieved globally by acting with othersm is understandable that we sometimes think the worlds problems are so big we can do little to help. Alone, we cannot end wars oi big we can do little to help. Alone, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice. But the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine. She said her own life are being guided by the inspiring message of christianity. Christs example helps me see the value of doing small things with great love. Whoever does them and whatever they themselves believe in. Why mcrae was broadcast by a monarch who although usually indisposed this christmas shows little sign of yielding to the passage of years. For the queen this year there has been a 90th birthday and some lightning of her workload. There is no expectation whatsoever that she will step away from the core duties of the role as monarch and head of state. More than one hundred people have been rescued after being trapped in cable cars above italys ski slopes. One of the lifts failed in high winds. These skiers in italy were saved and winched to safety. It happened in Northern Italy at the alpine resort. It was close to the swiss border. It is one of yours highest ski resort and skiers were stuck at an altitude of over two and thousand metres. The fee heavy wind meant rescuers could not use helicopters to help those trapped. Translation there was much wind. We stopped at the pillar and remained there for two hours and now there are the first rescue operations. Why mcrae took over eight hours to bring down more than 130 stranded skiers. Fortu nately, down more than 130 stranded skiers. Fortunately, the weather was mild and not suffered from cold exposure. Translation we have been unlucky, the gondola was heavy, but there we re the gondola was heavy, but there were moments with gusts of 150 kilometres per hour during which we we re kilometres per hour during which we were almost horizontal and it was a scary moment. The result set on social media that no one was in danger during the rescue. Those who are safely out were just pleased to be back before christmas. One year since they arrived in the uk, the bbc has caught up with a syrian families or one of the first to be brought up as part of the governments resettlement programme. This family now living in the midlands found it was a big change to adjust to. Tee macro their children have visible scars from a suicide bomb. One year on and with a new addition to the family. They we re new addition to the family. They were some of the first Syrian Refugees to come to the uk under a government scheme. Translation it is a big change for us. It mades forget our concerns, especially for the little girls. They are now much happier. The uk has been good for us and the only issueis has been good for us and the only issue is the language, but we are trying to learn it. It is very different from our country. The family have spent the year settling into their new home in coventry. Translation the community is nice, the people are quite nice. We miss home. But what can we do . The children go to school and they are happy. We are happy. There were forced to leave syria after a bomb exploded while they were out with others celebrating a kurdish spring festival. Their nine year old daughter and their sexual daughter we re daughter and their sexual daughter were seriously injured and taken to iraq for urgent treatment before being brought to this country. The government pledged to resettle an extra 20,000 refugees last year, more than 150 people are making this it then you home. The girls are now a school in the local area. It is fun. They treat us really well. The teachers are good. It is fun. Is the weather different . Yes, sometimes it rains. And it is cold. Both girls still need to undergo surgery, but for this family, their focus still need to undergo surgery, but for this family, theirfocus is on the new lives on what the future may bring. There island and 50,000 people here in the uk with dementia. That is likely to rise. There is no cure and a virtual allowed to compare the gioup a virtual allowed to compare the group of girls are collaborators adela busey is a bit Reality Experience to help those living with dementia. This years theme comes with a virtual twist. This man is a former nurse who was dementia. This is his first time trying out a Virtual Reality headset as part of a trial that May Revolutionise dementia care. Good fun. Here we have the underwater scene. As you can see, we have got the coral and the rocks and everything like that. Joe can virtually swim underwater with this device, visit a forest or even the beach. Along with other experiences that may be tricky otherwise. Isnt a gorgeous . That may be tricky otherwise. Isnt i that may be tricky otherwise. Isnt a gorgeous . Isnt it gorgeous . The idea came from alex smail after he was inspired by his neighbours who are housebound. It created as for the elderly because i had neighbours who had not left their house for quite a long time. I thought wouldnt be great if we could give them an experience out of the house without having to leave it. Dementia affects 50 Million People worldwide. 70 of those living in uk care homes are thought to have the condition. They kick start a campaign has been launched in the hope of raising enough fronts to have the headset is widely available in care homes. These headsets are not a cure for dementia. What they do do is help to alleviate symptoms people can experience such as stress, depression and others. Users of the trial are medically assessed by their body movements. With this we are giving them a reality we can both relate to which makes it more authentic. It is not disorientating them, itjust authentic. It is not disorientating them, it just takes authentic. It is not disorientating them, itjust takes them to a place they can both be involved in. Them, itjust takes them to a place they can both be involved inlj wonder if ill ever see this again in reality . As many of us travel abroad this christmas, some of our most vulnerable can still enjoy these experiences at home. Wonderful. The mother of Carrie Fisher has said the 60 year old actress is in a stable condition after suffering a heart attack on a flight from london to los angeles on friday. Debbie reynolds used twitter to update fans and thank them for their ongoing support and best wishes. Ms fisher played the iconic Princess Leia in the star wars films. She was flying home afterfinishing a tour to promote her new autobiography. That is all for now. Goodbye. Merry christmas. A windy and to Christmas Day. Storm force winds right now. Boxing day, windy. Also sunshine. Better compared to today. Grey skies, mild weather brought in by storm conor to the north. In the short term, this is what is happening. A cold front stretching to the north sea, across the midlands and the south west. This is the Dividing Line between the milder air to the south and the cold air invading the uk. It is called across scotland. Wintry showers here. Temperatures close to freezing. Far south holding onto some of the mild air. That should go once the cold front sweeps toward the continent. By now, storm conor as to the north, fierce winds for the north of scotland. 80 mile an hour gusts of wind. Bellsouth, different story. Lighter winds. Temperatures are higher. The drop in the temperature, but we have sunshine. In scotland, showers and storm force winds. Tuesday, high pressure. Intense high pressure. That means with the clear skies in the day across the vast majority of the uk, it will be clear. The cold night. Thursday wednesday, frost. Also fog. That may prove problematic. If you are travelling between christmas and new year, bear in mind it could be a little on the tricky side. The latest headlines from bbc news the russian Authorities Say the location where a Military Plane 92 people on board crashed into the black sea has been pinpointed, the Defence Ministry said that more than 100 divers were inspecting the sea bed and an operation continued through the night. In an unusual move the israeli Prime Minister has ordered ambassadors of the un Security Council members to be reprimanded following a vote against illegal settlement building. The pope has cold for an end to the fighting in syria in His Christmas Message saying far too much blood had been spilled, and delivered the message to thousands of people at the vatican. The queen has mist a traditional Christmas Day service as she recovers from a cold. In a recorded speech she paid tribute to ordinary people

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