Online, as late as the end of 2013, they were talking about a jihad and martyrdom, before they became engaged and married and lived together in the united states. We believe they were inspired by foreign terrorist organizations. We are working hard to understand the source of their inspiration. We are also working hard to understand whether there was anybody else involved with equipping and supporting them. We are also working hard to understand were there any other plans for that day. Network continues. Investigationsd there are focused investigations on a neighbor, henriquenrique marquez, who sold them the guns used. There is a lot we want to do in a small number of time. James comey just laid out the question with we all ought to be asking. But a talk about this radicalization. It is a surprise, i think, to many people. It is a surprise that has been extensive. It could be as recent as late 2013, giving a lot of time between now and the attack last week. Female shooter, was radicalized before she came to the u. S. The big question is how she was able to attain the visa to marry rook and come to california. Passould have had to Homeland Security background checks. There are questions on whether authorities missed something in granting her that visa. Charlie or whether we should change the process. The interesting thing is that there was always an assumption, or that some people raise the question, did she radicalized him . Radicalized that is still an open question. One thing was this idea of computer encryption. Usenow that terrorists encrypted messages to comedic it with each other. Mr. Komi spoke about the difficulty of federal officials mr. Comey spoke about the difficulty of federal officials intercepting these messages. Charlie what is the current thinking about what groups they may have been in communication with or might have known about or may be aligned with . If this couple were radicalized as early as late 2013, that would predate the rise of isis as this household name. You mentioned mr. Marquez. This is a neighbor and relative that investigators are speaking to. Rifles used in the attacks. The fbi is releasing new information today that you will find interesting. He has told investigators that he knew this couple was radicalized. He did not say that he knew of this attack in particular in san bernardino. It is not clear, the role he played in this attack. He has proved a crucial link to investigators to learn more about the couple and how they were able to carry out these attacks. I know he had checked himself into a Mental Health facility. Purchased two of those rifles and somehow transmitted them. Charlie do they know or suspect that they may have been in communication with others that might have been a part of the overall planning . Been plottingve the attack in 2012, before she came to the u. S. To marry faroo k. S not carried out, we dont know why. Charlie what surprises you so far beyond in the radicalization issue with respect to where we . Re now in this investigation we are doing some report on the loan today, that 28,000 loan made by a platform called prosper. It is still a bank that issues alone. It is an interesting development. It wass no indication given out with any wrongdoing. There is debate about these online lenders, whether they should be regulated heavily. Investigators are looking into that loan. One investigator did tell us that mr. Farook indicated he would use the loan to consolidate debt. The difficulty for banks is that you can apply for a loan and say it is for whatever you want but use it for something different. Charlie what surprises me still is that even know they were as radicalized as they work, a lot of people say, well, i did not notice anything. Certainly. From a lot of family members, people that knew them, that they did not notice anything. They went to the mosque, but you can say that about any number of muslims. I think that is something that you hear a lot about after these mass attacks. Family members and friends are coming out and saying that we had no idea. It makes officials and jobs harder. The fbi did not have the couple on any kind of terror watchlist. Amplifies and dangerous and under the radar people like this can operate in todays day and age. Charlie thank you for joining us. As meet the press, bloomberg duprez, Bloomberg News in san francisco. Charlie we continue now with our coverage of the republican president ial race. The all caps dachshund donald trump criticismmp faces both at home and abroad. Were joined now by ed rollins, a gop Campaign Consultant who served in the administrations of four u. S. President s. You are both insiders on the Republican Party. What is the conversation taking place privately today . The idea is that after two terms of barack obama, it is hard to believe the country will go for a third term of obama, which is effectively how the race is framed. Charlie because she is a member of the administration. And she supports many of his policies. In fact, she wants to move to the left. You look at most of the candidates in the race, and these are successful governors, very successful senators di. Senators. , who has,nald trump with inflammatory rhetoric, very, into a understandably angry sentiment with voters whose primary issues while the rest of this very talented field is fragmenting the electorate, chopping it up into small pieces. You have trump dominating and other talented candidates dividing the rest. Charlie you could say marco and teds some traction cruz has a lot in iowa. I dont think this will happen before february for the iowa caucus. Charlie im wondering, i am asking, people are saying, we are committing suicide here. Ople are despond and. Despondent. Ed this is wiping out the senate. We are going to lose the house, because we are in good shape, but we could lose the senate and as for the party if the rhetoric continues, all the things to build a party for the future. Do you know any republican person of stature who is not. So about this, who is not. Its abou do you know any republican person of stature who is not furious about this . People thought he would selfdestruct and he hasnt. People have underestimated the power of free television. If summary is going to get 60 of all television coverage, as he has, he can run the campaign without money. He has not spent money. There are three candidates in the race that still have money, cruz, rubio, and him. Carson is fading. Bush has money, but he has dropped. It will take a real collapse for bush to come back. We should congratulate the republican leadership. All of the republican candidates are criticized what trump has said over the last couple of days. Paul ryan has come out. Reince preibus. Mcconnell. The chairman of the state party and South Carolina. These are conservative parties,nd if you think about obviously, what trump has said in terms of banning all muslims is such a crazy notion. An american muslim has served for the military, is he banned . A muslim returning from a business trip . Think about how crazy this is. He is tearing up the 14th amendment, birthright citizenship. Deporting 11 million people. Are extremely damaging things for the party, and i am trying to think, how did this happen . If you look at 1984, the reagan , theytion, the democrats thought, reagan, we will be him reagan, we will beat him. Thetion day happens, and republicans win 49 states. Charlie more than ever. [talking over each other] dan democrats, the psychological aftershock after t hat, i think the psychological aftershock republicans went through after romney lost, 2008 they cop is a unique moment, obama was unique, talented candidate. Be2, they thought it would like reagan in 1980. When they lost, the Republican Base was scratching their heads, saying, how did we lose this thing . They wanted to fight. That is what all these fights about obamacare are. The fight was directed as much against obama as it was against the boehner and mcconnell. In this president ial cycle, if you are not trump, among some segment of the electorate, youre part of the problem. Run an you did independent campaign . Ed iran the ross perot campaign. Im old enough to remember George Wallace. You think, if comic he begins to lose the republican primary, he would run as an independent . Ed i dont think he wants to lose. He could have a big impact on the race and cost the republicans, but it would cost a lot of money to get onto the state ballots. I dont know if he would spend 300 million with no guarantee of doing better than a percent 8 or 10 vote of the vote. Thats half of what perot had. Charlie people are comparing him to George Wallace . Ed it is some of the same premise. He bluecollar, left educated theyre worried about jobs and security. She understands the electorate better than washington, and to a certain extent, the problem with washington is everyone gets up and it is all about the game. In the country, people dont worry about this. They worry about their jobs and kids going to college and the irs and taxes. He has tapped into that. The more the establishment goes after him, the more he is like, of course they are going after me, i am for you, not for them. Dan he is a vessel for blowing up the system. The do you trust to blow up system . He has become a vessel for the sentiment. For republicans, his imperfect he is an imperfect vessel. Singlepayert the reform. He was not for doing anything series against isis. This is not a vessel for the Republican Party. At some point, there will be a consensus. Charlie suppose it does not happen. Everyone assumes this is the best way for there to be a real winstition, suppose he iowa even though ted cruz is ahead . Suppose he goes to New Hampshire and goes to South Carolina and wins, and all of a sudden, there is one candidate who has not emerged to compete. At the convention, what with the Republican Party do . Dan this is totally unprecedented in history. Around, evenk given all the stuff he is going for, he is stuck around 30 . Charlie twice as much as anyone else. Dan but when the field starts to consolidate, i think the field will be won over quickly. Other candidates will come in first and second. The fourth and fifth and sixth place votes will drop out. Those candidates will consolidate support. Trumpe be stuck at 30 will be stuck at 30 . What new voter can he get after what he said the other day . No precedent for somebody winning the nomination consistently getting stuck around 30 of the primary. People eight years ago, when there was a real race, Rudy Giuliani was at 29 . That thompson was second Fred Thompson was second. Neither had a delegate at the end of the day. Couple get delegates trump thisget delegates, but will become a delegate race, not a whole Campaign Poll campaign. If the election was tomorrow, he would win New Hampshire, but its not tomorrow. Quick theturned voters will turn quickly in the last 24 hours. Republicans do not want to be embarrassed. There are people in the tea ty were very frustrated who are very frustrated. Charlie it is likely to be a brokered convention . Ed i dont think so. Dan there could be an exception. Ed you get to places like california and new jersey, the blue states, who have the most delegates, this is not winner take all. There are three delegates for each congressional district. My sense is that if he gets anpped, they will be alternative, successful candidate. Charlie is there anyone saying youre going to far . There are no wise men anymore. This is a party of consultants, candidates. 3 and dan and a party of rebellion. Even if the establishment weighed in, they are being tuned out. The base of the party is frustrated by repeated losses. There is a sense of despair, stagnant wages, rising cost of education, rising cost of health care, oh world and chaos a world in chaos. They dont trust the establishment. Toy need a single candidate go headtohead with trump. That will change the gen dynamic. Small guys get behind one candidate, it will change. Ed but if you put in people on the stage with a debate, its a gigantic number of people. Some are better than others. Trump is centerstage. Ben carson is nice but doesnt know anything about foreign policy. The serious candidates, who can debate, have not had any floor. They will as this gets narrower. Charlie in a moment, back in a moment, stay with us. Charlie time has named the person of the year for 2015. It is the individual who has most influenced the news for better or worse. This years choice was angela merkel. A debt germany through crisis, the migration of refugees from the middle east, and the deadly terrorist attacks in the region. Nancy gibbs writes, we are for asking more of her country than most would dare, and for providing steadfast leadership in a world where it. In short supply i am pleased to have nancy gibbs at the table. Nancy this was a year that put a lot of largerthanlife figures on the stage. There was an assumption that it would either be someone like donald trump, obviously, or bernie sanders. Charlie and he won . Nancy he won the reader poll. Carson from ben supporters. Exercise is to take a step back and ask, who really influenced the news . The argument is that she led europe. We call her the chancellor of the free world. They have the fourth largest economy in the world. As we saw last year, in standing up to putin, particularly with the eurozone crisis, she ends up being the one who is centerstage when some hard, unpopular decisions get made. Charlie what is interesting is that she seems to have a really amazing away to calibrate risk, political risk, and make hard choices. She allowed refugees to come in. She opened the gates. Nancy she trained as a quantum chemist. She has a phd in east germany. This is a critical point. Westernhe only major leader that grew up in a fortress. She grew up behind the iron curtain and in conditions that make it all the more unpredictable and unexpected that she would find herself in this position that she is in now. What is fascinating about her is that she was always defined by hercautions by prec caution. Her name has become a verb in germany that means, putting off decisions. She was very careful, very calculated. With the refugee crisis, there is something very much out of character, and so the people that we talked to were so surprised by the boldness of that position, the fact that it risky,itically extremely strategically risky, and yet it rose from some mystical, powerful feeling in her about barriers, about freedom, that speaks to her personal history. Charlie would it have been angeredus, our people by the idea of putting isis on the cover . The adolph was hitler was the time person of the year long ago. A thingld not have been to do . Nancy there would have been enormous anger from people who dont understand. Of thehear person year and treat it as a great honor. When we named the ebola fighters last year, we found them wholly admirable and courageous. The valence of the choice changes from year to year. Most of the figures we are looking at are, at the very least, controversy of. Controversial. When we named it george w. Bush, or barack obama, half the country thinks its a terrible choice and half the country thinks its great. Large, the person of people with institutional power. We saw the pope two years ago. Charlie some might ask, how can donald trump be on the list, in comparison to a glimmer coal or thi or how could donald trump. Nancy i am alternately fielding questions between those who ask how could he not be named the person of the year and people that dont want him on the list at all. Charlie how did you think about this . Way we thought about it, and let me say, in the whole history, the 90 year history of the person of the year, we have never named a president ial candidate. Partly, that is a natural reflex. Over the next 12 months, the mac and people will get a very long, indepth chancethe American People will get a very long, indepth chance to get a look at the candidates. The reason we put him in as one of the runnersup is that even at some point this week, we are reminded the extent to which he has changed the discourse, the nature of the conversation we are having. We are talking about things, and he is talking in ways that we have not heard modern politicians talk in. I cannot count the number of times he has said something that was called, disqualifying. The leader of isis, i think, and merkel, i could argue that trump, in the most powerful of countries, has driven the discourse. Is a verys interesting debate. He was on the cover before. This is what we talk about. This is why this is such an interesting exercise. If you look at angela merkel, she embodies the central question of our time, which is, how do you want to balance freedom and safety. Charlie she balances that . Nancy we are all confronting that. Her answer is that great nations build bridges, not walls. If youre going to succeed, you will not succeed from a bunker, or in hiding. By beingsucceed expensive, or risktaking, or adventurous, or welcoming. Charlie is she exciting, adventurous, risktaking . Process,e is in the and again, not without substantial controversy at home within her own coalition, in saying that germany must represent a new set of values, especially compared to those with which you identified with which we were identified in the 1920s, of openness, of diversity. Charlie and you look at what is happening politically in france in the last election, they got more than anybody. Nancy this is what is so interesting. This debate, it is now very much the one we are having in this country. Are we going to open ourselves up for close ourselves off . That is where we will be for a while. People are frightened. It is much harder to have any ord of an open border policy to say we will go about our lives when people are scared to go to the Movie Theater or scared of the cafe on the sidewalk in paris. Charlie because of baccarat big aly because of bakr bagdhadi. Donald trump, he has served the ,ause of debate in this country that is put there on the table things that we must talk about. Nancy as journalists, which should we be more surprised by . The fact that the leading contender for one of the president ial nomination has proposed a ban on all muslims from entering the country, or that a majority of primary voters is behind him . My impression from asking a lot of political people is that what he has done, in a sense, is solidified himself, one more time, with people already there for him. They were there for him when he began to talk about the people coming here, in his words, illegally. Nancy as he made sure everybody knew this week, where he were he to end up running as an independent, he made sure those supporters would follow him. He is