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Reforms. The king has approved thursdays coup, but protests continue. You have been there many times. How extreme is this . I havent been there in recent weeks, but this time, it appears different from the outside looking at it ondemically, and carrying conversations with people inside thailand. The fear and what you saw over the weekend is that there is a ratcheting up of tensions, this as protesters become increasingly agitated with the way this coup is unfolding and the level of power that the , theal Prayuth Chanocha Army Commander and effective head of government, is commanding. Yesterday, he dissolved the thai senate. That removes the last Democratic Institution in the country. It is one of the reasons why you saw protesters out on the streets in force. The good news is, despite 2000 protesters moving towards victory monument, the military, even though there were many, there were no major clashes from what we understand. There were protests in a northern city, as well. It will be a busy week ahead. H dissolving the senate, effectively allowing the military to create new laws. A stern warning from a military spokesman, warning the public to follow orders. All bets are off in terms of the military using restraint. This was a veiled warning that the military will do what it has to do to maintain public order. A new constitution is said to be revealed this week. Isay, general prayuth expected to receive the kings endorsement, formalizing his status as the head of the thai government. Political reform and next steps for the emerging government what are they . Protesters have been calling for reforms. In some ways, they got what they wanted, a nondemocratic government. That is what thailand has. It is run by the military. However, the new constitution, what will it say . The premier that will be named today. Then the legislative body, expected to be appointed later this week. You can bet that all the members of this body will reflect, of course, the ideas and aspirations of the military, the bangkok elite, the yellow shirts, as they are known inside of thailand, those who are loyal to the monarchy. We should note that the king has given his blessing to thursdays coup. This has royal approval. Tourism is arguably the most important import. How has it been impacted by this . Anecdotally, you hear of hotels empty. Group tours that would be really full to places like chang mai, practically empty. Tourism is a big element of thailands economy, 10 of gdp from the tourism sector. The beaches in the south all the way to the mountains in the north. Ands a big country, bangkok, of course, is where much most people launch their tours. At chinese new year, nearly 700 million lost revenue in terms of Chinese Tourists staying away to to the unrest. If you extrapolate that to the full year, it has a big impact. In the First Quarter alone, the tourism numbers down around 7 . The king improving the coup, that is an interesting development. Junta may find it hard to suppress public protests. Lets have a look at the role social media is plain and thailands longrunning standoff. Our guest joins us from a social Media Consultancy in bangkok. 438,000 followers on twitter. Thank you for joining us. I must ask you, what is the sort of mood you are seeing on your social media platforms . It is absolutely exploding. Up 20,000bably picked followers in the past week or so just because i am aggregating content from everything that is going on in thailand and trying to push it out there as fast as possible. About 23 hours every sunday of tweeting. You are working pretty hard. What is your message to them . How are you rallying this . Well, i feel that social media is very important and what is going on and everything going on in thailand right now because it gives everybody a voice. It makes everybody a journalist. While facebook is the dominant platform, i think twitter is more important, and it is the most important platform coming out, because it is instant, immediate. More often than not, you hear reports on news channels, as reported on twitter, blah, blah, blah. It is very important. When you see these large protest not only doring, you get 200300 people in the streets, but you can get tens of thousands of people following it live on social media. It literally makes the protests of 10 times bigger. Usesbelieve that bangkok facebook the most, arguably, in the world. 9 million users in bangkok alone. What will this ban on broadcasting do you suspect them to ban it or not . It is a highly controversial thing. I think it will make things 10 times worse. I personally dont think it could happen. Up theire they set own facebook page, and they are communicating on a daily basis. I think they gathered 300,000 fans just a few hours after they set up their own facebook page, the current june to junta. It is important, and i think they recognize how important it is. I think that it would hurt a lot worse if they did ban the internet. I kind of understand the tv, but banning internet would serve no purpose. Do you receive any personal threats about this or not . Pardon me. I couldnt hear the last question. Do you get any sort of heat, any personal threats . You have been one of the key voices on twitter. Do you see of any pressure . Never once, partially because i dont make harsh comments. I stay on the middle ground. I would rather be a content provider rather than be harsh and force my opinions and take one side or the other, which i absolutely refuse to do. Never once have i had that. Weekstt, in the next few or days ahead, how will this think . M be used, do you what is the best way, if you are in bangkok, scared, what is the best way to use the social platforms . Listen, you need to logon. It you need to be active. You need to jump in conversations. You need to be online if you want to be informed correctly. If you are just sitting down i am from the states, and when my friends watch any form of themchannel, and they see showing a picture of somebody getting shot or a tank rolling through, immediately, they view the situation as being horrible when, in fact, life goes on. Everything is normal. You go on with your business, your holidays, whatever it is. Life goes on. Use it proactively. Dont use it to bash something. How will they be used in the next few weeks in regard to dealing with the situation . Think it is very important, and it is very critical. I dont think anybody has that clear answer. In my opinion, they probably should have done this coup six months ago, because it was inevitable, and everybody knew it was inevitable. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. Nobody can answer that question. All we can do is stay proactive with it and just go full force. Thank you for, joining us. 438,000 followers on twitter. Out 140 thousand tweets himself. He spends 23 hours every sunday working on it. Stay safe. Ukraine has held its selection on who will become the next president , and the chocolate billionaire is currently claiming victory. With moreshenko won than 55 of the vote. That therefore avoids the need for a runoff. He was foreign minister and economic minister in previous governments. Officials say the turnout was about 50 , albee of far lower in the separatist east. He says he wants early talks with russia. Create theier we agenda, the better we will be it will be for the people of russia. Russian people now pay a huge price for the crimea adventure. Protest parties are surging in eu elections and underlined the growing antieu mood. Well in theoups did u k, france, and greece. Initial results across the 28 nations shows strong support for parties but do blame you for the economy. The antieuro, antiimmigration front finish on top in france, the first time it has won an election nationwide. Sworn inmodi will be today as indias new promised her. His mission is to bridge years of mistrust in the region. The area accounts for almost one quarter of the worlds population but only 2 of global trade. That is according to figures from the r. B. I back in 2009. Up next, banned no more. Sony gets ready to bring the playstation to china. We will have the details when on the move returns. Welcome back. It is monday, may 26. The markets in error and asia are currently towards a sixmonth high. A very good morning. We are at about a sixmonth high if you take a look at the regional benchmark. It is the third day of gains we are seeing across the region, not so surprising given we did get a rather good end to the week last week on wall street. This is the picture right now. The nikkei 225 is leading the gains, 7 10 of 1 . 18 minutes or so away from the open in manila. That is the overall picture. I want to show you a few stocks we are following in japan for various reasons. There we go. Some changes in terms of analysts. Credit suisse are cutting cannon to underperform. ¥3000 is their target price. , up 5 . That was raised to neutral by credit suisse, as well. Sanrio, cut to neutral from neutral plus. The median price target, keep in mind, if you look across 11 of those analysts that cover the stock, we are looking at about 4066 in 12 months time. If you do the math, that is 1400 49 of the upside. 3. 4 . This one will be buying sasebo, value that 8 valued at 8 . These shares will become delisted. Thing moreuctural than anything else. That is all we have. Sony, the story here, more on this in just a bit. Perhaps if you are in china, you could be the playstation will be made available for you. You have a joint Venture Production in the free trade zone, and perhaps, they will be selling that. No timetable given. I will send it back to you. David, thank you for that. Sonys global fight with microsoft is moving to a new battleground, china. Xbox arend the fighting once again to take on china. Mia saini is following this. Up by 8 . Im now going to be talking to you about sunny, although my stock pick did win. You know what . Im going to talk to about sunny. To give you a sense of white is moving in the tokyo trading session. David alluded to this. They are looking to make an entry into china, the worlds most populous country. They have finally lifted their 14year ban on video game consoles. The ban was put in place in 2000 because the Chinese Government had the view that videogame content was inappropriate for young children. That view no longer holds. Sony, following secretively after microsoft announced their local partnership with the std. Sony, also going the local route in terms of forming this joint venture with shanghai oriental partners to make and sell playstation gaming consoles. As of april, to give you a outsold Microsoft Xbox one, extending its gain for a fourth month in a row. This allows the company to be in a position where they can tap into the growing Chinese Consumer who has little bit more income, but also the growing Chinese Consumer who cares about the industry. The big question is, whoever wins china can actually win the console wars it is an enormous part of the pie. Youre absolutely right. Because bps for his winning right now, that doesnt mean the league is going to hold in china becomes fair game for both players. Both of these companies will be selling later on in the fall. In terms of we know the figures around the chinese market. According to Price Waterhouse coopers, chinas videogame industry could be worth 10 billion in sales by the end of 2015. Currently, pc games dominate the market, about two thirds of the markets. The other one third is what you can play on your smart phone. Consoles really could be the game changer in this industry. You dont need to win all of china. You just need to get a couple hundred million. If you can get that, you can really win this game. 1. 3 billion people in this country. Sony needs it. T, a lot of their business isnt working so well. If you take a look at the stars in sonys portfolio, consistently number one it is the gaming unit, and number two, the entertainment unit. The entertainment unit has some ups and downs. We always talk about he mayoint executive divest that unit. It is hit or miss. 2 has been doing well, but we know it is not always a sure bet. Ps4, almost always a sure bet. Thank you for that. Mia saini on the battle in china. South koreas largest mobile messaging service is about to get even bigger. The calico pollution is set to merge. Donaldson company will be the resulting company will be created in october. The two companies are set to formally announce a deal later this afternoon. Still to come, the fx headlines or next. We will check the euro after the common currency saw its biggest threeweek drop in months. This is on the move. Im david inglis and hong kong. It is may 26. Lets start things off at the era. It is falling further this morning after it had its steepest threeweek drop since last year. A three and a half month low for the common currency. That takes it below its 200day moving average. Recent Economic Data from europe suggests that the ecb may need to follow through on recent signals of possible action. New zealand released its latest trade numbers this morning, and we saw slowdown in activity in exports and imports. It came in less than forecast for april. That brought down the trade surplus to 534 million. That is about 100 million short of the median estimate. The president of the philippine thek exchange expects if political crisis and talent continues, that may prompt Fund Managers to look at places like the philippines. Over 1. 1 billion over the past 15 weeks. Bit,ll track the peso in a but i want to show you what we are seeing as far as the kiwi dollar. It is a concern. The trait number came out around 6 30 in hong kong. You do see immediately the drop. 8539. ,. 9236. Ie dollar it does look fairly big, but it is just a oneday figure. Heres the peso. 4371 is what a dollar buys you 43. 71 is what a dollar buys you. A look now at some stories were following this week. Ng results. I jumping jaguar sales helped tata motors Beat Estimates the last time around. The question is, can indias biggest automaker do it again this corner . Analysts are forecasting a 17 increase in profit. Riggs a security will be in the spotlight on friday. Japans Prime Minister is set to give a keynote address to an audience of defense officials from the asiapacific, europe, and the u. S. Rising tensions in the South China Sea are set to be on the agenda at the threeday meeting. Japan will also be in the news on friday when we get Consumer Prices for the month of april. The data will reflect the impacts from the sales tax hike that came into effect at the beginning of that month. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg Ducey prices having risen more than 2 onvia. Lots more to come, including the latest from thailand where protesters clash with the army as the king backs the coup. The markets in hong kong and shanghai are underway very shortly on this monday. Well have the opening numbers right after this short break. The king supports taiwans coup thailands coup. Asian tech stocks be to their u. S. Counterparts. Back to the nba. Reports suggesting yelm and may be looking at the l. A. Clippers. Arelands military rulers said to an imminent or merrily an intermediary parliament until popular protests are growing. Demonstrators are defined have been on street protests. Paul allen has the story. Restoring peace and order was one of the reasons given by thailands military for staging its latest coup, but these protesters have seen enough soldiers on the streets. We need to those. We need to choose who we want. We cannot live like this. Gatherings of more than five people have been banned by the army. That didnt stop a defined rally of about 500 protesters from making their voices heard. Some yelled at the military to go to the countrys south. A long, smoldering muslim insurgency flared over the weekend. A series of bombs exploded in coordinated attacks, killing three people. It is not clear whether or not the bombings were linked to the coup or if insurgents are sadly taking advantage of the recent chaos. Thailands military will need to move cautiously. These public demonstrations were small by recent standards, but if protesters become emboldened, numbers could grow, for they are raising further raising the tension. Paul allen, bloomberg. A quick look at the implications for all of this. Andrew davis joins us now in the studio. You are busy between ukraine and thailand. Over the weekend, again, not as much violence as perhaps some thought, but the king approves the coup. The military is obtusely tightening their grip. They disbanded the senate yesterday. We have seen protests. The martial law and coup canned gatherings banned gatherings of more than five people at a time. There is talk of another demonstration this afternoon. These are the progovernment forces posing a direct challenge to the coup. Hopefully, it wont turn violent. The tension is there. The next steps for the military government . The army chief is meeting with the king today. We should hear more about his plan. He is going to address the nation. It isnt clear if you will name the Prime Minister and council today, but he should give an idea of the type of reforms he is talking about. Whether that is going to be looking at the electoral system, because that is the real thing they need to change if they want to change the status quo if forcesa is to prevent from gaining power again, they need to do something about the voting process. They have enough support probably to continue winning elections. It is alarming of the words being used. Also, the fact that it was martial law, a guaranteed coup in two days. Clearly, the impact on the economy is quite severe. They are concerned about, this could be far more intense than in the past. Clearly. Beenural voters have emboldened. It is going to be hard to put the genie back into the bottle, whether you have a military government running the country or not. How do you take away that sense of empowerment from people . They want to vote. They want a say in their destiny. It is really hard unless you rig the system so they are disempowered or disenfranchised. It is going to be hard to change that. Theyve gotten a taste of electoral empowerment. Where they go from here and how they resolve this, it took a year before their elections last time, and it didnt really change anything. The texan forces won again, and their support base may have shrunk a little bit, but they still want a pretty considerable victory. They were thrown out again. How they resolve this fundamentally is very unclear. It is all very unclear. Andrew davis joining us on the latest from thailand. Of course, we have markets opening right now. Shanghai and also hong kong. Guess what . David has the opening prices. It is basically in line with what we are seeing across the region, john, give or take about one third of 1 . Just a tad higher by about 1 10 of 1 . Do have some weak spots. South korea and malaysia. I want to show you one stock we are following very closely today. The whitey, are surely owned by warrenlly owned buffett. There we go. We are down 6. 5 . The reason is it is planning to sell close to 4. 3 billion worth of new shares. The kicker is that the price at which it is offering those shares is at a 15 discount to the last closing price. It is not surprising. You are seeing a bit of catchup. Hutch, why are we watching the stock . Sources say that the company won approval already to take over o2 unit in ireland. It could be announced as early as wednesday. That is when the European Commission meets. Cnet, one point two percent up. A large offshore oil cnooc, 1. 2 up. A large offshore your oil driller. Chinese factories, even taiwanese factories china pacific why are we watching them . If you want to buy into chinese insurers, Deutsche Bank says pick china pacific. That is her topic, replacing ping them ping an. In africa, chad, essentially suspending the exploration and Drilling Operations of the Parent Company because of concerns over pollution. That is something to keep your eye on as you follow the stock. Capacity theythe are trying to put in place in chad as far as exploration is concerned. Anyway, that is a wrap of what is happening in hong kong and china. I will send it back to you and will be back later on. Thank you for that. Biting asian tech shares over their u. S. Counterparts has approved to be a winning formula. Mia is here. You look like somebody who wants to make money. If you want to make money who doesnt bet on asian tech stocks. That is the bottom line. Week, ime every talking about a Chinese Company that is looking to list in the u. S. Last week, i was reporting on jd. Com. Last month, i was looking at weibo, the messaging service a more to twitter, doing quite well, too. The theme is that chinese or asian Tech Companies trading in the u. S. Are a lot cheaper, and according to ubs, that rally is expected to increase. You can take a look at the valuations. For example, i look at the valuations for the emerging markets under the msci index. 2. 1 times assets. Compare that to 4. 1 times for global index route that spread is the Biggest Discount since 2008. If we go back in time and do a comparison between these two charts, you can see that the msci emerging markets informationtechnology chart had outperformed, up 11 . That is the white line on your screen. How do you interpret that . You have to interpret that by basing it off the orange one, up close to 3 . That is the msci World Information Technology stocks that dont include things from emerging markets, specifically here in asia. Ubss chief Investment Officer says hardware stocks have led the gains and they expect gains from Software Services and internet companies. We talk about internet companies. Do you know who the Biggest Company is in asia . Than somelot cheaper of the not so big names in the u. S. It trades at 33 times projected earnings. Valuations are still high. Take a look at linkedin, or facebook, 30th. Amazon. Com, 455. It depends on the metric you are using. Linkedin is at 195 times earnings. I believe that is times sales. That is an extra ordinary valuation. This is looking at net income on a valuation basis. What is the bottom line . Emergingmarket stocks are cheap and undervalued. Take that however you want to. It is all a comparison game at the end of the day. I know you think there is a tech bubble. We have talked about this before. Always a joy. Mia saini on the tech the u. S. Has charged five chinese notary officers with hacking into american firms. Theyre accused of stealing information that would be useful to their rivals in china. Those companies were not identified, but they are said to be some of chinas biggest stateowned companies, including bao steel and cannot go. Retired basketball star ya ming may be headed back to the nba. He is said to be putting together a group of chinese investors to bid for the l. A. Clippers. He told our china correspondent Stephen Engle that anything is possible. How does the china clippers sound . There was a pan am service by that name back in the 1930s, but as for yum in possibly buying the l. A. Clippers, the former nba allstar said there is nothing substantial to the rumors, but he didnt swat the notion away completely, adding that in this globalized world, anything is possible. That is true for these beijing kids who have completed their firstever semester at the yao school, the new Afterschool Program that teaches not only dribbling and jump shots but also teamwork. The one child policy, i think, including myself, the only child in a family, beinbg surrounded by parents, grandparents with no need to share anything. Dont take offense, but why are you doing this . Why have you not just taking your riches and gone off like so many others in society, gone off to Greener Pastures with your money . Why are you doing this . That is a boring life you just told me. [laughter] feel that i learned so much from basketball. I learned how to talk to people, how to bring people together, and also, how to be honest with other people. That is the key for society. He takes kids on a oneonone basis and gets down. You can see him get on his knees. He chats with them and really wants to leave a mark. As does the nba in china. How about this for a coincidence . Chinas ceo shoemaker announcing the nba is now a shoemaker. Unveiling a new nbabranded sneaker just for china. China is just basketball crazy. The greatest challenge is keeping up with demand. China is a big part of the nba business. Forget about player development. Justin merchandise and television rights. Beyond his school, the nba has partnered with chinas Domestic League to run a more elite Training Center where skilled teams pay 6,000 a year for an intensive school. It is certainly beneficial for the nba if we can get another chinese player or more getting into the nba. Perhaps epler will be 64, 16yearold, or this 65, 15yearold. It certainly wont be this middleaged american with a crooked shot. Can you make my jump shot better if i came to this school . I have what is called a crooked j. You have a little bit too much gray hair. Ok, so my bid for the nba, may be a longshot. Halfcourt shot. Wait for it. Nba, aain, so was the longshot when it first entered china more than 30 years ago. Stephen engle, bloomberg, in beijing. Very impressive. After the break, betting on chinas growing appetite for imported seafood to boost profits. As part of our Global Outlook when on the move returns. Youre watching on the move coming to live from hong kong and streaming online at bloomberg. Com. Chinas burgeoning middle caste is eating more western food and drinking more important one than ever before. Mia saini pixel look in todays Global Outlook. Classthe chinese middle gets richer, their desire for the finer things, jewelry, gold, western foods, that is intensifying. The countrys per capita gdp is expected to rise, in fact a blame by 2020. In absolute terms, we mean that china already has the Worlds Largest middle class. That is defined by the world bank, meaning that they can 10 and 100 per day. That falls in this category that still lags behind brazil and south korea at similar stages of economic development. Chinas urban middle class is forecast to grow to more than 75 of the population. That is by 2020, compared with 4 back in 2000. A june 2013rding to report by mckinsey and company. By that time, the average urban Chinese Consumer will earn anywhere between 9,600 and re 7,000. 37,000. This growing affluence is bringing more western imports to china. Oft is boosting imports things like salmon, wine, and flowers. Shipmentsuld double of salmon into china. Let me show you how it works. The fish are trucked in from norway, and since there are no direct flights from there, they have to be flown from finland street to china. Frances largest retailer is focusing on growth in china, as well. They also are focusing on places like latin america, as well as europe. The Company Opened three hypermarkets back in november, and they announce five in january. Inna is also increasing imports of flowers. The country imported over 6500 tons of cut flowers last year. That is an increase of about 17 from the year before. All of this is according to the International Trade center, in terms of their data. That gives you a sense of how chinas appetite for the finer things is changing. That is all for your Global Outlook today. I am mia saini in hong kong. We are going to talk wine consumption in the next hour and hear from the newly appointed ceo as the one exhibition gets underway right here in hong kong tomorrow. Raised 3. 8s sale million as wine lovers and football plans football lovers bid it up. Ferguson has led that as united 238 trophies in 26 years before retiring last year. More on that in all of the days website. Es on our it is your online source for business and market news 24 7 aroundtheclock, bloomberg. Com. Check it out. A quick look at the futures. Modi, today is when mr. Gets officially inaugurated as Prime Minister. The markets are looking very positive. Futures are pointing to a higher open. It is always encouraging when a new man takes charge at the helm of india. It looks like the end of the rope for the first cuts to be made in india. Suspended production of the ambassador. The ambassador once the car of choice for politicians and officials, and used and has only sold about 2000 models in the last year. Removed acourt has stay on the purchase of ranbaxy. Surged in thees days before the announcement. Still to come, sweet success. The chocolate billing are claiming victory in ukraine. The latest on the election when on the move returns. Welcome back. Ukraine has held its contentious election for president with the chocolate billing are claiming victory. But get more on the story. Our next guest has 20 years of investment experience in emerging and frontier markets. He joins us live from bangkok. Many thanks for joining us this morning. I must ask, first of all, this push from putin what is your immediate take on what has happened overnight, the new man in charge, if he does, of course, get the approval, and putins reaction to this . Well, i think what is going ishappen is that poroshenko going to have a task in front of them that will make what hercules did like a coffee in the morning. Hes going to have to be sure putin doesnt continue to mess around in southeastern ukraine. He asked to be sure that the gas keeps on flowing. Hes going to have to take measures to fix ukraines incredibly difficult and challenging macroeconomic situation. The country is living hand to mouth at this point. He has a lot on his agenda that he has to start with immediately. Putin will do anything to prevent ukraine from going west. What do you mean by that . The ukraine has become or always has been a redline issue for russia over the past 23 years since the end of the cold war. Russia has seen the west slowly creep toward it. The czech republic, poland, the baltics, a lot of other countries that used to be behind the iron curtain have all gone they have all joined the eu or nato. Ukraine is pretty much the last frontier. If ukraine joins or takes steps towards joining the eu or nato, russia has to really wonder what the west is up to and how long it will be until russias territorial integrity itself comes under pressure. This is an issue, that for russia, is critical. Ukraine cannot go west. It cannot take steps to join the eu or nato. I know it is impossible to find out, but what do you think is putin strategy here putins strategy here . I think his strategy is to keep ukraine sufficiently volatile so that it is impossible for the Central Government to take any measures to join the eu or nato eventually. One of the things that russia has been talking about is decreasing the centralization of the government in the ukraine so it is more federalized, so that the people in the south and east will have more of a say in whether ukraine does go west. Is,ink the russian thinking if more people had a say, it would be less liquid to happen to happen. If ukraine remains more or less neutral, russia is satisfied. A quick question. You lived in kiev for a number of years. You are in bangkok for three years. Three days. How do you compare the mood on the street in bangkok to what you saw in kiev i was there about two months ago, and it was just a normal day. There was nothing special. People talked about what was going on. I havent been in bangkok long at all, but it seems pretty much the same. And whaton the streets you see when you drive down the road, it is just a normal day. It does not something that is allencompassing or engulfing people. Thank you so much for joining us. The next hour of the show, we are going to meet one of the Worlds Largest marketing and Tech Companies. The ceo says china is ahead of the pack in social media. Stay with on the move to find out why. A good morning to you. I am john dawson. We are on the move. Growing anger. Protesters defy the military as kiev approves the coup. Opening up a new front. China relaxes the rules. The nba. Reports of yao ming looking at the l. A. Clippers. Bangkok. 0 a. M. In leaders are set to name an interim Prime Minister. Crull rising tensions in the streets . That is a big question. Things were a bit tense. Understand it was a weekend of protests and bangkok. Samear yet whether the number of protesters are out in the streets. As tomato that 2000 people were a the monument area met by heavy presence. It was estimated that 2000 people were in the monument area met by a heavy presence. We know there was no loss of life. They are wary about thailand especially after the commander the Democratic Institution in the country and fors the junta extra leeway new rules that are favorable to the military. Today, we have many developments. The royal command and he is likely to name the whichm Prime Minister needs the approval of the monarchy. Today he is also expected to receive the endorsement by the thai king. Let us not forget that over the weekend, approved and endorsed that was carried out on thursday. Fastmoving developments as a continues to unfold in the thai capital. The situation grows volatile. What is the next step . Topolitical reform needs happen in thailand. This is one side if you well. The left and Democratic Institution has been disbanded and the military confirmed control. We have seen a cautious response from the international community. The United States had suspended and canceled military exercises underway and reconsidering longstanding relationships with the tight military. Lets not forget a relationship that goes back to the world war. A staunchl is defender of the monarchy. He certain queens Army Division the weekend over warning the public they needed to Pay Attention to the military laws and not interfere via activities. Other we saw journal is an academic hauled in over the weekend. Journalists and academics hauled in over the weekend. It is had a big impact. ,ver the Chinese Lunar new year tourism is down. We are a awaiting updated figures. It had a major effect. Tourism accounts for 10 of gdp. We sought Economic Growth that we saw Economic Growth. It does have an impact not only on the tourism but it entire economy. I saw the investor numbers. 500 millionrly out of the tight market. The bond and equity markets on friday alone. Concern about how it plays out and came both sides broker. Two get reaction to the currency. Thank you. We are not seeing a lot. At least for this morning. We are 3259. Means it ised, it weakening against the u. S. Currency. The lowest level against the dollar since may 12. We are seeing outflows out of the equity and bond markets. It is not happening as far as the currency. Plus, where thomas fx market. Thai dollar. The that essentially today hit when we looked at the trade dollars out of new zealand. We saw shrinking. March and compared to estimates. They think its is 100 million short of meeting estimates of analysts. The dollar, we are about flat. A bit weaker. The lowest levels since february 12. 3. 5 month low. A lot was fx trader. Maybe the ecb can follow up and step in. Asit of softening as far europe is concerned. They meet early in june. John, the story concerning nothing happening. Back to you. Ukraine has held its contentious elections for president and the chocolate billionaire claimed victory. Won 55 of theo vote. There is no need for a runoff. Said turnoutcials was 60 . Far lower in areas east. Poroshenko said he wants talks with russia. The earlier we meet in the earlier we created the agenda and the better we will be for the people of russia. Russian people now pay a huge , the samethe crimean as ukrainian. Parties with the growing antieuropean mood. Far right groups and did well and the u. K. And friends and greece. Show supportlts for the goods and blame eu for the economy. The antihero antieuro finished first and also for it was the and first time they won an election. Following stocks in japan. Take a look at canon and nokia. If you want to buy, the camera maker, the challenge has been that market share has been eaten up because of smart phones. Detective snap with your smart phone. Nikon is a saying that a better choice. You can snap with your smart phone. 5. 5 . Is hello kitty, of 2724. Good today. It was cut to neutral. You take a look at those 11 analysts are saying. 66. Are looking at 40 areupside from where we right now. The say in japan. We arent looking at we are looking at the stable. Delisted. 8 premium. And sony shares, will get more details in a bit. Just under 1700. Selling the playstation soon. Freetrade zone in china. It is based on a statement. I will send it back to you, john. David mentioned sonys global fight turning to a new battleground which happens to be china. The Worlds Largest game maker. I am not sure the biggest the game. I am the most interested in covering gaming. David plays the game. Chris i be poured on it and how it is looking to compete head to head with microsoft. It i be poured on report on it and how it is looking to compete head to head with microsoft. After a ban, the Chinese Government listed it and said video content can no longer be inappropriate. Bet they will wave their magic wand and control the content. Console makers are able to provide their devices. This was sony is doing. They have two ventures to make and sell consoles. It is unclear what type of device. Many speculate it will bps be ps4. Much it willw how be priced or how microsoft will position itself. If you look at the recent data, has out soldg, ps4 out box xbox one. China is the markets you want to have in your pocket. Is it as simple as that who wins china . Analyst say you need china. You deny me all of china, but there are many gamers. Of china,not need all but there are many gamers. Many use their smart devices. Price water cooper said the chinese gaming industry can fit 10 billion in sales by the end of 2015. The shareominate currently. Sony entering the market so they can broaden sales and microsoft is planning on doing the same thing. Who will win . That is the question. Most of these devices will hit the market this fall. Mia saini. I will go to my desk and play games now. Storiesk at some of the we are following this morning. Ke. Be ready to sell its sta according to edge malaysia, they want over 600 million for the company. Score thisailed to weekend. We are watching byd. Shares in the Chinese Company were halted ahead of million inaise 550 their biggest cell since last year. Have won eu approval. Mobileng two of the 4 operators. By thear, they agreed to company for more than 1 billion. The rise of social media. We will hear from an interactive company. That is when on the move returns. Its a time for a look of branding. Our next guest says china is 20 years ahead of the world when it comes to social media. He is the executive chairman of aipac. When the biggest Tech Companies in the world. I must ask you, the growth of chinas social media, how would you describe it . I would describe it as the core of Business Engagement thebrand building because birth of social media in china on adults not trusting the media and institution and not trusting brands. And over the new ways exchange their view and make sure that through their friends they would have a view that was unbiased on the brands and products and all of the things they could acquire with the new wealth. When you link the that with the fact that a massive generator of rulent, there is a brusquely in the west that says out of 100 people in social media, one is creating content and 90 are participators. Take that to china and it is 30 are generating increasing spreading and are only 20 are spectators. When you mix of those together plus the fact that people in social media in china are older and have higher power than those in the west, that makes social media the driver of the economy. And actually, very early on. Sorry. , you are saying the west is not capitalizing on this explosion. Is it possible for them to capitalize or are they being held back by the government . Possible tonk it is capitalize. The fact of government is pushing the chinese brand is overrated. In 2006, ebay was leading the ecommerce world in china. 80 of market share. It got taken out of the market by alibaba because alibaba came up with a much better platforms. Sometimes western brands are underestimating the fact that some of these chinese platforms are better than their own in , supply functionality chain management, logistics. There are many factors that occur and a curb the presence of western brands in china. Governmentt the preventing them from coming in. They have to check their people at the gates. If they do not, they will lose out. The chinese burress, alibaba, there are not many multinational. Will that change as well . No, it is starting. One thing that is very interesting is because china is such a huge market, when they launched which was like a bomb in social media. Was the overall winner and darling of the media. Eshin came in and now it is social media platform. When you look at the origin, their intention was to take over the world and moved outside of china with this new social media. The battle between alibaba now in china is so fierce that sucking up all of the resources. All of a sudden, moving to the rest of the world is becoming second priority. The main reason why some of these brands are not being aggressive enough and the rest of the world is because china is such a huge growing market and they all want to make sure that they are in the dominant position in their own market before they move elsewhere. What alibaba is going to do later this year sorry. The headline, chinese, those on the internet, would you believe they post 250 million weibel posts every day. Does it surprise you . No, it does not. Weibo is 500 million subscribers. Let me give you something. When weshing started to open mobile wallet and distribute financial services, it was right in the middle of chinese new year. In one day, 5 Million Bank Accounts were opened. Million works change in one day. Final question for you. If you are advising western companies, what is the best track to capitalize on this in china . Obviously. Apart from hiring to meet, it is to put ecommerce and social media at the heart of the engine of the marketing and brand building and not advertising and paid media. It is no longer a game of how much you put into advertising but brands Offering Services to customers. Vincent digonnet of razor fish. We will stay with branding after the break. A star linked to the nba. Yao ming plans in the future. Welcome back. It is monday morning. You are watching bloomberg television. Some the stories we are following. What effect will it have on earnings . We will learn on tuesday. That is tomorrow. Can the biggest automaker do it again this quarter . They are estimating a 17 increase in sales. Regional security will be in the spotlight. Japans Foreign Ministers to give keynote addresses from the asiapacific. Rising tensions and the South China Sea are said to be on the agenda of the threeday meeting. Japan will be in the news on friday will we get Consumer Prices for april. It will reflect the sales tax hike. Bloomberg expects prices to rise more than 3 . Will they walk away . The pfizer astra deal. How will the u. S. React on tuesday . Su keenan takes a look. On wall streetad will be a holiday shortened week due to the fact that markets are closed on monday to celebrate memorial day. Drovee threeday event s p twoway high above 1900 continue . Freshl continue to get earnings and Economic Data including the latest read on gbp. Economists predict that the u. S. Economy probably shrink in the last quarter for the first time in three weeks. And the latest data on rising home prices. The survey shows that analysts predict it is probably cold. Will take in the deal place. Pfizer face a deadline of for 117 billion bid for astros in a call. It is unlikely that astrazeneca will give in to pressure to talk to pfizer. Notably, the biggest shareholder, blackrock wants the company to talk to the drugmaker. Well get the latest read on confidence Consumer Confidence which economist thing is little change and we will find out about personal spending. Su keenan, bloomberg. Next, the latest on thailands turmoil and the impact on the economy. The grip tightens. Thailands military leaders set to name a new government. Preparing for power. Modi will be named indias Prime Minister this evening. Sending a message. Koreas biggest acid in service to merge with a rival. Rulers are set to name an interesting and interim Prime Minister soon. Popular protests against the junta are growing. Demonstrators defying a ban on street rallies. Paul allen has this report. Restoring peace and order was one of the reasons given by thailands military for staging its latest coup. These protesters have had enough of seeing soldiers on the street, chanting, get out. We need to choose who we want to rule the nation. Of more than five people have been banned by the army. That didnt stop a rally of about 500 protesters from making their voices heard. Some yelled at the military to go to the countrys south. Smoldering muslim insurgency flared up. A series of bombs exploded in coordinated attacks. It is not clear whether the bombings were linked to the coup or if insurgents are taking advantage of the recent chaos. Thailands military will need to move cautiously. These public demonstrations were small by recent standards. If protesters become emboldened, numbers could grow. Paul allen, bloomberg. The implications of all this, i am joined by andrew davis. How tense are things today . Thes we saw in that report, progovernment forces have been taking to the streets, defying the military which said it wouldnt permit gatherings of more than five people. We saw hundreds, maybe more than a thousand in bangkok. In the rural areas, people are taking to the streets. Anything could set off a conversation a confrontation. We are just hearing now that yingluck has been released by the military. Yingluck shinawatra, former Prime Minister has been released by the military. They are saying that she is free to move around but she is also under guard. That freedom is somewhat limited. Another thing we are hearing is lawyer isrothers talking about setting up a government in exile him a which intensify the situation. Setting up a government in as escalaten exile would the situation. As you said, she will be released but without with armed guard. Ministernterim prime could be named today. That could not be the case. People in bangkok seemed to think it may not happen today. It is still unclear. The head of the military is going to be with the king and at some point you will address the nation. Instead of laying out the government, he may lay out the objectives of the government and name some figures later on this week. Our people seem to think it will not be any politician. He will return outside of politics for an academic. That theu surprised king suggested the coup . No. I think the military has been very close to the monarchy. They are there to defend the monarchy. So it is not that surprising that the monarchy cited with the coup leaders. There is some talk that the crown prince is more in line with the redshirts and the queen more in line with the military. We will have to see how that plays out. Impact on the economy, very hard to gauge at the moment. Hotels are mostly empty. Can you give any evidence . We have seen these coups in the past have not that damaging an effect on tourism. Much of thailands tourism is outside of bangkok. Most of the tension seems to be within bangkok. There are a lot of tourists who will go anyway. There is tourism in bangkok as well and that will likely be hit. The thai economy has shown resilience after past coups. We are in for an extended period of military rule. The last coup lasted more than a year before we had elections. But itty will be there is going to be interesting to see how investors as well as tourists look. The ailing king. Andrew davis. Yingluck shinawatra has been released by the military. Andrew is pointing out she will be with an armed guard. M a news this monday morning. An indian court has removed a stay on a 3 million by of ranbaxy. Shares surging in the days before the deals were announced. The decision comes as indias market regulator continues to investigate allegations. Ge says it will keep alstoms nuclear operations. The french government had asked for the delay to seek better terms. Ge has promised to respect the sovereign character of the countrys nuclear industry. Corporation looks to be beefing up. David is here. I dont know what it means actually. I think of cocoa for some reason. You need that to make cocoa. You do. We could be here all morning talking about that. Operates south koreas most popular mobile messaging service. We keep talking about the mergers that are happening in this space. The users of the other service talked on this merger. They operate a web portal. They offer things like internet services. Email messaging, shopping, the usual. The specifics of the deal. Kaoyou are a ka shareholder, you receive about 1. 5 shares. If youre a shareholder in daum it is about one to one. You will receive about 110 u. S. Dollars for every kakao share that you hold. The question, who will benefit more . For kakao, it gives them another platform to expand beyond mobile. Perhaps even access to content for the other company. Daum is smaller scale. A bigger rivalh which has had trouble competing. It does get a growth boost kakao which is the most popular mobile service. Do you use kakao . I do actually. I will show it. Kakao talk. Here we go. I dont really use it except to keep in touch with some south korean classmates. Almost like we chatter whatsapp. Aboutmes i get confused the differences between these mobile messaging services. Why is that better than we chat . I wouldnt say it is better but if you are into those cute stickers, this is i guess the app for you. On that note, lets leave it there. Almost as cute as yamane. He is very tall indeed. Thanks for that, david ingles. Yao ming may be heading back to the nba. He is said to be putting together a group of chinese investors. Our chinall correspondent that anything is possible. How does the china clippers sound . There was a service by that name in the 1930s but as for yao ming possibly buying the l. A. Clippers, the former nba star says there is nothing substantial to the rumors but he didnt swab the notion away completely, adding that anything is possible. That is true for these beijing kids who completed the first ever semester at the yao school that teaches not only dribbling and jump shots, but also teamwork to what some say is a more selfcentered generation of kids known colloquially as little emperors. Including myself, an only child being surrounded by parents and grandparents dont take offense, but why are you doing this . Why have you not just taken your riches and gone off like so many others in society, gone off to Greener Pastures . Why are you doing this . That is a boring life. I feel i learned so much from basketball. I learned how to talk to people, how to put people together and how to be honest with other people. That is the key for society. He takes kids on a oneonone basis. You see him get down on his knees. You have to when they are very young. He chats with them and really wants to leave a mark. As does the nba. Maker announcing the nba is now a shoemaker. Announcing saturday, a new sneaker branded just for china. China is basketball crazy. The greatest challenge is keeping up with demand. China is a big part of the nba business. Development, merchandise, television rights. The nba also has partnered with chinas a mistake cba league to run a more elite Training Center where skilled teens pay 6,000 a year for an intensive sporting school. It would certainly be beneficial for the nba if we could get another chinese player or more into the nba. Perhaps that player will be it certainly wont be this middleaged american with a crooked shot. Can you make my jump shot better . I have what is called a crooked j. My bid for the nba and yell mings possible bid to own the clippers might be a longshot. Wait for it. So was the nba, a longshot when it first entered china. Stephen engle. Up next, getting to grips with grapes. We are discussing wine. Welcome back. The former Manchester United manager sold part of his wine collection at auction in hong kong. Raised 3. 8 million as wine lovers and football fans bid. Many bottles were sold along with tshirts to capitalize on the popularity of british footballs most successful manager. Chinas burgeoning middle class is drinking more imported wine and aging more western fruit than ever. Mia saini takes a look. As the chinese middle class gets richer, the desire for the finer things is intensifying. That chinaht now already has the Worlds Largest middleclass. Betweensume anywhere 10 and 100 a day. That is about 11 of chinas population. Chinas urban middle class is more than 45 grow by 2020. Compare that with back in 2000, 4 . By 2020, what is going to happen . Urban Chinese Consumers are expected to earn between 9,600 to 3600 u. S. Dollars 37,000 u. S. Dollars. That is boosting imports of a couple things. Salmon, wine and flowers. Finlands Biggest Airline could double shipments of salmon to china and japan to 600 tons a week by 2020. That is from about 300 tons. The fish that you saw in this animation are trucked in from norway. They are then flown in into china from finland. Carrefour is also focusing on growth in china, europe and latin america. China is also increasing imports of flowers. They are smelling the roses. The country imported over 6500 tons of flowers last year. That is an increase of 17 . Now, wine is on the menu at an expo taking place in hong kong. It happens every two years. Lets see how tastes have changed. Here you are discussing wine. The appetite of the chinese for red wine you were living in bordeaux phenomenal, isnt it . How do you assess . It is growing. Has beenpacific region the fastestgrowing region over the last five years. It is still very dynamic. Next fivefor the years a growth of 23 . That a burgundy or a bordeaux . Bordeaux and burgundy are leading the trend. This is also growth coming from the rest of the world. Spain, italy, what we call the new world in california, new zealand and so on. What do you think is behind that appetite . Five years ago there was a a strongn demand for bordeaux. There is also the development of distribution outside of big cities. It started with big cities. One business started in beijing and shanghai but goes elsewhere in the country. O was created back in 1981. What are we expecting this year . This will be the biggest expo in beijing ever. We are growing 50 . We will be welcoming a lot more exhibitors coming from all over the world. There will be a big focus on spirits this year. The expo is not just about wine. 50 , an extraordinary jump in one period. It is. It corresponds to the potential of the asian markets. The industry has got the eyes on the asian markets at the moment. You will be there, obviously. Are theyff mostly chinese . Most of the shadows are bringing chinese guest. That is a wonderful opportunity to welcome everybody from china and from the rest of southeast asia. Are the chinese drinking it or are they buying it to send it overseas . It is a bit of both. Some of them, they invest in wind. That is why they have been buying for many years already. They also drink the winds. There is a big space now for between fiveeaux and 10 euros and also for the rest of the wine industry. Tell us the vintage to look out for this year. 2014, goodyear, not a good year . What is the most recent goodyear . It depends on the region. For bordeaux, we had a difficult year in 2013. Quite a good quality at the end. We are confident that the bordeaux will continue to sell well in this part of the world. What do you really want to see . I think it is a great opportunity for the other french, but im would like to see more new world wines coming into vinexpo. Which one stands out . Is it california, latin america . All of them. California have been producing great wines for a long time. South america too. It could be the next trend. You were a champagne man originally. Why the shift . In bordeaux, you can still drink a lot of champagne. Dont worry. Many thanks indeed for joining us. Narendra modi will be sworn in as indias Prime Minister today. Welcome back. Narendra modi will be sworn in as indias new Prime Minister today. Over to mumbai. What are you hearing so far . That swearing in will happen at 6 00 p. M. Your time today. He will be sworn in and he will also announce his cabinet. We are watching out for a lot of probables. Expected to be a smaller cabinet than previous ministries. He has reportedly been saying that he will focus more on governance rather than having a large cabinet, possibly suggesting that activities of that isisters what we are picking up. The one name everyone is watching for is who will be named as the finance and investor of this government. One has worked previously with the world bank. He has been a minister for several years and he is also a front runner in that role which relook wire him will require him to manage. And will alsoing be historic because this is the first time we will see all the attending that swearing in. Also, some good news for india inc. That is probably hitting one of its lowest levels. They are saying that it will be easier for Indian Companies given the fact that we have seen that mandate. Looks like the end of the road. Motors have suspended production of the iconic ambassador as a plant outside calcutta. It has barely changed since 1957. Once the car of choice for politicians, it sold only about 2000 models last year. That is it for on the move your queue on the move. Stay tuned for asia edge. Welcome to the middle of the asian trading day. We are live in hong kong and this is asia edge. The top stories this hour, the junta prepares to name thailands next leaders. Democracy in action. Narendra modi will be named indian Prime Minister tonight. China, sonynger in and microsoft go head to head once again as beijing relaxes the rules. I am angie lau. Also coming up this hour, sending a message. Koreas biggest social messaging Service Plans to merge with a rival. There are bigger plans too including going public. Plus, rising sales of salmon and chinas middle class has a hunger to succeed. And then i on the future. We will meet basketball star yao ming for his plans for the future. All that on this monday edition of asia edge. In the next hour, the leader of thailands military junta is set to give an endorsement as the head of government. There is growing anger on the streets. New developments only moments ago. Breaking news now, that is the protest leader as well as the ex Prime Minister released from Thai Military custody according to local news reports as well as the sposm

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