afghanistan. >> these are just unremarkable men who do absolutely remarkable things. they're warriors. it's a warrior class, it's a warrior spirit. an they are extremely talented individuals. and this story that's come to light because marcus survived, and marcus feels like he survived in order to tell story. >> on june 28, 2005, petty officer marcus latrell, a sniper and team medic, wasn't sure he was going to survive. he was badly wounded and didn't know anyone was trying to rescue him. >> my back was broke. i had frag laying everywhere. i crawled into this rock embankment. started taking dirt putting in all my wounds so i wouldn't bleed to death. >> you had no medical gear. >> huh. >> did you have a map? >> it was all gone. >> did you have a compass? >> gone. i didn't have pants on. they were completely ripped off me. >> latrell had been fighting for hours. his three s.e.a.l. brothers were all dead or near death.