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Republican Rudolph Giuliani. [tense music] in city hall, there was a space in the bowels of that ancient building that came to be known as the lair. Thats where the cigars would be smoked. And thats where giulianis inner circle would watch the godfather over and over. [chuckles] and over again. Godfather. Rudy is famously obsessed with the godfather. Rudy giuliani is a little bit of everybody in that film. One night, he had a showing of the godfather. And he sits behind me, and during the entire movie, he explains why the life of politics is exactly the life of the godfather. And, of course, in the one story where sonny complains to the godfather that they should be selling drugs, and you see this battle within the family, rudy starts tapping me on the shoulder saying, do you see . Do you see . When you have a disagreement, you keep it in the family. Dont ever takes sides with anyone against the family again. Rudy grows up to become a prosecutor of the mob. And yet hes fascinated by this movie whose main figures are murderers and criminals who, i guess, on the simplest level may appeal to him as oldschool, Male Wielders of power. Hes always wanted complete control and power. Maybe thats part of what he identifies with in the corleone family, though, it didnt end so well for those folks either. If you think Rudy Giuliani is about being a politician, you dont understand him. He is a fascinating, engaging, and sometimes frustrating individual. He was the most dimensional person that i ever worked for, with the single greatest highs of my lifetime, a few lows that disappoint his allies and friends. To understand rudy, you really understand that at the core, hes an angry man and always was. And anger can be directed in a positive way or a negative way. Rudy always felt like he was going to win. So did i. We knew that rudy had the appropriate skills and experience that he should be elected mayor of the city. Between 1989 when he lost and 1993, he gave himself an education in how to be a candidate and how to be a mayor. We had a Research Team make a Vulnerability Study sort of a road map to defend him. This is parts six, seven, eight, and nine of that Vulnerability Study. Overzealousness. I also have the right to give you my opinion about what hes saying, which is, the mans a liar. Giuliani is a shameless publicityseeker. Giuliani possesses an abundant arrogance that makes him temperamentally unfit to govern new york city. Im confident that my office can do anything. But thats probably one of my weaknesses. Many of the other parts cover him being sexist, antigay, ethnic vulnerabilities, as its delicately put, and theres many more. I happened to have been in the room when the Vulnerability Study was delivered to him. It was visceral, his reaction. I still remember his glasses perched on the tip of his nose as he stared down at it. And he didnt even look up. [chuckles] and that was that. Rudy giuliani is somebody whos talked a great deal about the straight and narrow, and in his own personal life has not tended to be there. Rudy needs nurturing. Constant nurturing from the women in his life. I think rudys choice of women shows an interesting paradox in his character. It must be said, he really as always gone for smart, accomplished, relatively harddriving women. But they then have to make their life all about rudy. I think in his personal life as in his professional life, he is the king. And if you dont want to be a courtier, dont let the scepter hit you on the way out. Some voters wondered whether he had a heart. They believed that he had conviction. But they wondered whether he had compassion. So he retooled his image. He was no longer the u. S. Attorney. He was a Guy Named Rudy who came from brooklyn. He was humble and drank diet coke and ate pizza. I also had to learn to release more of myself. Yeah. I was a pretty private person. Even though i was a u. S. Attorney, only a certain segment of your life is covered. You have to learn how to show some emotion and release it to people. Be real. And let them know how much you care. It worked, and it softened his image. Hes a family man. Donna hanover was Rudolph Giulianis second wife. We met when i was associate Attorney General and she was anchoring the news in miami. Donna had a major role in that campaign. The message tonight is a lot of thinking women have decided to vote for giuliani. And we want other concerned women to think about it too. She was very, very media savvy in her own right. This is the kind of man i want to be the father of my children. And rudy is such a great dad. I wish all those people who think hes so tough could see him with children. Thats the real rudy. Rudy giuliani for mayor. New york in the early 90s really was coming apart at the seams. It is easy to bash new york city, where you dont have to be in jail to see the world through bars, a city where crime is never far from your mind. If somebody doesnt stand up for this city, then there isnt gonna be much of a city left. Rudy, with his Law And Order attitude, really had an amazing opportunity. The attitude was that the city was ungovernable. But thats only because it wasnt governed. Is new york city governable . Sure, absolutely. Is new york city manageable, or are there so many problems that even the best mayor in the world couldnt do a good job with new york city . Absolutely. Its absolutely governable. Really . Its not ungovernable. The reason we say it is because were frustrated, maybe somewhat cynical. The stakes were high because new york is overwhelmingly democratic. To be elected to Citywide Office in new york as a republican, it takes a very special candidate. When he announced that he was running again, i said, well, we better fasten our seatbelt because hes gonna run on a race strategy. We cant lose our sense of outrage at crime. We cant lose our sense of anger at the way in which our city is declining. Everybody understood what he meant. It was, we, you know, nonblack new york, have to put them in their place. We have to defeat them. He used it throughout as the basic line of his campaign. And, boy, does that sound like trump talking about the Democratic Party today. That performance was legendary. They just piled it on. Roast beef, ham, oven roasted turkey. All on the subway club. Three peat thats great. Three meat thats epic. The subway series. The greatest menu of all time. [tense music] giuliani lost by a narrow margin in 1989. And we knew the race was, once again, going to be a very tight race. And the city was divided, very much like our nation is divided today. And it was divided along racial lines as well. Basically, giuliani ran on a platform of dinkins is incompetent. Everybody in this city knows that David Dinkins is incapable of making a decision. He cant get the job done. And new york needs a Law And Order mayor. This election is not about race. Its about crime, drugs, schools, jobs, healthcare. Endorsements from the citys four major daily newspapers are split at two and two. And most polls have this race at a dead heat. Whos gonna make things better for families in new york city . All rudy who you gonna vote for on tuesday . All rudy [cheering] that night, by 10 15, 10 30, the numbers are coming in. Our final polling had rudy winning by 2 . And in the end he won by 2. 9. New yorkers have voted to unseat their citys first black mayor and replace him with a white republican. [crowd chanting] rudy, rudy, rudy, rudy yes, ladies and gentlemen, the mayor elect for the city of new york, Rudolph William Giuliani im standing before you as the next mayor of new york city. [cheers and applause] Rudy Loved Being mayor. It was the perfect job for him. He loved running things and managing things. Mayor of new york, they say, is the second hardest job in american politics. The new York City Press corps . I mean, that is, like, a glaring spotlight the way it is when you sit in the oval office and you have the entire national and International Press corps. I mean, its only second to that. He came in, and there was a huge budget deficit, which was over 2 billion. Our budget is painful but necessary medicine. Hundreds of millions of dollars less to the mta for subways and transit. Health and hospitals, cut. Everything is slashed. He lived up to his Campaign Promises of trying to reduce the welfare rolls. Food stamp use, slashed. Rudy does have the instincts of a wartime general. He needs an adversary. He needs a fight. When rudy was elected, i hoped that would be the beginning of a productive relationship between us. I was the State Controller, Chief Fiscal Officer of the state and also the Chief Auditor of the state. One of my responsibilities as State Controller was to audit all municipal agencies throughout the state. And rudy refused. He said that i could not audit city agencies. I had to go to court to sue him to allow me to perform my constitutional responsibilities. We went to court, and a judge came back with a very strong ruling in our favor. Rudy didnt stop. He went to the appellate division. A fourjudge panel heard our case and unanimously agreed with us. He didnt stop there. He then went to the highest court in the state. And again, we got a unanimous decision from seven justices. He didnt want people to know what he was doing and whether what he was doing was effective. He simply wanted to go about his business and do what he wanted without any accountability. Its interesting now, historically, to look at his pattern, you know. When you think about the police riot and his participation in that riot, and you think about the january 6th riot, and the fact that he went to Court Without evidence to promote the big lie that the president was elected and that the election was stolen. That was as flimsy as dealing with me. Perception being reality was that theres a new sheriff in town. And the murder rate was 2,000. That was an easy thing to focus on. And that was his strength, you know, crime fighting. Tonight, mayor giuliani wants to revamp the Community Policing program. Where are the cops . Thats the question, among others, mayor giuliani vowed to find an answer to today. [applause] he empowered the police. The police had Felt Unempowered under dinkins. Here comes a guy who says, do your job. And ill deal with the consequences. And i got your back. Id like to introduce the new Police Commissioner of new york city, bill bratton. [applause] [clears throat] early on in my career, i came to understand that what impacted on everybody was quality of life crime. You deal with some of those things that used to be considered small things, so they dont become bigger. Like . Well, like squeegee operators, and excessive noise, and aggressive panhandling. A lot of these crimes were described as victimless crimes. What was not recognized was, the victim was the city. In the past two years, new york hired 5,000 new officers and put many of them on the street. Quality of life is key, and Public Safety is essential. If you get those things right as a city, a thousand things can go right. Every friday, we would meet for at least an hour. His whole life had been in the Criminal Justice world. He loved those friday meetings. At this time, Crime Statistics came annually, which really isnt sort of remarkable, doesnt really help. And bratton says, lets get daily Crime Statistics on whats going on. What was it like on the 104 side . What kind of a week have you been having . 16 Robbery Arrests so far last month. You look at the robberies, the majority occurring in the sector drawn. We would bring Police Captains to meetings every week to hold them accountable for crime going up, going down. For the record on that 73 precinct case, the crime scene was never notified. Well hope that that gets corrected. New york city has logged its biggest drop in violent crime, in nearly 1 4 century. Overall, crime rates have dropped almost 16 . It worked. It brought the murder rate down to 600, which was quite a decrease from 2000. Under mayor Rudy Giuliani, new york, once the crime capital, is now the safest large city in america, according to the fbi. Even the most cynical new yorkers credit giuliani with vastly improving their quality of life. This is a remarkable moment of transformation for the city. These are the years of the yankees and derek jeter. These are the first years of chelsea. These are the first years of brooklyn happening. So the art scene begins to expand in these ways. This is the new york of sex and the city. There was a sense among new yorkers, and among people around the world, that the city was a different, and more vibrant, and bigger, and better place than it had been for a very long time. Mayor giuliani has been, in my view, the best mayor weve had for Public Safety. Giuliani happens to be an excellent mayor. The mans great. Look what hes done for brooklyn. Look what hes done for new york. This is becoming an enormous National Success story. Giuliani obviously revels in it you know, credit for beginning to turn around the city. But it was never enough credit. Giuliani wanted all spotlight focused on him. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we support immune function. Supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. 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[tense music] the city of new york became the safest big city in america. As time goes by, the kind of obsession with metrics becomes a problem. Mayor giuliani said, i want those numbers lower. I want them lower and lower. The strong drop in crime fed the accusation that his police force was too aggressive. The streets are safer. But the cost was having a Police Department that started to act as an occupying army. For rudy, what quality of life meant was quality of white life. Some of the things that ive done have helped not only the entire city, but the black community more than my predecessors. Crime is at the lowest level that its been at in 35 years. Everybody benefits from that including the black community. Im going to put total Occupation Mentality in the black and brown communities. The reports of Police Misconduct are on the rise. He came from behind me, and he put his gun to the back of my head and told me to get on my effing knees. I complied. And he just started whacking me with his gun. We want to get rid of these people so that when you walk in the street, maam, you dont have to clutch your pearls. He went to catholic schools. There were no black people. He went to college. There were no black people. And then he becomes mayor. And when he came into office, he had no relationship with the black community. I look at the vast change thats occurred in the African American community in new york city. Im proud of that. He makes a big show of never meeting with black political leaders. He would kind of rub it in their faces. I used to joke that the thing about giuliani is, either you love him, or he hates you. I think he had an aggressive stance towards anyone who questioned anything he did. Questions . Every day, giuliani would have a press conference. To his credit, he was always having Press Conferences. The relationship between rudy and the press, from the start, is pretty negative. Will the Office Of The First Lady be listed . [chuckles] come on, good try. Come on, guys. Giuliani had a very nasty attitude toward reporters. You ask that question cause youre too young. This is deja vu all over again. The thing you have to remember about rudy is, he always felt that he was the smartest guy in the room. He actually enjoyed Press Conferences where he could parry with reporters because he could show how smart he was. Explain why your men decided to do that . Nope, im not gonna discuss the case. In many ways, tactically, rudy was donald trump before donald trump was donald trump. You say that she set up her own yeah, ive answered enough questions about. You know, you get to the point where it gets ridiculous. He discovered and perfected the political art of maintaining really hostile relationships with the press and enjoying hostile relationships with the press. Then you can all spin it 5,000 different ways. Giuliani is really trumplike, i think, in his willingness to believe that all publicity is good publicity. I think both of them, they kind of kind of peaked in a certain era. Trump at one point tells his campaign manager, every story is a good story about you as long as they dont accuse you of being a pedophile. And it seems that Rudy Giuliani has the same view of publicity. He would always have this entourage that was, like, a Security Detail around him. In that inner circle, there were people that go way back in his life to high school. And so that would include peter powers. Peter was one of the few people who could take rudy aside and say, no, thats a bad idea. You ought to do this. He got rudy focused. And he got him away from the distractions that often occurred. So part of that godfather mindset was loyalty. Rudy enormously valued loyalty to him. And so getting rid of people was pretty natural. We were getting extraordinarily positive press. But this is a mayor who, for reelection purposes, as well as whatever his post new york mayoral goals might have been, it was incredibly important to him that he get the credit for it. And thats where we began to butt heads. After a while, bratton was getting too much credit. [dramatic music] our budget kept getting strangled. We couldnt buy cars. In early 1996, Time Magazine wanted to do a feature story. They approached me about doing the photograph for it. When the cover comes out and its bratton all by himself, giuliani loses his mind. And at one of the Press Conferences in police headquarters, one of the reporters held up the cover of the magazine to the mayor. Mr. Mayor, what do you think of this . And the mayor looked at it and says, nice trench coat. Commissioner bratton has an announcement to make. The mayors worst fears were coming true in the sense that attention was being shifted from him to us at the Police Department, and to me in particular as the head of that Police Department. Ive just met with the mayor, mayor giuliani, this morning and have given to him my letter of resignation as the Police Commissioner for the city of new york. Ever wonder why they call it the american dream. And not the american goal . Announcer derek jeter. Or plan . Maybe. Its because in dreams, you can do anything. In dreams. You can hold your entire world in the palm of your hand. And turn time inside out. Again and again. And you can do it all with your eyes wide open. Avoiding triggers but cant keep migraines away . Qulipta® can help prevent migraines. You cant always prevent whats going on outside. Thats why qulipta® helps whats going on inside. Qulipta® gets right to work. 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Nobody could figure it out except to assume that they had more than a professional relationship. This Whispering Campaign began. Its untrue, and unfair, and, as i said before, vicious. Ultimately, peter powers, who was rudys closest confidante, gave him an ultimatum. He chose cristyne. Peter left city hall. Many view that as the biggest mistake rudy made. Rudy no longer had a moderating voice to keep him on track. If ones approach to life is loyalty over competence every time, a few decades go by, and its not the best recipe for mental health. Meanwhile, donna started to disappear during his reelection campaign. It became clear that shes really not appearing anywhere with him. Say good morning to the mayor. For his reelection bid, Donna Hanover wasnt really in his corner. She wouldnt reveal who she voted for. In the first term, rudy burns through a lot of friends and allies. In new york city, mayor Rudolph Giuliani easily won reelection to his second term. We did it we turned this city around. In the second term, giuliani is increasingly a lone ranger in his politics and in his personal life. When rudy comes in for his second term, which he treats as sort of a victory lap, overwhelming win. But he immediately begins to see the white house off in the distance. Ironically, he maybe accomplished too much in the first four years. He probably should have paced himself a little more. He starts off his second term by saying, were gonna end jaywalking, in a city where jaywalking has been and continues to be an art form. And, you know, new yorkers broadly responded like, what . At first, people laughed when he launched a politeness campaign. Everybody has to be civil. But the laughter turned to protest when giuliani put up pedestrian barricades, ticketed jaywalkers, and tried to restrict street artists. Like, the first time, he was mayor rudy. Now hes king giuliani. He just doesnt have it in him to ever admit hes wrong. Thats the problem here. Rudy was an innate bully, someone who wakes up every morning looking to pick a fight he can win. The people he begins to go after are really defenseless. And that is really acute in terms of policing. The Police Department had been very much turned loose by giuliani. And being turned loose turned into abuse. These cops, you know, felt that they were given the authority to do anything that they wanted. They terrorized African American communities. Rudy giuliani says, look, theyre doing a good job. Theyre bringing crime down. And thats what we want. Its working. But it wasnt. It was working against the very people who you claim to want to help. We saw it as an invading force. They were brutal. It was a Disaster Waiting to happen. The death of Amadou Diallo is the latest in a series of recent incidents that has new york citys Police Department in the hot seat. The officers see this young black man standing in front of his doorway. And he fits a description, apparently, of a suspect in another case. They get out of the car. He begins to turn. Amadou diallo is reaching for his wallet thats mistaken for a gun. To me, whats most important, was what those men were thinking as they turned the corner onto Wheeler Avenue before they ever saw amadou. They were thinking, we own the night. They fire 41 bullets. Amadou is struck 19 times. It angers me. It upsets me. I think he thinks shame is something that a private individual feels. Its not what giuliani feels. I think trumps like that. I feel terrible about it, and ive apologized for it. Take one. The night when amadou was killed, i was across the ocean in guinea. That night, my daughter woke me up around 2 00 a. M. This cousin called from new york. And i said to him. [sighs] is amadou okay . He said, why you ask . I said, its not even daybreak in new york. I said, something is wrong. Is my child sick . Is amadou sick . He kept silent. So i said, amadoudid amadou die . And he said, yes. Amadou loved everything about the usa. He always dreamt about coming to the u. S. Sette in my Native Tongue is the explorer, someone who goes away from their families to go and discover new things. People that are left back home, their loved ones, their brothers, their sisters, will expect magnificent return. But amadou returned as a silent body with a story untold. And. [sighs] i could have given anything, anything for amadou not to be the one. But, yet, he was the chosen one to be an agent for change. Get ready to say those five little words. No, not let me get the pancakes. or ill have all the bacon. were talking about. Rooty tooty fresh n fruity im going to get the Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity the Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity i think im going to have the Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity yep, its back. For a limited time. The six dollar Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity combo. 2 eggs, 2 bacon strips, and 2 fruit topped pancakes. Only from ihop. Download the app and earn free food with every order. Theres always a fresh deal on the subway app. Like this one 50 off . that deals so good we dont even need an eighttime allstar to tell you about it. Wait what . Get it before its gone on the subway app [announcer] do you have an Invention Idea but dont know what to do next . Call invent help today. They can help you get started with your idea. Call now 8007100020. [tense music] what do we want . All justice when do we want it . All now what do we want . All justice when do we want it . All now i remember how frightened i was, and that what happened to that young man, diallo, could have happened to me. A terrible tragedy and an important investigation. But to blame an entire Police Department, which i believe is the best in the country, and i think most professionals do, would be very unfair. Its really a form of prejudice when you do that. We did a focus group. We had giuliani voters and supporters in the room. And they were highly critical of what rudy had said and what he had done in the days and weeks after the shooting. And he was furious. And he starts yelling at me and pointing to me, telling me that this was a waste of his time, that it taught him nothing, at these people are misinformed. They dont understand. This is whats wrong with the press. And then he stops and says, i just need you to understand, ive seen cops accused mistakenly. Ive seen cops careers destroyed. But these cops risk their life every day. And someone needs to understand them too. Rudy giuliani basically asked the city to shut up and go away. His whole political strategy was us against them. And the city exploded. All arrest the four cops arrest the four cops it enrages the black leaders of the city. Now, giuliani is rocked on his heels because he has no relationship with any of them. This is outright slaughter. If he was facing a firing squad, he would not have been shot at 41 times. Stop the murder sharpton was an albatross around giulianis neck. And the mayor couldnt shake him. It becomes part of this litany in which people can talk about the utterly abusive policing under giuliani. Hundreds were going to jail, Nonviolently Laying Out In Front of one police plaza. The demonstrations continued day after day. The arrests continued day after day. There was very little comment from the mayor. People think its a systemic problem within the nypd. Actually, it isnt. Violence by Police Officers has gone down by about 50 over the last five years. [somber music] The Last Time Amadou called me, he said. [sighs] im happy. I have saved enough money. I saved 9,000, and im ready to go to college. Mom, im going to college. That was his last words to me. We were denied justice. My son was denied his dream. But hes inspired hundreds and hundreds of people. It cannot be overstated how the killing of Amadou Diallo became such a rallying point, a kind of symbol, immediately, for so much of the city. Those 41 bullets became such a bright sign of how things were off the rails in terms of the relationship between the nypd and the community it served. In the New York Times cbs poll, 47 of new yorkers say the mayors policies have led to an increase in police brutality. Rudy is not a man who says he does wrong. As far as rudys concerned, he just keeps on going. Rudy was an opportunist, but rudys ambition was always there. His need to prove himself was very great. Rudy saw the end of the mayoralty in the future. He saw it coming. And he didnt like it. He had to figure out, whats the next gig . The governors seat was taken by pataki. So the only thing available to him, if he wants to move up, is the United States senate. So much to talk about, so little time. So are you gonna run for senate . Im giving it careful consideration. And im raising as much money as i can so that id be ready to do it if i make the decision to do it. And it was all the better for him, i think he thought, that his likely opponent would be hillary clinton. The answer is yes, i intend to run. The opportunity to run against hillary clinton, he knew it would be a worldwide campaign. And the senate would be a Stepping Stone to, possibly, the presidency. The important thing about the 2000 senate race to understand today is that that was the moment when giuliani really embraced the National Republican party and the national right wing. We essentially have the quintessential, more democratic approach, which is Government Solutions to problems. And what ive done as mayor of new york city is the quintessential republican solution, which is. And do you think itll be argued . Private solutions to problems. She can learn about new york, but her heart isnt in new york. Rudys gonna win. Really . Yeah. Getting rudy to leave the city was an operation roughly like going to the moon. It required days and days and weeks and weeks of begging, pleading, screaming, jumping up and down, setting your hair on fire. There was a secret reason for that, which we learned in the course of this campaign, which was that he had yet another new girlfriend. At the time, he was married to Donna Hanover. They had two kids. We alighted over the problem. But you couldnt alight over the problem when he was going out to dinner with her in public and baiting the news media in new york to cover her. And then, soon thereafter, not too much soon, you know, he got prostate cancer. Good morning. I was diagnosed yesterday with a with prostate cancer. That news rocked him. This may have been the first time he was confronted directly with his own mortality. The biopsy revealed that several of the samples had implications of cancer. This was in the midst of his senate race. And there was a lot of speculation about what effect the diagnosis would have. His wife, Donna Hanover, rarely seen with the mayor, issues a statement saying, i will be very supportive of him in dealing with the choices he has to make. I remember it was very physically debilitating. He would get these enormous hot flashes. And he was very vulnerable in public. What comes out of that is, for a while at least, a kinder, gentler rudy or at least the image of a kinder, gentler rudy. He started talking about what things mean in life and love. He started hugging people. Was he a changed man . Did he become more vulnerable after his diagnosis . Maybe for a week or so. I dont recall much more than that. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. 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[tense music] its probably been apparent that donna and i lead independent and separate lives. This is how Donna Hanover learned that her marriage was over through a press conference, so. When he broke up with donna, i think it really showed his vicious side. Hed always made a big deal about being a great father. And yet here he was, you know, walking away from his kids, leaving donna for somebody else. Its been a very painful road. And im hopeful that well be able to formalize that in an agreement that protects our children. There was a big understanding that his story really wasnt the story that he was living. And it really besmirched his reputation. Out of respect for the mayor and his family, i have nothing to say about that. He was sleeping on his friends couch. It was like new york on steroids. It was fantastic. It was like a big soap opera. The tabloids here are going wild. Its now even splashed on the cover of people magazine. The mayor and a divorced woman he describes as a very good friend, Judith Nathan. Yeah, the clinton people probably had visions over this thing. They were so ready for that. This was gonna turn into, you know, a huge political shit show, and we knew it. He starts to show up with this woman in the stands at yankee stadium, eating at their favorite eateries and, you know, cigar rooms. Its all about businesswoman Judith Nathan, whos walked with him in city parades and helped nurse his treatment for prostate cancer. Somebody spotted the two of them at a bar across the street from elaines. It started getting around town pretty fast. And then while Judith Nathan was still kind of a rumor, he took her out walking up and down, i think it was second avenue. It seems to me, and it seemed to everyone in new york, that what Rudy Giuliani was doing in the early days of his courtship was flaunting Judith Nathan. You know, if he was cheating on his wife, i guess i dont feel too sorry for him. Its not good, ethically. When he is a married man, he should not do that. No one enjoyed that in new york. No, it was considered offensive. The city was ready to move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. Giuliani was just starting to wear on the public of new york. And i think part of the decline was this blowback from communities across the city about these aggressive policing tactics. There was something very sad and operatic about it. You know, as the bartender says, you dont have to go home, but you cant stay here. The story of Rudy Giuliani is the story of rise and fall. He has this totally broken city in terms of rampant crime. He comes in, and he turns it around. He cleans up the city. Fastforward to a mayor who was nearing the end of his second term, and seemed to, sort of, almost have overstayed his welcome with the people of new york at that point. He and his cronies went to one of his places. You know, they were all very happy and upbeat, and it felt like he was gonna run. They were talking about something, and rudy just kind of looked down and wistfully said, yeah, you know, politics is just so rough these days. Ive decided that what i should do is to put my health first, and that i should devote should devote the focus and attention that i should to running to being able to figure out the best treatment and not running for office. Definitely better than, you know, ive left my second wife, and im having my midlife crisis, and this just isnt the moment. Even if thats what youre doing, thats almost never the right thing to say. When you feel your mortality and your humanity, you realize that the core of you is, first of all, being able to take care of your health and make sure that youre in good health. He didnt want to be a senator. He wanted to be mayor and president of the United States. I think that it gave him the excuse he finally needed not to do it. I think he said something to the effect of, you know, i hope this is happening for a reason, but sometimes we dont know the reasons. I also believe that, you know, things happen in life for reasons that sometimes you only figure out afterwards. And, of course, for many people, it seemed that being mayor during 9 11 was the reason. That was his finest hour. And he was the right man at the right time. [applause] to those who say that our city will never be the same, i say you are right. It will be better. [cheers and applause] [sirens wailing] this just into our newsroom, a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. We dont know if it was a commercial aircraft. We dont know if it was a private aircraft. We have no idea. In the midst of chaos, he was stability. This just into our newsroom, a plane crashed into the World Trade Center we dont know if it was a commercial aircraft, we dont know if it was a private know if it was a private aircraft es because ive done so many of them. And i said to myself, this is what i know how to do. Hes the man of the hour, americas mayor. Ladies and gentlemen, Rudy Giuliani [cheers and applause] television on hbo did a lot of its best

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