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The Department Reports it has now recovered more than 320 classified documents from mara lago. Prosecutors essay some documents were likely concealed or removed from storage in an effort to obstruct their investigation. The court filing casts serious doubt on a statement by trumps attorneys that all classified material had been returned. The Justice Department also argues that trump lacked legal standing to request a Special Master, since the documents belonged to the government, not to him. The court filing came with this photo, showing documents taken by the fbi, from a container in trumps office. More now from cnns sarah murray. Reporter the Justice Department weighs in with its side of the story of what happened in the runup and aftermath of the search at mar alago. This is all a part of the Court Battle Playing Out over whether there should be a Special Master, an independent third party appointed to review the documents that the fbi sees when they searched maralago. The trump team has argued that they want this Special Master, the Justice Department, in a latenight filing so they did not believe it was necessary, saying the government has already completed work in going through these documents and has segregated attorneyclient privilege information. They also say that donald trump does not have standing to intervene in this. These are not his documents, these are property of the government. They also laid out clear rebuttal to what the trump team has been saying. The trump team has been saying the former president was cooperative with the Justice Department, they suggested the search at maralago was over, the top in this filing, the Justice Department lays out what they found in this search. They say there were over 100 unique documents with Classified Markings. This is important, because they say this is twice as many documents as what the trump team produced. They had an opportunity and he said they handed over everything, as a result of this subpoena 100 documents with Classified Markings but they also included a photo that showed the cover sheets, classification with a sample of what they found, in this filing they also said there were documents that were likely concealed and removed from mar alago, from the storage room there, in an attempt to obstruct the Justice Departments investigation. This court fight is going to continue. Donald trumps side has until wednesday evening to respond, and there will be a hearing in this matter on thursday. Sarah murray, cnn, washington. Joining me now from washington, former u. S. Federal prosecutor and host of the podcast that said, with Michael Zeldin is Michael Zeldin himself the good to have you with us. Thank you for having me. Just a short time ago, the department of justice filed its 40 page response opposing Donald Trumps plea for a Special Master to review that classified information, those documents seized from his mara lago home. The doj essentially saying that review has already been done. So it will be unnecessary to do it again. What is your response to this, and what decision do you think the judge will likely make on thursday . I agree with the Justice Department. A Special Master is not needed in this case, even if the review had not been done, Special Masters typically are appointed when there is a seizure from an attorneys office, so they can check attorneyclient privilege issues but that was not the case here. And additionally, the search has been completed, pursuant to the procedures that the judge who issued the Search Warrant laid out. So, they have a team that reviewed all these documents, called out the Executive Privilege or Attorney Client privilege stuff, put it in one basket, and then proceeded to give, or wants to give, the other documents to the review team so they can get going with the criminal investigation and National Security review. I think the Justice Department has it correct, here, and i dont think there is a good response coming from the trump team. Michael, the doj court filing also states there is evidence that government records will are more likely concealed or removed from mara lago storage room, to obstruct the investigation. What are the legal ramifications of this . This is the most brutal part of the Justice Department filing for trump and his attorneys. Because, they represented to the Justice Department, in response to a Grand Jury Subpoena earlier in the process, in june, that they had done incompetence of search, and there was nothing else found other than the documents they turned over. The Justice Department got Additional Information from Confidential Sources that there was actually additional stuff they got the Search Warrant, and they found not only the stuff in the Storage Facility that they said was comprehensively, previously searched, but they also found stuff in Donald Trumps personal office, giving the Justice Department reason to argue that not only was it untrue that they did a conference of search, but true that they moved stuff from the Storage Locker to another location to obstruct the investigation. Very telling, very damaging legally from a pr matter it is hard to defend. The doj also says the august search of maralago casts serious doubt on the statement made by trump lawyers, as classified material had already been returned for the top Justice Department official contends the federal investigators were limited in what they could look through, when visiting the resort, in june, contrary to the trump teams narrative of total cooperation. What are the possible legal copper consequences of that . Two statutes are in play, here. One is obstruction of justice. The other is criminal concealment of documents. The Justice Department filing raises the very clear possibility that there is both an obstruction charge, and a criminal concealment charge, waiting for somebody. Who that is, we are not sure, because we do not know who gave what orders to hide these documents, but, that surely is, first and foremost, the Justice Departments interest. Michael, the doj filing also includes a damning photographic evidence of topsecret and secret documents that the fbi took from maralago. Perhaps we can bring that up. What did you think, when you saw this image . Just extraordinary but of course, we dont know whether that is how they found the documents, all over the floor, they may have laid them out but we dont know that, do we . No, but the important part is that these documents in big letters said topsecret, classified, and everyone knows who has worked with the government, what precautions need to be taken around those documents. Also, interestingly, in the doj filing, they point out that which was requested was not for classified document, per se, but documents that had Classified Markings on them, so, trumps argument that he declassified is irrelevant in the face of the Search Warrant, or Grand Jury Subpoena which says give us all the documents that are marked as classified, irrespective of whether they are classified now were not. So again, trumps response to the doj is not really likely to be very compelling to the judge, and i think that she should, now, at this point, not appointed the Special Master, and let the Justice Department go forward with the instigation and National Security risk assessment. Why do you think it took trumps legal team so long to request that a Special Master be appointed . Is this more about delaying tactics, buying time as the doj appears to be saying . Because on the other side of this, trump team, and his allies keep saying, well, this is political. This is right near the november midterms. But, this could have been resolved months ago, couldnt it . If the trump team had wanted to. Absolutely. This case is the creation of donald trump and company. They did not have to take these documents with them, and secondly, when requested of them, they could have given them all back and said we are very sorry, we took them inadvertently, and this would have been all done. But, they did not they held onto these documents, they appear to have hidden these documents, The Big Question now is, why . What was it that was behind all of this secrecy and concealment and obstruction . What is it that was in these documents that they were trying to cover up, in some sense, or potential interest to seriously, use for other purposes . We certainly want that question answered. In the meantime, donald trump has expanded his legal team, and the former Florida Solicitor General chris kies, who is also the former adviser to governor ron desantis. Does this signal just how concerned trump must be about being indicted in this maralago probe, do you think . I would think so. You asked the question, previously, why did it take so long to file this motion for a Special Master. The answer is, i think his counsel were not very experienced. Now, i think they realize that they need more experienced counsel, but it is negative Solicitor General for the state of florida is actually what they need but i think they need experienced National Security former federal prosecutors with topsecret clearances to start working on this case. I think that his legal team at the moment is not up to the standard that the Justice Department legal team is. Michael, always great to get your legal analysis, particularly on a day like this. Many thanks. Thank you. U. S. President joe biden laid out his plan to increase funding for police during a fiery speech embezzling you on tuesday. The president ramped up his political message in the Battleground States ahead of the november midterms. Cnn has the latest. Reporter President Biden delivered an impassioned plea for congress to pass an Assault Weapons ban as he talked about gun crime in a speech in wilkes barre, pennsylvania, on tuesday. The president s remarks came as he talked about his safer america plan, trying to tackle violent crime, including gun crime in this country. His plan includes calling for the hiring and training of 100,000 Police Officers nationwide over the course of the next five years, as well as investing billions of dollars in Community Violence prevention programs. But, the president grew emotional as he talked about that massacre down in uvalde, texas, this past spring, where 19 children and two teachers were killed. When i was recently in uvalde, had to speak to some of the kids in their. You know what some of the parents had to do . Supply dna. Supply dna because they are 15s ripped the body apart and they could not identify. They could not identify the body. A 20yearold kid can walk in and buy one . Dna. To say thats my baby. What the hell is the matter with us . Reporter the president is also arguing that republicans cannot say they support Law Enforcement if they also are defending those rioters who rioted on capitol hill, on january 6th. Now, the president marks his first trip here to pennsylvania over the course of the next week. He is slated to travel to pennsylvania, a battleground state, three times over the course of the next week. He will also be speaking in philadelphia, on thursday, to talk about his Campaign Message of engaging in a battle for the soul of the nation, and warning that democracy remains at risk. He is also slated to travel to pittsburgh on monday to participate in a labor day event. There are very important to senate and governors races here in the state, the president is trying to help advance those Democratic Candidates dissipating in those races as the white house is preparing to go into full Campaign Swing mode in the coming weeks. Cnn, traveling with the president , in wilkesbarre, pennsylvania. One of the most important figures of the late 20th century has died. Just ahead, we will find out what other World Leaders are saying about the man who drew back The Iron Curtain. Later this hour, 180,000 people in mississippis capital are suffering through a water crisis. Still ahead, why jackson is now being described as the next flint, michigan. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . 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[narrator] as you get ready for whats next, custom gear from custom ink can help make the most of these moments. Weve developed new tools to make it easy for you. Custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com the last leader of the soviet union, Mikhail Gorbachev, has died at the age of 91. He was known for policies like glasnost and perestroika, made to reform the soviet government and economy. During his time in office, The Iron Curtain was drawn back, something that many in the west believed unthinkable. In 2012, he sat down with cnns christiane amanpour, and discuss what he would like his legacy to be. Reporter to many people you were a hero. A once in a Generation Actor who ended the cold war. How would you like your people to remember you . Translator history is a fickle lady and you can expect surprises from history. But, i do know that i did what i did and i can be proud of what i did. For more on this i would like to bring in daniel, he joins us from los angeles where he is a professor of legal science at ucla. He is also the author of the return, russias journey from gorbachev to medvedev. Thank you for being with us. Sure. As the last soviet union leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, who oversaw the end of the cold war. While he charmed americans, there were mixed feelings for him back home, werent there . How located is his legacy inside russia . If you think about it, his achievements in russia were all negative, or they were perceived that way. He is a paradoxical figure because as you said, he is widely admired in the west, but at home, pretty much everything that he tried to do failed. He wanted to revise communism. It died on his watch. He wanted to revitalize the soviet economy, it collapsed. He wanted to maintain the integrity of the soviet state, and split up into 15 separate republics. So, in almost all respects, he is viewed by russians as having introduced catastrophe, rather than improving their lives. I think that is unfortunately his legacy. On the other hand, from the outside, one can see that by retreating before the historical changes that were unfolding, by accepting the end of soviet communism and the beginnings of free markets, that he was actually doing a great achievement for russia and for the other former soviet republics. Gorbachev initially supported Vladimir Putin when he became president. That later changed. Why did he stand by putin for so long . What changed his view . Thats an interesting question. I think early on in part, putin charmed him. He went out of his way to solicit advice, i think he pretended to listen to gorbachev, rather than actually taking him very seriously. He encouraged gorbachev to set up a political party. So, that was part of it. I think gorbachev at that point was extremely negatively disposed toward boris yeltsin, the previous president , so putin seemed like a contrast after yeltsin, and i think gorbachev also, to some extent recognized that there was a need in the early 2000s, for some more centralization, for restoration of the russian state. I think, over time, especially after putin returned for his third term in 2012 and after the annexation of crimea, i think gorbachev realized that what putin was doing, year by year, was undermining every element of gorbachevs own legacy, but he was starting a new cold war where gorbachev had ended one. It goes without saying that america has a different religion ship with russia now under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. Do you see a day when that might change . Of course, it is going to change. After putin leaves office, maybe not immediately, but at some point, it is likely that there will be a reemergence of understanding between russia and the west, at least, partially. That does not mean that everything will be easy and cooperative, but there are Different National interests, obviously, on both sides. It doesnt seem likely that a society as modern, as economically developed, as rich into medications, and as highly educated as russia will eventually develop a political system that is more open, more democratic, more participatory. So, i do imagine that at some time in the future, we will see change. That seems very unlikely under putin, and there is bound to be some transition after he leaves the stage for the professor, thank you so much for talking with us, we appreciate it. Thank you. For more on reaction, pouring in from around the world, and joint i nodded bashir from london. Water World Leaders are saying about the passing of Mikhail Gorbachev and his legacy . Reporter that legacy is certainly polarizing, at home, he is widely held responsible for bringing about an end to the soviet union as a global superpower to rival the west. As you laid out, he is still hailed and will be continue to be hailed for easing those Nuclear Tensions between the United States and soviet union in the 1980s, and for presiding over key reforms, bring Eastern Europe back out from behind The Iron Curtain. That has really been the sentiment we have heard from numerous World Leaders, far and wide expressing their condolences of the passing of Mikhail Gorbachev. We have heard, from the u. S. President , joe biden, issuing a statement, saying, as the leader of the ussr, gorbachev worked with President Reagan to reduce our two Countries Nuclear arsenals, to the relief of people worldwide praying for an end to the nuclear arms race. He believed in glasnost and perestroika, that is, openness and restructuring, not as mere slogans, but as the path forward for the people of the soviet union after so many years of isolation and deprivation. We also heard from the United Nations Secretary General issuing a statement, describing gorbachev as a oneofakind statesman who changed the course of history. He did more than any other individual to bring about the peaceful end of the cold war. He also went on to say that the world has lost a towering global leader, committed multilateral list, and tireless advocate for peace. Here in the united kingdom, the Prime Minister, boris johnson, twisted out yesterday that he always admired the courage and integrity gorbachev showed in bringing the cold war to a peaceful conclusion during a time of putins aggression in ukraine, his tireless commitment to opening up Soviet Society remains an example to us all which is a sentiment we have heard repeatedly is of course, the war in ukraine rages on. Rosemary . Nodded bashir joining us live from london, many thanks. Still to come, more on the u. S. Justice department rebuttal to Donald Trumps Special Master request. Review materials seized from maralago. Which makes waking up at 5 a. M. To milk the cows a little easier. moo mabel says for you, its more like 5 15. Man mom, really . Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate ca payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. 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The doj says the fbi search casts serious doubt on his lawyers claims that they had been a diligent search to return classified material in response to a Grand Jury Subpoena and they argued that trump lacks standing over president ial records because the material belongs to the government, and not him. The court filing came with this photo, showing documents taken by the fbi from a container in trumps office. For more on this, we want to bring in political analyst michael genovese, he joins us live from los angeles. Good to have you with us. Thank you, rosemary. The Justice Departments court filing opposes Donald Trumps plea for a Special Master, saying that a review of the classified documents and maralago has already been done. What, for the sake of up next, and of course, to counterclaims coming from trump allies, that the process has not been fair, should a Third Party Special master be appointed, but given a limited time to get that review done . Is that a must in the current Divisive Political climate, do you think . It is possibility, but not a must. The department of justice has done the review that a Special Master would already be asked to do. They have that we have gone through everything, we have a few small things which may be covered by attorneyclient privilege, those, we have taken out. They have already looked at the documents, so it would be redundant but the only reason why you would do this, is to give rate or appearance of fairness in the process which is already fairly open and quite fair. The doj filing also said that u. S. Government documents were likely concealed and removed from a storage room at maralago, as part of an effort to obstruct the fbi investigation. How damning is this . That is one of the big takeaways. Donald trumps lawyers, cochran and bob had to sign off on this thing we have gone through it all, there are no more classified documents, we have given everything to you. They certified that. That was not true. It was a lie. And, so, that is why the Justice Department is looking at the question of, did they obstruct justice . It is very hard to prove intent, but when you say what they said, you look at everything, nothing else is there, there is no there there. They certified it, they obstruct it, and that is a clear sign of intent. We also learned that in total, 320 classified documents were recovered from maralago. What do you think he was planning to do with these documents, and how damaging is this for trump, politically, as people start to learn more about this, and certainly those images we see of documents strewn across the floor . Yeah, 18 months after leaving office, we still wonder, what do you want with them, what are you doing with them . What do you need them for . I think it is a matter of donald trump being very proprietary and feeling that he is above the law. That these are mine. He has used that phrase a number of times but these are mine. They are not his. They do not belong to him. He knew they werent his. So, what has happened is that, things like that picture, the picture that we have all seen, of the documents strewn across the floor with topsecret all over them, that picture is incredibly damning to donald trump, because a picture like that is about as welcome as hair on a biscuit. You dont want to see it, it is something every voter can see and identify, pictures can be worth 1000 words and this one is damning to donald trump. The doj filing also says the august search casts serious doubt on the statement made by trump and his lawyers that classified materials had already been returned. What does that reveal about donald trump and his legal team . You know, it is the carelessness that they applied to this but they did not take it seriously. If they did, they would have behaved differently. It is true that donald trump had lawyers that were not qualified to do what they were asked to do, but that is the fault of donald trump. He hired these people, and he has a history of Hiring Lawyers who tell him what he wants them to tell him, not what he needs to hear. This fits a pattern with donald trump. The pattern is, i hire you to confirm what i say, to do what i say, not to tell me what the law says, dont tell me what i cant do, just tell me it is okay to do it because it is mine. And that is coming back to haunt him, right now. Michael genovese offering some political analysis. Many thanks, we appreciate it. The water in jackson, mississippi does not have enough water for sanitation or to fight fires. The Water Treatment system has failed, buckling under years of systemic issues made worse by torrential rain in recent weeks. Ryan young reports. Its not safe to brush her teeth with. Reporter a dire situation in jackson, mississippi. We were told on friday that there was no way to predict exactly when, but that it was a near certainty that jackson would fail to produce Running Water sometime in the next several weeks or months if something did not materially improve. Reporter water issues are not new to jackson, mississippi. Years of neglect on the aging water system has led to numerous problems and residents have been under some sort of Boil Water Notice or advisory several times in the last year, alone. After 2021 winter storm shut down the entire system. This time, the recent flooding in the south, bringing the system to the brink. The city maintains they just dont have the Financial Resources to make repairs on the antiquated system. We do not have to deal with 30 years of neglect. Reporter damage to the main water system has led some officials to believe it would lead inevitably to the systems complete failure. Monday, it did. Backup pumps are running, but the governor says they lack enough water to fight fires or flush toilets. Mississippi governor tate reeves tweeting today, that the state has requested a federally declared disaster and offered the state to pay half the repairs needed if the city covers the other half. He also declared a State Of Emergency for the city and up to 4500 National Guard members have been activated, strangling to distribute water to residents who are frustrated and scared. It is something that is an ongoing problem that needs to be corrected and we hope they are heading in the right direction. There is almost always something going on, with Boil Water Notices, or now all of a sudden with this shortage, it is scary because we dont know if anything is going to get done, or when it is going to get done. A possible special meeting of the legislature to come up with funding to fix the situation books but i dont want to hypothesize on why it has taken this long, i am just grateful that the relief has arrived. Frustrated residents hoping that this time, it is true. We need to get that right . It is very frustrating. It is frustrating to have to fight for some water. Reporter ryan young, cnn, jackson, mississippi. Still to come, u. N. Inspectors are on their way to assess the situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant in ukraine, as Safety Concerns grow. The latest on their mission is just ahead. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85, and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that cant increase, and a price that fits your budget. 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Pakistani Officials Say extreme flooding has killed more than 1100 people, including 384 children, and impacted about 33 million others the u. N. Secretarygeneral has launched an urgent appeal for aid, calling the flooding a monsoon on steroids. The u. N. Chief is asking for 160 million in aid for pakistan. Ukraine is claiming early success as it ramps up a counteroffensive to retake russian occupied territory in the south. Ukrainian Officials Say troops have broken through russian defenses in the curzon region, and has retaken four villages. Ukrainian up president Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russian Forces now have two options. Run, or surrender reporter we will chase them to the border, to our border, the line has not been changed with occupiers are aware if they want to survive it is time for the Russian Military to run away, go home. Ukrainian forces have been targeting critical bridges in the kherson region to disrupt russian Supply Routes and accutane ukrainian official says that is preventing russia from reinforcing its units. In the meantime, inspectors with the uns Nuclear Watchdog are on their way from kyiv to zaporizhzhia to assess the situation at europes largest Nuclear Power plant, which remains under russian control. President zielinski says their mission is urgent, amid is growing Safety Concerns. Melissa bell has details. Reporter a longawaited arrival. The iaea in ts, ahead of an inspection of europes largest Nuclear Power plant. But, the road there was never going to be easy. Ukrainian officials accusing russia of making access to the Zaporizhzhia Plant nearly impossible. Translator we want the iaea mission to find a way to reach the plant via our forces and Security Corridors and to do their utmost to avoid the dangers this poses to the world. Reporter president Volodymyr Zelenskyy adding he hopes the visible mark more than an inspection, but also a break in hostilities. His 80 tweeting as the meeting began, that russia is trying to disrupt the iaea mission, shelling an area near the nuclear plant. For days, now, it has been at the center of fears and for tat, russian and ukrainian accusations overselling damage, to the plant itself, and to surrounding areas. Shell holes, visible in the roof through some of the plants building, and armored vehicles, to. Ukraine, again, today, calling for the demilitarization of the area. With a senior u. S. Defense official backing ukrainian claims that russians have been using the plant as a military base. The eu has promised deliveries of 5. 5 million Potassium Iodide tablet to ukraine to protect people from potential radiation exposure. As the fighting around the plant prevents an inspection, which glows grows more vital by the day. Alyssa bell, cnn, kyiv. 25 years after her shocking death, Princess Diana continues to captivate the world. We look back on her life and legacy, that is next. My dads been wondering about his chilildhood address for 70 y years. And i found it in fivive minutes. That little leaf helped me learn all the names from the old neighborhood. It felt like a treasure hunt. The 1950 census adds vivid new detail to your family story. And its available now on ancestry. Custom ink helps us celebrate and drive our students achievements with custom gear. They love custom inks different styles and designs. We love how custom ink makes the process simple with their easy to use design lab, expert artists ready to help and unbeatable customer service. Custom ink allows our kids to show everyone their accomplishments and the pride they have in our school. When we place an order i know they got our back. So we can focus on the kids. Custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected, upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com wednesday marks 25 years since the shocking death of Princess Diana, who was just 36 years old. Even after all this time, she remains a beloved and fascinating figure, not just in britain, but all over the world. In her short life, she changed the image and perception of the British Royal family, championed charitable causes, and gave birth to two sons, who follow her example to this day. Joining me live from the crash site in paris is jim bittermann, covered in just dianas death. She captivated the world throughout her life and even since her untimely death how is she being remembered, there in paris, and around the globe . Reporter i think the most striking thing for me, is that very little has changed, here, in 25 years. Since the last time i was here, the first time i was here, you still see wellwishers coming with flowers, you can still see journalists coming to take pictures of the memorial, but it is not a memorial to Princess Diana. In fact, it was a flame, a replica of the flame on top of the Statue Of Liberty which was erected years before the crash by the International Herald tribune took it just so happened that the crash took place in this tunnel, which runs underneath the plaza elma. Because of that, this is about the closest place anybody can come to bear witness in an emotional way, to what happened here. One other thing that has not changed is that no one has suggested, even despite the years of Conspiracy Theories, no one has proven that there was anything other than just a mundane accident as one Police Investigator put it, a mundane accident caused by a driver who was Drunk Driving too fast, and many experts say that Princess Diana might be alive today if she had been wearing her seatbelt. The one person who was wearing his seatbelt, the bodyguard, trevor rees jones, survived the crash. Of course, her vehicle was pursued by the paparazzi. They were trying to speed away from them, werent they . Reporter right. None of the paparazzi were ever charged. There was an investigation and all that, but in the end, the investigation was dropped. Millions of dollars were spent on investigations both in france and great britain, but they never proved that there was any conspiracy, despite the fact that there were years of talk about some kind of a conspiracy to kill Princess Diana. If you wanted to try to kill someone, probably the worst way to do it is by a Traffic Accident because you dont know who exactly is going to die in the accident, it is a totally random event. In a lot of ways, none of the Conspiracy Theories have borne out in the end. We will never forget that shocking day. Jim bittermann joining us live from paris, thanks. Thank you for standing part of your day with me. Cnn newsroom continues, next. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . 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