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Straightout homicide, especially since Police Officers deb, were going to cut you off right now. The News Conference actually just started. Lets go to fox lake. Im detective christopher covelli, covelli for the Major Crime Task force. Im joined today by commander of the lake county Major Crime Task force, chief George Filenko and lake county coroner dr. Thomas rutt. Two months have passed since the death of lieutenant. Since day one of this incident, investigators have tirelessly worked day and night, diligently searching for answers. This Investigative Team included members of the lake county Major Crime Task force as well as our federal partners, the fbi, the atf, secret service, homeland security, and the u. S. Marshals service. This was an extraordinarily complex investigation with many moving parts which resulted in over 150 separate investigators spending over 25,000 hours investigating this case. Over 430 leads were examined. Over 250 pieces of evidence were collected and submitted to local and federal crime labs for analysis. Thousands of pages of financial documents were reviewed. Over 6500 pages of Text Messages were reviewed just from lieutenant glinowiczs personal cell phone. Over 30,000 telephone numbers were reviewed for comparison. Over 40,000 emails were reviewed. During this process, we appreciate the cooperation and assistance from the village of fox lake and village administrator ann marin. The interest of justice require a methodical, thorough and complete investigation. This has been done. Even though some develop their own theories or felt a need to criticize, we had a job to do, and we have done it. While some wanted the results fast, we wanted them right. We were obligated to prove our conclusions before we reported to you and the public we serve. We are thankful for the support and patience of the fox lake and surrounding communities while we inspected all of the evidence, systematically explored every tip, every lead and every possible option. Today we will discuss the findings and conclusions of our investigation into the death of lieutenant glinnowicz. We have two principal speakers. Lake county Major Crime Task force commander george filanko and coroner dr. Rudd. We will take questions at the end of the statement and ask that all questions be held until then. Im first going to turn the mike over to commander filanko. Good morning. Were here to wrap were here this morning to wrap up the investigation into the death of lieutenant Charles Joseph glinnowicz. This extensive investigation has concluded with an overwhelming amount of evidence that glinnowiczs death was a carefully staged suicide. We have determined this staged suicide was the end result of extensive criminal acts that glinnowicz had been committing. In fact, he was under increasing levels of personal stress from scrutiny of his management of the Fox Lake Police explore unit. We have the highest degree of confidence in the facts which led us to this conclusion which lake county coroner dr. Rudd will confirm. In addition, we have concurrence of our investigative partners, federal, state including the fbi, their Behavioral Analysis unit, and the atf. With those partners, our investigation strongly indicates criminal activity on the part of at least two other individuals. Because that part of the investigation is open and will be ongoing, we will have no further comment on that aspect of the investigation. Heres a brief summary of the important elements of the investigation which led us to these conclusions. Further elaboration and further detailed information regarding these facts are provided to all of you in your handouts. The investigation found glinnowicz had been stealing and laundering money from the Fox Lake Police explorer post. This had been occurring over the past seven years. Glinnowicz was also found to have forged signatures on official documents. Thousands of dollars were used by glinnowicz for personal purchases, travel expenses, mortgage payments, personal gym memberships, adult websites, facilitating personal loans, and unaccounted cash withdrawals. The documents discovered with forged signatures were rec decisions for federal surplus equipment and official police explore documents. We recovered electronic messages that were deleted from glinnowiczs personal and work cellular phone including incriminating statements that had been deleted prior to his suicide. A selection of those deleted messages is available in your media handout packets as well. Our investigation has determined conclusively that glinnowicz intentionally left a staged trail of Police Equipment at the crime scene. Analysts determined the trail of equipment consisting of pepper spray, a baton and his personal glasses was an attempt to mislead First Responders and investigators to believe this was a homicide scene. It was learned through investigation glinnowicz had significant experience staging mock crime scenes for Police Explorer training. The fbis Behavioral Analysis unit has concurred that this was a staged scene, in part because there were no signs of glinnowicz being dragged after the initial shot and no physical signs that he fought for his life. We have also concluded that glinnowicz strategically aimed the first of two shots at the lower abdominal area, striking his cellular phone and bulletproof vest which absorbed most of the impact of the first shot. Advanced ballistic testing with the use of ultraviolet photographic equipment conducted by the Northern Illinois Regional Crime Lab confirmed both gunshots were fired at close range. Gunshot residue was found in the interior of glinnowiczs bulletproof vest cover when the second fatal round was fired which indicates the gun was placed underneath the vest carrier when the fatal round was fired. As we pursued the glinnowicz investigation, all possible death scenarios were considered including the possibility of homicide as well as suicide. In this matter, we presumed no facts prior to or during the investigation. We had no preconceived notions as to what occurred, nor did we prejudge the outcome of this investigation. Justice and our system of law demand nothing less. There are no winners here. Glinnowicz committed the ultimate betrayal to the citizens he served and the entire Law Enforcement community. The facts of his Actions Prove he behaved for years in a manner completely contrary to the image he portrayed. Thank you. Id like to introduce dr. Thomas rudd. Good morning. Im the lake county coroner. I have two statements to make before we reveal the findings of the autopsy. First i want to acknowledge the hard work done by all Law Enforcement agencies involved in investigating the scene and circumstances of the death of this officer. What appeared to be a slow process was done, in my opinion, in a very timely manner. Second, by law, the Lake County Coroners Office is mandated to investigate all deaths within our jurisdiction which means within lake county. We are to do the cause of death as well as the manner of death. The cause of death of lieutenant gliniewicz was established as a result of objective snfg medical evidence obtained at the autopsy. This office follows the principles and protocols of the National Association of medical examiners. The cause of death was published earlier, approximately ten days after his death by me in a newspaper article that said there was a catastrophic gunshot wound to the torso. We can now expand on that. As chief filenko said, this appears to be a staged suicide, and the first shot hit his right chest region. It went through the phone, lodged into his bulletproof vest. It did not penetrate his skin. Therefore it did not penetrate any body cavity, either the pleural or the abdominal. It was just below the ribcage. However, it did cause a bruise that measured four inches by four inches. It was reddish pink, indicating a recent injury by the bullet. This means that the small blood vessels ruptured in the superficial surface of the skin. These are the capillaries that are easily damaged. The fatal catastrophic gunshot wound, as the chief said, was in the left upper chest. It was located approximately two inches between below the collar of the bulletproof vest. Therefore the gun had to be placed in such an angle that the gun was close to the chest. It went under the vest at a 40degree angle, which was confirmed by the trajectory of the bullet. It hit the pulmonary artery, causing massive blood loss, approximately 1,200 ccs which would be equivalent to a little less than 3 pints of blood. As this officers bleeding internally, the lung is collapsing. There blood is filling up into the lung. The bullet then hits the left area where the blood vessels and bronchi go in and out. It courses through the bottom of the lung, continuing causing collapse and bleeding and lodges at the tenth rib. Now, there is an exit wound, but the bullet doesnt come out because it hits the bulletproof vest. Its called a short exit wound. Instead of being a cookiecutter sharp exit wound, its a raggededged wound. In summary, we have two bullets shot into this officer. I agree with the findings that this was a carefully staged suicide. This officer killed himself. Sorry, george. Well open it up now for questions and answers, understanding the fact that there are criminal investigations ongoing from what weve learned from the investigation into lieutenant gliniewicz. We ask that media personnel here raise their hands just so we can answer everybodys questions in a timely fashion. Chief . Sir. Was it your sense that investigators were closing in on him . Tell us specifically what you believe was the Pressure Point that led to the suicide. I think it was a culmination of issues over a sixmonth period. Thats what we learned in great detail from the Text Messages that we recovered in that 6,500 pages of Text Messages combined with bank records, thousands of pages of those that were analyzed by an fbi forensic accountant at our request. So this process probably began about six months ago and then culminated to a peak within the week of the staged suicide. Yes, sir. [ inaudible ] the fact that for many of us, phone calls were coming in within 24, certainly within 48 hours of a suicide. Certainly that must have come up. During this time, a Massive Community search was held which was attended by thousands of Police Officers. [ inaudible ] some in the community would probably ask at this point how you could allow that kind of thing to happen when questions were being raced about the veracity about the crime scene . Would you address that . The question is and im summarize it for those in the back is how we could allow a massive tribute to occur when there were rumors spreading throughout the community that this might be a suicide . It would be irresponsible on our part not to conduct a thorough and detailed investigation. And in the first several weeks of this investigation, there was nothing that we had that was leading us towards determining this as being a suicide. We conducted a thorough and detailed investigation that ultimately, with the support of the fbi who worked with us lockstep and other federal agencies by providing us support and all this information that ultimately led us to this conclusion. You knew pretty much right away [ inaudible ] the gun, and you knew on october 1st that the bullet came from his gun. What was the last month of the investigation . The last month of the investigation is entailed in the review of those documents that we have obtained, those Text Messages that you have a small sampling of. I mean, there are 6,500 of those deleted within a short period of time prior to the staged suicide. So the combination of all of that and other discoveries that we made throughout the investigation within the last 30 days led to this conclusion. [ inaudible ] were you made aware of this investigation into the financial activity [ inaudible ] . As is our protocol . The question was how soon after his death did we start looking into the financial aspect . Am i correct . Did i become aware of that . As is our protocol in any investigation in a homicide, we immediately start requesting financial and background information. Thats referred to as a victimology. Thats inclusive of that. Part of the delay in obtaining that is some of that isnt readily available or immediately available from the sources. In this case, we had to extract that information through quantico, specifically im referring to the text messaging, which took a substantial amount of time. The bank records banks, some cooperate very quickly. Others, it may take 30 to 60 to 90 days to retrieve some of those records. [ inaudible ]. Im sorry, sir, go ahead. Is it possible that lieutenant gliniewiczs might not have been discovered had he not taken his own life . I can tell you that eventually they would have been discovered because regardless of the fact that lieutenant gliniewicz staged his suicide, the village of fox lake had begun conducting a thorough internal audit of all of their assets. And eventually, as we found was indicated in some of those messages that we retrieved, that that was a concern that that audit was going to eventually lead to the discovery of this financial malfeasance. Was that prompted by suspicions of the lieutenant or prompted just because they were doing an audit . No. I believe and i dont want to answer out of turn for the village of fox lake, but i believe theyre doing a systematic audit of the entire village. I understand the village administrators will be making some closing comments here. That would be a question id defer to her. All right. Stunning developments from fox lake, illinois. Not just one, but i would say two bombshells involving the death of lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz died two months ago right now. He was found after being shot. At the time there was an intense manhunt. Intense manhunt following. They believed he had been murdered, perhaps. Now we are learning this. Officials there investigating this say it was a carefully staged suicide. The lieuatenant had been involvd in extensive criminal acts and stealing, Money Laundering for more than seven years. He had extensive experience staging crime scenes. They called this the ultimate betrayal. Stealing from the program that he was leading. This Explorers Program you heard referenced. This was a Community Outreach program where they work with young adults who aspire to get into careers in Law Enforcement, and thats where he would have this experience this experience staging mock crime scenes. The investigators also saying he spent thousands on travel, mortgage payments, gym memberships, adult websites, facilitating personal loans, and also unaccounted cash withdrawals. And one line that absolutely stands out when you talk about they talked about the betrayal that he had committed. He committed the ultimate betrayal, they said, to his community and to the force that he served. So much coming out in this. Lets discuss just some of the elements that were learning here. The forensics as well as this massive investigation in all the pieces of evidence that they have. With us right now, we have former nypd detective gill alba as well as forensic scientist larry kobilinsky. Were do we begin . There are so many elements. First to the investigative side. They listed everything they had gone through to get where they are today. Because we were going to ask at one point, why did it take so long . When you think of the thousands of pages of documents, the hundreds of pieces of evidence 6,500 Text Messages just on his phone that they went through, this is amazing that all of this came out. Tremendous job by the Police Department and not letting it come out before. Its not only this wasnt only the investigation of a suicide, this is the continuation of everything that he was involved with. The question is why did he kill himself originally . So thats, you know thats the biggest question. One of the things they suggested is there was an internal audit that was going on, and he feared that sooner or later, he would be found out. Larry, theres something very interesting here. So he was shot twice. Right. Right . One of the shots went into his cell phone and into his bulletproof vest. The other shot behind or underneath the bulletproof vest into his chest. There are people who have suggested, well, you know, a guy killing himself doesnt shoot himself twice. But the forensic the pathologist went into this evidence at length. Well, thats true. You know, i think many people think that you have an autopsy, you right away know the cause of death and the manner of death. Thats simply not the case. Its much more complicated than that. You know, the autopsy is going to reveal a lot about the ballistics, the track of the bullet, which shot was fired first. Remember, this started out as a homicide investigation. Right. So it wasnt complete until everything was tested. Enormous numbers of pieces of evidence had to be looked at. We havent even heard about dna on the gun, if he fired the gun himself, his dna would be on the gun. But was there any other kind of dna, any other donor of dna to that gun . I mean, we havent heard anything. But its much more complicated than people think. Obviously, realizing that he had not fired a lethal shot, he then proceeded to fire the second shot. And everything seems to match a selfinflicted wound. But remember, its still this is kind of still circumstantial. Until you put it all together, and putting it all together means the complete detective investigation, a psychological autopsy, if you will, the fbi behavioral unit was looking at his history and what was going through his mind and was there a reason that he might have committed suicide. Its all got to be put together to reconstruct what actually happened. Its not so simple. It sure doesnt seem simple, at the very least. Lets bring in deborah feyerick. Deb, youve been following this amazing this mystery and now wild story as were getting the details here. One thing that i felt was very important that they noted is theres still an ongoing investigation. Two other individuals, as they said, that theyre looking into that could be connected to this. What are you hearing about this . Yeah, absolutely. And the question that i was expecting to be asked is are these other Police Officers, or are these family members or friends . Because thats also going to be sort of a big issue. But a couple of things that really jumped out at me is the fact that this police officer, this lieutenant for seven years, had been stealing and laundering money from a program that he himself was responsible for running. And this program trained young people, teenagers, who wanted to be Police Officers. And according to the press conference, he was forging signatures on these sort of federal requisition forms and taking the money that he got to buy gear and instead using it on himself to pay his mortgages, you say, to pay services on an adult website and also just sort of pay other people near him. And the fact that this was such a carefully staged suicide, they pointed out that he had a lot of experience because of his position training other sort of aspiring Police Officers. He knew exactly how to stage a mock crime scene. Thats exactly, it appears, what he did. He took his personal glasses. He took pepper spray, and he took a baton, and he sort of left that trail around him. Though what the Police Officers said that they did not find, they did not find that there was a sign of a struggle. There was no sign that he had been dragged because if youve got somebody whos shooting you, the one thing you do want to do is kind of move the body so nobody finds it. But they really looked at a lot of evidence. 6,500 texts that the lieutenant deleted just before this death. Theres so many in that Community Found it so hard to belief that this was a suicide. And they were scared. They were down and out scared for weeks after that because they thought there was a cop killer or several on the loose. And now the details coming out, no less troubling in what exactly went down. That this was a carefully staged suicide. That from officials there in lake county, illinois. Gil, thank you very much. Larry, thank you very much. Deborah, its always great to see you. Thank you all very much. Amazing information coming out of illinois today. Ahead for us, we have brandnew clues in the mystery jet isis claim they took down 224 people killed. What investigators are finding on the victims that could help determine why that plane crashed. Plus, donald trump says marco rubios credit cards are a disaster. Turns out the senator has not released all the records that exist on the matter. So is there anything else interesting thats still out there . Many wbut hope. Ms come with high hopes, doesnt work on wrinkles. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. Put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. dog mmm. This beneful is so gohey, you know what . We should just go ahead and have this for breakfast tomorrow. Would that be crazy . vo beneful originals is a healthy blend your dog will love. With whole grains, real beef, and accents of vegetables. Its a calling. A love affair. A quest. The next horizon. Everyone loves the chase. It is official. Just seconds ago, donald trump filed his papers to get on the ballot for the New Hampshire firstinthenation president ial primary. It was quite a scene on the statehouse steps in concord, New Hampshire. You can see him there speaking. His supporters all around him. This comes as a new National Poll out just this morning shows donald trump and ben carson locked in oh, so tight battle for the nomination. Take a look at it, folks. The quinnipiac poll out today conducted after this last Republican Debate shows that trump is at 24 . Carson, 23 . Rubio and cruz are also in a neckandneck race of 14 and 13 , both seeing a move up in the polls. A very different story, though, for jeb bush. He is down, now standing at 4 . Lets bring in cnns chief Political Correspondent dana bash who is in New Hampshire who was in that wild scene as donald trump was heading in to file his papers as he filed to officially get on the primary ballot there, dana. Reporter thats right. Hes actually still in the building behind me, filing and probably talking to the supporters and press corps who came here to witness the event and, of course, wherever donald trump goes, whatever he does, political or otherwise, it is always an event. And this was no different, whether it was the girl whose mother pulled her out of school, shes in first grade to be there to be the first one to greet him, or, you know, again, the press corps, which is always rather large here in New Hampshire this time of year, but especially so today. Now, of course, donald trump, true to form, went after the opponents who he sees currently as his biggest threats including marco rubio. I asked him at a press conference he had before he went to file about the fact that rubio said this morning that on all of these questions about finances, about the fact that he used a party credit card when he was in the statehouse in florida, for all of his expenses, although he says he paid off his personal expenses, he says hes going to make that public to explain exactly how he did it. I asked trump about that. Listen to what he said. Marco rubio has a disaster on his finances. He has a disaster on his credit cards. When you check his credit cards, take a look at what hes done with the Republican Party when he had access, what he had to put back in and whether or not something should have happened, youll understand it. Marco rubio has a basic disaster on finance. Reporter that was on rubio. And i should say, you know, here in New Hampshire, donald trump is still across the board number one in the polls. In iowa, as weve been reporting, not so much. Ben carson is besting him. And he was quick to go after carson as he has been doing over the past couple of weeks, as somebody who you cannot trust as president because he cant negotiate with china, with russia. He simply wouldnt be able to handle the job. Kate and john . You brought up rubios finances and trump was only too eager to answer your questions about them. One of the reasons, because its out in the florida papers today. The florida papers with a renewed focus right now on what marco rubio spent money on with that party credit card way back when he was speaker of the house. This morning on good morning america, George Stephanopoulos asked him about it. This is what rubio said. I recognize in hindsight i would do it different to avoid all this confusion. But the Republican Party never paid a single expense of mine, personal expense. It is interesting, though, rubio said today and his aides have said over the last week they will release some of these documents that we have not seen before. Is this something you get a sense, dana, that they are nervous about in other campaigns, perhaps see it as an opportunity . Reporter oh, of course. Which is why theyre going to release it. Look, when you are running in a field where every republican goes after Hillary Clinton for using one computer server and sort of separating out herself, the personal and the government, looking back in time and using one party credit card and youre responsible for separating out the personal and the professional, you though, there are similarities there. Obviously different stakes but similarities there when it comes to the issue of trust and the issue of responsibility, which is why it is imperative the rubio people clearly think to get that information out there to show that there was no wrongdoing, even though obviously rubios opponents thinks theres a lot there. The questions about his personal finance, theyve been following them since the bee gipping, and now it seems they are definitely back in the spotlight. Well see when and what those released documents say when the review campaign releases them. Dana thank you so much from the great state of New Hampshire. Reporter thanks. Talking about politics, coming up for us, jeb bush, he calls himself a grinder. He sure does. He also says that he eats nails before he has breakfast. In a brandnew cnn interview, youre going to hear how bush responds to donald trump telling him to get out of the race. And the heartbreaking words from a mother who just lost her 9yearold son. Hear why his father is now saying the little boy was targeted. Oh, my god, i love my son. Oh, my god. Im going to miss him to death. He was supposed to play ball. Thats all hed do. Thats all he liked to do is play ball and play his video games. He didnt hurt nobody. Have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. 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But the most important thing for him now, as you discussed, theres this poll out today. 4 . So we started with how does he break through to voters . I have some good news for you. You are working with lowered expectations. Yes. No way to go does that, in some way, free you up . To a certain extent. I always knew this was going to be hard. I never felt like i was a frontrunner because we hadnt earned it. We havent, you know, just starting out on the journey, youve got to go earn it. Ive got to get better at debating, i guess, or performing, whatever thats called, and i will. Im a grinder. Im very competitive. You keep saying im a grinder. What does that mean . That means i described it as i eat nails before i have breakfast. Im focused. Im competitive. I set High Expectations on myself. I knew this was going to be hard. Donald trump is tweeting out every two seconds. This morning he said you should quit. He said all the candidates should quit. Except except him . Except for him. Do you think an oldfashioned guy who wants to be a doer, who wants to be a fixer is really what people are looking for . Desperate for it. This is the real world. Now, in the pundit world, you know, where its all about this kind of bizarre tweeting out things that arent relevant to anybodys real life, you know, thats another subject. Im not going to win over the punditry class for sure. But i know i can win over people that aspire to a better life for themselves and their family. As it relates to donald, you know, hes run for president twice and quit. And ive run for governor in the biggest swing state and won twice. I know how to win. Ive done it. I actually know how to govern, which is going to be an attribute when we get closer to the election. So for the record, for donald trump, youre not quitting. No. I mean, what do we have to talk about donald trump . No, im not quitting. Hes entertaining. Hes fun. He says really funny things in the breaks in the debate. But im running for president of the united states. And its a serious enever did. I do it with joy. Theres a lot of fun parts of it for sure. Marco rubio. He is now rising in the polls, your former protege. In the debate, you went after him for missing votes. But he hit back, and some people think he got the better of the moment. Was it a mistake to attack him on that . Heres my point. People that are serving need to show up and work. Period. Over and out. So it wasnt a mistake. I just think people need to show up and work. I understand, but this is a campaign, youve got to beat these other guys, so do you keep attacking . Im not attacking to say someone should show up and work. Do you get paid when you dont show up . No. I mean, come on. Does anybody in this room get paid when they decide, oh, well, im going to go do Something Else . You know, rand paul has got a pretty good attendance record. Hes running for president as well. You can make an accommodation. The people of florida expect people to show up to work when they elect him. Its not a criticism. Its just a simple fact. But youre going to keep saying it . That people ought to show up and work . Its not a criticism. Okay. Donald trump, we have to get back to him one more time. He just called marco rubio a lightweight, and he said Vladimir Putin would eat him for lunch. You think thats fair . No, thats not fair. Look, marcos a capable guy. Hes a talented politician. Heres what i think. I think im the best qualified to be president. But is marco rubio ready . Im the best qualified guy to be president. Youre not going to answer the question. If youre comparing me to donald trump, im Better Qualified to be president. Is marco im Better Qualified than anybody else running for president , and its not im not pushing people down when i say that. And if it makes you feel better, everybody on the republican stage is better than Hillary Clinton. Thats a low bar, though. You have said you have grave concerns about donald trump. You watched firsthand your brother, your father be commander in chief. Yeah. Are you comfortable with donald trump as commander in chief . Im not comfortable with some of the things he says, particularly about syria where he one week says that let isis take out assad, and then the russians come in, and he praises putin and says let russia take care of isis. Its a reactive kind of mode that somehow im the big guy in the room. Ill just figure it out as i go along. Foreign policy needs to be undergird with a set of principles. And so i think hes got to have to learn if hes serious about this, you know, to be able to get your Foreign Policy advice from the shows is probably not the best way to be ready to be president. He is a decent guy. There was one point of the conversation where he said about his family, i hope i dont let them down. The bushes know about ups and downs, but theres a lot of pressure on him, and he has a rough road ahead. Indeed, 4 in the latest National Poll. Jamie gangel, great interview. Ahead for us, is it the year of the outsider . Many thought he was too inexperienced and too out of the mainstream. Im not talking about the president ial race. Im actually talking about kentucky, folks. So what does this big win if that state mean for the president ial race and president ial outsiders like mr. Trump and ben carson . We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. Inthe midsize van, from mercedesbenz. Its got smallability and bigability. Towingability and stowingability. Rackability and hvacability. Its fully customizable and sized just right to give you cupcakeability, entourageability. 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Take a look at the map with all of the red southern states, they all have republican governors. Kentucky now moving two red after a big election upset last nig night. Political insider matt bevin is the new governor elect. He beat the attorney general jack conway and defeating him easily. Conway had been leading in all of the polls heading up to the election derrick and the question is what does this mean for 2016. Bevin ran for an outsider. And interesting word, and out soo outside er is like ben carson and donald trump now making up a huge chunk right now of the polls. The poll showing right now does not equal 350 , but add iing up the is support, it is over 50 . We bring in commentator van jones, and also the cofounder of strategies, and so, van, you know that in houston there was a discrimination ban repealed despite the appeal by Hillary Clinton and the white house, and is there an Enthusiasm Gap in the white house with the conservatives having all of the enthusiasm . The yes. Yes, no way to get around it. It is bad. And other bad things, and you have Tea Party Folks winning in marin county in california. I mean, stuff is happening out there that democrats have to look at this seriously. We have been able to kcontain te rebellion in our own party to some extent. Bernie sanders is stalled out right now, but there is an anger out there, and a frustration out there and it is bipartisan and transpartisan and showing up big in the Republican Party, and it is trouble for Hillary Clinton and encouragement for Bernie Sanders and something is happening out there. And something is happening out there, and one of the words of the election cycle is the outsider which applies to the governor race in kentucky and also applying to the president ial race. The latest poll out of quinnipiac, ben carson and donald trump neck and neck the ultimate outsiders, but look at thefarabili thefarabilities, i found that fascinating, ben carson doing very well in the favorability, and donald trump, he has always struggled with the favorability, but done well in the top line despite that, but looking at who has a huge problem with favorability is jeb bush. Why is that, mercedes . It is a huge problem and not just the fact that he is at 4 in latest poll . Well, it has been very tough on obviously the Bush Campaign in this sense he can not breakthrough. When you look at him on the paper and the print and looking at the policies, it makes complete sense for the conservative voter, but the ability to connect to that gop voter that is experiencing a lot of frustration, a lot of anger with president obama and his policies, he has not been able to transcend, and so for jeb bush, he has to be more quick witted like his mother, and this race is about character and leadership and vision, and it has to be more than jeb fix it, but it is more like i understand what you are going through. And bring out the silver fox. Van, 20 seconds left, and talk about marco rubio, and the issue of the credit cards and the finances, and the message is that, look, im not a rich guy, and i have the same problems that other americans have, and will voters think about that . What is good for the goose is good for the gander. You been attacking Hillary Clinton, and you cant not have it about your judgment as well. And thank you, van jones, democrats may make it an issue. Yes. Only time will tell. Thank you for joining us at this hour. Legal view with Ashleigh Banfield starts right after this break. If you struggle youre certainly not alone. Fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. Imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. Invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Its a oncedaily pill that works around the clock. Heres how the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. Invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. 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