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Jason carroll live at the scene of the bombing. What do we know . Well, we are at 42nd and 8th avenue. The explosion happened below ground from where im standing now, the suspect described this way, 27 years old, his name akayed ullah. Again 127 years old. He was seriously injured in the explosion. Investigators describe it this way, say he was wearing a lowtech device, the way they described it, a pipe bomb, attached to his body with velcro and zip ties, according to investigators a device he made a at work. Happened at 4 nd and 8th avenue. Initially there were reports that the explosion happened in times square. Thats because those people were unfamiliar with new york, the area below where im standing is a huge transportation hub Port Authority. The walkway beneath ground connects where im standing one block east to times squarep apparently the suspect was at 42 and 8 walking in the walkway to 42 and 7th. Heres one of the headlines from what investigators said and that is this investigator is talking. Thats very important for their investigation going forward. Unclear at this point more of what he is saying other than that he made this device apparently at work. Im clear what he does. Three other people were injured during the explosion their injuries minor, able to get to the hospital on their own speed, talking about a loss of hearing an those types of results from this particular explosion. I can also tell you at this point that investigators say this area where we are, 42nd and 8th plan to have this opened by rush hour. Kate . Thats amazing. When you think of how many people go through there and what a huge area that is that they are that was a part of the crime scene. Jason, thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Joining me to discuss this, is james, cnn Law Enforcement analyst an retired fbi supervisor special agent, jonathan whacker, former secret Service Agent under president obama. Great to have you here. I have a lot of questions actually. What do you make of this news that jason had, which is that this man apparently, according to sources say he made the device at his workplace. Thats amazing to me. Sure. 27yearold man from brooklyn. Not originally, hes a bangladeshi. Do we know how long hes been here . Dont have any information on that. Not reported yet. We know this, that he was either directed or inspired apparently by isis and thats a big distinction. How do we know. Thats going to take a lot of work by the feds to get and do all the criminal intelligence s checks human intelligence put source out and find that out. In a city like new york, 8. 4 Million People, on an average commuting day could see an additional 1 Million People and we understand 6 million daily ride the subway, this is the classic soft target and thats why he went there. What do you make of this . What do you make of just whats coming out weve heard from them they dont know yet that this was the intended location of where they of a detonation, if you will. Absolutely. So investigators are going to have to look at everything about this individual. Theyre going to have to dig back into his life going back years. Theyre going to have to look at his social media. They have to look at, you know, his computers. Theyre going to have to ascertain how did he get the information, know to strap it to his body, was there a dry run done, there beforehand, where was he going to detonate this device, was it in that tunnel . I highly to your point, highly unlikely. Looks like it was, you know premature detonation. In this case. I mean, again, you look at Port Authority the terminal, a lot of people. In that hallway, you know, there is a lot of commuters, but its not a location that you would think about having that device go off. In a strange way, do you call this a near miss then . It is amazing when you think of how big the Port Authority is, hub it is in and out of the on city, how many people go through as you listed out every day hes seriously injured, three other people suffered nonlifethreatening injuries and took themselves to the hospital. How big of a near miss was this. Back to the original point the bad guys only have to get it right with once. Law enforcement has to get it right every time. Since the 1993 bombing of the world trade center, the 2001, the 9 11 attacks there have been about 26 attempted terrorist attacks in new york city. The vast majority of them are either interdicted or broken up before anything bad happens. You had the event in times square about ten years ago and also recently, i think in 2016, the chelsea bombing, you had the attack on the with west side highway, i mean Law Enforcement has done work in preventing these things from happening. But its beyond Law Enforcement. Lets look at the reporting here. He built this tee vice device a. For some reason that baffles me, that someone should be putting together a pipe bomb at a work place. That lead mess to believe there may be someone out there who saw an anomaly before the event. Weve sat at this desk and talked about preattack behaviors and leading indicators of violence across the board. 27yearold doesnt possess the knowledge to build a pipe bomb. He got it somewhere. There is information to lead us to how did this come about and get this done. Someone saw something and we have to make, you know, create this culture of Security Awareness thats greater than just relying on Law Enforcement. Law enforcement can not do it by themselves. This is a team effort. When it comes to that, of course, everyone want ts know as you both think that it was premature detonation. Then, of course, the question is where was he going. Right. It could be any i guess anywhere. It was a rudimentary device. Pipe bomb simple to build. Open source on the internet. Not telling people they know. The anarchist cookbook back to the 70s. People can put something together like this. Not like it is in the middle east where you have bomb makers that do this for a living so they know with their own signature and skilled at it. This was somebody be that tried to build it after reading it somewhere or hearing about it and that probably indicates why his hands were burned and abdomen was burned. Probably trying to detonate it at the time. We dont know if it was detonated somewhere else. There are two the Police Commissioner said two things that stuck out and i wanted to ask you, the Police Commissioner said he intentionally detonated the device but later in the press conference says we dont know if he detonated it himself. Are those two statements in conflict . No. It could be, you know, he may have had a moment of panic where he didnt want to execute. This goes back to inspired or directed. If its directed a lot of times, you know, there could be a handler that ensures that this person executes the mission. In the event he doesnt there can be a remote trigger. Theyre not in conflict but again, its understanding what was the situation. Thats going to come out once we know, you know, who this individual was, who his contacts were, where was he just prior to, where was he coming from . His network of individuals that are in his network. So understanding everything about this attacker will, you know, paint that picture and be clear. Tell me to me when im thinking about the fact that they are saying they believe he made it at his work place theyve made some amazing progress in a couple hours. Yes. They know a lot about this guy already. The most important critical issue for law enorcement right now is to make certain that this was not part of a conspiracy. Are there follow attacks planned, individuals that aided and abetted this fella, that is the Crisis Resolution piece and thens the follow on the consequence management making sure we find out everything we can about it, clean up the mess and bolster our security in places theyre looking at. We just gotto confirm, cnn h two Law Enforcement sources saying that suspect is a bangladesh she descent and living in brooklyn as you said. Its not a traditional place that we would often be talking about. No. We dont know how long hes been in the united states. Listen, there is a changing face of terror, you know, what we have as a predisposed notion of what is a terrorist look like is out the window. Were seeing it in various forms, various forms of attack, whether its, you know, mass shooting, explosions using vehicles as weapons. Again there isnt a single. The profile, there is no profile. It gets to if you it becomes preattack behavior when things change when people need to speak up. Exactly. If this individual was radicalized theres someone that probably saw that through chat rooms, social media, through again, we need to start getting ahead of these issues and its difficult. Again its easy for us to sit here oh, yeah. But again, there has to be this pathway, this collective, you know, methodology of when theres an anomaly when something doesnt make sense call it out. If we can call it up can we show the video. Its difficult to see in the video, of course, and im sure because i know they said there was more transit video and it will become clear i would like to see the video inside when we see the burst of smoke and detonation went off. There it is. Does anything stick out to either of you when you see this . I see nothing to me but i dont know anything. I think in a confined space like that this indicates the bomb was more low level than you can think. Very rudimentary device. Clearly there wasnt enough over pressure there to have affected too many people and the shrapnel, i know there were two or three people reporting that went to the hospital as a result of injuries, but didnt pick the perfect spot, premature detonation and a rudimentary lowgrade explosive and not a lot of shrapnel from what we see here. Exactly. A lower detonation like this probably black powder contained, you know, within a pipe, the traveled down that tunnel, would have been blast pressure that would have hurt people, hundreds this is, you know, a close miss on this one. People were injured and thats tragic but this could have been worse. Again, any type of explosive if detonated the right way, even low order can kill. It did its intent, caused terror in the heart of new york city. And last thing, was this inspired by isis, directed by isis or some copycat when saw something on the tv show or news or movie and want to do something. Important in the broader sense but still in the most immediate sense, can inflict as much pain, and tragedy. Still ahead for us, final day now before the polls open in alabamas special election. Special senate election. As President Trump goes allin for republican roy moore, his press seder, former president barack obama is now adding his voice into the race. What do these voices mean to voters right now . Plus 3 of the 13 women accusing President Trump of Sexual Harassment are speaking out this morning demanding now action interest congress. What theyre saying, thats coming up. Y do i have to be stu . Talking property taxes. Woah. Go over there then, make a mountain out of that reddiwip. Im out. Made with real cream. Reddiwip. Instant greatification. To find smarter solutions. To offer more precise and less invasive Treatment Options than before. Like advanced Genomic Testing and immunotherapy. See how were fighting to outsmart cancer at cancercenter. Com outsmart but he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Looking for a hotel that fits. Whoooo. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Alabama donald trump is on the phone for you. The president rolls out a robo call hoping to boost roy moore on the final day before this critical election. The conservative fire brand accused of molesting a 14yearold girl, sexually assaulting a 16yearold when he was roughly twice their age an as many republicans have disavowed the president will be telling voters they cant afford to not elect moore. Heres some of the robocall. Hi, this is President Donald Trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. But if alabama elects liberal democrat doug jones, all of our progress will be stopped cold. We need roy to help us with the republican senate. We will win and we will make America Great again. And for doug jones another president has offered up his voice. Barack obama recording a row bow cal to try to mobilize the allimportant africanamerican vote in alabama and could be critical in this election. To the ground, to Kaitlan Collins live in alabama. Kaitlan, what are you hearing . Whats the message that president obama wants to send to alabama voters . Well, kate, weve seen quite an aggressive effort on behalf of democrats in order to counter President Trumps endorsement of roy moore in this race. Because not only did several democratic lawmakers travel to the state this weekend to campaign for his opponent doug jones in this race, including senator cory booker, two democratic officials are telling my colleague jeff zeleny, that president obama has recorded a robo cal on his behalf and in that call the sources say obama tells voters they cannot sit this out and makes the argument that doug jones is a fighter for equality and progress and told this call is intended to reach africanamerican voters sp specifically because thats a key democratic doug jones would need if hes going to stand a chance in this race tomorrow. I cant express how stunning it would be if alabama does elect a democrat like doug jones to the senate because they havent sent a democrat to the senate in almost 20 years. But, of course, its an unusual race where we also have the senior senator from alabama, republican Richard Shelby, who said yesterday on cnn to jake tapper that he did not vote for his partys nominee in this election. I didnt vote for roy moore. I wouldnt vote for roy moore. I think the Republican Party can do better. I think so many accusations, cuts, drip, drip, drip, when it got to the 14yearold story, that was enough for me, i said i cant vote for roy moore. Now, kate, as expected the Jones Campaign has seized on those comments and sending them out in robo calls in voters and digital ads 24 hours before the voters will go to the polls tomorrow. And things all comes as roy moore has all but disappeared from the campaign trail in this last week. Something thats highly unusual for such a highstakes election, as this. But we will see him tonight at a rally here in alabama where hes going to appear alongside the former white house chief strategist steve bannon. Kate . All right. Great to see you, kaitlan. Thanks so much. Joining me right now with more on this, david maury, a political consultant in alabama who worked on republican and democratic campaigns and claire who is ap reporter for the Alabama Media group, covered the race and accusations against roy moore and david chalian. Thank you for being here. David, set the scene here. This has been such an unusual race. What matters on this final day ahead of the vote . It really has been an unusual race. You have to remember, this was a close race before any of those accusations came out. Exactly. In november just because of roy moores controversial history, it didnt make it a normal d ver russ r race from the getgo. Heres what youre looking at, there is the if doug jones wins, kate, the math in fact Senate Changes instantly, goes to a 5149 republican majority, Donald Trumps argument you heard in the robo call that complicates his and Mitch Mcconnells path to getting the entire agenda through by losing one vote. Weve seen how many close votes there have been. The flip side if roy moore wins, in tomorrows special election, might that in the long term even though in the short term the republicans keep their 52 seat majority, cause bigger problems for the republicans come next november if roy moore is a controversial figure that democrats are able to successfully hang around the next of every republican candidate from here through next november. David, when was the last time that any politician looked long term when it came to the state of play. David maury, no small thing when the senior senator from alabama, comes out yesterday, two days before they vote to say he cant vote for moore. Shelby is not a guy who is chasing cable news interviews. He doesnt do a ton of interviews. He knew what he was doing when he spoke up to jake. Whats the impact of that . Senator shelby youre correct is very, very cagey and a great longterm politician in our seat. I think that that has an effect on your moderate voter that probably doesnt like moore. That might give them a little bit more, you know, entre to say okay, im going to write in a republican or vote for doug jones. The trump robo call gets to the Republican Base and that is larger than either of these other two groups. The third group is, who theyre sending the obama robo call too and senator booker and those guys to talk to. Like three counter veiling winds and i think its anybodys guess as to which one blows the strongest tomorrow. What do you think, though, david of the timing, that he comes out two days before . No coincidence there. No, no coens dinse and its a coincidence and its a sunday show that people that were highly involved voters are looking and theyre looking for signals that would give them cover to vote either way and i think thats a pretty big signal to voters like that. The question is, is how big is that group compared to the trump base and the obama base. You have to figure trump has 63 in the state and obama not exactly the most popular among the 60 of voters that selfi. D. As republicans. Thats the unknown right now, who will be turning up to vote. And one question popping up where was roy moore this weekend . The final weekend push in a hotly contested race, and hes nowhere to be seen. What is that about . What are you hearing . We havent seen him in public in about a week. I think since last tuesday whereas doug jones we joked earlier you cant throw a rock in the state without hitting doug jones right now. Hes in a lot of places doing a lot of campaigning. So but honestly most people know who we all know who moore is. Hes been a larger than life figure here in alabama for decades and so him not being here i dont think that may do as much damage as it might for somebody less well known. David, in what campaign is seeing the candidate lesses a good thing . In a campaign where the candidate doesnt believe hes going to add to his vote total in any way between now and election day, that being out there by opening his mouth. Its crazy. Only take votes away from him. This is not the norm, but clearly it is the strategy that they think lets just try to ride this out, we only have to get through tuesday and if we have enough of our supporters out there i dont need to be on the stump fearful of taking questions or having interactions with reporters or voters over the allegations. David chalian, talk about those voters. Two keys, david, to tomorrow are as youve very smartly pointed out to all of us, africanamerican voters and white suburban female voters. What do you see here . The push from jones, the other guest was saying, with governor deval patrick, former governor of massachusetts, the barack obama robo call as that gets deployed trying to make sure africanamerican turnout is at the highest possible place. That is necessary for jones, but not necessarily sufficient. In addition to that, he is going to need some republicans to stay home. Apathetic republicans, not interested in moore or some republicans like Richard Shelby to casts their vote for somebody other than roy moore, that combination and thats why jones position in such this ruby red state is tricky, he needs all of those factors working together in order to get over that finish line tomorrow. Ana claire youve been doing reporting on one important segment of this, suburban women. What are you hearing from them . Theres a lot of conflicted opinions from them. I think a lot of them want people to know that they are not huge fans of roy moore and they are looking for, you know, some other way to vote tomorrow and some of them will be casting ballots for doug, some staying home or voting for another candidate. Its kind of a toss up right now. Its interesting. If they dont want roy moore they dont know what their alternative theyre going to choose is, thats the question here. Great to see you. Thank you so much. Still ahead, more on our breaking news this morning, attempted terror attack near one of new york citys busiest transportation hubs. Police say the attacker had a quote unquote lowtech explosive device strapped to his body. What more are we learning about the attacker and his connections . Stay with us. Uces rodney. He has a new business teaching lessons. Rodney wanted to know how his business was doing. So he got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he can see his bottom line. 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New details on the breaking news today, an attempted terror attack in new york city two Law Enforcement sources telling cnn the suspect a 27yearold man was living in brooklyn and is of bangladeshi descent, happened today during the morning commute and all went down below the Port Authority. The attacker is alive in the hospital and told police that he made the crude device at his work place. Were getting new video showing the moment of the explosion and cnn is here and working all of her sources on all of this getting this very important reporting. This video clearly, bryn, one of the many keys to the investigation. Walk us through what youre hearing and what it shows. Its one video and theres going to be a lot of video and not only just in the Port Authority, but also from people there around the time and in the aftermath and so on. What your viewers are seeing i want to paint you a picture when you talk about the Port Authority, this tunnel sort of connects the Port Authority which is an avenue over from times square to times square. A narrow passageway. Where this bomb was detonateded was a narrow area where people are flying back and forth between each other trying to connect to trains and busses. So i am also hearing from sources that had this bomb gone off as planned, it could have done a lot more damage and, of course, not only because of how narrow that passageway is, the time of day, how many people are trying to get to and from where they need to head. That video is telling of a lot but police are still learning a lot more, including talking to the suspect injured from the blast. That is the most important thing to be happening right now. Thank you so much. Much more to come clearly as new details are coming out. While we wait, Paul Cruickshank editor in chief of the ctc sentinel. Great to see you, paul. Unfortunately it is always under these circumstances. What we are learning from sources, paul, is this is a man, 27 years old, living in brooklyn, but from bangladesh. What is the terror landscape in bangladesh . Does that strike you . It is a striking detail. Bangladesh has emerge as a fer tile recruiting ground for isis for al qaeda. Theres been a lot of jihadi militants in the last few years, attacks on secular bloggers, the isis sponsored attack on a bakery, a cafe in daca, the capital of bangladesh in 2016. Isis are making inroads there. Lot of jihadi propaganda in bengali. Whats not clear is the trajectory of this individual, whether they came from bangladesh, immigrated from bangladesh and when they had done so or born inside the united states. Theres a lot of propaganda in the bengali language. The unknowns are important in this conversation when we talk about this persons connections at all with any Jihadi Networks . Is there any chatter about this today . Not yet. No official claim of responsibility. But it has to be noted that this comes just a few days after al qaeda and other jihadi groups called for attacks on u. S. Interests after the declaration about jerusalem from the president of the united states. That is the background music here. Not clear whether this was any sort of inspiration at all. Were going to hear more from the nypd later. Apparently a number of statements that this attacker made after the attack after he was injured in the attack. Well have to wait and see whether it was a connection back to isis. There have been several isis inspired attacks bs in the united states. One just a few weeks ago in new york city on the west side highway. That one was we believe just isis inspired. No actual organized link back to the group. That also gets to what is, again, unique here. This is the second terror attack or attempt in new york city where the attacker was taken alive. This is not what you have definitely taught me over the years, not what terror leaders want. That is not the goal. What does that mean . Well, it means that they got to be able to interrogate him, get information to find whether he had any sort of connections overseas, whether he had connections in the united states. From the point of view of an attacker, this is really the last thing they want. All they want is to die. They want to go to paradise in these kind of jihadi attacks and all the signs point to this being a jihadi attack at the moment. What extent and connections all to be known. Thank you so much. Coming up next for us, is the u. N. Ambassador nikki haley breaking with the white house over a very sensitive issue. The women who have accused President Trump of Sexual Harassment. Well the white house says they are liars. Nikki haley said the women should be heard and dealt with. Whats going on here . Brynn, brynn, brynn, brynn, brynn,. Three women who accused donald trump of sexually inappropriate behavior are speaking out again. Among more than a dozen who accused the president of misconduct over the years. All that became an explosive part of the 016 election. Listen to this. In an objective setting without question a person with this record with would have entered the graveyard of political aspirations never to return. Yet here we are with that man as president. I want to believe that as americans, we can put aside our political inclinations and admit that some things, in fact, do transcend politics, that we will hold mr. Trump to the same standard as harvey weinstein, and the other men who were held accountable for their behavior. I ask that congress put aside their Party Affiliations and investigate mr. Trumps history of sexual misconduct. So theres that. Over to the white house now, cnns joe johns is there. As you heard, theyre calling for an investigation by congress. Is the white house reacting . Kate, the white house stands by its denials the event never happened. This morning we havent been able to get a timely attributable ontherecord denial on the recent developments but weve been referred to the president s own words. For example, when he was candidate trump back in october of last year, donald trump said in gettysburg, pennsylvania, the events never happened, never, all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. Of course to our knowledge, the president hasnt sued anyone over claims like this. But one of the most interesting things, of course, is that the message that is coming out of the white house is not exactly lock step. The president s hand picked representative to the United Nations nikki haley over on cbs over the weekend, suggested that as a matter of course allegations like this ought to be heard. Listen. Women who accuse anyone should be heard and dealt with. We heard from them prior to the election and i think any woman who has felt violated or mistreated in any way they have every right to speak up. Reporter so the president s position is, obviously, that nothing ever happened. Nikki haley says, these things ought to be heard. Interesting also to point out as we talk about roy moore so much over the next 24 hours or so, one of the president s statements from early on in the roy moore controversy tell you about his feelings, the allegations against him and roy moore, he said like most americans, the president believes the statements that we cannot allow a mere allegation in this case from many years ago to destroy a persons life. So im sure there will be more questions for the white house on this today. Back to you. Great to see you, joe, thank you so much. Many questions for the white house. Joining me to discuss, ed martin, political commentator author of the conservative case for trump and also supporting roy moore in the special election, angela rise, political commentator and former executive director of the congressional black caucus, Caitlin Hueyburns a reporter for real clear politics. Cra kaitlan, three of the president s accusers as shown right there, speaking out today, asking for congress to investigate the president on these past allegations, is there any possibility that that actually happens . Its really hard to see right now. Every time a lawmaker is asked about this they say look were trying to cheap house and handle this in congress right now. Not going to comment on the president were only dealing with the legislative branch. Which brings up an interesting point which is congress as it pertains to lawmakers they are trying to address this issue. You can argue they have been lagging behind other institutions, they havent been doing it as effectively. Some members of Congress Still with outstanding allegations made against them remaining in congress. It does set up a very important contrast here and nikki haley is someone who broombly wants a future presumably wants a future in politics behind this white house and presidency. The politics have shifted over the past two months, let alone the past year since the election. Im wondering if that has anything to do with it. I find what nikki haley said fascinating. Ambassador haleys comments on the president s accusers, she didnt say they should be believed, but she did say they should be heard and also said that they that they should be dealt with or would be dealt with, as if to say that it wasnt over. Which seems in contrast pretty starkly to what the white house says about this. What do you make of what she said . Well, i think i thought nikki haley part was echoing what senator collins said as much as you like to go back to the past and redo the election, many of these allegations were heard. Ifs theres new ones, there is such a thing as free speech and such a thing as Media Coverage i think is okay and probably probably will happen and should. But heres the thing, when people call on congress to investigate, theres a 17 Million Slush Fund Congress Paid out to people they havent even confessed and put that out. Like the idea that congress is going clean up work on that. The bills being one of the bills thats been proposed. Cnn did a great job covering that. Thats important. But we have a judicial members, judges who have been accused of things. Look, we have elections when it comes to the presidency about this disqualifying. If they have a complaint otherwise, then come forward. But again, a lot of this is politics and the American People are not my old boss, kate, once said, we dont elect a pastor, we elect a president. A lot of people are looking up saying okay, you know, lots of things going on with every president , and like the book on obama, the biography about his life i dont think we should go back and litigate that. We should go forward. When it comes to the Sexual Harassment conversation that is going on around the country, i think just saying that theres so many of and i dont know if thats your implication, so many of them how do they have time to investigate, i dont think thats a good enough excuse. If theres a lot of them, theres a reason they should be investigated. Angela, let me bring you in on this. When it comes to ambassador haley, what does that say about her position within the white house or with the president . I mean do you think anyone else could say this and survive . Well im expecting a tweet from donald trump responding to nicky haley in t minus two minutes he will be tweeting about nick hailey. One thing i want to go back to the resident protector of all things Barack Obamas legacy. He has never been accused of sexual assault. I just named myself that, kate. Its important we make a big distinction here. If we can lay all partisan disshingions aside if there was any member of congress, state senator or legislator, whatsoever, a mayor, city commissioner who said on tape the things that donald trump has said he did on tape and then there were stories that came out not from one, not from two, not from five, not from ten, but from 16 women, that had paralleled experiences with an elected official, he would be under the jail, definitely impeached and not sitting in office. We have to be honest about the fact for whatever he has been teflon don from the moment he came down the ess ka later. You can grown, but its true. I might not be electing a pastor, but i definitely want to ensure that someone who sits in a place as commander in chief can set an example for my five godsons, one god daughter and for the baby that kate is carrying right now. Im going to say it, dont bring my baby into this. Thats in a good way. A good way. Set a good example. Thats a good example, kate. Ed, examined. Look, i dont know what the standard is here. Al franken confessed, pictures of his conduct, people and the president s denied these things and again, i mean if were going to go through, line up all the senators and have hearings. Ive called for al franken to chair hearings where every allegation in the last 40 years against every sitting senator has been hes resigning. This what is i feel like youre trying to have it both ways let people be heardnd what comes out of your mouth next is diminishing what people the words people are saying and whats coming out of peoples mouths. They say what they want. The question is whether theyre believable. If the president says he didnt do what they accused him of, the voters voted. At what point do we keep going back and rehash this. I know youre raising the question and what the women who spoke out this morning said is they think that this is a different moment in this country and they would like it to be looked at. You feel differently. Kaitlan, three democrats have come out and called on the president to resign based on im just going to call it the al franken model, happened before he was a senator, came out since. Is there anything serious about them coming out to say this . These are all democrats but it does speaks to the underlying kind of or the hope that this would be an implication of democrats with franken, with conyears, with others, saying that look, weve taken care of this on our side, putting the spotlight back on to republicans and trump especially ahead of this Alabama Senate race, which will be very interesting. This is why the trump endorsement kind muof matters beyond the senate race. The trump endorsement of moore seems to overlook i want to bring this up quickly, because weve talked about this a lot and david brought something up earlier i want to get your take on. Okay. All the allegations of molestation and inappropriate behavior aside this is a man who had a long lihistory and why republicans had departed from him before the allegations had come out that homosexual conduct should be illegal, the only thing that islam has given us is 9 11 and that he just said last year, he said he still didnt think that president obama was born in the united states. Thats just three examples. How is that not look, i answered this question a lot in the last day or so. To me its the end of the campaign and people are taking the most extreme things he said and many i dont know when or how he said it and they are making it sound like its the end of the case. No, no, no. This is like the third time just to me that you havent heard the context and you dont know when it was said. If you had the time to look at it, i can go through them right now. If you have time for me to answer each of them, i can. The alabama voters know the guy for decades. If you want to answer each of them, i can. I want you to answer this one. Me why when he was asked when america was at its greatest, he said during slavery. Thats not what he said. He families loved each other then. Me about that one. Thats not i want to know how this is not no matter if its extreme or said other things, he said these are other things. How are these not a problem if he micks it to congress . She getting elected to the senate and he will have to vote on things and slavery is not going to be voted on and neither is homosexuality. You serious . Its such a slur against him. He said families still love each other when they existed. People in bondage when the jews were in bondage for years, they still loved each other. You kidding me . No, im not kidding you. You are going to hedge on slavery. Can you just acknowledge on this problem im conseming slavery and so does roy moore. No, he doesnt. He said america was at its greatest during slavery when families loved each other. The last time that america was great and he said i think it was great at a time when families were e nighted even though we had slavery that cared for one another. He didnt say that you want to endorse that . He didnt say thats what we need to go back to. He said i denounce it. He didnt say that. You are adding stuff. Thats not what he said. Heres what im going to tell you. Ed, im going to stop this and believe me, you are going to be mad at me too, but ed, on the face of it, its not acceptable to say just because i dont think he is going to have to vote on snag this statement doesnt matter. But the statement is not the support im not saying what we are discussing, but statements that are said in public, these were not in private. These were not anonymous. Statements said in public are statements that traditionally thats what politicians should and are held accountable for. Correct. If you cant be accountable for what you are saying in public, what can we vote on. He didnt say he was for slavery and we should bring it back. Homosexual conduct should be illegal. How about that . Dont you agree that people think homosexuality is wrong. It doesnt mean we want legislation like that. But your president tried to ban transgender people from the military. Of course they are voting on this. Of course they are up for debate. Transgenders in the military. I have nothing to do with it. I support you all not be able to get viagra in the military. You all . Men. Men, men. Seriously. Im talking about all the men who are talking about sexual misconduct. Men folk. Im not in the military. Men. Im stopping all of you. Im not a man. At least for today. Angela and kate lynn. Thank you. Thanks, kate. Two key members, you dont think the election matters . Look at this conversation. Two key members of the Trump Campaign back in court over the russia probe. What the judge decided about bail conditions and house arrest status. The warning to one of them. Paul manafort. Thats coming up. When i met my team at ctca, they put together a comprehensive plan, that gave me an opportunity to accomplish my goals, and my dreams. Learn more at cancercenter. Com they fought, they pleaded, but in the end, two key members of the trump cap pain will remain under house arrest. Chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy rick gates left court. Jessica schneider was outside with what happened inside. What are you learning . Reporter both manafort and gates will be spending the holidays under house arrest, something their lawyers fought vigorously against. The judge once again saying she just needs more information from Paul Manafort when it comes to the value of his properties and he offered to put up as collateral for bail. When it comes to rick gate, he will have to ask on a case by case basis whether or not he can leave his home. Something the judge granted permission for in the past. Interestingly enough, Paul Manaforts attorney talking about trial strategy and he believes it will amount to Paul Manafort failing to file a few forms and he doesnt believe the other changes including Money Laundering will stand up. Both will be back in court on january 16th. For now under house arrest for the holidays. Much more to come. Thank you. Still ahead, more on the breaking news and an attempted terror attack near one of the busiest transit hubs. More with john king right now. Thank you, kate and welcome to inside politics. Thank you for sharing your day with us. A rush hour scare in new york city. A 27yearold man with an ied strapped to his body detonates and thankfully the injuries are few and relatively minor. Three women who accused donald trump of Sexual Harassment said its not right that he called them liars and escapes

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